By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn








FIRST DAY               Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY              READ EZEKIEL 2:2-5              FIRST READING


(“As he spoke to me, spirit entered into me and set me on my feet.”)


  1. Whom did the Spirit enter, and what did the Spirit do to him?  Ezekiel 1:3 and Ezekiel 2:2



  1. How did the one who was speaking address him, where did he send him, and what did he say about the Israelites? Ezekiel 2:3



  1. Against whom had the Israelites sinned, and what did they not do?   Jeremiah 3:25



  1. Against what did the whole house of Israel rebel? Ezekiel 5:6



  1. What do those who resist authority oppose, and upon whom will they bring judgment?   Romans 13:2



Personal  –  In what way do you see any signs of rebellion in yourself toward God or those in authority over you?  What do you need to do to change it?




  1. Where did the one who was speaking send the son of man, and what did he say about the people?   Ezekiel 2:3-4



  1. What was Ezekiel to say to the Israelites, and what will they know whether they heed or resist?   Ezekiel 2:4-5



  1. What gives no excuse for their sin? John 15:22



  1. What two things is Ezekiel not to fear? Ezekiel 2:6



  1. Why are we not to fear the rebellious when we speak God’s word to them? Deuteronomy 31:6



Personal  –  How do you respond to someone who resists your warning when you have prayed and followed God’s lead in speaking to them?






(“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”)


  1. What was given to Paul, what did Paul call it, and why did he say it was given to him?  2 Corinthians 12:7



  1. What does God do to the proud? James 4:6



  1. How many times did Paul beg God to take this thorn in the flesh from him?   2 Corinthians 12:8



  1. What did Jesus pray three consecutive times to the Father? Matthew 26:39, 44



  1. What did the Lord say was sufficient for Paul, and what is made perfect in weakness?   2 Corinthians 12:9



  1. Who comes to our aid in our weakness? Romans 8:26



  1. What does Paul boast of most gladly, in order that the power of Christ may dwell in him?   2 Corinthians 12:9



  1. For what do we have the strength, and who gives it to us? Philippians 4:13



  1. With what is Paul content for the sake of Christ, and when he is weak, then what is he? 2 Corinthians 12:10



  1. What are we to bear for the Gospel, and from where do we get our strength?  2 Timothy 1:8



Personal  –  What is in your life that keeps you from becoming proud?  In what way have you been thankful for it?




FOURTH DAY                READ MARK 6:1-6                GOSPEL


(“…He began to teach in the Synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished.”)


  1. To where did Jesus return, and who was with him? Mark 6:1, Matthew 2:23



  1. When the Sabbath came, what did Jesus do, and what was the reaction of many who heard him?   Mark 6:2



  1. How did Jesus teach? Mark 1:21-22



  1. What were the questions the people were asking about Jesus, and what was their attitude toward him?  Mark 6:2-3



  1. By whom did Jesus say we will be taught? How will we be drawn to him, and about what were the Jews murmuring? John 6:41-45



  1. Where did Jesus say a prophet is without honor, among whom, and where? Mark 6:4


  1. What was Jesus not able to do in his own native place apart from curing a few sick people? Mark 6:5



  1. How were some healed by Jesus? Mark 6:5



Personal   How has Jesus healed you by his touch, and how have others been healed by his touch through you?




  1. At what was Jesus amazed? Mark 6:6



  1. Where is the righteousness of God revealed, and who is the one who will live?   Romans 1:16-17



  1. How did many come to believe in Jesus? John 4:41



Personal – How has your faith grown since you have been studying God’s Word?




FIFTH DAY                 READ PSALM 123:1-4



(“To you I lift up my eyes who are enthroned in heaven?”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 123:1-4.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?




How can you apply this to your life?








What a contrast we have in this passage. We have the immor­tal God address the mortal man by calling him “son of man,” emphasizing the distance between them.  It is incredible that God even chooses to work His divine will on earth through imperfect beings.  We are made from dust; yet God chooses to place within each one of us His life and breath.


Ezekiel was enormously blessed to have been able to ex­perience this vision. He knew that because it came from God it did not matter whether he did not under­stand the full meaning of the vision. God saw in Ezekiel a hunger and thirst to know more about Him. Ezekiel had an open and obedient attitude, and he was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. God gave Ezekiel the power for the job ahead.


God does not expect us to understand everything about Him, but he does expect us to be willing, obedient, and faithful servants to what we know is true and right. Today we measure success by consumer demand. Ezekiel’s measure of success did not depend on whether the people listened to him or not. The measure of success would be how well he obeyed God’s will and fulfilled God’s purpose for him.


We must always remember that God’s truth is not dependent on human response. God will not judge us on how well others respond to our faith, but on how faithful we ourselves have been. What God accomplished through us is very important, but the bottom line is what God accomplished in us.  God was being very straight and direct when He called the people hard-hearted and stiff-necked. He called them that because they refused to admit their sin of rebellion.  Is God today pointing at sin in your life?  Do not be stubborn, confess your sin, and begin to live for God. You will be ready to stand before God tomorrow if you obey Him today.





The source of Paul’s thorn in the flesh has never been revealed. We do know that it was a very chronic and debilitating type of physical problem which at many times kept him from work­ing. This thorn was a hindrance to his ministry, and he prayed for its removal, but God refused. Paul’s illness kept him humble and reminded him of his constant need to keep in touch with God. Those around Paul benefitted as they saw God work in his life.


Are people helped by being in your presence? Do people see God alive and active in your life?


God did not remove Paul’s physical affliction, but He demonstra­ted His power very clearly in Paul’s weakness. The marvelous fact is that God is power, and He will always show up in people who are weak and who call out to Him.  This divine power should give tremendous courage and hope for all of us who may be physical­ly and emotionally handicapped.  We need to realize our limitations and turn to God to seek His pathways for effective­ness.  Paul’s great strength was that he knew that he was nothing, nor could he do anything without Christ (John 15:5). Today, more than ever, we must not be seduced by modern technology, but rely on God for our effectiveness rather than on simple energy, effort, or talent.


We must never forget that our weakness can help us develop our Christian character. In admitting our weakness, we affirm God’s strength and even deepen our sense of worship.  We are tempted to do God’s work on our own when we are strong in talent, time, or health. This always leads to pride, and then the long slide down.  When we are weak, and when we allow God to fill us with His power, then we become stronger than we ever could be on our own. Our strength lies in realizing that He is the source of all gifts (Philippians 4:19).



MARK 6:1-6


Jesus was teaching and healing around the country, but the people of His hometown saw him only as a carpenter. They looked at Jesus and asked, “What are His credentials? Where did He go to school?  He is no better than we are; He is just a common labor­er.”  The towns people were insulted that others could be im­pressed by Him and even follow Him. They completely rejected His authority because He was one of their peers. These people missed His message because they thought that they knew all that was needed to know about Him. Prejudice and spiritual blindness kept them from the truth.


Today there are many people who still reject His message because it is too simple, too common, and too demanding. Today we have many people who refuse the message because they have too much power, wealth, education, or fame to be committed to such a servant like Jesus.


The Jews were looking for a mighty, powerful, educated warrior-type Messiah. They were not about to listen to some itinerant preacher talk about loving your enemy, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and the imprisoned.  They rose up in outrage and demanded to see His credentials, and then they tried to get Him out of their part of the country.


Jesus has shown us in this Gospel message that if people do not give you any attention or respect for the work you do in God’s name, that does not make your work any less important. Jesus shows each one of us that we do not need to be respected or honored to be useful to God. If your friends, neighbors, or family do not respect your Christian lifestyle and ministry, do not let their rejection keep you from serving God. Today Jesus is seeking those who would respond to His miracles and message.  What will be your response?





The first reading tells us that obedience is the core of holiness.  The second reading reveals that in our weakness is his strength.  The Gospel shows us that being honored does not make what we do important.


This week show your love by being a servant for someone who is physically or emotionally weak. Let their weakness become strength in Christ through you.  You can do this by visiting someone who is shut-in or imprisoned. You can read the weekly scriptures to a blind person. You can fix a meal for an elderly person in your home, family, or church. You can take someone who is lonely or depressed to a movie.  You can telephone someone and pray with them. You can be God’s ambassador, and let His strength shine through you.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn







FIRST DAY                Reread last week’s readings.



  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?




  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




SECOND DAY             READ WISDOM 1:13-15; 2:23-24              FIRST READING



(“…the image of his own nature he made him.”)



  1. What did God not make, and in what does he not rejoice? Wisdom 1:13




  1. How did Jesus destroy the one who has the power of death? Hebrews 2:14




  1. When sin reaches maturity, to what does it give birth? James 1:15




  1. In what does God not delay? What is he with us, and for what reason?  2 Peter 3:9




  1. Why did God fashion all things, what are the creatures of the world, and what is there not among them?   Wisdom 1:14




  1. What is undying? Wisdom 1:15




  1. To what does the path of justice lead, and to what does the abominable way lead?   Proverbs 12:28




  1. What did God form man to be, and in whose image did he form him?  Wisdom 2:23 and also Genesis 1:27




  1. How did death enter the world, and who experienced it? Wisdom 2:24




  1. How did sin enter the world? What came through sin, and who has sinned? Romans 5:12




  1. What do envy and anger do? Sirach 30:24




Personal   In what way in your everyday life are you a reflec­tion of the image of God?   Give specific examples.  Whose image dominates your day?   Reflect on this.





THIRD DAY              READ 2 CORINTHIANS 8:7, 9, 13-15           SECOND READING



(“…by his poverty you might become rich.”)



  1. What do you do in every respect, in faith, discourse, knowledge, all earnestness, and in love? 2 Corinthians 8:7




  1. How were you enriched in every way, with all discourse and all knowledge? 1 Corinthians 1:4-5




  1. What did Jesus Christ become for our sake, although he was rich, and for what reason?   2 Corinthians 8:9




  1. What did Jesus, though he was in the form of God, not regard himself as? Philippians 2:6-8




  1. What did Jesus come to do? Matthew 20:28




Personal –  In what way do you see yourself as poor?





  1. What is Paul’s desire for the brothers? 2 Corinthians 8:13-15




  1. Of what was the community of believers, and what was there not among them? Acts 4:32-34




  1. What is a reason for working? Ephesians 4:28




  1. What is it that is written? 2 Corinthians 8:15




  1. What occurred when the Israelites gathered the manna? Exodus 16:16-18




Personal  –  How have you been sharing what you have with the needy?  Do you see the community of believers (those in your parish) being cared for equally, and if not, what can you do to change it?





FOURTH DAY              READ MARK 5:21-43                 GOSPEL



(“Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured.”)



  1. As a large crowd gathered around Jesus, who came forward? What did he do upon seeing Jesus? Mark 5:21-23




  1. What did he say would happen to his daughter if Jesus laid hands on her, and when Jesus went off with him, who followed them?  Mark 5:23-24




  1. What happened to the woman afflicted, how did she suffer, and was she helped by the doctors?   Mark 5:25-26




  1. After doing what three things do you give the doctor his place?    Sirach 38:9-12




  1. When the woman with the hemorrhage heard about Jesus, what did she do and what did she say?   Mark 5:27-28




  1. What immediately happened to the woman when she touched Jesus?  What did Jesus ask when he was aware that power had gone out of him?  Mark 5:29-30




  1. How did the woman approach Jesus, and what did he say saved her?  Mark 5:31-34




Personal  –  How has your faith saved you?





  1. What happened while Jesus was still speaking? Disregarding the message, what did Jesus tell the synagogue official? Mark 5:35-36




  1. Whom did Jesus allow to accompany him inside, how were the people acting, and what did Jesus say to them?  Mark 5:37-39




  1. How did the people react to Jesus; and, putting them out, whom did he take in with him?   Mark 5:40




  1. What did Jesus do and say to the child, and what was the girl’s response?  About what did Jesus give strict orders, and what did he tell them to do for the girl?  Mark 5:41-43




Personal – How do you see touching as having a healing effect on those around you?




FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 30: 2, 4-6, 11-13



(“You changed my mourning into dancing.”)



Read and meditate on Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13.



What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?





How can you apply this to your life?








WISDOM 1:13-15, 2:23-24


This passage clearly reveals to us that death and sickness are not of God’s making.  They are, in fact, just the opposite of what God is.  Suffering, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual, raises some very hard questions.  Why does God allow so much suffering to take place in the world?  This is a question that seems to be asked all through the ages.


God allows suffering to exist because He has given all mankind the freedom to accept or reject Him and His teach­ings. He created each one of us in His image, and as we are told in Genesis, everything that God made was good. We can say this in another way: God does not make junk, but through one man, sin entered into the world, and the wages of sin are death (Rom. 6:23). Sin gave birth to death and suffering. We need only look around and we can see how much death and destruction are put upon the people of the world through pollution, toxic chemicals, drug abuse, alcoholism, abortion, and the incredible plague of war. Man has, in many cases, made God’s image a reflection of man’s image. Those who are in possession of this false destructive image induced by Satan experience all of death and destruction. This death and destruction also touches many innocent people, and it will be stopped only when people turn to the healing power of God. Nations have to stop plundering and des­troying each other.


We are being called to the only real peace, and that is the peace of Christ. Jesus Christ died so that all men might have eternal life (John 3:16).  His death won for us freedom from Satan (death) even while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8). Our God is a loving and just God. All who suffer and repent are forgiven and all who suffer and are innocent, He glorifies in heaven, and they are with Him forever.



2 CORINTHIANS 8:7, 9, 13-15


Today’s reading is a classic example of an old saying that goes like this: “It is not enough to talk the talk, you must also walk the walk.” We give others a clear message of what we really believe by the way we live our lives.  Today’s reading is not just an appeal to be a giver, it is a call to be a joyful giver. Giving is the natural response of love, and Paul was not ordering the Christians to give. He told them that actions speak much louder than words.


When you love someone, you want to provide for his needs. If we refuse to help, our love may not be as genuine as we say. Jesus gave up His rights as God to become man. Incarnation means God voluntarily became man. Jesus gave up His life for all, and He let Himself take on the form of a mere slave. He was obedient even up to His death on the cross.


The Corinthian church had money and Paul challenged them to give of their time, talent, and money for the needy and the poor. Paul shares with us several principles of giving. Your willingness to give is more important than the amount you give. He states that if you give to others in need then you too will be helped in your need. You are called to give as your response to Christ, not for what you may get out of it.  Giving or tithing expresses a fundamental trust in God’s provision for our lives (Phil 4:19).


Jesus chose to give us eternal life, and His giving continues as He gives us grace and power. Jesus tells us in scripture that whatever we do to the least of his brethren, we do unto Him (Matt. 25:31-45). Christians are called to share alms with the poor and those in need  (Luke 11:41).



MARK 5:21-43


In today’s Gospel there are all the elements of tragedy and hope. The passage begins with Jesus being confronted by a ruler of the local synagogue named Jarius. Many synagogue rulers had close ties with the Pharisees.  It was very likely that calling on Jesus’ help was not supported very much by Jarius’ peers. To bow before Jesus in front of all those Jewish people was a daring act of respect and worship on Jarius’ part. When his daughter fell ill, something happened to him, and he thought of Jesus. His prejudices were forgotten.  He must have regarded Jesus as an outsider, as one to whom the synagogue doors were closed. His dignity was forgotten. He, the ruler of the synagogue, came and threw himself at the feet of Jesus. His pride was forgotten. This was a man who forgot everything except that he wanted the help of Jesus.


We see a woman with an incurable condition desperately reach out and touching Jesus. Her disorder caused her to bleed constantly which would have made her ritually unclean (Lev. 15:25-27). She knew her bleeding would cause Jesus to be unclean, according to Jewish law, if she touched Him. Still she reached out by faith and was healed.


Many times we feel our problems keep us from being close to God, but He is always present and ready to help us. We should never let our fear keep us from reaching out to Him. Jesus said her faith caused the cure. Jarius’ faith caused him to seek out Jesus for his daughter. His faith caused his daughter’s cure. Genuine faith involves action. Faith that is not put into action is no faith at all.





The first reading tells us that God does not make junk.  The second reading shows us that our actions speak louder than words.  The Gospel reveals God’s presence in all situa­tions.


This week, by your actions, show what it is that you really believe.  Look for specific ways to be humble to your family, like the ruler in the synagogue.  Make a decision to put your family members’ interests before your own. Share the Good News of the Gospel with each member of your family. Love one another as He loves you.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn








FIRST DAY     Reread last week’s readings.



  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?




  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




SECOND DAY                       READ JOB 38:1, 8-11                     FIRST READING



(“Then the Lord addressed Job out of the storm,…”)



  1. Who addressed Job, and where was he when he addressed him? Job 38:1




  1. When we cry in distress to the Lord, what will he do to the storm around us? Psalm 107:28-29.




  1. When Moses stretched his hand over the sea, what did the Lord do? Exodus 14:21.




  1. When the sea burst forth from the womb, what did the Lord do? Job 38:8, Genesis 1:9-10.




  1. What does the Lord set for the sea, and for what reason? Proverbs 8:29




  1. When God set limits for the sea, what happened to the proud waves? Job 38:9-11




  1. To what is there no limit? Psalm 147:5




  1. What happens to the waters at his command, and to what is there no limit? Sirach 39:17-18.




  1. What does the Lord still in the people? Psalm 65:8




  1. Whom does the Lord see and know from afar? Psalm 138:6




Personal – How can you yield, like Job did, and let God be the one in control of your life?





THIRD DAY                    READ 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14-17                   SECOND READING



(“So whoever is in Christ is a new creation.”)



  1. What impels us, and to what conviction do we come? 2 Corinthians 5:14




  1. What happened to our old self, and from what is a dead person absolved? Romans 6:6-7




  1. By what do we now live? Galatians 2:20




  1. For whom did Jesus die, and for what reason? 2 Corinthians 5:15




  1. Whether we live or die, to whom do we belong? For what reason did Christ die and come to life? Romans 14:8-9.




  1. How do we no longer know Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:16




  1. Although we are in the flesh, with what do we not battle? 2 Corinthians 10:3-4




  1. What is meant by, whoever is reconciled in Christ; what has passed away, and what has come? 2 Corinthians 5:17




  1. For if we are God’s handiwork, in whom have we been created, and for what reason? Ephesians 2:10




  1. How were we buried with Christ, and how might we live? Romans 6:4



Personal –  What does being a new creation mean to you? Are you still trying to hang onto something in the old creation? How are you able to let go of the old?





FOURTH DAY               READ MARK 4:35-41                GOSPEL



(“Why are you lacking in faith?”)



  1. What did Jesus say as evening drew on, how did they go, and were others with them? Mark 4:35-36




  1. Why did Jesus tell his disciples to have a boat ready for Him, and where was He going? Mark 3:9, Mark 5:1




  1. What came up, and what was breaking over the boat? Mark 4:37




  1. Where was Jesus, what was He doing, and what did His disciples do and say to Him?  Mark 4:38




  1. What does Jesus say about those who hear His voice and follow Him? John 10:28




  1. When Jesus woke up, what did He do to the wind? What did He say to the sea, and what was the result? Mark 4:39




  1. What two questions did Jesus ask His disciples? Mark 4:40




  1. What did Jesus do and say to Peter? Matthew 14:31




  1. What did Jesus do to the eleven, and for what reason? Mark 16:14




  1. With what were those in the boat filled, and what did they say to one another? Mark 4:41




  1. What does Jesus command and they obey Him? Mark 1:27




Personal –  What kind of storm is going on around you?  Who are you calling on to help you and how are you calling him?  What has Jesus’ response been to you in the past when you called out to him in a stormy time in your life?





FIFTH DAY                    READ PSALM 107:23-26, 28-31



(“His command raised up a storm wind which tossed its waves on high.”)



Read and meditate on Psalm 107:23-26, 28-31.



What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?





How can you apply this to your life?








JOB 38:1, 8-11


Today’s reading is a powerful example of our God being a God of order. God used Job’s lack of knowledge about how the earth was made to function in a natural order to reveal to Him how little Job knew of God’s moral order. If Job did not understand the workings of God’s physical creation, how could he understand God’s mind and character?


We are told in Scripture to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:11). He is our God, our refuge, our strength, our fortress (Psalm 91), and He is our ultimate standard.  God is the only one who is to be the judge. There is no standard or criteri­on higher than God.  We see people in our society laugh and reject God’s authority, and for some, it seems like they are in complete control of their lives and destiny.  Scripture tells us that God is not one who likes things to be disorderly and upset (1 Cor. 14:33). Our God is a loving God, and a just God, and he will not turn His head or blink His eye while someone is disturbing His moral order. Scripture tells us that God says, “Vengeance is mine,” (Deut. 32:35) and it tells us that God will punish the evildoers in full for all their sins.


We are called, just like Job, to let God be the one in control of our lives. This does not mean that we become a robot. Rather, it gives us a tremendous level of freedom. We will know with certainty that God will never leave us. We will never walk alone anymore through the valley of the shadow of death.  God’s wisdom will become our strength. We will never be abandoned by God. Noth­ing can separate us from God’s love, not sickness, persecu­tion, trials, divorce, or even death itself.  Our God is in control of the whole universe, and He has chosen us to be His very special children.  He is a God of order, and He wants us to live in harmony with each other and to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34).






Paul boldly writes against any philosophy of life based only on human ideas and experiences. He tells us that Christians are brand new people on the inside. The Holy Spirit gives them new life, and they are not the same anymore.  When we accept Christ as Lord of our life, life begins again with a fresh, new start. We are not reformed, rehabilitated or reeducated; we are a new creation, living in vital union with Christ (Col. 2:6,7).


It is very important to remember that when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are giving Him permission to take up residence in us.  We have told Him that we want to abide in Him and He to abide in us (John 15:7).  We are not merely turning over a new leaf, we are beginning a new life under a new Master. This means we must follow His leadership on a daily basis.


You can live for Christ by committing your life and submitting your will to Him (Romans 12:1,2). You can continue to seek to learn from Him, His life and His teachings (Col. 3:16). You can recognize the Holy Spirit’s power within you (Acts 1:8).


Paul used the illustration of our being rooted or connected to Christ. As plants get their nourishment from the soil, so we draw our strength, nourishment, and life itself from Christ. The more we abide (reside) in Christ, the less we will be fooled by those who make false claims to life’s answers. Paul really shows us that being a new creation means that in the sight of God, our motives are pure and our hands are clean. But suspicion will still be cast on us by people who knew us before we committed our lives to Christ.


We must always remember that a man’s message will always be heard in the context of his character. Paul tells the people that his conduct has been the result of wanting only to serve God. Our conduct should not have anything less than the motive of Paul. Many people thought Paul was a lunatic and they rejected him, beat him and jailed him for his conduct. Paul was not bothered that people thought he was a fool because he was a fool for Christ. Today, does the world think of you as a fool for Christ because of your conduct?




MARK 4:35-41


The Sea of Galilee was notorious for its storms because it is 680 feet below sea level and surrounded by hills. Some of the disciples were veteran fishermen who had spent their lives fishing on this lake, but in this storm they panicked and the storm threatened to destroy them all.  Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat where distinguished visitors would have been seated on a small seat placed on a carpet.  He seemed to be completely unaware and unconcerned with the storm.


We do this story a great injustice if we merely take it in a literalistic sense.  This was a physical storm, but storms come in other forms too.  When the disciples realized the presence of Jesus was with them, the storm became calm.  Once they knew he was there, fearless peace entered their hearts.


Think for a moment about the storms in your life and the situations that cause you great anxiety.  We can experience what Jesus’ disciples experienced in that boat. That voyage with Jesus was a voyage in peace even in a storm.  Let me repeat that again for you: In the presence of Jesus, we can have peace even in the wildest storms of life. Whatever our difficulties, we have two options, we can worry and think that Jesus is no longer con­cerned about us, or we can resist fear by putting our trust in Him. When we feel like panicking, we need to confess our need for God, and then remember that he will give us peace in the storm of sorrow.  He changes the darkness of death into the sunshine of the thought of eternal life. He will give us peace in the tempest of doubt, tension, and uncertainty.


Ask His will, submit to it and the way to peace comes at such a time. He gives us peace in the storm of anxiety.  The chief enemy of peace is worry, and Jesus brings us His peace which is the unconditional love of God. Invite Jesus to calm the storms in your life and He will fill you with awe just as He filled the disciples with awe in that boat on the Sea of Galilee.





The first reading tells us that our God is a God of order.  The second reading shows that we are not rehabilitated;  we are new creations.  The Gospel reveals that Jesus can calm any storm in our lives.


This week, ask the Lord to reveal to you what He wants you to do.  Be specific.  Ask His guidance about your role as a child, spouse, parent, or leader.  Look at the people in your family, school, or work and see whether you are part of a storm in their lives.  Submit to Jesus’ guidance, and He will heal the storm in your life.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn









FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?




  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




SECOND DAY                          READ EZEKIEL 17:22-24                     FIRST READING


(“As I, the Lord, have spoken, so will I do.”



  1. Who is speaking, and what will he plant on a high and lofty mountain?   Ezekiel 17:22




  1. What shall the survivors of the house of Judah do? 2 Kings 19:30




  1. What did Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesy in days to come? Isaiah 2:2 and Jeremiah 23:5-6




  1. Where will God plant a majestic cedar, what will it put forth and bear, and what shall dwell beneath it? Ezekiel 17:23




  1. What will happen to Israel in days to come, and with what will they cover the world? Isaiah 27:6




  1. Who shall flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar of Lebanon? Psalm 92:13




  1. What will all the trees of the field know? Ezekiel 17:24




  1. What two things will be brought low, and who will be exalted? Isaiah 2:12-17




  1. What are we to hate? Proverbs 8:13




  1. What comes with pride, and what comes with the humble? Proverbs 11:2




Personal – How has the Lord brought you low, and how has He lifted you up? In what way has He made you bloom?





THIRD DAY                   READ 2 CORINTHIANS 5:6-10                    SECOND READING



(“We walk by faith, not by sight.”)



  1. Who is writing this letter, and to whom is he speaking? 2 Corinthians 1:1




  1. What are we to be always, and when are we away from the Lord?   2 Corinthians 5:6




  1. By what do we walk? 2 Corinthians 5:7




  1. What is faith? Hebrews 11:1




Personal – What are you convinced of concerning Jesus Christ even though you have not seen?





  1. Why would we rather leave the body?2 Cor. 5:1 and 5:8. See also Romans 8:23




  1. What are life and death? Philippians 1:21




  1. What do we aspire to do whether we are at home or away? 2 Corinthians 5:9




  1. How are we to serve Christ and in this way be pleasing to God and approved by others? Romans 14:17-18




  1. Where must we all appear, and for what reason? 2 Corinthians 5:10




  1. What must you not do, and for what reason? Romans    14:10




Personal – For what reasons are you looking forward to appearing before the judgment seat of God?





FOURTH DAY                READ MARK 4:26-34                  GOSPEL



(“This is how it is with the kingdom of God.”)



  1. What would a man scatter on the ground? Mark 4:26




  1. What would a man not know as he would sleep and rise? Mark 4:27




  1. Of its own accord, what does the land yield, and what does man do when the grain is ripe? Mark 4:28-29




  1. What happens to those who die in the Lord, and who harvested the earth? Revelation 14:13-16




  1. What happens at the resurrection of the dead, what is sown, and what is raised? 1 Corinthians 15:42-44




  1. What did Jesus say about the kingdom of God, and what is the mustard seed when it is sown in the ground? Mark 4:30-31




  1. What is the tongue considered? James 3:5-6




  1. What happens when the mustard seed springs up? What does it put forth, and who dwells in its shade?   Mark 4:32




  1. How does our faith grow? Romans 10:17




Personal – How has your faith grown, and what have you found to hinder your growth in faith?





  1. How did Jesus speak the parables? Mark 4:33




  1. What did Jesus do in private with his disciples? Mark 4:34




Personal – In your private prayer time with the Lord, how does Jesus speak to you through His Holy Spirit dwelling within you?





FIFTH DAY                 READ PSALM 92:2-3, 13-16


(“The just man shall flourish like the palm tree.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 92:2-3, 13-16.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?




How can you apply this to your life?







EZEKIEL 17:22-24


This reading is a message of hope for the people of today, as it was in the time of Ezekiel.  It shows us what happened to a nation that put its hope in a foreign alliance.  The people relied on their ability to make treaties with neighbors instead of relying on the power of God. Only God could offer them a sign of real and trusting hope. God said He would plant a tender twig, called the Messiah, whose kingdom would grow and become a shelter for all who come to Him (Isaiah 11:1).


We have seen this prophecy fulfilled in the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We experience false hope when we depend on foreign alliances, like pride, power, wealth and status. The Lord was the one who took a small twig and made it into a mighty fruit-bearing tree. Our gifts and talents come not from ourselves, but from God. We need only look around in our communities to see mighty trees that have fallen, and much damage has resulted in their crashing fall.


The Lord will bring the proud and haughty crashing to the ground, and He also will exalt the lowly and the meek. There is a tendency in our societies to identify meekness with weakness. The proud depend on themselves and others like themselves and end up in disgrace and complete humiliation. The meek never forget that they are a twig made by God and their growth into a giant, fruit-bearing tree is the result of God’s tremendous gift of grace. The meek, because of their humility and obedience to the Lord, become the strongest in the kingdom of God.  Scripture tells us that the proud end in failure, but the meek become wise (Proverbs 11:2).





Death is so frightening for many people because it is mysterious, unknown and final.  Yet we see in today’s reading that Paul was not afraid to die because he was confident of spending eternity with Christ.  This does not deny that facing the unknown and leaving loved ones do not bring some form of anxiety.  Leaving those whom we love hurts deeply, but if we believe in Jesus Christ, we can share Paul’s hope and confidence of eternal life with Christ.


Scripture tells us that if we believe in Christ, we shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).  For those who believe in Jesus Christ, death is not the last word.  Death is only a prelude to eternal life with God. When Christians leave the land of the dying, they enter into the land of the living. In fact, the only person who was ever born to die was Jesus Christ. His death won for us a victory over death.  Because of Him, you and I can face tomorrow without fear.  Upon our physical death, our lives will continue in spirit and at the end of time in a new glorified body forever in the presence of our loving God.  It is this confident hope that inspires us to faithful service.


It is true that eternal life is a free gift, given through God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8,9). It is also true that our lives will still be judged by Christ. The gift of faith does not free us from obedience.  We must never use God’s gift as an excuse for laziness, because all Christians must give an account for how they had lived (Matthew 16:27). We must never forget that faith is the response to the living presence and power of God in our lives.  We can, like Paul, look forward to that “Day of the Lord” without any fear, because fear has to do with punishment (1 John 4:18). And we have a God of love, who died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8) simply because He loved us so much.



MARK 4:26-34


Today’s Gospel reveals that spiritual growth is a continual, gradual process that reaches its fullness in spiritual maturity. Spiritual growth is very much like the slow, steady growth of a plant.  It is harvested when it reaches its time of fullness. Jesus’ example of the tiny mustard seed really identifies with the church. Our Catholic Church started out very small. It was not very long before it had grown into a worldwide Christian com­munity of believers.


The tiny mustard seed is also like you and me, in that when we feel alone in our stand for Christ, we realize that God is building a worldwide kingdom through us. God has many faithful followers in every part of the world, and our faith, no matter how small, can join with others to accomplish great things.  Today our faith continues to grow through hearing His Word, and we need to proclaim His Word to all we meet, whether in our homes, workplaces or schools (Matt. 28:19).


Jesus spoke in parables to challenge the sincere seekers to discover the true meaning of his words.  He spoke out against hypocrisy and impure motives which were characteristic of the various members of the crowd listening to Jesus. We need to realize that only as we put God’s teachings into practice will we understand and see more of the truth. The truth is clear, but our ability to understand it is imperfect.  As we obey, we will sharpen our vision and increase our understanding (James 1:22-25).  Today, as in the days of this Gospel, those who truly listen to Jesus and obey his holy Word know what he is talking about.






The first reading reveals that putting our hope in man rather than in God is a false hope.  The second reading shows us that belief is an action that calls for a response. We live the way we really believe.  The Gospel tells us that hypocrisy is defeated by truth.


This week, make a list of what areas in your life are a hypocrisy, and then confess that one area to a Christian brother or sister, so that he or she may pray that you will be healed (James 5:16). Pick out someone from your family, job, or school and be specific.  Remember, the prayer of a righteous man avail­eth much (James 5:16). The truth of Christ will really set you free from hypocrisy (John 8:32). In one week you will experience a tremen­dous healing.  Write to us and share how God has answered your prayer.

Lectio Divina – 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time (June 9th)

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”


  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.




Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


READ, REFLECT AND WRITE – Gospel Mk 3:20-35


Jesus came home with his disciples. Again the crowd gathered, making it impossible for them even to eat.
When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” The scribes who had come from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “By the prince of demons he drives out demons.”

Summoning them, he began to speak to them in parables, “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand; that is the end of him. But no one can enter a strong man’s house to plunder his property unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder the house. Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness,
but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” For they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”

His mother and his brothers arrived. Standing outside they sent word to him and called him. A crowd seated around him told him, “Your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you.”
But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”


A. What is the Lord personally saying to you?







B. What does the Lord personally want you to do?







Share your reflection with someone.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






PRIMER DIA          Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.


  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?



  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?





(“El te aplastará la cabeza mientras tu te abalanzas sobre su talón.”)


  1. ¿Quién llamó al hombre y que le preguntó? Génesis 3:9



  1. ¿A quién vino a llamar Jesús? Marcos 2:17



  1. ¿Por qué se escondia el hombre? Génesis 3:10



  1. ¿Con que esperamos ser vestidos? 2 Corintios 5:1-3



  1. ¿Qué le preguntó Dios al hombre? Génesis 3:11



  1. ¿Qué dijo el hombre acerca de la mujer y qué hizo? Génesis 3:12



  1. ¿Qué le preguntó el Señor a la mujer y quién dijo ella que la habia engañado? Génesis 3:13



  1. ¿Cuál fue el temor que tenia Pablo acerca de la serpiente que podia corromper a la gente de Corintio? 2 Corintios 11:3



Personal – ¿A quién culpas cuando pierdes la paz de Dios que hay dentro de ti? ¿Quién es el responsable?



  1. Qué le dijo el Señor a la serpiente? ¿Qué dijo que pondria entre la serpiente y la mujer y qué seria lo que aplastaría?  Génesis 3:14-15



  1. ¿A qué debemos estar siempre atentos? ¿Quién aplastará a Satanás bajo nuestros pies? Romanos 16:19-20



  1. ¿Contra quién es nuestra lucha? ¿Qué debemos ponernos en la cabeza para cubrirla? Efesios 6:12-17



Personal – ¿De qué modo puedes proteger tu mente y tus pensamientos del Maligno? ¿A quién ven tus familiares y amigos controlando tu mente por aquello que sale de tu boca?



TERCER DIA                    LEE 2 CORINTIOS 4:13 – 5:1                      SEGUNDA LECTURA


(“Creí y por eso hablé.”)


  1. ¿Quién habla y a quienes les habla? 2 Corintios 1:1



  1. ¿Cuál es el mismo don espiritual que tenemos y por que creemos, qué hacemos? 2 Corintios 4:13



  1. ¿Cuando hablamos qué sabemos? 2 Corintios 4:14



  1. ¿Cómo llega la fé? Romanos 10:17



  1. ¿Qué se le ha otorgado a mas y mas gente? 2 Corintios 4:15



  1. ¿Dónde aumentó el pecado, que abundó? ¿Cómo reina la gracia? Romanos 5:20-21



  1. ¿Por qué no nos desanimamos? ¿Qué sucede a nuestro exterior y qué a nuestro yo interior? 2 Corintios 4:16



  1. ¿Para qué nos prepara esa ligera y momentánea aflicción? ¿En qué nos fijamos y por qué razon? 2 Corintios 4:17-18



  1. ¿Si nuestra morada terrenal es destruida que tenemos que Dios nos dá? 2 Corintios 5:1



  1. ¿Mientras que Pedro estaba en esa “tienda de campaña,” que halló que era necesario hacer y por qué? 2 Pedro 1:12-15



Personal – ¿De qué modo sientes el deseo ardiente de hablar a otros sobre Jesus? ¿Qué ha hecho El por ti? Si no tienes este deseo, para en este momento y pidele a Dios que te lo dé.



CUARTO DIA                   LEE MARCOS 3:20-35                  EVANGELIO


  1. ¿Por qué era casi imposible comer para Jesús y Sus apóstoles? Marcos 3:20



  1. ¿Qué dijeron Sus parientes al ver que Jesús no podia comer? ¿Qué decian los escribas acerca de los demonios?  Marcos 3:21-22



  1. ¿Cómo hablaba Jesús a la muchedumbre y cuál fue su pregunta? Marcos 3:23



  1. ¿Si Satanás, un reino o una casa están divididos en bandos que les pasará? Marcos 3:24-26



  1. ¿Qué deben hacerle a un hombre fuerte para poder robarle su propiedad? Marcos 3:27



  1. ¿Como echa Jesús fuera los demonios? Mateo 12:28



  1. ¿Qué pecados serán perdonados a la gente, cuáles no lo seran y de que son culpables? Marcos 3:28-30



  1. ¿Cuando la madre de Jesús y Sus hermanos llegaron, qué hicieron? ¿Qué dijo la multitud que estaba sentada a Su alrededor?   Marcos 3:31-32



  1. Jesús contestó con una pregunta. ¿Cuál fue ésta y qué dijo a los que estaban sentados a Su alrededor? Marcos 3:33-34



  1. ¿Quién es Su hermano, Su hermana y Su madre? Marcos 3:35



11. ¿Cómo discernimos la voluntad de Dios? Romanos 12:2



  1. ¿Qué debemos dejar atras, en qué debemos renovarnos y qué debemos ponernos? Efesios 4:20-24



Personal – ¿Cómo disciernes cual es la voluntad de Dios en tu vida? ¿Eres obediente y vives de acuerdo a Su voluntad?



QUINTO DIA                 LEE SALMO 130:1-8


(“Mas el perdón se encuentra junto a ti, por eso te veneran.”)


Leé y medita el Salmo 130:1-8.


¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo?



¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?





GENESIS 3:9-15


En ese momento de pequeña rebelión algo grande, hermoso y libre fue roto…la creación perfecta de Dios. El hombre se separó de Dios por su deseo de actuar de acuerdo a su propia voluntad. El efecto en una ventana de vidrio es el mismo ya sea una piedrecita o una roca la que se estrelle ahi. Los miles de fragmentos nunca podran ser puestos juntos otra vez.


La lectura de hoy nos muestra la realidad de como se esparce el pecado. No solo pecó Eva, sino que arrastró a Adán a el mismo error. Cuando hacemos algo incorrecto es frecuente que nuestra primera reacción de aliviar la culpa sea involucrar a alguien mas. El pecado es como un veneno que se echa en un rio y rapidamente se hace imposible recogerlo. Reconozcamos y confesemos nuestro pecado antes de que nos llegue la tentación de arrastrar en el polvo a aquellos que estan a nuestro alrededor.


Despues de pecar, Adán y Eva sintieron culpa y vergüenza de su desnudez. Su sentimiento de culpa los hizo huir y tratar de esconderse de Dios. Culpa o conciencia culpable puede ser una señal de aviso que Dios pone adentro de nosotros y que sale cuando hacemos algo incorrecto. El mundo quiere que eliminemos los sentimientos de culpa sin eliminar la causa y eso será lo peor para nosotros. Seria como tomar una pastilla para el dolor pero sin atacar a la enfermedad. Adan y Eva no hicieron caso del aviso de Dios y los resultados fueron desastrozos.


Hoy dia, mucha gente falla en escuchar y falla en obedecer a Dios porque no parece lógico o por que no es algo popular. Cuando las cosas van mal, mucha gente trata de disculpar sus pecados culpando a otros o a las circunstancias de sus fallas personales. Pero Dios sabe la verdad y El nos va a pedir cuentas a cada uno por nuestras acciones. Asi que mejor admite tus pecados y no trates de culpar a otros. La desobediencia es un pecado y rompe nuestra amistad con Dios. Dios nos perdona y nos restaura cuando nos confesamos y nos arrepentimos.



2 CORINTIOS 4:13 – 5:1


El increíble mensaje de salvación en Jesucristo ha sido entregado por Dios a los seres humanos frágiles y completamente ordinarios. Pablo no vive en este “contenedor” perecedero sino en su contenido que no tiene precio. La fuerza de Dios que habita dentro de nosotros. Como Cristianos quizá estamos al final del hilo, pero nunca al final de la esperanza. Nuestros cuerpos perecederos estan sujetos al pecado y quizás a grandes sufrimientos, pero Dios nunca nos abandona. Debido a la victoria de Cristo sobre la muerte, aquellos que creemos en El tendremos vida eterna. Es por eso que todos los peligros, humillaciones y pruebas que pasamos en Su nombre son realmente oportunidades para demostrar la fuerza de Cristo y Su presencia en nosotros.


Pablo supo todo lo que era dolor y sufrimiento. Lo encaró en pruebas y tribulaciones cuando predicaba la “Buena Nueva” o sea el mensaje de paz. Debemos estar atentos a que cuando encaramos grandes problemas en nuestras vidas, es fácil centrar nuestra atencion en el dolor en vez de en nuestra meta final.


Estemos seguros de que como dice la palabra del mismo Jesús, no importa lo que nos pase en esta vida, tendremos la seguridad de la vida eterna donde termina todo el sufrimiento. Pablo nos anima aqui para que desarrollemos nuestra fuerza interna. Podemos hacerlo dandonos cuenta de que nuestros sufrimientos, problemas y limitaciones humanas tienen varios beneficios. Pueden ayudarnos a recordar que Cristo sufrió y murió por nosotros. Pueden evitar que seamos orgullosos y que pensemos que no necesitamos a nadie. También ésta puede ser una gran oportunidad que Dios toma para demostrarnos Su gran fuerza y para hablarnos de distintas maneras.


No guardemos resentimiento de nuestras aflicciones o problemas, veamoslas como oportunidades (Romanos 8:28). Pablo dice que cuando muramos tendremos un cuerpo nuevo y maravilloso. Los Griegos no creian en la resurrección del cuerpo. Solo veian el alma como ser inmortal, pero las Escrituras nos enseñan que el cuerpo y el alma son finalmente inseparables (1 Cor. 15:46-58).



MARCOS 3:20-35


Jesús muestra en el evangelio de hoy las condiciones de un verdadero parentesco. Nos enseña que la familia no es solo un asunto de cuerpo y sangre. La necesidad mas básica de todo ser humano es la de querer pertenecer a alguien. El deseo de ser amado y necesitado está en cada uno de los seres humanos de este planeta. Vemos que los miembros de la familia de Jesús trataban de llevarselo a casa y quitarlo de aquel lugar donde estaban los encolerizados Fariseos y escribas. Oimos entonces la explicación de Jesús acerca de quienes son los miembros de Su familia. La iglesia nos enseña que Jesús fue el único hijo de Maria y que los “hermanos” eran posiblemente sus primos (en esos tiempos eran comun llamar hermanos a los primos). La familia de Jesús no entendió Su ministerio, especialmente cuando Jesús dijo a la multitud que quienquiera que haga la voluntad de Dios es Su hermano, hermana y aun mas Su madre.


Jesús nos comunica que nuestra familia espiritual tiene unas relaciones que son finalmente mas importantes y duraderas que aquellas formadas por las familias físicas. La familia de Dios está abierta a cualquiera que crea en Su Hijo Jesucristo. Aun cuando Jesús se preocupaba de Su madre y de los otros miembros de la familia, tambien se preocupaba de aquellos que lo amaban. Jesús no mostraba parcialidad. El permite a todos el privilegio de obedecer a Dios y de llegar a formar parte de Su familia.


El nos enseña como relacionarnos con otros creyentes en una forma nueva. En nuestro ocupado, computarizado, impersonal mundo, las relaciones cálidas, amorosas, cuidadosas entre los miembros de la familia de Dios tienen la mayor importancia. Hoy dia hay millones de personas que no pertenecen a la familia de Dios. Jesús nos dice que vayamos y hagamos discípulos de todas las naciones (Mateo 28:19-20). Nosotros que formamos parte de la amorosa familia de Dios y que somos llamados la iglesia, podemos dar cuidados personales y amorosos a tanta gente que lo necesita desesperadamente. Es tiempo de hacer de nuestra familia y nuestra iglesia un hospital para pecadores y no un asilo para santos. Jesús nos dice que lo que hagamos al mas pequeño de nuestros hermanos, se lo hacemos a El (Mateo 25:31-41).





La primera lectura nos enseña que se nos tomaran cuentas de nuestras acciones. La segunda lectura nos muestra que nuestros cuerpos son templos del Espíritu Santo. El Evangelio nos revela quien realmente forma parte de la familia de Dios.


Esta semana, muéstrale a tu familia mediante tus acciones que ellos son verdaderamente especiales para ti. Pasa un tiempo a solas con cada miembro, ora con él o con élla y dale gracias a Dios por este don que te ha dado. Despues mira a tu alrededor a ver quien necesita ser reafirmado dentro de la familia de Dios. Quizá es un pariente, un vecino, un compañero de trabajo o de escuela. Recuerda, todo el que cree en hacer la voluntad de Dios es el hermano, la hermana y la madre de Jesús. Ama a tu familia esta semana y pasa un poco de tu tiempo con ellos.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY                 Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ GENESIS 3:9-15           FIRST READING


(“He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.”)


  1. Who called to the man, and what did he ask him? Genesis 3:9



  1. Whom did Jesus come to call? Mark 2:17



  1. Why did the man hide himself? Genesis 3:10



  1. With what are we longing to be clothed? 2 Corinthians 5:1-3



  1. What did God ask the man? Genesis 3:11



  1. What did the man say about the woman, and what did he do? Genesis 3:12



  1. What did the Lord ask the woman, and who did she say tricked her?   Genesis 3:13



  1. What was Paul’s fear that the serpent may corrupt in the people of Corinth?    2 Corinthians 11:3



Personal –  When you lose the peace of God within you, whom do you blame?  Who is responsible?



  1. What did the Lord say to the serpent, what did he say he would put between the serpent and the woman, and at what would he strike? Genesis 3:14-15



  1. To what are we to be wise, and who will crush Satan under our feet? Romans 16:19-20



  1. With what is our struggle, and what are we to put on to cover our head?    Ephesians 6:12-17



Personal – In what way can you protect your mind and thoughts from the evil one?   Whom does your family or friends see con­trolling your mind by what comes out of your mouth?



THIRD DAY               READ 2 CORINTHIANS 4:13 TO 5:1              SECOND READING


(“I believed, therefore I spoke,”)


  1. Who is speaking, and to whom is he speaking? 2 Corin­thians 1:1



  1. Of what do we have the same spirit, and, in believing, we do what? 2 Corinthians 4:13



  1. We speak, knowing what? 2 Corinthians 4:14



  1. How does faith come? Romans 10:17



  1. What has been bestowed on more and more people? 2 Corinthians 4:15



  1. Where sin increased, what overflowed all the more? How does grace reign?   Romans 5:20-21



  1. What do we not become, what is happening to our outer selves, and our inner selves?   2 Corinthians 4:16



  1. What does this momentary light affliction produce, where do we look, and for what reason?   2 Corinthians 4:17-18



  1. If our earthly dwelling should be destroyed, what do we have from God?   2 Corinthians 5:1



  1. As long as Peter was in this “tent,” what did he find it necessary to do, and for what reason?  2 Peter 1:12-15



Personal – In what way do you have a burning desire to tell others about Jesus and what he has done for you?  If you do not have this desire, stop right now and ask God to give it to you.



FOURTH DAY           READ MARK 3:20-35         GOSPEL



  1. What made it impossible for Jesus and his apostles even to eat? Mark 3:20



  1. What did Jesus’ relatives say upon hearing of his inability to eat, and what did the scribes say about demons?Mark 3:21-22



  1. How did Jesus speak to the crowd, and what was his question? Mark 3:23



  1. If a kingdom, house, or Satan is divided against itself, what will happen to it?   Mark 3:24-26



  1. What must be done to a strong man in order to plunder his property?   Mark 3:27



  1. How does Jesus drive out demons? Matthew 12:28



  1. What sins of people will be forgiven, what will not be forgiven, and of what are they guilty?   Mark 3:28-30



  1. When Jesus’ mother and his brothers arrived, what did they say? What did the crowd seated around him say? Mark 3:31-32



  1. Jesus replied with a question. What was it, and what did he say about those seated in the circle around him? Mark 3:33-34



  1. Who are the ones who are his brother, sister and mother? Mark 3:35



  1. How do we discern the will of God? Romans 12:2



  1. What should we put away, in what should we be renewed, and what should we put on?    Ephesians 4:20-24



Personal – How do you discern the will of God in your life, and are you obedient in living it out?



FIFTH DAY                READ PSALM 130:1-8


(“But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 130:1-8.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?




How can you apply this to your life?






GENESIS 3:9-15


In that moment of small rebellion something large, beautiful and free was shattered…the perfect creation of God.  Man was separated from God by his desire to act on his own will.  The effect on a plate glass window is the same whether a pebble or a boulder is hurled at it. The thousands of fragments can never be regathered.


Today’s reading shows us the reality of how sin spreads. Even after Eve sinned, she continued to involve Adam in her wrong doing.  When we do something wrong, often our first relief from guilt comes by involving someone else.  Sin is like a poison that is spilled into a river and it swiftly becomes impossible to recapture.  We need to recognize and confess our sin before we are tempted to pollute those around us.


After sinning, Adam and Eve felt guilt and embarrassment over their nakedness. Their guilt feelings made them run from God and try to hide. Guilt or a guilty conscience can be a warning signal God places inside of us that goes off when we have done something wrong. The world wants us to eliminate the guilty feelings without eliminating the cause, and that would be the worst thing for us. It would be like using a painkiller, but not addressing the disease. Adam and Eve failed to heed God’s warn­ing, and the results were disastrous.


Today, many people fail to listen and fail to obey God because it does not seem logical, or it is not a popular thing to do. When things go wrong, many people try to excuse their sins by blaming others or circumstances for personal failures. But God knows the truth and he holds every one of us accountable for our actions. So, admit your sins and do not try to blame it on someone else. Disobedience is sin, and it breaks our fellowship with God. God forgives and restores us when we confess and repent.



2 CORINTHIANS 4:13 to 5:1


The incredible message of salvation in Jesus Christ has been entrusted by God to frail and very ordinary human beings. Paul does not dwell on the perishable container, but on its priceless contents – God’s power dwelling within us.  As Christians we may be at the end of our rope, but we are never at the end of our hope.  Our perishable bodies are subject to sin and maybe even great suffering, but God never abandons us. Because of Christ’s victory over death, we who believe in Him have eternal life. That is why all of our risks, humiliations, and trials in His name are really opportunities to demonstrate Christ’s power and presence in us.


Paul knew all about pain and suffering. He faced them in trials and tribulations as he preached the “Good News” which is the message of hope. We need to be aware that as we too face great troubles in our lives, it is easy to focus on the pain rather than on our ultimate goal. We can be assured by the words of Jesus that no matter what happens to us in this life, we will have the assurance of eternal life where all suf­fering ends. Paul really encourages us to develop our inner streng­th.


We can do this by realizing that our suffering, problems, and human limitations have several benefits. They can help us to remember Christ suffered and died for us. They can help keep us from pride and thinking we do not need anyone else. This also can be a time of great opportunity, a time in which God will demonst­rate his great power and speak to us in several ways.


We need not resent our afflictions or troubles. We need to see them as opportunities (Romans 8:28). Paul tells us that when we die we will have a wonderful new body.  The Greeks did not believe in a bodily resurrection. They saw only the soul as being immortal, but Scripture teaches that the body and soul are ultimately inseparable (1 Cor. 15:46-58).



MARK 3:20-35


Jesus lays down the conditions of true kinship or family in today’s Gospel. He shows us that family is not solely a matter of flesh and blood. The most basic need of all human beings is to belong. The desire to be loved and needed is in every human being on this planet. We see members of Jesus’ family trying to take Him home and remove Him from the wrath of the Pharisees and scribes. We then hear Jesus respond to them with an explanation of His family members. The church teaches that Jesus was Mary’s only child and that the “brothers” were possibly cousins (cousins were often called brothers in those days). Jesus’ family did not understand His ministry, especially when Jesus told the crowd that anyone who did the will of God is His brother, sister, and even His mother.


Jesus conveys to us that our spiritual family forms rela­tionships that are ultimately more important and longer lasting than those formed in physical families. God’s family is open to anyone who believes in His Son Jesus Christ. Although Jesus cared for His mother and other family members, He also cared for all those who loved Him. Jesus did not show partiality. He allowed everyone the privilege of obeying God and becoming part of His family.


He shows us how to relate to other believers in a new way. In our busy, computerized, impersonal world, warm, loving, caring relationships among members of God’s family take on major impor­tance. Today there are millions of people who do not belong to God’s family. Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). We who are part of God’s loving family, who are called the church, can give loving personalized care that many people desperately need.  It is time to make our family and our church a hospital for sinners as well as a haven for saints. Jesus tells us that what we do to the least of our brethren, we do unto Him (Matt. 25:31-40).





The first reading tells us about being accountable for our own actions.  The second reading shows that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Gospel reveals to all of us who is really part of God’s family.


This week, show your family by your actions that they are very special to you. Spend time alone with each member, pray with them, and thank God for His gift to you.  Then look around you and see who needs to be affirmed in God’s family.  Maybe it is a relative, neighbor or co-worker or schoolmate. Remember, all who believe in doing God’s will are Jesus’ brothers, sisters, and mother. Love your family this week and spend some time with them.

Lectio Divina – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (June 2nd)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”


  1. Say the opening prayer.
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.




Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN



Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 – On the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples said to Him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?” He sent two of His disciples and said to them, “Go into the city and a man will meet you, carrying a jar of water. Follow him. Wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, “The Teacher says, “Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?”’ Then he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready. Make the preparations for us there.” The disciples then went off, entered the city, and found it just as He had told them; and they prepared the Passover.

While they were eating, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is my body.” Then He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many. Amen, I say to you, I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” Then, after singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.



A. What is the Lord personally saying to you?






B. What does the Lord personally want you to do?






Share your reflection with someone.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






PRIMER DIA          Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.


  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?



  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?





(“Haremos todo lo que el Señor ha ordenado.”)


  1. ¿Qué fué lo que Moisés le fue a contar a la gente y cómo le contestaron? Exodo 24:3



  1. ¿Qué hizo Moisés con lo que el Señor le habia dicho y qué construyó al otro dia muy temprano al pie de la montaña? Exodo 24:4



  1. ¿Qué le dijo el Señor a Moisés que anunciara a Josué? Exodo 17:14



Personal – ¿Qué has escrito en esta semana que haya sido una palabra del Señor para ti?



  1. ¿Por qué mandó Moisés a ciertos jóvenes Israelitas a ofrecer holocaustos y a sacrificar toros jovenes? Exodo 24:5



  1. ¿Sin qué no podia inagurarse el primer pacto? Hebreos 9:18



  1. ¿Qué hizo Moisés con la sangre de los animales y qué hizo con el libro de la ley? Exodo 24:6-7



  1. ¿Qué dijo la gente cuando Moisés leyó del libro del pacto? Exodo 24:7



  1. ¿Qué hizo Moisés con la sangre y que dijo a la gente? Exodo 24:8



  1. ¿A quién y a qué roció Moisés con la sangre y qué pasa con esta de acuerdo con la ley? Hebreos 9:19-22



  1. ¿Qué es lo que no hay sin el derramamiento de la sangre? Hebreos 9:22



Personal – ¿Cómo te demuestra la vida que a traves de la sangre has sido perdonado? ¿De qué modo estas de acuerdo con los que te rodean en atender y hacer todo lo que el Señor ha dicho?





(“…El es el mediador de un nuevo testamento.”)


  1. ¿Como qué vino Cristo, qué atravesó que no fue hecho por manos humanas y a qué no pertence El? Hebreos 9:11



  1. ¿A quién tuvo Cristo que hacerse semejante en todo para poder expiar los pecados de la gente? Hebreos 2:17



  1. ¿Con la sangre de quién obtuvo la redención eterna y cual sangre no necesitó para ello? Hebreos 9:12



  1. ¿Por qué Cristo no tiene necesidad de ofrecer sacrificios dia tras dia como lo hacian los sumos sacerdotes?Hebreos 7:27



  1. ¿Qué es imposible que hagan la sangre de toros y chivos? Hebreos 10:4



  1. ¿Qué podian limpiar la sangre de las chivos y toros y las cenizas de las terneras? Hebreos 9:13



  1. ¿Cómo se ofreció Cristo mismo a Dios y con qué puede limpiar nuestra conciencia? Hebreos 9:14



  1. ¿Cómo hemos sido santificados a traves del ofrecimiento del cuerpo de Cristo de una vez por todas? Hebreos 10:9-10



  1. ¿Cuando hemos sido purificados de los lazos del pecado qué estamos ansiosos de hacer? Tito 2:14



  1. ¿De qué es Cristo el mediador, por qué tuvo que morir y qué recibiran los elegidos? Hebreos 9:15



  1. ¿Cuál es el único mediador entre Dios y la raza humana y como es que se dió El mismo? 1 Timoteo 2:5-6



Personal – ¿Cómo ha sido purificada tu conciencia? ¿De algun modo hay culpa en tu conciencia? ¿De qué modo te molesta tu conciencia? Compartelo con alguien y pídele que ore contigo por ello. Y ambos escuchen lo que el Señor dice acerca de esto.



CUARTO DIA         LEE MARCOS 14:12-16, 22-26        EVANGELIO


(“Tomen, éste es mi cuerpo. Esta es mi sangre de la alianza, que será derramada por muchos.”)


  1. ¿En el primer dia de la fiesta del pan sin levadura, qué se sacrificaba? ¿Qué le dijeron los discípulos a Jesús? Marcos 14:12



  1. ¿Qué es lo que se describe en Exodo 12:1-11, mas especificamente en el versiculo 11?



  1. Jesús mandó a dos de sus discípulos a la ciudad. ¿Quién los iba a encontrar y que les dijo El que hicieran?Marcos 14:13



  1. ¿Dónde quiera que el hombre entrara que habrian de decirle al dueño de la casa? Marcos 14:14



  1. ¿Qué enseñó el dueño de la casa a los discípulos y qué debian hacer estos ahi? Marcos 14:15



  1. ¿Cuando los discípulos salieron y llegaron a la ciudad, qué encontraron y qué hicieron? Marcos 14:16



Personal – ¿Cuando haces oración le has preguntado al Señor acerca de que es lo que quiere que hagas? ¿Has seguido sus indicaciones?



  1. ¿Mientras comian cuáles fueron las cuatro cosas que Jesús hizo con el pan? ¿Qué fue lo que dijo? Marcos 14:22



  1. ¿Qué hizo Jesús con la copa y qué les dijo a sus discipulos? Marcos 14:23-24



  1. ¿Por qué fue derramada la sangre de Jesús? Mateo 26:28



  1. ¿Qué dijo Jesús que no volveria a hacer hasta el dia en que lo beba en el reino de Dios? Marcos 14:25



  1. ¿Qué nos hace formar un solo cuerpo? 1 Corintios 10:16-17



  1. ¿Qué cantaron Jesús y Sus discípulos y a donde fueron? Marcos 14:26



Personal – ¿Cómo puedes participar mas plenamente en la Misa los domingos? Si hay alguna barrera que te impida participar plenamente busca un sacerdote, háblale y recibe el Sacramento de la Reconciliacion (Confesión). Tu puedes perdonar a quien sea no importa que tan profunda sea la herida, pues Jesús te ha perdonado a ti.



QUINTO DIA          LEE SALMO 116:12-18


(“A los ojos de Dios es muy penoso que mueran sus amigos.”)


Leé y medita el Salmo 116:12-18.


¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo?



¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?





EXODO 24:3-8


Moisés anunció todas las leyes y reglas que Dios le habia dado, a la gente reunida al pie del monte Sinaí. Este monte es uno de los mas sagrados lugares en la historia de Israel. Es la montaña donde Moisés encontró a Dios en un arbusto ardiendo y donde Este hizo Su pacto con Israel y Elias. Elias oyó a Dios “en el sonido de un suave susurro” en una cueva en el Monte Sinaí. Vemos al pueblo de Dios aprender sobre las bendiciones que se pueden obtener con la obediencia (Exodo 24:8-18), y las trágicas consecuencias de la desobediencia (Exodo 32). Moisés construyó un altar al pie de esta montaña con doce pilares alrededor de este por que eran doce las tribus de Israel. Entonces mandó a unos jóvenes a sacrificar las ofrendas. Los Israelitas compartian constantemente las comidas de los sacrificios. Una ofrenda quemada era sacrificada para Dios y luego la comida de ese sacrificio era dedicada a Dios e ingerida en una especie de cena de fraternidad.


Vemos a Moisés confirmar y sellar el pacto que Dios habia hecho con Su pueblo a traves del uso de la sangre. Como el bendito y todo poderoso juez de todos nosotros, Dios condena el pecado y lo considera digno de muerte. Vemos claramente que en el Antiquo Testamento Dios aceptó  la muerte de un animal como penitencia de un pecador. La sangre simbolizaba la muerte de un animal como substituto del pecador. Tambien la sangre simbolizaba que una vida habia sido perdonada como resultado.


Vemos en la escritura que la muerte de Jesucristo era el único camino que el hombre podia encontrar como substituto permanente ante Dios (Hebreos 9:9-10:24). La sangre que fue regada sobre el altar en la lectura de hoy nos muestra que el pecador podia volver a venir ante Dios pues algo habia muerto en su lugar. La sangre que fue esparcida sobre la gente les indicaba que su castigo por el pecado habia sido pagado. Entonces podian volver a reunirse con Dios.


Tu puedes volver a reunirte con Dios ahora mismo confesandole que eres pecador y pidiéndole que te perdone. Su sangre te ha redimido de la obscuridad. Arrepiéntete, creé en Jesús y vuélvete un hijo de la Luz.



HEBREOS 9:11-15


Pablo nos dice que El vino como un sumo sacerdote y pasó a traves de un mejor y mas perfecto santuario que no fue hecho por manos humanas. Una vez al año, en el dia de la reparación el sumo sacerdote podia entrar al Lugar Santísimo, que era la habitación mas interna del Tabernáculo. En esa pequeña habitacion estaba el Arca de la Alianza, que era un cofre que contenia las tablas de piedra originales en donde habian sido escritos los diez mandamientos. El sumo sacerdote era el único que podia entrar en ese lugar sagrado. El acceso que la gente tenia hacia Dios era unicamente a traves del sumo sacerdote quien ofrecia un sacrificio y usaba su sangre para reparar sus pecados de el mismo primero y luego los del pueblo (Hebreos 10:19).


La lectura de hoy nos muestra que el tratar de hacernos buenos a traves de reglas y normas nunca ha sido exitoso. Jesús nos muestra que solo con Su Sangre nuestras conciencias seran limpiadas y estaremos libres de pecado. Podemos entonces, vivir para servir a Dios, puesto que ya estamos libres del poder del pecado. La lectura de hoy habla claramente de que si nos sentimos culpables por que no podemos ser suficientemente buenos para Dios, nos alegremos y echemos otra mirada para ver lo que la muerte de Jesús significa para nosotros.


Es muy importante darnos cuenta que en el Antiguo Testamento la sangre de los animales sacrificados permitía que la gente fuera aceptada en una forma ceremonial. El sacrificio de la sangre de Cristo transforma nuestras vidas y nuestros corazones y nos hace limpios por adentro. Podemos vernos a nosotros mismos y ver que si nuestros corazones no cambian es muy dificil y muy poco placentero el seguir las reglas de Dios. Normalmente nos rebelariamos si nos dijeran como vivir, pero el Espíritu Santo nos da deseos nuevos y nos damos cuenta de que el servir a Dios es nuestra mayor alegria. Consideramos “el valor” en nuestro modo humano de pensar ya que solo unos cuantos lo pueden tener. El grandioso plan de redención de Dios sinembargo hace un gran contraste con el valor o lo valioso en términos humanos. El es el mas valioso de todos los tesoros y esta a la disposición de todos. Su sangre te ha hecho libre y valioso. Ejercita tu fé compartiéndola y usándola para servir a Dios.



MARCOS 14:12-16, 22-26


Todos los varones de mas de doce años eran requeridos de ir a Jerusalén. Era el tiempo de la fiesta de la Pascua. El termino “Pascua” significa la noche en que los Israelitas fueron liberados de Egipto (Exodo 12) cuando Dios pasó de largo las casas que habian marcado con sangre de cordero y matando a los hijos primogénitos en las casas que no habian sido marcadas. El dia de la Pascua era seguido por un festival de siete dias llamado la Fiesta de los Azimos. Esta fiesta recordaba la rápida huida de los Israelitas de Egipto cuando no tuvieron tiempo para que levantara la masa del pan. El pueblo tuvo que hornear el pan sin levadura. La semana entera fue llamada semana de Pascua por que seguia al dia de fiesta especial.


Jesús les dijo a Sus discípulos que fueran y prepararan la cena de Pascua en la que iban a participar. Muchas casas en ese lugar tenian cuartos en la parte de arriba y era muy comun rentar esos cuartos para el festival de la Pascua.


Esta comida que Jesús celebró en el evangelio de hoy fue el origen de la Cena del Señor, también conocida como la comunión de la Eucaristía. El compartir el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesús es celebrado en todos los servicios de adoración Católicos y en otras iglesias Cristianas el partir el pan es una parte muy importante de la adoración. En la primera cena del Señor, Jesús y Sus discípulos comieron y cantaron Salmos, leyeron las escrituras y oraron. El tomó el pan y el vino y les dió un nuevo significado como Su cuerpo y Su sangre.


Asi como la muerte de Jesús en la cruz sella un nuevo acuerdo entre Dios y la humanidad, la Pascua celebraba la liberación de la esclavitud de Egipto y la cena del Señor celebra la liberación del pecado por la muerte de Cristo. Los Cristianos Católicos creen que el pan y el vino realmente son el cuerpo físico y la sangre de Cristo. Sin embargo todos los demas Cristianos creen que Dios es una parte de la experiencia de la comunión, bendiciéndonos cuando recordamos la muerte de Cristo hasta que vuelva a venir. Todos nos volvemos un cuerpo en Cristo cuando compartimos Su cuerpo y Su sangre en el sacramento de la Santa Eucaristia.





La primera lectura revela lo sagrado del Monte Sinai para los Israelitas. La segunda lectura nos dice que nosotros somos los tabernáculos de Dios. El Evangelio nos dice que Eucaristia quiere decir unidad y dar gracias.


Esta semana comparte tu fé con alguien. Dile lo que la muerte de Jesus significa para tí y lo que significa comer en la mesa del Señor. Quizá estarás compartiendo esta revelación con alguien que tiene mucha hambre de alimento espiritual. Puede que sea alguien de tu familia, escuela o trabajo. Jesús nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a alimentar a Sus ovejas. Con Dios adelante, comparte tu fé y alimenta Sus ovejas.