2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Jan. 14th) – CYCLE B


 By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY             Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY            READ 1 SAMUEL 3:3-10, 19            FIRST READING 


(“Speak, for you servant is listening.”)  


  1. Who was sleeping in the temple of the Lord, and what was there?  1 Samuel 3:3



  1. Who is Samuel, and what did his mother do?  1 Samuel 1:19-20, 27-28



  1. Of what was the ark made, and what was in it? Deuteronomy 10:3-5. 



  1. Who called Samuel, and what was his response? 1 Samuel 3:4 



  1. To whom did he run, and what did he tell him to do?  1 Samuel 3:5-6. 



  1. What was Eli?   1 Samuel 1:9.



  1. With whom was Samuel not familiar and for what reason?       1 Samuel 3:7.



  1. Who reveals even the depths of God to us?  1 Corinthians 2:10-12. 



  1. How many times did the Lord call Samuel, and what did Eli understand?  1 Samuel 3:8.



  1. What did Eli tell Samuel to do?  What did the Lord reveal, and what did Samuel answer?  1 Samuel 3: 9-10.



  1. To whom are we to listen?  Mark 9:7-8.



  1. What happened to Samuel, and what did the Lord not permit? 1 Samuel 3:19.



Personal – How has the Lord revealed himself to you?  In what way has your priest helped you distinguish the voice of the Lord? 




THIRD DAY            READ 1 CORINTHIANS 6:13-15, 17-20            SECOND READING 


                 (“Glorify God in your body.”) 


  1. With what will the Lord do away, for what is the body not to be used, and for whom is the body?  1 Corinthians 6:13. 



  1. What will food not do?   1 Corinthians 8:8.



Personal – In what way has food affected your body? 



  1. What did God do, and what will he do? 1 Corinthians 6:14 



  1. What way is the body sown before and after the resurrection of the dead?   1 Corinthians 15:42-44



  1. Of whom are our bodies members, and of whom shall I then take these members and of whom make them members? 1 Corinthians 6:15 



  1. To what are we not to present the parts of our bodies, and for what reasons?   Romans 6:13 



  1. What happens to whoever is joined to the Lord?  1 Corinthians 6:17 



  1. What are we to avoid, where is every other sin committed, and against what does the immoral person commit a sin? 1 Corinthians 6:18.



  1. What do we know about our body?  1 Corinthians 6:19



  1. Who does not belong to God?   Romans 8:9



  1. What is our eager expectation and hope for our body? Philippians 1:20 



  1. How have we been purchased, and what must we do with our body?  1 Corinthians 6:20



Personal – How have I not glorified God in my body, and what changes do I need to make in order to glorify God in my body? 




FOURTH DAY            READ JOHN 1:35-42            GOSPEL 

                    (“We have found the Messiah.”) 


  1. Who was with John, who did they watch walk by, and what did John say?  John 1:35-36



2.  Why are we to be watchful and alert?   Mark 13:32-33 



  1. When the two disciples heard what John said, what did they do?  John 1:37



  1. If anyone wishes to come after Jesus, what must he do daily?  Luke 9:23



  1. When Jesus turned and saw them following him, what did he ask them, what did they ask him?  John 1:38



  1. What does “Rabbi” mean and who instructs us in everything and reminds us of all that Jesus told us?  John 1:38, John 14:26 



  1. When Jesus said “come,” what would happen; what did happen and what did they do?  John 1:39



  1. Who heard John; who followed Jesus and what did he tell his own brother Simon?  John 1:40-41



Personal –  Have you found the Messiah and if so, how did you find him?  Did someone lead you to him or did he speak to you directly? 



  1. As what is Messiah translated, and what did Andrew do with his brother?  John 1:41-42



  1. What was Jesus anointed to do?   Luke 4:18-19



  1. What will those who lead many to justice be like? Daniel 12:3 



  1. When Jesus looked at Simon, what did he say about his name? John 1:42



Personal In what way have you experienced Jesus saying to you, “Come and you will see.”  What did you learn when you stayed with him that day, and whom did you bring with you? 




FIFTH DAY            READ PSALM 40:2, 4, 7-10 

(“…ears open to obedience you gave me”)      


Read and meditate on Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-10. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 




How can you apply this to your life? 






1 SAMUEL 3:3-10, 19 


The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the holy of holies.  Samuel probably slept only a few yards away from the Ark, with the other priests.  One would naturally expect a message from God to be given to the priest, Eli, and not the youth, Samuel.  Eli held the proper position and he was older and more experienced.  But God’s chain of command is based on faith.  His view of authority is not based on age or title. 


God may decide to use an unexpected channel to communicate with us.  We need to be prepared always for the Lord to speak or work at any place, at any time and through anyone he chooses.  This was an era when God still gave direct and audible messages to his people.  Today some people refuse to listen to God, or they will allow greed to get in the way of any communication with him.  You must be absolutely convinced that listening and responding are vital in relationship with God.  God may not always use the sound of a human voice; he speaks just as clearly today through his Word.  Be ready to listen and to act upon what He tells you.  Like Samuel, be ready to say, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”   


The sounds of today’s world want to blot out the sound of God’s calling voice.  Listen, listen, listen.  By disciplining yourself to quiet time alone every morning with the Lord, you can prepare to hear God calling you in your daily prayer time, daily scripture, and study time.  In a very short time your discipline will turn into delight.   



1 CORINTHIANS 6: 13-15, 17-20 


Many of the world’s religions think the soul is very important and the body is not.  Christianity sometimes seems to be influenced by them. However, Christianity is a very physical religion.  We believe in a God who created a physical world and called it good.  The core of our faith is God Himself taking on flesh and blood and coming to live with us (John 1:14).  We must remember that like Adam we are a combination of dust and spirit.  We cannot commit sin with our bodies without affecting our souls. 


Freedom is a mark of the Christian faith.  Christ has freed us from the grasp of Satan.  We should not abuse that freedom through abuse of drugs, excessive drinking, and gluttony.  We need to be very careful that what God has allowed us to use, does not grow into a bad habit that controls us.  Paul really addresses the sins of the body as a temptation that we cannot escape.  In movies, television, books or magazines, sex outside of marriage is treated as normal, desirable, part of life, while marriage is often shown as confining and joyless.  God does not forbid sexual sin just to be difficult.  He knows its power to destroy us physically and spiritually.  Sexual sin has devastated countless lives and destroyed families, communities and even nations.  Paul clearly states in today’s reading and the Church today also agrees that Christians are to have no part in sexual sin, even if it is acceptable and popular in our culture.  We must never forget that a sin against our body is a sin against the Holy Spirit, because by our Baptism we have become temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19).  The sexual sins of homosexuality, fornication, prostitution and adultery are sins against the home of the Holy Spirit. 


Remember that God has bought you with a great price, so use every part of your body to give glory back to God, because He owns it (1 Cor. 6:20).  If you are caught up in the turmoil of sexual sin, take a moment right now and ask God to forgive you of your sins.  Then go to a priest and receive the healing of being reconciled with God and community.  Live God’s way one day at a time, and He will show you what to do.  Jesus loves you too much to let you stay where you are.           


JOHN 1:35-42 


John the Baptist’s job was to point people to Jesus, the Messiah, for whom they were looking.  Today people all over the world are looking for security and peace in an insecure world.  Our job is to point them to Christ and to show them that he is the one they seek. 


When Jesus walked by, John was with his two disciples and said, “There is the Lamb of God.”  The two disciples began to follow Jesus, and He said to them, “What do you want?”  That is being asked of us today by both Jesus and the world.  Jesus said, “Come and see” and the world says the same.  Jesus offers life and freedom, the world offers death and destruction. 


The disciples knew and appreciated Jesus more and more as they began to spend time with Him.  Jesus tells them that if they really want to follow Him, they will have to take up their cross each day and follow in His footsteps.  They had no idea then that those footsteps led to Calvary.  We are called to do the same and his footsteps may lead us into rejection, ridicule, and possibly even the loss of our physical life.  We must always remember that when we choose to follow Him, we choose to die to ourselves and live for others. 


Andrew was so impressed with Jesus, that he ran home and told his brother Peter, “We have found the Messiah.”  What confidence and hope Andrew had as he led his brother Peter to Jesus.  That is what we are being called today to do.  Lead others to Jesus and show by your life that the conversion to Jesus is life-changing.  Today’s Gospel is about the joy, excitement and power of discovering the Messiah.  We are called to spread that joy and excitement to all whom we meet.   


We eagerly carry our cross each day and follow Him because he carries it for us and He is leading us to eternal freedom.         




In the first reading, we hear God calling His servant.  In the second reading, Paul tells us that sexual sin is sin against the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Gospel shows us that we are to go out and point to Jesus.   


This week spend time each day alone and listen to what God is saying to you.  Ask someone in your family to do the same thing.  Meet every day and share what the Lord is saying to you.  Remember, you cannot bring anyone to Jesus if you do not know how to listen to His instructions.     




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?
  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?

SECOND DAY             READ ISAIAH 60:1-6         FIRST READING

(“But upon you the Lord shines.”)

  1. To what are the Israelites being called, whose light has come, and what shines upon the Israelites?   Isaiah 60:1
  1. How did the glory of the Lord appear in the following


Exodus 16:7, 10

Exodus 24:16, 17

Leviticus 9:6, 23, 24

Ezekiel 3:12-13

Luke 2:9

Personal – In your life, in what way has “the glory of the Lord” appeared to you?

  1. What covers the earth and the unbelievers? Isaiah 60:2
  1. Upon whom does the Lord shine, and what appears over them? Isaiah 60:2
  1. Fill in the blank: Nations shall walk by your _____________ and kings by your shining radiance.   Isaiah 60:3
  1. Who is the light? John 8:12
  1. Why must we raise our eyes, and who comes to the light? Isaiah 60:4
  1. Who shall be radiant, whose heart shall overflow, and what will happen to the sea and the nations? Isaiah 60:5
  1. What will the camels do, and from where will they come? Isaiah 60:6
  1. What shall they bear, and what will they be proclaiming? Isaiah 60:6

Personal – In what way is the light of Christ shining through you in your family, your work, and your environment? Are people drawn to you because they see that light within you?


(“In Christ Jesus the Gentiles are now co-heirs with the Jews.”)

  1. Who heard of the ministry which God gave Paul, and for whose regard?  Ephesians 3:2, Ephesians 2:11
  1. What was revealed? Ephesians 3:3
  1. What was unknown to men in former ages? Ephesians 3:4-5
  1. Who has revealed this mystery, and to whom was this mystery revealed?   Ephesians 3:5
  1. Read the following scriptures: John 14:26, Acts 11:12, 1 Corinthians 2:13

Personal – Do you listen each day for the Holy Spirit’s instruc­tions for you? What has he taught you as you have been reading his word? Remember to pray before you read God’s word, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and give you wisdom, knowledge, and obedience to follow his plan for your life.

  1. Who were some of the holy apostles and prophets, and by whom were they sent?Isaiah 1:1, Jeremiah 1:1, John 1:35-50,      Romans 1:1
  1. What is the mystery revealed? Ephesians 3:6-8
  1. How do the Gentiles and the Jews become co-heirs? Ephesians 3:6
  1. Whom has God commissioned to preach the Gospel? Ephesians  3:6 Matthew 28:18-20

Personal – In what way have you ever felt called to teach or share God’s Word with others? A good beginning is to share with your spouse, children or a close friend how the Lord has touched you in his Word or from the homily on Sunday.

FOURTH DAY             READ MATTHEW 2:1-12               GOSPEL

(“They prostrated themselves and did him homage.”)

  1. Where was Jesus born, who was king at that time, and who arrived from the east?   Matthew 2:1
  1. Read the following scriptures: Daniel 2:27 and Daniel 4:4. According to these verses, are those who read the stars     able to know God’s plan for their lives?
  1. Who is the only sign we follow? Isaiah 7:14 Luke 11:30
  1. For whom were the astrologers searching, and what did they observe?   Matthew 2:2
  1. How did King Herod react, and who reacted along with him?      Matthew 2:3
  1. Whom did King Herod summon, and what did he inquire of them? Matthew 2:4
  1. What did the chief priest and scribes tell Herod, and to what prophet were they referring?  Matthew 2:5, Micah 1:1   5:1
  1. What is the ruler to do? Matthew 2:6
  1. Read the following and write out your favorite verse: John 10:11, John 10:14, John 10:16, Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 2:25, 1 Peter 5:3-4, Revelation 7:17


Personal – Share the scripture you chose and tell how it has affected your life.

  1. What did King Herod find out from the astrologers? Matthew 2:7
  1. Where did he send them, and what were his instructions to them?   Matthew 2:8
  1. What was the astrologer’s reaction to the star as they followed it?   Matthew 2:10

Personal – Have you had any insight to God’s light in his Word? What is your reaction to this?

  1. When the astrologers found the child with his mother, Mary, what did they do? Is this in fulfillment of the Old    Testament prophesy?  Matthew 2:11, Isaiah 60:5-6

Personal – Have you bowed before the Lord? How have you prostrated yourself in homage before our Holy God? In his presence in the Eucharist, have you knelt to do him homage, or do you do it just out of habit? Reflect on this.

FIFTH DAY              READ PSALM 72:1-13

(“For he shall rescue the poor man when he cries out.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 72:1-13.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your daily spiritual life?


ISAIAH 60:1-6

This week’s reading from Isaiah comes from a section sometimes called Third Isaiah (Chapters 55-66), and is generally considered to be written by an unknown poet. The time of this passage is about 535 B.C. and it prophesies the role of the temple and offers to open its doors to all other nations. The invitation was given to the whole world to join the ranks of Israel as the Lord’s chosen people.

Isaiah is calling on the people to rise up in the splendor and radiance of the Lord (verse 1). He tells them that the glory of the Lord shines in them and through them (verse 3). He urges them to be confident in that love and they will become leaders of all nations and many from all nations will be drawn to them (verses 4-5).

Today we are being called to rise up and become symbols of light and hope. We are called to be a light to a world that is covered with much darkness. We can be a light to the world only as long as we walk in the light of Christ. Each one of us is called by the Psalmist (Psalm 119:105) to be a light unto each other’s path. We are being called today, as in the time of Isaiah, to let the glory of God’s light shine through all of us.

EPHESIANS 3:2-3,5-6

Paul wrote this letter while in prison awaiting trial before Nero. He reflects on his mission to the Gentiles (those who do not believe in the Jewish faith), and he speaks about his own conver­sion as being a great mystery of Christ.

Paul was on a journey to Damascus to persecute disciples of the Lord when suddenly a light flashed around him that seemed to come from heaven. He was challenged by the Lord to stop persecut­ing him and to come follow him. Paul did and his whole life changed. He uses that conversion experience to bring others to the Lord (Acts 9:3-9). He claimed his place as an apostle because he was an eyewitness to the Lord during his “metanoia” or conversion experience.

Paul gained a deeper understanding of God’s plan of salva­tion through Christ. He reveals to us in this letter that into his life had come the great secret of God. That secret was that the love and mercy and grace of God were meant not for the Jews alone, but for all mankind. When Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus there was a sudden flash of revelation that affected his whole life. That “metanoia” is open to all of us, and we are being called to bring to the world that same message. It was to the Gentiles that God sent Paul, to open their eyes that they might turn from darkness to light. We hear Paul stating very boldly that God’s love and mercy are given to all, Jews and Gentiles alike.

MATTHEW 2:1-12

We celebrate the feast of Epiphany, which means the visita­tion of the seekers or as they are often called, the Magi, and Christ’s manifestation of his glory to them. It was in Bethlehem, a little town six miles south of Jerusalem, that Jesus was born.

The name Bethlehem means “house of bread,” and the manger in which Jesus slept was used to feed the animals. It is significant that Jesus was born in a place called “house of bread,” as he chose to feed us with his Word and in his presence in the Euchar­ist. He calls himself “Living Bread,” in John 6:35-66, and we share his living bread in our liturgies in accordance with scripture (Luke 22:14-20), in churches throughout the world.

Bethlehem was where Jacob buried Rachel (Genesis 48:7) and it was there that Ruth married Boaz (Ruth 4:13). This city was the home of David (1 Sam. 16:1, 17:12, 20:6) and it was in Bethlehem that the Jews expected God’s Anointed One to come into the world (Micah 5:1-2). When Jesus was born, there came to Beth­lehem seekers from the east to do him homage. The Magi were holy and wise men and were skilled in philosophy, medicine, natural sciences, soothsaying, and interpretation of dreams. Many later became members of a tribe of pagan priests in Persia and functioned much like the Levite priests in Israel.

About the same time that Jesus was born, the Roman poet, Virgil, was praising through his writings and poems the “savior of the world,” the emperor, Augustus Caesar of Rome. So it was to a waiting world that Jesus came and the astrologers from lands far away gathered at his cradle. It was the first sign and symbol of the world’s conquest by Jesus Christ.

Today many of the learned men and women are coming to praise the King of Kings, Jesus; but many are not. What about you? Is Jesus your King and are you bringing him your presence as a gift? We need to reflect on the gift given to all who believe in the Christ Child of Bethlehem. The gift is being co-heirs of his kingdom, members of the one body and sharers of the promise. Have we made someone feel like an unwanted stranger? Have we dared label anyone a foreigner, alien, outsider, or pagan? Have we welcomed all to our “manger scene?” Is the light in our hearts drawing others to him, as the star did in Bethlehem? The manifestation of the star’s brilliance spoke to the Magi of the entry of a King into the world. The glory of God’s love for all is called to be manifested in us through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the saving name of Jesus Christ.


Isaiah urges us to look at the glory of God being unfolded before us, and calls upon the people to rise up from the shackles of captivity. In Ephesians Paul describes God’s secret plan, and in Matthew we see the wise men overjoyed at the results of following the star.

This week, like the wise men or Magi, let us bring Jesus our gift. Yours might be a gift of joy or love, peace or patience, etc. Then you need to share this gift with someone in your family or work place. The wise men came in humility and left encouraged and full of hope. We can expect no less, when we bring Jesus our gift.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn 




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit. 



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday? 



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week? 



SECOND DAY            READ NUMBERS 6:22-27            FIRST READING 


(“The Lord bless you and keep you!”) 


  1. To whom was the Lord speaking, and to whom did he tell him to speak?   Numbers 6:22-23 


  1. Who was Aaron, and what did the Lord say to Moses about him? Exodus 4:14-16 


  1. About what was Moses to speak to them?   Numbers 6:23


  1. What six things were included in the blessing? Numbers 6:24-26 


  1. Who will be blessed?   Proverbs 28:20


  1. What brings wealth?   Proverbs 10:22


  1. Who was blessed by the Lord, what did he do for her, and what was her response?   Luke 1:46-55 


  1. What has the Lord given us?   Psalm 118:27


  1. Who did Jesus say he was?   John 8:12


  1. What shall be invoked upon the Israelites, and what will the Lord do?   Numbers 6:27 



Personal – In what way have you blessed a family member or a friend? What do others see shining forth from your face? 




THIRD DAY            READ GALATIANS 4:4-7            SECOND READING 


(“…God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, `Abba, Father!'”) 


  1. Under what was God’s Son born?   Galatians 4:4


  1. What did God’s Son do?   Galatians 4:5


  1. What happens to everyone who believes in Jesus? John 3:16 


  1. Who did the law come through, and what did Jesus bring? John 1:17 


  1. Who are the children of God, and who bears witness that we are?   Romans 8:14-16 


  1. What proof do we have that we are his children? Galatians 4:6 


  1. To whom did he give the power to become children of God? John 1:12-13 


  1. Why are the children of God not known to the world? 1 John 3:1 


  1. What are we no longer, and what has he made us? Galatians 4:7 


  1. With whom are the children of God joint heirs? Romans 8:17 


Personal – In what way have you cried out to “Abba,” Daddy, this week? What have you inherited from God? What are your parents leaving you as an inheritance, or what are you leaving your children as an inheritance? 



FOURTH DAY            READ LUKE 2:16-21            GOSPEL 


(“And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”) 


  1. When the shepherds went off in haste, who did they find? Luke 2:16 


  1. Why did Mary lay her firstborn Son in a manger? Luke 2:7 


  1. What did the shepherds do when they saw the child? Luke 2:17 


  1. What was the reaction of those who were told the message? Luke 2:18 


  1. What amazed or astonished the people listening to Jesus? Matthew 7:28-29 


Personal – What have you seen and made known to others since you have been studying God’s Word? 



  1. What did Mary do?   Luke 2:19


  1. What did Mary do when Jesus became lost and then told her he was about his Father’s business?   Luke 2:49-51 


Personal – What have you personally pondered in your heart that God revealed to you, and how have you followed Mary’s example? 



  1. How did the shepherds return?   Luke 2:20


  1. What was the reaction of the paralytic and the people upon the healing?   Luke 5:25-26 


  1. What happened on the eighth day, and to whom had the name been given?  Luke 2:21, Luke 1:31 


  1. What has his name done for us?   Acts 4:12


  1. To what is the name Jesus inherited far superior? Hebrews 1:3-4 


Personal – What name has been given to you, and of what is it a reflection? 



FIFTH DAY            READ PSALM 67:2-6, 8 


(“…may he let his face shine upon us.”) 


Read and meditate on Psalm 67:2-6, 8. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 



How can you apply this to your life? 





NUMBERS 6:22-27

When Mary said, “Generation after generation shall call me blessed of God,” she was recognizing and accepting the gift God had given her (Luke 1:48). If Mary had denied her incredible position, she would have been throwing God’s blessing back at Him.  


In today’s reading we are being shown that a blessing was one way of asking God’s divine favor to rest upon others. All of God’s blessings had their fulfillment in the coming of Christ on earth. Mary received the fullness of these promises and blessings when she said, “Be it done unto me according to thy Word.” At that very moment she conceived Jesus Christ in her womb. As proof of this blessing we have the angel Gabriel’s words as he salutes her as “full of grace.” She has the full friendship of God, and no man or woman had ever received the fullness of God’s blessing until then. 


A blessing conveys that God will (1) bless and protect, (2) be pleased because of us, (3) be gracious, merciful, and compassionate to us, (4) show favor to us, and (5) give us peace. When we ask God to bless us and others, we are asking Him to do these five things. We will have the full friendship of God as we ask Him to bless others as well as ourselves. 


Today, on this special feast, let us thank God for all the blessings that He has given Mary, the Mother of God. We have all profited through her blessings; and the title, Mother of God, that the church confirmed in her regard at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, demonstrates all this.  




In today’s reading Paul uses the example of slavery to show that before Christ came and died for our sins, people were in bondage to the law. By becoming enslaved to the law, people thought they could be saved. At just the right time, God sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins, and we who were once slaves are now God’s very own children with an intimate relationship with Him. For centuries the Jews were wondering when their Messiah would come, but God’s timing was perfect. 


We may sometimes wonder if God will ever respond to our prayers, but we must never stop trusting or give up hope. At the right time, He will respond to us. Jesus was born of a woman and was subject to God’s law and fulfilled it. His death brought freedom for us who were enslaved to sin so we could be adopted into God’s family. Under the Roman law, an adopted child was guaranteed all legal rights to his father’s property. As adopted children of God, we share with Jesus all rights to God’s resources. 


As God’s heirs, we can claim what He has provided for us; which is our full identity as his children. The Old Testament was based on the law, but was only a shadow of things to come. Christianity is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Christianity is the reality, and the reality is God has become man, and man is now free and has been adopted into God’s family as rightful heirs to the kingdom. 


LUKE 2:16-21 


What a tremendous sign of comfort and hope it is when we read that the first visitors to lay eyes on the long-awaited Messiah were simple, hard-working, uneducated, common folks called shepherds. Even in birth Jesus has shown us the ultimate in humility, and His choice of those who were part of His birth experience were of humble origins themselves.  


Can you imagine the thoughts that flowed through Mary’s head as she observed the shepherds coming to pay homage to her Son? She certainly was aware of the power and beauty of the angels singing praises of glory to God to their new born king. The Jewish custom was when a new child was born the local musicians would come by and sing some congratulatory songs. Mary had, not earthly musicians to sing to her son, but she had a choir of angels to fill the air with heavenly sounds. 


On this very special day, we can honor Mary in her blessed role as Mother of God. God Himself honored her by making her the mother of his Son. Jesus, in one of His last acts on this earth before dying on the cross, made His mother our mother. It was through no merit of her own that she earned this dignity. This honor was given as a sheer gift of God. When we honor her, we are in fact thanking God for His gift of her to us. 




The first reading explains that a blessing is God giving someone His protection and direction. The second reading tells how the Old Testament was a time of preparation, and the New Testament was a time of the reality of God entering into human history as a human being named Jesus. The Gospel reveals Jesus beginning His life on earth humbly, and in humility He went to His death on a cross for us. 


This week, let the humility of the shepherds be your model of conduct during the Christmas holidays. Bring to your family, friends, and co-workers, the gift of listening, the gift of gentleness, and the gift of humility. Mary was a role model for the whole world, for both male and female. 




 By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit. 



FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY            READ SIRACH 3:2-6, 12-14            FIRST READING 


(“He who honors his father atones for sins.” 


  1. Where does the Lord place a father over his children, and what does he confirm over sons?    Sirach 3:2



  1. What happens to one who honors his father?  Sirach 3:3



  1. What do we store up when we revere our mother?  Sirach 3:4



  1. By what is the man gladdened who honors his father, and what happens when he prays?  Sirach 3:5



  1. What will happen to him who reveres his father?  Sirach 3:6, Exodus 20:12 



  1. What does one do who brings comfort to his mother?  Sirach 3:6



  1. What are we to do, and what are we not to do when our father gets old?   Sirach 3:12 



  1. To whom are we to listen, for what reason, and whom are we not to despise?   Proverbs 23:22



  1. How are we to treat our father, even if his mind fails? Sirach 3:13



  1. What will not be forgotten, and as what will it serve? Sirach 3:14 



Personal – In what ways do you listen to and honor both your earthly father and your heavenly Father?  In what ways has your earthly father become a burden to you in his old age?  Compare your relationship with your heavenly Father and your earthly father. Repent where it is necessary. 



THIRD DAY            READ COLOSSIANS 3:12-21            SECOND READING 


(“You children, obey your parents in everything as the acceptable way in the Lord.”) 


  1. With what five things are we to clothe ourselves, and for what reason?   Colossians 3:12



  1. What are these five qualities called, according to Galatians 5:22? 



  1. What are we to do with one another, and what are we to do over any grievance we may have for another?  Colossians 3:13



  1. Why are we to forgive?  Colossians 3:13



  1. What did Jesus say as he was dying on the cross, and to whom was He speaking?    Luke 23:34



  1. In the Lord’s Prayer, what are we saying and what is the Father saying?   Matthew 6:12-15



Personal – How have you sinned and received the forgiveness of God? In what way is that reflected by your forgiveness of others when they have hurt you? 



  1. What virtue do we put on over all the rest?   Colossians 3:14



  1. What must reign in our hearts, of what are we members, to what are we called, and to what must we dedicate ourselves?   Colossians 3:15 



  1. What must dwell in us, how are we to treat one another, and how are we to sing gratefully to God?  Colossians 3:16



  1. Whatever we do, in speech or action, in whose name are we to do it, and to whom are we to give thanks?   Colossians 3:17



  1. How are wives to act toward their husbands, and how are husbands to act toward their wives?  Colossians 3:18-19



  1. How are children to act toward their parents, and how are fathers to act toward their children?   Colossians 3:20-21



Personal – What do you think causes the most break-ups in the family today?  How do you think this can be remedied? In what ways are you obeying or disobeying what God says in Colossians 3:18-21. Reflect on this, and make changes where necessary. Remember, we receive grace from the sacrament of reconciliation. 



FOURTH DAY            READ LUKE 2:22-40            GOSPEL 

(“The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.”)      


  1. What was done according to the law of Moses, what is written in the law, and what did Mary and Joseph offer in sacrifice? Luke 2:22-24, Leviticus 12:2-6, 8, Exodus 13:2



  1. What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment of the law? Matthew 22:37-38



  1. Who was in Jerusalem at the time, what was he like, for what was he waiting, and who was upon him?   Luke 2:25



  1. What was revealed to the man by the Holy Spirit, who inspired him to come to the temple, and what did he do when the parents brought in the child Jesus?    Luke 2:26-28



Personal – Simeon blessed God in his words. In what ways can you bless God in your words? 


  1. What did Simeon call the Lord, what did he say he had done, and what did he say his eyes had witnessed?    Luke 2:29-32



  1. How do we fulfill the law?   Romans 13:8



  1. As Mary and Joseph were marveling over what was being said, what did Simeon do and say to them? Luke 2:33-35



  1. What did Jesus come into the world to do?    John 9:39



  1. Where was Mary when Jesus was crucified?   John 19:25



  1. For what reason was Mary pierced with a sword?  Luke 2:35



  1. What is the sword of the Spirit?   Ephesians 6:17



  1. Who was a certain prophetess, how old was she, where could she constantly be found, and what was she doing? Luke 2:36-37 



  1. What did the prophetess do both day and night, what did she give to God, about whom did she talk, and to whom? Luke 2:37-38



  1. After Mary and Joseph fulfilled the law, where did they go? In what did the child grow, with what was he filled, and what was upon him?   Luke 2:39-40



  1. What was Jesus called?   Matthew 2:23



  1. Where do we receive our strength?   Philippians 4:13



Personal – In what ways have you been pierced with a sword? What does it mean to you to be pierced with a sword as Jesus and Mary were pierced?  For what reasons have you been pierced? 



FIFTH DAY            READ PSALM 128:1-5 

(“Happy are you who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways!”) 


Read and meditate on Psalm 128:1-5. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 




How can you apply this to your life? 







SIRACH 3:2-6, 12-14


Sirach was a pious and learned Jew who lived in the second century B.C. He wrote a collection of sayings to help others live their lives in accordance with God’s Holy Word. In today’s passage he speaks of family. He shows us that the family unit has been honored as the foundation of the human race. 


The foundation of the family was traditionally the father, and he had the place of honor. The father was given the right to be respected and obeyed by his family. We see the mother also shares the authority with the father in the home. The authority of both parents, in accordance with God’s Word, is to be respected by the children.  


This passage applies very strongly to today’s families because the family structure is under a severe attack by Satan. Children who respect their parents are not only doing God’s will, but also are storing up spiritual rewards for themselves. Over the centuries it has been shown that children who respect their parents generally have children who will respect their parents.  


We see that prayer is very important for a family’s growth and that all prayer is answered. The call to love, honor, and respect your parents carries with it the reward of your children’s care for you in your old age.  With love and respect, a long life thus becomes a sign of God’s blessing for those who follow His commands. 


Children are called to give their aging parents loving care. The child who has learned to respect his parents is respecting God. No matter how feeble, mentally or physically, one’s parents may become, it is the children’s responsibility to care for them. This is not some social health care program’s slogan; this is in accordance with God’s Holy Word. God wants love, kindness, respect, honor, sacrifice, comfort, safety, etc. 





Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome. He was told by a follower, named Epaphras, that recent converts to the Christian faith were being disturbed by false teachers. Paul’s letter spells out some very practical rules for the Christians; to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience. Paul is telling them that these virtues must be secure in their hearts in order for the community to live out the Christian vision. 


Forgiveness is a main virtue of a Christian. This is what separates us from the non-believers. God wiped out all our sins in Baptism and is constantly waiting to wash away the sins of a repentant sinner in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We also must imitate God and be willing to forgive a repentant brother or sister. Paul again shows Christ as the head of the body and the source of unity, harmony and peace. We hear that it is not enough to know the doctrines of Christ, but we must live Christ’s life, and our lives must be witnesses of good and bearing fruit. 


Today, as then, we are called to help each member of the family of God. Paul deals with the family by telling the husband to “love your wife,” and wives to be subject to the spiritual authority of the husband. Children are called to obey their parents. This may sound common today, but in Paul’s time, wives had few rights and were often considered to be the property of the husband. Paul’s call to “love your wife” brings her into equality and a full sharing in the authority of the family. Paul also tells fathers not to provoke their children. The authority of a father comes from God, and this authority is to lead, to love, and to serve his family. A loving father leads his children by serving them in the name of the Lord.  A loving father puts on the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:2-5). 


LUKE 2:22-40 


Today’s Gospel is a powerful lesson on redemptive suffering. We read how a family follows the ceremonies of their religion and see respect, reverence, and obedience in all their actions. We hear the wisdom that comes from two old people in the temple. We need to reflect for a moment on how we listen with respect to elderly people in our lives. 


Simeon told Mary that along with the joys of having such a wonderful child, a sword would pierce her soul. Mary felt that sword when Jesus was murdered on the cross at Calvary. Some parent’s souls are pierced many times from danger, sickness, and violence to their children. They suffer the hurt that happens to their child. Mary took on the hurt of her Son’s rejection and crucifixion. She did not strike back or cry out with vengeance. She suffered tremendously for her Son and for all of us. Jesus suffered tremendously and, like a lamb, He was slaughtered and never struck back. He and His mother were both pierced by the sword of suffering.  


What makes suffering redemptive and what makes it useless? Suffering that leads us closer to God in our thoughts and actions is redemptive suffering. Suffering that leads us into ourselves is selfish and useless. We need only to look at our own families and see the suffering saints who have held us up in prayer. 


St. Augustine’s mother prayed for 30 years for him to turn to God, and her prayers were answered. Pope John Paul II has been the object of assassination, and he constantly is the vision of a man at prayer with his God for his people. Pope John Paul II visited his would-be assassin in prison and extended to him God’s forgiveness and love as well as his own.  Mother Teresa, 80, and with a bad heart is still doing something beautiful for God. She says, “Unless life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.” 


Today is the Feast of the Holy Family. Let us celebrate by praying together for all the families in the world.  Let us pray that all the families who are suffering will be like Mary and Jesus and let their sufferings be accepted for others. This is what redemptive suffering is all about, and this is bringing mankind closer to God. 




This week we are celebrating the special feast of the Holy Family, and all the readings reflect some aspect of family. We see how the power and love of Holy Families can change a dark world into a community of light. 


Today, let your suffering be for the Lord and for someone else in your family. Maybe you can offer your pain for someone who is on drugs or alcohol. Pick a family member, a friend, or a co-worker, and pray for that person all week. Let your soul be pierced so that the heart of others will be laid bare and they will turn to God. 




 By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit. 



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday? 


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week? 





(“Your God is King”) 


  1. Whose feet are beautiful and what does he announce?  Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15 


  1. What are we not to be afraid to cry out?   Isaiah 40:9


  1. Why do the watchmen shout for joy?   Isaiah 52:8


  1. What are the watchmen never to do?   Isaiah 62:6


  1. What are we to do together and for what reason? Isaiah 52:9 


  1. Why does God comfort and encourage us?   2 Cor 1:3-4


  1. Whom does the Lord redeem?   Psalm 34:23


  1. What has the Lord done with his holy arm and in the sight of whom?   Isaiah 52:10


  1. What will all the ends of the earth see?   Isaiah 52:10


  1. What is to be known upon the earth, among all nations? Psalm 67:3


Personal – To whom have you been announcing peace and good news? How do people see the joy and salvation of the Lord upon you? 





(“Let all the angels of God worship him.”) 


  1. How did God speak in times past?   Hebrews 1:1


  1. How does God speak to us now, what did He make Him, and what did He do through Him?   Hebrews 1:2


  1. What came to be through him (Jesus)?   John 1:3-4


  1. Of whom is Jesus the reflection and perfect copy, and by what are all things sustained?   Hebrews 1:3


  1. When Jesus accomplished purifications from sins what did He do?   Hebrews 1:3


  1. How did Jesus accomplish this purification?   Col 1:15-20


  1. What has Jesus inherited, and to what is He far superior? Hebrews 1:4 


  1. Because Jesus humbled Himself becoming obedient to death, what did God do to Him?   Philippians 2:8-9


  1. What are the questions asked about angels, and what does he say about his first born?   Hebrews 1:5


  1. Who is ruler of the kings of the earth and who loves us? Revelations 1:5 



Personal – How have you been sustained by God’s Mighty Word and how have you worshipped his Son Jesus this past week? 





( “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us,”) 


  1. Who was in the beginning?   John 1:1,14


2. Who did Jesus say he was to the Father?   John 10:30


  1. Who was in the beginning with God and what was this life that came to be through him?   John 1:2-4


  1. What has the darkness not overcome?   John 1:5


  1. Who came for testimony, to what did he testify, and what did he say about himself?   John 1:6-8


6. What does the true light do, how did the world come to be, and who did not accept him?   John 1:9-11


  1. To those who did accept Jesus what did he give them power to become, in what did they believe, and how were they born?    John 1:12-13


  1. Who can enter the kingdom of God?   John 3:5


  1. What has not been revealed and what will happen to us when it is revealed?   1 John 3:2


  1. When the Word became flesh what was he full of? John 1:14 


  1. What did John say about Jesus, what came through Moses, and what came through Jesus?   John 1:15-17


  1. Who has revealed the Father to us?   John 1:18 


Personal – What has Jesus revealed to you about the Father?  






(” The Lord has made his salvation known.”)  


Read and meditate on Psalm 98:1-6 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 




How can you apply this to your life? 






ISAIAH 52:7-10 


In today’s passage God urges His people to draw comfort from past history and to look forward to a greater exodus. He is telling them that it is time to shake off the grief and lethargy that has overtaken them. There is the sound of Good News that God is about to escort His people home, to Jerusalem, God’s holy city, the city with God’s temple. But the people experienced desolation instead of prosperity, and destruction instead of liberty. The people suffered terribly because of their sins, but God promised to restore Jerusalem as a holy city. 


God reigns, and today He still is very much in control. Today’s verse states how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation (v.7). How beautiful are the feet of those who go forth and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:15). How welcome are those who bring the message of hope to a broken, hopeless, segment of our world. 


God’s great message of salvation must be through us to others so they can have the chance to respond to the “Good News”. How will our loved ones hear it unless we take it to them. How will the nations hear it unless someone takes it to them? God is calling us to take a part in making His message known in our family and our community. Think of one person who needs to hear the good news, and think of something you can do to help him or her hear it. Then you go out and do that act, in Jesus’ name, as soon as possible. 


HEBREWS 1:1-6  


The letter to the Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish Christians who appeared to be having second thoughts about Jesus Christ being their long-awaited Messiah. They should have been a community of mature Christians by this time; instead, they seemed to be sort of withdrawn and inward-looking in their spiritual walk. They needed a strong reminder that what they now possess in Christ is far better than what they had before they became Christians.  


This passage begins with a tremendous affirmation of Jesus’ divinity. Through Jesus, God has made His supreme and final revelation of Himself to man. Jesus is the living embodiment of the character and majesty of God. Jesus has dealt with the problem of human sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross and paying the ransom for all mankind with His blood. He is now at God’s side in the position of supreme power. The angels, whom the Jews came very close to worshipping themselves, worship Jesus Christ. They are spiritual beings and they are to serve and glorify God himself.  


The people were well versed in scripture and whether through doubt, persecution, or false teaching, they seemed to be in danger of falling away from their Christian faith. This danger is very much present in today’s world. There is much false teaching today and many so-called “Shepherds” are just wolves in sheep’s clothing. We need to stay in fellowship, pray, and to study God’s Holy Word, and follow the teachings of our church. Take the time this Christmas season to thank the Lord for bringing His light into your heart and bringing about a better relationship with Him. Remember, it is Jesus’ birthday, and the present He wants most is YOU!  



JOHN 1:1-18 


This passage clearly shows that what Jesus taught and what He did are tied inseparably to who He is. In today’s reading John shows Jesus as fully human and fully God. Although Jesus took upon Himself full humanity and lived as a man experiencing all the emotions that all of us have, He never ceased to be God who has always existed. This is the truth about Jesus, and the foundation of all truth. If we cannot or do not believe this basic truth, we will not have enough faith to trust our eternal destiny to Him. This is the reason John writes this Gospel, to build faith and confidence in Jesus Christ, so that we may believe He truly was and is God in the flesh (John 20:30-31).  


Jesus’ life brings light to mankind, in his light we see ourselves as we really are: sinners in need of a savior. We fall on our knees, and like the shepherds at the little cave in Bethlehem, we too give praise and glory to the Light of the World, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The wise men followed the light of a star to see the light of the world. When we follow Jesus, the Light of the World, we can avoid walking blindly and falling into sin. He lights the path ahead of us so we can see how to live. He removes the darkness of sin from our lives, and if we have allowed the light of Christ to shine in our lives this Christmas season, then we will never stumble in the darkness. 


As the world celebrates the birth of Christ, let yourself be reborn spiritually. Through faith in Christ this new birth changes us from the inside out – rearranging our attitudes, desires and motives. Have you asked Christ to make you a new person on Christmas day? This fresh start is available to all who believe in Him. Merry Christmas. 




The first reading tells us how beautiful are the feet of those who go forth and proclaim God’s Word. The second reading shows that encouragement and discipline lead to a stronger commitment to God. The Gospel reveals Christmas as a time of new birth, a time of giving your life over to God. 


This week, give those you love the greatest present you could give them for Christmas. How beautiful are your feet as you go forth and gift them with the gift of your presence, of your love, of salvation by bringing them to Christ. Remember, it is Christ’s birthday, and the presents should all be for Him, and He only wants you!  




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY READ 2 SAMUEL 7:1-5, 8-11, 16               FIRST READING


(“I have been with you wherever you went, and

I have destroyed all your enemies before you.”)


  1. Who is King David, and from what did the Lord give him rest? 2 Samuel 7:1,  1 Sam. 16:11-13, and 1 Sam. 17:12-15



  1. What did King David say to Nathan, the prophet? 2 Samuel 7:2



  1. Where does the Spirit of God dwell? 1 Corinthians 3:16



  1. What did Nathan say to King David, and who did he say was with him?   2 Samuel 7:3



  1. When did the Lord speak to Nathan, and where did the Lord tell him to go and what to say?  2 Samuel 7:4-5



  1. When did the angel of the Lord appear to the shepherds, and when did Jesus pray?  Luke 2:8-9 and Luke 6:12



Personal – Do you ever hear the Lord speak to you in the night? What does he say, and what is your response?



  1. What does the Lord of hosts say he has taken from David, and what has he made him for Israel?   2 Samuel 7:8



  1. What does the Lord say he has done for David, and what does he say he will make him?   2 Samuel 7:9



  1. What does the Lord say he will do for his people Israel, and for what reason?   2 Samuel 7:10



  1. From what will the Lord give them rest, and what does he reveal to them?    2 Samuel 7:11



  1. Who did Jesus say will be our enemies? Matthew 10:35-36



  1. What will happen to his house, kingdom, and throne? 2 Samuel 7:16



Personal – In what way has God given you rest from your enemies, or are you undergoing attacks from your enemies?  How do you deal with the attacks?



THIRD DAY READ ROMANS 16:25-27                    SECOND READING


(“…made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith.”)


  1. What can God do for us, according to the Gospel and proclamations of Jesus Christ?   Romans 16:25



  1. What is God able to accomplish in us? Ephesians 3:20



  1. What is Paul’s Gospel? 2 Timothy 2:8



  1. How did Paul receive the Gospel preached by him? Galatians 1:11-12



  1. How has the Gospel been manifested? Romans 16:26



  1. By whose command has the Gospel been made known to all the nations, and what is this to bring about?    Romans 16:26



  1. What have we received to bring about the obedience of faith? See Romans 1:4-5



  1. What is evidence of our faith? 2 Corinthians 9:12-13



  1. Through whom is glory given forever and ever? Romans 16:27



  1. How are all things in Jesus? Romans 11:36



  1. How do we see the glory of God? John 11:40



Personal – How have you been strengthened by the gospel proclaim­ed this week, or by prophetic writings in the bible?  What has been the evidence of this strengthening?



FOURTH DAY              READ LUKE 1:26-38 GOSPEL


(“You have found favor with God.”)


  1. Who was sent from God, what month was it, and where did he go?   Luke 1:26-27



  1. Who was betrothed to a man named Joseph, and of what house? Luke 1:27


  1. What happens when evidence of a girl’s virginity is not found?   Deuteronomy 22:20-21



  1. According to the angel, who was with Mary, and what is she among women?   Luke 1:28



  1. Who are the blessed, and how have they been blessed? Galatians 3:8



  1. How did Mary feel at the words of the angel, and what did she wonder?    Luke 1:29



  1. What did the angel tell Mary not to do, what has she found with God, and what would she conceive?   Luke 1:30-31



  1. What name would she give him, who would be great, and what would he be called?   Luke 1:31-32



  1. Where would be his reign, and what was Mary’s response? Luke 1:33-34



  1. Who did the angel say would come upon Mary, what would the power of the Most High do to her, and what would the holy offspring be called?    Luke 1:35



  1. What did the angel say about her kinswoman, Elizabeth, and what is possible with God?    Luke 1:36-37



  1. What things are possible for God? Luke 18:27



  1. What makes nothing impossible for us? Matthew 17:20



  1. What did Mary say she was, and what did she say be done? Luke 1:38


Personal – In what way have you experienced the empowering of the Holy Spirit within your being?  How have you yielded in faith as Mary did to a messenger of the Lord?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 89:2-5, 27, 29


(“You are my father, my God; the rock, my savior.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?



How can you apply this to your life?





2 SAMUEL 7:1-5, 8-11, 16


God had made a covenant with David and promised him that his family line would go on forever. This promise would be fully realized when Jesus was born. God made certain that a prophet was living during the reign of each of the kings of Israel. This was the first time that Nathan, the Prophet, was mentioned, and like all prophets, he urged the people to follow God and to communi­cate God’s laws and plans to the king.


God told David that he was called from being a simple peasant who tended sheep to become a great warrior-king. He would be used to unify and lead Israel and to destroy its enemies. God did not want a warrior with blood on his hands to build his sacred temple. David being obedient, made the plans and collected the materials so that the temple would be built by the next king, who would be David’s son, Solomon.


It is very important that we, too, should be like David and recognize and be satisfied with the roles which God gives all of us. God rejected David’s request, but this does not mean God rejected David. David’s request was also good, but God said no. God was planning something in David’s life that was much bigger than allowing him the prestige of building a temple.


God is waiting to do the same thing with you and me. He wants you to say “Yes” to him, just like David did. God promised David that his line would live forever. David’s earthly dynasty ended four centuries later. But Jesus Christ, a direct descendant of David, was the ultimate fulfillment of this promise.


Have you prayed with very good intentions only to hear God say no? This is not rejection, but God’s way of fulfilling a greater purpose in your life. Remember always to let go and let God!


ROMANS 16:25-27


Paul is sharing with the people of his time and also of our time that it is wonderful to be alive and to be part of God’s mystery of saving the Gentiles. Paul was rejoicing in his role as an instru­ment in the unfolding plan of salvation. All the Old Testament prophecies were coming true and, through Jesus Christ, God’s mystery was fully revealed. Paul had not been to Rome, but he knew that the city was the center of great political and religi­ous influence. He was getting ready to leave Jerusalem, which was the center of Jewish life, and his message was a message of hope.


Today we live in a world that has been vastly reduced by television. We can view all the major events that happened on that very day. We have the potential for widespread influence or wrenching conflict. We are called to be part of that revelation of God’s mystery. Our part is to live our lives in such a manner that brings a response that most times is very dramatic. Conflict is always potentially an obstacle in the path of the one who brings light into the darkness.


The “mystery” of Christ exploded across the entire known world. No longer was man subjected to heritage being the only way to heaven. Paul brought the “Good News” and that was that God loved the world (you) so much that He gave up His Son on the cross, so that all who believed in His Son would have eternal life. This mystery was revealed in Christ’s death and resur­rection. You are that ambassador of Christ and you will go from place to place and bring His “message” of hope to all who are hurting.  We need to reflect on how much of our own life reflects unity, service and love of Jesus Christ.



LUKE 1:26-38

Today’s gospel is a story of surrender and empowerment. The angel Gabriel who promises the birth of Jesus to Mary is the same angel who appeared to the prophet David more than 500 years earlier. Joseph and Mary lived in a small town named Nazareth. The area had a bad name because the Roman army barracks were located there, and the people were forced to work as ser­vants to the soldiers. The people of Nazareth were very distrust­ful of most, and women were under the domination of the men at that time. Women were little more than possessions like the goats and sheep, etc. A woman’s main contribution was to have children and take care of the home. It seemed highly unlikely that God would use two women for a major task. But God chose Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience ever demanded of anyone.


You may feel that you are in a place in your life where God could not possibly use you for service. Do not limit God’s choices; He can and will use you if you will only let Him. God’s blessings or choosing does not automatically bring instant fame or favor. His choosing of Mary for the honor of being the mother of the Messiah would lead to much pain. Her peers would ridicule her, and her fiance’ would come close to leaving her. Her son would be rejected and finally murdered.  But through her Son, Jesus Christ, would come the world’s only hope. This is why Mary has been called “Blessed among women.” Her surrender led to our victorious salvation. Her “Yes Lord” opened the doors to heaven for all who would believe in her Son.


A young woman answered God’s call by saying, “Do unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38).  We can learn from Mary that love is obedience to God’s call. If our blessings lead to sorrows, think of Mary and wait patiently for God to finish working out His plan. Mary let the Holy Spirit come upon her, and she was empowered to have a child. Mary was a young unmarried girl who risked disaster. Her story about being made pregnant by the Holy Spirit had the risk of her being considered crazy as well.  Do not wait to see the bottom line before offering your life to God.  Offer yourself willingly, like Mary did, even when the results look disastrous.





The first reading revealed God as a God who keeps His promises.  The second reading showed that we are instruments in the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Gospel tells us to offer our­selves completely to God, to be radical.


This week, share with your family and friends the power of God’s love by visiting a shelter for unmarried pregnant women. Then take a risk and offer your support to her and her soon-to-be-born child.




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY READ ISAIAH 61:1-2, 10-11                  FIRST READING


(“I rejoice heartily in the Lord.”)


  1. Where is the spirit of the Lord God, and what has the Lord done?   Isaiah 61:1



  1. What has the Lord God sent me to do for the lowly and to the broken hearted?   Isaiah 61:1



  1. What do we proclaim to the captives and the prisoners? Isaiah 61:1



  1. What was the passage read by Jesus in the synagogue, and what did he say about it?   Luke 4:18-19, 21.



  1. What did God do with Jesus? Acts 10:38



  1. What does the anointing we received from him do for us? 1 John 2:27-28



  1. What has he sent me to announce, and what are we to do to all who mourn?  Isaiah 61:2



  1. What do we do in our God who is the joy of our soul, and what has he done for us?  Isaiah 61:10



  1. What will the Lord God make spring up before all the nations?   Isaiah 61:11



  1. What does the practice of justice do for the just? Proverbs 21:15



  1. For what does the just man concern himself? Proverbs 29:7



Personal – How can you set free the captives within your environ­ment and those who are locked into self-pity? How has the Lord sprung up justice and praise within you?






(“Rejoice always.”)


  1. What are we to do always? 1 Thessalonians 5:16



  1. What are we to do without ceasing? 1 Thessalonians 5:17



  1. To what did the apostles devote themselves, and who was with them?   Acts 1:14



  1. What does the Spirit do for us in our weakness? Romans 8:26



  1. What do we do in all circumstances, whose will is it, and in whom?  1 Thessalonians 5:18



  1. Whom do we not quench? 1 Thessalonians 5:19



  1. How do we grieve the Holy Spirit? Isaiah 63:10



  1. What are we not to despise, what are we to test, and what are we to retain?   1 Thessalonians 5:20-21



  1. From what are we to refrain? 1 Thessalonians 5:22



  1. What do those who do evil see not fit to do, with what are they filled, and whom do they hate?   Romans 1:28-31



  1. What may the God of peace make us, and how may we be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?  1 Thessalonians 5:23



  1. What is the One who calls us, and what will he do? 1 Thessalonians 5:24



Personal – For what did you give thanks today, and from what evil did you refrain this week?



FOURTH DAY            READ JOHN 1:6-8, 19-28 GOSPEL


(“Make straight the way of the Lord.”)


  1. Who sent the man named John, and to what was he to testify? John 1:6-7



  1. What had John seen, and to what did he testify? John 1:34



  1. What was John not, but what was he to do? John 1:8



  1. Who is the light, and what will he who follows him have?   John 8:12



  1. When the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask John who he was, what did he say?  John 1:19-20



  1. What did the priests and Levites ask John, and what was his answer?    John 1:21



  1. What was John’s response to the priests and Levites, and what did the Prophet Isaiah say?   John 1:23,     Isaiah 40:3



  1. For what are we to make straight paths, and why? Hebrews 12:13



  1. In response to the Pharisee’s question, with what did John say he baptizes, and whom did he say they do not     recognize? John 1:26



  1. What does John say he is not worthy to do to the One coming after him, and where did this take place? John   1:27



  1. Who is not worthy of Jesus? Matthew 10:37-38



Personal – In what way have you prepared the way of the Lord to those around you?  Has your personal testimony been about Jesus in your life?



FIFTH DAY READ LUKE 1:46-50, 53-54


(“…my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”)


Read and meditate on Luke 1:46-50, 53-54.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through this reading?



How can you apply this to your life?





ISAIAH 61:1-2, 10-11


This passage of Isaiah was read by Jesus in Luke 4:18. He stopped His reading to the people in the synagogue in the middle of Chapter 61:2, after the words, “The time of God’s favor has come.” Jesus closed the book and said, “These scriptures came true today.” (Luke 4:21). The rest of Isaiah 61:2, “and the day of his wrath to his enemies,” will come true when Jesus returns to earth again. It is important for us to realize that we are now under God’s favor and His wrath is yet to come.


Today’s reading is good news for those who suffer because the Spirit of God is upon those who will go forth and help all those who are suffering. Read Verses 1 and 2 and put your name in place of “me.” “The Spirit of God is upon you and He has anointed you to bring the good news to the suffering and afflicted, He has anointed you to comfort the brokenhearted.” Maybe someone right in your own family is suffering, and you will be the one to bring the  “Good News” of hope to them. All you need to do is say, “Yes, Lord, come into my heart, take up residence in me.”


Take the time right now, wherever you are, and confess your sins and repent, and let the grace of God fill you with His Holy Spirit. Are you aware that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you (1 Cor. 3:16) because of your baptism? Now God is filling you up with His Spirit so that His love can overflow through you and spill on to His hurt and broken people. You will open the eyes of the blind because you are carrying the light of the world within you. Remember, my beloved brothers and sisters, the Spirit of God is upon us and He has anointed us. He has clothed us with His garment of salvation and has draped His robe of righteousness about us.




In today’s reading we see that in all of our circumstances, joy, prayer, and thanksgiving should not go up or down because of feelings. These three commands to “be joyful, keep on praying, and continue to be thankful” often go against our natural inclin­ations. We can expect to be joyful and thankful when we are following God’s will because it is his power that flows through us and it is in His hands that we place our cares (1 Peter 5:7). We will always find it much easier to be joyful, thankful, and full of prayer when we really put our trust in the Lord.


We know that we cannot spend all of our time on our knees in prayer, but it is possible to have a prayerful attitude all of the time. We build this attitude on admitting our dependence on God, realizing that His presence is right there in front of us, behind us, above us, below us and within us.  We must choose to obey Him fully. It is not enough to talk about Christ, we must also walk with Christ. We will then find it natural to pray frequent, spontaneous short, and very meaningful prayers. Remem­ber that an attitude of prayer is not a substitute for our alone, “quiet” time of prayer with Jesus. A prayerful attitude should be an extension of those times.


Paul was teaching us that we should be thankful in every­thing that happens to us. We are thankful always because God IS and for the good He can bring out through the time of distress. We are told not to “smother the Holy Spirit” or not to ignore or toss aside the gifts the Holy Spirit has given to us. Some­times spiritual gifts are controversial and cause division in a church. Paul mentions the gift of prophecy, and he encourages all to use the full expression of these gifts in the body of Christ.


Let us never make fun of those who do not agree with what we profess to believe. Let us also check their works against sacred scripture and sacred tradition. We do not allow Christ to control us only on a religious level. We are called to let Christ control all of us at all times, under all circumstances.



JOHN 1:6-8, 19-28


This Gospel message is really a message of “Good News.” It is a message of a light that has come to penetrate the darkness of the world, and especially the darkness of people’s hearts. The light is Jesus, and John the Baptist gave witness to the light. We are called to carry out our role, today, as reflectors of Christ’s light. We are never to present ourselves as the light to others, but always as John the Baptist did, point them to Christ the Light.

We need to remember always that Jesus was the creator of life, and his life brings light to a fallen mankind. In His light you and I see ourselves as we really are (sinners in need of a savior). We may say to ourselves that we do not do all those terrible things that bad people do, but we must never forget that scrip­ture tells us that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Some sins seem bigger than others, and all sins make us sinners, and all sins cut us off from our Holy God. Do not minimize “little” sins. They all separate us from God, but they all can be forgiven. When we follow Jesus Christ, the Light, we can avoid walking and falling blindly into sin. His life and deeds have lit the path of life for all of us. He, in mercy and righteousness, removes the darkness of sin from our lives.


Have you allowed the light of Christ to shine in your life? Today, I challenge you to let Jesus Christ bring light into your life and you will never need to stumble in darkness again.




The first reading reveals that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us.  In the second reading, we are called to be joyful, prayerful, and thankful in all circumstances. In the Gospel, Jesus is the Light, and we are called to reflect that light.


Look around you at your family, relatives, friends, or community and pick out someone who is hurting, alone or im­prisoned. Write or visit that person and tell him that you will continue to pray for him and, if possible, with him. You may be able to take someone to Mass or bring Eucharist to someone. You may be able to read this week’s lesson to someone who cannot see or read. Remember, you are called to reflect the Light of Jesus, and his Holy Spirit has anointed you. Go forth and make dis­ciples of all nations, (Math. 28:19), especially those in your own family.





 By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings. 


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you  choose to apply to your life this week?





(“Cry out at the top of your voice.”) 


  1. What does the Lord say to give to his people? Isaiah 40:1 



  1. What does God give us in our afflictions, thus enabling us to give others in their troubles?   2 Corinthians 1:3-4 



  1. What two things are we to do to Jerusalem, and what has Jerusalem received from the hand of the Lord? Isaiah 40:2



  1. Who speaks for us, and what do we proclaim? Matthew 10:20 and 10:27 



  1. What does a voice crying out in the desert say?  Isaiah 40:3



  1. What shall happen to every valley, mountain and hill, the rugged land and the rough country?  Isaiah 40:4


  1. Then what shall be revealed, who shall see it,  and who has spoken?   Isaiah 40:5 



  1. What does the Father give the Son, and what does the Son give the Father?  How did the Son give this to the Father? John 17:1 and John 17:4



  1. What are we to do at the top of our voice, what are we not to do, and what are we to say?   Isaiah 40:9 



  1. Who comes with power ruling by his strong arm, and what is with him and before him?   Isaiah 40:10



  1. What does a shepherd do to his flock and lambs, where does he carry them, and what does he lead with care? Isaiah 40:11



  1. What is the eye in Matthew 6:22?



Personal – What have your actions been crying out about our Lord to others?  How have you experienced the Lord carrying you in his bosom and leading the ewes with care? 




THIRD DAY                     READ 2 PETER 3:8-14                    SECOND READING 


(“The Lord does not delay in keeping his promise.”) 


  1. In the Lord’s eyes, what is one day?   2 Peter 3:8



  1. What does the Lord not delay in keeping?   2 Peter 3:9



  1. What promise was made to us and to our children?  Acts 2:38-39 



  1. What does the Lord show us, and what does he want? 2 Peter 3:9 



  1. How does Jesus Christ display all his patience? 1 Timothy 1:15-16 



  1. How will the day of the Lord come, and what will happen on that day?   2 Peter 3:10



  1. What will happen to everything, and what are people to do? 2 Peter 3:11 and Acts 3:19



  1. How are we to be in our conduct and devotion while looking for the coming of the day of the Lord? 2 Peter 3:11-12



  1. How do we become the very holiness of God? 2 Cor. 5:21



  1. What does scripture say about being holy?   Leviticus 19:2 and 1 Peter 1:16.



  1. What do we await, and what will reside?  2 Peter 3:13



Personal – How have you experienced God’s patience with you? How have you shown patience to your parents, children, friends, schoolmates or co-workers in revealing God’s truth to them and their choice to accept or reject it? 



FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 1:1-8                GOSPEL 


(“…He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.”) 


  1. What begins here, and what is written in Isaiah as to who is being sent and for what reason?   Mark 1:1-2



  1. What was the herald’s voice in the desert crying?  Mark 1:3



  1. What message has God entrusted to us?  2 Corinthians 5:19



  1. What does Jesus say the Father has done to him, and in turn, does to us?   John 17:18



  1. Who appeared in the desert, what was he proclaiming, and to what did it lead?   Mark 1:4 



  1. What is to be preached to all the nations?  Luke 24:47



  1. Who went out to John, what was happening to them as they confessed their sins?   Mark 1:5



  1. To whom are we to confess our sins?   James 5:16



  1. With what was John clothed, what did he wear around his waist, and what was his food?   Mark 1:6



  1. With what are we to cloth ourselves, and what is our food? Ephesians 6:13-17, John 4:32-34



  1. What was the theme of John’s preaching, and in what has he baptized us?  Mark 1:8, John 1:29-33



Personal – Examine your conscience. Write out what way you have seen yourself sin, and how you have experienced being baptized in water and the Holy Spirit? 





(“I will hear what God proclaims.”) 


Read and meditate on Psalm 85:9-14. 


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm? 



How can you apply this to your life? 





ISAIAH 40:1-5, 9-11 


This week’s reading from Isaiah comes from a section sometimes called Second Isaiah (Chapters 40-55) and is generally considered to have been written by an unknown poet who prophesied near the end of the Babylonian exile.  In 586 B.C. the city of Jerusalem fell, the walls and palaces were destroyed and the sacred temple burned.  King Zedikiah and the rest of the population were marched to Babylon in chains.  God has called his prophet to speak tenderly and to comfort his chosen people. 


The seeds of comfort can take root in the soil of adversity. When it seems as if your life is falling apart, ask God to hold you and comfort you. You may still experience the trials and tribulations of adversity, but you may find God’s comfort right in the midst of it. To some, the only comfort people have is the knowledge that someday they will be with God. I speak now to those who seem to be experiencing very little signs of hope concerning their physical health, in their imprisonment or in their marriage. Hold on. Appreciate the comfort and encouragement found in His word, His presence, His Eucharist and his people. 


  The voice of hope calls out to us, as well as to the people in this reading, to prepare a straight and smooth way. This means removing obstacles in our life that prevent us from receiving Jesus into our heart. The desert in our life today can be a picture of life’s trials and suffering. We are not immune to them, but because of our faith and because of God’s promise (John 3:16), we need not be hindered by life’s obstacles.  


John the Baptist told the people to prepare to see God work, even in our lives now (Matt. 3:3). He challenged the people to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, and that is what Advent is about for us today. We are called to prepare for the coming of the Christ into our hearts. We are to prepare for the Incarnation of God. We need to smooth our crooked ways, and we do that by asking God to forgive us for our crooked ways and attitudes. In today’s reading, people are compared to grass and flowers that fade away (Is. 40:6-8).  Our lives are mortal, but God’s word is eternal and unfailing. 


2 PETER 3:8-14 

This reading is a message of hope. The people of Peter’s time faced persecution and longed every day to be delivered. Peter tells them that a thousand years is like a day to the Lord. He was telling them that God is not slow and that he just is not on our timetable. Jesus is waiting so that more sinners will repent and turn to Him. He displays His incredible patience by dealing with us so mercifully. We are not called just to sit around and wait for Him. Rather, we are called to go forth and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). The disciples realized that the time was short, and there was a lot of important work to do. 


Today that message is being put forth in a sense of urgency. Here on earth we must plan our life as if we will live forever, and live it as if today was our last day. We are told that Christ’s return will be sudden and terrible for those who do not believe in Him and obey His commandments. Do you spend more of your time piling up earthly possessions, or are you striving to bring to others a message of hope? 


We are called to bring our brothers and sisters back into repentance. Then they too will experience the incredible forgiveness of the Lord. God’s purpose for mankind is not destruction, but creation. He will burn the heavens and earth with fire, and He will create them anew. We cannot hurry God’s return, even if we are suffering now. He is waiting patiently for more of His rebellious children to repent. We can bring more people to faith in Him by the way we live our lives, especially if we are suffering. He wants us to be holy simply because He is holy, and He wants only the best for us. 


MARK 1:1-8 


Mark was not one of the twelve apostles, but he probably knew Jesus personally. This gospel is written in the form of a fast-paced story to Christians in Rome where there were many gods. Mark wanted the Romans to know that Jesus is the one, true Son of God.  

We see John the Baptist announce Jesus’ coming and call for the people to straighten out their lives and give up their selfish ways of living. The people were called to renounce their sins, seek God’s forgiveness, and establish a personal relationship with God by believing and obeying his holy word. Today we are called to do the same, acknowledge that we are sinful, and renounce our sins. We can experience God’s forgiveness only when we admit we were wrong. John the Baptist was very popular, and his message of repentance was heard and accepted by many. Repentance does not mean “I am sorry;” it means “a change of attitude.” 


John was telling everyone to prepare for someone who was coming who would be far more effective than he. John told the people that he was not fit even to tie the straps of this man’s sandals. He told the people that the Messiah would baptize them with water and the Spirit. The purpose of John’s preaching was to prepare people to accept Jesus as God’s Son. John challenged the people into a new personal relationship with God when he called the people to confess individually. 


Where are you right now? Is change needed in your life before you can hear and understand Jesus’ message? You have to admit that you are sinful in order to receive forgiveness. You must have true repentance to have true faith. 




This week’s first reading tells us that our God is a God who comforts.  The second reading reveals that God deals with each one of us mercifully. The Gospel shows that the response to repentance leads to the power of forgiveness. 


This week, let us acknowledge to those around us some of our very obvious flaws. Take a specific fault, like making judgments, and tell them that you are going to change, and if your friends see you being judgmental, to point it out to you in love. This will make a dramatic improvement with your loved ones, those in your work area or school. Be specific and pick the small flaws first, then pray and change (repent). Your change, not your words or tears, will bring forgiveness. Try this with smoking, drinking, lying, swearing, etc. Do something beautiful for God – change (repent). 




By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn






FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY READ ISAIAH 63:16, 17, 19; 64:2-7          FIRST READING


(“…we are the work of your hands.”)


  1. What is the Lord to us, and what is he named forever? Isaiah 63:16



  1. How has God redeemed us? 1 Peter 1:18-21



  1. What happens to our hearts when we wander from the Lord’s ways?  Isaiah 63:17



  1. What has to be broken, and for what reason? Ezekial 6:8-10



  1. What hardens our hearts and keeps us from his rest? See Hebrews 3:15-19, concentrating on verse 19



  1. Whom have they been like for too long? Isaiah 63:19




  1. For what was it they thought they could not hope? Isaiah 64:2-3




  1. What has no ear heard nor eye seen, and what is God doing?  Is. 64:3 and also 1 Corinthians 2:9



  1. With what were the Israelites concerned that the Lord might eet them doing, and of what might they be mindful? What is the Lord, and what are we?   Isaiah 64:4



  1. Like what had all of them become, and what carries them away like the wind?   Isaiah 64:5



  1. Who calls upon your name and rouses himself to cling to you, and for what reason?   Isaiah 64:6



  1. We are the work of whose hands? Isaiah 64:7



Personal – In what way have you hardened your heart to the way of the Lord, and is guilt a part of your life?  How has God been trying to break through the heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh?





(“God is faithful,”)


  1. What two things come from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ? 1 Corinthians 1:3



  1. What has surpassed the increase of sin, and how does it reign, and through whom does it reign?  Romans 5:20-21



  1. What is Jesus’ gift to us? John 14:27



  1. Why does Paul continually thank God, and in what is it that the people have been richly blessed?                           1 Corinthians 1:4-5



  1. Who has the king for his friend? Proverbs 22:11



  1. Who gains and seeks knowledge? Proverbs 18:15




  1. What has been confirmed among those of Corinth, and what is it the people do not lack?  1 Corinthians 1:6-7



  1. What has appeared offering salvation to all people, and what does it train us to do?  Titus 2:11-14



  1. What will God do for us so that we will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ?   1 Corinthians 1:8



  1. What does God say he will do for us? Isaiah 41:10



  1. What is God, and to what has he called us? 1 Cor. 1:9



Personal – How has your speech to your family, friends, school mates and co-workers been a reflection of the spiritual gifts God has given you?



FOURTH DAY              READ MARK 13:33-37 GOSPEL


(“Be constantly on the watch!”)


  1. What are we to do, and what do we not know? Mark 13:33,      also Matthew 24:42



  1. What are we to attend, and what two things are we to watch?   1 Timothy 4:15-16




  1. Whom does a man who leaves home to travel abroad leave in charge, and how does he leave them?  What does the man order the gatekeeper to do?  Mark 13:34



  1. What did Mary call herself? Luke 1:38



  1. What did Jesus say that anyone who serves him would do, where will he be, and what will the Father do? John 12:26



  1. What do we not know, and what must we not let him do? Mark 13:35-36



  1. What does he say to us and to all? Mark 13:37



  1. Against what did Jesus tell his disciples to be on guard? Luke 12:1



  1. Against what did Paul warn us to be on guard? Acts 20:30-31



  1. For what other reason do we stay sober and alert? 1 Peter 5:8



  1. What will stand guard over our hearts and minds? Philippians 4:7


Personal – How alert have you been to the hypocrisy and lies of those who are not following God’s Word?  This week, in what way have you been able to use his Word to fight against this?




FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19


(“Give us new life, and we will call upon your name,”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?



How can you apply this to your life?





ISAIAH 63: 16-17, 19; 64:2-7

The faithful remnant (those who survived the Babylonian captivity) asked God for several favors. One was to show compas­sion to them and also to punish their enemies. This reading describes God’s glory as like an intense consuming fire that burns everything in its path. His power is described in awe, and no one has ever heard or seen a God like Him. The people realized that being so impure themselves, there was no way that they could be saved on their own merits. God’s mercy was the only hope that they had, and they grasped eagerly for it. When God met with Moses there was a thunderstorm, smoke, and an earthquake.


If God were to meet us today, His glory would overwhelm us, especially when we look at our so-called good works or filthy rags. Sin makes us unclean, it produces a hardened heart, and it ultimately leads to spiritual and sometimes physical death. Because of our sins, we are dressed in rotten rags and could not dine at the king’s table. Our best efforts still fall short. God steps forth like the potter and remakes the clay. He takes our old, hardened heart and He lets it be broken through sickness, humiliation, pain, suffering and defeat. God spared his remnant of people then and he will do the same now. But we must be open to true repentance. The people in today’s message would not change until they had learned some hard lessons. You need to reflect today and ask yourself, does your heart long for God enough to change those areas within you that displease and hurt Him? Will God have to “break” your heart in order to bring you to true repentance?



Today’s reading clearly reveals that in a world of noise, confusion and incredible pressures, people long for peace. In today’s world that hunger and thirst for peace still resides in the hearts of most people. Yet, many give up the search, thinking it impossible to find, but the peace of mind and heart is avail­able through faith in Jesus Christ.


For a moment, let us review our description of faith. Faith is the living response to the power and presence of God in our life. In other words, we have to respond to the presence of God to utilize fully the power of the Holy Spirit.


Paul had some strong words for the Corinthian people, but he began this letter on a very positive note. He affirms their being in the family of God and having the power of the Spirit in their lives.  The Corin­thian church members had all the spiritual gifts they needed to live the Christian life, to witness for Christ, and to stand up against the paganism of Corinth.


We too have those very same gifts and the same power because we have the very same Holy Spirit. We are called by Christ to come follow Him and He promised us salvation. This salvation was not because of any great accomplishment on our part. His action of dying on the cross and rising from the dead is where our guaran­tee has its source.


Later on in this same letter to the Corinthians, Paul admonishes the people because they began to argue over which of the gifts was more important (1 Cor. Chapters 12-14). Hold on to what has been promised to you, and if you believe and have faith in Christ, you will experience the reality and honor of God’s covenant. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that anyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


MARK 13:33-37

Jesus shows us his complete trust and obedience to His heavenly Father when He tells us that He did not know even the time of the end. He was affirming his humanity when He volun­tarily gave up the unlimited use of His divine attributes. The emphasis on Jesus’ statement is that only the Father knows, and the secret is God the Father’s to be revealed when He wills. Jesus is really telling us that no interpretation of scripture or science can predict the exact day which only His Heavenly Father knows. Jesus is teaching that preparation, and not calculation, is needed.


Look around and see how much planning goes into a wedding, the birth of a child, a career change, or the purchase or rental of a home. Jesus’ return is the most important event in our lives and we need to ask ourselves whether we place the same impor­tance on preparing for His return. We can prepare for His return through study of his Holy Word, following the teachings of the Church, and receiving the Sacraments. We are being told how to prepare by scripture and sacred tradition. We are not to be misled by confusing claims or idle interpretations of what will happen at the end of time. We are called to witness to Christ in season and out of season, and to be prepared for persecution (Mark 13:13).


We especially need to be morally alert and obedient to God’s commandments. Scripture tells us to stay sober and alert. Our opponent, the devil, is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Lions choose victims who are alone, sick, or not alert. Being in the company of supportive Christians is a good way of being prepared. This passage really brings home the power of right living. That is living for God in a world where God is largely ignored.





This week’s first reading tells us that God’s grace changes us from sinners to saints.  In the second reading we see that peace is attainable only through Jesus Christ.  The Gospel warns us to prepare, and not calculate for Christ’s return.


This week, be alert and be aware of hypocrisy in your speech and in the speech of the members of your family, your co-workers, and school associates. First affirm this person by telling him/her how much God has blessed him/her and then witness to him/her that hypo­crisy is a tool of Satan who is waiting to devour people who are not alert.  Your speech and actions are signs to others that you will be prepared when Christ returns.


CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Nov. 26th) – CYCLE A                        


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.




FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“I myself will give them rest, says the Lord God.”)

  1. What does the Lord God say he will do when he finds himself among his scattered sheep?   Ezekiel 34:11-12


  1. What will he do to those who were scattered when it was cloudy and dark?   Ezekiel 34:12


  1. What did God do when we were in the power of darkness? Colossians 1:13


  1. Who does the Lord say will pasture his sheep and give them rest?   Ezekiel 34:15


  1. Who does Jesus say he is? John 10:11, 14


  1. Whom will the Lord seek out, whom will he bring back,whom will he bind up, and whom will he heal?  Ezekiel 34:16


  1. What did the Son of Man (Jesus) come to do? Luke 19:10


  1. Whom does the Lord heal? Isaiah 61:1


  1. What does the Lord do to the sleek and the strong, thus shepherding them rightly?   Ezekiel 34:16


  1. Who is singled out in this world to shame the strong? 1 Corinthians 1:27-28


  1. Between what does the Lord God judge? Ezekiel 34:17


Personal – How have you been healed by the Lord, and in what way has he brought you back when you went astray? What wounds has he bound up in you? Spend a few minutes in thanksgiving to the Lord.



(“Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will come to life again.”)

  1. From what has Christ been raised, and of whom is he the first fruits?   1 Corinthians 15:20


  1. To what will he who raised Christ bring your mortal bodies, and how will he do it?   Romans 8:11


  1. Whom will God bring forth with Jesus from the dead? 1 Thessalonians 4:14


  1. How did death come, how did the resurrection of the dead come, and what is the proper order?  1 Corinthians 15:21-23


  1. To whom did Adam listen, and what did God forbid him to do? Genesis 3:17


  1. To whom did this single offense bring condemnation, and what did a single righteous act do?   Romans 5:18


  1. Who will come down from heaven at the word of command, what will happen to those who have died in Christ, and what will happen to the living?   1 Thesselonians 4:16-17


  1. When the end comes what will be destroyed, and what will be handed over to God the Father?   1 Corinthians 15:24


  1. How long must Christ reign, and what is the last enemy? 1 Corinthians 15:25-26


  1. Where is Christ seated, and of what is he the head? Ephesians 1:20-23


  1. Through what has Christ robbed death of its power and brought life and immortality into clear light? 2 Timothy 1:10


  1. When all has been subjected to the Son, to whom will he then subject himself, and why?   1 Corinthians 15:28


Personal – In what way has fear of death been destroyed in you? Check off on the list below those to whom you have been listening when making decisions: mother, father, wife, husband, daughte­r, son, friend, pastor, God’s Word.



FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 25:31-46              GOSPEL

(“I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.”)

  1. When the Son of Man comes in his glory, who will escort him; where will he sit, and who will be assembled before him? Matthew 25:31-32


  1. How will those assembled be separated? Matthew 25:32-33


  1. How does one receive his recompense, good or bad? 2 Corinthians 5:10


  1. What will the king say to those on his right and for what reason?   Matthew 25:34-36


  1. What kind of fasting does the Lord desire? Isaiah 58:6-7


  1. Who is the virtuous and the one who shall live? Ezekiel 18:7-9


  1. What did the just man ask the Lord, and of what did the king assure him?   Matthew 25:37-40


  1. How does Jesus say we discover who we are, and when we welcome others, whom do we also welcome?   Matthew 10:39-40


  1. What will the king say to those on the left, for whom is the everlasting fire prepared, and what did they neglect to do?   Matthew 25:41-43


  1. What does God’s Word say about faith? James 2:14-17


  1. What will those on the left ask, and what will he answer?      Matthew 25:44-45


  1. What will happen to those who neglected one of the least ones, and what will happen to the just?   Matthew 25:46


Personal – In what ways have you given food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty? This week, have you welcomed a stranger, clothed the naked, comforted the sick, and visited those in prison? Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you those in your everyday life who fit into these categories. Ask him how you might respond to them.


            READ PSALM 23:1-3, 5-6

(“Beside restful waters he leads me;”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 23:1-3, 5-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




EZEKIEL 34:11-12, 15-17

Today’s reading is a powerful prophecy given by God to Ezekiel over 500 years before Christ came on earth. This prophecy was fulfilled to the letter in Christ. Jesus founded the new sheepfold, the new chosen people, and the kingdom on earth. We see in this passage that God himself would be their shepherd. He would replace the earthly shepherds that had failed in their duty. He described the relationship between his people and himself under the image of sheep and shepherd.

This reading is a tremendous comfort. We can be assured that God will sovereignly take over as pastor of the scat­tered flock. When our leaders fail us, we must not despair, but turn to God for help. We must never forget that he is still in control and can turn even this tragic situation over to produce g­ood for the kingdom. (Rom. 8:28)

Jesus tells us that he is the Good Shepherd and that he knows his sheep and they know him. He constantly seeks out the lost and brings back the strayed and disillusioned. We need only to listen to his call in the darkness of our soul. The sheep know the shepherd’s voice very well. We need to know our shepherd’s voice also. We can do this by spending quiet time alone with him each day and listening to him speak to us. We need to be still and realize that he is our God, our shepherd, our savior, our refuge, our rock, and our strength (Psalm 46:10 and Psalm 91).

A good shepherd always takes care of his flock, and he feeds them before he eats. He notices each one and immediately binds up any wounds. He heals the sick by giving them his love, skills and attention. We need to take all this into our heart. Today, in many places, there are shepherds who have abandoned their flock, while others are abusing and even killing their flock. We can pray for our brothers and sisters who are going through this time of terror. We know that one day the Good Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus, will return and he will heal the wounded, raise the dead, and will destroy the arrogant, fat, sleek, false shepherds (Ezekiel 34:16).



1 CORINTHIANS 15:20-26, 28

Today’s passage from 1 Corinthians tells us that death came into the world as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve. Today many people say, “How can we be declared guilty of something Adam did so many centuries ago?” So many people today think it is not right for God to judge us because of Adam’s sin, yet each of us confirms our solidarity with Adam by our own sins. We seem to be made of the same stuff, prone to rebel, and we are judged for the sins we commit.

Because we are all sinners, what we need today is not fairness; no, what we need is mercy. Paul tells us that Christ, through his dying and rising, paid the ransom for what Adam did. We who believe have become Christ’s brothers and sisters and share in his resurrection. Because Christ did rise from the dead, you and all who believe in him can face tomorrow without fear. We all can face eternity because Christ will conquer the ultimate enemy and that is death. Christ’s role is to defeat all evil on earth. He defeated sin for us with his death on the cross. In the final days he will defeat Satan and all evil. World events may seem totally out of control, and justice may be very hard to find, but God is in control. God has allowed evil to remain for a time until he sends Jesus back to earth again. Jesus will present to the Father a new and perfect world. Death need have no claim on us.

Jesus tells us in 1 John 4:4 that the Spirit in us is greater than he that is in the world. We have the church, sacred Scripture, and the sacraments. The source of truth is Jesus Christ, and he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb­rews 13:8).


MATTHEW 25:31-46

Today’s Gospel strikes at the very core of what we say we believe. To say that we believe is proved by how we act. To talk with the Lord does not mean to walk with the Lord. When we walk with the Lord we walk in the dark, dangerous, lonely corners of oppressed and beaten people’s hearts.

One day God will separate his obedient followers from the pretenders and unbelievers. We are called to treat all persons whom we encounter as if they are Jesus, and this is no easy task. What we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus’ words to us – feed the hungry, give the homeless shelter, visit the sick and imprisoned. You will be observed by others, and will your actions separate you from the pretenders and unbe­lievers? Jesus used sheep and goats to show the division between believers and unbelievers. Sheep and goats often grazed together but were separated when it came shearing time.

Today’s Gospel describes acts of mercy that we all can do every day. They are simple acts freely given and freely received. We have no excuse to neglect those in deep need, and we cannot hand over this responsibility to some agency. Jesus demands personal involvement in caring for the needs of others. Many people might say that they do not have the opportunity to visit a prison or hospital, work in a soup kitchen, or even a shelter for the homeless. Some even say that they do not have the special talents needed for this, but Jesus really lays it on the line when he says, “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me.”

We get the power to do this through the Holy Spirit who anoints us to feed the hungry, set the captives free, and give sight to the blind (Luke 4:18). This could be right in your own family and the hunger might be for Christ; the prison might be their humanistic minds. The blindness may be their inability to see the truth which comes from God’s Holy Word (John 8:32). We can and we must, through the Holy Spirit, set our children free.



This week’s first reading reveals the Good Shepherd is Christ. The second reading assures us that even in turmoil God is still in control. The Gospel shows us that all of us can do God’s holy works of mercy.

This week pick out a particular work of mercy and give of yourself to another person. Maybe write to a prisoner or a person in a hospital. Visit a shut-in or someone who lives alone. Bring a meal to an elderly person or a sick friend. Spend a few hours at a soup kitchen. Volunteer some time in a thrift shop that uses its donations and sales to help others in need. If you look real closely, you might just see Jesus smiling at you and saying, “Thank you, my faithful servant.”