By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn





FIRST DAY              Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ JEREMIAH 31:31-34             FIRST READING 


(“I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”) 


  1. What will the Lord make with the house of Israel and the house of Judah?   Jeremiah 31:31



  1. For what reason, and who is the mediator of a new covenant? Hebrews 9:14-15




  1. What will the covenant not be like, what did the Israelites do, and what did God do?   Jeremiah 31:32



  1. What did God command on the day he brought them out of the land of Egypt?   Jeremiah 7:22-23 



  1. What did the Lord make with the house of Israel, and what will he place within them?   Jeremiah 31:33



  1. Where will the Lord write his law, what will he be to them, and what will they be to him?  Jeremiah 31:33



  1. What will he remember no more?   Hebrews 10:16-17



  1. To whom and what will they no longer have need to teach? Jeremiah 31:34



  1. Who shall know the Lord, what will he do, and what will he no longer remember?  Jeremiah 31:34



  1. Who shall be taught by the Lord, and what shall be great within our children?   Isaiah 54:13



  1. What remains in us, and for what reason?  1 John 2:27



Personal – How have you responded to the new covenant that God has made with you?   How has this affected your relationship with others? 



THIRD DAY           READ HEBREWS 5:7-9           SECOND READING 


(“Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered.”) 


  1. When Christ was in the flesh, what and how did he offer himself?   Hebrews 5:7



  1. To whom did he offer prayers and supplications, and why was he heard?  Hebrews 5:7



  1. What did Jesus say to his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, and in what way did he pray? Matthew 26:38 and Luke 22:44 



  1. What did King Darius decree? Daniel 6:26-28



  1. Son though he was, what did he learn from what he suffered? Hebrews 5:8



  1. To what did Jesus become obedient?   Philippians 2:8



  1. What will many be made through the obedience of Jesus? Romans 5:19 



  1. How do we share Christ’s sufferings? Philippians 3:10



  1. When Jesus was made perfect, of what did he become the source, and for whom?  Hebrews 5:9 



  1. What are we to be, just as our heavenly Father is? Matthew 5:48 



Personal – How have you suffered through your obedience to Christ in your dying to self for others? 



FOURTH DAY           READ JOHN 12:20-33           GOSPEL 


(“…but if it dies, it produces much fruit.”) 


  1. What did some Greeks ask Philip?  John 12:20-21



  1. What did Philip and Andrew do?  John 12:22



  1. What did Jesus say had to come for the Son of Man to be glorified?  John 12:23


  1. What did Jesus say about a grain of wheat?  John 12:24   



  1. What you sow is not brought to life unless it does what? 1 Corinthians 15:36



  1. What does a grain of wheat produce if it dies?  John 12:24



  1. What happens to him who loves his life, and to him who hates his life?   John 12:25



  1. Whoever serves Jesus must do what?  Where he is, who will also be there, and what will the Father do?  John 12:26



Personal – Name some of the ways you have died to self for those around you, and what is the fruit you bear? 



  1. What must one do who wishes to come after Jesus? Matthew 16:24 



  1. What did Jesus say he was, and what question does he ask? What statement does he make about the hour?   John 12:27



  1. What did Jesus say, what did the crowd hear, and what did some say?   John 12:28-29



  1. For whom did Jesus say the voice came, what did he say was the time, and who would be driven out?  John 12:30-31


  1. Where did Jesus say he was going, and what has happened to the ruler of this world?    John 16:10-11



  1. Who is greater than the one who is in the world? 1 John 4:4 



  1. When Jesus is lifted up from the earth, who will he draw to himself, and why did he say this?John 12:32-33



Personal – How have you experienced Jesus drawing you to himself? 



FIFTH DAY          READ PSALM 51:3-4, 12-15        PSALM 

(“I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners shall return to you.”) 


Read and meditate on Psalm 51:3-4, 12-15. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 



How can you apply this to your life? 






JEREMIAH 31:31-34 


The old covenant had been broken so many times, and God in His mercy had restored the Israelites every time they repented. This reading reveals to us that the old covenant which was built on the Law of Moses would be replaced by a new covenant with the “Messiah.” The old covenant was written on the tablets of stone which Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai (Ex. 20). God showed the people the beauty of any true function of His laws in the Ten Commandments.  


The law was designed to lead Israel to a life of practical holiness, and in today’s reading we see the old covenant being replaced by a new one that had the laws of God imprinted on our hearts rather than on tablets of stone. The foundation of the old covenant was Moses and the Mosaic law, and the foundation of the new covenant is Jesus Christ. The new covenant goes beyond Israel and Judah and encompasses the whole world. 


A personal relationship with God is now available, and Jeremiah looked forward to the day when this new covenant would be a reality. But for us the new covenant is already here, and the Word became flesh (John 1:14). We have available to us right now a deep and personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This can be a permanent relationship with the God of all.  


Do you long for a relationship like this? Then, right now, get down on your knees and invite Him into your heart. Tell Him you want Him to bring His new covenant into your heart. Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus and you will be renewed forever and ever. 


HEBREWS 5:7-9 


This reading really brings home the fact that Jesus found no pleasure in suffering and dying. He willingly chose to endure pain and humiliation in order to obey His Father.  


At times we will find ourselves choosing to allow ourselves to undergo trials and pain and humiliation, not because we want to suffer, but because we want to obey God.  In our time of trial, we can draw upon the example of Jesus’ obedience, and we find we can face anything when we know that Jesus Christ is with us. When we pray to the Lord, let our spirit be in obedience with His Holy Spirit. Many times, we cry out to God in a spirit of disobedience and wonder why it seems as if He is not listening. All suffering is not of the Lord, and some suffering is very destructive and wasted. When our suffering turns us toward the Lord and we join our suffering with His, it becomes what is called redemptive suffering. It brings us through our suffering into a tremendous harmony with Christ. This harmony and peace can come only through obedience to His Holy Word. People are tremendously influenced by the courage, patience, long-suffering, and joy of a suffering, obedient person. 


Jesus’ life was not a script that He passively followed. It was a life He chose to give. He chose to obey even when it began leading to His death. We need not fear suffering, whether it be from sickness, imprisonment, or persecution, because if we are obedient to His word, He will bring us to Him in full glory and free us from all suffering. He offers salvation to all those who obey Him. 


JOHN 12:20-33 


Today’s Gospel is not for the faint-hearted, and it is not for those who are looking for a quick fix. The message is loud and clear, and it is a message of complete obedience. To obey completely means not to question at all. We are being told that unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat.  


We are told that to be a disciple of Christ we have to follow in His footsteps, and this means walking along the path of pain, suffering, and humiliation. We are being called to follow in His footsteps into the terror of Calvary and the shock of His death on the cross. To follow in Jesus’ footsteps is to renounce our own direction and follow His. To follow in His footprints we must be like the grain of wheat that dies. This means we must die to ourselves, our ego, our pet needs, our dreams, and our future.  


We need not fear to follow in Jesus’ footsteps because He died to show His power over sin and death, and His resurrection proves He has eternal life. We can rejoice because He gives this same eternal life to all who believe in Him. To live for Christ is to live for others by dying to ourselves. This does not mean that we want to physically die but means that we want to live only to glorify Christ. We may never be called to make a sacrifice like Jesus did, but we are called into obedience to Him. Whatever the Father asks, we should do, and bring glory to His name. Jesus loved us so much that He went willingly to that cross of pain and death. His resurrection shattered Satan’s power over death (Col. 1:13, 14). We need never fear following in Jesus’ footsteps because He tells us in scripture, “There is one greater in you than there is in the world,” (1 John 4:4). 




The first reading tells us that God has imprinted His law on our hearts. The second reading reveals that suffering can lead to obedience, and obedience leads to holiness. The Gospel shows us that following in Jesus’ footsteps is anything but glamorous and safe. 


This week make a deliberate effort to give God the glory of your efforts rather than seeking attention and praise for yourself. This will help others to give glory to God for their efforts instead of seeking attention and praise for themselves.  



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY              Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY             READ 2 CHRONICLES 36:14-17, 19-23           FIRST READING


(“for he had compassion on his people and his dwelling place.”)


  1. Who added infidelity to infidelity, what did they practice, and what did they do to the Lord’s temple? 2 Chronic­les 36:14



  1. What do those who indulge in sexual promiscuity and practice unnatural vice defile?   Jude 1:7-8



  1. When did the Lord, the God of their fathers, send His messengers to those polluting the temple, and for what reason?    2 Chronicles 36:15



  1. On whom does the Lord have compassion? Psalm 103:13



  1. In what is God great? Psalm 51:3



Personal – How have you experienced the compassion of the Lord, and how have you been compassionate with those around you?




  1. Whom did the people mock, and what did the Lord become? 2 Chronicles 36:16



  1. Whom did the Lord bring up against them, what happened to their young men, and whom did he deliver over to the king? 2 Chronicles 36:17



  1. What did they do to the house of God? 2 Chr. 36:19



  1. What happened to those who escaped the sword, and what did they become?   2 Chronicles 36:20



  1. What did Jesus say a man is who commits sin, and where does he not remain forever?   John 8:34-35



  1. What was all this to fulfill? 2 Chronicles 36:21



  1. In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah, what did the Lord inspire the king to do? 2 Chronicles 36:22-23



Personal – In what way have you heard the word of the Lord, and how will you fulfill it?




THIRD DAY             READ EPHESIANS 2:4-10             SECOND READING


(“For by grace you have been saved through faith,”)


  1. In what is God rich, and what is great that he has for us? Ephesians 2:4



  1. When we were dead in our transgressions, to what did he bring us?   Ephesians 2:5



  1. How does God prove his love for us? Romans 5:8



  1. With whom have we been raised up, where has he seated us, and for what reason? Ephesians 2:6-7



  1. If Christ is in us, what is dead and what is alive, and why?    Romans 8:10



  1. What will happen to him who insults the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:29



  1. How have we been saved, through what have we been saved, and from whom is it not?    Ephesians 2:8



  1. What has God given us, from what is it not, so no one shall do what?   Ephesians 2:8-9



  1. How is no one justified? Galatians 2:16



  1. What should no human being do, and how should we boast? 1 Corinthians 1:29-31



  1. What are we to God, how are we created, and what has God prepared in advance so that we should live in      them? Ephesians 2:10



  1. What is one who is in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:17



Personal – What are the good works God has created for you to do? See Ephesians 4:11-16




FOURTH DAY             READ JOHN 3:14-21                GOSPEL


(“…everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”)


  1. What did Moses make, where did he mount it, and what happened to those that looked at it?  Numbers 21:9



  1. Why must the Son of Man be lifted up? John 3:14-15



  1. Whom does God love, whom did he give, and how may we have eternal life? John 3:16



  1. How is the love of God revealed to us? 1 John 4:9



  1. What did God send His Son into the world not to do, and for what reason did He send his Son into the world? John 3:17



  1. If anyone hears Jesus’ words and does not observe them, what condemns him? John 12:47-48



  1. What must we do in order not to be condemned? John 3:18



  1. From what has the one who believes in Jesus passed? John 5:24



  1. What is the verdict? John 3:19



  1. Who does Jesus say He is? John 8:12



  1. What does everyone who does wicked things hate, toward what does he not come, and for what reason?  John 3:20



  1. Who are those who rebel against the light? Job 24:13-17



  1. Who comes to the light, and how will his works be clearly seen?   John 3:21



  1. Who is the light of the world, for whom must that light shine, and for what reason? Matthew 5:14, 16



Personal – How do those around you see the light of Christ within you, and how often do they see it?   If you do not know, step out and ask those closest to you what they see in you. Take to the Lord in prayer whatever is revealed to you.




FIFTH DAY       READ PSALM 137:1-6


(“If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand be forgotten.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 137:1-6.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?




How can you apply this to your life?






2 CHRONICLES 36:14-17, 19-23



God warned Judah about its sin and continually restored the people to His favor, only to have them turn away. The people refused to listen to the words of the prophet Jeremiah, and eventually the situation of sinful living was beyond remedy. This happened to a people who worshipped the heathen idols of the surrounding nations. The people from the top, the leaders and high priests and many of the important people of Judah harbored rebellion in their hearts and led the nation into its downfall.


Today we see many of the same attitudes in many nations. There seems to be a race toward self-destruction. The traditional values seem to be more a part of history rather than our present and future. We have to beware of harboring sin in our heart and becoming a rebellious people. We may also reflect on our actions and be aware that the day will come for all of us when remedy is no longer possible and God’s judgment replaces His mercy. History has clearly shown us that sin often repeated, but never repented invites disaster.


This chapter closes with the end of the exile and the promise of a new future for the remnants of God’s chosen people. The temple represented the greatest dedication of worship the world had ever seen. Yet the temple was destroyed, the kings were gone, the people removed, and the nation was stripped to its very foundation.  Fortunately, there was a greater foundation, and that is God Himself.


Today when it seems as if everything is being stripped away from us, we need to remember that we too still have God in His Holy Word, His presence, His sacraments, and in His promise that He would be with us for all ages (Matthew 28:20).





This reading reveals to us that we need not live any longer under sin’s power. Jesus Christ destroyed the penalty and power of sin through His death on the cross. We have been found through faith in Christ to be acquitted “not guilty” before God. This does not mean that God has taken us out of the world or turned us into robots. We still fall to sin on occasions. But now the difference is Christ’s incredible gift to us; we can choose to live for Him or choose to ignore and reject Him. We know that just as Jesus rose from the dead, so will our bodies be raised from the dead (1 Cor. 15:12-19). We have been given the power to live the fully human, fully alive Christian life now (Ephesians 1:19).


Paul tells us of sitting with Christ in glory because we who have faith in him are united in His powerful victory. It is obvious that this gift of salvation is not a reward for something good that we have done. The fact is that it is a gift freely given and the response by us is not “How much do I owe you?” The response to His gift is “Thank you.” Many people feel obligated to try to work their way to God even after they have been made aware of this incredible gift. We can respond to the gift of our salvation and even our faith only with gratitude, praise and joyful­ness. This unmerited gift to us from God is called “grace,” (Eph. 1:8), and it is not the result of any effort, ability, intelligence, or act of service to others on our part. We do good not to become good, but rather because of the goodness which is the Holy Spirit that resides within us (1 John 4:4). Out of gratitude and joy, we will seek to help and serve others with kindness and love. Let us remember that we are not saved merely for our own benefit. We are called to glorify Him and build up His church (Ephesians 4:12).



JOHN 3:14-21


In today’s reading from the Gospel of John, Jesus is telling the people that when the Israelites were wandering in the wilder­ness, God sent forth a plague of venomous snakes to punish them for their rebellious attitudes. Those who were doomed to die from snakebite could be cured by obeying God’s command to look up at the bronze serpent on the pole that Moses was carrying. The bronze snake on the pole did not heal anyone, but their belief that God could heal them did it. This belief was demonstrated by their obedience in following God’s command.


Believers today can be saved from the sickness of sin by looking to Jesus’ death on the cross. We will be saved from sin’s deadly “bite” by looking to Jesus and believing He will heal us. To many people eternal life holds no great promise if it means the extension of a miserable mortal life on earth. To believe in Jesus Christ and gain eternal life is a life where there is no death, sickness, enemies, evil or sin. When we do not know Christ, we make choices as though this life were all we have. In reality, we believe this life is just an introduction to eter­nity.


We need to begin to evaluate from an eternal perspective all that happens to us each day.  God sets the pattern of true love here. If we love someone dearly, we are willing to give the ultimate price for that person’s responsive love. God paid dearly with the life of His Son, the highest price He could pay. Jesus offered us the new life He bought for us. He paid the price of our sins with His blood and life.


When you and I share the Gospel with others, our love must be like His. We must be willing to give up our own comfort and security so that others might join us in receiving God’s love. The darkness is very comfortable to some people because they do not want their lives exposed to God’s light. They are afraid of what it might reveal about themselves. It might call for a change and they do not want to change. Do not let others intimidate you in your desire to obey God and do what is right. They are afraid that you may expose some of the darkness in their lives. You are to keep praying that they will come to see how much better it is to live in the light than in darkness. He has promised us eternal life if we believe in Him (John 3:16). Take Him up on that promise. He is a God who really delivers.




The first reading shows us that God restores those who repent.  The second reading tells us that we do not have to live under sin’s power any longer. The Gospel promises eternal life if we believe in Christ.


This week, show others how the light and love of Christ shines through you. By your actions show your kindness and gentle­ness to your family members, classmates or co-workers. Be specific and pick out a particular person each day and let the light and love of God light up your life by being patient and kind. Be generous and humble, not jealous or rude. Practice this for one week and you will light up your whole family, school and job.  Let your light shine, let your light shine.




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY              Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY              READ EXODUS 20:1-17             FIRST READING


(“I, the Lord, am your God,…”)


  1. What did God deliver, from where did he deliver them, and where did he speak to them? Exodus 20:1 and Nehemiah 9:13



  1. What did the Lord say you shall not have, what shall you      not carve, and what kind of a God is He?  Exodus 20:3-5



  1. What is cast by a craftsman? Isaiah 40:19



  1. What do knowledge and love do, and what do we know about idols and God?    1 Corinthians 8:1-6



  1. What will God bestow down to the thousandth generation, and to whom will he bestow it? Exodus 20:6



  1. Who will be shown mercy? Matthew 5:7



  1. What shall you not do to God’s name, and whom will the Lord not leave unpunished? Exodus 20:7



  1. What day are you to remember to keep holy, what must you not do on that day, and what did the Lord do on the seventh day? Exodus 20:8-11



  1. Whom are we to honor, and by honoring them what may we have?  Exodus 20:12



  1. As seen in Exodus 20:13-17, what shall we not do?



  1. What did Jesus tell the man he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life?  Mark 10:17-22



  1. What did Jesus come to do? Matthew 5:17



Personal – Which of the commandments do you have difficulty following?  What can you do to change that area of difficulty for yourself?




THIRD DAY                 READ 1 CORINTHIANS 1:22-25               SECOND READING


(“Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.”)


  1. What do the Jews demand, and for what do the Greeks look? 1 Corinthians 1:22



  1. What was the beginning of Jesus’ signs in Cana, what did this reveal, and what did his disciples begin to do? John 2:7-9, 11



  1. In what did Jesus advance? Luke 2:52



  1. What comes with pride, and what comes with the humble? Proverbs 11:2



  1. What is the beginning of wisdom? Proverbs 9:10



  1. What does Paul proclaim, and what is this to the Jews and Gentiles?   1 Corinthians 1:23



  1. What did Simeon say to Mary about Jesus? Luke 2:34



  1. What did Paul say about the message of the cross? 1 Corinthians 1:18



  1. To those who are called, what is Christ? 1 Corinthians 1:24



  1. What is the foolishness of God and the weakness of God? 1 Corinthians 1:25



  1. Out of what was Jesus crucified, how does he live, and how do we live with him?   2 Corinthians 13:4



Personal – How do you proclaim Christ crucified to your family, friends, co-workers, and/or schoolmates?  Could there be a stum­bling block for you or others in proclaiming Christ crucified?




FOURTH DAY             READ JOHN 2:13-25                GOSPEL



(“..He was speaking about the temple of his body.”)


  1. Since the Jewish Passover was near, where did Jesus go? Whom did Jesus find seated in the temple, and what    were they doing?    John 2:13-14



  1. What did Jesus make, and what did he do with it, and what did he do with the coins and tables?  John 2:15



  1. What did Jesus say to those who sold doves? John 2:16



  1. What did Jesus’ disciples recall, and at this, what did      the Jews say to him?   John 2:17-18



  1. What did Jesus say about the temple? John 2:19



  1. How long did the Jews say the temple had been under construction?    John 2:20



  1. About what was Jesus speaking? John 2:21



  1. What is our body, who dwells within us, and what must we do with our body?   1 Corinthians 6:19-20



  1. What happened to the disciples when Jesus was raised from the dead, and what two things did they come to believe? John 2:22



  1. Who reminds us of all that Jesus says? See John 14:26



  1. What made many begin to believe in his name? John 2:23



  1. Why did Jesus not trust himself to them, and what did he understand well?   John 2:24-25



  1. How might the cross of Christ be emptied of its meaning? 1 Corinthians 1:17



  1. Who did God choose from the world, and what did Jesus become for us?   1 Corinthians 1:27, 29-31


Personal – How can profiting and making money be a stumbling block to your temple (your body)?




FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 19:8-11


(“The law of the Lord is perfect,”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 19:8-11.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?




How can you apply this to your life?






Exodus 20:1-17


Today’s reading brings to us the law that was designed to lead Israel to a life of practical holiness. The Ten Commandments were intended to direct the community to meet the needs of each person in a loving and responsible manner. The Israelites had just come from Egypt, a land of many idols and gods. It was very common to worship many gods in order to have a fulfilled life. When God told His people to worship Him, the people thought he was just one more god to add to the list, and when He said, “Worship no other God than me,” it was hard for the people to accept. God made this His first commandment and emphasized it more than the other command­ments.


By the time Jesus came along, most people looked at the Law the wrong way. They saw it as a means to salvation, but God shows that the Law is a blueprint for living, not a method of salva­tion. We need only to look around us and we can see that many people today allow certain values to become gods to them. Good health, money, fame, work, or pleasure can become gods when we concen­trate too much on them for meaning and security in our life.


No one really sets out to worship these things. Yet, the amount of time they occupy in people’s lives lets them grow into gods that ultimately control our thoughts and energies. We can keep these idols and false gods from dominating us when only God takes the central place in our lives. God’s name is special, for it carries His personal identity. The way we use His name conveys the way we really feel about Him. Lying is an attempt to deceive. God warns us against this kind of deception. Even though decep­tion is a way of life for many people, we must resist it. Only God can supply all of our needs (Phil. 4:19) and we need go to Him only in prayer (Phil. 4:6-8) and we will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.




Paul tells us that many people in Corinth thought the Good News of Jesus Christ was foolish, because they had been taught that the Messiah would be a conquering hero, not a suffering servant. Jesus did not restore David’s throne as they had ex­pected. The execution of Jesus as a common criminal certainly did not help those of Corinth to look upon Jesus Christ as their Savior. The Greeks thought the Gospel was foolish, too, because they did not believe in a bodily resurrection. The Greeks did not see in Jesus Christ the strength of their mythological gods, and they also thought no reputable person would be crucified. To the Greeks death was defeat, not victory.


Today, the Good News of Jesus Christ still sounds foolish to some people. Our society worships youth, influence, wealth, power, and health. Jesus came as a humble, poor servant (Phil. 2:2-11). Jesus offers His kingdom to those with faith, not talent, money or power. To the world this method looks backward, but it is the way God chose to save it.


Paul preached about the crucified Christ, and his message was that of the cross. He taught that Jesus emptied himself and obediently went to His death on the cross (Phil. 2:2-11). We are called to do no less. We are called to defer to one another and die to our own desires and needs. We live in a world that glori­fies self and tries desperately to ignore the rights and needs of the broken, lonely and oppressed people. We are strongest when we are meeting the needs of the weakest. Mother Teresa shows us that we are richest when we are meeting the needs of the poorest of the poor.  Jesus himself tells us that when we serve others, we are serving Him (Matthew 25:31-46).


JOHN 2:13-25


The Passover celebration took place yearly at the temple in Jerusalem. All Jewish males were expected to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem during this time. Jerusalem was both the political and religious seat of Palestine, and it was the place where the expected Messiah was to arrive. The temple in today’s reading was built on the same location as the one built by Solomon over a thousand years earlier (1 Kings 6).


The temple tax had to be paid in the local currency; hence the need for moneychangers. Profits were being made and high interest was very common with moneychangers. The people needed to make a sin offering so animals were sold also. The price of sacrificial animals was much higher in the temple area than elsewhere. Jesus was very angry at the dishonesty and greed of the moneychangers and merchants.  Their presence made a mockery of the temple, the place of worship to God, not a market­place.


We need to be sure that our attitude reflects our desire to attend church because it is a place of prayer, worship, and social activities that give varied types of help to the poor and oppressed.


Jesus exerted righteous indignation and not uncontrolled rage. It is right to be angry over injustice and sin, and it is wrong to be angry over trivial personal offenses. Jesus’ resur­rection would prove His authority to drive out the merchants, to heal, to cast out demons, and to forgive sins. We are called to make our temple of the Holy Spirit, which is our body (1 Cor. 6:19-20), a place that is a living and holy sacrifice.




The first reading is a call to practical holiness. The second reading reveals the Messiah as a suffering servant. The Gospel tells us that our church is meant to be a place of wor­ship.


This week, see what needs to be done by your family to make your church a place of worship. See what needs to be done by you to make your family see you as one who is becoming holy. Then go in the name of Jesus Christ, through the power of His Holy Spirit, and in accordance with His Father’s will, DO IT.




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY                  Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY               READ GENESIS 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18                  FIRST READING 


(“…all this because you obeyed my command.”) 


  1. To what did God put Abraham, and when God called to him, what was his reply?  Genesis 22:1



  1. What will God not let happen, what will he provide, and for what reason?    1 Corinthians 10:13



  1. What did God say to Abraham, and what was Isaac to Abraham?  Genesis 22:2 



  1. What did Jesus say would happen if we gave up our children for the kingdom of God?   Luke 18:29-30



  1. When Abraham with his son came to the place of which God had told him, what did he do, and what did he do with his son? Genesis 22:9



  1. What did he reach out and take, and for what reason? Genesis 22:10 



  1. Who called out to Abraham, and what was his response? Genesis 22:11 



  1. Why did he tell him not to lay a hand on the boy? Genesis 22:12-13 



  1. When the Lord’s messenger called again to Abraham, what did the Lord say he would do for him for not withholding his son?  Genesis 22:15-17



  1. In whom will all the nations find blessings, and for what reason?  Genesis 22:18



  1. How do we remain in Jesus’ love, how did Jesus remain in God’s love, and what is his command?  John 15:10,17



Personal – What have you given up for the kingdom of God?  To what are you holding on?  What do you need to do to receive the blessings that God wants to shower upon you? 



THIRD DAY                     READ ROMANS 8:31-34                     SECOND READING 


(“It is God who acquits us.”) 


  1. Who is writing this book, and to whom is he writing? Romans 1:1, 7 



  1. What are the two questions asked in Romans 8:31, and to what do they refer?  Romans 8:30-31



  1. What did God do with his own Son, for whom did he do it, and what else will he give us?  Romans 8:32



  1. What happens to those who believe in Jesus?  John 3:16



  1. What does God have for a son who serves him?  See Malachi 3:17 



  1. How does God prove his love for us?  Romans 5:8



  1. What are we to God, and what does he do for us?  Romans 8:33



  1. What was credited to Abraham as righteousness, in whom do we believe, and as what is that credited to us? Romans 4:2-5 



  1. What did Jesus do, where is he, and what does he do for us? Romans 8:34



  1. What happens to those who approach God through Jesus, how long does he live, and what does he do?Hebrews 7:25 



  1. What did Christ not enter, where did he go, and in whose behalf?  Hebrews 9:24



  1. If anyone does sin, what do we have; for whom has he done this; and how are we sure to know him?  1 John 2:1-3 



Personal – In what way have you been made right with God?  What do you do when you sin?  As Christ intercedes for you, how can you intercede for your loved ones? 



FOURTH DAY                   READ MARK 9:2-10                   GOSPEL 



(“This is my Beloved Son. Listen to him.”) 


  1. Whom did Jesus lead up a high mountain apart by themselves, and what happened to him?  Mark 9:2



  1. What happened to Jesus’ clothes?  Mark 9:3



  1. Who appeared, and what were they doing?  Mark 9:4



  1. What are we to remember from Moses, and what was Elijah sent to do?  Malachi 3:22-24



  1. What did Peter say to Jesus, what did he call him, and what were their feelings?   Mark 9:5-6 



  1. What happened to the centurion and the men with him who were keeping watch over Jesus on the cross?  Matthew 27:54



  1. When Jesus asked his disciples why were they terrified, what was the next question he put to them?  Mark 4:40-41



  1. What came casting a shadow over them, and what did the voice that came out of it say?  Mark 9:7



  1. What did Moses say would happen to those who did not listen to Jesus?    Acts 3:22-23



  1. When Moses went up the mountain, what covered it? What settled upon Mt. Sinai, and what happened on the seventh day?   Exodus 24:15-16 



  1. When Peter, James, and John suddenly looked around, whom did they see?   Mark 9:8



Personal – How clearly do you see Jesus to know what he is saying to you, so you can listen to him?  How do you see Jesus? What is he like to you?  What do his clothes look like, and what is he saying and doing?   Reflect on this. 




FIFTH DAY                READ PSALM 116:10, 15-19 


(“I believed, even when I said, `I am greatly afflicted;'”) 


Read and meditate on Psalm 116:10, 15-19. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 




How can you apply this to your life? 






GENESIS 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18 


In today’s reading from Genesis we see God testing Abraham, not to trip him up, but to develop his character. Just as fire refines ore to bring out the precious metals, God refines us through difficult times and events. We have two ways to go when we are tested, we can complain, or we can try to see how God is stretching us to develop our character. 


Abraham went to fulfill an act of obedience that the world could not comprehend. Over the years he had learned tough lessons about the importance of obeying God.  Obeying God in Abraham’s time or in our time is often a struggle because it may mean giving up something that we truly want. We should not always expect our obedience to God to be easy or to come naturally.  


God did not want the physical death of Isaac, but He did want Abraham to sacrifice Isaac in his heart. Abraham was showing God that he loved God so much that he would trust Him in everything. Do you trust the Lord in everything in your life? God was testing Abraham, and He tests us. The purpose of God’s testing is to strengthen our character and deepen our commitment to Him.  


God also showed Abraham His ability to provide. We see the ram being offered as a substitute for Isaac, similar to Jesus being offered on the cross as a substitute for us. It is important for us to see how much God really loves us. He stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son; and yet God did not spare His own Son, Jesus, from dying on the cross for us so that we can be spared from the eternal death we deserve, and instead receive eternal life with Him. 


Abraham received an incredible blessing for his obedience and that was that he was a positive influence upon others. Other lives would be changed as a result of knowing Abraham. You have been given a tremendous blessing also, and other people’s lives can be changed to the good too. How many lives will be changed because they have known you?  This is really up to you. 


ROMANS 8:31-34 


Today’s reading is more than a theological explanation of God’s redeeming grace. It is a reading of comfort and confidence addressed to us. Have you ever thought that you were not good enough for God and that He will not save you?  Do you ever feel that salvation and healing are for everyone else, but not you? Then this reading is especially for you. If God gave His only begotten son for you, then He is not about to hold back the gift of salvation to you (John 3:16). Jesus Christ did not give His life for you and then turn around and condemn you.  


Nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from God’s love. We really need to realize that when we accept Christ as Our Lord and Savior, we are declaring war on Satan. Then we will be attacked, tempted and condemned by Satan in order to break us away from God’s gift of salvation and love. God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son just for you (John 3:16). Think about that. He knew that we would still be sinners, and He still went ahead with His plan of salvation (Romans 5:8).  


God’s compassion is so great that He let Jesus take on all of the sins of the world in order that we might be clean, free, and justified to be His children. We do not have to fear being accused of loving God and serving Him because we have His promise of salvation (John 3:16) and protection (Psalm 91). We are told that Jesus is pleading with God for us in heaven. He is our mediator and our representative at God’s right hand.  


Prayer is our approach to Jesus. There are many different ways to pray, but come with reverence, for He is our King. We can come with bold assurance, too, because He is our friend and personal counselor. Remember, Jesus Christ is the only person who ever lived who was born to die. His death for us won us the incredible gift of salvation; and now in heaven, He completely understands our weaknesses and offers forgiveness. 


MARK 9:2-10 


Today’s Gospel reading is the story of Jesus being transfigured on the mountain. The transfiguration revealed Christ’s true nature as God’s Son. God’s voice called out Jesus from Moses and Elijah as the long-awaited Messiah with full divine authority. Moses was a sign of the law and Elijah was the sign of the prophets. Jesus was the fulfillment of both the Old Testament law and the prophetic promises of the future. Jesus was not merely one of the prophets, and He was not a reincarnation of Moses. As the Son of God, He far surpasses their authority and power. 


Jesus is the source of all authority and power. We must listen to Jesus and then evaluate all the other authorities in light of His revelation. The apostles were startled and frightened as they looked upon Jesus and saw Him for whom He really was. They were transfigured in their hearts and were able to see Him with their hearts as well as with their eyes.  


Jesus told them not to speak about what they had seen because they would not understand it themselves until Jesus had risen from the dead. They had been given the incredible gift of seeing the kingdom of God arrive in great power (Mark 9:1). They would see that when Jesus rose from the dead as his power over death would reveal to all that He is God. It was natural for the disciples to be confused about Jesus’ death and resurrection because they could not see into the future.  


When Jesus becomes the Lord of our life, we will see Him just as Peter, James, and John saw him. He will make our heart radiant and our mind clear and sharp. He will transfigure us right where we are. He knew that he could not stay up on that mountaintop, because He had come to transfigure the people in the lowly, dark valleys. We do not have to be confused or frightened because we have his Holy Spirit within us (1 John 4:4). The disciples saw the radiance in Jesus’ face because they saw Him with spiritual vision. Scripture tells us, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has revealed to those who love him.” This is the transfiguration that God has revealed to us today through the Holy Spirit. 





The first reading tells us that in our times of testing, we are growing in moral development. The second reading shows us the incredible power of God’s redeeming grace. The Gospel shows that being transfigured is letting the radiance of Christ shine in you and through you. 


This week look for only the good points in those around you. Speak only about what is good about them. No flattery, just affirmation, and watch them go through a transfiguration right before your eyes.  Try it. 



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






PRIMER DIA                                         Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada. 


  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?



  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?



SEGUNDO DIA                        LEE GÉNESIS 22:1-2,9-13,15-18                   PRIMERA LECTURA 


(“…Por qué obedeciste mi mandato.”) 


  1. ¿Cómo quiso probar Dios a Abraham y cuando oyó el llamado, cuál fue su respuesta?   Génesis 22:1


  1. ¿Qué será lo que Dios no permita qué suceda, de qué proveerá y por qué?   1 Corintios 10:13


  1. ¿Qué le dijo Dios a Abraham, y qué era Isaac de Abraham? Génesis 22:2


  1. ¿Qué dice Jesús que sucederá si das a tus hijos por el reino de Dios?   Lucas 18:29-30


  1. Cuando llegó Abraham con su hijo al lugar que Dios le había indicado, ¿qué preparó y qué hizo con su hijo?  Génesis 22:9


  1. ¿Qué tomó en la mano y para qué?   Génesis 22:10


  1. ¿Quién le habló a Abraham y cuál fue su respuesta? Génesis 22:11


  1. ¿Por qué le dijo que no tocara al niño?   Génesis 22:12-13


  1. Cuando el mensajero de Dios llamó a Abraham otra vez, ¿qué dijo el Señor que haría por él debido a que no le había negado a su hijo?   Génesis 22:15-17


  1. ¿En quién y por qué razón hallan bendiciones todas las naciones?   Génesis 22:18


  1. ¿Cómo permanecemos en el amor de Jesús, cómo permanece Jesús en el amor de Dios y cuál es Su mandato?  Juan 15:10, 17


Personal – ¿A qué has renunciado por el reino de Dios? ¿A qué te mantienes apegado? ¿Qué necesitas hacer para recibir las benediciones que Dios quiere derramar sobre ti? 



TERCER DIA                                LEE ROMANOS 8:31-34                            SEGUNDA LECTURA 

(“Es Dios quien nos perdona.”) 


  1. ¿Quién escribe este libro y a quién se lo escribe? Romanos 1:1, 7


  1. ¿Cuáles son las dos preguntas que se formulan en Romanos 8:31 y a quién se refieren?   Romanos 8:30-31 


  1. ¿Qué hizo Dios con su propio Hijo, por quién lo hizo y qué mas nos dio?   Romanos 8:32


  1. ¿Qué pasa con los que creen en Jesús?   Juan 3:16


  1. ¿Qué tiene Dios para el hijo que le sirve?  Malaquias 3:17


  1. ¿Cómo nos prueba Dios su amor?   Romanos 5:8


  1. ¿Qué somos para Dios y qué hace El por nosotros? Romanos 8:33


  1. ¿Qué se le acreditó a Abraham por su rectitud? ¿En quién creemos y como qué se nos toma en cuenta?   Romanos 4:2-5


  1. ¿Qué hizo Jesús, dónde está El y qué hace por nosotros? Romanos 8:34


  1. ¿Qué pasa con aquéllos que se acercan a Dios a través de Jesús, cuánto vivirá El y qué es lo que hace?   Hebreos 7:25


  1. ¿A dónde no entró Cristo, a dónde fue y a favor de quién? Hebreos 9:24


  1. ¿Qué tenemos si pecamos, por quién ha hecho esto; y cómo estaremos seguros de que lo conocemos?  1 Juan 2:1-3


Personal – ¿De qué modo has hecho bien a la vista de Dios? ¿Qué haces cuando pecas? Así como Cristo intercede por tí, ¿cómo puedes tú interceder por los que amas? 




CUARTO DIA                                                      LEE MARCOS 9:2-10                                                 EVANGELIO 


(“Este es mi Hijo muy Amado, escúchenlo.”) 


  1. ¿A quién tomó consigo Jesús en lo alto del monte y qué hizo ahí?   Marcos 9:2


  1. ¿Qué pasó con sus vestiduras?   Marcos 9:3


  1. ¿Quién se apareció y qué estaban haciendo?   Marcos 9:4


  1. ¿Qué debemos recordar sobre Moisés, y a Elías qué se le mandó a hacer?   Malaquias 3:22-24


  1. ¿Qué dijo Pedro a Jesús, cómo lo llamó y cuales fueron sus sentimientos?   Marcos 9:5-6


  1. ¿Qué pasó con el centurión y con los hombres que estaban con él en guardia cuando Jesús estaba en la cruz?  Mateo 27:54


  1. Cuando Jesús les preguntó por qué estaban aterrorizados ¿cuál fue la siguiente pregunta que les hizo? Marcos 4:40-41 



  1. ¿Qué los cubrió con una sombra y qué dijo la voz que salió de ahí?   Marcos 9:7


  1. ¿Qué dijo Moisés que pasaría a aquéllos que no escuchen a Jesús?   Hechos 3:22-23


  1. Cuando Moisés fue a la montaña, ¿qué lo cubría? ¿Qué se posó sobre el Monte Sinaí y que pasó el séptimo día? Exodo 24:15-16


  1. Cuando Pedro, Santiago y Juan vieron a su alrededor ¿a quién vieron?   Marcos 9:8


Personal – ¿Qué tan claramente ves a Jesús para saber lo que te está diciendo y poder así escucharlo? ¿Cómo ves a Jesús? ¿Cómo es El para ti? ¿Cómo se ven sus vestiduras, qué está diciendo y haciendo? Reflexionalo. 



QUINTO DIA             LEE SALMO 116:10, 15-19 

(“Tenía fe aún cuando me dije, `Yo soy muy desgraciado;'”) 


Leé y medita el Salmo 116:10, 15-19. 


¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo? 



¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria? 



SEXTO DIA                                            LEE TODO EL COMENTARIO 


GÉNESIS 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18 

En la lectura de hoy en el Génesis vemos a Dios poniendo a Abraham a prueba no para confundirlo sino para desarrollar su carácter. Así como el fuego refina el mineral para sacar el metal precioso, así Dios nos refina a través de los acontecimientos y tiempos difícíles. Podemos tomar dos caminos cuando se nos prueba, podemos quejarnos o podemos tratar de entender que Dios nos está probando para desarrollar nuestro carácter. 

Abraham fue a cumplir con un acto de obediencia que el mundo no comprendería. A través de los años el aprendió lecciones duras acerca de la importancia de obedecer a Dios. Obedecer a Dios en tiempos de Abraham o en nuestros tiempos, frecuentemente implica un duro esfuerzo, ya que significa negarnos algo que realmente queremos. No debemos esperar que nuestra obediencia a Dios va a ser siempre fácil o que va a venir como una cosa natural. 

Dios no quería la muerte física de Isaac sino que quería que Abraham sacrificara a Isaac en su corazón. Este le estaba mostrando a Dios que lo amaba tanto que confiaría en El para todo. ¿Confías en Dios en todo lo que se refiere a tu vida? Dios estaba probando a Abraham y nos prueba a nosotros. El propósito de Dios al probarnos es fortalecer nuestro carácter y profundizar nuestro compromiso con El. 

Dios también le mostró a Abraham Su habilidad para proveernos. Vemos que hubo un carnero que se ofreció como substituto de Isaac, así como Jesús fue ofrecido en la cruz como substituto por nosotros. Es muy importante que nos demos cuenta de lo mucho que Dios nos ama. El detuvo a Abraham para que no sacrificara a su hijo y sin embargo no evitó que Su propio Hijo, Jesús, muriera en la cruz por nosotros para que así pudieramos ser salvados de la muerte eterna que merecíamos y que a cambio recibiéramos la vida eterna con El. 

Abraham recibió una bendición increíble por su obediencia, que fue el hecho de llegar a ser una influencia positiva sobre otros.Otras vidas cambiarían como resultado de conocer a Abraham. A tí también se te ha dado una inmensa bendición y las vidas de otras gentes pueden ser cambiadas para bien también. ¿Cuántas vidas cambiarán debido a que te conocen? Eso realmente depende de ti. 


ROMANOS 8:31-34 

La lectura de hoy es más que una explicación teológica de la gracia redentora de Dios. Es una lectura de consuelo y confianza. ¿Has pensado alguna vez que no eras suficientemente bueno para Dios y que El no te salvaría? ¿Has sentido como que la salvación y el sanar es para otros pero no para ti? Entonces esta lectura es especialmente para tí. Si Dios dio a Su Unico Hijo por tí entonces no va a quitarte el regalo de la salvación (Juan 3:16) Jesucrito no dio Su vida por ti para después voltearse y condenarte. 

Nada, absolutamente nada, nos puede separar del amor de Dios. Debemos darnos cuenta de que cuando aceptamos a Cristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, le estamos declarando la guerra a Satanás. Entonces vamos a ser atacados, tentados y condenados por Satanás por que él quiere apartarnos del regalo de salvación y amor de Dios. Dios nos ama tanto que dio a Su Unico Hijo solo por tí (Juan 3:16). Piénsalo. El sabía que continuaríamos siendo pecadores y sin embargo siguió adelante con Su plan de salvación (Romanos 5:8). 

La compasión de Dios es tan grande que dejó a Jesús que tomara todos los pecados del mundo para que nosotros fuéramos limpiados, librados y justificados como Sus hijos. No debemos tener miedo de ser acusados de amar a Dios y de servirle ya que tenemos Su promesa de salvación (Juan 3:16) y protección (Salmo 91). Se nos ha dicho que Jesús intercede ante Dios por nosotros en el cielo. Es nuestro intercesor y nuestro representante a la derecha de Dios. 

La oración es nuestro modo de acercarnos a Jesús. Hay muchas maneras diferentes para orar pero hay que hacerlo con reverencia ya que El es nuestro rey. Podemos venir a El con la absoluta seguridad también de que es nuestro amigo y consejero personal. Recuerda que Jesucristo es la única persona que jamás ha existido que nació para morir. Su muerte nos hizo ganar el increíble regalo de la salvación y ahora en el cielo El entiende perfectamente nuestra debilidad y nos ofrece el perdón. 

MARCOS 9:2-10 


La lectura de hoy en el Evangelio es acerca del relato de Jesús transfigurándose en la montaña. La transfiguración revela la verdadera naturaleza de Cristo como Hijo de Dios. La voz de Dios llamó a Jesús como se decia en tiempos de Moisés y Elías, el Mesías, largamente esperado con completa y divina autoridad. Moisés fue el símbolo de la ley y Elías fue el símbolo de los profetas. Jesús fue el cumplimiento de ambos, la ley del antiguo testamento y de las promesas proféticas del futuro. Jesús no fue nada mas un profeta y no fue tampoco la reencarnación de Moisés. Como Hijo de Dios El los sobrepasa totalmente en autoridad y poder. 

Jesús es la fuente de toda autoridad y poder. Debemos escuchar a Jesús y luego evaluar a las otras autoridades a la luz de Su revelación. Los apóstoles estaban espantados y con miedo cuando vieron a Jesús y se dieron cuenta de quién era realmente. Ellos fueron transfigurados en sus corazones y pudieron verlo con sus corazones tan bien como lo vieron con sus ojos. 

Jesús les dijo que no hablaran de lo que habían visto puesto que ni ellos mismos lo entenderían hasta que Jesús resucitara. Se les había dado el increíble regalo de ver el reino de Dios llegando con toda su fuerza (Marcos 9:1). Ellos verían que cuando Jesús resucitara de entre los muertos, así como Su poder sobre la muerte se revelaría a todos que El es Dios. Era natural que los discípulos estuvieran confusos acerca de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús puesto que ellos no podían ver en el futuro. 

Cuando Jesús venga a ser el Señor de nuestra vida, lo veremos como lo vio Pedro, Santiago y Juan. El hará que nuestro corazón esté radiante y nuestra mente clara y aguda. El nos transfigurará ahí donde estemos. El supo que no podía quedarse en lo alto de la montaña, por que El había venido a transfigurar a la gente de los bajos y obscuros valles. No tenemos que estar confusos o con miedo ya que tenemos a Su Espíritu Santo dentro de nosotros (1 Juan 4:4).Los discípulos vieron la cara radiante de Jesús por que lo vieron con una visión espiritual. La Escritura nos dice “lo que el ojo no ha visto y el oído no ha oído y lo que no ha entrado al corazon humano, es lo que Dios ha revelado a aquéllos que lo aman.” Esta es la transfiguración que Dios nos ha revelado hoy a través del Espíritu Santo. 




La primera lectura nos dice que en nuestros tiempos de prueba crecemos en nuestro desarrollo moral. La segunda lectura nos muestra la increíble fuerza de la gracia redentora de Dios.  El Evangelio nos muestra que ser transfigurado es permitir que el resplandor de Cristo brille en ti y a través de ti.  

Esta semana busca solamente las cosas buenas que hay en los que están a tu alrededor. Solo habla de lo que es bueno acerca de esa persona. No adulando, únicamente afirmando y fíjate como esa persona pasa por una transfiguración ahí meramente delante de tus ojos.  Prueba y verás. 


Lectio Divina – 2nd Sunday of Lent (Feb. 25th)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.” 

  1. Say the opening prayer. 
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you. 
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him. 




Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN 




Mark 9:2-10 – Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves, And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus. Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified. Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them. As they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant. 


  1. What is the Lord personally saying to you? 





  1. What does the Lord personally want you to do? 





Share your reflection with someone.  









PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada. 


  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?



  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?



SEGUNDO DIA                              LEE GENESIS 9:8-15                             PRIMERA LECTURA 


(“Esta es la señal de la alianza que yo contraigo para siempre con ustedes.”) 


  1. ¿Qué clase de hombre fue Noé y qué dijo Dios que El estaba contrayendo con Noé, sus hijos y 

sus descendientes?  Génesis 6:9-10 y Génesis 9:8-9 


  1. ¿Además de Noé, sus hijos y descendientes, por quién hizo Dios esta alianza?   Génesis 9:10


  1. Al establecer la alianza, ¿qué es lo que nunca más habría de suceder?   Génesis 9:11


  1. En la Ultima Cena, ¿qué dijo Jesús que era la copa? Lucas 22:20


  1. ¿Quién es el mediador de la nueva alianza? Hebreos 9:14-15


  1. ¿Qué dio Dios a la gente de todas las eras por venir y qué mostraba la alianza entre ambos? 

Génesis 9:12-13 


  1. ¿Cuál fue el signo dado a los pastores en el campo? Lucas 2:11-12


  1. Cuando algunos escribas y fariseos pidieron a Jesús por un signo, ¿qué les dijo El?   Mateo 12:38-40


  1. ¿Qué sirvió como signo de la alianza entre Dios y la tierra?  Génesis 9:13


  1. ¿Cuándo recordará Dios Su alianza, la que El ha hecho con nosotros, y qué es lo que nunca mas sucederá?  Genesis 9:14-15


Personal – Cuando ves un arco iris en el cielo, ¿cuál es tu respuesta? ¿Has hecho una alianza con Dios o con algún otro? ¿Qué es esa alianza y cómo la has cumplido? 




TERCER DIA                                          LEE 1 PEDRO 3:18-22                             SEGUNDA LECTURA 

(“…el justo a causa de los injustos,”) 


  1. ¿Por qué sufrió Cristo? ¿Por quién y cómo?   1 Pedro 3:18


  1. ¿Quién es el justo?   1 Juan 2:1


  1. ¿Cómo somos nosotros hechos justos?   Romanos 3:22-26


  1. ¿A causa de qué murió Cristo y como resucitó?  1 Pedro 3:18


  1. ¿Para quién predicó Cristo en el espíritu?   1 Pedro 3:19


  1. ¿Quiénes fueron salvados y cómo fueron salvados? 1 Pedro 3:20


  1. ¿Qué es lo que esto representa y qué es lo que hace hoy? 1 Pedro 3:21


  1. ¿Qué es lo que el bautismo no hace y de qué se trata? 1 Pedro 3:21


  1. ¿En qué hemos sido bautizados?   Romanos 6:3-4


  1. ¿Qué era lo que Pablo tenía que hacer y como debía hacerlo?   Hechos 22:14-15


  1. ¿Cómo se ha limpiado la iglesia?  (la gente) Efesios 5:26


  1. ¿Adónde fue Jesús y quiénes estan sometidos a El?  1 Pedro 3:22


Personal – ¿De qué manera recibiste personalmente el regalo de salvación a través del bautismo? ¿Tuviste que hacer algo para recibir el bautismo? 



CUARTO DIA                                           LEE MARCOS 1:12-15                                               EVANGELIO 


(“El plazo está vencido.”) 


  1. ¿Quién empujó al desierto a Jesús y qué era lo que acababa de acontecer?   Marcos 1:9-12


  1. ¿Dónde permaneció Jesús y por cuanto tiempo?  Marcos 1:13


  1. ¿Qué les hizo hacer El Señor a los israelitas?  ¿Porqué razón?   Números 32:13


  1. ¿Adónde fue la mujer que dio a luz a un hijo varón y quién había preparado el lugar para ella?

Apocalipsis 12:5-6 


  1. ¿Por quién fue tentado Jesús, entre quiénes estaba El y quiénes lo servían?   Marcos 1:13


  1. ¿Qué empezó en el cielo? ¿Quién era el enorme monstruo? ¿Qué hizo él y adónde lo echaron?

Apocalipsis 12:7-9 


Personal – ¿En qué forma fuiste tentado y como trataste la situación? 



  1. Después que Juan fue arrestado, ¿adónde fue Jesús y qué proclamó?   Marcos 1:14



  1. ¿Qué plazo dijo Jesús que era éste? ¿Qué estaba ya cerca y qué es lo que nosotros debemos hacer y creer? Marcos 1:15


  1. ¿Dónde predicó Juan Bautista y qué decía?   Mateo 3:1-2


  1. ¿Qué es lo que Dios demanda hoy y porqué razón?  Hechos 17:30-31


  1. ¿En quién debemos creer y qué pasará si lo hacemos? Hechos 16:31


Personal – ¿De qué manera te has arrepentido por no creer en Jesús? ¿Hay todavía áreas en tu vida a las cuales te estás aún aferrando? Arrepiéntete y vuelve a Dios. 



QUINTO DIA                                  LEE SALMO 25:4-9 

(“Guíame en tu verdad y enséñame,…”) 


Leé y medita el Salmo 25:4-9. 


¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo? 




¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria? 




SEXTO DIA                                          LEE TODO EL COMENTARIO 


GENESIS 9:8-15 


La lectura de hoy nos muestra claramente la misericordia de Dios y la paciencia de Noé. Noé, ocasionalmente ponía a prueba la tierra para ver si estaba seca, pero nunca salió del arca hasta que Dios se lo dijo. El sabía que tenía que ser en la hora de Dios y no la suya. Dios sabía que aún cuando el agua se había retirado, la tierra no estaba aun suficientemente seca para que, salidos del arca, pudieran sobrevivir Noe, su familia y los animales. Noe y su familia estuvieron en el arca alrededor de un año, así que, esperar para mudarse después que El Señor les dijera, fue una gran lección en humildad y obediencia para la gente de todas las edades. 

Así como Noé, es preciso que nosotros aprendamos a confiar en Dios en todas las situaciones de nuestra vida. Necesitamos pedirle nos de paciencia durante los tiempos difíciles cuando debemos esperar. Un signo fue dado a Noé indicando que Dios nunca mas anegaría la tierra. El signo fue un hermosísimo arco iris y todavía hoy nosotros vemos ese arco iris. 

Dios hizo un convenio con su pueblo a través de la Biblia. Los descendientes de Abraham llegarían a ser una gran nación si ellos obedecían a Dios. El signo que Dios usó fue un calentador humeante y una antorcha encendida (Génesis 15:12-21). En el Monte Sinaí, Israel sería una nación santa, pero ellos deberían mantener su parte del convenio obedientemente. La señal de Dios fue el éxodo. 

Jesús fue el “Nuevo Convenio”, el perdón y la salvación llegaron a través de El. El sígno que tenemos hoy es la resurrección. Dios vive y nosotros somos llamados a ser Sus testigos de júbilo. Dios te ama tanto, que El dio Su unigénito hijo, para que si crees en El, no perezcas, sino que tengas vida eterna (Juan 3:16). Dios es amor y nosotros comenzamos realmente a amarle cuando nos damos cuenta de que El nos ama exactamente donde estamos  (1 Juan 4:16). 



1 PEDRO 3:18-22 


Esta lectura nos trae a todos adentro del mismo corazón de nuestra fe. Creemos en un Dios el cual nos ama tanto tanto, que murió por nosotros sabiendo que todos seríamos pecadores. Su muerte y resurrección ha justificado nuestras esperanzas de estar con El por siempre. No hemos hecho nada por nosotros mismos para merecer un privilegio tan tremendo, con excepción de creer con fe que El nos salvará. Su amor es tan fuerte que El siempre perdonará al pecador arrepentido. 

Los rabinos de ese tiempo enseñaban a los judíos que ellos debían perdonar tres veces a aquellos que los ofendían. Pedro, tratando de ser extra generoso, preguntó a Jesús si siete veces eran suficientes para perdonar a alguien. Jesús dijo: “Setenta veces siete.” (Mateo 18:21) El quiso decir que no debemos mantener en cuenta el número de veces que perdonamos a alguien. Somos llamados a seguir los pasos de Jesús y perdonar a aquéllos que están verdaderamente arrepentidos, no importa cuantas veces ellos pidan. Cristo en Espíritu fue a predicar a los espíritus encarcelados. (1 Pedro 3:19). Esto fue para todos aquéllos que murieron y creyeron en El. El les dio a ellos la esperanza de que estarían con El en el cielo. 

Se nos dice, que a causa de nuestro bautismo, nosotros también ascenderemos como Cristo y seremos victoriosos. No tenemos que tener ningún miedo porque nosotros creemos y pertenecemos a Cristo y nada nos puede separar de Su amor (Rom. 8:35-39). Nosotros también algún día gozaremos ese banquete especial del Señor. Lo observaremos claramente y veremos todos los ángeles, poderes y autoridades sujetos a El. Nuestro bautismo no es una ceremonia. Es un encuentro que significa el acto cambiante de la vida cada día del año. Nuestro bautismo nos ha traído dentro de la familia de Dios. Nuestro padre celestial nos ha adoptado porque nuestro hermano y salvador murió por nosotros. El espera ahora que todos Sus creyentes celebren la vida por siempre. 


MARCOS 1:12-15 


Jesús dejó la multitud que se congregaba alrededor de El en su bautismo y se fue al desierto donde fue tentado por satanás. Jesús nos muestra que todos nosotros podemos ser tentados y que la tentación es mala para nosotros solamente cuando nos dejamos caer en ella. Debemos siempre recordar que los momentos de pruebas interiores no necesitan ser odiadas y resentidas porque es a través de ellas que nuestro carácter puede ser fortalecido y Dios puede enseñarnos lecciones de gran valor. Jesús nunca nos abandonará cuando enfrentemos a satanás y tratemos con sus falsas promesas. Satanas tentó y persuadió a Adan y Eva de pecar en el jardín. El tentó a Jesús en el yermo y no le persuadió. Ser tentado no es malo, pero tentar a otros o causarles el caer es simplemente PECADO. Jesús soportó el tiempo de prueba sin pecar cuando fue tentado, para reforzar la prueba de que satanás puede ser vencido. 

Tenemos dentro de nosotros al Espíritu Santo que es la segunda persona de la Santísima Trinidad. Somos el templo del Espíritu Santo y nosotros no podríamos hacer nada para luchar contra satanás si no tuvieramos el Espíritu Santo dentro de nosotros. No tenemos que tener miedo, el poder del Espíritu nos ayudará a vencer a satanás en cualquier tentación, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.(1 Juan 4:4) 

Las Buenas Nuevas que Jesús predica son “Que al fin El está aquí y El comenzó el reino personal de Dios en la tierra.” La gente que primero oyó este mensaje, era oprimida, pobre y sin esperanzas. Las palabras de Jesús eran buenas nuevas porque ellas ofrecían libertad, bendiciones y promesas. Debido a que El quiere comenzar Su reino personal en la tierra, El depende de nosotros. Nosotros somos Sus ojos, brazos y piernas. Las Escrituras nos relatan lo que Jesús dijo que significaría estar en el reino de Dios. El Espíritu de Dios te ha ungido, El está sobre ti dándote fuerza y valentía (Lucas 4:18). El reino de Dios está a la mano, vayan y curen, vayan y hagan discípulos de todos los pueblos. (Mateo 28:19). 



La lectura de esta semana nos muestra que la paciencia es una virtud de Dios y del hombre. En la segunda lectura vemos que el bautismo es una promesa de perdón de Dios. El Evangelio nos dice que cambiemos nuestras actitudes por aquellas de las Buenas Nuevas. 

Esta semana pide a tu consorte, hijos, amigos, patrones y compañeros que te digan qué necesitas cambiar. Diles que escriban lo que ellos ven como una necesidad de cambio. Fíjate cuál es el área mas común de pecado en ti. Entonces, cada día practica una pequeña acción por una semana. No menciones la lista a nadie. Tu actitud cambiará con oraciones, lectura de escrituras, yendo a los sacramentos de reconciliación y Eucaristía y por medio de disciplina. Estate alerta y observa un despertar muy espiritual de muchas personas en tu vida. 

Lectio Divina – 1st Sunday of Lent (Feb. 18th)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.” 

  1. Say the opening prayer 
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him. 




Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN 




Mark 1:12-15 – The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and He remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him.  

After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” 


  1. What is the Lord personally saying to you? 





      2. What does the Lord personally want you to do? 





Share your reflection with someone.  



 By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada. 


  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?



  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?



SEGUNDO DIA                         LEE LEVITICO 13:1-2, 44-46                    PRIMERA LECTURA 


(“…e irá gritando: “¡Impuro, impuro!”) 


  1. ¿Quién es Aarón, y que dijo el Señor a Moisés y a Aarón?  Exodo 4:14-15, Levítico 13:1-2


  1. ¿En un ataque de lepra, que debian de observar los Israelitas?   Deuteronomio 24:8


  1. ¿Cómo debia declararlo el sacerdote y por qué?  Levítico 13:44


  1. ¿Por qué no tocamos nada impuro?   Isaias 52:11


  1. ¿De qué debemos apartarnos y de qué nos purificamos?  2 Corintios 6:15-17, 2 Corintios 7:1


  1. ¿Cómo llevará sus vestidos el afectado por la lepra, que hará con su cabeza y barba y que gritará?

Levítico 13:45 


  1. ¿Qué mancha a una persona o la hace impura?  Mateo 15:11, 18-19


  1. ¿Mientras dure la llaga en alguien, cómo se declarará a sí mismo y dónde deberá vivir?   Levítico 13:46


  1. ¿A qué nos ha llamado Dios?   1 Tesalon 4:7


  1. ¿Quién será eliminado del pueblo?   Hechos 3:22-23


Personal – ¿Qué ves dentro de ti mismo que sale de tu boca y te hace impuro? ¿Es contagioso para los que están a tu alrededor, de que manera te separa esto de Dios y de los demás? Recibe el Sacramento de la Reconciliación esta semana. 



TERCER DIA                        LEE 1 CORINTIOS 10:31-11:1                      SEGUNDA LECTURA 


(“Sigan pues mi ejemplo, como yo sigo el de Cristo.”) 


  1. Ya sea que comas o bebas, cualquier cosa que hagas, ¿por qué la haces?   1 Corintios 10:31


2.¿Qué debemos hacer con todo lo que digamos o hagamos?  Colosenses 3:17 


  1. ¿Qué debemos hacer para que en todas las cosas Dios sea glorificado a través de Jesucristo?  1 Pedro 4:11 


  1. ¿Qué debemos evitar? ¿Hacia quién?   1 Corintios 10:32


  1. ¿A quién debemos cuidar? ¿Quién nos ha puesto a la cabeza?  ¿Cómo fué adquirida la iglesia de Dios?  

Hechos 20:28 


  1. ¿Qué es para un hombre el perdonar las ofensas?  Proverbios 19:11


  1. ¿A quién está Pablo tratando de complacer? ¿Qué es lo que  no busca y por qué?   1 Corintios 10:33


  1. ¿Qué debemos hacer los que somos fuertes? ¿A quién debemos ayudar a crecer? ¿Quién no buscó

su propio contento?   Romanos 15:1-3 


  1. ¿Qué debemos hacer unos para otros, cómo quién, para que hagámos qué, de manera unánime?

Romanos 15:5-6 


  1. ¿A quién debemos imitar y por qué?   1 Corintios 11:1


  1. ¿Las huellas de quién debemos seguir?   1 Pedro 2:21


Personal – ¿Quiénes son las personas que tratas de imitar en tu vida? ¿Por qué quieres imitarlos? ¿Cuáles razones ves en ti mismo que otros querrian imitar? 



CUARTO DIA                                       LEE MARCOS 1:40-45                                            EVANGELIO 


(“Si quieres, puedes limpiarme,”) 


  1. ¿Cómo vino el leproso ante Jesús y qué dijo?  Marcos 1:40


  1. ¿Cómo vino el hombre rico ante Jesús?   Marcos 10:17


  1. ¿Qué le concedió Dios a Jesús? ¿Qué debe hacerse ante el nombre de Jesús?   Filipenses 2:9-10


  1. ¿La voluntad de quién, pedimos que se haga en la tierra como en el cielo?   Mateo 6:9-10


  1. ¿Qué conmovió a Jesús y qué hizo y dijo?   Marcos 1:41


  1. ¿Qué sucedió inmediatamente con el hombre leproso?  Marcos 1:42


  1. ¿De qué se dió cuenta Jesús que habia salido de él cuando alivió a la mujer? ¿Quién tocó a quién?

Marcos 5:29-30 


  1. ¿Después de que Jesús sanó al leproso, como le advirtió y que hizo inmediatamente?   Marcos 1:43


  1. ¿Qué le dijo Jesús al hombre que no hiciera y qué le dijo que hiciera?  Marcos 1:44


Leé Levitico 14:1-32 para ver lo que la ley prescribia para aquellos afectados por la lepra. 


      10. ¿Qué hizo el hombre en cuanto salió que hizo imposible para Jesús el entrar públicamente en el pueblo? Marcos 1:45


  1. ¿En dónde permaneció Jesús y de dónde venia la gente?  Marcos 1:45


  1. ¿Por qué Jesús se retiraba a los lugares desiertos?  Lucas 5:15-16


  1. ¿Por qué seguian a Jesús las multitudes?   Juan 6:2


Personal – ¿De qué modo vas tú a Jesús, cómo pides el alivio? 




QUINTO DIA                    LEE SALMO 32:1-2, 5, 11 

(“Dichoso el que es absuelto de pecado.”) 


Leé y medita el Salmo 32:1-2, 5, 11. 


¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo? 



¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria? 



SEXTO DIA                      LEE TODO EL COMENTARIO 


LEVITICO 13:1-2, 44-46 


Se nos dice en la lectura de hoy que aquellos que tenian lepra eran separados de sus familias y amigos y confinados fuera del campamento. La lepra era una de las enfermedades mas temidas en los tiempos bíblicos y se creía que venia de Egipto. Esta horrible y contagiosa enfermedad arruinaba lentamente el cuerpo y en muchos casos no habia curación. 

Era la responsabilidad de los sacerdotes cuidar de la salud e higiene del campamento. Esto significaba que era el sacerdote quien echaria fuera a la persona con lepra y él también el único que podia readmitir a la persona “limpiada.” Una persona con lepra tenia que gritar “impuro” para avisar a los otros para que no se acercaran. Como la lepra era muy contagiosa, era importante que la gente estuviera lejos de aquellos que tenian la enfermedad (que consistia en llagas en el cuerpo que se ulceraban y crecian hasta que destruian completamente los tejidos). 

El antiguo Testamento usaba con frecuencia la lepra como un ejemplo del pecado ya que el pecado también es contagioso y destructivo y conduce a la separación. El pecado es una llaga en nuestra alma que se ulcera y crece hasta que la destruye completamente. Podemos conseguir ayuda inmediata para el alma a través del Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión). El pecado es contagioso y si se queda sin ser restringido, esparcirá la destrucción y la muerte donde quiera que vaya. 

La gente de la lectura de hoy se aterrorizaba de enfrentarse con alguien que tenia lepra. No sabian que era una enfermedad que no tenia nada que ver con el pecado. Por su temor ignoraban a la persona que buscaba ayuda desesperadamente. Y cuando finalmente se decidian a hacer algo, eran separados de sus familias, amigos y comunidad. 

La lectura de hoy es un recordatorio de mucha fuerza para todos nosotros. ¿Cómo respondemos como creyentes, a nuestros hermanos o hermanas que están en pecado? ¿Los ignoramos y cuando las cosas van muy mal, los separamos de la iglesia, de nuestra familia y de la comunidad? 

La medicina ha traido alivio y curación para la mayor parte de los tipos de lepra. Esto se ha hecho observando constantemente, haciendo pruebas e investigando. El pecado es curado confesando que Jesús es el Señor y pidiendole su perdón. Jesucristo ha hecho una restauración completa para todos aquellos que escogen creer en El. Nosotros tenemos la oportunidad de escoger que nos sean quitados los horribles y contagiosos pecados. Hoy es el dia de ser aliviados. Hoy es el dia de ser curados. Hoy es el dia de la salvación y el momento es ahora (2 Cor. 6:2). 


1 CORINTIOS 10:31 – 11:1 


Las presiones de hoy hacen fácil el ignorar u olvidar las lecciones del pasado. La clave para recordarlo es el estudio diario de las Escrituras las que constantemente nos aconsejan como impregnar nuestras vidas con el amor de Dios. Necesitamos preguntarnos siempre, “¿Está esto glorificando a Dios?” o “¿Cómo puedo glorificar a Dios a través de ésto?” 

En una cultura llena de decaimiento moral, necesitamos estar muy alertas a los deseos equivocados y a las tentaciones que tenemos todos. Las tentaciones pueden resistirse porque Dios nos ayuda a resistirlas. Tenemos que huir de todo aquello que sabemos que está mal. Huir de la tentación es el primer paso a la victoria (2 Tim. 2:22). No podemos darle gloria a Dios mientras comamos en las dos mesas, la mesa del Señor y la mesa de Satanás. Comer en la mesa del Señor significa comulgar con Cristo o sea estar en unión con El e identificarnos con Su muerte. Comer en la mesa de Satanás significa identificarnos con él participando en acciones que promueven actividades malvadas. 

¿Estás tratando de llevar dos vidas siguiendo los deseos de ambos Cristo y la muchedumbre? La Escritura nos dice que no podemos hacer ambas y estar glorificando a Dios. Pablo les dice a los que le escuchan que sigan su ejemplo así como él imita a Cristo. Hay mucha gente hoy dia que no conoce la Biblia y probablemente la unica biblia que éllos leerán seremos nosotros!  Asi que, como Pablo, será muy importante que nuestro ejemplo les muestre a otros como ser imitadores de Jescristo. 


MARCOS 1:40-45 


El Evangelio de hoy nos muestra el poder curativo de Jesucristo. cuando los líderes judios declaraban impuro a un leproso querian decir que no podia participar en ninguna clase de evento religioso o social. La ley Mosaica decia que cualquier contacto con personas impuras haria también impuros a los líderes. Algunas personas tenían tanto terror de los leprosos que les tiraban piedras sí se les acercaban; Jesús no solo cura al leproso sino que lo toca durante el proceso. Jesús supo que el valor verdadero de una persona está adentro no afuera. Una persona puede estar horriblemente deformada debido a un accidente o enfermedad pero para Dios no pierde su valor. Ninguna persona es tan repugnante física, emocional o espiritualmente que Dios no la toque.  

En realidad todos nosotros somos leprosos ya que hemos sido deformados por la fealdad del pecado. Pero el Señor Jesucristo nos ha tocado e invitado a curarnos para siempre aceptándolo a él como nuestro Señor y Salvador. Cuando sientas que alguien te repugna, detente y recuerda como siente Dios por esa persona y por tí. Jesús alivia hoy tanto como lo hizo en el Evangelio y él alivia en unión con la iglesia. En la lectura de hoy, cuando un leproso era curado tenía que ir al sacerdote para ser examinado. El leproso curado dejaría una ofrenda de agradecimiento en el templo. Jesús se adhiere a estas leyes mandando al hombre al sacerdote. 

Jesús quiere mandarnos a su comunidad de creyentes también. El nos cura y luego nos ofrece una comunidad en la cual creceremos en la fé. Tenemos la iglesia, los sacramentos y las Escrituras que nos ayudan a crecer en la imágen de Dios y a hacernos imitadores de Cristo. Estás llamado a dar la vista a los ciegos, curar a los enfermos y liberar a los cautivos (Lucas 4:18). Hay mucha gente que sufre de lepra de la piel y del espíritu. Estamos llamados a través de Cristo para ir adelante y hacerlos discípulos (Mateo 28:19). 




La lectura de esta semana muestra que el pecado es contagioso y mortal. La segunda lectura revela que dar buen ejemplo es el mejor modo de glorificar a Dios. El Evangelio nos dice que nadie es repugnante para ser tocado y curado. 

Esta semana, deja que tu ejemplo muestre a otros como glorificar a Dios y como curar en el nombre de Jesús. Visita a alguien que esté en una casa de descanso, hospital o cárcel y hazles saber que ellos tienen valor y que son amados por Dios. Quizá puedes llevar contigo a un miembro de la familia o amigo cuando vayas. Recuerda, los leprosos eran victimas de la soledad así que, escoge a alguien que está solo y Dios curará otra vez al leproso de hoy a través de ti. 




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn

Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit. 




1.   What was a helpful or a new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday? 



2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week? 



SECOND DAY             READ GENESIS 9:8-15             FIRST READING

(“See, I am now establishing my covenant with you.”)


  1. What kind of a man was Noah, and what did God say he was establishing with Noah and his sons and their descendants? Genesis 6:9-10 and Genesis 9:8-9


      2. In addition to Noah, his sons and their descendants, for whom did God establish this covenant? Gen. 9:10


      3. As a result of establishing the covenant, what would never again happen? Genesis 9:11


     4. At the Last Supper, what did Jesus say is the cup? Luke 22:20


     5. Who is the mediator of a new covenant? Hebrews 9:14-15


6. What did God give the people of all ages to come that showed the covenant between them? Genesis 9:12,13


     7. What was the sign given to the shepherds in the field? Luke 2:11-12


     8. When some scribes and Pharisees were asking Jesus for a sign, what did he tell them? Matthew 12:38-40


9. What served as a sign of the covenant between God and the earth? Genesis 9:13


10. When will God recall the covenant he has made with us, and what will never again happen? Genesis 9:14-15


Personal? – When you see a rainbow in the sky, what is your response? Have you made a covenant with God or anyone else? What is that covenant, and how have you carried it out? 



THIRD DAY             READ 1 PETER 3:18-22             SECOND READING

(“…the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous,”) 


  1. For what did Christ suffer, for whom and why? 1 Peter 3:18


      2. Who is the righteous one? 1 John 2:1


      3. How are we made righteous? Romans 3:22-26


     4. In what was Christ put to death, and in what was He brought to life? 1 Peter 3:18


     5. To whom did Christ preach in the spirit? 1 Peter 3:19


     6. Who were saved, and how were they saved? 1 Peter 3:20


     7. What does this prefigure, and what does it do now? 1 Peter 3:21


     8. What does baptism not do, and what is it? 1 Peter 3:21


     9. Into what have we been baptized? Romans 6:3-4


    10. What was Paul to do, and how was he to do it? Acts 22:14-15


    11. How has the church (the people) been cleansed? Ephesians 5:26


    12. Where did Jesus go, and who is subject to him? 1 Peter 3:22


Personal? – In what way have you personally received the gift of salvation through your baptism? Did you have to do anything to receive baptism? 




FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 1:12-15             GOSPEL

(“This is the time of fulfillment.”) 


  1. Who drove Jesus out into the desert, and what had just taken place? Mark 1:9-12


      2. Where did Jesus remain, and for how long? Mark 1:13


     3. What did the Lord make the Israelites do, and for what reason? Numbers 32:13


     4. Where did the woman go who gave birth to a son, and who had the place prepared for her? Revelation 12:5-6


     5. By whom was Jesus tempted, who was he among, and who ministered to him? Mark 1:13


    6. What broke out in the heavens, who was the huge dragon, what did he do, and where was he thrown? Revelation 12:7-9


Personal – In what way have you been tempted, and how have you handled it? 



  1. After John had been arrested, where did Jesus go, and what did he proclaim? Mark 1:14


     8. What time did Jesus say this was, what was at hand, and what must we do and believe? Mark 1:15


     9. Where did John the Baptist do his preaching, and what did he say? Matthew 3:1-2


    10. What does God demand now, and for what reason? Acts 17:30-31


    11. In whom are we to believe, and what will happen if we do? Acts 16:31


Personal? – In what way have you repented of unbelief in Jesus? Are there still some areas in your life you are holding onto? Repent and turn to God. 



FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 25:4-9

(“Guide me in your truth and teach me, …”) 

Read and meditate on Psalm 25:4-9. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 



How can you apply this to your life? 





GENESIS 9:8-15 

Today’s reading shows us very clearly the mercy of God and the patience of Noah. Noah occasionally tested the earth to see whether it was dry, but he never got out of the ark until told by God. He knew that it had to be God’s timing and not his. God knew that even though the water was gone, the earth was still not dry enough for Noah, his family, and the animals to survive outside of the ark. Noah and his family were on the ark about a year, so to wait and move only after the Lord told him was a great lesson in humility and obedience for people of all ages. 

We, like Noah, must learn to trust God in all matters of our lives. We need to ask him for patience during the difficult times when we must wait. A sign was given to Noah that God would never flood the earth again. The sign was a beautiful rainbow, and we still see that rainbow today. 

God has made a covenant with His people throughout the Bible. Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation if they obeyed God. The sign God used was a smoking fire pot and flaming torch (Genesis 15:12-21). At Mt. Sinai, Israel would be a Holy nation, but they would have to keep their part of the covenant through obedience. The sign of God was the Exodus. 

Jesus is the “New Covenant” and forgiveness and salvation are through Him. The sign that we have today is the Resurrection. God is alive, and we are called to be His witness of joy. God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, so that if we believe in Him, we will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). God is Love and we really begin to love Him when we realize that He loves us right where we are (1 John 4:16). 


1 PETER 3:18-22 

This reading brings us all into the very heart of our faith. We believe in a God who loves us so much that He died for us knowing that we would all be sinners. His death and resurrection have justified our expectation of being with Him forever. We did nothing on our own to merit such a tremendous privilege, except to believe in faith that He would save us. His love is so strong that He will always forgive the repentant sinner. 

The rabbis at that time taught the Jews that they should forgive three times those who offended them. Peter, trying to be extra generous, asked Jesus if seven times were enough times to forgive someone. Jesus said, “Seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:22). He meant that we should not keep track of the number of times we forgive someone. We are called to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and forgive those who are truly repentant no matter how many times they ask. Christ in the spirit went to preach to the spirits in prison. (1 Peter 3:19). This was to all those who died and believed in Him. He gave them hope that they would be with Him in heaven. 

We are told that because of our baptism, we too will rise like Christ and be victorious. We do not need to have any fear because we believe in and belong to Christ and nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35-39). We too will someday enjoy that special banquet of the Lord. We will observe Him clearly and see all the angelic rulers and powers subjected to Him. Our baptism is not a ritual. It is an encounter that means life-changing action every day of the year. Our baptism has brought us into the family of God. Our heavenly Father has adopted us because our loving Brother and Savior died for us. He now awaits all of His believers to celebrate life forever. 


MARK 1:12-15 

Jesus left the crowds that flocked around Him at His baptism and went into the desert where He was tempted by Satan. Jesus shows us that all of us can be tempted and that temptation is bad for us only when we give in. We must always remember that times of inner testing need not be hated and resented because through them our character can be strengthened and God can teach us valuable lessons. Jesus will never desert us when we face Satan and deal with his false promises. Satan tempted and persuaded Adam and Eve to sin in the garden. He tempted Jesus in the wilderness and did not persuade Him. To be tempted is not wrong, but to tempt others or cause them to give in is simply SIN. Jesus endured the time of trial by not sinning when tempted so that He could reinforce the proof that Satan can be defeated. 

We have within us the Holy Spirit who is the second person of the Holy Trinity. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and we could not do anything to fight against Satan if we did not have the Spirit within us. We do not have to fear, the power of the Spirit will help us defeat Satan in any temptation, at any time and place (1 John 4:4). 

The Good News that Jesus preaches is “That at last he is here and he began God’s personal reign on earth.” The people who first heard this message were oppressed, poor and without hope. Jesus’ words were good news because they offered freedom, blessing and promise. Because He wants to begin his personal reign on earth, he depends on us. We are His eyes, arms and legs. Scripture tells us what Jesus said being in the Kingdom of God would mean. The Spirit of God has anointed you; He is upon you giving you strength and courage (Luke 4:18). The reign of God is at hand, go forth and heal, go forth and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). 


This week’s first reading shows us that patience is a virtue of God and man. In the second reading we see baptism as a pledge of forgiveness from God. The Gospel tells us to change our attitudes to those of the Good News. 

This week, ask your spouse, children, friends and employers and employees where you need to change. Have them write out what they see as a needed change. See what is the most popular area of sin in you. Then each day practice some small action for about one week. Do not mention to anyone about the list. Your attitude will change with prayer, reading Scripture, going to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and through discipline. Watch for a very spiritual awakening for many people in your life.