Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (June 19th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.”)

1. What two things was Melchizedek, what did he bring out, and who did he bless? Genesis 14:18


2. What does the name “King of Salem” mean? Hebrews 7:2


3. Where is God’s abode, and what is another name for this place? Psalm 76:3


4. Who is Abram, and what did God make him? Genesis 17:5


5. By whom is Abram blessed?  Genesis 14:19


6. Why do you praise the name of the Lord? Psalm 148:5


7. Who is blessed by the Lord? Psalm 112:2


8. What did God Most High do? Genesis 14:20


9. What did Abram give, and from what did he give it? Genesis 14:20


10. What is the vow Jacob made to the Lord, and what did he faithfully return to the Lord?   Genesis 28:20-22


Personal – In what way have you been blessed by the Lord, and what have you returned to the Lord?




(“For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you.”)

1. From whom did Paul receive what he handed on to you, and how did he receive it?  1 Corinthians 11:23, Galatians 1:11-12


2. What was handed on to us? 1 Corinthians 11:23-25


3. What did Jesus do with the bread on the night he was handed over, and who did he say it was for? 1 Corinthians 11:23-24


4. Of what is Jesus mediator? Hebrews 8:6


5. What did Jesus say the cup of wine was? 1 Corinthians 11:25


6. What is the cup of blessing that is blessed and the bread that we break? 1 Corinthians 10:16-17


7. For whom was his blood shed? Luke 22:20


8. What do we proclaim each time we eat the bread and drink the cup? 1 Corinthians 11:26


9. For what are we to wait?  1 Corinthians 1:7


10. In what way are we to speak to one another? 1 Corinthians 14:6


Personal  Each time you receive communion, what do you hand on or pass on to others?




(“Give them some food yourselves.”)

1. What did the crowds do when Jesus went to Bethsaida, and what did Jesus do when he saw them? Luke 9:11


2. As the day was nearing an end, who approached Jesus? For what reason did they ask him to dismiss the crowd? Luke 9:12


3. What did Jesus tell the apostles to give the people? Luke 9:13


4. What did Jesus say was true food and true drink? John 6:55


5. What did Jesus say his food was? John 4:34


6. What did the apostles tell Jesus was all they had? Luke 9:13


7. How many men were there, what did Jesus tell his disciples, and what did the people do? Luke 9:14-15


8. What did Jesus do with the five loaves and two fish? Luke 9:16


9. What happened to the people when they ate, and how much was left over? Luke 9:17


10. What does the Lord give, and who does he satisfy? Psalm 145:15-16


Personal – How does the food you eat satisfy you? In what way are you satisfied when you receive communion?




(“Rule in the midst of your enemies.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 110:1-4.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




GENESIS 14:18-20

In today’s passage we see the powerful bond of family ties which inspired Abram to rescue his nephew Lot from being kidnapped by a powerful and ruthless king of a northern tribe. When Abram learned that his nephew was a prisoner, he immediately tried to help him. Sometime, we must get involved in a very painful situation in order to help others. We should be willing to act right away when others need help (Proverbs 24:11).

Melchizedek was a holy man whose name means “King of Justice” (Heb. 7:2). He was a priest of “the God of Highest Heaven.” He recognized that God was the creator of heaven and earth. Abram knew who he was and was paying respect to him. Abram gave Melchizedek one-tenth of the booty. We see that even in the land of pagan gods, tithing was a customary and acceptable action towards the “gods.” Abram followed and accepted ancient tradition, but he refused the “booty” won from the war. Abram chose to give his share away because he did not want others to think that he went into battle for greedy reasons.

Abram wanted others to see that his actions were very just and that his life was centered around his God. Abram wanted people to say, “Look what his God has done for him.”  Abram did not want the attention of his “victory” to be centered on him. He wanted everyone to know that God had won him the victory. When people look at you, they need to see what God has accomplished in you, and what he is doing with you right now.


1 CORINTHIANS 11:23-26

The Lord’s supper is a visible representation of the gospel, the death of Christ for our sins. It focuses on the remembrance of Christ’s death and the glorious hope of his return. In the Catholic Church we believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. This worship service is called “The Mass,” and it is a celebration of Word and Sacrament. It is also an act of fellowship among all Catholic believers. Our faith is strengthened through fellowship with Christ and with all other believers.

What does the Lord’s Supper mean?  The early church told that Jesus taught us about the Lord’s supper on the night of the Passover (Luke 22:13-20). The Passover celebrated deliverance from slavery in Egypt, and the Lord’s supper celebrates deliverance from sin by Christ’s death on the cross. All Catholic Christians believe that when the words “This is my body,” and “Take this cup and drink” are spoken, the real presence of Christ appears in the bread and wine to become the body and blood of Christ. When we receive Christ in the Eucharist (which means thanksgiving) at a Catholic Mass, we respond by saying “Amen.” This means, “I believe it, yes, I am part of the body of Christ.”

Through this new covenant that Christ has given us, we can now personally approach God and communicate with him. The old covenant was made on Mount Sinai between God and the Israelites (Exodus 19,20) and was designed to point to the day when Jesus would come. The new covenant completes, rather than replaces, the old covenant. We are recommitting ourselves to this new covenant every time we proclaim his Holy Word and partake of his body and blood at the Catholic Mass.


LUKE 9:11-17

Jesus had tried to slip quietly away from the huge crowds and head for the town of Bethsaida, but they found out where he was going and followed him. He knew the people were hurting and had many needs, so instead of showing impatience at this interruption, he welcomed them and ministered to them. When people interrupt your schedule, do you see this as a nuisance or as a reason for your life and ministry?

Jesus taught mainly about the kingdom of God, and he stressed that the kingdom was here and now, not some place and time in the future. There are many people today who do not believe that the kingdom of God is real and present in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus. It is as present with us today, as it was with the Judeans two thousand years ago.

The disciples displayed a typical, logical, human reaction when told to feed the crowd. They took on the responsibility of having to perform the impossible. They felt that what they had to offer was far too little to get the job done. They were right, and Jesus knew that, but he was not depending on what the people brought. Jesus was giving, simply, because he knew their needs and he wanted to meet them. He does that today with all of us.

Whatever we have, if we bring it to Jesus, he will give thanks, he will bless it, break it, and share it with others. That is the purpose of our life here on earth. Jesus did not have to feed those people. He could have said a prayer and then sent them away. But Jesus does not ignore needs. He is concerned with every part of our lives, physical, emotional and spiritual. Today we are called to continue the miracle of feeding others through him.



The first reading shows Abram’s victory was not the battle, but God himself. The second reading explains that “Amen” means “Yes, I believe I am part of the body of Christ.” We see in the Gospel Jesus’ solution is the same today as it was yesterday – “Feed them.”

This week, let the presence of Christ saturate your total being, and take the risk to feed your family and friends the food of eternal life.  Witness to them about what Christ is doing in your life.

That is how you feed other people. You pray daily for them, and you encourage them to read and study his Holy Word. Then you show them the Word in action; you minister to their needs.  Begin feeding your own family; then feed others. You will be amazed when you discover you cannot run out of spiritual food. Let the “Amen” in you be heard throughout your family and friends.

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (June 12th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“…and I found delight in the sons of men.”)

1. What is the firstborn of the Lord’s way, and what is the oldest of his words? Proverbs 8:1, 22


2. Where does wisdom cry aloud and raise her voice? Proverbs 1:20


3. When was wisdom poured forth, and what was not settled into place? Proverbs 8:23-26


4. What came with wisdom? Sirach 1:4


5. Where does all wisdom come from? Sirach 1:1


6. When will wisdom not cease? Sirach 24:9


7. How did God establish man? Wisdom 9:1-2


8. When was wisdom beside God? Proverbs 8:27-30


9. How was wisdom beside God, and what was she doing? Proverbs 8:30-31


10. In what did wisdom find delight? Proverbs 8:31


11. Who is the wisdom of God? 1 Corinthians 1:22-24


Personal  In what way can you take delight in those around you and show the wisdom of God?  How can you recognize the wisdom of God, and what do you need to do to see it clearly playing on the surface of the earth?




(“…the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given us.”)

1. How have we been justified, and what do we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Romans 5:1


2. How have we been justified? Romans 4:24-25


3. How is the manifold wisdom of God made known and where and how do we get boldness and confidence to approach God? Ephesians 3:10-12


4. To what have we gained access, and in what do we boast? Romans 5:2


5. Of what else do we boast, and what does it produce? Romans 5:3


6. What does Christ do in our afflictions and what does this enable us to do? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


7. For what do we need endurance? Hebrews 10:36


8. What does endurance produce? Romans 5:4


9. Who will never mature in character? Sirach 23:15


10. What does hope NOT do, what has been poured out in our hearts, and how has it been done? Romans 5:5


11. What was Paul’s hope? Philippians 1:20


12. How did God save us, and how did he pour it out on us? Titus 3:4-6


Personal – In what way has affliction produced endurance in your life? What has kept you going on, and how has the peace of God been evident in you during affliction?




(“He will guide you to all truth.”)

1. What was the reason Jesus did not tell his disciples any more? John 16:12


2. How did Jesus speak the parables to his disciples? Mark 4:33


3. Whom did Jesus say will guide us to all truth and what will he speak and declare to us? John 16:13


4. In what does Jesus ask you to be consecrated, and what is truth? John 17:17


5. Who will teach you and remind you of everything Jesus did? John 14:26


6. Who testifies to Jesus, and what are you also to do? John 15:26-27


7. What did Jesus say you would do if you love him, and for what would he ask the Father? John 14:15-17


8. What will the Spirit of truth do, and what will he give or tell you? John 16:14


9. What belongs to Jesus, and what is he giving you? John 16:15


10. What did the father say to the son who was with him? Luke 15:31


Personal – How has God’s Spirit guided you and taught you about Jesus and how to apply what he taught you to your life?  Give a specific example.




(“You have given him rule over the works of your hands.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 8:4-9.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




PROVERBS 8:22-31

The Book of Proverbs gives us a person’s poetic demonstration of God’s wisdom.  Christian believers have always read this passage as a prophetic allusion to Jesus Christ, the second person of the Blessed Trinity.  This reading was about the word that would be made flesh in Jesus. Nothing is more immediate than the awesome spectacle of life, and nothing is more real than the wonder of creation.

Today’s reading shows us how to discern God’s hand at work in the world, and how to see the Father’s life-giving energy behind every created beauty.  The mystic in us “knows God” as we are struck with a sense of the sacred while gazing at a sunset. God is telling us that wisdom is the foundation on which all life is built.  Today’s reading shows wisdom as being the special attribute of God. Wisdom was present at the creation and works even today with the Creator as in the beauty of the sunset. Wisdom affects every aspect of our entire lives, from beginning to end.

You need to be sure that God’s wisdom flows through you and opens all corners of your life to God’s direction and guidance. Wisdom will be our main attribute when we put God first in our lives (Matthew 6:33). Look at your values and priorities. What is most important to you?  Where is God on that list?  Keep him first in everything you do. He will crown your efforts with his wisdom and his understanding.  You will see others with spiritual vision instead of plain human vision. Remember, the difference between wisdom and common sense is that common sense is the ability God gives to all people to think and make choices; he only gives wisdom to those who follow him.


ROMANS 5:1-5

In this reading, St. Paul states that the core of our belief in the Trinity, is that we come to the Father through Jesus in the love which is the Holy Spirit.  Paul was writing to ordinary Christians, like us, about the experience of God’s love flooding the human heart. Nothing is more tangible than an intensely felt love or even our longing for it, and Paul boldly connects that experience with the Holy Spirit.

Paul is speaking about a peace that means being reconciled with God, knowing that he loves you not for what you do but simply because of who you are. Jesus paid the price for this special kind of relationship with his death on the cross. Because of Jesus, we have entry into the presence of the King of Kings and entry into the haven of God’s grace.

Our relationship with God has begun in faith which reveals to us that we are delivered from our past by Christ’s death. Hope grows as we learn all that God has in store for us, and God’s love supplies all our needs and enables us to reach out to others. In the future we will become, but now we must overcome. Scripture tells us that “eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor can man even comprehend what God has in mind for those who believe in him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

We can put all of our trust in God because he is in control of our future.  We can look at our times of difficulties and know, even if we do not understand how, that we will grow emotionally as well as spiritually. Problems we run into will develop our patience, which in turn will strengthen our character and deepen our trust in God.  Thank God for these opportunities to grow, and deal with them in his strength.


JOHN 16:12-15

Jesus teaches the apostles about the availability of the Holy Spirit. He told them that the Holy Spirit would teach them about the nature of their ministry. He also told them that they would face very difficult opposition and that the outcome of their opposition would be revealed by the Holy Spirit. They did not understand any of this until after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit then revealed truths to them, and they in turn formed the writing of the New Testament. It is very important for you to remember that the truth into which the Holy Spirit guides you is the truth about Christ. The name for his followers bringing the revealed truth about Christ to all men through generation after generation is Christian “Tradition.”

Understanding of this revelation is bound to be an ongoing process, because Jesus knew that the disciples were not capable of understanding at that point in time. He knew that his Spirit that followed him would enlighten, empower, and sanctify his followers. He knew that they would need time to fully understand their role in bringing Christianity to the waiting world.

He knows of our limitations today, and he has left the same Holy Spirit for us to receive and to empower us. The development of the apostles’ faith and the faith of the early church demonstrate to the whole world that the Holy Spirit is revealing the truth of Christ to all peoples. All truth is God’s truth, and the revelation of all truth is the work of the Holy Spirit. When you say “Yes, Lord,” the power of the Holy Spirit reveals to you that you are at last really set free; Jesus is the truth, and only through him can you really be free (John 8:32).



In the first reading the Word was made flesh and he dwelt in their midst (John 1:14).  The second reading shows the core of the Holy Trinity as we come to the Father through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. We see in the Gospel that behind all truth is the presence of God.

This week, let us celebrate the Blessed Trinity by being open to the power that the Holy Spirit has given us. We have seen that the real power is the power of truth. This week, speak to your family only in the Spirit of truth. Truth means being humble, gentle and obedient to God’s Holy Word.  Your words of truth, matched by your actions of service, will show those around you that the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit are alive within you and the name of Jesus will set you, as well as others, free.

Pentecost Sunday (June 5th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“All were filled with the Holy Spirit”)

1. What day had come and where were the disciples gathered? Acts 2:1


2. What day was Pentecost celebrated after the Passover, what are other names for it? Leviticus 23:15-16, Deuteronomy 9:10, Exodus 23:16 and Numbers 28:26.


3. What suddenly happened from up in the sky, and where was it heard? Acts 2:2


4. Read the following scripture, and tell what the Spirit gives to a person? Ezekiel 37:9, 14


5. What appeared, and what did it do? Acts 2:3


6. What was Jesus’ promise just before he ascended to heaven? Acts 1:5, 8


7. With what were all filled, and how did they express themselves? Acts 2:4


8. What did the Spirit prompt them to do?  Acts 2:4, Acts 4:31


9. Who was staying in Jerusalem at the time, and what did they hear?  Acts 2:5-6


10. About what were they confused?  Acts 2:6


11. What was their reaction?  What did they ask, and about what were they so amazed?  Acts 2:7-11


Personal – How can your family or friends identify the Spirit of God’s presence in you?  What comes forth from your mouth, and what do you need to do so people will be astonished by your words?




(“No one can say “Jesus is Lord,” except in the Holy Spirit.”)

1. What is Paul telling the brothers that you cannot do in the Spirit of God, and what can be said only in the Holy Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:3


2. What is there different, but with the same Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:4


3. There are different ministries and works but the same God who accomplishes what? 1 Corinthians 12:5-6


4. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for what reason?  1 Corinthians 12:7


5. In what gifts should you try to be rich? 1 Corinthians 14:12.


6. Fill in the following blanks:The body is____ and has ______members, but all the members________ though they are, are___________ body; and so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12


7. In the one Spirit, who were baptized into the one body? 1 Corinthians 12:13


8. What have all of us been given to drink? 1 Corinthians 12:13


9. Into whom have we been baptized?  Galatians 3:27


10. When were you chosen and sealed with the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 1:13


Personal – From the above scriptures, how can you identify the manifestation of the Spirit in your life, and in those you come in contact with?   Reread 1 Corinthians 12:3, and take note of what comes forth from your mouth this week.




(“Receive the Holy Spirit.”)

1. Why did the disciples lock the doors of the place where they were? John 20:19


2. Who came and stood before them, and what did he say to them? John 20:19


3. When he had said this, what did he show them?  John 20:20


4. What did the disciples do at the sight of the Lord? John 20:20


Personal – In what way has our Lord appeared to you when you have been gathered with others praying, and what has been your response?


5. What did Jesus say again and what is his gift to you? John 20:21, John 14:27


6. Whom has the Father sent, and who sends you? John 20:21


7. What did Jesus do to the disciples, and what did they receive? John 20:22


8. How did the Lord God form man, and how did he give him life? Genesis 2:7


9. If you forgive men’s sin, what happens to them, and if you hold them bound, what happens? John 20:23


10. What did Jesus say on the cross to the Father, and whom should we imitate? Luke 23:34, 1 John 2:1, 6


Personal – How do others see, spiritually and physically, the breath of his life in you?  How do others see you living out your sign of baptism through repentance, which means change?  How do others see you as you practice forgiveness of others, and ask others to forgive you?  How often do you feel the need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and why?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34

(“When you send forth your spirit, they are created.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 2:1-11

In today’s readings we celebrate the Feast of “Pentecost,” which means fifty (50). This was a feast that was celebrated about fifty days after Passover and was a feast of thanksgiving for the harvest. The first fruits of the crop were offered to God that day.  All Jewish men were expected to come to the temple for the feast.  The city was usually filled to overflowing, and it was fitting that this day was chosen as the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.

Today is, in reality, the birthday of the church, and the Christian religion was to be a church for the whole world.The old law was given by God to Moses for the Jews only.The new law, given by Christ and confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit, was for all peoples.That means you, and that means today, right where you are.The very fact that you are reading this Bible Study is proof that the power of the Holy Spirit is drawing you near to him.

Let today be the day that you fall upon your knees and invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart and become the Lord of your life.  Take a few moments and confess to the Lord all that is twisted with you, and then ask him to let his Holy Spirit fill you with the power and peace that surpasses all understanding.  The celebration of Pentecost is for you as well as it was for the Jews in today’s passage.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through you, and you will enjoy that same gift that the Apostles had, the gift of speaking in tongues.

The signs and wonders of that incredible day brought huge crowds of Jews in huge crowds to the place where the Apostles were staying.  This was the day chosen for the Apostles to go forward and make disciples of all nations.  We are called also to go forward and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).  Let us remember, the Jews celebrated the feast of the harvest on Pentecost.  Jesus’ Holy Spirit breathed life on the universal church on the Feast of Pentecost, or the Feast of Harvest.

We are called today to harvest the crop of souls for the Lord.  The Lord needs some good laborers to work in the vineyard.  Are you ready to join the workers?


1 CORINTHIANS 12:3-7, 12-13

In this passage, we see that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were given for the good of the whole community to help build up the body of Christ.  We should not refuse to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit nor claim them as our own.  Paul clearly warns against listening to false teachers and shows us how to check out their credentials. We are to find out what they teach about Christ.

We see people today who mock Jesus Christ, not only with their words, but in the way they live.  We see people using their gifts to split communities apart, and then trying to tell us that they are only doing God’s will.  Anyone can claim to speak for God, and we need only to look at some of the leaders in some countries, and we see a lot of false messiahs running around.  God has given us many different gifts, but we must remember they all come from the same Spirit, and they are to be used to help the community or church.  They will know we are Christians by the way we love and help one another.

Paul compares the body of Christ to a human body.Every part is an individual, and has a specific job to do.In their differences, all of the parts must work together for the good of the whole body.Jesus Christ is the head, and the rest of us make up the body of Christ.It is very important that we are not too proud of our abilities, and we must not compare ourselves with one another.We are called to use our different gifts together, to spread the “Good News” to a world that is filled with “bad news.”The church, which is the people who believe that “Jesus is Lord,” must be united in its belief in Christ. It must not let its leaders or members use any gifts to cause divisions or strife.

Faith in Christ is the core of Christian unity.We are one body, with one spirit that is united in Christ with the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.When we were baptized into the Christian Faith, the Holy Spirit took up residence in us and we became the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16).You, by your baptism, have been born into God’s family, and our common goal is faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


JOHN 20:19-23

Today’s Gospel passage reveals to us the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit being given publicly to the disciples of Jesus by Jesus himself.  This is a tremendous feast day in the church.  We look back, and we see that Advent was a time to prepare for the Incarnation of God (God becoming man).  Christmas was the happening of this great Incarnation act.  We then moved into Lent and began to prepare ourselves for the sufferings endured by Christ on our behalf during his holy week.  We celebrated victory in Jesus’ triumph over death which guaranteed our union with him in heaven.

Today, we celebrate in Pentecost the Holy Spirit coming to abide within his church.This means abiding in you, in me, and all believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit gives the power to preserve, teach, explain, and spread the gospel of “Good News,” which is a message of hope and love for everyone in the world.

The Holy Spirit that came upon the disciples and all of the people in the upper room is the same Spirit that wants to abide in us.  We can let him come into our heart, right now, by getting down on our knees and confessing our sins to the Lord. Invite him to come and take up residence in your heart, his temple, and let him take control of your life.  His power will flow through you, and your life will never be the same again.  His peace will be your peace, it will be a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

The power from the Holy Spirit helps all of us live a life of holiness and wholeness.  We need to always remember that God’s plan for each one of us is to live a life that is abundant and full (John 10:10).  The Holy Spirit gives us the power in the name of Jesus to bind Satan and his cohorts, and in his Name, to loosen the Spirit of Life which is the Lord Jesus himself… to heal, to restore and, to forgive.  We can release others from the bondage of sin by our compassion and forgiveness.

We are more than conquerors; we are children of the Living God, we are called to set the captives free and give sight to the blind.We do that by forgiving them, and loving them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.Pentecost – the harvest is now, the Kingdom of God is at hand, come and be fishers of men.I pray that the Holy Spirit today will fill you with his love and power, and fill all of us with gratitude for all that God has done for us.



The first reading tells us that we celebrate the birthday of the church when we celebrate “Pentecost.”  The second reading reveals that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be used to uplift the community.  The Gospel reveals to us that the Holy Spirit gives us power in the name of Jesus.  This power is a healing power.

Let us take a long look at our gifts, and then share them with others this week.  You might visit someone who is sick, or visit someone in jail.  You might write a letter to someone who is lonely, or cook someone a special meal.  Do something beautiful for God this week, and keep on giving your gift away.  God will never let you be without a gift – try it, you’ll like it.

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (May 29th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“He presented Himself alive to them….”)

1. What was dealt with before Jesus was taken up to heaven? Acts 1:1


2. How did Jesus instruct the Apostles He had chosen? Acts 1:2


3. After Jesus had suffered what did He show His Apostles and how did He show them? Acts 1:3


Personal – How have you been convinced that Jesus is alive today?


4. Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to leave Jerusalem? Acts 1:4


5. What did John baptize with and what would happen in a few days? Acts 1:5


6. What did the Apostles ask Jesus and what did He tell them? Acts 1:6-7


7. What did Jesus tell them they would receive when the Holy Spirit came down on them and what would that make them? Acts 1:8


8. As the Apostles were looking on what happened to Jesus and how did it happen? Acts 1:9


9. As they were looking up who appeared to them and what did they say? Acts 1:10-11


10. How will the Lord come down from heaven and what will happen to the living, the believers in Him? 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


Personal – How are you preparing for Jesus’ return?




(“What is the surpassing greatness of His power for us who believe?”)

1. What is Paul asking our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, to give you? Ephesians 1:17


2. What three things does he want your innermost vision, the eyes of your hearts, to know? Ephesians 1:18-19


3. What do your eyes represent, and if your eyes are good what will your body be? Matthew 6:22


4. What is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path? Psalm 119:105


5. What is it like, this immeasurable scope of His power in us who believe? Ephesians 1:19-20


6. Where is Christ seated? Ephesians 1:20-21


7. What has God put beneath Jesus’ feet and what has He made Him over the Church, His body? Ephesians 1:22


8. Who is the head of every man; who is the head of the woman and who is head of Christ? 1 Corinthians 11:3


9. There is one what? Ephesians 4:4


10. How is the body of Christ built up? Ephesians 4:11-12


Personal – How have the eyes of your heart been enlightened to the surpassing greatness of His power in you?




(“…behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you;)

1. What did Jesus say to His disciples? Luke 24:46


2. What would be preached in His name and where would it begin? Luke 24:47


3. What does Psalm 32:5 say will happen if you acknowledge and confess your sins?


4. What did Jesus tell His disciples they witnessed? Luke 24:48


5. What was Jesus sending His disciples and why were they to wait in the city? Luke 24:49


6. What did the Father promise and to whom was this promise made? Acts 2:38-39


7. What are we to clothe ourselves with? Colossians 3:12


8. Where did Jesus lead His disciples and what did He do? Luke 24:50


9. While Jesus was blessing His disciples what happened to Him? Luke 24:51


10. What did the disciples do? How did they return to Jerusalem and what did they continually stay at the temple doing? Luke 24:52-53


Personal – When did you receive the promise of the Father and what has He commissioned you to do? What things have you been a witness to and what have you been clothed with?




(“God mounts His throne amid shouts of joy;”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 1:1-11

This passage begins with Luke addressing the Roman official called Theophilus. Luke was implying that Jesus’ work continues in Acts through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts is called by many the fifth Gospel in that it tells about the lives and events of the new Church. Jesus showed the Apostles after His suffering and death His many wounds. He gave them many convincing proofs that He was alive. He told them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the gift that His Father had promised them. He told them that they would then receive the Holy Spirit and they would receive power and become His witnesses to the ends of the earth. He then was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid Him from their sight.

Today, He is still alive in the Power that lives within His Church and within you as a member of the community of His disciples. You have become a Temple of that Power by your Baptism and Confirmation. The Power that split the Red Sea for Moses lives within you. The Power that impregnated Mary with Jesus lives within you. The Power that baptized Jesus in the Jordan River lives within you. The Power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you. He is alive and He lives in you waiting to be given freely to the hurt, the lost, the sick, the lonely, the captive throughout the ends of the earth.



In this passage St. Paul is praying and giving thanks for the gifts that have been given to the believers. We today are reminded to thank God for the gifts of wisdom and knowledge that are available to us today. We grow in wisdom and knowledge through prayer, scripture, sacraments and Catholic Church teaching. This

follows an order of discipline and humility.
Our hope for the future is not an ambiguous feeling, on the contrary, it is a complete assurance of

victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. We see many on all sides fearing nuclear disaster, computer meltdown and the collapse of morals. We must always remember we belong to the God of the Universe, who raised Jesus Christ from the dead. God’s great power is available to help us today through the Holy Spirit in the community of faith. Scripture tells us that with God nothing is impossible (Philippians 4:13). Paul tells us in scripture that we do not have to fear anything or anyone because nothing can separate us from God and His love (Romans 8:31-39).

When we talk about the fullness of the Catholic Church, we are talking about Christ filling the Church with gifts and blessings. The Church itself is the full expression of Christ who Himself is the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). The image of the body shows the Church’s unity. We should not attempt to work, serve or worship on our own. There are no Lone Rangers in the Body of Christ. Each one of us is involved with all the others as we go about doing God’s work on earth.


LUKE 24:46-53

We celebrate on this special feast day of the Church the Ascension of the Lord. This is the time when Jesus was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.

Over the centuries many believers overcome by the awareness of their own sins have found the words of today’s passage a strong ray of hope. Jesus opened up their minds to understand the scriptures. The Holy Spirit does this in our lives today when we study God’s Holy Word (written testimony) and Sacred Tradition (oral testimony), especially as presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The message of good news for the whole world today is that Jesus died to ransom the soul of every living person. He thirsts for you. He is waiting for you to confess, to repent, and to receive His mercy and forgiveness. To confess our sin is to agree with God that He is right to declare that what we have done is sinful and we are wrong. To abandon that sin is to repent or change, which is to turn away from sin and turn back to God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then we can trust in Him to forgive us and make us whole again. He told His disciples that they were already witnesses to His mercy and forgiveness. He promises to send them what His Father has promised, and that was the gift of the Holy Spirit. His promise was revealed to the disciples in the upper room (Acts 1:8) and that Holy Spirit is the same Spirit that resides in your Temple. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and you are to witness to the ends of the earth with the same power as the disciples.

Jesus physical presence left the disciples when He lifted up His hands, blessed them and was taken up into Heaven (Acts 1:9). You receive this blessing each time you attend Mass. They fell down to do him reverence, then returned to Jerusalem filled with joy. There they were to be found in the temple constantly speaking the praises of God.



The first reading tells us as the Apostles were looking on, Jesus was lifted up and says, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you”. In the second reading God seated Jesus at His right hand in the heavens and gave Him as head over all things to the Church, and in the Gospel, we are told that the Message of Good News is that Jesus died to ransom the souls of the whole world.

This week let us go to someone in our family, our community or our parish, to pray with them and to proclaim the Good News to them that Jesus is alive. Repent of any wrongdoing by stopping the sinful action and turning back to God. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist frequently and this will give you the grace needed in order for you to live your life for Christ.

Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 22nd) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities,”)

1. What did some men from Judea begin to teach the brothers in Antioch? Acts 15:1


2. Where did circumcision originate among the Jews? Genesis 17:1-14


3. Among whom did this teaching cause dissension?  Acts 15:2


4. What did Paul, Barnabas, and some of the brothers decide to do about this dissension and where did they go? Acts 15:2-3


5. What caused the controversy between them? Acts 15:5, 11


6. What was resolved by the apostles and the presbyters, with whom were they in agreement with, and what were they to deliver? Acts 15:22-23


7. After they sent their greetings, what was it they said they had heard? Acts 15:24


8. What did they unanimously resolve to do? Acts 15:25


9. To whom had they dedicated their cause and, how were they to convey this message? Acts 15:26-27


10. Whose decision  was it not to lay on them any burden beyond that which is strictly necessary? Acts 15:28


11. What four things were they advised to avoid? Acts 15:29


Personal – In what way have church members, not under the authority of the church, put a burden on you?  How could you resolve this?




(“I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb.”)

1. Who was carried away and how was he carried away? Revelation 1:1, Revelation 21:10


2. Where was he taken, what was he shown, and what did the city look like? Revelation 21:10-11


3. Who is the designer and maker of this city? Hebrews 11:10


4. Describe the following from Revelation 21:12:

Its walls


How many gates on the walls?


Who were stationed at the gates?


What was written on the gates?


Whose names were written there?


5. Who were the twelve tribes of Israel and where were the gates located? Ezekiel 48:30-35, Revelation 21:13


6. The wall of the city had twelve courses of stones as its foundation. Whose names were on them? Revelation 21:14


7. Who were the twelve apostles of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? Matthew 10:2-4, John 1:29, Acts 1:20-26


8. What did John not see, and what did he see as a temple? Revelation 21:22


9. Of what did the city have no need of and what gave it light? Revelation 21:23


10. Who is our lamp and who is the light for our path? Revelation 21:23, Psalm 119:105, and John 1:1,14


Personal – Picture what heaven will look like from what you have just read and studied.  How do you think you will respond when you enter its gates?  In what way have you been enlightened here and now? How do your family, friends, work acquaintances, or people you come in contact with during the day see the light of Christ in you as his walking, living temple?




(“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”)

1. If you love Jesus, to what will you be true, who will love him, and who will come to him? John 14:23


2. Notice in verse 23, it says “we will come to him.”  To whom is this verse referring, when it says we? John 14:11, 17, 26


3. Where will the Spirit make his dwelling place? John 14:17,23


4. Who is it that does not love Jesus, and where does the Word you hear come from? John 14:24


5. While Jesus was with them, what did he tell them? John 14:26


Personal – As you began this study did you read or pray John 14:26.  Of what has he reminded you?


6. What is Jesus farewell to you and his gift to you, and what does he tell you not to be? John 14:27


7. What does Jesus say in verse 28 of John 14?


8. If you love Jesus, what would you do when he goes to the Father? John 14:28


9. Who is greater than Jesus? John 14:28, John 10:29


10. Why was he telling them before this took place? John 14:29


Personal – In what specific way have you obeyed the command to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12), in your family, with your friends, at work or school?  In what way have you shown your love for the Father?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 67:2-3, 5-6, 8

(“For you govern the peoples justly,”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 15:1-2, 22-29

Christianity would have become nothing other than a sect of Jews if the condition that new Christians had to be circumcised first was upheld.  There were certain Jews who could never forget their positions as the chosen people. They were willing to accept Gentiles into the church provided they were circumcised first.  Paul and Barnabas argued strongly against this attitude and a violent collision seemed inevitable.

An appeal was made to Jerusalem, the headquarters of the church, for a ruling.  The principle at stake was quite simple.  Was the gift of God for the chosen few or for the entire world?  Was the gift of God a privilege or a responsibility?  Certain Pharisees who had become Christian insisted that all converts must be circumcised and keep the Mosaic law.

The Mosaic law of Moses stated that on the eighth day the flesh of a male child’s foreskin shall be circumcised (Leviticus 12:3). This was submitting of one’s flesh to the covenant that originated between God and Abraham (Gen. 17:14). Peter stood up to the apostles and elders and told them that the new covenant is fulfilled by believing the word of the Gospel.

God who knows the heart bore witness to them giving the Gentiles the Holy Spirit, just as he also did to us. This was a circumcision of faith, a cutting off of one’s pride and submitting to the will of the Lord. Peter told them that they were saved through the Grace of the Lord Jesus and so also were the Gentiles saved the same way.

The church leaders stated that the men who disturbed the brothers were not given instruction, or authority, to do what they did. The church leaders, inspired by the Holy Spirit, decided to send authorized representatives with Paul and Barnabas. They did not want to lay upon them a greater burden than the essentials which are: they shall abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals, and from illicit sexual union.

Today we still can look to the essentials for guidance for our daily living.  We are not to sacrifice ourselves to idols such as jobs, power, sex, or money.  We are called to stop eating and drinking ourselves into gluttony and sickness.  We are called to be chaste in our actions as well as in our thoughts.  We must turn away from illicit sexual union such as homosexuality, fornication, pornography, adultery, pre-marital sex, etc.

The controversy about keeping the law is still with us today.  There still exists divisions between  believers and church authorities. The authoritative teachings of the church are meant to protect the people as well as to preserve the true deposit of faith.


REVELATION 21:10-14, 22-23

John draws much of his imagery from Isaiah Chapter 65:17-24. In this chapter a new heaven is created, things of the past are not remembered, and there is rejoicing and no sadness or pain. John is not concerned about interspace travel or geophysics. Heaven exists because of the moral relationship between God and man.

God has taken the initiative and is the cause of the new order or as we call it the “New Jerusalem” or Heaven.  God began by walking with man in the garden of paradise.  He sought to dwell near man in the ark and the temple.  He made man the holy of holies through his Incarnation.  But these former things all passed away when he begins to dwell with them in the immediate personal intimacy of the “New Jerusalem.”  John has, with much phraseology and repetition, attempted to convey the incomparable beauty of heaven through the use of earthly descriptions.

The radiance of Christ in his eternal home is so dazzling that the lights of the galaxy are not needed.  The holy of holies was a cube twenty cubits high, wide, and deep.  The cities of Babylon and Nineveh were square.  Can you imagine a city as high as it is wide and long.  One side would extend from Boston to Chicago  (1500 miles). A fence 216′ high would hardly seem proportional around this gigantic cube of the heavenly city.  We can see that earthly details pale when matched against the concept of spiritual symbolism. The author’s main intent is to convey that it is the Divine Presence, radiant and enlivening, that transforms the holy Jerusalem into purest splendor.  God began with Paradise.  John ends his portrayal of the celestial city with details borrowed from the paradise story.  We might all picture ourselves as believers.


JOHN 14:23-29

Before his passion and death, Jesus spoke words of comfort, love and obedience to his disciples. These words brought a sense of serenity and helped them to not be afraid. Jesus promised to provide for them by leaving with them “the Counselor,” “The Holy Spirit.” Jesus told them that the Father would send them the Holy Spirit in his name. He told them that the Holy Spirit would teach  them all things and help them to remember all that he taught them (John 14:26).  We have been made by faith, through Gods action in the sacrament of Baptism, temples of the Holy Spirit.

Today, living a life conforming to the prompting of the Holy Spirit is not easy. We have so many distractions in our every day living, that only the Holy Spirit could empower us to remember with clarity the obedience that’s needed to walk the Christian walk. We need only to look around us and we can see very easily that unless we control our selfish desires and concerns by submitting them to  the word of the Lord, they run wild, quickly overcoming any desire to know and experience God’s love.

We can’t split our desires evenly between God and the world; we must first seek the kingdom of God (Mt 6:33). We need to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us more about the healing, saving love of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Pray that you will be open to receive the prompting of the Holy Spirit and to follow and experience the incredible love of Jesus.                 



The first reading tells us that the gift of God was not for a chosen few, but for the entire world. The second reading reveals that Heaven exists because of the moral relationship between God and man. The Gospel shows us that the power to walk the Christian walk can only come from the Holy Spirit.

This week, show those around you at work, at home or in school that God’s gift to you has brought you freedom of choice. Choose to love your neighbors, family and friends as yourself. With the power of the Holy Spirit, you can also choose to love your enemies. We can only do this when we seek his kingship first and then everything else is added (Mt 6:33). Remember, the Holy Spirit will teach you in all things (John 14:26).

Fifth Sunday of Easter (May 15th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”)

1. What did Paul and Barnabus proclaim in Derbe, what happened there, and to where did they return? Acts 14:20-21


2. What is the Good News they proclaimed?  Acts 13:32-34


3. What did Paul and Barnabas strengthen in the disciples, in what did they encourage them to persevere, and what did they say was necessary? Acts 14:22


4. Where does your strength come from in order to bear your share of the hardship for the Gospel and of what are you not to be ashamed? 2 Timothy 1:8


5. What did Paul and Barnabas appoint for the people, what did they do, and then where did they go? Acts 14:23-24


6. What were the disciples doing when the Holy Spirit spoke to them? Acts 13:2


7. Where did the disciples proclaim the Word of God? Acts 14:25-26


8. Why did Paul and Barnabus call the church together in Antioch? Acts 14:27


Personal – What can you report to your family or friends as to what God has done with you?


9. What happened to the Gentiles who heard the Word of the Gospel and believed, and how did God purify their hearts? Acts 15:7-9


10. For what should you pray, and how should you conduct yourself towards outsiders? Colossians 4:2-5


Personal – How do you approach or talk to those outside your faith?  What can you do to bring the Gospel message to those around you who do not believe or know what Jesus has done for them?




(“Behold I make all things new.”)

1. What was seen and what had passed away? Revelation 21:1


2. What dwells in the new heavens and the new earth? 2 Peter 3:13


3. What was seen coming down out of heaven from God and how was it prepared? Revelation 21:2


4. Of whom is the bride the wife? Revelation 21:9


5. What was heard from the throne, where is God’s dwelling, and what will they be to him? Revelation 21:3


6. What are we to the living God and what is he to us? 2 Corinthians 6:16


7. What will God wipe from his peoples eyes, of what will there be no more, and what has passed away? Revelation 21:4


8. What is anyone who is in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:17


9. What did the one who sat on the throne say and why did he say to write them down? Revelation 21:5


10. What are true and just?  Revelation 19:1-2


Personal – In what way does your life show God has made his dwelling place within you?  Can you see the old and the new person?  Reflect on this.




(“As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.)

1. After Judas left, what did Jesus say? John 13:31


2. How do we glorify the Father? John 15:7-8


3. If God is glorified in Jesus, what will God do to Jesus? John 13:32


4. Whom did Jesus say the Father will honor or glorify? John 12:26


5. How did Jesus glorify God on earth? John 17:4


6. What did Jesus call his disciples, and what did he say about where he was going? John 13:33


7. Where was Jesus going?  John 7:33


8. What did Jesus give us, and how should we love one another? John 13:34


9. What did Jesus say about no greater love than this? John 15:12-13


10. How will all know that you are a disciple of Jesus? John 13:35


11. Why do we love, and who is the one who loves God? 1 John 4:19-21


Personal – What do you do to show your love for God and one another?




(“The Lord is faithful in all his words and holy in all his works.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 145:8-13.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 14:21-27

Paul tells us in today’s reading that honesty and the willingness to accept afflictions was going to be a strong requirement in the new church.  He told them that there was no easy way and reminded them that Jesus did not come to make life easy but to make men great.  Paul shows them that Christianity must be lived in fellowship.

One of the great fathers of the Church stated, “No man can have God for his Father unless he has the Church for his mother.” None of us will go to heaven alone; it will be because someone influenced us to seek Christ, know Christ, and be saved by Christ.  To some people, the only bible they will read will be you.  We are called into Christian fellowship.

Like a loving mother, the Church teaches, preaches, and rules her children so that they will grow up and die to themselves and live for Christ by living for others.  Good parents want their children to grow up, go out and forward.  The Church wants the same for her children, to grow up, go out, and bring someone back to Christ.

Paul tells about the problem of so many Gentiles coming into the new church.  He states the friction over what a Christian is really supposed to be.  Gentiles wanted to be Christians.  The other side of the problem, Jews were not allowed to have anything to do with Gentiles.  The church welcomed all to come into God’s family, as they are, not as someone else thought they should be.  That is what being a Christian means today.  So be all that you can be and be excited in who you are.  You are unique, there is no one else quite like you.  Remember, all that you do, and all that you say, and all that you are is being brought into perfection in direct proportion to your obedience to God’s Holy Word.



Today’s passage reveals that the dream of a new heaven and earth was deep in Jewish thought.  Today we hear people in many lands still looking forward to a better place than what they have here on earth.  Isaiah speaks of the new heaven and earth that God will make, and he calls for the people to make their lives an act of worship (Isaiah 66:22).  In the new heaven and earth, there is the eternal hope of no more sorrow, no more tears; sin is defeated, darkness is no more, and joy is forever.  This vision has been strongly held throughout the ages because of man’s faith in God and his inherent sense of sin.

The ancient people feared the sea because they believed terrible creatures came from the sea.  They believed that one day the sea would not be a barrier between God and man.  Their beliefs consisted of two concepts regarding the new Jerusalem.  The first concept was of Greek origin.  It taught that in the invisible world there existed the perfect thing or place of everything visible here on earth.  That meant there was a heavenly Jerusalem of which the earthly Jerusalem was an imperfect copy.  The ideal is a challenge, in that, even if in this world the imperfect can not be made perfect, it can still be worked out in the next world, because God is the source of all ideals.  The second thought or concept is Jewish and it shares the many dreams of the prophets.

The new Jerusalem or the “Holy City” was a constant dream that inspired and sustained the Jew as he was constantly being in the process of being obliterated.  The Jews never lost confidence that they were the chosen people and God would someday present them with their “Holy City,” the new Jerusalem.  They expressed their hope in material things, but these were just symbols for the faithful.  We see that God is to make his dwelling place with men.  In the wilderness the tabernacle was a tent.  Today the tabernacle of God is you.  You carry him wherever you go.  His power lies within you waiting to be used to make the world “The New Jerusalem.”


JOHN 13:31-35

When you look at the word “commitment” you think of someone giving their complete all.  The glory of Jesus is the glory of commitment and that is the glory of the cross.  Jesus has shown

us that the greatest glory in life is the glory which comes from sacrifice.  In war time the supreme honor and glory belongs to those who lay down their lives so that others may live.  History has taught us that those who have made great sacrifices have entered into great history.

Jesus Christ in his humility and obedience went to the cross for you and me and he brought honor and glory to God.  We have found through time tested experience that obedience is the foundation of love.  The most notable way a child can honor his parents is by being obedient to them.  In Jesus God glories himself in the incarnation and the cross.  Jesus’ love, for us shows us that there is no glory like that of being loved.  Let that sink in for a moment.  He died for you because he loved you just as you are, not as you should be.

The enthronement of Christ followed his crucifixion.  The crown of thorns has changed into a crown of glory and as scripture tells us “eye cannot see, ear cannot hear, nor can man even comprehend what God has in store for those who love him.”  Jesus leaves us his stamp of glory and that is we are to love others as he has loved us.  We will be asked to love the unlovable, the unwashable, the unkissable, the ugly, the deformed, the sick, and the people of the land.  We need only to look and see how he loved.  He loved deliberately, openly, unhesitant, completely, gently, unreservedly.  He chose to love because simply he is love.  His glory will be in you loving others as he has loved you.



In the first reading it brought out to be a Christian in the new church meant equality for all.  In the second reading the Holy Spirit resides in you waiting to be used to make the world “a new Jerusalem.”  The Gospel shows the glory of God lies in the incarnation and the cross.

This week, let yourself be committed to making the world around your home, office, or school “a new Jerusalem” or “Holy City” by seeing in others the signs of Christ.  Let yourself, this week, love others as Christ loves you.  This especially means those in your family or those around you that you find very difficult to love.  Remember, commitment means sacrifice and sacrifice means going to the cross.  Your glory will be God’s glory in you.  You will be his glory as he sees you loving the people around you as Jesus loves you.  This will bring the “new Jerusalem” right into your heart.

Fourth Sunday of Easter (May 8th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.”)

1. Who arrived in Antioch, and what did they do on the Sabbath? Acts 13:13-14


2. Who followed Paul and Barnabas, and what did they urge them to do? Acts 13:43


3. To what is the grace they are to remain faithful? Romans 3:24-25


4. What did almost the whole city do on the following Sabbath, and when the Jews saw the crowd, what did they do? Acts 13:44-45


5. How did Paul and Barnabas speak out, what did they say it was necessary to do, and to whom have they now turned? Acts 13:46


6. What has the Lord commanded them to be, how did the Gentiles react to this, and what did they glorify? Acts 13:47-48


Personal – How has God made you an instrument of salvation to the world?


7. Who came to believe, and what did the word of the Lord continue to do? Acts 13:48-49


8. Whom did the Jews incite, and what did they do to Paul and Barnabas? Acts 13:50


9. Who does not please God, and what do they try to prevent? 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16


10. Why did Paul and Barnabas shake the dust from their feet, and with what were the disciples filled? Acts 13:51-52


11. What did Jesus tell his disciples? Matthew 10:14-15


Personal – When you gather to hear the Word of God, what is your reaction to it and to the person proclaiming it?  Who are the people who proclaim the Word of God, and how can you affirm them?




(“…God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”)

1. Who had a vision of great multitudes, where were they standing, and what were they wearing and holding? Revelation 1:1 and 7:9


2. What was said by one of the elders about those wearing the robes, and how did they make their robes white? Revelation 7:14


3. What does the blood of the Lamb do for you? Hebrews 9:13-14


4. What must you do to be cleansed from sin? 1 John 1:7


5. What do the multitudes do, and what will the one who sits on the throne do? Revelation 7:15


6. From what does the Lord shelter us? Psalm 31:21


7. What will no longer happen to the multitudes? Revelation 7:16, see also Isaiah 49:10


8. What did Jesus tell his disciples? John 6:35


9. Who will shepherd them and lead them to life-giving water, and what will God do? Revelation 7:17


10. Who did Jesus say he was, and what did he say to the woman at the well? John 10:11 and John 4:10


11. Where does God dwell, and what has passed away? Revelation 21:3-4


Personal – How have you been washed by the blood of Jesus? How and where is Jesus leading you today?




(“My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”)

1. What does Jesus say his sheep hear, whom does he know, and what do they do? John 10:27


2. Why were they trying to kill Jesus? John 8:37


3. Who hears the words of God?  John 8:47


4. What does Jesus give his sheep, what will never happen to them, and what can no one do? John 10:28


5. What is the will of the Father? John 6:39-40


6. To whom does the Lord open his hand? Psalm 145:16


7. Who is the Father greater than and what can no one do? John 10:29


8. Why did the Father give Jesus authority over all the people, and who belonged to the Father? John 17:2, 6


9. What are the Father and Jesus? John 10:30


10. What did Jesus pray that we all be? John 17:20-23


Personal – How do you recognize Jesus’ voice and know when to follow him? When was the last time you felt the protecting hand of God upon you?




(“Serve the Lord with gladness.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 100:1-3, 5.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 13:14, 43-52

The Jewish leaders tried to hide behind the shadow of jealousy as they brought legal and religious arguments against Paul and Barnabas. The root of their jealousy was that Peter and the apostles were already getting more respect than they had ever received. The difference between Peter, Paul, and Barnabas and the religious leaders was that the Pharisees demanded the respect and reverence for themselves. The goal of the apostles was to bring respect, reverence, and honor to God. The apostles were respected, not because they demanded it, but because they earned it. It is difficult to rejoice with others who are succeeding where we are not; but when we call upon the Holy Spirit, he will give us the strength we need (1 John 4:4).

Jealousy is a human and natural reaction, and it is tragic when we let our own jealous feelings make us try to stop God’s work. If a work being done is God’s work, then rejoice in it, no matter who is doing it.

Paul wanted the Jewish people to join him in proclaiming God’s salvation. Unfortunately, many Jews did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and they did not understand that in Jesus, God was offering salvation to everyone, Jews and Gentiles. Paul, being a Jew himself, hoped that the people would see that through Israel came Jesus, the light of all nations (Luke 2:32). This light would spread out and enlighten the whole world. The Jewish leaders turned away and like so many people today, when confronted with a disturbing truth, they often turn away and refuse to listen. When God speaks we must listen to him, or else we risk pushing the truth out of our lives.


REVELATION 7:9, 14-17

In today’s reading we see a great crowd gathered in front of the throne  before the lamb. Some say the crowd was a group of all the martyrs who died preaching God’s word. In the face of warfare, famine, persecution, and death, Christians will be called to stand firm for what they believe. These souls were sealed by God and now they are victorious. This crowd in heaven appears to be composed of those who remained faithful to God throughout the generations. The ones who came out of the tribulation washed their souls clean with the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood of Christ is the world’s greatest purifier, because it removes the ugly stain of sin. White symbolizes the qualities of sinlessness or holiness which can be imparted by shedding the blood of the sinless Lamb of God.

Some believe the suffering of the martyrs has gone on through the ages, and some believe there will be a specific time of intense tribulation. God will provide for his children’s needs in their eternal home. There will be no hunger, thirst, or pain; he will wipe away all tears in his beautiful eternal “Holy City.” This is a tremendously comforting verse when you feel that it is hopeless to even go on trying. This truth will sustain you in your time of trial. It is important to remember that all who have been faithful throughout the ages are singing before God’s throne. Their tribulations and sorrows are over and all their sins are over.  All believers have been resurrected and die no more. Alleluia!


JOHN 10:27-30

The role of a shepherd was very well known in Palestine, and they knew that a flock of sheep knew their master by the sound of his voice. Jesus compared his followers to sheep, and he was their shepherd. When he spoke, the people knew very well what he was talking about. He promised them eternal life if they accepted him as Master and Lord of their lives.

He offers that to us right here and now. All the littleness of our earthly life would be gone and we would know the splendor of being loved by God. He promised a life that would know no end. Death would be the beginning of living forever. He promised a life that was secure. Nothing could snatch that life from his hand. It did not mean that they would be saved from sorrow, suffering, or death. It did mean that they would know the serenity and power of God.

Jesus made a tremendous claim to the crowd of Jews, and he showed them his tremendous trust in God. He had been speaking to them about his sheep and his flock and that no one would ever take them away from him. He revealed that his Father gave him the sheep, and both the sheep and he were secure in his Father’s hand. Jesus was so sure of himself because he was sure of his Father. He then told them and us that he and the Father were one (17:11).

Jesus is saying that the unity between himself and the Father is the same unity he wants for us. His prayer is that all Christians be united in love as he is united in love with the Father.



The first reading says faith is a free gift and respect is something you earn.  In the second reading we see that only the Blood of Christ can wash away sin.  In the Gospel we see prayer as a dialogue between two people in love with one another.

This week let your prayer be that the Lord gives you the courage to confess your sins by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Then let the power of the Holy Eucharist nurture you and let you approach your family and friends with humility and reverence. Let your faith be shared in unity with members of other denominations in a spirit of joy. Jesus commanded all of us to be filled with his Spirit (Eph. 5:18) and then go out and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). Let your unity begin with God and you; then God, you, and your family; then God, you, your family, and your community.  Miracles will then be happening in your neighborhood.

Third Sunday of Easter (May 1st) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“We must obey God rather than men.”)

1. Who was brought in and made to stand before the Sanhedrin? Who questioned them? Acts 5:17-18, 27


2. What strict orders were the apostles given, and with what did they fill Jerusalem? Acts 5:28


3. Whose name were they told not to speak about and what did Peter and John say was impossible? Acts 4:18-20


4. What did Peter and the apostles say? Acts 5:29


5. Who raised Jesus, and what did the apostles say they did to him? Acts 5:30


6. Why did God exalt Jesus at his right hand as leader and Savior? Acts 5:31


7. What do you receive when you repent?  Acts 2:38


8. Who is given the Holy Spirit? Acts 5:32


9. What happened to the apostles, and what were they told? Acts 5:40


10. How did the apostles leave the Sanhedrin, and for what reason did they leave that way? Acts 5:41


Personal – In what way have you gone against the authorities in order to obey God rather than men? In what way have you spoken in the name of Jesus to your family, friends, co-workers, or classmates?




(“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches,…”)

1. Who looked again and what did he hear and see? Revelation 1:1-2, Revelation 5:11


2. As the angels cried out in a loud voice, who did they say was worthy and what did he receive? Revelation 5:12


3. What did John the Baptist call Jesus? John 1:29


4. How can we receive power and riches? Acts 1:8, Matthew 6:33


5. How do we receive wisdom and strength? James 1:5, Philippians 4:13


6. Who is not worthy of Jesus? Matthew 10:37-38


7. Who was heard crying out, and from where?  Revelation 5:13


8. Whose knee should bend at the name of Jesus? Philippians 2:10


9. Who should receive blessing, honor, glory, and might forever and ever? Revelation 5:13


10. What did the four living creatures answer, and what did the elders do? Revelation 5:14


Personal – What has made you worthy to bear the name Christian? How do you find your self-worth?  Revelation 5:12 and meditate on it.




(“Simon, son of John, do you love me?”)

1. To whom did Jesus reveal himself, and what were they doing? John 21:1-3


2. What time of day was Jesus standing on the shore and what did the disciples not realize? John 21:4


3. What did Jesus call the disciples, what did he say to them, and what was their reply? John 21:5


4. What did Jesus tell them, what happened as a result of their doing what he asked, and who recognized the Lord? John 21:6-7


Personal – What has God asked of you, and what has been the result?


5. What did the disciples see on shore, what did Jesus say to them, and what did Simon Peter do?  John 21:8-11


6. What did Jesus say to them, what did the disciples not dare to ask, what did Jesus do, and how many times was this that Jesus revealed himself to them since his resurrection? John 21:12-14


7. When they had finished breakfast, what did Jesus ask Simon Peter, what was his response, and what did Jesus tell him to do? John 21:15


8. What was Peter’s response the second and third time Jesus asked him if he loved him, and what did he tell him to do? John 21:16-17


9. What did Jesus say would happen to Peter and what did this signify?  John 21:18-19


10. What did Jesus tell Peter to do? John 21:19


11. Why should you follow in Jesus’ footsteps? 1 Peter 2:21


Personal – What have you done to show your love for Jesus? Who in your family, friends, work associates, or schoolmates have been fed by you this week?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 30:2, 4-6, 11-13

(“I will extol you, O Lord, for you drew me clear.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 5:27-32, 40-41

We see in today’s reading God’s power working through a group of men. We might do well to ask ourselves what would we do if we were threatened by powerful leaders and faced imprisonment for talking about God.  These men were beaten, arrested, and jailed and still went back to preaching God’s Holy Word when they were released.

When we are convinced of the power of Christ’s resurrection and have experienced the presence of his Holy Spirit, then we too will have the confidence to speak out for Christ.

The temple was a very busy place and many people stopped there to pray and worship at sunrise. These were the people the apostles met with the “Good News.” Today in our own marketplaces there is a tendency to keep our religion a private affair between us and our God. It is very difficult to see Christian people turn their eyes away from acts of wrongdoing because they “do not want to get involved.” Today we are experiencing a great amount of evil that is allowed to continue because the fear of man is greater than the fear of the Lord.

The apostles knew that the penalty for speaking out in the name of Jesus could mean death for them. The apostles knew their priorities. We should always try to keep peace with everyone (Romans 12:18), but conflict with the world and its authorities is sometimes inevitable for a Christian (John 15:18). There will be situations where you cannot obey both God and man, such as accepting the practice of abortion. Then you must obey God and trust in his word and not in man’s word or law.

Jesus himself encourages us to follow him in his own words: What happiness it is when others hate you and exclude you and insult you and smear your name because you are mine!  When that happens, rejoice!   Yes, leap for joy! For you will have a great reward awaiting you in heaven (Luke 6:22-23).  We are called to live as Christ has asked, sharing our faith no matter what the cost. We may not be beaten or thrown into jail, but we may be ridiculed, ostracized, or slandered.

To what extent are you willing to suffer for the sake of sharing the Gospel with others?



As Catholic Christians, we have been taught that angels are spiritual beings created by God, who help carry out his work on earth. In some instances they are messengers (Luke 1:26) and in others, they protect God’s people (Daniel 6:23). The angels offer encouragement (Genesis 16:7), and give guidance (Exodus 14:9). There are both good and evil angels (Revelation 12:7-9), but because the evil angels follow Satan and not God, they have much less power and authority. The main role of the good angels is to offer continuous praise to God.

Today’s reading shows us that only the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, is worthy to open the scroll. The scroll signifies for us the events of history and it is Jesus Christ who holds it, not Satan. Jesus Christ is Lord, and he alone is worthy to set into motion the events of the last days of history. Jesus Christ is pictured as a lamb which symbolizes his humble submission to God’s will. It is the lamb that becomes the focus in John’s vision. Christ, the Lamb, was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. He alone is the only one who can save us from the terrible events revealed by the scroll.

Jesus is also pictured as a lion symbolizing his authority and power (Revelation 5:5). Christ the Lamb won the greatest battle of all, defeating all the evil forces and death, by submitting humbly to God’s will and dying on the cross. Christ the Lion is victorious because of what Christ the Lamb has already done.

We will enjoy the rewards of victory not because of our power and might, but through our humble submission to God. John, through his images of God, has shown us that it is in the act of humbly submitting our lives to God that we receive the power of God’s Holy Spirit to do it. We must never forget that anyone who comes in repentance and faith is accepted by God and will be part of his kingdom. Wherever you go, let people see the fruit of humility shine in you and people will see in you, very clearly, the Lamb of God (John 1:29).


JOHN 21:1-19

In today’s Gospel Jesus commissions Peter to feed his flock. Jesus appears to the disciples while they are fishing and calls out to them. It is important to remember that these men were tremendously disappointed in the way events had turned out.  They had followed a loving Messiah who promised eternal life and now was gone. They decided to go back to doing what they originally did before they heard of Jesus Christ, and that was fishing. It seemed almost comical to recall Jesus’ words, “I will make you fishers of men.”

When Jesus called out to them and asked if they had caught any fish yet, they said no, and Jesus proceeded to tell these professional fishermen how to fish. These words must have struck them with tremendous force. The thoughts that must have been racing through the minds of these men in the boat must have been awesome and even fearful. They had seen him, they knew him to be dead, and there had been those appearances in the Upper Room; but then he disappeared. They obeyed his command and the result was incredible.  John, trying desperately to keep his emotions under control, said to Peter that it must be the Lord on the shore giving the advice.

Peter explodes and jumps into the water to swim, crawl, run, anything to get to Jesus as soon as he can. John knew it was Jesus because he saw him do a similar miracle on Lake Genneserat (Luke 5:1-11). There on the beach, the apostles experience Jesus cooking for them and eating with them.

Jesus leads Peter through the tremendous healing experience that removed the cloud of his denial.  Peter denied Jesus three times, and three times Jesus asked Peter if he loved him. When Peter answered yes, Jesus told him to feed his sheep.  You need to remember it is one thing to say that you love Jesus, but the real test is your willingness to serve him.  Peter had repented and now Jesus asked him to commit his life. Peter’s life changed when he finally realized who Jesus was. Peter had faced his true feelings when confronted by Jesus, and we have to confront our true feelings too.

How would you respond today if Jesus asked you, “Do you love me, do you really love me?”



The first reading shows that we must obey God rather than man. The second reading reveals worthy is the lamb that was slain for us. The Gospel shows love is a decision, not a sentimental expression.

This week, show those around you that you are in obedience to God’s law by your actions, your words, and even in your thoughts. Show your family the humility of the Lamb of God that resides in you by your acts of kindness and gentleness towards them. You can show that you really love Jesus by feeding the sheep in your own household. You can do that by leading them in prayer, scripture readings, church fellowship, and worship through the sacraments.

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) (April 24th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“Many signs and wonders were done among the people….”)

1. By what means did many signs and wonders occur? Acts 5:12


2. From where did the power to perform these signs and wonders come? Acts 1:8


3. This power has been passed on to whom? Acts 2:38-39


4. In what regard do the people place the apostles? Acts 5:13


5.  What did men and women in great numbers do? Acts 5:14


6. What did the apostles say that they came to believe? Acts 4:4


7. As a result of people believing and being added to their number, what did they do, and where did they bring the sick? Acts 5:15


8. What happened to the sick and those disturbed by unclean spirits? Acts 5:15-16


9. Read the following Scriptures and tell what constitutes healing: Mark 5:34 – Luke 18:42 – Acts 14:9


10. Read the following Scriptures and tell who was healed:

Matthew 8:16 – Matt. 12:15 –

Mark 6:56 – Acts 5:16 –


Personal – In what way do you see signs and wonders occurring in your home?  In what way do you, your family, friends, and co-workers need healing?  What do you think will bring about a healing? Meditate on this and then share it with someone.




(“the first and the last and the one who lives”)

1. On what island did John find himself? Revelation 1:9


2. See if you can find this island on a Bible map.


3. With whom does John share and what three things does he share with them? Revelation 1:4, 9


4. Why was John sent to the island Patmos? Revelation 1:9


Personal – In what way have you ever felt deserted or isolated for proclaiming God’s word and for having borne witness to Jesus?


5. On the Lord’s day John heard something. What was it, and what did it say? Revelation 1:10-11


6. For what did John turn around, and what did he see? Revelation 1:12-13


7. What did he hold in his right hand and what came out of his mouth? Revelation 1:16


8. When John caught sight of him, what did he do? Revelation 1:17


9. What did he say to John? Revelation 1:17-19


10. What did he tell him to do when he sees a vision, what he sees now, and what he will see in time to come? Rev.1:19


Personal – What were some thoughts or visions you had today that you could write down? How can writing your spiritual thoughts in a journal each night help you in your journey through life?




(Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.)

1. On the evening of the first day of the week who appeared to the disciples, what did they do to the door, and for what reason? John 20:19


2. What did he say to them, what did he show them, and what was their reaction? John 20:19-20         


3. What did he say again to them? John 20:21


Personal – Reflect on areas in which you do not have peace. Stop what you’re doing in that area and ask the Holy Spirit if it is an area that he is sending you or speaking through you, or is it an area of your own doing?


4. In Verse 22 of John 20, what did Jesus do and say to the disciples?


5. What must we do to receive the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:38


6 If you forgive men’s sins, what will happen to them; and if you retain them, what will happen? John 20:23


7. What did Jesus say to Peter in Matthew 16:19?


8. Read Matthew 18:18; what does it say about binding and loosing?


9. Who was absent when Jesus came to the disciples, what did they keep telling him, and what was his answer? John 20:24-25


10. What happened a week later, what was the greeting, what did Jesus say to Thomas, and what was his response? John 20:26-28


11. Whom did Jesus say are the blessed? John 20:29


12. What did Jesus do, and why have these been recorded? John 20:30-31


13. Where do you find your life? John 14:6 and John 20:31 Write out John 14:6.


Personal – What areas of life (education, job, athletics, hobbies, etc.) have you been pursuing?  In what way can you focus more on the true fulfillment (Jesus) in life rather than on what you have been doing?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24

(The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.)

Read and meditate of Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 5:12-16

It was like in the days of Jesus in Galilee all over again, so many were being healed by the apostles.  No wonder the Jewish authorities grew jealous of their enormous influence.  But threats, imprisonment, even the lash are no weapons with which to resist the power of God.  The apostles demonstrated an almost unlimited amount of healing power.  The healing was so spectacular that it seemed almost like magic. Peter parallels such items as Paul’s handkerchief (Acts.19:12) and the edge of Jesus’ cloak (Mt. 9:20).  But Peter very carefully tells all that his healing power comes from God in Jesus’ name (Acts 3:12-16).

Today, many wonder if God really heals his people.  Where are the people like Peter, Paul, and the other apostles?  Why are people so reluctant to reach out and call for a healing?  We see in today’s Scripture a high sense of expectancy by the people.  We see them bringing their sick out into the streets and believing that a healing was going to take place.  We need to bring that expectancy into our lives, and God’s healing power will explode today just as it did in the Scriptures.  We need to fall on our knees and repent of our sin of unbelief and let God heal us through his signs and wonders.

We see people like St. Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, and many Spirit-filled expectant Christians today who confidently call forth God’s healing power through their loving touch to the poor.  His healing power was given to all who professed that He was Lord and, as in Scripture, everyone who called on Him was healed.  His healing power is alive today through His Word, Eucharist, and the loving touch of His children.  He is the healer yesterday, today, and forever.

It was common practice for groups to meet for teaching and discussion in the courts of the public buildings.  Disciples listened to their teachers in the courts of the Temple.  The Christians met in Solomon’s Porch; but knowing the authorities’ hostilities toward them, many kept their distance.  Some Jews were afraid to join the meetings because they were in direct defiance of the Sanhedrin’s order as seen in chapter four of Acts.

Because of the fate of Ananias and his wife (Acts 5:1-11), those who want to follow Christ should seriously evaluate the cost of discipleship.


REVELATION 1:9-13, 17-19

Revelation shows us that John was a church leader who was well known to the seven churches in Asia Minor. The churches were located about 50 miles apart and formed a circle in what today is known as Turkey. These churches were like postal centers, and the entire book of Revelation apparently was sent to each one of the seven churches.

The Christians were entering a time of persecution and John, himself, was sent to the Island of Patmos which was a Roman penal colony.  Roman authorities at this time were beginning to enforce the cult of emperor worship.  Christians who held that Christ, not Caesar, was Lord faced great hostility. John, himself, was exiled for proclaiming the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus (v.9).

John wrote to the believers to resist staunchly the demands of emperor worship.  John is also encouraged to write about what is current and what is to happen.  We also need to write, read, and reflect on what the Lord is saying to us in our daily living.  Like John, we are called to spread the word of God and testimony of Jesus.  We need to write in our journal those daily inspirational thoughts that come from the Holy Spirit.  We also need to stand up like John did to the idolatry of today’s world.

The gods of money, power, sex, and the media are very powerful and demand full tribute.  We, like John, may be called upon to pay the price for our belief in Jesus Christ.  Jesus tells us to go forth and make disciples of all nations (Mat. 28:16-20). Jesus gave John the great commission; he responded, and we are called to make the same response.

JOHN 20:19-31

There is a story told about a primitive South American jungle tribe that had as its most important member someone who was called “A keeper of the flame.”  Fire among this primitive people was a precious commodity and to start a fire often took long hours.  Keeping the flame going was much easier.  It was the very important task of the flame keeper to add wood to the fire at night and to be sure the fire never went out.  In today’s Gospel, we see Jesus’ final appearance was to prepare the disciples to continue to carry on his earthly ministry.  His final words to his followers are basically words that will equip them to be “keepers of the flame.”

Jesus appeared to this small group of frightened men gathered in the upper room.  He found them in the darkness of despair.  Jesus greeted them, “Peace be unto you” (John 20:19).  Oh, how they needed to hear those words from him.  A more frightened group of men could not be found anywhere in Jerusalem that night.

Jesus startled his disciples out of their despair by reminding them of a fundamental fact: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (John 20:21).  Jesus is saying, ” I need you to continue the work that I started.”   Even though he would be seen leaving to ascend to heaven, the fire started by his life, death, and resurrection must not be extinguished.  He must continue to teach, preach, heal, save mankind, and he will do it through his “keepers of the flame.”   His new body will be composed of believers, and they will become Christ’s hands, feet, heart, and life upon the earth.

And what about us?  Is the message and mission of Jesus continuing in our world?  Are we fulfilling the mission entrusted to the small group of men who followed Jesus of Nazareth?  What is our calling?  The answer to these questions requires a closer look at this Easter appearance of Jesus.  Meeting their Resurrected Savior transformed eleven terrified apostles into courageous “keepers of the flame.”  The secret of their power is also our secret, and that is the peace of mind and heart.   

The real power is the Holy Spirit, who gives us the Peace of Christ and sends us out to fulfill the Great Commission.  He gives us the power to fulfill this mission by giving us what we need most, “His living presence in our life.”  There are four things we must be ready to do in a moment as “keepers of the flame”:  pray, preach, give our testimony, and die.  The mission of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is ours; and we must be ready to do what he has done also.



The first reading shows that Jesus is the healer yesterday, today, and forever.  The second reading shows that like John, we are called to spread the Word of God everywhere.  The Gospel tells us that we are called to be “keepers of the flame.”

To be a “keeper of the flame” in your family, you must take on the responsibility of making certain that the fire does not go out.  You can do this by your prayer, leading your family in Scripture, attending the sacraments with them, encouraging them to give their lives to Christ, and letting them see in your actions that you are a real “keeper of the flame.”

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord (April 17th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“We have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead.”)

1. Who was Peter addressing? Acts 10:24-28


2. What did he say to them? Acts 10:34-35


3. How does Deuteronomy 10:17 describe God, and what does it say he does not do? 2 Chronicles 19:7


4. For what reason does God have no favorites? Job 34:19, Wisdom 6:7.


Personal – In what way do you show partiality with your children, your friends, and your co-workers? Spend time alone with the Lord, repent of this, and ask the Lord to help you look at others through his eyes.


5. What was reported all over Judea about Jesus of Nazareth? Where did it begin, and with what? Acts 10:37-38


6. Who anointed Jesus and who anointed Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy? Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22


7. What two things did Jesus go about doing and who was with him? Acts 10:38


8. To what are they witnesses, what did they finally do to him, and what did God do? Acts 10:39-40


9. What did God grant, and by whom? Acts 10:40-41


10. Who are the chosen and for what purpose are they chosen? Ephesians 1:11-13


11. What did he commission us to do?  Acts 10:42


12. Whom has he sent to preach to the people? Mark 3:14


13. Who are his disciples today? John 8:31, John 13:35


14. To what are we to bear witness and to what do all the prophets testify? Acts 10:42-43


Personal – What results and power do you see in your everyday life from your anointing with the Holy Spirit?  Does your family see good works and healing taking place from your touch? Reflect on this.




(“Be intent on things above rather than things of earth.”)

1. With whom have we been raised up, and on what should we set our heart? Colossians 3:1


2. Where is Christ seated? Colossians 3:1


3. Who raised us up and gave us a place in the heavens? Ephesians 2:4-6.


4. On what are we to be intent and why? Colossians 3:2-3


5. What are things that are rooted in earth? Colossians 3:5, 8, 9


6. How do we become intent on things above? Colossians 3:10


7. Where is our life hidden now? Colossians 3:3


8. Who is Christ to us?  Colossians 3:4


9. When Christ appears, what will happen to us and in what way? Colossians 3:4


Personal – As you have died with Christ to your old desires and to things rooted in this earth, do your family, friends, and work acquaintances see you as a reflection of Christ?  On a sheet of paper name some of the characteristics of Christ in one column and in another column list your characteristics through a 24-hour day and compare the two columns.




(“He saw and believed.”)

1. Who came to the tomb, what time was it, and what day was it? John 20:1


2. Where was Mary Magdalene as Jesus hung on the cross? John 19:25


3. What did Jesus drive out of Mary? Mark 16:9


4. What did Mary see when she arrived at the tomb? John 20:1


5. To whom did she run, and what did she say to them? John 20:2


6. What did Peter and the other disciple do? John 20:3


7. Who reached the tomb first, and how did they get there? John 20:4


Personal – In what way do you see yourself running to see Jesus? Are you persevering in running the race?  On whom are you keeping your eyes fixed? Do your family and friends see you as someone with eyes looking up or cast down? Read Hebrews 12:1-2.


8. What did the disciple do when he got to the tomb and what did he see lying on the ground? John 20:5


9. What did Peter do when he got there? What did he observe on the ground, and what did he notice about the cloth which had covered Jesus’ head?  John 20:6-7


10. What did the disciple who had arrived first do and what was his reaction to this?  John 20:8


11. What does it take to believe? John 1:12


12. What will you receive by believing in the name of Jesus? John 3:36


13. After Jesus rose from the dead, what did the disciples come to understand and believe? John 2:22


14. When did they understand and believe? Luke 24:30-32


15. What does Jesus say about those who believe and have not seen? John 20:29


Personal – How have you seen a change take place in your life through reading the scriptures?  Have you come to believe in the spoken word of Jesus through the scriptures?  Remember, John tells us Jesus is the Word made flesh.  Pray and ask God to fill you with an understanding of the Word through his gift of the Holy Spirit that you received from him.



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23

(“The right hand of the Lord has struck with power.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




ACTS 10:34, 37-43

Alleluia is a Hebrew word that means “praise ye the Lord.” On this great day of Easter Sunday we give thanks, gratitude and our complete joy in the form of praise to our Lord, Jesus Christ.  This passage strongly shows that the resurrection is the basic doctrine and proof of the truth of the Christian faith. We are told in scripture that if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and our faith is worthless also (1 Cor. 15:14).

There are many today who disregard the physical resurrection and say that it is no big deal. They say that it is the spiritual resurrection that really matters. St. Paul says just the opposite. Jesus rose from the dead, and then he was seen by witnesses who had not only spoken with him, but had actually eaten with him.  The Apostles were devastated on Friday night after the crucifixion. They remained locked in the upper room, fearful of what the Roman soldiers were going to do next.  They were even too afraid to do any wishful thinking about their beloved master Jesus. They were hard to convince even when it happened.

We need to reflect on this passage. Have we seen him, have we talked with him, have we eaten with him? he is alive today, and like the Apostle Peter, we too are called to evangelize and teach about Jesus.  We are called to fellowship with others who believe that he is risen and that he lives today. We need to discover through Christ something significant about each other, both believers and non-believers. He has risen for the whole world – Alleluia – Alleluia!



In this passage, Paul begins by bringing us into the core meaning of our baptism. In the early days of the church, baptism was by total immersion.  When you heard the story of Christ and you were ready to believe in the one true God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you were then immersed in water.  You were cleansed from your sins and worldliness. Immersion was a symbol of being drowned or buried with Christ. This signified that the new Christian has died to all earthly attachments and desires. He was raised out of the water or the tomb to be with the risen Christ. Paul said, “If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above.”  This means that we must mean what we say and do.

We have been raised with Christ and we no longer need to dwell on things of the earth. This does not mean we can walk away from responsibility. It does not mean just being obedient to parents and to society. It does not mean just that we have to work to support ourselves or our families. It means that our earthly possessions must not dominate our life.

We are called to love people, not things, money, power, status, etc. Our lives need to show that what we did at baptism has life-long meaning. What we do is far more effective on others than what we say. We were created for unending happiness in heaven and this happiness is now within our grasp, thanks to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are helped in our daily living by God’s holy grace. Remember, God wants us to go to heaven, and he has an Easter resurrection planned for all of us.


JOHN 20:1-9

The divine plan of God for all people was accomplished through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All people would now be eligible to be called sons and daughters of God because of Jesus Christ’s perfect act of obedience. Because of him, we will one day like Christ rise from the grave  in our glorified bodies. The resurrection was the basis of the new Christian faith. Had it not happened, Christianity would never have started. There would have been no Easter Sunday. Peter would have returned with his companions to their fishing nets and boats, and Jesus Christ would have been forgotten after a few short years.

Mary Magdalene’s discovery of an empty tomb brought shock and fear. She ran to Peter and told him that she thought someone had stolen the body of Jesus. Peter had to see for himself and check out the facts. We might take notice of how the clothes were folded after they discovered Jesus’ body was gone. They would not have been arranged that way if there had been a robbery. The disciples were completely surprised when they found the empty tomb. It was only then that they remembered that Jesus had said that he would rise again.

Many people today do not believe in Jesus because the “facts” do not check out. We can only accept the fact of the resurrection when we have first personally encountered Jesus Christ. The understanding of the resurrection takes on a special meaning as we commit our life to Jesus and his presence remains with us. Jesus’ resurrection is the key to our Christian faith because death, as we know it, is not the end. Jesus’ bodily  resurrection shows us that he is ruler of God’s kingdom. Because of his promise, we who die to ourselves with him will rise from the dead with him.  Because of him, you and I can face tomorrow without fear.  Because of him, we have his Holy Spirit living within us and protecting us against all evil (1 John 4:4). Because of him, we can witness to all the people in the world that if they believe in Jesus Christ, they will be given  eternal happiness. Because of him, all mankind can really be free and live forever.  Alleluia – he is Risen – Alleluia – he is Alive.



The first reading shows that “Alleluia” is a Hebrew word that means Praise the Lord.  The second reading reveals that Baptism is being drowned or buried with Christ.  The Gospel tells us that because of Jesus Christ all mankind can really be free.

Jesus’ death brought us freedom from sin and death. We are now called to free others from sin and death here on earth. Some of us can do that by our professions as medical people, legal people, politicians, educators, business people, parents, and children.

This week, free someone in your family, home, or workplace from a chore that you know they do not like.  Let them see that joy in someone who really knows that he is free.  Then each day, have your family gather together to pray that all may become free from sin through Jesus Christ.  Because of him, you are free.  Let freedom ring throughout this land.