By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?
  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?

SECOND DAY              READ ACTS 6:1‑7           FIRST READING

(“The Word of God continued to spread.”)

  1. About what were those who spoke Greek complaining? Acts 6:1


  1. What makes for pure worship? James 1:27


  1. Whom did the twelve assemble, and what did they tell them it was not right for them to neglect?   Acts 6:2
  1. For what did the disciples tell them to look, and what are these men to be like?   Acts 6:3


  1. By words being taught by the Spirit, what does this enable us to do?   1 Cor 2:13


  1. On what two things would this permit the disciples to concentrate?   Acts 6:4


  1. By this proposal being unanimously accepted by the community, whom did they select?   Acts 6:5
  1. With what was Stephen filled? Acts 6:5


  1. What two things did the disciples do to them when they were presented?   Acts 6:6


  1. What happened at the same time the word of God spread? Acts 6:7
  1. Who were among those who embraced the faith? Acts 6:7


Personal ‑ How have you responded in your role of leadership as clergyman, parent, teacher, etc.? How have you shown that you are deeply spiritual and prudent in your home and work or community?

THIRD DAY              READ 1 PETER 2:4‑9        SECOND READING

(“Those who stumble, and fall are the disbelievers in God’s word;”)

  1. To whom are you to come, what kind of a stone is he, by whom was he rejected, and by whom is he approved and precious? Peter 2:4, Acts 4:11
  1. What are we, how have we been built, and into what have we been built? 1 Peter 2:5


  1. What are we offering, to whom have they been acceptable, and whom is it through? 1 Peter 2:5
  1. What does Scripture say is being laid in Zion, and what kind of stone? 1 Peter 2:6, Isaiah 28:16, Romans 9:33


  1. What will happen to him who puts his faith in the corner‑stone (Jesus)?   1 Peter 2:6


  1. To whom is the stone of value? 1 Peter 2:7
  1. What is the stone for those who have no faith? Peter 2:7‑8
  1. Who are those who stumble and fall? 1 Peter 2:8


  1. Who are we, and what does he claim for his own? 1 Peter 2:9


  1. From what did the one call you? 1 Peter


Personal ‑ In what way do those around you see in whom you put your faith? In what way do your actions reflect what you believe to your spouse, children, family, friends, co‑workers, etc.



FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 14:1‑12                GOSPEL

(“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”)

  1. What are we not to do, and in whom are we to have our faith?   John 14:1
  1. Where are there many dwelling places, and what did Jesus say he was going to do? John 14:2


Personal ‑ How do you picture heaven, and what will it be like? Whom do you think you will see there?


  1. What does Jesus repeat in verse 3 of John 14, what does he say he will come back to do, and for what reason, and what does he say you know?   John 14:3-4


  1. What did Thomas say to Jesus, and what are the three things that Jesus says he is, and how do you come to the Father?  John 14:5-6
  1. From where does salvation come, and what assures us entrance into the sanctuary?  Acts 4:11-12, Hebrews 10:19‑20
  1. Who does Jesus say he is? John 6:35, John 10:9
  1. To whom do we have access through Jesus? Eph 2:13, 18
  1. If we really knew Jesus, who else would you know, and what does Jesus say from this point on? John 14:7
  1. What does Philip say to Jesus and what was his response? John 14:8‑9


  1. What question does Jesus ask them, what does he say about the words he speaks, where does the Father live, and for what reason?   John 14:10


  1. What is Jesus asking us to believe, and what does he do to help us believe?   John 14:11


  1. What will the person who has faith do and why? John 14:12
  1. What is the work of God? John 6:29

Personal ‑ How has Jesus been the way, the truth, and the life in your life? How have others seen the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus in you?



FIFTH DAY         READ PSALM 33:1‑2, 4‑5, 18‑19

(“Prepare your words and you will be listened to.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 33:1‑2, 4‑5, 18‑19.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 6:1‑7

The Greek‑speaking Jews were probably from other lands and they complained that their widows were being treated unfairly. This discrimination was probably compounded by a language barrier. The apostles put seven Greek‑speaking, respectable men in charge of the food and shelter program. This allowed the apostles to keep the focus of their ministry on teaching and preaching the Good News about Jesus.

We may wish that we could belong to a church like the early church with all its miracles, sharing, and joy of being part of a community, but they had just as many problems as we do today. No church will ever be perfect until Christ and his church are united at his second coming. All churches are struggling in their growth and if your church’s shortcomings distress you, ask yourself; would a perfect church let me be a member?

We need to remember that we are all called to be faithful, not successful. We can all pitch in to make our own particular church a vibrant, living, healthy community of God by focusing on the teaching and the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We might ask, “What is the Good News?” The Good News is a message of hope ‑ a hope that the oppressed will be free, the sick will be healed, the lame will walk, the blind will see, the naked will be clothed and the homeless will be sheltered.

We can bring this Good News to everyone we meet because within us is the power of the Holy Spirit (1 John 4:4), and it is important for us to realize that we are called to live our lives for others, not for ourselves. We are called to die to ourselves and love others just as Jesus has done.

The early church is still here today and it is being guided by the same Holy Spirit. You need to pray and let your God‑given abilities become revealed to you, and then seek others in your community to help.

1 PETER 2:4‑9

Peter is giving the new Christians a reminder that they are called to be holy, and this will be revealed by the way they witness to others. Christians must be the living material from which the new temple of God is formed. The temple of Jerusalem was built out of ordinary dead stones, but we, because of Jesus Christ, have become living temples of God (l Cor. 3:16).

John tells us in Scripture that he is our vine, and we are his branches and, without the vine, the branches cannot bear any fruit (John 15:5). In the temple of Jerusalem they sacrificed animals and offered fruits of the field to God.

Now, you and I, because of Christ, through Christ, and in Christ, will offer ourselves and our sacrifice of praise to Christ. As temples of God we will perform good works, and the Eucharist will be a daily way of life for us. Jesus is our cornerstone, and upon that stone he has built a human temple of living saints. We do good things, not to become good or to earn a reward. We do good things because of the goodness that is within us. That goodness is the presence of the Holy Spirit which empowers us to reach out and bring our brothers and sisters out of the darkness and into the light. Much of the world today is in darkness because people have not experienced being personally loved by Christ. You are called to bring that light to them. I pray that you will start within your own family, your priestly family.

JOHN 14:1‑12

Jesus tells us that if we really believe in him, there is no uncertainty about death and to what it leads. He tells us that heaven is as positive as our trust and faith in him. He has prepared the way; that is certain.

The only uncertainty is our willingness to believe that he has prepared eternal life for us. We do not have to fear death for ourselves or our loved ones. We know that he has prepared a place for us and when it is ready he will come and take us home to our Father’s mansion. This is the incredible promise that Jesus has made to all who believe in him.

We see Jesus describing the way to find God, and it is only through him that we can reach the Father. He states, I am THE way because he is both God and man. By uniting our lives with his, we become united with God. Trust in Jesus and he will personally take us to the Father. Some people think that saying Jesus is the only way to the Father is too narrow. His way is wide enough for the whole world, if the world chooses to accept it. Have you really chosen to accept him as the way, the truth and the life?

We must remember that Jesus was the visible image of the invisible God. As the way, he leads us to the Father. As the truth, he is the reality of all God’s promises. As the life, he joins his divine life to ours, both now and eternally.

Jesus Christ, being divine, was the only person who was ever born to die for us. Because of him, you and I will never die; believing in him, we will live forever with him in his Father’s mansion (John 3:16). The question that Philip asked, “Who is the Father; show us,” is answered by Jesus at that time and is being answered by him today.

Be still and listen to God speaking to you (Psalm 46:10) and you will hear him say, I love you, even when you were a sinner, I still decided to die for you (Rom. 5:8) because I simply love you. He is the way, the truth and the life. Let your life show others that this is true.


The first reading tells us that we are to be servants of the Lord. The second reading calls us to be holy people, a people who care about others. In our Gospel, we are shown that only through Jesus can we be with the Father.

Let us, this week, practice this by being a servant to someone who is causing us some difficulty. Do not let the person know that you are making a special effort to serve him. Let your holiness be grounded in service and prayer this week. A suggested way might be to offer to help a family member with household chores or to help a co‑worker with some of his work.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?
  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?

SECOND DAY            READ ACTS 2:14, 36‑41        FIRST READING

(“It was to you and your children that the promise was made.”)

  1. Who was Peter addressing, who stood up with him, and what was he telling them to do?   Acts 2:14
  1. What did he want them to know beyond a doubt? Acts 2:36
  1. What does Scripture say will happen to us if we believe that God made Jesus both Lord and Messiah? Romans 10:9
  1. What happened when they heard this, and what did they ask Peter and the other disciples?   Acts 2:37
  1. What did Peter say we must do in order to receive the Holy Spirit?  Acts 2:38 Acts 16:31
  1. Who first received the promised Holy Spirit? Acts 2:32‑33


  1. To whom was this promise made? Acts 2:39


  1. From what did Peter keep urging them to save themselves? Acts 2:40
  1. What happened to those who accepted his message and how many were added that day? Acts 2:41

Personal ‑ In what way have you accepted the message that it was to you and your children that the promise was made? In what way has this sign of hope for your family been reflected in your attitude?

THIRD DAY             READ 1 PETER 2:20‑25       SECOND READING

(“He did no wrong; no deceit was found in his mouth.”)

  1. If you put up with suffering for doing what is right, what is this in God’s eyes? 1 Peter 2:20
  1. What do the following Scriptures say about suffering:

Isaiah 53:11? –

Philippians 1:29 –

1 Peter 4:16 –

Mark 8:31 –

  1. To what is it we are called, and whose footsteps do we follow as our example? 1 Peter 2:20‑21
  1. What did Christ not do, and what was not found in his mouth? 1 Peter 2:22
  1. When he was insulted, what did he not do, and when he was made to suffer, with what did he not return?  1 Peter 2:23,      Isaiah 53:7
  1. Instead, to whom was he delivered, and how does he judge? 1 Peter 2:23
  1. When did Jesus deliver himself up? Luke 23:44‑46
  1. How did he bring our sins to the cross, and for what reason? 1 Peter 2:24
  1. How have we been healed? 1 Peter 2:24
  1. What were we doing at one time, and now to whom have we returned?   l Peter 2:25
  1. Who is our shepherd, and what does he do for us? Read and meditate on Psalm 23

Personal ‑ In what way have you brought your sins to the cross and let go of them? How have you been healed? Jesus brought us freedom. Are you still holding on to old sins, or have you allowed him to set you free? Meditate on this passage of Scripture (1 Peter 2:20‑25).


FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 10:1‑10                GOSPEL

(“I came that they might have life.”)

  1. Who is speaking, and to whom is he speaking? John 10:6, John l0:19


  1. What is a man who does not enter the sheepfold through the gate but climbs in some other way, and what is the one who enters through the gate?   John 10:1-2


  1. What does the keeper do, what do the sheep hear, how does he call his own, and what does he do with them? John 10:3


  1. Where does he walk when he has brought out all that are his, what do the sheep do, and for what reason? John 10:4


  1. Who will they not follow and for what reason? John 10:5


  1. Did the listeners grasp what Jesus was trying to tell them, who did Jesus say he was, and what were all who came before him?   John 10:6-8
  1. What did Jesus say he was again, what will happen to those who enter through him, and what will they find? John 10:9


  1. What does the thief do, and why did Jesus come? John 10:10, John 1:4
  2. How are we to live our life and what are we to receive?   John 10:10, Romans 5:17



  1. What must we do to have eternal life? John 3:16

Personal ‑ When you lose the peace of Jesus and feel as though you are being destroyed by things going on around you, how do you handle it? Where do you go to receive the fullness of life?


FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 23:1‑6

(“He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 23:1‑6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



ACTS 2:14, 36‑41

In this passage we hear Peter boldly tell the crowd that they should listen to him because the Old Testament prophecies had been entirely fulfilled in Jesus. He told them that Jesus is the Messiah (Acts 2:25‑36) and the risen Christ could dramatically change their lives. This is a new Peter, humble but bold and the power of the Holy Spirit flowed through him like a mighty river.

This was the same Peter who had denied he had ever known Jesus, regardless of being one of the disciples. But the Lord forgave and restored him after his denial. We see the transformation take place as Peter becomes a powerful and dynamic speaker. What an incredible sense of mercy God has. He watched as Peter denied him and then listened as he confessed and repented with great passion.

Where are you at the present time in your life? Have you ever felt as if you have made such bad mistakes that God could never forgive you and use you? That is what Satan wants you to believe, but don’t buy it. It is a lie, and Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). God will forgive us of anything if we turn to him with a sincere and contrite heart (Psalm 51). His love is a love that has no limit. Tell him your terrible mistake and repent and let him take care of your fears.

Remember, true love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment (l John 4:18), while a relationship of love denotes a right relationship with God, therefore, there is no reason for punishment. God promises to forgive, and he never falls back on his word. Allow him to forgive and use you effectively to serve him by bringing others into his healing light. Try to be quiet and listen to him telling you how much he loves you (Psalm 46:10).

1 PETER 2:20‑25

Peter really brings home a painful truth in many of our lives and that is to endure unjust suffering. We only need to look around our world and see millions of people starving and struggling just to survive. We see tyrants tearing their nations apart and putting people through all kinds of unjust suffering.

Today’s message is a call to patience, loyalty, and forgiveness. Just look and see the suffering that is experienced by the spouse of an unfaithful partner. Many people live in a marriage where the spouse is oppressive, and verbally, physically, and sexually abusive. Much suffering is endured because of the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Many adults have been physically or sexually abused as children, and the long‑term suffering is still going on internally. Only the healing love of Jesus Christ who was the victim of unjust suffering can bring patience, forgiveness or love to someone who has suffered unjustly. Because we know that Christ did not do any wrong and suffered through his torture and death on the cross, we too, can try to follow his example.

Parents have been known to be ridiculed, mocked, and disgraced by their children and are, therefore, called as Christians to be Christ‑like examples of patience, forgiveness and love to them. You and I are not capable of this type of power. We can forgive others only when we realize that we ourselves are forgiven and loved completely by Jesus Christ. Suffering becomes bearable only when Christ is the bearer of the pain.

We call on him and he hears us and he responds to us. He never abandons us or leaves us alone. We must be ready to follow Jesus, regardless of where the road may lead. Suffering will be thrust upon many of us, but we must respond only to Jesus’ call.

JOHN 10:1‑10

John tells us of the love and dedication of a good and faithful shepherd. We clearly see that this is a story about someone protecting his flock even at the risk of losing his life. No hired hand would do this, only a total commitment of love is enough to fend off the wolves and other dangers to the flock. The sheep know their shepherd by the sound of his voice. They follow him wherever he goes. They eat wherever they are directed, and drink at the spot that is prepared for them. They safely rest at night in their sheepfold and feel secure at the sound of his voice.

We are told in Scripture, “The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want.” The Lord Jesus knows each and everyone of us by name and he provides us with food for our bodies and food for our spirit (Eucharist and his Holy Word). He tells us to be aware of those who want to steal our hearts and destroy our lives through sin. He tells us that he is “the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) Look at that Scripture closely and see how it states that he is THE way, not a way, but THE way.

John ends this passage by giving us the answer to God’s plan for all of us. We know that millions of people know about Jesus Christ and that he has a plan for us, and that is to live a life in all its fullness. Really, to be holy, one has to be WHOLE. We need to be physically and spiritually in tune with Christ. Our bodies are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). We are called to put on the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:1‑4) and be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18). When we do this, we can personally say with the Psalmist, “The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.”

First Reading – Acts 2: 14, 36-41 – This is Peter’s speech at Pentecost, listen to my words – The people wanted to know what they were to do now that they realized through Peter’s speech that they killed Jesus, but God raised Him up and is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Peter told them they would have to repent and be baptized, every one of them, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and then they would receive the Holy Spirit. What did they have to repent of? Their unbelief. By Peter exhorting them they were cut to the heart in condemning Jesus.

Admitted they were wrong by wanting to know what to do.

Peter told them.


The first reading deals with the virtue of hope. There is hope that we can all change for the better. The second reading helps us to see the power in redemptive suffering. It is a visual sign of Jesus Christ as he, too, once suffered for us. The Gospel brings home the message that he knows us personally, and he can identify us even by our own names.

Let us, this week, look at the suffering that is going on in our own families. We know who needs to be consoled. We know who is in danger of physical harm. We need to protect others from being exposed to unjust suffering. If you know someone who is being abused, report it at once to the proper authorities. The Lord wants us to be whole and healed. He wants us to draw upon Him for strength to endure the unjust suffering.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.




The first reading tells us that community is love in action. The second reading tells us that hope is eternal. The Gospel tells us to go out and spread the “Good News.”

This week, let us go forth and spread the Good News by our words and actions. Bring a Bible Study to someone who is confined to a home, hospital, or prison. Take a Scripture this week, such as love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4), and practice it in your family, job, or school. Jesus’ message to the world is, “Peace be with you,” and he wants it to begin with you first.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


 2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




SECOND DAY            READ ACTS 2:14, 22‑28        FIRST READING

(“It was impossible for him to be held by the power of Hades.”)

  1. What did Peter do with the Eleven? Acts 2:14


  1. Whom did he address, and what did he tell them to do? Acts 2:11, 14


  1. What did Jesus tell the disciples to do if the people would not listen to them?   Matthew 10:14


  1. Who sent Jesus, what were Jesus’ credentials, and what did God do with these credentials?   Acts 2:22


  1. Why was he delivered up, and whom did they make use of to crucify and kill Jesus?   Acts 2:23


  1. Of what did God free him, what did he do with him, and what was impossible?   Acts 2:24


  1. What did Jesus say of God about all things that are impossible?  Matthew 19:26


  1. What did David say? Acts 2:25


  1. What will his heart be, and what will his tongue and body do? Acts 2:26


  1. In verse 27 of Acts 2, of what is David assured?


  1. What has the Lord shown us, and with what will he fill us in his presence?   Acts 2:28


Personal ‑ God’s set purpose was for Jesus to die so you could have life. Do you know what God’s plan is for your life? In John 10:10, it says God’s plan for you is that you may have life and have it to its fullness. In what way are you living the full life?


THIRD DAY             READ 1 PETER 1:17‑21       SECOND READING

(“The ransom that was paid to free you was the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ.”)

  1. In what way do you call upon the Father, and how does he judge each one?   1 Peter 1:17


  1. If this is so, how should we conduct ourselves? 1 Peter 1:17


  1. How must we worship God? Hebrews 12:28


  1. In what way must we obey our human masters? Ephesians 6:5


  1. What are we to realize concerning from what we were delivered? Who ransomed this futile way of life for us and our fathers?    How is it not handed on to us?   1 Peter 1:18


  1. What is Christ’s blood beyond? 1 Peter 1:19


  1. By what have we been delivered and purified? 1 Peter 1:18‑19


  1. When was the blood of the spotless lamb chosen, and when is it revealed?   1 Peter 1:20


  1. It is through whom that we are believers in God? 1 Peter 1:19, 21


  1. What did God do for Jesus? In what is our faith and hope centered?   1 Peter 1:21


Personal ‑ In what way have you allowed what your parents may have said or done, to control your life? Are you carrying around any old garbage? Through the blood of Jesus we have been delivered from the power of sin. We recognize him in the breaking of the bread, him whom God raised from the dead and who now sits at the right hand of God forever.


Think about this and confess any unforgiveness toward anyone in your past, and let the blood of Jesus wash you clean and deliver you from any futile way of thinking. Be washed by the blood of the lamb. You have been delivered.



FOURTH DAY             READ LUKE 24:13‑35                GOSPEL

(“They had recognized him in the breaking of the bread.”)

  1. What day were two of them making their way to a village named Emmaus, and how far was this village from Jerusalem?Luke 24:1, 13


  1. What were they doing? Who approached them and started to walk with them? Did they recognize him?   Luke 24:14‑16


  1. What did Jesus say to them? How did they react to this question? What did Cleopas ask Jesus?   Luke 24:17‑18


  1. Jesus asked them, “What things?” and they proceeded to explain to him the events of the past few days. They called Jesus a prophet who was powerful in what two things and in whose eyes?   Luke 24:19


  1. Who delivered him up to be condemned to death and crucified? Luke 24:20


  1. For what were they hoping? Luke 24:21


Personal ‑ In what way have you been personally set free by the coming of the Messiah? How do others see you? Do they look at you as a slave to bad habits or someone set free by the death and resurrection of Jesus?


  1. What was the astonishing news brought to them by some women? Luke 24:22‑24


  1. What did Jesus say to them? And beginning with whom, what did Jesus interpret in regard to himself Luke 24:25-27


  1. By now, where were they located, and how did Jesus act? Luke 24:28


  1. What did they say to him, and what did Jesus do? Luke 24:29


  1. When Jesus sat with them to eat, what four things did he do with the bread? With that, what was their reaction, and what      happened to Jesus?   Luke 24:30-31


  1. What did they say happened to them as Jesus talked to them on the road and explained the Scriptures?   Luke 24:32


  1. Who does it say explains scripture to us? Luke 24:27, 32


  1. Where did they go immediately, and whom did they find there? With what were they greeted, and what did they recount?

Luke 24:33‑35


Personal ‑ How do you feel when you read scripture? Who explains it to you, and what is your reaction? Read Luke 2:26 and Luke 12:12.




FIFTH DAY          READ PSALM 16:1‑2, 5, 7‑11

(“You will show me the path of life.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 16:1‑2, 5, 7‑11.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 2:14, 22‑28

This passage tells us that God has called each one of us by name. God has a plan for each one of us, and we are called to respond to his plan to save his people which was fulfilled in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God has called you and told you that if you believe in his Son, Jesus Christ, you will have eternal life (John 3:16). God’s plan is that not only do we have life, but that we have life to its fullest. God’s plan is not to make us rich, but to make us whole. He wants us to be healthy, physically, emotionally, and spiritual­ly (John 10:10). The one provision that brings people out of the darkness of bondage and back into the light of freedom is Jesus Christ.

Peter was telling the crowd that the death of Jesus was part of God’s plan. He tells them that even David knew that the Lord would deliver him up to the Heavenly Kingdom of God. You need to know God’s plan for your life, and you need to respond to his call. God has disclosed that he loved you so much that he sent his only Begotten Son Jesus to die for you. If you believe that Jesus paid the ransom in blood, then you will live forever with God. Today you must decide whether God is telling the truth or whether this is just some story to make you feel good.

Your response to his call will dramatically change your life. You will begin to follow his plan for you, and forever your life will continue on in glory within his presence. Your response to his call will be how you live and how much you love yourself and others. God loves you to the extent that he died for you, so that you could forever live with him.


1 PETER 1:17‑21

In this passage the people were called to revere a loving God and were reminded that they were not to be treated like slaves of a ruthless master. They are, in fact, the adopted children of the most High God. We do not need to assume that being special, such as being the children of God, takes away the freedom to do whatever we desire. We really need to become, not spoiled children, but grateful children of a heavenly Father who loves and forgives us. A terrible crime was committed against God, and only God’s Son could free us from the heavy bondage that was left upon us. God paid a heavy ransom for our sins and it was paid with the precious blood of his Son Jesus, so that we could become his adopted children.

This passage reveals that both the law and the coming of Christ were part of God’s eternal ongoing plan (Rom. 8:29). We see in God’s action a love that is real. A real love is sacri­fice, forgiveness, patience, and kindness. Giving up of one’s own self means to put the needs of another first. Jesus manifested what is real in life, and because of this, he showed us how to love, so we can love others as he has loved us (John 15:12). You need to remember that everything in this life, possessions, accomplishments, and people, will some day be all gone. The only thing in life that is permanent is God’s will, his word, and his works. We can only put our faith and hope in God because it is he who has raised Christ from the dead. In Christ’s name everything we do, everything we say, and everything we hope to become really is what we could call a life of freedom.


LUKE 24:13‑35

The two disciples in today’s story missed the significance of what happened at the empty tomb, because they were too wrapped up in their own hurt and disappointment. They didn’t even recognize Jesus when he walked beside them and joined them in their conversation. To make matters worse, they actually walked the wrong way, away from the fellowship of their fellow believers in Jerusalem.

Many times people in their hurt or grief turn away from the support of loved ones and withdraw into a corner of silence by themselves. We need to realize that it is only when we are looking for Jesus in our midst that we will experience the power and help he can bring us.

The disciples could not understand how Jesus could be so uninformed about what had happened. They saw that Jesus was very much aware of what was going on as he explained the role of God among his people. The disciples were looking for a triumphant Messiah who would break the rule of Rome. Jesus tells them about a Savior who changes the hearts of people, not their hold on power. The disciples began to see that this was no ordinary man who they met “by accident.” Their hearts began to burn like fire, and they could not get enough of his teaching.

Do our hearts burn like fire over him? Do we hunger and thirst to know him more intimately than we do? Do we really understand that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is our only hope of Salvation? These disciples did not understand this at first despite the witness of the women and the biblical prophecies of that incredible event.

Today, after 2000 years, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is still a surprise to many people. Today, many people still refuse to believe that it took the living, breathing Jesus to come in to their midst and to break bread with them before they believed. Today for many people, it takes the fellowship and presence of living, breathing Christians to show these same people that Jesus is alive and in our midst.



The first reading tells us that God knows each one of us by name. In the second reading, we are being called to show reverence to our God. The Gospel tells us not to get wrapped up in our own problems, but to be open and seek others and their problems so that they, too, can see and hear God all around them.

This week, let us reach out to someone who is hurting in our family, school, work or community. Let us call on that person and show our concern by our presence. It may be nothing more than a telephone call or a short visit to just say “Hello.” Remember, the greatest gift we give to others is our presence. It is in our presence that they will see God in their midst.

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (Divine Mercy Sunday, April 16th) ‑ CYCLE A


by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.




Jesus’ death brought us freedom from sin and death. We are now called to free others from sin and death here on earth. Some of us can do that by our professions as medical people, legal people, politicians, educators, business people, parents, and children.

This week, free someone in your family, home, or work from a chore that you know they don’t like. Let them see that joy in someone who really knows that he is free. Then each day have your family gather together to pray that all may become free from sin through Jesus Christ. Because of him, you are free. Let freedom ring throughout this land.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY              READ ACTS 2:42‑47          FIRST READING

(“The early Christians live a life of prayer and share all things in common.”)

  1. Those who were baptized were devoted to what four aspects of Christian living? Acts 2:42



  1. Why did a reverent “fear” overtake them? Acts 2:43



  1. What did it mean to live in common? Acts 2:44‑45



  1. How were goods and property divided? Acts 2:45



  1. In the earliest times, where did the Jewish Christians     continue to go daily to pray and hear the Word of God? Acts 2:46



  1. Where did these Christians break bread and celebrate the Eucharist? Acts 2:46



  1. What was the condition of their hearts as they took their meals in common? Acts 2:46



  1. What two things were happening as they took their meals in common? Acts 2:47



  1. What was added, day by day, and by whom? Acts 2:47



Personal ‑ How have I been living out God’s presence in my life? Do I think of salvation as something very individual and private, or how does my view compare to this picture of the early church? How do I share my goods and feel about the lifestyle described here?



THIRD DAY              READ 1 PETER 1:3‑9        SECOND READING


(“The people celebrate God’s gift of grace to the Gentiles.”)


  1. Who is to be praised, and for what reason? 1 Peter 1:3



  1. What does this birth give, and from what does it draw its life? 1 Peter 1:3



  1. On what is our hope fixed? 1 Timothy 4:10



  1. In the end, what three things last? 1 Cor 13:13



  1. What is incapable of fading or being defiled, where is it kept, and how is it guarded? 1 Peter 1:4‑5



  1. What three things does this new truth give, and when will this be revealed? 1 Peter 1:3‑5



  1. For what is there cause, what may you have to do, and for what reason? 1 Peter 1:6‑7



  1. Why do you rejoice with inexpressible joy touched with glory?   1 Peter 1:8



  1. What is faith’s goal? 1 Peter 1:9



Personal ‑ In what way have I been tested in my faith? How did my faith grow as a result?




FOURTH DAY             READ JOHN 20:19‑31                GOSPEL

(“Jesus appears to the disciples in the room.”)

  1. Why had the disciples locked the door where they were staying? John 20:19



  1. What was Jesus’ greeting as he stood before the disciples? John 20:19 Compare it to his greeting in John 14:27



  1. What did Jesus show the disciples, and what was their re‑action? John 20:20



  1. At the apostles’ sight of him, what did Jesus say again; whom did he say sent him and, in turn, is sending them? John 20:21



  1. Jesus “breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the _________.” John 20:22


  1. After receiving the Holy Spirit, what authority did the disciples have regarding sin? John 20:23. What did Jesus say about forgiving sins?   Luke 17:3‑4



Personal ‑ How does the life of Christ penetrate my daily life and actions? Does his greeting, “Peace be with you,” fill me with joy and peace or other emotions? Just as Jesus has sent his disciples out to the world, so also he sends me. By my baptism, I have received the Holy Spirit. How do I live out this commission in my everyday life?



  1. Who was absent when Jesus came to the disciples, and what did they tell Him they had seen? What was his response? John 20:24-25


  1. A week later, Jesus again came to them in the room. What was Jesus’ greeting to the disciples?   John 20:26


  1. How did Jesus challenge Thomas to believe, and what was Thomas’ response?  (Write it out.)  John 20:27‑28


  1. Jesus blest Thomas because he and      , and Jesus blessed all those “who have not     and have           _________.” How does this help to strengthen my faith?    John 20:29


  1. How do these signs affect our faith? John 20:30‑31


Personal ‑ Just as Thomas came to believe through seeing and touching, how does Jesus invite me to faith in my life through sight and touch? When have I passed from fear or sadness to joy “at the sight of the Lord?”




FIFTH DAY       READ PSALM 118:2‑4, 13‑15, 22‑24

(“My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my Savior.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 118:2‑4, 13‑15, 22‑24.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?



How can you apply this to your life?





ACTS 2:42‑47

This passage reveals a tremendous sense of love and commitment to one another. The Apostles gave their teachings about the life and events of Jesus Christ with a high degree of enthusiasm and authority. An apostle meant one who was an eyewitness to the ministry, passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord.

The fellowship between the followers and new converts was warm, strong, and incredibly joyful. The poor and needy were taken care of physically as well as in prayer. The hungry were being fed, the homeless were being sheltered, the naked were being clothed, and the lonely were being loved and affirmed. They ministered to outcasts in prisons or leper colonies.

There were many signs of God’s healing presence in the community. The bond between them was shared through their giving up of their personal pleasures in order that the community might be saved.

The core of this healing action by the community was Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not through their own individual talent. Today, we need to remember that all we have that is good comes from our loving God. The people attended the temple and broke bread together in their homes.

Today, we are called to church to “celebrate.” We are celebrating the incredible victory that Jesus won for us by dying and rising for us. We share in the “Bread of Life” or “Eucharist.” At this celebration, we become nourished with the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We are then called to go out from the Church and “Eucha­rist” with all that we come into contact. We do this because he is wherever we are. (1 John 4:4).


1 PETER 1:3‑9

Today, St. Peter’s words remind us, once again, what that unique event, “the Resurrection,” means to us, and to the Christian Faith that we profess. The first converts to Christianity had grasped the truth of sharing eternal life with the Father because of what Jesus had done for all mankind. These people were in much pain, in much sorrow, and with no hope for their future. They grasped this truth about the Lord with a hunger and a thirst, and they rejoiced in it. We, too, have grasped this truth. We, too, know that through the Incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ, we also have been made heirs to the kingdom of our heavenly Father.

We need to reflect now and ask ourselves why so many people do not let this consoling Christian conviction govern and regulate their lives and actions. Our technology today is so sophisticated that it prevents many from thinking about the real and permanent Lawmaker. God is the Creator of all, and he has planned and is in control of all of our futures.

Many of us are so busy using and enjoying the earthly gifts of God that we forget and, in many cases, ignore the greatest gift of all ‑ the one that will last forever ‑ Eternal Life. St. Peter tells us that our Faith is more precious than gold and, like gold, it will be purified and tested under the fire of adversity. We are called “Easter people” because he is risen and lives within us. We are alive in Christ, and our Eternal Life with him begins today. Rejoice and be glad. He is alive and well within you, so you may be well, too.


JOHN 20:19‑31

The disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were terribly frightened that the soldiers were going to come and arrest them and, possibly, even put them to death. Fear for themselves and their families was deep in their hearts when Jesus appeared to them. In their fear, loneliness, rejection, and failure, Jesus makes the incredible statement, “Peace be unto you!” He showed them his wounds but most of all, he let them know that he was still among them. They were overcome with tremendous joy. Today, millions of people are behind locked doors; many are in prisons or hospitals, and many are trapped behind the locked door of a closed, broken mind. Jesus’ message to us today, regardless of where we are or what we are going through, is to remember that he is always with us.

Jesus identified himself with his Father and told the disciples by whose authority he did his work. Now he passed the job on to his disciples to spread the “Good News” around the world. God has chosen you to do that today, and your authority comes from him. Jesus has shown us by his words and actions how to accomplish the “Great Commission.” As the Father has sent Jesus, he now sends you with the protection and power of his Holy Spirit. He gives you that power by breathing upon you. There is life in the breath of God, and through the breath of Jesus, God directed eternal spiritual life. With this inbreathing came the power to do God’s will on earth. Jesus told them their mission, and it is the same mission that we must undertake. Tell the people about the “Good News” that Jesus has forgiven their sins. We do not have that power to forgive, but Jesus does. People of today cannot receive the message of forgiveness until they receive the one who forgives; his name is Jesus.



The first reading tells us that community is love in action. The second reading tells us that hope is eternal. The Gospel tells us to go out and spread the “Good News.”

This week, let us go forth and spread the Good News by our words and actions. Bring a Bible Study to someone who is confined to a home, hospital, or prison. Take a Scripture this week, such as love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4), and practice it in your family, job, or school. Jesus’ message to the world is, “Peace be with you,” and he wants it to begin with you first.





by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



The first reading showed us that suffering can lead to obedience. The second reading shows that humility is the cornerstone of leadership. And the Gospel tells us that suffering for something that you didn’t do and showing humility in your actions calls for spirituality that only Jesus can give.

This week, look around and see if you can be helpful and set an example of Christ to someone who is suffering. This could be your spouse, your children or someone at work.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ ACTS 10:34, 37-43       FIRST READING

(“We have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead.”)

  1. Whom was Peter addressing? Acts 10:24‑28


  1. What did he say to them? Acts 10:34‑35


  1. How does Deuteronomy 10:17 describe God, and what does it say he does not do?   2 Chronicles 19:7


  1. For what reason does God have no favorites? Job 34:19, Wisdom 6:7


Personal ‑ In what way do you show partiality with your children, your friends, and your co‑workers? Spend time alone with the Lord, repent of this, and ask the Lord to help you look at others through his eyes.


  1. What was reported all over Judea about Jesus of Nazareth? Where did it begin, and with what?   Acts 10:37‑38


  1. Who anointed Jesus and who anointed Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy?  Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 1:21‑22


  1. What two things did Jesus go about doing and who was with him?   Acts 10:38


  1. To what are they witnesses, what did they finally do to him, and what did God do?   Acts 10:39‑40


  1. What did God grant, and by whom? Acts 10:40‑41


  1. Who are the chosen and for what purpose are they chosen? Ephesians 1:13


  1. What did he commission us to do? Acts 10:42


  1. Whom has he sent to preach to the people? Mark 3:14, 2 Corinthians 4:1‑2


  1. Who are his disciples today? John 8:31, John 13:35


  1. To what are we to bear witness and to what do all the prophets testify?   Acts 10:42‑43


Personal ‑ What results and power do you see in your everyday life from your anointing with the Holy Spirit? Does your family see good works and healing taking place from your touch? Reflect on this.




(“Be intent on things above rather than things of earth.”)

  1. With whom have we been raised up, and on what should we set our heart?   Colossians 3:1


  1. Where is Christ seated? Colossians 3:1


  1. Who raised us up and gave us a place in the heavens? Ephesians 2:4‑6


  1. On what are we to be intent and why? Colossians 3:2‑3


  1. What are things that are rooted in earth? Col 3:5, 8-9


  1. How do we become intent on things above? Col 3:10


  1. Where is our life hidden now? Colossians 3:3


  1. Who is Christ to us? Colossians 3:4


  1. When Christ appears, what will happen to us and in what way?      Colossians 3:4


Personal ‑ As you have died with Christ to your old desires and to things rooted in this earth, do your family, friends, and work acquaintances see you as a reflection of Christ? On a sheet of paper, name some of the characteristics of Christ in one column and in another column list your characteristics through a 24‑hour day and compare the two columns.



FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 20:1-9                 GOSPEL

(“He saw and believed.”)

  1. Who came to the tomb, what time was it, and what day was it? John 20:1


  1. Where was Mary Magdalene as Jesus hung on the cross? John 19:25


  1. What did Jesus drive out of Mary? Mark 16:9


  1. What did Mary see when she arrived at the tomb? John 20:1


  1. To whom did she run, and what did she say to them? John 20:2


  1. What did Peter and the other disciple do? John 20:3


  1. Who reached the tomb first, and how did they get there? John 20:4


Personal ‑ In what way do you see yourself running to see Jesus? Are you persevering in running the race? On whom are you keeping your eyes fixed? Do your family and friends see you as someone with eyes looking up or cast down? Read Hebrews 12:1‑­2.


  1. What did the disciple do when he got to the tomb and what did he see lying on the ground?   John 20:5


  1. What did Peter do when he got there? What did he observe on the ground, and what did he notice about the cloth which had covered Jesus’ head?   John 20:6‑7


  1. What did the disciple who had arrived first do, and what was his reaction to this?   John 20:8


  1. What does it take to believe? John 1:12


  1. What will you receive by believing in the name of Jesus? John 3:36


  1. After Jesus rose from the dead, what did the disciples come to understand and believe?   John 2:22


  1. When did they understand and believe? Luke 24:30‑32


  1. What does Jesus say about those who believe and have not seen?      John 20:29


Personal ‑ How have you seen a change take place in your life through reading the scriptures? Have you come to believe in the spoken Word of Jesus through the scriptures? Remember, John tells us Jesus is the Word made flesh. Pray and ask God to fill you with an understanding of the Word through his gift of the Holy Spirit that you received from him.



FIFTH DAY       READ PSALM 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

(“The right hand of the Lord has struck with power.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 10:34, 37-43

Alleluia is a Hebrew word that means “praise ye the Lord.” On this great day of Easter Sunday we give thanks, gratit­ude and our complete joy in the form of praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. This passage strongly shows that the resurrection is the basic doctrine and proof of the truth of the Christian faith. We are told in scripture that if Christ has not risen, then our preach­ing is in vain, and our faith is worthless also (1 Cor. 15:14).

There are many today who disregard the physical resurrection and say that it is no big deal. They say that it is the spirit­ual resurrection that really matters. St. Paul says just the op­posite. Jesus rose from the dead, and then he was seen by witnes­ses who had not only spoken with him, but had actually eaten with him. The Apostles were devastated on Friday night after the cruc­ifixion. They remained locked in the upper room, fearful of what the Roman soldiers were going to do next. They were even too afraid to do any wishful thinking about their beloved master Jesus. They were hard to convince even when it happened.

We need to reflect on this passage. Have we seen him, have we talked with him, have we eaten with him? He is alive today, and like the Apostle Peter, we too are called to evangelize and teach about Jesus. We are called to fellowship with others who believe that he is risen and that he lives today. We need to dis­cover through Christ something significant about each other, both believers and non‑believers. He has risen for the whole world ‑ Alleluia ‑ Alleluia!



In this passage, Paul begins by bringing us into the core meaning of our baptism. In the early days of the church, baptism was by total immersion. When you heard the story of Christ and you were ready to believe in the one true God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you were then immersed in water. You were cleansed from your sins and worldliness. Immersion was a symbol of being drowned or buried with Christ. This sig­nified that the new Christian has died to all earthly attachments and desires. He was raised out of the water or the tomb to be with the risen Christ. Paul said, “If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above.” This means that we must mean what we say and do.

We have been raised with Christ and we no longer need to dwell on things of the earth. This does not mean we can walk away from responsibilities. It does not mean just being obedient to parents and to society. It does not mean just having to work to support ourselves or our families. It means that our earthly possessions must not dominate our life.

We are called to love people, not things, money, power, status, etc. Our lives need to show that what we did at baptism has life-long meaning. What we do is far more effective on others than what we say. We were created for unending happiness in heaven and this happiness is now within our grasp, thanks to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are helped in our daily living by God’s holy grace. Remember, God wants us to go to heaven and he has an Easter resurrection planned for all of us.


JOHN 20:1-9

The divine plan of God for all people was accomplished through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All would now be eligible to be called sons and daughters of God because of Jesus Christ’s perfect act of obedience. Because of him, we will one day, like Christ, rise from the grave in our glorified bodies.

The resurrection is the basis of the new Christian faith. Had it not happened, Christianity would never have started. There would have been no Easter Sunday. Peter would have returned with his compan­ions to their fishing nets and boats, and Jesus Christ would have been forgotten after a few short years.

Mary Magdalene’s discovery of an empty tomb brought shock and fear. She ran to Peter and told him that she thought someone had stolen the body of Jesus. Peter had to see for himself and check out the facts.

We might take notice how the clothes were folded after they discovered Jesus’ body was gone. They would not have been arranged that way if there had been a robbery. The disciples were completely surprised when they found the empty tomb. It was only then that they remembered that Jesus had said that he would rise again.

Many people today do not believ­e in Jesus because they say the “facts” do not check out. We can only accept the fact of the resurrection when we have first personally encountered Jesus Christ. The understanding of the resurrection takes on a special meaning as we commit our lives to Jesus and his presence remains with us.

Jesus’ resur­rection is the key to our Christian faith because death, as we know it, is not the end. Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows us that he is ruler of God’s kingdom. Be­cause of his promise, we who die to ourselves with him, will rise from the dead with him. Because of him, you and I can face tomorrow without fear. Because of him, we have his Holy Spirit living within us and protecting us against all evil (1 John 4:4). Because of him, we can witness to the whole world that if they believe in Jesus Christ, they may also receive eternal happiness. Because of him, all mankind can really be free and live forever.

Alleluia ‑ HE is Risen ‑ Alleluia ‑ HE is alive.



Jesus’ death brought us freedom from sin and death. We are now called to free others from sin and death here on earth. Some of us can do that by our professions as medical people, legal people, politicians, educators, business people, parents, and children.

This week, free someone in your family, home, or work from a chore that you know they don’t like. Let them see that joy in someone who really knows that he is free. Then each day have your family gather together to pray that all may become free from sin through Jesus Christ. Because of him, you are free. Let freedom ring throughout this land.



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



The theme is resurrection and the first reading shows the dry bones coming back to life and forming a new army of the Lord. The second reading tells us that if the Holy Spirit dwells within us we will then be controlled by the Spirit and not by the flesh and we will receive our reward in Heaven. The Gospel tells us that we need to put our attention upon Jesus and not on the temporary things of the world such as health, youth or power.

This week, listen to someone in your home and try to meet one of their needs: such as someone desiring to be understood, a car to be washed, a room cleaned, a child to be cared for, or lead someone in prayer.




SECOND DAY             READ ISAIAH 50:4‑7         FIRST READING

(“The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced.”)

  1. Where did the well‑trained tongue come from, to whom has he given it and for what reason has he been given a well‑trained tongue?   Isaiah 50:4


  1. When and what does he open, that we may hear? Isaiah 50:4


  1. What has he not done? Isaiah 50:5


  1. What happens to those that rebel? 1 Samuel 12:15


  1. What did the servant do to those who beat him and plucked his beard?   Isaiah 50:6


  1. From what did he not shield his face? Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 26:67 and 27:30


  1. Who is the servant’s help and how has he set his face? Isaiah 50:7


  1. What does the servant know? Isaiah 50:7


Personal ‑ When do you hear the Lord speaking to you? What is he saying to you? In what way, by using a well‑trained tongue, do you rouse the weary in your own household? Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you how you can train your tongue.





(“Jesus Christ is Lord.”)

  1. What must be your attitude? Philippians 2:5


  1. Of who was he in the form? Philippians 2:6
  2. Who is Christ? John 1:1, 14


  1. What was something at which he did not grasp? Phil. 2:6


  1. Rather, of what did he become empty, and why? Phil. 2:7, 2 Corinthians 8:9


  1. What form did he take and in whose likeness was he born, and of what was he known to be?   Philippians 2:7


  1. What two things did he do in verse 8 of Philippians 2?


  1. For what reason did he do the above two things? Hebrews 2:14‑17


  1. Because he humbled himself and accepted death on the cross, what two things did God do for him?   Philippians 2:9


 What must every knee do, in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, at the name of Jesus and what must every tongue proclaim?   Philippians 2:10‑11


  1. What does this tell you beyond a doubt? Acts 2:36


  1. For whose glory is this proclaimed (Phil. 2:11) and what will happen to you if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead?  Romans 10:9


  1. Who gives you the power to say, “Jesus is Lord?” 1 Cor. 12:3


Personal ‑ In what way is your attitude that of Christ? In what way have you humbled yourself? What cross have you obediently accepted? Read Mark 8:34 and meditate on this.




FOURTH DAY          READ MATTHEW 26:14‑27:66             GOSPEL

(“For this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, to be poured out in behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.”)

  1. Who went to the chief priest, what did he ask them and what were they willing to pay him to betray and hand Jesus over to them?   Matthew 26:14‑16


  1. What was paid to the owner for a gored slave? Ex 21:32


  1. What did the disciples ask Jesus on the first day of the feast of the unleavened bread and what did he say to them? Matthew 26:17‑18


  1. What did Jesus call himself and who prepared the Passover supper?   Matt 26:18‑19


  1. When it grew dark and in the course of the meal what did Jesus say to his disciples, how did they feel, and what was their response?  Matthew 26: 20‑25


  1. During the meal, what did Jesus do and say about the bread?   Matthew 26:26


  1. What did he do with the cup, who did he say must drink from it, for what reason and what did they do after this was said? Matthew 26:27‑30


  1. From what did Jesus quote, what did he say to them, and what was Peter’s response and all the other disciples? Matthew 26:31‑35, Zechariah 13:7


Personal ‑ In what way have you drunk from the cup of Jesus’ blood? Hebrews 9:22 says “According to the law almost everything is purified by blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Reflect on this.


  1. Where did Jesus go with his disciples and what did he say to them? Matthew 26:36


  1. Who did he take with him, what did he do and who did he address?   Matthew 26:37‑39


  1. What did Jesus pray to his Father, how many times did he say this to him and what were the disciples doing? Matt 26:39‑46


  1. While Jesus was still speaking, who arrived, who sent them, and how did his betrayer signal them?   Matthew 26:47‑48


  1. How was this fulfilled, what did Peter do, and what did Jesus say about this? Matthew 26:49‑56


  1. After they apprehended Jesus, where did they take him; where was Peter, and what were the chief priests trying to obtain? Matthew 26:57‑60


  1. When two came forward, what did they declare; what was the high priest’s reaction, how did Jesus act, and what was the verdict?   Matthew 26:61‑66


  1. What did they do to Jesus? Matthew 26:67‑68


  1. Where was Peter, what did he do, how many times did he do this and what did he do on hearing a cock crow? Matthew 26:69‑75


Personal ‑ How do you act when things get tough in your home or work environment? Do you keep your eyes on Jesus and stand firm with him or do you keep your eyes on your circumstances?


  1. What happened at daybreak, what was the fate of Jesus’ betrayer and what happened to the thirty pieces of silver for which Judas betrayed him? Matthew 27:1‑10


  1. When Jesus was arraigned before the procurator, what was said and what was his reaction? Matthew 27:11‑14


  1. What were they accustomed to doing on this occasion of a festival, who was Barabbas, what did Pilate say to them, and what did Pilate’s wife say? Matthew 27:15‑19


  1. What was the chief priest doing, what was the result and why did Pilate wash his hands? Matthew 27:20‑26


  1. Who sentenced Jesus to death? Matthew 27:2, 26


  1. What did they do next and of what was Jesus’ crown made? Matthew 27:27‑31


  1. On their way out, who did they meet, what did he do, where did they arrive, and what did they try to give him to drink? Matthew 27:32‑34


  1. When they crucified him, what did they do with his clothes, what did they put above his head, who was on each side of him and what were the people doing?   Matthew 27:35‑44


  1. Where was Jesus when people cried out, “He saved others but he cannot save himself?” Matthew 27:40‑42


  1. While Jesus hung on the cross what was over all the land? Matthew 27:45


  1. Complete Jesus’ words from the cross ‑ “Matthew 27:46


  1. When Jesus said these words, what did some of the bystanders say? Matthew 27:47


  1. What happened to the curtain in the sanctuary, the earth, and the bodies of the saints?   Matthew 27:51‑53


  1. What was the reaction of the centurion and his men and who looked on from a distance?   Matthew 27:54‑56
  2. Who was another of Jesus’ disciples, what did he do and what sealed the mouth of Jesus’ grave?   Matthew 27:57‑61



  1. What happened the next day, what did Pilate tell them, and what did they fix on the stone?   Matthew 27:62‑66


Personal ‑ In what way has the shedding of Jesus’ blood affected your life? This week, in preparation for Easter, reflect on the cleansing blood of Jesus in your life.




FIFTH DAY        READ PSALM 22:8‑9, 17‑20, 23‑24

(“They have pierced my hands and my feet.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 22:8‑9, 17‑20, 23‑24.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ISAIAH 50:4‑7

The source of strength and courage for all suffering, trial and tribulations is the suffering and death of our divine Lord Jesus Christ. We need to hold fast to him when the world closes in with its assault, rejection and abandonment. He not only traveled this same road before the saints of old, but he travels it today, constantly waiting to be with us in our suffering. His suffering and death opened the road to heaven for all of us, even though many refuse the gift. He gave up everything for us, and he gave us love, trust, hope, respect, eternal life. In return he was spat upon, ridiculed, beaten, jeered, scourged and mocked. He finally was executed on Calvary by being nailed to a cross between two criminals.

This is a day of reflection. We are about to enter holy week. Let us not forget the actions and words of Isaiah’s suffering servant. We need to reflect how fast the crowd changed from adoring him to rejecting him. He took up his cross for us; I need to remember that I, too, am called to carry my cross for others as Christ did. Sometimes we think our cross is too heavy, or that it is unfair to carry such a heavy cross. How heavy is your cross compared to Christ’s? How is your Calvary compared to Jesus’ Calvary?




Paul tells us that our attitudes should be like that of Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:5). He describes putting on the attitude of a servant rather than that of a king. Jesus though being God, did not demand his rights and privileges of royalty. He deliberately set them all aside and took on the role of a servant. There lies the incredible formula of a successful leader.

Jesus, a true leader serves all of us. He showed us that putting others first and being humble was the only way a person can become a real leader. The sheep followed the shepherd because they trusted him. People will follow a leader if they know that he has their welfare at heart. Jesus showed us everything of God’s character in human terms. He was obedient even unto death, and the type of death the Father chose for him was extremely painful.

Jesus is the perfect role model for us today. How many times do we demand our rights when we feel we are being treated less than fairly? The name of Jesus should bring to every Christian the name of a person who willingly died so that all could be free. He died for us knowing very well that we are sinners (Romans 5:8). Jesus voluntarily laid aside his divine rights, privileges, and position out of love for his Father. We, too, are called to lay aside our rights and privileges for our oppressed brothers and sisters in the Holy Name of Jesus.



MATTHEW 26:14‑27:66

The coming of the Messiah was a dream that the Jews envisioned for many, many centuries. They visioned the Messiah as one who would deliver the Jews from the tyranny of the pagan government that was ruling at the time. Judas wasn’t any different when he saw that possibility grow during the ministry of Jesus. The major difference, in what Judas hoped for and what was really happening, was that Jesus did not intend to bring a new and more powerful government to the people.

Judas expected to be on the inside of something really big. Jesus’ kingdom was not of this world. He only promised eternal life to all those who believe in him. He said he was the way, the truth and the life (John 14:1‑6). Judas finally realized that Jesus’ kingdom was not physical or political, but spiritual.

Many people today are being told that if they accept Jesus they will become handsome, beautiful, prosperous and healthy. That is not what Jesus promised. He told us that we have to pick up our cross and carry it daily. He told us that we would be persecuted in his name. He told us not to be concerned about what we wear and what we eat. He told us that if we are to rise with him we need to die with him also.

We are called to die to ourselves. We are called to put him on the throne of our lives. This is difficult to accept, because all honor and glory belongs to him and not to us. We can only do this when we are obedient to his Holy Word. The people shouted death, death, death to our Lord Jesus at the meeting of the Sanhedrin. Jesus was convicted of committing the sin of blasphe­my, a crime punishable by death. They not only rejected his claim but even crucified him on Calvary. You need to decide today, whether Jesus’ Words are blasphemy, or truth. The result of your decision is eternal.




The first reading showed us that suffering can lead to obedience. The second reading shows that humility is the cornerstone of leadership. And the Gospel tells us that suffering for something that you didn’t do and showing humility in your actions calls for a spirituality that only Jesus can give.

This week, look around and see if you can be helpful and set an example of Christ to someone who is suffering. This could be your spouse, your children or someone at work.



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY            READ EZEKIEL 37:12‑14        FIRST READING

(“I shall put my Spirit in you and you will live.”)

  1. Who is Ezekiel? Ezekiel 1:1‑3


  1. Who is speaking, to whom is he speaking, and how is this done? Ezekiel 37:12


  1. How is prophesy put forth? 2 Peter 1:21


  1. What did the Lord say to the people? Ezekiel 37:12


  1. By his doing this, what will the people know? Ez 37:13


  1. What will he put in them and why? Ez 37:14


  1. Where will he settle them? Ez 37:14


  1. In what two ways does the Lord show them that he is the Lord? Ezekiel 37:12, 14


  1. What does the Lord say about what he promises? Ez 37:14


  1. What are some of the promises of God?

Matthew 10:42

Luke 24:49

Acts 1:4‑5

1 Corinthians 10:13

2 Peter 3:13

1 John 2:25


Personal ‑ How do you stand on the promises of God? In what way do you believe God will do what he says he will do for you in his Word? God is faithful and promises you life to the fullest. How do the promises of God penetrate your whole being? Allow his Spirit which he has given you to comfort and guide you in all you do.


THIRD DAY              READ ROMANS 8:8‑11        SECOND READING

(“If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living      in you, then he will give life to your mortal bodies.”)

  1. What happens to those who are in the flesh? Romans 8:8


  1. What does Jesus say in John 6:63 about the flesh?


  1. Whose Spirit dwells in us? Romans 8:9


  1. Who are those who do not belong to Christ? Romans 8:9


  1. How do we know we belong to God? 1 John 4:2, 15


  1. If Christ is in us, what happens to the body? Romans 8:10


  1. What does the spirit do, and for what reason? Romans 8:10


  1. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have done what with the flesh? Galatians 5:24


  1. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, what will happen to our mortal bodies and who will do this? Romans 8:11


  1. How will this be done? Romans 8:11


Personal ‑ How much time do you spend praising and thanking the Lord for dying for you so you could have life? How often do you recognize the power of his Spirit in your life? What does your family see in you? Ask someone in your family or a friend to evaluate how often they see the fruits of the Spirit manifested through you. Galatians 5:22-23. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self‑control.


FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 11:1‑45                GOSPEL

(“I am the Resurrection and the Life.”)

  1. What was a certain man’s name who was sick, what were the names of his two sisters, and what had the one sister done with the Lord?  John 11:1, 2; John 12:3


  1. What did the sisters inform Jesus, what was his response and even though Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus very much, what did he do?   John 11:3‑6


  1. What did he finally say to his disciples, what was their protest and what did Jesus answer them? John 11:7‑10


  1. After he uttered these words, what did he add, what was the disciples response, what was Jesus talking about, and what did the disciples think?   John 11:11-13


  1. What did Jesus say plainly about Lazarus, why was Jesus glad he was not there when he died, and when Jesus said “Let us go to him,” what did Thomas say? John 11:14-16


Personal ‑ How have you experienced fear of others-‑especially rejection-‑for following what you know God has called you to do or say? How have you been willing and obedient in following through? Have you been willing, as Thomas was, to die in order to stand with Jesus? How have you experienced rejection from your spouse, children, friends, work acquaintances, etc., because you have stood firm on God’s promises? Read Romans 8:35‑39 for reassurance.


  1. Who went to meet Jesus when she heard he was coming; who stayed home, and what did Martha say to Jesus? John 11:20-21


  1. Of what was Martha even now sure; what did Jesus say to her, and what was her response? John 11:22-24


  1. Who did Jesus tell her was the resurrection and the life, what did he say would happen to those who believe in him, and what will never happen to those who believe in him? John 11:25-26


  1. What was Jesus question to Martha, and what was her response. After she said this, she went back and called her sister Mary. What did she whisper to her, and what did she call him? John 11:26‑29


  1. What did the Jews do when they saw Mary get up quickly? How did Jesus feel when Mary fell at his feet and was weeping, what did he ask them, and what did they say? John 11:31‑34


  1. What did Jesus begin to do, and what was the reaction of the Jews to this?   John 11:35‑36


  1. What did Jesus say, what did Martha say to him, and what did he say to her?   John 11:39‑40


  1. Where did Jesus look when they took the stone away, and whom did he thank for having heard him, and of what was he always sure and why? John 11:41-42


  1. After he said this to the Father, what did he say loudly and how did the dead man come out? What did Jesus say to the crowd, and what did this cause many of the Jews to do? John 11:43‑45


Personal ‑ When you pray, in what way do you thank the Father, as Jesus did, for answering your prayer even if you have not yet seen the results? When you pray to the Father in the name of Jesus this week, practice thanking him for always hearing your prayer.



FIFTH DAY              READ PSALM 130:1‑8

(“I trust in the Lord; my soul trusts in his Word.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 130:1‑8.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?





EZEKIEL 37:12‑14

This passage reveals the vision Ezekiel had of a valley filled with dried up bones or skeletons. The bones represented the Jews in captivity -‑ scattered and dead. Ezekiel probably felt as though he was speaking to the dead as he preached to the exiles, because they rarely ever responded to his message. But these bones responded, and just as God brought life into these bones, he would breathe life again into his spiritually dead people. This passage is a tremendous message of hope for us today.

How many times have you been in a church and felt as if you were in the valley of dry bones that Ezekiel talked about? The dry bones represented the people’s spiritually dead condition. Your church may seem like a heap of dried bones to you, spiritually dead and with no vitality. God promised Ezekiel that he was going to restore his nation and any church regardless of how dry or dead it appeared to be.

Don’t give up on your church. Don’t leave it, rather pray for renewal, for God can and will restore it to life. The Lord tells Ezekiel that he will put his Holy Spirit into his people and his nation will again come alive (Ezekiel 37:14). The Lord promises you and me that very same miracle. The hope and prayer of every church should be that God will put his Spirit into it (37:14).

God is at work right now calling his people back to him, bringing New Life to dead churches through prayer, bible studies, evangeliz­ation, and the receiving of the sacraments. There is a call out to the church and it’s a call to holiness, and agents of holiness are clergy who assist the people. “I will replace the flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you and you shall live and know that I am the Lord.”

Come back and celebrate with us, we no longer are the valley of dry bones. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We bring to our churches the Spirit of the living God. Come back and let him breathe his Holy Spirit and you will come alive, too.

ROMANS 8:8‑11

The theme of this passage is like that of the first reading and of the Gospel. It is the theme of resurrection, and it tells us that before we were saved by Christ’s death on the cross, we were slaves to our sinful nature. But now we can choose to live for Christ because we are people of the Spirit, not of the flesh. The penalty of sin and its power over our lives died with Christ on the cross. This is an incredible assurance that our lives are secure in that we belong to Jesus Christ. This frees us to be completely obedient to his will and enjoy an unbroken fellowship with the Lord. This living in the spirit will affect all of our activi­ties. It will touch our work, our worship, our role as a married spouse, our role as a parent, even our role as a child. You will have a stronger hunger and desire to spend more quiet time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study. You will have a whole new outlook in your caring for others. Today many people wonder whether they really are Christians.

A Christian is anyone who has the Spirit of God living in him. People will see a difference in the way you live and act (Galatians 5:22‑23). You will learn how to pray (Romans) and you will be able to deal with the situations in your life with greater wisdom (Romans 8:28). You will receive power to do God’s will from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). You will be a tremendous partner in the building up of God’s church (Ephesians 4:12‑13).

Today there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit is ours through the justification of Jesus Christ. This means because of what Jesus did for us, we are entitled to complete access to his Holy Spirit, his Father and, of course, we become heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. You are a child of the Spirit! Rejoice and be glad!


JOHN 11:1‑45

Jesus had been preaching in the small towns and villages beyond the Jordan, when he received the news of Lazarus’ sickness. He knew that he would find Lazarus dead when he arrived in Bethany, but he also knew that he was going to perform a great miracle. The village of Bethany was just a little east of Jerusalem on the way to Jericho. The two sisters thought that they had a right to expect help from the Lord. They stepped forward and claimed that help.

We need to realize that a claim upon the power of Christ is the right of every one of his children. Once we have been redeemed by him, we belong to him. The contrast between the two women was very noticeable. Martha was the doer and Mary was the people person. Martha was irritated because Mary was not doing her kind of work. There was a definite clash between drudgery and devotion. Martha was looking more at things instead of person. She was looking at the tasks of the house and all the chores instead of remembering that she was part of a greater partnership of love.

That day her devotion turned into drudgery and Jesus admonished her for overlooking his wants. He wanted her receptivity, her presence, and companionship, but she had other ideas about his wants. So she cleaned and cooked, while Mary listened and conversed with Jesus. He told this to Martha, and he is telling you this very same message today.

Do you place your attention on things instead of people? Do you worry more about what your home looks like when a friend stops by to say hello? Are you afraid to tell a friend about how unhappy you are with your job? Do your children seem like they are drifting away from their faith or family? Jesus shows us tremendous insight in Mary’s ability to talk, listen and wait on the Lord. We need to do this more often. We need to wait on the Lord. He will come to us in many different places and in many different ways. He told the women that he is the resurrection and the life, and we are not to worry.

Is he the resurrec­tion of your life? Martha was an activist and Mary was a contemplative and they both were loved by Jesus. The activist pushes on to new frontiers and the contempla­tive waits and prays for God’s guidance and direction first. We need them both and Jesus looks to us to be bold and yet prudent in our walk to the kingdom. The Lord knew what he was doing in Lazarus’ life and he knows what he is doing in ours. Listen to him ‑ Listen to him ‑ Listen to him!



The theme is resurrection and the first reading shows the dry bones coming back to life and forming a new army of the Lord. The second reading tells us that if the Holy Spirit dwells within us we will then be controlled by the Spirit and not by the flesh and we will receive our reward in Heaven. The Gospel tells us that we need to put our attention upon Jesus and not on the temporary things of the world such as health, youth or power.

This week, listen to someone in your home and try to meet one of their needs: such as someone desiring to be understood, a car to be washed, a room cleaned, a child to be cared for, or lead someone in prayer.




by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY       READ 1 SAMUEL 16:1, 6‑7, 10‑13   FIRST READING

(“In the presence of the Lord God they anointed David king of Israel.”)

  1. To whom did the Lord speak and who was Samuel? 1 Samuel 16:1, 1 Sam 1:19-22


  1. Whom did the Lord say he has rejected as king of Israel, where was the Lord sending Samuel, and who has been chosen and from whom has he been chosen? 1 Sam 16:1


  1. When they came, Samuel looked at whom, and what were his thoughts and who was Eliab?  1 Sam 16:6, 1 Sam 17:13


  1. What did the Lord say to Samuel; according to what does man see things and into what does God look?   1 Sam 16:7


  1. How many sons did Jesse present to Samuel, and how many did he have?  1 Samuel 16:10, 1 Samuel 17:12


  1. What did Samuel tell Jesse about the seven sons; what did Samuel ask Jesse, and what did he reply?   1 Sam 16:10-11


  1. What was the youngest son doing when Jesse sent for him? 1 Samuel 16:11


  1. When Jesse sent for him and he came, what was his appearance, and what did the Lord say? 1 Samuel 16:12


  1. What did Samuel do? 1 Samuel 16:13


  1. When he was anointed with the oil, what rushed upon him? 1 Sam 16:13


Personal ‑ Have you been anointed by the Lord for a special task? At baptism the Spirit came upon you. How have you released the Spirit within you?




(“Rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.”)

  1. What are we in the Lord, and how must we live? Ephesians 5:8


  1. What does light produce? Ephesians 5:9


  1. Fill in the following blanks: “Be ____________ in your ________________ of what ___________ the Lord.” Eph.   5:10


  1. In what must we not take part, and what must we do with them?   Ephesians 5:11


  1. What happens when we mention the things people do in secret?   Ephesians 5:12


  1. What happens to such deeds that are condemned? Eph 5:13


  1. That is why we read what? Ephesians 5:14, Isaiah 60:1


Personal ‑ We are commanded not to take part in vain deeds done in secret. Examine your conscience. Are you holding on to anything done in secret that was not right? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal this and to bring it into the light. Remember, we are called to live as children of the light.




FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 9:1‑41                 GOSPEL

(“The blind man went off and washed himself and came away with his sight restored.”)

  1. As Jesus walked along, what did he see and what did the disciples ask him?   John 9:1-2


  1. Jesus replied that it was neither the man’s sin nor the parents sin that caused the man to be born blind; rather for what purpose and what did he refer to himself?   John 9:3-5


  1. What did Jesus do, what did he tell the man to do, and what was the result?   John 9:6-7


Personal‑ When the Lord speaks to you and tells you to do some­thing, are you always obedient, even if it doesn’t seem practical to you? Think about this.


  1. What did the neighbors and the people who had been accustomed to seeing him beg begin to ask, what was the confusion among them, and what did the man say? John 9:8-9


  1. As the people questioned the man born blind, what did he answer, what did they do next, and when did this occur? John 12-14


  1. What was the confusion between them; when the Pharisees addressed the blind man, what did they ask him and what did he answer? John 9:15-17


  1. What did the Jews refuse to believe, and whom did they summon? John 9:18


  1. What did the Jews ask the man’s parents, what was their response, and why were they afraid of the Jews? John 9:19-22


  1. The second time the Jews summoned the man who had been born blind, what did they say to him; what was his answer, and whose disciples did they say they were?   John 9:24-30


  1. To whom did they say God listens? John 9:31


  1. What was unheard of and what was their doubt? John 9:32-33


  1. Of what did they accuse the man who had been born blind, and what did they do to him; and when Jesus heard of his expulsion, what did he do, and ask? John 9:34-35


  1. What was his answer; what did Jesus say to him, what was the man’s answer, and what did he do?   John 9:36-38


  1. What did Jesus say; how did the Pharisees react to this and what was Jesus’ reply?   John 9:39-41


Personal ‑ In what way have your eyes been opened to your personal knowledge of Jesus as the Son of the living God? In what way have you bowed down and worshiped and praised God for his great gift to you? Take time to thank and worship him right now where you are.



FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 23:1‑6

(“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 23:1-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




1 SAMUEL 16:1, 6‑7, 10‑13

The Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature. The Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on outward appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7). Saul was a tall and handsome king, and Samuel may have been looking for someone who looked impressive. But God warned Samuel against judging by appearance.

How many times today do we judge others by the way they look? How many people have been refused work or shelter just because they look different? The difference might be in their manner of dress or even the color of their skin. The Lord tells Samuel that God judges by character, not appearance.

God sees others with the heart, not the eyes. He knows what is going on inside, therefore, only he can accurately judge people. We spend a tremendous amount of time maintaining our outward appearance. We should do even more to develop our inner character. We can do this by spending more time alone with the Lord, praying and meditating with him.

We can improve our inner character by reading, studying and living out God’s holy Word. Everyone can see your face, but only you and God know what your heart really looks like. What is the more attractive part of you? It is good for us to reflect that Saul was the first king of Israel, and he was very popular (1030 B.C.); but he offended God and the kingship was taken from him and his descendants. Samuel chose a very simple shepherd boy to become Israel’s next king. He anointed David with olive oil. The anointing signified that they were God’s represen­tatives now invested with a sacred character. They became “God’s Anointed” and were respected by all. The choice of David, the least likely of Jesse’s sons, is a strong lesson of humility for us and helps us see our own limitations.



Today’s passage is calling us, not only to be called children of the light, but to live as children of the light. The light of Christ that shines in us will be that light which leads others out of their own darkness into a world of light. The way we live is a direct statement of what it is we believe. The morality of a Christian’s life needs to be reflective of God’s love and mercy. Jesus called on us to be more than he called on us to do in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1‑12).

Your example of what a Christian is will not make someone who is in the darkness even more desolate. Instead, it will be the encouragement that they need to come forth into the healing light of Christ. God is calling for his Christian warriors to do more than to avoid evil pleasures. He is calling them to rebuke and even expose them. Too many times our silence in the middle of a dirty joke, obscene movie, or gutter talk is a sign of approval.

God wants us to take a stand for what is right. You are called to lovingly speak out for what is true and right. Today, many of the evils, such as x‑rated movies, pornography, free sex, drug abuse and the break‑down of morality, have taken place because of the attitude: “Let them do their thing as long as it does not affect me.” This attitude has poisoned many countries, and the result has been anarchy, violence, and the banishment of God. Jesus tells us that he is the light of the world and if we follow him, we will not be stumbling in the darkness (John 8:12).

We need to reflect on today’s passage. Paul wrote this to a group of people living in a very worldly place. He knew that many were being tempted to return to their old lifestyle of sin. His message to them is crystal clear to us, that only by living as children of the Light can we really ever be set totally free (John 8:32).


JOHN 9:1‑41

This Gospel story really brings home that “Jesus is the Light of the world.” The Pharisees were opposed to Jesus from the very beginning of his public life. He preached love, mercy and forgiveness; he even ate with the publicans and other sinners considered outcast of society. He was becoming extremely popular because he was not a legalist; rather, he was a compassion­ate lover of people, and the oppressed and broken recognized this and flocked to him. They could see this because they were looking at his heart. They were not blinded like the Pharisees. The Pharisees looked first at the law and then at the power and wealth of the person. They were “legally blind” in the area of love, compassion and justice.

Today’s Gospel reading is a story of faith, love, pride and prejudice. The blind man was born blind, and he didn’t know how or why he was healed, but he knew he could now see. He believed in the man who gave him sight, and he shared his new faith in him.

Jesus’ love was so strong that even though he knew the opposi­tion was waiting to trap him, the desire to make men free was stronger. Jesus not only gave him bodily light (eyesight), but he also gave him the Light of Faith. The Pharisees tried so hard to discredit Jesus and then the man. Their pride and total lack of humility led them to their prejudicial attitude by attributing the miracle to Satan. The Pharisees even went so far as to excommunicate the man from the community.

The question we need to respond to today is: Do we still refuse to see the truths of God’s revelation brought to its fullness in the teachings of Jesus Christ? Are we still blinded by pride and prejudices of culture and habit? Christ is “the Light of the world” to whom the Pharisees and their followers and many people of today shut their eyes. You are being called to be the world’s light, a city glowing in the night for all to see.

Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father (Matthew 5:14‑16). Remember, it is far better to shine a light than to curse the darkness.




The readings today really bring out the power of God’s chosen and our response. We see that in the first reading. Paul tells us that we are called to be the Light of the world. We see in the Gospel that many followed a blindness far darker than physical loss of eyesight. Jesus shows us that he heals and makes us lights in a world of darkness.

This week, speak out when you know what is being said is untrue. Don’t go along with the crowd. Be yourself. Don’t let foul talk, sinful actions or lying, dim your light. Respond to the needs of others. Be a beacon of truth, don’t shut your light off from the rest of the world.



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




SECOND DAY             READ EXODUS 17:3‑7         FIRST READING

(“God satisfies the thirst of the Israelites whose hearts had become hardened and rebellious.”)

  1. What made the people grumble against Moses, and what did they say to him? Exodus 17:3


  1. To whom did Moses cry out, and what did he say? Exodus 17:4


  1. Where did the Lord tell Moses to go, whom was he to have with him, and what was he to have in his hand as he went? Exodus 17:5


  1. What happened when Moses outstretched the staff at the river?      Exodus 14:15‑16, 21‑22


  1. Where did the Lord say he would be? Exodus 17:6


  1. What did he tell him to do to the rock, and what would happen?   Exodus 17:6


  1. What was Moses’ response? Exodus 17:6


  1. What was the place called where this happened, and why was it called this?   Exodus 17:7


  1. Before Moses outstretched the staff over the Red Sea, how were the Israelites acting?   Exodus 14:11


  1. What did they say to test the Lord? Exodus 17:7


Personal ‑ When the Israelites were thirsty they complained and went to Moses. Moses went to the Lord. Do you complain and grumble to others about your own situation, or do you humbly go

to God with your request? Do you see yourself complaining and grumbling because you are thirsty? Examine your conscience each day before the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your thirst.



THIRD DAY            READ ROMANS 5:1‑2, 5‑8      SECOND READING

(“Through his Spirit has his grace been poured into our hearts.”)

  1. How have we been justified? Romans 5:l , Romans 3:28


  1. In whom is our faith? Galatians 2:16 , Romans 5:9


  1. If we have been justified by faith, what are we with God through our Lord Jesus Christ?   Romans 5:l


  1. Through whom do we gain access by faith to the grace in which we now stand? Romans 5:1‑2


  1. About what can we boast? Romans 5:2


  1. In what is our hope? Acts 23:6


  1. In whom can we find hope? Matthew 12:21


  1. How will this hope leave us? Romans 5:5


  1. What has been poured out in our hearts, and how has this been done?   Romans 5:5


  1. Fill in the following blanks: At the ___________ when we were still _________ Christ died for us __________. Romans 5:6


  1. What is a rare thing? Romans 5:7



  1. How did God prove his love for us? Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:10



Personal‑ In what way have you accepted the love of God for you personally through the death of his Son Jesus? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the great love of the Father for you by sacrificing his beloved Son Jesus at Calvary.




FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 4:5‑42                 GOSPEL

(“The water that I shall give will turn into a spring of eternal life.”)

  1. Where did Jesus’ journey bring him; and what were the Samaritans like, according to the following verses: 2 Kings      17:24‑29, Jeremiah 23:13; Matthew 10:5 and Luke 9:52‑53



  1. What was the plot of land that Jesus entered and what did Jesus do when he got to Jacob’s well? Why did he do it and      what time was it?   John 4:5-6



  1. When the Samaritan woman came to draw water, for what did Jesus ask her?   John 4:7



  1. What three points did the woman bring out and what are we to recall?  John 4:9



  1. What was the woman’s response to Jesus’ reply? What did Jesus say would happen to those who drink the water from the well? John 4:10-13



  1. What did he say would happen to the person who drinks the water he has to give and what was the woman’s response? John 4:14-15



  1. After she asked him for this water, what did Jesus tell her to do and what did he exclaim to her and what did she say he was?   John 4:16-19



  1. Where did she say her ancestors worshiped, where did she claim was the place where they say they ought to worship and where did Jesus say they would worship, and why? John 4:20-22



  1. What two ways will authentic worshipers worship, and what is God?   John 4:23-24



Personal ‑ Where is your place of worship? Do you spend time each day worshiping God as Spirit and Truth? Do you understand not what you worship, but whom you worship, and why you worship him? Close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to worship him as Spirit and Truth.



  1. What did the woman say about the Messiah and who did Jesus say he was?   John 4:25-26



  1. What was the disciples’ reaction on their return? When the woman then left her water jar and went into the town, what did she say to the people?   John 4:27-29



  1. Meanwhile the disciples were urging him to eat something. What did he tell them, what was their reaction and what did Jesus tell them was his food?   John 4:31-34



  1. Jesus tells them to listen to him, open your eyes and see, the reaper already collects his wages and gathers a yield, for what reason?   John 4:35‑38



  1. Many believe in him because of what occurrence and when he stayed with the Samaritans for two days, what brought many more to come to the faith?   John 4:39-41



  1. What did they tell the woman? John 4:42



Personal ‑ Are people coming to believe in the Lord through your word of testimony? If not, what do you personally need to do? See John 4:34.




FIFTH DAY            READ PSALM 95:1‑2, 6‑9

(“O, that today you would hear his voice.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




EXODUS 17:3‑7

The Israelites, or as we have called them, the chosen people of God, were suffering under slavery and were in danger of being completely destroyed by their Egyptian captors. God chose for them a miracle, and a man would lead them in this miracle, and his name was Moses. God set them free from the Egyptians by parting the Red Sea, and Moses led them toward the promised land of Canaan. The human condition produced a series of rebellious murmuring, as they soon forgot what God had done for them. They began to complain that the difficulties of the journey were too hard to bear. They complained so much that they accused God of leading them out to the desert and leaving them to die. Moses asked God again for another miracle, and God in his mercy and love, agreed, and water came gushing forth from a rock.

Many people today are like those who were on that journey. They desire freedom, but they do not want to pay the price for it. The place where Moses drew the water from the rock is called Massah and Meribah, which means testing place. The people with Moses cried out, “Is the Lord amongst us or not?” We need to trust the Lord, not test him, because he never goes back on a promise. Like the people in the desert, many people today wonder whether God has deserted them in their hour of trial.

All the past favors, all the good times are forgotten because at the beginning their level of sincerity with God was not very high. As we begin to murmur in protest and feel abandoned or rejected we need to remember that our God is a God of love, joy, mercy, gentleness, and healing. He has promised to take us, not just to Canaan, but rather to heaven, and he will.


ROMANS 5:1‑2, 5‑8

As we read this passage we need to keep in mind that the Christian reality of life has two sides. One side is that we are complete in Christ (our acceptance with him is secure). On the other side, we are growing in Christ (we are becoming more and more like him). We feel both the presence of Christ and the pressure of sin. We enjoy the peace that comes from being made right with God, but we still face the daily problems that make us grow.

We need to remember these two sides in our Christian advancement and then we will not be discouraged as we face temptations and problems. Paul tells us that as believers we now stand in a place that could never be achieved by our own merits. God not only declares us not guilty, but, in fact he has drawn us closer to him. Instead of being his enemies, we have, in the response of our faith, become his own children.

Paul tells us in scripture that faith, hope and charity are at the heart of the Christian life (l Corinthians 13). Our relationship with God begins with faith. This helps us to believe that we are delivered from our past. Hope gives promise of the future, and charity or God’s love fills our lives and gives us the ability to reach out to others. The amazing part of this passage is that while we were still sinners God allowed his only begotten Son to die for all of us.

Let that sink in… Christ died for us, not because we were good enough, but because he loved us so much. He knows what is going on inside of you. He knows the problems that you are having with your own personality and yes, he died for you, especially for you. We need to remember that whenever we feel uncertain about God’s love for us, he loved us even before we decided to turn to him. The Father loved us so much that he sent his Son down to die for us and his Holy Spirit gives us the power to repent, believe and rejoice.


JOHN 4:4‑42

Jesus had left Jerusalem because opposition was rising against him from the Pharisees. They resented his popularity as well as his message, which challenged much of their legalistic teachings. Jesus traveled north toward the region of Galilee and it was here that he met the woman at Jacob’s well in Samaria. Samaritans were the object of tremendous racial abuse by the Jews, because when the Assyrians conquered Samaria, many of them intermarried with their conquerors.

The intermarriage resulted in a mixed race, impure in the opinion of the Jews, who lived in Judah, the southern kingdom. The Jews hated these people because they felt the Samaritans had betrayed their people and nation. Jesus was not compelled to live by such cultural restrictions and so he was not afraid to travel directly through Samaria. Jesus spotted the woman at about mid‑day. The woman probably came at that time to avoid meeting people because of her reputation.

Jesus knew that in the hot, blazing sun this woman needed a message about fresh and pure water that would quench her spiritual thirst forever. The woman was a Samaritan, had a bad reputation and was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would talk to a woman like this under any circumstance, but JESUS did. Jesus’s message is the Good News and it is a message of hope. Jesus’ message is for every person, regardless of his or her race, social position, or age.

Jesus crossed all economic, social and racial barriers by dying on the cross for each and every one of us. We, who call ourselves Christians, must be prepared to do no less than he did. Jesus knew who the Samaritan woman was, and what she was, and he made sure that she knew it. He made sure that she knew he saw her as a child of God and told her that he was the only well that would never run dry. She knew he was different, because he did not ridicule her, and he did not try to preach the law to her. He did not even attempt to tell her that she was a sinner. He did not have to; she knew that he was offering her life, not death. She ran and told the community, not a bit worried about what they would think. She told them that he revealed everything about her, and the towns people came running to see this “Messiah.”

We need to reflect on what the Samaritan woman did when she left the well. She went forth to proclaim the Good News. The nourishment about which Jesus was speaking did not just include prayer, bible study, attending church or receiving sacraments. We also are nourished by doing God’s will and helping to bring his work of salvation to completion. We are nourished not only by what we take in, but also by what we give out for God. The woman at the well did not make excuses that her family was not ready to believe. Take a look around and, like the woman at the well, you will find plenty of people ready to hear and listen to God’s Holy Word. Tell them.



The first reading tells us that even today, many people desire freedom, but do not want to pay the price for it. The second reading shows us that faith, hope, and charity are at the heart of Christian love. The Gospel reveals that Jesus will quench our spiritual thirst and that because of him we will never need to thirst again.

Jesus showed us that our looks and our reputations do not always tell others who and what we really are. This week look around at your family, friends, co-workers, church, and community. Pick out one person whom you think is a problem, and for a whole week, talk respectful­ly to them. Do not ignore them, but visit them in a hospital, prison or at home. We can make all the men and women of Jacob’s well feel loved if we follow Jesus’ example this entire week.




by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY             READ GENESIS 12:1‑4         FIRST READING

(“The call of Abraham, the father of God’s people.”)

  1. Who was the Lord God talking to in Genesis 12:1?


  1. Where did the Lord tell him to go? Genesis 12:1


  1. What four things did the Lord say he would do for Abram? Genesis 12:2‑3










  1. What will God do to those who bless Abram? Genesis 12:3



Personal ‑ The dictionary defines the word bless as: l. to make holy, hallow, 2. to ask divine favor for, 3. to wish well to, 4. to make happy or prosperous, 5. to guard, preserve. In what way have you felt blest by the Lord? In what way have you made it a practice to bless your spouse, your children, relatives or friends?



  1. What will God do to those who curse Abram? Genesis 12:3



  1. Who shall find blessing in Abram? Genesis 12:3


  1. What did Abram do, and who went with him? Genesis 12:4


  1. Who was Lot? Genesis 11:31


  1. How old was Abram when he left Haran, land of his kinsfolk? Genesis 12:4


  1. What other name was given to Abram by the Lord and what did the Lord make him?   Genesis 17:5


Personal ‑ In what way do you recognize the voice of the Lord when he is speaking to you, and do you obey that voice as Abram did? How do you think you can discern whether God is or is not speaking to you? Share with someone.


THIRD DAY             READ 2 TIMOTHY 1:8‑10       SECOND READING

(“God has saved us and called us to be holy.”)

  1. Who is speaking in verse 8 of 2 Timothy 1 and to whom is he speaking?   2 Timothy 1:1‑2


  1. Of what are we not to be ashamed?


2 Timothy 1:8

Sirach 4:26

Sirach 51:29

Romans 1:16

1 Peter 4:16


  1. What will happen if we are ashamed of Jesus and his doctrine?      Luke 9:26


  1. From where does our strength come? 2 Timothy 1:8


  1. What must we bear? 2 Timothy 1:8


  1. Who can we take as models in suffering hardship and patience?      James 5:10


  1. What has God done for us, and to what kind of life has he called us?   2 Timothy 1:9


  1. Have we been saved by anything we have done? 2 Timothy 1:9


  1. How has God saved us? 2 Timothy 1:9‑10, Titus 3:5


  1. How did he rob death of its power? 2 Timothy 1:10, Romans 6:9‑10



Personal ‑ What is the testimony to our Lord you have to share? Do you have a personal testimony of how God has worked in your life? Have you shared this with your spouse, children, family, friends, or work acquaintances? Pray and ask God to reveal to you your own personal testimony this week.


FOURTH DAY             READ MATTHEW 17:1‑9               GOSPEL

(“His face became as dazzling as the sun, his clothes as radiant as light.”)

  1. Who did Jesus take up on a high mountain and what happened to Jesus?   Matthew 17:1-2


  1. Who suddenly appeared there and what did Peter then say?      Matthew 17:3-4


  1. As Peter was speaking, what overshadowed them and what came out of the cloud?   Matthew 17:5


  1. What prevents us from listening to the Lord?

Exodus 7:13

Deuteronomy 1:43

Deuteronomy 21:18

Acts 28:27

Hebrews 12:25


Personal ‑ In what way have you been able to tune your mind into hearing what God is saying to you through prayer and his Word? Meditate on this.


  1. How did God the Father address Jesus in Matthew 17:5? Matthew 3:17


  1. What happened to Peter, James, and John when they heard the voice from the cloud and with what were they overcome?      Matthew 17:6


  1. What did Jesus do and what did he say? Matthew 17:7


  1. In the following scriptures, what happened to those on whom Jesus laid his hand?  Matt 8:3, 14‑15, Matt 9:23‑25


  1. What does 1 John 4:16‑18 say is the relationship of God, love, and fear?


  1. What did God say to Abram about fear in Genesis 15:1?


  1. To whom did Jesus say “Do not be afraid? ” Matthew 28:1, 8‑10 Mark 6:45, 49‑50, Luke 5:10


  1. When Peter, James and John looked up, whom did they see and as they were coming down the mountain side, what was Jesus’ command to them?   Matthew 17:8-9


Personal ‑ In what way have you felt Jesus’ healing touch upon you? Have you laid your hand on those in your family who may be sick? If a friend or a family member is afraid, lay your hand on them and reassure them of God’s presence.


FIFTH DAY         READ PSALM 33:4‑5, 18‑20, 22

(“For upright is the Word of the Lord.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20, 22.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through out Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




GENESIS 12:1‑4

It is very significant and quite proper that the passage of Abram should lead us into the second Sunday of Lent. Abram was a pagan living in an idol‑worshipping country. He was about 75 years old and enjoyed a reputation as a successful man of the community. Abram had experienced a personal conversion and was convinced that God alone was the true God. First came the call to Abram and then came the “Great Commission” to “go forth and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

God’s mercy and love for us are the first lesson this call of Abram teaches us. Through Abram God began the preparations that would lead to the coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who would reopen heaven’s gates for us. Only a God of love and mercy could have persevered in the face of such a stubborn people. We, too, are to extend God’s love to all nations, not just our own. Through Abram’s family, Jesus was born to save all humanity. Through Jesus all people and all nations can have a personal relationship with God and the blessings will continue even unto today, beyond measure.

God’s promise to make Abram great was tied to a promise of obedience by Abram. This meant leaving the comfort and safety of his home and friends and traveling to a new and strange land. Abram obeyed, walking away from all of his possessions, for God promised him even greater things. We are called, like Abram, to be chosen people.

When we make our conversion, as Abram did, and experience God personally, we will also be called to go forth in his name. God may be trying to lead you to a place of holiness and of greater service to his people. Don’t let the comfort and security of what you have achieved, allow you to miss out on God’s plan. God’s plan for Israel is the same as it is for you and me. Jesus said, “I have come to give you, not just life, but life in its fullness.” (John 10:10).

God planned to develop a nation of people he would call his own. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you and I have the privilege of being called sons and daughters of God. God calls today and we are to listen and respond by accepting him personally, and then to go forth and tell others what we have experienced. This is called evangelizing or witnessing. We are called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).


2 TIMOTHY 1:8‑10

Paul, in prison writes this letter to Timothy in hopes of encouraging him to persevere in his ministry. There was much persecution going on in the Christian communities, Paul was concerned because of Timothy’s youth and the amount of opposition to him as a leader. Paul was urging him to be bold. Oh, how much boldness is needed by our Christian leaders today.

We see boldness everywhere in secular world leaders and not enough belief in the religious leaders. Paul tells Timothy, what everyone of us should never forget, that suffering will come to those who live out the Gospel message. In fact, Paul was jailed for preaching the Gospel (Hebrews 13:23). Paul promised Timothy that God would give him strength and that he would be ready when it was his turn to suffer.

We too must be ready and we too will be given strength by Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:13). Today, the threat of ridicule, rejection, being politically defeated, and, in some places in the world, being assassinated is the price for standing up for Christ. When we stand up for Christ in spite of the persecution, we are living out the Gospel message of God who loves us, chose us and sent Jesus to die for us. We die for Christ by dying to ourselves and when we call on the power of the Holy Spirit to defend us. We can stand up for Christ and endure peer pressure by walking away from pornography, refusing to go to R‑rated movies, and not buying the videos that portray women as sexual play‑toys.

Persecution is active today in many ways, and we must remember that we do not deserve to be saved, but God offers us salvation anyway. All we have to do is believe and respond with obedience to him. We must never forget that evil will succeed only when righteous people do nothing.


MATTHEW 17:1‑9

The Transfiguration was a special revelation of Jesus’ divinity to three of his disciples. God affirmed everything that Jesus had done and was about to do in the near future. The presence of Moses and Elijah with Jesus confirmed his mission of salvation. Moses represented the law. He is the central figure in the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible), and he predicted the coming of a great Prophet (Deut. 18:15‑19).

Elijah represents the prophets who foretold the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 4:5‑6). Jesus is the fulfillment of both the law and the prophets. God’s voice at the Transfiguration gave authority to Jesus’ words. Peter wanted them all to stay and offered to build a place for all three. He wanted to act, but it was a time to pray and worship.

We must remember that before anything is acted upon, we must first pray and give worship to God. Peter did not realize that Christ was not to be compared to anyone, especially on any mountain top. Today much of the world looks at Jesus Christ as being a good leader, a good influence or a great prophet. The fact is, he is more than that, he is the Son of God. When you understand this incredible truth, the only appropriate response is worship.

We need to know about Christ in order to obey him completely. We must pray, read scripture, study scripture, share scripture and then live the scripture. Jesus told the disciples not to tell what they had seen until after his resurrection. He said this because he knew that they did not fully understand who he was, or what his mission was all about. They knew he was the Messiah, but they had much more to learn about him through his death and resurrection. The disciples were amazed at the radiance of Jesus’ face and they were transfigured themselves.

The incredible reality of who Jesus really was hit them full force. When a person meets Jesus and accepts him personally, a great transfiguration takes place. The amazement and radiance of Jesus is imprinted on the person’s heart. The change or “metonoia” brings about a radiance that glows from within the person. Jesus wants you to be transfigured and he wants your heart to shine like the sun and be dazzling bright, just like his.



The first reading brings the power of God’s love and mercy to those who respond to his promise. The second reading calls on us to bear our burden of hardships and know that Christ will give us the needed strength. The Gospel reading shows that Jesus wants us to be changed and he wants us to give him glory by our response to him.

This week, let us be very sensitive Christians as we relate to our families, jobs, and community. Let us show by example how we can bear up under hardship, for example: being sick and trying to be cheerful, or being tired and trying to respond to another’s needs. Let the change within us be a sign to others that we act out what we say and what we believe. You and your family will be transfigured and others will be drawn to your radiance and they will know that the Holy Spirit dwells within you.