
                     CATHOLIC BIBLE STUDY







FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.


1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from

the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you

choose to apply to your life this week?





(“He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.”)


l.   Who called to the man, and what did he ask him?  Genesis 3:9



2.   Whom did Jesus come to call?    Mark 2:17



3.   Why did the man hide himself?   Genesis 3:10



4.   With what are we longing to be clothed?   2 Corinthians 5:1-3



5.   What did God ask the man?   Genesis 3:11



6.   What did the man say about the woman, and what did he do?

Genesis 3:12



7.   What did the Lord ask the woman, and who did she say tricked

her?   Genesis 3:13



8.   What was Paul’s fear that the serpent may corrupt in the

people of Corinth?    2 Corinthians 11:3


Personal –  When you lose the peace of God within you, whom do you blame?  Who is responsible?



9.   What did the Lord say to the serpent, what did he say he

would put between the serpent and the woman, and at what

would he strike?    Genesis 3:14-15



10.  To what are we to be wise, and who will crush Satan under

our feet?     Romans 16:19-20



11.  With what is our struggle, and what are we to put on to

cover our head?    Ephesians 6:12-17



Personal – In what way can you protect your mind and thoughts from the evil one?   Whom does your family or friends see con­trolling your mind by what comes out of your mouth?





              (“I believed, therefore I spoke,”)


1.   Who is speaking, and to whom is he speaking?

     2 Corin­thians 1:1



2.   Of what do we have the same spirit, and, in believing,

we do what?    2 Corinthians 4:13



3.   We speak, knowing what?   2 Corinthians 4:14



4.   How does faith come?   Romans 10:17



5.   What has been bestowed on more and more people?

2 Corinthians 4:15



6.   Where sin increased, what overflowed all the more?

How does grace reign?   Romans 5:20-21



7.   What do we not become, what is happening to our outer selves,

and our inner selves?   2 Corinthians 4:16



8.   What does this momentary light affliction produce, where do

we look, and for what reason?   2 Corinthians 4:17-18


9.   If our earthly dwelling should be destroyed, what do we

have from God?   2 Corinthians 5:1



10.  As long as Peter was in this “tent,” what did he find it

necessary to do, and for what reason?  2 Peter 1:12-15



Personal – In what way do you have a burning desire to tell others about Jesus and what he has done for you?  If you do not have this desire, stop right now and ask God to give it to you.



FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 3:20-35                 GOSPEL



1.   What made it impossible for Jesus and his apostles even to

eat?   Mark 3:20



2.   What did Jesus’ relatives say upon hearing of his inability

to eat, and what did the scribes say about demons?

Mark 3:21-22



3.   How did Jesus speak to the crowd, and what was his question?

Mark 3:23



4.   If a kingdom, house, or Satan is divided against itself,

what will happen to it?   Mark 3:24-26



5.   What must be done to a strong man in order to plunder his

property?   Mark 3:27



6.   How does Jesus drive out demons?    Matthew 12:28



7.   What sins of people will be forgiven, what will not be         forgiven, and of what are they guilty?   Mark 3:28-30



8.   When Jesus’ mother and his brothers arrived, what did they

say?  What did the crowd seated around him say? 

Mark 3:31-32



9.   Jesus replied with a question. What was it, and what did he

say about those seated in the circle around him? 

Mark 3:33-34



10.  Who are the ones who are his brother, sister and mother?

Mark 3:35



11.  How do we discern the will of God?    Romans 12:2



12.  What should we put away, in what should we be renewed,

and what should we put on?    Ephesians 4:20-24



Personal –  How do you discern the will of God in your life, and are you obedient in living it out?



FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 130:1-8


   (“But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 130:1-8.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?





                        GENESIS 3:9-15


In that moment of small rebellion something large, beautiful and free was shattered…the perfect creation of God.  Man was separated from God by his desire to act on his own will.  The effect on a plate glass window is the same whether a pebble or a boulder is hurled at it. The thousands of fragments can never be regathered.


Today’s reading shows us the reality of how sin spreads. Even after Eve sinned, she continued to involve Adam in her wrong doing.  When we do something wrong, often our first relief from guilt comes by involving someone else.  Sin is like a poison that is spilled into a river and it swiftly becomes impossible to recapture.  We need to recognize and confess our sin before we are tempted to pollute those around us. 


After sinning, Adam and Eve felt guilt and embarrassment over their nakedness. Their guilt feelings made them run from God and try to hide. Guilt or a guilty conscience can be a warning signal God places inside of us that goes off when we have done something wrong. The world wants us to eliminate the guilty feelings without eliminating the cause, and that would be the worst thing for us. It would be like using a painkiller, but not addressing the disease. Adam and Eve failed to heed God’s warn­ing, and the results were disastrous.


Today, many people fail to listen and fail to obey God because it does not seem logical, or it is not a popular thing to do. When things go wrong, many people try to excuse their sins by blaming others or circumstances for personal failures. But God knows the truth and he holds every one of us accountable for our actions. So, admit your sins and do not try to blame it on someone else. Disobedience is sin, and it breaks our fellowship with God. God forgives and restores us when we confess and repent.


                   2 CORINTHIANS 4:13 to 5:1


The incredible message of salvation in Jesus Christ has been entrusted by God to frail and very ordinary human beings. Paul does not dwell on the perishable container, but on its priceless contents – God’s power dwelling within us.  As Christians we may be at the end of our rope, but we are never at the end of our hope.  Our perishable bodies are subject to sin and maybe even great suffering, but God never abandons us. Because of Christ’s victory over death, we who believe in him have eternal life. That is why all of our risks, humiliations, and trials in his name are really opportunities to demonstrate Christ’s power and presence in us.


Paul knew all about pain and suffering. He faced them in trials and tribulations as he preached the “Good News” which is the message of hope. We need to be aware that as we too face great troubles in our lives, it is easy to focus on the pain rather than on our ultimate goal. We can be assured by the words of Jesus that no matter what happens to us in this life, we will have the assurance of eternal life where all suf­fering ends. Paul really encourages us to develop our inner streng­th.


We can do this by realizing that our suffering, problems, and human limitations have several benefits. They can help us to remember Christ suffered and died for us. They can help keep us from pride and thinking we do not need anyone else. This also can be a time of great opportunity, a time in which God will demonst­rate his great power and speak to us in several ways.


We need not resent our afflictions or troubles. We need to see them as opportunities (Romans 8:28). Paul tells us that when we die we will have a wonderful new body.  The Greeks did not believe in a bodily resurrection. They saw only the soul as being immortal, but Scripture teaches that the body and soul are ultimately inseparable (1 Cor. 15:46-58).

                         MARK 3:20-35


Jesus lays down the conditions of true kinship or family in today’s Gospel. He shows us that family is not solely a matter of flesh and blood. The most basic need of all human beings is to belong. The desire to be loved and needed is in every human being on this planet. We see members of Jesus’ family trying to take him home and remove him from the wrath of the Pharisees and scribes. We then hear Jesus respond to them with an explanation of his family members. The church teaches that Jesus was Mary’s only child and that the “brothers” were possibly cousins (cousins were often called brothers in those days). Jesus’ family did not understand his ministry, especially when Jesus told the crowd that anyone who did the will of God is his brother, sister, and even his mother.


Jesus conveys to us that our spiritual family forms rela­tionships that are ultimately more important and longer lasting than those formed in physical families. God’s family is open to anyone who believes in his Son Jesus Christ. Although Jesus cared for his mother and other family members, he also cared for all those who loved him. Jesus did not show partiality. He allowed everyone the privilege of obeying God and becoming part of his family.


He shows us how to relate to other believers in a new way. In our busy, computerized, impersonal world, warm, loving, caring relationships among members of God’s family take on major impor­tance. Today there are millions of people who do not belong to God’s family. Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). We who are part of God’s loving family, who are called the church, can give loving personalized care that many people desperately need.  It is time to make our family and our church a hospital for sinners as well as a haven for saints. Jesus tells us that what we do to the least of our brethren, we do unto him (Matt. 25:31-40).




The first reading tells us about being accountable for our own actions.  The second reading shows that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Gospel reveals to all of us who is really part of God’s family.


This week, show your family by your actions that they are very special to you. Spend time alone with each member, pray with them, and thank God for his gift to you.  Then look around you and see who needs to be affirmed in God’s family.  Maybe it is a relative, neighbor or co-worker or schoolmate. Remember, all who believe in doing God’s will are Jesus’ brothers, sisters, and mother. Love your family this week, and spend some time with them.


Posted in Bible Study Lessons.