By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY             READ ISAIAH 25:6-10         FIRST READING

(“The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces.”)

  1. Who will the Lord of host provide for on this mountain? Isaiah 25:6


  1. What will the Lord provide? Isaiah 25:6


  1. What will he destroy on this mountain, and where is it woven?   Isaiah 25:7


  1. What will the Lord destroy forever? Isaiah 25:8


  1. Who has passed from death to life? John 5:24


  1. What will the Lord God wipe away from all faces? Isaiah 25:8


  1. Who will lead us to life-giving water? Rev 7:17


  1. What will the Lord remove from his people? Is 25:8


  1. On that day, what will be said, and about what shall we be glad and rejoice?   Isaiah 25:9


  1. For what reason did the Father send his Son into the world? 1 John 4:14


  1. On what will the Lord rest his hand? Isaiah 25:10


Personal – In what way have you passed from death to life here and now? In what way have you experienced some of heaven here on earth? How can you apply this Scripture passage in wiping away the tears in your life?




(“I have the strength for everything, through him who empowers me.”)

  1. In what circumstances does Paul know how to live? Philippians 4:12


  1. In what other way does he know how to live, and in every circumstance and in all things, what is the secret Paul learned?   Philippians 4:12


  1. What does Paul do when ridiculed and persecuted? 1 Corinthians 4:11-13


  1. For what does Paul have strength, and where does he get it? Philippians 4:13


  1. Why would Paul rather boast of his weaknesses? 2 Corinthians 12:9


  1. What did Paul say it was kind of the Philippians to do? Philippians 4:14


  1. How are we strengthened with power? Ephesians 3:16


  1. Why did the Lord stand by Paul and give him strength? 2 Timothy 4:17


  1. According to whom and with what will God fully supply us? Philippians 4:19


  1. What is God able to make abundant for us, and for what reason?   2 Corinthians 9:8


  1. To what does the kindness of God lead? Romans 2:4


  1. What is given to our God and Father? Philippians 4:20


Personal – Where do you seek the strength to get through your day? Upon whom do you rely when you have a problem? What is your response when you are ridiculed or persecuted?



FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 22:1-14               GOSPEL

(“Many are invited, but few are chosen.”)

  1. How did Jesus speak, and who was listening to him? Matthew 22:1, Matthew 21:45


  1. To what did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven, and for whom did he have it?   Matthew 22:2


  1. What happened when the king invited the guests to the feast? Matthew 22:3


  1. When the king sent his servants out a second time and told them everything was ready, what did some of them do? Matthew 22:4-6


  1. What was the king’s reaction, and what did he do? Matthew 22:7


  1. When the feast was ready, who were those not worthy to come, and whom did he send his servants to invite?     Matthew 22:8-9


  1. Who filled the hall, and when the king came, what did he see? Matthew 22:10-11


  1. With what has the Lord clothed and wrapped us? Isaiah 61:10


  1. In whom have we clothed ourselves? Galatians 3:27


  1. How did the king address the man without a wedding garment, and how did the guest react?   Matthew 22:12


  1. What did the king tell his attendants to do with the man? Matthew 22:13


  1. How many are invited, and how many are chosen? Matthew 22:14


  1. What three things are those who follow the Lord? Revelation 17:14



Personal – When you meet with the Lord on a daily basis, how are you clothed? How have you feasted on his Word? How have you been faithful in carrying it out among your family, friends and co-workers or school friends?



FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 23:1-6

(“Beside restful waters he leads me.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 23:1-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ISAIAH 25:6-10

The message in this reading came from a prophecy about 700 years before Christ came to earth. Isaiah described the result of that coming of the Messiah in the beautiful imagery of a bounti­ful banquet. In this banquet all those who took part would find everlasting happiness and contentment. Isaiah was referring, of course, to heaven, the second and final stage of the messianic kingdom. In heaven, desires will be pleasant and happiness will be fulfilled. The reality is that whatever Isaiah foretold, Jesus brought to pass.

Jesus destroyed the power of death by dying on the cross for us, and in his death we are given victory over death. There is no more veil of fear from death because of Jesus’ victory for all those who believe in him. Jesus, through his death, made us his brothers and sisters and co-heirs of heaven with him. Because of Jesus, you and I have been accepted as God’s adopted children. Heaven is ours for the taking. For us, God the Father invented it, God the Son has earned it, and God the Holy Spirit is always ready to help us obtain it. We, in our human minds, can not really describe what heaven is like or even perceive what it looks like.

Scripture tells us that, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor can man ever comprehend what God has in store for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9). Today’s message is a message of hope and eternal freedom from pain, sickness, imprisonment, persecution, and death. Once again, it brings the hope and joy of being in eternal union with all of our relatives, friends and saints of God.

We may do well to meditate on what heaven will be like and to see this life as it really is – a journey. Sometimes our journey is unpleasant or difficult and, for some, very short. This journey is our route back home to our permanent home with God. Many people are mistaken and think this world is the only one and, therefore, fail to travel on the path he has laid down for us on our journey. God is waiting for us to enjoy our eternal banquet with him. Let us not be foolish and journey the wrong way and miss the banquet.



PHILIPPIANS 4:12-14, 19-20

Today, many people have great difficulty being content with what they have, where they are, and who they are. Are you content in any situation you face? St. Paul tells us in today’s readings that he knew how to be content whether he had much or little. He tells us that the secret of contentment was having Christ’s power in his life. Paul was content because he saw life from God’s point of view. He focused on what he was supposed to do, not on what he felt like doing.

We can all learn to be content with life if we try to rely on God’s promises and Christ’s power. If you have great needs and always seem to be discontent, ask God to remove these desires and teach you to be content in every situation. There is a tremendous mes­sage in our society today that says, think only about number one. People are congratulated for being loners and doing things their way. We have lost much of the humility that Christ calls for us in our daily lives.

Paul had his priorities straight and was grateful for everything that God gave him. He knew God because he talked to him, he read Sacred Scripture, and he worshiped him. We need only to look around in our communities, and, many times, even in our own families, and see that the desire for more or better posses­sions is really a longing to fill an empty place in our own life. We need to reflect on what we dream about when we feel empty inside. Scripture tells us the answer lies in our perspective, our priorities and our source.

You can dismiss your anxiety by praying when these thoughts are invading your mind. Fill your mind with things that are good, solid, pure, and right with God. This will bring you a peace that nothing in this world can match or even understand (Phil. 4:6-8). Your source for this incredible power is Jesus Christ. He is the source that will supply all your needs, not all your wants. We always must remember that God will meet our needs, but he may not always meet them in this life. Christians suffer and die and God does not always intervene to save or spare them. In heaven, where sin and death have been permanently destroyed, our wants and needs will be abundantly supplied for eternity.


MATTHEW 22:1-14

A tremendous revelation is made to us in today’s Gospel, and that is, God wants you and me to join him in his eternal heavenly banquet. He has sent us invitations in many, many ways. Have you accepted his invitation? In the culture of the people in today’s story, there were two wedding invitations given. The first asked the guests to attend; the second announced that all was ready and to come right away. You are invited to let Jesus come into your heart and let him become the Lord of your life. Some day the Lord will call you to come home, and if you have accepted his invita­tion, you will enjoy his banquet forever. If you did not accept his invita­tion, “You will be left out in the outer dark­ness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt. 22:13).

The custom was to put on a special garment sup­plied by the host at the wedding banquet, and to refuse the robe would be an insult to the host. Jesus, in telling this story, is speaking of the garment of right­eousness needed to enter God’s banquet in the kingdom. The robe is our acceptance of Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. It is a picture of total acceptance in God’s eyes, given to every believer by Christ.

Christ has provided this garment for every­one, but each person has to choose to wear it in order to enter the king’s banquet (eternal life). For us, Jesus won the right to wear this robe of righteousness by his dying on the cross and rising from the dead. We are allowed to wear this special garment, not because of our merit, but totally because of his incredible gift of grace to us. Many people have heard about Christ inviting us to his banquet, but for various reasons they are too busy to listen to, reflect upon and accept his invitation. It is true, many are called but only a few are chosen.

Take this time, right now, and thank him for choosing you and for offering you such a precious garment. If you have not accepted his invitation to his banquet (eternal life), fall on your knees right now and tell him that you want him to come and take up residence in your heart. He will bring out one of his special garments and place you next to him in a special place of honor. Your whole life will be changed when you realize that because of him, you have been called to be one of his chosen ones.




The first reading reveals to us a message of eternal freedom from pain and death. The second reading shows us that the secret of contentment is having Christ’s power in our lives. The Gospel invites us to let the Lord Jesus come into our hearts and become the Lord of our lives.

This week, share with a family member, work or school associate, where you obtain your strength. Share who is the source of your power. Be bold and introduce to the people around you the gift of being chosen. You do not need to preach, but you do need to witness. Share with your spouse how God supplies your needs in Christ Jesus. Then listen to the reply. Listen!




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY              READ ISAIAH 5:1-7          FIRST READING

(“What more was there to do for my vineyard that I had not done?”)

  1. For whom and for what shall we sing in Isaiah 5:1?


  1. What does my friend have, and what kind of a hillside is it on? Isaiah 5:1


  1. What did he do with it, what did he build within it, and what did he hew out?   Isaiah 5:2


  1. Who are the true vine and the vine grower? John 15:1


  1. When he looked for the crop of grapes, what had it yielded? Isaiah 5:2


  1. Between what two things must the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the people of Judah judge?  Isaiah 5:3-4


  1. How did the vine turn out to the Lord? Jeremiah 2:21


  1. What did he mean to do with his vineyard? Isaiah 5:5-6


  1. Who is the vineyard of the Lord of hosts, and who are the cherished plants? Isaiah 5:7


  1. The Lord looked for judgment and justice, but what did he see and hear?   Isaiah 5:7


Personal – List some of the things the Lord has done for you in cultivating and preparing your soil. What kinds of fruit are you bearing?




(“Dismiss all anxiety from your minds.”)

  1. What are we not to have at all, and in everything, how are we to make our requests known to God?  Philippians      4:6


  1. What does anxiety do to a person’s heart? Proverbs 12:25


  1. What are we to do with all our worries? 1 Peter 5:7


  1. How often and for whom are we to pray? Ephesians      6:18, 1 Timothy 2:1


  1. What does the peace of God surpass, and what will it do to our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus?       Philippians 4:7


  1. When Jesus left to go to the Father, what did he tell his followers he would leave with them? John 15:26


  1. What keeps a nation in peace? Isaiah 26:3


  1. About what eight things are we to think? Philippians 4:8


  1. About what are we to seek and think? Colossians 3:1-2


  1. What does Paul tell the Philippians to keep on doing, and who will be with them? Philippians 4:9


Personal – Evaluate your thinking for the last 24 hours. What did you think about the eight ways to find peace taken from Philippians 4:8?


FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 21:33-43              GOSPEL

(“The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner.”)

  1. What did the property owner do to the vineyard he planted, and to whom did he lease it?   Matthew 21:33


  1. What did the property owner do at vintage time, and how did the tenants respond?   Matthew 21:34-35


  1. What did the property owner do a second time, and how were the slaves treated?   Matthew 21:36


  1. Whom did he finally send, and how did he feel they would treat him? Matthew 21:37


  1. What did the tenants say when they saw the vineyard owner’s son?  Matthew 21:38


  1. Whom has God made heir of all things? Hebrews 1:1-2


  1. How have we become heirs in hope of eternal life? Titus 3:4-7


  1. What did the tenants do to the son? Matthew 21:39


  1. What was the question Jesus asked in Matthew 21:40, and what was their reply?   Matthew 21:41


  1. From what did Jesus ask if they read? Who is the stone which the builders rejected, and what has he become? Matthew 21:42, Acts 4:10-11


  1. Who made this stone the cornerstone, and how do we find it? Matthew 21:42


  1. For this reason, what will happen to the kingdom of God? Matthew 21:43


Personal – In what way has Jesus become the keystone in your life? He is either an obstacle or the keystone for you to succeed in this life and the next. Read 1 Peter 2:4-8 and repent of the times you have rejected the Lord.



FIFTH DAY         READ PSALM 80:9, 12-16, 19-20

(“A vine from Egypt you transplanted;”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 80:9, 12-16, 19-20.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ISAIAH 5:1-7

Today’s passage tells us that God’s chosen nation was to “bear fruit,” to carry out his work, and to uphold justice. It did bear fruit, but the fruit was sour and wild. We see in Scripture that the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit it produced (Matt. 7:20). This was a powerful story about God’s people and how he prepared everything for their benefit, and how they were very careless in taking care of what God had given to them.

Today, we need to take a look at our own vineyard. Jesus’ blood prepared our soil. His death gave us the right of becoming an heir to the vineyard. How have we spaded our vineyard? How have we taken out the rocks and weeds in our life?

Lately, have you checked the fruit that is growing on your vine? Is it being deprived of spiritual nourishment by being in the shadow and coldness of sin? Do you give your vineyard plenty of sun­light through Sacred Scripture, the Sacraments and church fellowship? You may want to check the fruit in your vineyard and make the necessary corrections.

The vine is Jesus and we are the branches. We cannot do anything without the vine (John 15:1). We are in the full protection of the vineyard owner when we are giving praise and glory to his Son, Jesus. People will judge us on the kind of fruit that we bear. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness and self-control.

Since we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and live by the Spirit, let us follow in the Spirit’s lead (Gal. 5:22, 23, 25). Let our grapes never become sour or wild. Let us not ever be boastful or challenging or jealous toward one another.



In today’s reading we are encouraged to worry about nothing. Imagine never having to worry about anything! It seems like an impossibility. We all have worries on the job, in our homes, or at school, but today, Paul’s advice is to turn our worries into prayer­s. Scripture tells us that anxiety depresses a person’s heart (Prov. 12:25). We only are required to look around in our society and see how much competition and anxiety there is in the area of work.

We are told in Scripture to cast all of our cares on to the Lord, because he cares about us (1 Peter 5:7). We keep our eyes on what is so temporary, instead of on what is eternal (Col 3:1-2). We are called to become pray-ers and the light of the world will drive away the anxiety and darkness (John 8:12).

We must never forget that God’s peace is different from the world’s peace (John 14:27). We do not find his peace in positive thinking, in absence of conflict, or even in good feelings. Real peace can come only when we know that God is in control. When we seek his kingship first, all else will fall into place, and we will experience his peace (Matt. 6:33). His peace is our destiny, and because of his peace we know that victory over sin in our lives is indisputable.

You can receive his peace at this moment if you will renew in faith your commitment to him. Let him come into you right now and feed your hungry and unstable heart (Rev. 3:20). He promised that he would never leave us orphans and that he will never leave us. His peace surpasses all under­standing because it is a peace of love.

You might be asking, “How do I achieve that peace?” What we bring into our minds determines what comes out by our words and actions. Paul tells us to fill our minds with thoughts that are true, good and right. If you are having impure thoughts and daydreams, then examine what you are bringing into your mind because of television, movies, books and magazines. You need to read, study and put into action God’s Holy Word every day. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you right now to free you of the “stinking thinking” and help focus your mind on what is proper and pure. Remember, try to fill your mind with thoughts of the Lord that are pure and true and see your anxiety disappear. You will have peace that surpasses all understanding.


MATTHEW 21:33-43

In this parable Jesus is showing the chief priests and the elders the incredible patience and mercy of God. To his chosen people God has given a fertile and productive vineyard for their homeland. He did all of this to prepare them for the future Messiah. All he asked of them was their cooperation. But, as we see in this story, they had other plans. They wanted their kingdom on earth and they wanted it now. Does this sound famili­ar?

God was extremely patient with his people. He sent them many prophets to bring them into a state of repentance, and they abused them, ignored their warnings, and even killed a few of them. God finally sent his only begotten Son to earth in human form. His Son lived among them and preached a message of love and peace. He offered them his Father’s mercy and pardon. Instead of accepting his offer, they committed an even greater sin. They killed the Son of God by crucifying him on the cross as a criminal.

The people’s plan backfired because Jesus’ death brought life to the world and opened up the gates of God’s eternal home for all nations and races. He was trying to get them to see that they were like the people in the story, when he asked them if they had ever read the Scriptures. Jesus told them this so that they could repent even as he was telling them. They did not see themselves as the greedy tenants or the murderers of the prophets. They blinded themselves to God’s justice. (God’s justice is that he hates sin, and whatever happened to the chief priests and elders will happen to unfaithful Christians.)

Jesus has set up a new vineyard and we have been called to work in it. Are we working honestly and devotedly? Is our life producing good fruit so that it will feed others? Jesus gives us that chance to repent and to let his grace come into our lives and become faithful tenants.

We can say thank you to our heavenly Father and ask him to help us, through his Holy Spirit, to keep us on the right path. Jesus wants us to repent. He wants us to change and to enjoy his vineyard. He wants us to make the vineyard enjoyable for others. We can still put ourselves right with God. Let’s do it now; tomorrow may be too late.



This week’s first reading reveals that a tree or a person is judged by the fruit it produced. The second reading shows that peace comes from filling our mind with thoughts that are pure, good and true. The Gospel shows how God is merciful and patient, and to ignore God is to lose our soul for eternity.

This week, show others that the fruit you are bearing is good fruit, by being especially kind and supportive to someone who is very unkind or non-supportive to you. Do not let this person know your inten­tions.

Also, this week, try to be a righteous example to someone in your family, school, or at work, by inviting them to read with you a passage from Scripture that is good, pure, and wholesome.

Finally, show someone your Bible Study and tell them what virtue it is bringing into your life. You may very well be an instru­ment of the Lord that will help them dismiss some anxiety and help them find the peace that surpasses all understanding.



El Pan de Vida – Estudio de Biblia Catolico

By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oíste en misa el domingo?


  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?


SEGUNDO DIA                                    EZEQUIEL 18:25-28               PRIMERA LECTURA

(“¿Es injusto mi proceder; no es más bien la posición de ustedes la que no es recta?”)


  1. ¿Qué dicen ustedes acerca del proceder del Señor? Ezequiel 18:25


  1. ¿Cuál es la pregunta hecha en Ezequiel 18:25?


  1. ¿Cómo actúa el juez de todo el mundo? Génesis 18:25


  1. Si el bueno se aparta del camino recto para cometer iniquidades y muere, ¿qué es lo que causa que el deba morir? Ezequiel 18:26


  1. Si el malo se aparta de la maldad que ha cometido y obra rectamente, qué es lo que conservará? Ezequiel 18:27


  1. ¿Qué es lo que es justo y recto? Salmo 119:137 y 119:144


  1. Llena los siguientes espacios: Si el pecador se aparta de __________________, en que vivía y obra _________________, él mismo se salva. Ezequiel 18:27


  1. Lee las siguientes Escrituras y escribe las causas por las que has cambiado


Números 32:15________________________________

Deuteronomio 5:32-33_________________________

Salmo 34:14-15 ______________________________

Hechos 3:19 _________________________________


Personal – ¿Has sentido alguna vez que te han tratado injustamente?  ¿Que causó el tratamiento injusto?  ¿Qué ha causado que voltees hacía El Señor?


TERCER DIA                                       FILIPENSES 2:1-11                SEGUNDA LECTURA

(“Cristo Jesús es El Señor.”)

  1. ¿Qué dice Pablo que podría darles en nombre de Cristo? ¿Qué puede traer la voz del amor y el compartimiento del mismo Espíritu?  Filipenses 2:1


  1. ¿Cómo pueden hacer su alegría más completa? ¿En qué está unido el único amor?           Filipenses 2:2


  1. ¿Quién nos capacita para vivir en perfecta armonía unos con otros y de qué es El la fuente? Romanos 15:5


  1. ¿De qué modo nunca debemos actuar y como debemos pensar de los otros? Filipenses 2:3


  1. ¿Por quién debemos mostrar interés y cuál debe ser nuestra actitud? Filipenses 2:4-5


  1. ¿Qué tanto debemos estimarnos a nosotros mismos? Romanos 12:3


  1. ¿De qué forma era Jesús y con Quién El no consideró la igualdad? Filipenses 2:6


  1. ¿Qué hizo Jesús? ¿Qué forma tomó El y semejante a quién nació?  Filipenses 2:7


  1. ¿De que modo se humilló a Si mismo aceptando muerte en una cruz? Filipenses 2:8


  1. ¿Qué le hizo Dios a Jesús y qué le concedió? ¿Qué debemos hacer todos ante el nombre de Jesús? Filipenses 2:9-10


  1. ¿Qué es lo que toda lengua debe proclamar por la gloria del Padre, en los cielos, en la tierra y bajo la tierra? Filipenses 2:11


Personal – ¿De qué manera muestras a tu familia, amigos, compañeros de escuela o de trabajo que los ves superiores a ti?


CUARTO DIA                                         MATEO 21:28-32                                EVANGELIO

(“No quiero; pero después se arrepintió y fue.”)

  1. ¿Quién está preguntando acerca del hombre con dos hijos y dónde está hablando? Mateo 21:23


  1. ¿Qué palabras dirigió el hombre a su hijo mayor y qué dijo e hizo el hijo? Mateo 21:28-29


  1. ¿Cuando el hombre se dirigió al segundo hijo y le dijo la misma cosa, cuál fue la respuesta de esté? Mateo 21:30


  1. ¿Después de que el segundo hijo dijo que iría que le pasó? Mateo 21:30


  1. ¿Qué es lo que produce el arrepentimiento sin remordimiento? 2 Corintios 7:10


  1. ¿Quién hizo lo que el padre quería? Mateo 21:31


  1. ¿Quién dijo Jesús, que entraría al reino de Dios antes que ellos? Mateo 21:31


  1. ¿Qué recibió de Juan el pueblo entero y qué no lograron recibir ni los fariseos ni los maestros de la ley? Lucas 7:29-30


  1. ¿Cuando Juan vino para indicarles el camino del bien qué fue lo que ellos no hicieron? ¿Qué fue lo que las prostitutas y los publicanos hicieron?  Mateo 21:32


  1. Aún cuando los supremos sacerdotes y los ancianos vieron a estos poner su fe en El, fallaron en dos cosas que no hicieron, ¿cuáles fueron? Mateo 21:32


Personal – ¿Puedes tu relacionarte con el versículo de la Escritura “No, no iré, pero después se arrepintió y fue”.  Mateo 21:30.  Comparte algún incidente específico.


QUINTO DIA                                       LEE SALMO 25:4-9

(“Muéstrame tus caminos y enséñame tus sendas.”)

Lee y medita en el Salmo 25:4-9.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?


SEXTO DIA                                LEE TODO EL COMENTARIO

EZEQUIEL 18:25-28

En los días de Ezequiel algunas personas de Judá creían que ellos eran castigados por los pecados de sus antepasados y no por los suyos propios.  Ezequiel les trae a la realidad el que cada uno es responsable de sus propios pecados.

Hoy en día oímos a mucha gente tratando de echar la culpa de su perversidad a otros.  Es cierto que a veces sufrimos por los efectos de los pecados cometidos por aquellos que vinieron antes de nosotros.  Pero también es verdad que no debemos usar los errores de otros como una excusa para nuestros pecados.

Ezequiel nos muestra que Dios no es solo un Dios de amor sino es también un Dios de justicia perfecta.  Su amor que es perfecto lo hace ser misericordioso con aquellos que reconocen su condición de pecadores y que vuelven a El.  Dios odia el pecado y no lo tolerará, y no se hará de la vista gorda ante aquellos que pecan intencionadamente.

A todos nos gusta oír que Dios es amor, pero nos pone un poco incómodos oír que también es un Dios de justicia.  Estamos llamados a amarnos los unos a los otros así como Dios nos ha amado (Juan 13:34). Esto significa que no debemos desquitarnos o andar cavilando sobre agravios en contra nuestra.  Una respuesta a una circunstancia difícil es decir, “Eso no es justo.”  En realidad, Dios es justicia perfecta porque es amor perfecto.

Muchos de nosotros nos volvemos hacía el Señor porque finalmente nos damos cuenta de que no podemos hacerla bien en esta vida sin la protección y el amor de Jesucristo.  Debemos recordar que no es Dios quien tiene que ajustarse a nuestras ideas de honradez y justicia, somos nosotros los que estamos llamados a ajustarnos a las normas de Dios.  Te reto a mirar no por pequeñas aberturas en la ley de Dios sino decidirte a trabajar hacía el ajuste por tu parte hacia las normas de El.  Esto lo hacemos a través de la oración, las Escrituras, los sacramentos y la compañía de otros en la iglesia.


Pablo está exhortando a los miembros de la comunidad a ser humildes y semejantes a Cristo de unos hacía otros.  Haríamos muy bien hoy en día si tomáramos a pecho este importante mensaje.  Ser humilde es un don que se parece a una piedra preciosa que nunca pierde su valor.  Ser humilde es poner a otros en primer lugar, antes que a nosotros mismos.

Se habla mucho hoy en día acerca de la necesidad de una saludable estimación propia.  Pablo nos dice que no vayamos muy lejos en lo que se refiere al amor propio.  Hay mucha gente que piensa muy poco en si mismos pero también hay muchos que piensan demasiado en si mismos.  La clave para una honesta y precisa evaluación es saber que la base de nuestro propio valor está en nuestra identidad con Cristo.  Fuera de Cristo no valemos mucho de acuerdo con las normas eternas.  En El, nuestro valor como una creación de Dios no tiene precio.  Debemos evaluarnos siempre a los ojos de Dios y no a los ojos del mundo.  Mucha gente hoy en día aún entre los Cristianos vive únicamente para hacer una buena impresión en los otros o para complacerse a si mismos.  Este modo de vivir centrados en si mismos siembra la semilla de la discordia.

Pablo está llamando a una unidad espiritual pidiendo a los Filipenses así como a nosotros que nos amemos los unos a los otros y que trabajemos juntos con un solo corazón y un solo propósito.  Cuando trabajamos juntos y nos preocupamos por los problemas de los otros estamos viviendo el ejemplo de Cristo, al poner a otros antes que a nosotros mismos.  Esto es lo que trae la unidad en el matrimonio, la familia, la congregación, la parroquia, la nación y finalmente el mundo entero.

Ser humilde significa tener una perspectiva verdadera de nosotros mismos (Romanos 12:3).  No quiere decir esto que nos rebajemos a nosotros mismos.  Nos damos cuenta que todos somos pecadores salvados por la gracia de Dios y que tenemos un inmenso valor en el reino de Dios.  Podemos ponernos en las manos de Jesús y humildemente dejar que El nos use para esparcir Su Palabra y compartir Su amor con los demás.


MATEO 21:28-32

El modo en que vivimos nuestras vidas es verdaderamente lo que profesamos y creemos.  El modo en que tratamos a los otros es verdaderamente el modo en que profesamos nuestra fe en Dios.  La Escritura nos dice que si decimos que amamos a Dios y odiamos a nuestro hermano, entonces somos unos mentirosos.

La parábola de los dos hermanos llega directamente al meollo de lo que está mal en la sociedad actual.  Mucha gente aparenta ser seguidora de Cristo.  Lo dicen y lo cantan en algunas de sus canciones pero sus vidas no lo prueban así.  Los fariseos daban la impresión de ser muy obedientes a la voluntad de Dios pues guardaban todos las señales externas de su religión.  Eso mismo tenemos hoy en día en nuestra sociedad.  Tenemos los que hacen grandes contribuciones financieras pero que viven con sus propios valores.  Podemos engañar a otros acerca de nuestras íntimas intenciones, pero es muy peligroso aparentar que obedecemos a Dios cuando en realidad nuestros corazones están lejos de El.  Dios sabe las intenciones de nuestro corazón. Nuestras acciones deben ir siempre de acuerdo a nuestras palabras.

En el pasaje del evangelio de hoy vemos que, el primer hijo dice no, luego se arrepiente de su acción y obedece a su padre.  El verdadero arrepentimiento significa estar apenados por nuestros pecados y cambiar nuestra conducta.  Pablo nos dice que algunas veces Dios usa las desgracias en nuestras vidas para ayudarnos a huir de nuestro egoísmo y para volvernos hacia Dios.  Compara el remordimiento y arrepentimiento de Pedro con la amargura de Judas.  Estos dos hombres negaron a Cristo.  Uno se arrepintió y fue restaurado hacia la fe y el servicio.  El otro termino su vida en desgracia.

Seamos como el mismo Jesús, obedientes y humildes en nuestras relaciones con los otros (Filipenses 2:2-11).  Jesús nos llama a amarnos los unos a los otros como El nos ha amado (Juan 13:34).  El también nos dice que vivirá en nosotros si guardamos Sus mandamientos (Juan 15:7).  Jesús nos dio sus dos mandamientos más grandes, “Amaras a tu Dios con todo tu corazón, mente y espíritu y amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”.  Esto solo lo podemos hacer cuando somos obedientes a la palabra de Dios.  Recordemos que somos pecadores y que somos salvados solo por la gracia de Dios y no por nuestras propias acciones.



La primera lectura de esta semana habla de que somos responsables de nuestros propios pecados.  La segunda lectura revela el poder de la humildad la cual trae la unidad.  El Evangelio nos dice que las acciones hablan más fuerte que las palabras.

Esta semana mostremos nuestra responsabilidad en todo lo que digamos y hagamos no sin ser egoístas.  La sanación para el egoísmo es servir lo que significa ser como Cristo.  Haz algo hermoso por Dios haciendo algo bonito para algún miembro de tu familia, de tu escuela y de tu trabajo.  Que no sepan tus intenciones.  Muéstrales que tus acciones en lo que se refiere a humildad e interés hacia ellos es realmente lo que tú crees y vives.  Cuando tu digas “si,” dilo de verdad; y cuando digas “no,” pregúntate, “¿Qué diría Jesús ahorita?”


Lectio Divina – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct. 1st)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Matthew 21:28-32 – Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people: “What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He came to the first and said, ‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’ He said in reply, ‘I will not,’ but afterwards changed his mind and went. The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He said in reply, ‘Yes, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did his father’s will?’ They answered, ”The first.” Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you did not later change your minds and believe him.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?






What does the Lord personally want you to do?



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY            READ EZEKIEL 18:25-28        FIRST READING

(“Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair?”)

  1. What do we say about the Lord’s way? Ezekiel 18:25


  1. What is the question asked in Ezekiel 18:25?


  1. How does the judge of all the world act? Genesis 18:25


  1. When a virtuous man turns away from virtue to commit iniquity and dies, what causes it that he must die? Ezekiel 18:26


  1. If a wicked man, turning from the wickedness he has committed, does what is right and just, what shall he preserve?   Ezekiel 18:27


  1. What is right and just? Psalm 119:137,144


  1. Fill in the following blanks: Since the wicked man has turned away from __________ the sins which he has      committed,      he shall surely __________, he shall    not die.   Ezekiel 18:28


  1. Read the following Scriptures and write out what causes you to turn around.

Numbers 32:15______________

Deut. 5:32-33_________________

Psalm 34:14-15________________

Acts 3:19_________________


Personal – Have you ever felt you were being treated unfairly? What caused the unfair treatment, and what was the result? What has caused you to turn to the Lord?




(“Jesus Christ is Lord.”)

  1. What does Paul say is owed to him in Christ? What can love bring, and what does fellowship in the Spirit bring? Philippians 2:1


  1. How can they make his joy complete and in what is the one love united? Philippians 2:2


  1. Who enables us to live in perfect harmony with others, and of what is he the source?   Romans 15:5


  1. How are we never to act, and how should we think of others?   Philippians 2:3


  1. For whom are we to show interest, and what must be our attitude?   Philippians 2:4-5


  1. How must we estimate ourselves? Romans 12:3


  1. In what form was Jesus, and with whom did he not deem equality?   Philippians 2:6


  1. What did Jesus do? What form did he take, and in whose likeness was he born?   Philippians 2:7


  1. In what way did he humble himself by accepting death on a cross?   Philippians 2:8


  1. What did God do to Jesus, what did he bestow on him, and what must every knee do at the name of Jesus?     Philippians 2:9-10


  1. In the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth every tongue must proclaim what to the glory of the Father? Philippians 2:11


Personal – In what ways do you show those in your family, your friends, your schoolmates, or your co-workers that you see them as more important than yourself?



FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 21:28-32              GOSPEL

(“No, I will not; but afterwards he regretted it and went.”)

  1. Who is asking about the man with the two sons, and where is Jesus speaking?   Matthew 21:23


  1. With what did the man approach his elder son, and what did the son say and do?   Matthew 21:28-29


  1. When the man came to his second son and said the same thing, what was his reply? Matthew 21:30


  1. After the second son said he would go, what happened to him?   Matthew 21:30


  1. What produces repentance without regrets? 2 Cor 7:10


  1. Who did they say did what the father wanted? Matthew 21:31


  1. Who did Jesus say was entering the kingdom of God before them?   Matthew 21:31


  1. What did the entire populace receive from John, and what did the Pharisees and the lawyers fail to    receive? Luke 7:29-30


  1. When John came preaching a way of holiness, what did they not do? What did the prostitutes and tax   collectors do? Matthew 21:32


  1. Even when the chief priests and elders saw them putting their faith in him, what two things did they   fail to do? Matthew 21:32


Personal – How can you relate to the Scripture verse, “No, I will not, but afterwards he regretted it and went.” Matthew 21:30. Share a specific incident.


FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 25:4-9

(“Guide me in your truth and teach me.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 25:4-9.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




EZEKIEL 18:25-28

In the days of Ezekiel some of the people of Judah believed they were being punished for the sins of their ancestors, rather than for their own sins. Ezekiel is bringing home the reality that everyone is responsible for their own sin.

Today, we hear many people trying to shift the blame of their sinfulness on to others. It is true that we often suffer from the effects of sins committed by those who came before us. It is also true that we can not use their mistakes as an excuse for our sins.

Ezekiel shows us that God is not only a God of love, but he is also a God of perfect justice. His love which is perfect causes him to be merciful to those who recognize their sinfulness and turn back to him. God hates sin and will not tolerate it, and he will not wink at those who willfully sin.

We all like to hear that God is love, but we become a little uncomfortable when we hear he is also a God of justice. We are called to love one another as God has loved us (John 13:34). This means we are not to retaliate or brood over wrongdoing against us. For many, a common response to a difficult circumstance is to say, “That isn’t fair.” In reality, God is perfect justice because he is perfect love.

Many of us turn to the Lord because we finally realize that we can not make it through life without the protection and love of Jesus Christ. We must remember that it is not God who must live up to our ideas of fairness and justice, but it is our responsibility to live up to God’s standards. We are challenged not to look for loopholes in God’s law, instead we are to decide to work toward living up to his standards. We do that through prayer, scripture, sacraments and fellowship in the church.



Paul is exhorting the members of the community to be humble and Christ-like to each other. Today we would do well to take to heart this very message. To be humble is a gift that is like a precious stone which never loses its value. To be humble is to put others first and ourselves second.

Today, there is much talk about the need for a healthy self-esteem. Paul tells us in Scripture not to go too far in self-love. There are many people who think too little of them­selves and some who think too much of themselves. The key to an honest and accurate evalu­ation is knowing that the basis of our self worth is in our identity in Christ.

Apart from Christ we are not worth a great amount by eternal standards. In him our worth as creations of God is priceless. We must always evaluate ourselves in God’s eyes and not in the world’s eyes. Many people today, including Chris­tians, live only to make a good impression on others or to please them­selves. This self-centered type of living sows the seeds of discord.

Paul is calling for spiritual unity by asking the Philip­pians, as well as us, to love one another and to work together with one heart and purpose. When we work together and care for the problems of others, we are living out the example of Christ by putting others first. This is what brings unity in a mar­riage, a family, a congregation, a parish, a nation and, finally, the whole world.

Being humble means having a true perspective of ourselves (Romans 12:3). It does not mean that we should put ourselves down. We realize that we are all sinners saved by God’s grace and we have a tremendous worth in God’s kingdom. We can place ourselves in Jesus’ hands and humbly let ourselves be used by him to spread his Word and share his love with others.


MATTHEW 21:28-32

The way we live our lives is truly what we profess to belie­ve. The way we treat others is truly the way we profess our faith in God. Scripture tells us that if we say we love God and hate our brother, then we are liars.

The parable of the two sons strikes at the very heart of what is wrong in today’s society. Many people pretend that they are following Christ. They say it and even sing it in some songs, but their lives do not prove it. The Pharisees gave the impres­sion that they were very obedient to God’s will by keeping all the external signs of their religion. We have that today in our society. We have those who make great financial contributions but live with their own set of values. We can fool others about our inner intentions, but it is dangerous to pretend to obey God when our hearts are distant from him. God knows the inten­tions of our hearts. Our actions must always match our words.

In today’s Gospel passage we see the first son say, “no,” then regrets his action and becomes obedient to his father. True repentance means being sorry for our sins and to change our behavior. Paul tells us that occasionally God uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from selfishness and to come back to God. Compare Peter’s remorse and repentance with Judas’ bitterness. Both of these men denied Christ. One repented and was restored to faith and service. The other ended with his life in disgrace.

Let us, as Jesus did, be obedient and humble in our relation­ships with others (Phil. 2:2-11). Jesus calls us to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34). He also tells us that he will abide in us if we keep his commandments (John 15:7). Jesus gave us his two greatest commandments, “Love your God with all your heart, mind and spirit, and love your neighbor as yourself.” We can do this only when we are obedient to God’s word. Remember, we are all sinners and we are saved only by God’s grace and not by our own deeds.



This week’s first reading tells of being account­able for your own sins. The second reading reveals the power of humility which brings unity. The Gospel tells us that actions speak louder than words.

This week, let us show our accountability in what we say and do by not being selfish. The cure for selfishness is servant hood, which is being like Christ. Do something beautiful for God by doing something pleasing for members of your family, school and work area. Do not let them know your intentions. Show others that your actions in humility and caring are what you really believe and live. When you say “yes,” mean it; and when you say “no,” ask yourself, “What would Jesus say at this time?”


Lectio Divina – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sept. 24th)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Matthew 20:1-16 – Jesus told His disciples this parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. Going out about nine o’clock, the landowner saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just. So they went off. And he went out again around noon, and around three o’clock, and did likewise.. Going out about five o’clock, the landowner found others standing around, and said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ They answered, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard.’ When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first.’ When those who had started about five o’clock came, each received the usual daily wage. So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more, but each of them also got the usual wage. And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day’s burden and the heat.’ He said to one of them in reply. ‘My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?’ Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?





What does the Lord personally want you to do?



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY             READ ISAIAH 55:6-9         FIRST READING

(“Let him turn to the Lord for mercy.”)

  1. Whom do we seek while he may be found? Isaiah 55:6


  1. What must we do while he is near? Isaiah 55:6


  1. With what must we seek the Lord? Jeremiah 29:13-14, Deuteronomy 4:29


  1. What are we to let the scoundrel do, and the wicked man?   Isaiah 55:7


  1. To whom must the scoundrel and the wicked turn, and what will be given to them?   Isaiah 55:7


  1. In what is our God generous? Isaiah 55:7


  1. What has the Lord done with our sins, and what is he asking us to do?   Isaiah 44:22


  1. What are the Lord’s thoughts and ways not like? Isaiah 55:8


  1. As high as what are his ways above our ways and his thoughts above our thoughts?   Isaiah 55:9


  1. What does God do, and what does he not do? Numbers    23:19


Personal – In what way have you experienced the greatness and mercy of God? In what way has he revealed to you that his way is far superior to the way you thought something should be done? What did you do when he revealed this to you?




(“For, to me, `life’ means Christ, hence dying is so much gain.”)


  1. Who is writing this letter, and to whom is he writing? Philippians 1:1


  1. What does Paul firmly trust and anticipate?      Philippians 1:20


  1. In what does he have full confidence? Philippians    1:20


  1. Of what does Paul not dare to speak when trying to win the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed?   Romans 15:18


  1. What does “life” mean to Paul, and what is dying? Philippians 1:21


  1. What is the life Paul lives, of what is his human life, and in whom is his life?   Galatians 2:20


  1. If we are to go on living in the flesh, what does that mean?   Philippians 1:22


  1. To what is Paul attracted, and from what does he long to be free? Philippians 1:23


  1. What is the more urgent, and for whose sake? Philippians 1:24


  1. How are we to conduct ourselves, and if we do this, what will be clear?   Philippians 1:27


Personal – What do you prefer, to live or die? Why? What spiritual insight has the Lord revealed to you personally in this reading? How can you apply it to your life?


FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 20:1-16               GOSPEL

(“Thus the last shall be first and the first shall be last.”)

  1. The reign of God can be compared to the owner of an estate who went out at dawn to do what? What did he     reach with the workmen for the usual daily wage, and    then, what did he do? Matthew 20:1-2


  1. When the owner came out about midmorning, what did he see? What did he say to them? What did he say he would pay them?     Matthew 20:3-4


  1. What did the owner find at noon and mid-afternoon? What did he say to those he found in late afternoon?     Matthew   20:5-6


  1. What did they say to the owner, and what did he tell them to do? What did the owner of the vineyard say to    his foreman?   Matthew 20:7-8


  1. When those hired late in the afternoon came for their pay, what did they receive? What did the first group suppose? Matthew 20:9-10


  1. What did they receive, what was their complaint to the owner, and what was his response?   Matthew 20:11-13


  1. What did the owner tell them to do, and what did he intend to do?   Matthew 20:14


  1. In Matthew 20:15, what two questions did he ask the workers?


  1. What do envy and anger do? Sirach 30:24


  1. How does God give to all? James 1:5


  1. Who will be first, and who will be last? Matthew     20:16


Personal – How do you see yourself, as the one receiving much for little done or as receiving little for much work done? How do you feel about this, and how do you deal with your feelings? Go to the Lord and repent of any envy you may have been holding. Seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week.


FIFTH DAY        READ PSALM 145: 2-3, 8-9, 17-18

(“The Lord is gracious and merciful.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 145: 2-3, 8-9, 17-18.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ISAIAH 55:6-9

This passage tells us that first we seek his kingship and then all else will be added (Matt. 6:33). The desire to seek his will is a gift of grace from God. We are called to yield to that gift and then respond to it in faith. The Jews had a prayer called the “Shema” (Deut. 6:4-8) that supported this revelation.

We are called to relate the Word of God in our daily lives. God has emphasized the importance of parents to teach Scripture to their children. The church and Christian schools can not always be used to escape this responsibili­ty. Today eternal truths are most effectively learned in the loving environment of a God-fearing home, just as in the time of Moses.

Jesus tells us that loving God with all of our heart, soul and mind is the greatest command and to love our neighbor as ourself is the greatest rule of all. These two commands of his encompass all of Scripture.

We need to know, study and live out his daily Word so that our ways will be his ways. He will reveal his holy will to us, but we have to hunger and thirst to seek for him, for he is a gentle and loving God who seeks us more than we seek him. He stands always ready at the door to our heart, waiting for us to let him come in (Rev. 3:20).

What is really incredible is that he wants to come in and dine with us. In the early Bible days, the act of eating with someone was a very special sign of friendship. You did not eat with just anyone. Jesus wants to become intimate with us. He wishes to reside in our temple (1 Cor. 6:20). He rushes in and he does everything. All we have to do is open our hearts and let him in. That is why his thoughts and ways are not like ours, because he wants only to heal and love us.


PHILIPPIANS 1:20-24, 27

This was not to be Paul’s final imprisonment in Rome. He knew that he could be either released or executed, and it was in this atmosphere that he was filled with joy. The secret of Paul’s joy while in prison was his personal relationship with Jesus. Today people desperately want to be happy, but are tossed and turned by their daily successes, failures, and inconveniences. In other words, they are looking to the wrong source for their joy. To those who do not believe in God, life on earth is all there will be for them. So as the television commercial states, they go for the “gusto,” or try to get as much as they can as quickly as they can.

Paul saw life as developing eternal values and telling others about Jesus Christ, and this is what a messenger of the king is called to tell his people. We are that messenger. We are that prophet and like Paul, we will have to tell others that money, popularity, power and prestige are only temporary values in this world. Similar to Paul, we are to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him in the way we live out our daily lives.

Paul sees dying as more superior than living, because he knew that in death he would be spared from the troubles of the world and would see Christ face to face (1 John 3:2,3). To be ready to die is to be ready to live for Christ. It is only when we die to ourselves and put on the “mind of Christ” that we are really able to live (Phil. 2:5-11). Once we know our purpose in life is to love others as Christ has loved us, then we are free to serve. Then, and only then, can we devote our life to what really counts without the fear of dying.


MATTHEW 20: 1-16

Today’s Gospel is not concerned with rewards but with salvation. It is a powerful teaching about the incredible gift called grace that God gives to us. The story is not quite how we earn our way to heaven, because that would be impossible. Jesus clarified the membership rules of the kingdom of heaven. Entrance to heaven is by God’s grace alone.

In today’s story, God is the estate owner and the believers are those who work for him. In early Christianity there were many who felt superior because of heritage or favored positions, just as today. There were those who felt superior because they had spent so much time with Christ and knew so much about him. The message in this story was a reassurance of God’s grace to the new believers.

We should not resent anyone who turns to God in the last moments of life, because, in reality, no one deserves eternal life. Many people we do not expect to see may be in the Kingdom. The thief who repented on the cross will be next to Jesus (Luke 23:40-43) as well as the people who have believed and served God all of their lives.

Think for a moment about your life. Do you resent God for allowing all those outcasts and sinners into heaven, and those who turn to him at the last moment of their lives? Are you ever jealous of what God has given to someone else? I challenge you to reflect on God’s gracious gift of grace in your life. Focus on the benefits given to you and give praise and thanksgiving for what you have received. He has given you eternal life (John 3:16). He has loved you so much he died for you. He has given you another chance to love every time you begin a brand-new day.

If you do not have any friends, then invite him into your heart to be your friend. (John 15:13-15). He will change your life immediately, and you will, in return, change others with your joy and testimony (Matt. 28:19). Jesus is our owner, our shepherd, and our Savior, and he wants us to be healed and made whole (John 10:10).

The bottom line is – the generous gift of God’s grace and our follow through on it are what allows us to be eligible to enter heaven. The result of accepting that grace in faith will be shown by the way we live our lives on earth.




The first reading tells us to first seek the kingship of God and then all else will be given unto you (Matt. 6:33). The second reading tells how personal relationships with Christ can bring joy and peace even in very difficult circumstances. The Gospel tells us how grace and our response to it bring us into heaven.

This week, show how you value yourself, your family, your school and your work associates by being very generous with your time, money, and talent. Some examples: Spend time with someone who is sick or lonely, financially help someone you know who is strug­gling, share with someone a talent or a gift that you have. Remember, grace is the presence of God in your relationship with others.



El Pan de Vida – Estudio de Biblia Catolico

By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn





PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

  1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oíste en misa el domingo?


  1. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?


SEGUNDO DIA                                    LEE ISAIAS 55:6-9                    PRIMERA LECTURA

(“Vuélvase a Yavé, que tendrá piedad de él.”)

  1. ¿A quién buscarás ahora que lo puedes encontrar? Isaías 55:6


  1. ¿Qué debes hacer ahora que está cerca? Isaías 55:6


  1. ¿Con qué debemos buscar al Señor? Jeremías 29:13-14 y Deuteronomio 4:29


  1. ¿Qué es lo que vas a dejar hacer al malvado y al criminal? Isaías 55:7


  1. ¿A quién deben volverse el criminal y el malvado y que se les dará? Isaías 55:7


  1. ¿En qué es el Señor muy generoso? Isaías 55:7


  1. ¿Qué ha hecho el Señor con tus pecados y qué te pide que hagas? Isaías 44:22


  1. ¿Son los pensamientos y caminos del Señor como los nuestros? Isaías 55:8


  1. ¿Tan altos como qué, están Sus caminos sobre los nuestros y Sus pensamientos sobre los nuestros? Isaías 55:9


  1. ¿Qué hace Dios y qué no hace? Números 23:19


Personal – ¿De qué modo has experimentado la grandeza y misericordia de Dios?  ¿De qué manera te ha revelado que Su modo es muy superior al modo en que tu pensaste que algo debería haberse hecho?  ¿Qué hiciste cuando El te reveló esto?


TERCER DIA                                   FILIPENSES 1:20-24, 27          SEGUNDA LECTURA

(“Para mi la vida significa Cristo, y de la misma muerte saco provecho.”)

  1. ¿Quién escribió esta carta y a quién se la escribe? Filipenses 1:1


  1. ¿De qué está seguro Pablo y que anticipa? Filipenses 1:20


  1. ¿En qué tiene plena confianza? Filipenses 1:20


  1. ¿De qué no se atrevía a hablar Pablo cuando trataba de convencer a los paganos de que obedecieran de palabra y obra? Romanos 15:18


  1. ¿Qué significa “la vida” para Pablo y que es el morir? Filipenses 1:21


  1. ¿Qué vida es la que Pablo vive, de qué es su vida humana y en quién estriba su vida?      Gálatas 2:20


  1. ¿Si debemos continuar viviendo en la carne, que significará eso? Filipenses 1:22


  1. ¿Hacía que está Pablo atraído y por qué anhela ser libre? Filipenses 1:23


  1. ¿Qué es lo más urgente y por el bien de quién? Filipenses 1:24


  1. ¿Cómo debes conducirte a ti mismo y si lo haces que quedará claro? Filipenses 1:27


Personal – ¿Qué prefieres, vivir o morir?  ¿Por qué?  ¿Qué idea espiritual te ha revelado el Señor a ti personalmente en esta lectura?  ¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida?


CUARTO DIA                                         MATEO 20:1-16                                          EVANGELIO

(“Así, los últimos serán los primeros y los primeros serán los últimos.”)

  1. El reino de Dios es como el dueño de una hacienda que salió de madrugada ¿para hacer qué? ¿En qué convino con los trabajadores por el salario diario que era usual y que hizo luego?  Mateo 20:1-2


  1. ¿Cuando el dueño salió a media mañana que vio? ¿Qué les dijo?  ¿Cuánto dijo que les pagaría?   Mateo 20:3-4


  1. ¿Qué encontró el dueño al medio día y a media tarde? ¿Qué les dijo a los que halló después de la media tarde?  Mateo 20:5-6


  1. ¿Qué le dijeron estos al dueño y qué les dijo éste que hicieran? ¿Qué le dijo el dueño de la viña a su mayordomo?  Mateo 20:7-8


  1. ¿Qué recibieron aquellos que fueron empleados más tarde, cuando llegaron por su pago? ¿Qué supusieron los del primer grupo?  Mateo 20:9-10


  1. ¿Qué recibieron ellos, de qué se quejaron con el dueño y cuál fue la respuesta de él? Mat. 20:11-13


  1. ¿Qué les dijo el dueño que hicieran y qué tenía el pensado hacer? Mateo 20:14


  1. ¿En Mateo 20:15, cuáles son las dos preguntas que les hace a los trabajadores?


  1. ¿Qué provocan la ira y la envidia? Eclesiástico 30:24


  1. ¿Qué es lo que Dios da a todos? Santiago 1:5


  1. ¿Quiénes serán los primeros y quiénes serán los últimos? Mateo 20:16


Personal – ¿Cómo te ves a ti mismo, como el que recibe mucho por hacer poco o el que recibe poco por mucho trabajo?  ¿Cómo te sientes con respecto a esto y cómo te las entiendes con tus sentimientos?  Ve al Señor y arrepiéntete de cualquier envidia que tengas.  Busca el sacramento de la reconciliación esta semana.


QUINTO DIA                              LEE SALMO 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18

(“El Señor es Clemente y Compasivo.”)

Lee y medita en el Salmo 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?


SEXTO DIA                                LEE TODO EL COMENTARIO

ISAIAS 55:6-9

Este pasaje nos habla de buscar primero Su reino y todo lo demás se nos dará por añadidura (Mateo 6:33).  El deseo de buscar Su voluntad es un don, una gracia de Dios mismo.  Estamos llamados a dar preferencia a esa gracia y responder a ella con fe.  Los Judíos tenían una oración llamada “Shema” (Deuteronomio 6:4-8) que dice esto.

Estamos llamados a relacionar la Palabra de Dios a nuestra vida diaria.  Dios ha enfatizado la importancia de que los padres enseñen las Escrituras a sus hijos.  La Iglesia y las escuelas Cristianas no deben usarse como un escape de esta responsabilidad.  Las verdades eternas son aprendidas con mayor eficacia en el ambiente amoroso de un hogar que teme a Dios, como en los tiempos de Moisés.  Jesús nos dice en la Escritura, que amemos a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, alma y mente, este es el mandamiento más grande y luego que amemos a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos.  Estos dos mandamientos abarcan toda la Escritura.

Necesitamos saber, estudiar y vivir Su Palabra diariamente de modo que nuestros caminos sean los Suyos.  El nos revelará su Santa voluntad pero nosotros tenemos que tener hambre y sed de El.  El es un Dios amoroso y gentil que te busca a ti más de lo que tú lo buscas a El.  El está listo, de pie a la puerta de tu corazón, esperando a que lo dejes pasar (Apocalipsis 3:20).   Es realmente increíble que lo que El quiere es entrar y compartir el pan contigo.

En los primeros días de la Biblia el hecho de comer con alguien era una señal muy especial de amistad.  Tú no comes nada más con cualquier persona.  Jesús quiere tener intimidad con nosotros, quiere residir en nuestro templo (1 Corintios 6:20).  El se apresura y hace todo.  Nosotros todo lo que tenemos que hacer es abrir nuestro corazón y dejarlo entrar. Es por eso que sus pensamientos y sus caminos no son como los nuestros, por que El solo quiere aliviarnos y amarnos.


FILIPENSES 1:20-24, 27

Esta no iba a ser la última aprehensión de Pablo en Roma, el sabía que podía ser dejado en libertad o ejecutado y fue en este tipo de atmósfera que el estaba lleno de gozo.  El secreto de la alegría de Pablo aún sabiéndose en prisión era su relación personal con Jesús.  Hoy en día la gente quiere desesperadamente ser feliz, pero son lanzados y dados vueltas debido a sus éxitos, fracasos e inconveniencias diarias.  En otras palabras están viendo hacía la fuente equivocada para encontrar la alegría.  Para los que no creen en Dios la vida en la tierra es todo lo que hay.  Como dice el comercial de televisión, ellos van por el “gusto,” o tratan de conseguir lo más que pueden, lo más rápido que pueden.

Pablo vio la vida como algo para desarrollar valores eternos y hablarles a otros acerca de Jesucristo. Esto es lo que un mensajero del Rey está llamado a decir a su gente.  Tú eres ese mensajero. Tú eres ese profeta y como Pablo, tienes que decirle a otros que el dinero, la popularidad, el poder y el prestigio son solo valores temporales de este mundo.  Como Pablo, debemos hablar valientemente por Cristo y hacernos más como El en el modo que vivimos nuestra vida diaria.

Pablo dice, morir es mejor que vivir, pues el supo que con la muerte escaparía de los problemas del mundo y miraría a Cristo cara a cara (1 Juan 3:2,3).  Estar listo a morir es estar listo a vivir por Cristo.  Es únicamente cuando morimos a nosotros mismos y nos ponemos la “mente de Cristo” cuando realmente somos capaces de vivir (Filipenses 2:5-11).  Una vez que sabes que el propósito en tu vida es amar a otros como Cristo te ha amado a ti, entonces estas libre para servir.  Entonces y solo entonces puedes dedicar tu vida a lo que realmente cuenta sin miedo a morir.


MATEO 20:1-16

El Evangelio de hoy no es acerca de premios sino acerca de la salvación.  Es una enseñanza poderosa acerca del don increíble que Dios nos da y que se llama la gracia.  Esto no se trata de comprar nuestro camino al cielo, pues eso sería imposible.  Jesús aclara las reglas de los miembros del reino del cielo. La entrada al cielo es únicamente por la gracia de Dios.

En el relato de hoy, Dios es el dueño de la hacienda y los creyentes son los que trabajan para El.  En los primeros años de la Cristiandad había muchos que se sentían superiores debido a su origen o posición favorecida, justamente como hoy día.  Algunos se sentían superiores porque habían pasado mucho tiempo con Cristo y sabían mucho acerca de El.  El mensaje en este relato fue una reafirmación de la gracia de Dios para los nuevos creyentes.

No debemos resentir de nadie que voltea hacia Dios en los últimos momentos de su vida, por que en realidad nadie merece la vida eterna.  Mucha gente que no esperamos ver en el reino estará ahí.  El ladrón arrepentido que estaba al lado de Jesús en la cruz (Lucas 23:40-43) estará ahí, al igual que la gente que ha creído y servido a Dios toda su vida.

Piensa por un momento acerca de tu vida.  ¿Resientes que Dios permita entrar al cielo a todos esos parias y pecadores y todos aquellos que vuelven su rostro a Cristo en el último minuto?  ¿Estás celoso de lo que Dios ha dado a otros?  Te invito a reflexionar acerca del bondadoso don de la gracia de Dios en tu vida. Concéntrate en los beneficios para ti, alaba al Señor y dale gracias por lo que tienes.  El te ha dado vida eterna (Juan 3:16).  El te ha amado tanto que murió por ti.  El te ha dado otra oportunidad de amar cada vez que empieza un nuevo día.

Si no tienes amigos, entonces invítalo a El a tu corazón par que sea tu amigo (Juan 15:13-15).  El cambiará tu vida inmediatamente y tú cambiaras a otros con tu alegría y tu testimonio (Mateo 28:19).  Jesús es nuestro dueño, nuestro pastor y nuestro salvador y El quiere que estemos restaurados y completos.  (Juan 10:10).

El resultado final es – el generoso don de la gracia de Dios y la continuación de permanecer en ella es lo que nos permitirá ser elegidos para entrar al cielo.  El resultado de aceptar esa gracia en la fe será mostrado por el modo en que vivas tu vida en la tierra.



La primera lectura nos habla acerca de buscar primero el reino de Dios y después todo lo demás vendrá sobre ti (Mateo 6:33).  La segunda lectura muestra que la relación personal con Cristo puede traer alegría y paz aún cuando estemos en circunstancias muy difíciles.  El Evangelio nos enseña como la gracia y no los trabajos nos llevan al cielo.

Esta semana demuestra como te valoras a ti mismo, a tu familia, a tu escuela, a los que trabajan contigo siendo muy generoso con tu tiempo, tu dinero y tu talento.  Algunos ejemplos: pasa algún tiempo con alguien que esté enfermo o muy solo.  Ayuda financieramente a alguien que tu sabes que esta pasando trabajos.  Comparte el talento que tienes con alguien esta semana.  Recuerda, la gracia es la presencia de Dios en tus relaciones con los demás.


Lectio Divina – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sept. 17th)

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Matthew 18:21-35New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

21 Then Peter approaching asked him, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times. 23 That is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who decided to settle accounts with his servants. 24 [b]When he began the accounting, a debtor was brought before him who owed him a huge amount. 25 Since he had no way of paying it back, his master ordered him to be sold, along with his wife, his children, and all his property, in payment of the debt. 26 At that, the servant fell down, did him homage, and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.’ 27 Moved with compassion the master of that servant let him go and forgave him the loan. 28 When that servant had left, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a much smaller amount.[d] He seized him and started to choke him, demanding, ‘Pay back what you owe.’ 29 Falling to his knees, his fellow servant begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’ 30 But he refused. Instead, he had him put in prison until he paid back the debt. 31 Now when his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were deeply disturbed, and went to their master and reported the whole affair. 32 His master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you your entire debt because you begged me to. 33 Should you not have had pity on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you?’ 34 Then in anger his master handed him over to the torturers until he should pay back the whole debt.[e] 35 [f]So will my heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you forgives his brother from his heart.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?

What does the Lord personally want you to do?




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ SIRACH 27:30-28:7       FIRST READING

(“Forgive your neighbor’s injustice.”)

  1. What are hateful things, and what does the sinner do with them?   Sirach 27:30


  1. What are we to keep in mind, and what does man’s anger not fulfill?   James 1:19-20


  1. What will the vengeful suffer, and for what reason? Sirach 28:1


  1. Who says, “Vengeance is mine: I will repay?” Romans 12:19


  1. If we forgive our neighbor’s injustice, what will happen when we pray?   Sirach 28:2


  1. What did Jesus say to the Father as he was dying on the cross?   Luke 23:34


  1. In whom has God forgiven us? Ephesians 4:32


  1. If a person nourishes anger against another person, what can he expect from the Lord?   Sirach 28:3


  1. What are the questions asked in verses four and five of Sirach 28?


  1. What are we to set aside, what are we to remember, and from what are we to cease?   Sirach 28:6


  1. Who are we not to hate, whose covenant are we to remember, and what are we to overlook?   Sirach 28:7


Personal – Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you any anger you may be harboring against anyone. What gives you the strength to forgive when you were innocent and unjustly treated?



THIRD DAY              READ ROMANS 14:7-9         SECOND READING

(“While we live we are responsible to the Lord.”)

  1. What does not one of us do? Romans 14:7


  1. What example did Jesus give us to follow on how to live, and what is no slave greater than?   John 13:12- 16


  1. While we live, to whom are we responsible? Romans    14:8


  1. When we die, as what do we die? Romans 14:8


  1. To whom do we belong in both life and death? Romans 14:8


  1. The slave called in the Lord is what, and how have we been bought? 1 Corinthians 7:22-23


  1. Why did Christ die and come to life again? Romans    14:9


  1. Who is set apart by God to judge both the living and the dead?   Acts 10:36-42


  1. What is the blessed and only ruler called? 1 Timothy 6:15


  1. What must every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father?  Philippians 2:11


Personal – In what way have you submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Is it partial or total submission? How has this submission been visible to your family, friends, schoolmates, or work acquaintances?



FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 18:21-35              GOSPEL

(“My Lord, be patient with me and I will pay back in full.”)

  1. Who was speaking, and what did he ask the Lord? Matthew 18:21


  1. When Jesus told his disciples how to pray, what did he say to do regarding forgiveness?   Matthew 6:12


  1. What was Jesus’ reply to forgiving seven times? Matthew 18:22


  1. To what may the reign of God be compared? Matthew    18:23


  1. As the king began his auditing one was brought in who owed him a huge amount of money, what did his master order in payment of the debt?   Matthew 18:24-25


  1. What did the official do and say? Matthew 18:26


  1. With what was the master moved, and what did he do? Matthew 18:27


  1. What did that same official do when he met a fellow servant?       Matthew 18:28


  1. What did his fellow servant do and say, and what did he have done with him?   Matthew 18:29-30


  1. When his fellow servants saw what had happened, what was their reaction, where did they go, and what did    they do?   Matthew 18:31


  1. When his master sent for him, what did he say to him? Matthew 18:32-33


  1. What did he do in anger? Matthew 18:34


  1. What did Jesus say his Heavenly Father would do, and what are we to do?   Matthew 18:34-35


  1. What judges the thoughts and reflections of the heart? Hebrews 4:12


Personal – For what major flaw in you did Jesus die on the cross and forgive you? What major flaw do you need to forgive in a brother or sister? Be specific.


FIFTH DAY           READ PSALM 103:1-4, 9-12

(“Not according to our sins does he deal with us.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




SIRACH 27:30-28:7

“Father, forgive these people, they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).” Jesus asked his Father to forgive the people who were putting him to death. God answered that prayer by opening up the way of salvation to everyone.

Today’s passage reveals to us that vengeance for us comes from the Lord only (Romans 12:19). We are told that mercy will come only to those who show mercy and that we will be pardoned for our sins in the same measure that we pardon those who have sinned against us.

You and I do not ever have to refuse mercy to anyone, because we have been forgiven by Jesus Christ whose death paid the price of our redemption. His blood has washed us clean.

Because he has forgiven us, we can forgive others. The pain of being hurt physically, emotionally, sexually, or even spiritually, can be so devastating that it seems vengeance is more justifiable. Sometimes it seems more logical just to run away from the pain inside.

As you are reading this, let Jesus come into your heart and let him go to the point of the pain in your entire being. Say, “Come, Holy Spirit, give me the power to forgive as my brother Jesus forgives.” He will heal you and renew your mind (Romans 12:2). He will take up residence in your heart and he will give you a heart of flesh in place of that heart of stone. He will be your rock, your fortress, your refuge (Psalm 91). He will anoint your head with healing oil, and you will dwell in his house forever (Psalm 23).

We will learn to give mercy because he resides in our temple (1 Corinthians 6:20). We will pardon those who have injured us because we have been pardoned for all of our sins (Matt. 6:12). Let us remember to be quick to hear, slow to anger, and slow to speak (James 1:19, 20) for the wrath of a man does not show righteousness to God.


ROMANS 14:7-9

The only person who was ever born to die for us was Jesus Christ. He lived and died for all mankind. He died for all of the sinners in the world. His death paid the price that freed humanity from the bondage of Satan. All mankind did not decide to accept his incredible gift, and consequently, we see a tremendous conflict between good and evil. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Jesus was born to be the suffering servant of mankind and to be its Lord and Savior. Today we see many people who live in the belief that it is their own talents and drive that deter­mines their fate. We see many cultures who claim we have to be tough and independent to get ahead. Meekness is confused with weakness in many parts of our society. Love of God, family and country is considered by some to be sentimental foolishness.

Jesus called us to be foot washers in the world (John 13:3-17). He called us to be servants to our neighbors and to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34). He tells us our freedom has been bought at a high price, and that price was his blood (1 Corinthians 7:22-23). He calls from us a submission to him and a sub-mission to one another. We are to think of others first.

We are to put on the mind of Christ (Phil 2:2-11). We are called to live for Christ because he has died for us so that we might live forever. He is our Lord and when we die we will spend eternity in his loving presence.

I encourage you to stop what you are doing right now, get down on your knees, and confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life. He stands at the door of your heart. Open that door and invite him in, and let him heal you today (Rev. 3:20).


MATTHEW 18:21-35

We are told in today’s Gospel that if we do not forgive those who have offended us, neither will God forgive us of our offenses to him. In the days of Christ there was a Jewish custom that a person had to forgive someone only three times for having offended you. It was considered acceptable to demand punishment on the fourth offense.

Peter thought he was being very generous by suggesting to forgive someone seven times. He was startled to hear Jesus tell him that, in effect, we should always forgive those who repentant, no matter how many times they ask.

Today’s story tells us the serious consequences that awaited those who could not repay their debts. It was not uncommon to see a debtor remain in prison for the remainder of his life. Think about that for a moment. Not one of us is capable of paying off our own debt to God. Jesus Christ had to die on the cross for us, and he paid the ransom for our sins with his life. If we were at any time to be judged as to how well we paid off our own debts, heaven would be empty.

How many times have you asked the Lord to forgive you and you received his forgiveness in the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation? How many times did you then go on to fall to the seduction of temptation. God, in his incredible mercy, has put no limit on the number of times we are allowed to fall.

The road to eternal life would be empty and very long if God limited us to only a limited number of times to be forgiven. We have a God who loves us so much that he stands knocking at the door to our hearts, patiently waiting to come in to heal us as well as to forgive us (Rev 3:20).

Today, Jesus impresses us with the fact that forgiveness is a decision, and it is a decision to love. Jesus tells us in the last sentence of today’s parable that his Father will do to us what we do to others (Matt. 18:35). Jesus tells us in Scripture that whatever we do to the least of his brothers, we do unto him (Matt. 25:31-41).

Jesus has shown us that his actions back up his words. While dying on the cross he looked up at his Father and said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called today to do no less, and that is to forgive others who have offended us.



The first reading shows us that vengeance comes from God, not from us. The second reading tells us that humility belongs to the character of Christ. The Gospel reveals that forgiveness is not an option for the Christian, it is a requirement that we extend it to others as God has extended it to us.

This week, approach a family member, friend, or co-worker against whom you hold a grudge, and ask them to forgive you. Holding on to any resentment, bitterness or unforgiveness towards them is what you ask in forgiveness. Remember, through forgiveness comes healing.