by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn 





FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY             READ DANIEL 7:13-14         FIRST READING

           (“…his kingship shall not be destroyed.”)

l.   Who was having visions during the night?  Daniel 7:1


2.   What did he see coming on the clouds of heaven, and into whose presence did he come?  Daniel 7:13


3.   What will we all see?   Mark 14:62


4.   What will the son of man receive?  Daniel 7:14


5.   What did Jesus say was given to him?   Matthew 28:18


6.   What shall the Lord do in the time of kings?  Daniel 2:44


7.   Who shall serve the Lord?  Daniel 7:14


8.   What two things did Jesus come to do?  Matthew 20:28


9.   What is his dominion, and what shall not happen to it? Daniel 7:14


10.  We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should do what? Hebrews 12:26-29


Personal – In what area in your life does God not have dominion over you?  How can you give him complete control and kingship over every area  of your life  in regard  to your spouse,  family, friend­s, neighbors, and church.



 (“…who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father,”)

1.   Who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth? Revelations 1:5, 1 Corinthians 15:20


2.   If Jesus is the firstborn from the dead, in what else should he be first?   Colossians 1:18


3.   What has Jesus done by his blood, what has this made us, and who gets the glory and power forever?   Revelation 1:5-6


4.   From what did Christ’s blood cleanse our consciences, and to do what?   Hebrews 9:14


5.   If we walk in the light as he is in the light, what will we have, and how are we cleansed?   1 John 1:7


6.   What are we to let happen to us?   1 Peter 2:5


7.   Who will see him coming amidst the clouds, and who will lament him?   Revelation 1:7


8.   When the Son of Man comes in all his glory, how will he repay everyone?   Matthew 16:27


9.   What did the Lord God say?   Revelation 1:8


10.  Who does the Lord God give a gift from the spring of living water?   Revelation 21:6


Personal – What signs do you show by your speech and actions of dying to self for those around you, that reveal you have been made into a kingdom, priests for our God and Father?  How has this been done?



FOURTH DAY             READ JOHN 18:33-37                GOSPEL

   (“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”)

1.   What did Pilate ask Jesus, and what was Jesus’ question back to him?   John 18:33-34


2.   What did Pilate say he was not, and who did he say handed Jesus over to him?   John 18:35


3.   What did Jesus say about his kingdom?  John 18:36


4.   Who did Jesus say his Father would provide, and why does Jesus say he does not call upon his Father? Matthew 26:53-54


5.   Where did Jesus say is the kingdom of God? Luke 17:20-21


6.   What did Pilate say to Jesus, and for what did Jesus say he was born and to testify to?   John 18:37


7.   To what does Jesus testify to?    John 3:32


8.   What does everyone who belongs to the truth do?  John 18:37


9.   Who hears the words of God?    John 8:47


10.  How do we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit? 1 John 4:6


Personal – If the kingdom of God, Jesus’ Holy Spirit, is among you and within you, to whom and what have you been listening?  How do you determine if the person speaking is speaking truth? Share this with someone.  How can you apply this to your everyday life?


FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 93:1-2, 5

               (“…holiness befits your house.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 93:1-2, 5.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




                         DANIEL 7:13-14

This passage reveals Daniel’s vision of the end times. Daniel describes the arrival of a man; this man is the Messiah. Jesus used the above verse to refer to himself in scripture (Luke 21:27). Daniel, while feeling disturbed and confused about these prophe­cies, recognized, as we need to recognize today, that their full meaning has not been revealed. The full implications of these prophecies or any other of God’s prophecies will not be known until God reveals them to his people.

Daniel’s prophecy is a tremendous message of hope and comfort for the many who are sick, lonely, abandoned and lost. This vision was told to many people, and the Son of Man was, of course, the Messiah who is Jesus Christ. We today can look at prophecy and see that the full meaning is still to come. Jesus has come to free us from the grasp of Satan, but there is still much evil in our lands. We know that the power of the Holy Spirit is his power, and that power is eternal. We also know that the government of the Lord is a corrupt-free government.

Jesus tells us that he will return to raise up all his fol­lowers to the Father. We all must stand before God and give an account of our lives. If you were to see God arrive on clouds from heaven and your life were judged by God today, what would he say about it? How would he measure your life against his word? We need to ask what we would like him to see at that time. Then we should live that way beginning now.


                        REVELATION 1:5-8

Today’s reading shows us that we can be assured that God’s word is reliable because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the source of truth. We have seen in scripture that others had risen from the dead. The apostles, prophets, and Jesus himself had brought people back to life during their ministries. But all of them eventually died.

Jesus Christ was the only person who ever was born to die. He died so that you and I could live forever with him.  He paid the ransom for us, and it was a ransom of blood. One of the most difficult things Christian believers are asked is to share what Christ really means to them personally. Many Christians hesitate to share what Christ has done in their lives because they do not feel the change has been very noticeable. You qualify as a witness for Jesus because of what he has done for you, not because of what you have done for him.

Today’s passage shares with us that Christ has done specific things for each person that can be shared with others. Christ demonstrated his great love for us by setting us free from our sins, through his death on the cross, guaranteeing us a place in his kingdom if we choose to believe in him. The fact that Christ has offered eternal life to you is nothing short of a spectacular testimony on your behalf. Jesus is shown as an all-powerful king, victorious at battle, glorious in peace. We can be victorious also in battle and glorious in peace when Jesus is our Lord and Savior, because the battle is his, and not ours.


                         JOHN 18:33-37

Jesus was taken to the palace of the Roman Governor. His accusers would not go in, for that would have defiled them. Entering the house of a Gentile (Pi­late’s house) would cause a Jewish person to be ceremonially defiled by Jewish law. As a result, he could not take part in worship at the temple or feasts. These men kept the pretense of religion while harboring murder and treachery in their hearts. Pilate knew very well what was going on, and that the religious leaders hated Jesus, and he did not want to act as their executioner. Pilate also knew that they could not sentence Jesus to death themselves, because that permission had to come from a Roman leader.

Pilate was interested in Jesus’ reply of being a king to make sure Jesus was not trying to overthrow the government. The Jews were using the title “King” to mean their religious ruler, the “Messiah.” The Jews were looking for a powerful savior for their captive nation. They wanted someone who could free them from the Roman empire’s grip of control. They looked at Jesus with contempt and even disgust: this wandering “suffering serv­ant;” this blasphemer. 

Jesus answered Pilate very clearly that he was a king, but his kingdom was not of this world.  Pilate, while believing Chris­t, still rejected his claim.  The tragedy Pilate committed is one that many people make today, and that is believing that Christ is the Messiah but not living their lives as he calls them to do. We have no excuse, we have read about Christ, we have studied scripture, and we have been taught by our church that he is our Lord and Savior. The tragedy is that there are many “so-called Chris­tians” who live their lives in complete opposition to what Christ is teaching. To Pilate and many people then and now, truth is what is agreed upon by  the majority of the people.  Truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and only through truth (John 8:32) can we ever be set really free.



The first reading teaches a message of hope and comfort found in prophecy and a vision of God. The second reading shows God’s word is reliable because God is truth (John 14:6).  The Gospel reveals hypocrisy can never be the core of true religion.

This week, be specific, be truthful, and say to members of your family or to friends only what is uplifting about them. Do not try to flatter them because flattery is dishonest. But, for one week, speak only about what is good about that particular person. Give only a praise report and watch an incredible trans­formation take place. Jesus spoke the truth because he is the truth. You can speak only the truth this week because you have the Holy Spirit and his power within you (1 John 4:4) to speak only the truth. Let all who know you know that you are reliable because you speak only the truth.




 Deacon Ken and Marie Finn





FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY             READ DANIEL 12:1-3         FIRST READING

 (“But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament.”)

l.   Who shall arise, what shall there be, and who shall escape? Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:21


2.   Against whom did Michael and his angels battle? Revelation 12:7


3.   Over what are we to rejoice?   Luke 10:20


4.   What will happen to those who sleep in the dust of the earth, and what will happen to them?  Daniel 12:2


5.   Who will go off to eternal punishment, and who will go to eternal life?  Matthew 25:45-46, John 5:28-29


6.   What will the wise or the learned do?  Daniel 12:3


7.   As you hold onto the Word of Life, what will you do in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation? Philippians 2:15


8.   What will those who lead many to justice be like? Daniel 12:3


9.   Like what is the path of the just?  Proverbs 4:18


10.  To what are we to be attentive until two things happen? 2 Peter 1:19


Personal   – In what way do you shine or standout among the corruption going on around you?


THIRD DAY           READ HEBREWS 10:11-14, 18      SECOND READING

(“For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.”)

1.   What does every priest do, and what can sacrifice not do? Hebrews 10:11


2.   Who was taken from among men to stand before God and offer sacrifices, and what is impossible?  Hebrews 5:1 and 10:4


3.   What did Jesus do, and for what is he waiting? Hebrews 10:12-13


4.   When Jesus ascended into heaven, where did he go? Mark 16:19


5.   What did Joshua tell the men of Israel that the Lord would do to all the enemies against whom they will fight? Joshua 10:24-25


6.   Who are our enemies, and what has God given us the power to do? Luke 10:17-20


7.   By one offering, who has Jesus made perfect?  Hebrews 10:14


8.   How are we being consecrated?  John 17:17-19


9.   What has happened that eliminates sin offerings?  Hebrews 10:18


10.  How are we given knowledge of our salvation?  Luke 1:77


Personal  –  In what way do you show that your enemies are your footstool?   How do you recognize your enemies?  Read Ephesians 6:11-12 to help you identify the enemies.


FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 13:24-32                GOSPEL

   (“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”)

1.   What will happen in those days after the tribulation? Mark 13:24-25


2.   How does the day of the Lord come?   Isaiah 13:9-10


3.   What will they see on that day?  Mark 13:26


4.   What did Jesus tell the high priest when he asked him if he was the Messiah?  Mark 14:60-62


5.   Who will see Jesus when he comes on the cloud? Revelation 1:7


6.   Who will he send out, and what will they do when he comes in all his glory?   Mark 13:27


7.   From what are we to learn a lesson, and when will we know that he is near?   Mark 13:28-29


8.   What will not pass away?   Mark 13:30-31


Personal – What truth about yourself and God has he revealed to you this day?


9.   Who will be called least and greatest in the kingdom of God? Matthew 5:18-19


10.  Who is the only one who knows the day or the hour of his coming? Mark 13:32    


11.  How will the day of the Lord come to us? 1 Thessa­lonians 5:1-2


Personal – If Jesus were to come on the cloud today, in what way have you been preparing yourself to be gathered up by the angels?


FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 16:5, 8-11

  (“…; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 16:5, 8-11.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




                         DANIEL 12:1-3

Today’s passage is a prophecy of the last days. Great suffering is in store for Israel throughout the many years ahead. Jeremiah also used this way of describing the future (Jer. 30:7), and Jesus did too (Matthew 24:21). Yet great suffering is also tempered by a great promise of hope for true believers.

In today’s reading we see a clear reference to the resurrec­tion of both the righteous and the wicked, although the eternal fates of each will be quite different.  Up to this point in time, teach­ings on the resurrection were not common. Yet every devout Jew believed that one day he or she would be included in the restora­tion of the new kingdom. The idea that there would actual­ly be a bodily resurrec­tion was quite radical.

We look around our own communities, and we see people trying very hard to be “superstars” in this transient world of enter­tainment, only to find their “stardom” very temporary. God tells us how we all can be superstars eternally. We can do that by turning to God’s call to holiness, and the call to holiness involves obedience to God’s will and service to others. The road to stardom for believers is a road that has many distractions, but also many great moments of satisfaction.

If we share our Lord with others, we can be true stars that will shine forever radian­tly beautiful in God’s sight. God has called each one of us to lead someone to him. Jesus tells us in scrip­ture that we are to make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20). We are in the last days, and we are the ambas­sadors of our Lord Jesus Christ.


                      HEBREWS 10:11-14, 18

It was customary for the priests to stand while offering sacrifices. The sacrifices under the old system were repeated again and again, year after year; but even so these sacrifices  could never save those who lived under their rules. Christ’s act of sitting down at God’s right hand symbolizes the end of the sacrificial system. Christ gave himself to God for our sins as one sacrifice for all time, and then sat down in the place of highest honor at God’s right hand.

There was a danger of the people returning to the old Jewish system, which would be saying that Christ’s sacrifice was not enough to forgive their sins. Any system to win God’s approval through good works is essentially rejecting the significance of Christ’s death and spurning the Holy Spirit’s work. Do not let anyone tell you that Christ’s sacrifice was incomplete or that something else is needed to make you acceptable to God, because this can lead you away from right faith and right living.

We have been made complete in Christ, and yet we are still being made holy. We do good things not to become good, but because of the goodness that is within us (1 John 4:4). Through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ once and for all made it possible for his believers to become perfect in God’s sight by washing them clean from sin. At the same time he is making them holy in their daily pilgrimages through life. We must realize that because God is not finished with us, we must be open to this growth process by being obedient to Christ, by living out the values of scripture and the church in our daily lives. Most of all, we need to accept the forgiveness that Christ provides for each one of us.


                         MARK 13:24-32

In today’s passage we find that Jesus tells us that when the time of tribulation has ended his return will be unmistakable. In the midst of that time of persecution even strong believers will find it very difficult to follow Jesus and to keep from being deceived by false teachers. When Jesus does return there will be no doubt of his identity. If you have to be told that the Messiah has come, then he has not (Matthew 24:27).

Christ’s coming will be obvious to everyone, and there will be “deep mourning” because unbelievers will suddenly realize they have chosen the wrong side. In the time of Jesus the world seemed very concrete and dependable. The roles of the people were clearly defined, giving the impression of permanence. It was just that essence of permanence that Jesus was threatening to change.

Today many people fear the destruction of the world through nuclear power. Jesus tells us that while we can be sure the earth will pass away in time, the truth of his words will never be changed or abolished. God and his holy word provide the only stability in our unstable world. It is so incredibly shortsighted to spend so much of our time learning about this temporary world and accumulating its possessions, while neglecting God, scrip­ture, church and all the eternal truths of our faith.

Today many books are written in many languages that predict when Jesus will come back. These books are written to give the impres­sion that man has figured out what Jesus said.  Only his Father knows, and we are to stay alert (Mark 13:32,33).  When Jesus said that, even he did not know the time of the end. He was affirming his humanity.  Jesus voluntarily gave up the unlimited use of his divine attributes when he became a man. The bottom line on this passage is that no one can predict by scrip­ture or by science the exact day of Jesus’ return. Jesus teaches us that preparation, not calculation, is needed.


The first reading tells us that we can be eternal stars if we share our Lord with others.  The second reading shows that to deny Christ’s forgiveness to ourselves is to deny it to all. The Gospel reveals that the earth will pass away, but God’s word will never pass away.

This week, prepare for the coming of the Lord through service to others, not by trying to calculate it through books and movies.  Show your family and friends by your actions that you are preparing to live forever and are ready to die right now. Let them see the power of your prayer life. Let them see that you pray about everything and complain about nothing. Let them experience your forgiveness and show them that you forgive others because you know you are forgiven.  Do this with your family, friends, school, and work associates, and you will be amazed at what can happen in just one week.  This is your week; let it happen.



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn at St. Dismas Guild





The first reading shows that God has placed his great seal on all of his believers through baptism.  The second reading tells us that adoption means being selected and God chose you to be his child. The Gospel reveals that nothing can separate us from God’s love, not even death (Romans 8:39).

This week, let yourself be completely poor in spirit. Let your attachment be only to people, not things. Look in your closet and see what clothes you do not really need and then give them to the poor. Look at your financial picture and see what you can cut out of your spending and give that expense to the poor.

Look at how you spend your time.  Is it mostly for your benefit? Try to see where you can give more time to others in need. Mother Teresa says, “Unless life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.”  Blessed are you because you are poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3).


FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY           READ 1 KINGS 17:10-16       FIRST READING

 (“The jar of flour did not go empty, nor the oil run dry, as the Lord had foretold through Elijah.”)

l.   When Elijah went to Zarephath, who did he see there, and what did he say to her?   1 Kings 17:10


2.   What did Jesus say to the woman of Samaria? John 4:7


3.   When the widow went to get Elijah the water, for what did he call out, and what did she say to him?   1 Kings 17:11-12


4.   What did the widow say would happen to her and her son after they had eaten what was left?   1 Kings 17:12


5.   What did Elijah tell the widow not to be, and what did he tell her to do first? 1 Kings 17:13


6.   What are we to seek first? Matthew 6:33


7.   What does the Lord, the God of Israel, say? 1 Kings 17:14


8.   When will the Lord send rain upon the earth? 1 Kings 17:1


9.   What did the widow do, and how long were they able to eat? 1 Kings 17:1


10.  What happened, and how was it foretold? 1 Kings 17:16


Personal  –  While you were in a place of need yourself, who has asked you for food or water?  What has been your response?



(“But now, once for all, he has appeared at the end of the ages to take away sin by his sacrifice.”)

1.   What did Christ not enter, what did he enter, and for what reason?   Hebrews 9:24


2.   If we sin, what do we have?   1 John 2:1


3.   What does Christ do that the high priest does not? Hebrews 9:25


4.   Where do we get our confidence to enter the sanctuary? Hebrews 10:19


5.   What did Jesus do once and for all?  Hebrews 9:26 and 7:27


6.   What did John say about Jesus?  John 1:29


7.   What do human beings do only once, and what comes fter that?   Hebrews 9:27


8.   What do we receive before the judgment seat of God? 2 Corinthians 5:10


9.   What will Christ do a second time, what will he bring, and to whom?  Hebrews 9:28


10.  How will the Son of Man come?   Matthew 16:27


Personal – How has Christ appeared before God on your behalf this week?   Be specific.  What did you ask him, and what was the answer?


FOURTH DAY            READ MARK 12:38-44               GOSPEL

 (“A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.”)

1.   Of what did Jesus say you are to beware?  Mark 12:38-39


2.   What goes before honor?  Proverbs 15:33


3.   What do the scribes that look for places of honor do to the widow, and what will happen to them?  Mark 12:40


4.   What did Jesus observe, and what did many of the rich do? Mark 12:41


5.   What do the rich and poor have in common? Proverbs 22:2


6.   What did a poor widow do?  Mark 12:42


7.   After calling his disciples, what did Jesus say to them about the poor widow?   Mark 12:43


8.   From what did Jesus say the rich contributed, and from what did this poor widow contribute?   Mark 12:44


9.   When giving, what must be there to be acceptable to the Lord? 2 Corinthians 8:12


10.  What happens to those who give to the poor?  Proverbs 28:27, Matthew 10:42


Personal – In what way have you taken something that you needed and given it to someone less fortunate?  Examine yourself to see if your giving is from your surplus or from your need.  Repent where needed, attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation to receive the grace from the sacrament, and pray for the ability to change and to begin to give from your need.


FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 146:7-10

  (“The Lord sets captives free;”)  Read and meditate on Psalm 146:7-10.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                       1 KINGS 17:10-16

In a nation that was required by law to take care of its prophets, it seems incredible that God allowed ravens, which were considered to be very unclean birds, and a widow, who was a foreig­ner from Jezebel’s home territory, to care for Elijah.  But God provides help for us where we least expect it.  He provides help that goes beyond our narrow definitions or expectations.  No matter how bitter our trials or how seemingly hopeless our situa­tion, we should look for God’s hand of care. We may just find him in the strangest of places.

When the widow from Zarephath met Elijah, she thought she was preparing her last meal for herself and her son. Today’s passage shows us how a simple act of faith provided a miracle. We are told that faith is the step between promise and assurance.  Faith is the response to the power and living presence of God in our lives. The woman was being obedient, and she had more than she could eat.

The core of love is obedience, and every miracle, large or small, begins with an act of obedience.  We may not see the result until we take the first step. Yet miracles seem so out of reach for our feeble faith.  This woman reached out and responded to Elijah’s need, and her own needs were filled.  When we respond to someone else’s need before our own, we are doing what Jesus did. In the next few verses the widow’s faith had a major test.  When her son died,  she reached out in faith.  Today, respond to the power and living presence of God in you and miracles will happen to you.


                        HEBREWS 9:24-28

The description of Jesus as our friend comes as a sign of great comfort. A friend stands with us and for us.  Christ is on our side, standing in our place before God. He is our mediator, he pleads for us, and he represents us. God has chosen us to be his friend because we are friends of Jesus. God considers us friends when we give ourselves to him as he gives himself to us. When we are God’s friend, we know that he is always there when we need him.  Do you consider God to be your friend? Are you as devoted to him as he is to you?

Jesus has drawn us into a place of high privilege because as our Lord and Master, he should call us slaves, but instead he calls us friends. Because he is Lord and Master, our obedience should be unqualified and blind, but Jesus asks us to obey him because we love him.

We know that love is a decision, and to love Jesus means we have decided with our own free will to love him. Because Jesus died for us, we became eligible to be friends with God. God is holy, and he hates sin. All people are sinful and deserve punish­ment. Christ took our sins upon himself and paid the price for them with his own death. Now the way to friendship with God has been opened and through faith in his work, we become his friends rather than enemies and outcasts.

Because we are Jesus’ friends we know that when we die we will be with him forever. We know that all people die physically but Christ died so that we would not have to die spiritually. He has promised to return and raise up “his friends” to eternal life in a world without sin, and that, my beloved friends, is “Good News.”


                         MARK 12:38-44

In this Gospel passage, Jesus makes a series of charges against the Jewish religious leaders. These leaders walked around in flowing robes in which they could neither hurry or work, and which were the sign of the leisurely man of honor. Scripture tells us that the Jews wore tassels at the edge of their outer robe. These tassels were to remind them that they were people of God.

Jesus again exposes the impure motives of these religious lead­ers. They received no official pay, so they depended upon the hospitality extended by devout Jews. Some of them used this custom to exploit people, cheating the poor out of everything they had and even taking advantage of the rich.  Their spiritu­ality was an act to gain respect, status, and recognition. Jesus warned the people against the teachers of religion who loved to appear holy, but in reality were phonies.

True followers of Christ are not distinguished by showy talents or acts. Reading the Bible, praying in public, or follow­ing church rituals can be phony if the motive for doing them is to be noticed or honored.  We must always remember that how we live is really what we believe, so let your actions be consistent with your beliefs.  We must always live for Christ even when no one is looking.

Jesus tells the people that the punishment of the religious leaders would be greater because as leaders they carried great responsibil­ity in shaping the faith of the people.  The petty rules, greed, and impure motives led many people astray, and sadly, we see that happen far too often in our times and in many nations.  Jesus closes the passage by telling us that when we give, it is not how much we give that counts, but it is how much of a sacrifice it takes.  The poor woman only gave a frac­tion of what others gave, but it was out of the funds that she needed to survive that she gave, not out of what was surplus.  God is calling all of us to give just as the poor widow gave, as shown in today’s Gospel.



The first reading tells us that God will provide for us in the most unexpected ways.  The second reading shows that there is no greater friend than one who lays down his life for us. The Gospel reveals to us that real religion is what we live as well as what we say.

This week, let your spirituality show, not in the way you dress, speak or sing; let it show in your actions.  This week do something beautiful for God, and give of your time, talent, or your money to do God’s work.  Remember, I did not say, do what you always do; I say, do something different, something special. Whatever you do, whatever you give, let it really be an exper­ience of sacrifice.  Your gift of giving begins with your heart.     




by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn at St. Dismas Guild




FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



            (“…The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!”)

 l.   How are we to have a long life, and who are we to fear? Deuteronomy 6:2


2.   Who will prosper after us if we keep the commandments? Deuteronomy 4:40, Deuteronomy 5:29.


3.   What did the Father promise us if we are careful to observe his commands?   Deuteronomy 6:3


4.   Who is dearer to the Lord than all other people? Exodus 19:5


5.   Who is our God, and what did Jesus say about him? Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 12:29


6.   With what are we to love and serve the Lord? Deuteronomy 10:12


7.   With what three ways are we to love the Lord our God? Deuteronomy 6:5


8.   What is to be written on our heart?  Deuteronomy 6:6


9.   What is in our heart that we do not falter? Psalm 37:31


10.  What do we treasure in our heart so we will not sin against him? Psalm 119:11


Personal – How have you shown your love for God?  What shows others that he alone is your God and there is none other than him?


THIRD DAY             READ HEBREWS 7:23-28        SECOND READING

      (“…He is always able to save those who approach God through him.”)

1.   Who were prevented by death from remaining in office? Hebrews 7:23


2.   Who has a priesthood that does not pass away? Hebrews 7:24, 28


3.   What happens to those who approach God through Jesus, and what does he do for them?   Hebrews 7:25


4.   Where is Jesus?  Romans 8:34


5.   If anyone sins, what does Jesus do?  1 John 2:1-2


6.   Why is it fitting to have such a high priest?  Hebrews 7:26


7.   Who is this high priest who passed through the heavens? Hebrews 4:14


8.   What did Jesus do once and for all, and what did he have no need to do? Heb7:27


9.   For what does Jesus live, and what must we consider our­selves?  Romans 6:10-11


10.  What does the law appoint, and who does the word of the oath appoint? Heb.7:28


11.  Who is perfect?  Hebrews 7:28, Hebrews 5:8-10


Personal  –  About what can you have Jesus intercede for you to the Father? Try keeping a prayer journal with dates and check the results each week.



FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 12:28-34                GOSPEL

          (“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”)

1.   What did one of the scribes ask Jesus?   Mark 12:28


2.   What did Jesus say his Father was, and how are we to love him?   Mark 12:29-30


3.   What did Jesus say was the second commandment, and what did he say about these two commandments?   Mark 12:31


4.   What is summed up in this saying (namely), “you shall love your neighbor as yourself, and what does love not do? Romans 13:9-10


5.   What did the scribe say about God?   Mark 12:32


6.   What did the scribe say was worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices?   Mark 12:33


7.   To what does the Lord want us to be open?   Psalm 40:7


8.   What did Jesus see in the scribe, and what did Jesus say to him?    Mark 12:34


9.   Where does God’s kingdom rule?   Psalm 103:19


10.  What did no one dare to do?  Mark 12:34, Matthew 22:46


Personal  –  In what way have you shown your love for God by loving your neighbor this week?  Who in your life is considered your neighbor right now?


FIFTH DAY           READ PSALM 18:2-4, 47, 51

(“I love you, O Lord, my strength,”)Read and meditate on Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                       DEUTERONOMY 6:2-6

This passage shows us that the wandering in the desert was not only a punishment but also a test to show the people how utterly dependent they must be on God.  For a nation that had wandered forty years in a parched desert to be close to a land “flowing with milk and honey” sounded like a paradise. They envisioned rich crops, rushing streams, gentle rains, and lush fields filled with livestock.  The Israelites could have had all that forty years earlier, but their stubbornness and rebellion prevented it from happening.

Moses was now whetting their appetite for this beautiful land and clearly explaining the conditions for entering the land. The great Hebrew prayer known as the “Shema” from the Hebrew word “Hear” begins the prayer. This prayer was recited by devout Jews and was a proclamation of faith and a desire to serve God.  Since Jesus was a pious Jew, the words of the Shema came to his lips when he was asked which commandment was the greatest (Mark 12:29). The rabbis agree also that of the 612 Jewish commandments of the Law, this was the most important.  The prayer declares that their God (Yahweh) is the only true God. This was a very impor­tant insight for the people of Israel, because they were about to enter a land with many gods.

Both then and today there are people who prefer to place their trust in many gods. Today we see people who believe in the false gods of money, power, status, fame, youth, physical beauty, intelligence, drugs, alcohol, immorality, pleasure, and many forms of the occult.

This passage is often said to be the central theme of Deuteronomy. It sets a pattern that helps us to relate the Word of God to our daily lives.  Today, more than ever, we are to love God with all of our heart, soul and might. We are to teach his commandments to our children, and to live our lives by the guidelines of his word.


                        HEBREWS 7:23-28

The covenant of Christ is the  covenant of the New Testament.  This new covenant allowed the people to go to God directly through Jesus Christ. They no longer had to rely on sacrificed animals to gain God’s forgiveness.  The new covenant is permanent because Jesus Christ lives forever as our high priest, and only Jesus saves.

We need to ask ourselves, what does it mean that Jesus is able to save completely?  No one can add to what Jesus did to save us; our past, present, and future sins are all forgiven, and Jesus is with the Father as a sign that our sins are forgiven. Christ has paid the price for our sins once and for all. If you are reading this as a non-Christian, then let him come into your heart right now, and let his blood wash you clean. Confess your sins and repent in the name of Jesus.  If you are a Christian, then you know that you need to be reconciled with God again. Jesus welcomes us back with the same joy as the good shepherd experiences when he recovered the one lost sheep in the fold. We have been blessed in the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Remember, it is not enough to say I am sorry; we are called to repent (change) and get back into Christian worship and fellowship. 

Jesus is our advocate, the mediator between us and God. The covenant of Christ is immediate access to our loving and just heavenly Father.  Today much of the world does not realize how costly it was for Jesus to secure our forgiveness – it cost him his blood and his life (1 Peter 1:18-19).

Because Christ died once and for all, he finished all sacrifices. The Jews did not need to go back to the old system, because Christ, the perfect sacrifice, completed the work of redemption.  His death brings us eternal life.  How callous, how cold, how stubborn are those who refuse to accept this death, God’s greatest gift.


                         MARK 12:28-34

There is an old saying that is credited to St. Augustine. He stated, “Love God and do whatever you like.”  There were many in the crowd that surrounded Jesus that would strongly disagree with that saying. The expert who asked Jesus the question was asking about something which was a living issue in Jewish thought, discussion and law.  Jesus answered him by putting two great commandments together.

“Hear,  Oh Israel!  the Lord is our God,  the Lord alone!” This single sentence is the heart of Judaism (Deut. 6:4). It is called the Shema which means to hear.  It was the sentence with which the service of the synagogue always began and still begins. The three passages of the Shema were contained in the Phylac­teries, (Matt. 23:5), little leather boxes which the devout Jew wore on his forehead and wrist. When the Jew was at prayer, the Shema was contained in a little box called the Mezuzah, which was and still is attached to the door of every Jewish house and the door of every room in it, to remind the Jew of God at his going out and his coming in. 

When Jesus quoted the second commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” (Leviticus 19:18), he intended it to mean the Gentiles also. Jesus took an old law and filled it with meaning. Religion to Jesus Christ was loving God and loving people.  He tells us that the only way in which a man can prove that he loves God is by showing that he loves men.  Hosea had heard God say, “I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice.” (Hosea 6:6). For some people it is always easier to let ritual take the place of love, and for some, it is easer to let worship become a matter of the church building, instead of a matter of the whole life.

The scribe had risen beyond his friends, and that is why he found himself in sympathy with Jesus.  His next step was faith in Jesus himself, and this was the most difficult step to take.  When you are uncertain about what to do, ask yourself what cour­se of action best demonstrates your love for God and your love for others.



The first reading tells us that prayer and obedience are the foundation of love.  The second reading shows us that Jesus saves completely.  The Gospel reveals Jesus’ idea of religion as love of God and man.

This week, show your family that love, not ritual, dominates your actions.  Take the time to look at those in your family, work and school and determine the ones whom you have great difficulty loving.  This week, lift them up in daily prayer and make an effort to show them love in the form of meeting their needs. Love is a decision, and it is time for you to decide to love God and all your fellow men.






FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.
1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?

2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?

(“They prostrated themselves before the throne,”)
l. What was seen coming up from the east, what was he holding, and to whom did he cry out in a loud voice? Revelation 7:2

2. On whom has God the Father set his seal? John 6:27

3. With what were you sealed as the first installment of your inheritance towards redemption? Ephesians 1:13-14

4. What were the angels told not to damage until the seal was put upon whose foreheads? Revelation 7:3

5. How many had been marked, and from where were they? Revelation 7:4

6. Who were standing with the lamb, and what were they doing? Revelation 14:1, 3

7. What was John’s vision, before whom did they stand, and what were they wearing? Revelation 7:9

8. From whom did they say salvation comes, and where is he seated? Revelation 7:10

9. What did the angels standing around the throne do? Revelation 7:11

10. As the angels worshipped God, what did they exclaim? Revelation 7:12

11. What did one of the elders speak up and say, and who were the ones wearing the white robes? Revelation 7:13-14

12. What did the blood of Jesus do for us? Hebrews 9:14 and 1 John 1:7

Personal – How often do you worship the Lord during the day in practice for the time you will spend in eternity worshipping him?

(“What we shall be has not yet been revealed.”)
1. What has the Father bestowed on us, what might we be called, and why does the world not know us? 1 John 3:1

2. How do we become a child of God? John 1:12, John 3:16

3. What did Jesus make known to us, and for what reason? John 17:25-26

4. What are we now, what has not been revealed, and what will happen when it is revealed? 1 John 3:2

5. What does Jesus do to our bodies? Philippians 3:20-21

6. Why should we remain in Jesus? 1 John 2:28

7. What is happening to us, and how is the veil lifted? 2 Corinthians 3:14-18

8. What does everyone do who has this hope based on him? 1 John 3:3

9. How do we make ourselves pure? 1 John 2:5-6

10. What is pure and true? Psalm 19:10

Personal – How have you become more like Jesus this past week?
Be specific.

(“Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of me.”)
1. Where did Jesus go when he saw the crowds, and who came to
him? Matthew 5:1

2. What did he do with the disciples, what did he say belongs to the poor in spirit and those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness? Matthew 5:2-3, 10

3. What will happen to those who mourn and to those who are meek? Matthew 5:4-5

4. Where is God’s dwelling, and what will he do? Revelation 21:3-4

5. In what shall the meek delight? Psalm 37:11

6. What will happen to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and to those who are merciful?
Matthew 5:6-7

7. Over what does mercy triumph? James 2:13

8. Who will the clean of heart see, and who will be called the children of God? Matthew 5:8-9

9. Whose heart is clean? Psalm 24:4-5

10. Who is to rejoice and be glad, for what reason, and who was persecuted before them? Matthew 5:10-12

11. What happened to those who proclaimed the name of Jesus, and what was their reaction? Acts 5:40-42

Personal – In which of the beatitudes do you find yourself blessed? In what way have you been persecuted for your faith by your family, friends, work associates or school friends?

(“The Lord’s are the earth and its fullness;”) Read and meditate on Psalm 24:1-6.
What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your life?

REVELATION 7:2-4, 9-14
This reading shows John is seeing a vision of the last terrible day and in particular the great tribulation which is to come. During the tribulation there will be a final assault by all the forces of evil and a final devastation of the earth. But before this time of horror and devastation comes, the faithful are to be sealed with the great seal of God so they may survive it. It is not that they escape from experiencing it, but that they may survive it.
A seal on a scroll identified and protected its contents. God places his great seal on his followers, identifying them as his own and guaranteeing his protection over their souls. This is why we have the Sacrament of Baptism, and it shows how valuable we are to him. Our physical bodies may be beaten or even destroyed, but nothing can harm the souls of those marked by God.

We see the seal of God that is placed on the forehead of the believers is the exact opposite of the mark of the beast (Revela-tion 13:6). These two marks place the people in two very distinct categories. There are those owned by God and those owned by Satan. Satan is always trying to imitate the great works of God.
The number of believers in today’s passage symbolizes completeness. All God’s followers will be brought safely to him. You will always be protected from spiritual harm when Jesus is Lord and master of your life and soul, and not even death can separate his love from you (Romans 8:39).

1 JOHN 3:1-3
As believers, our self-worth is based on God’s love for us and that he calls us his children. To belong and to be loved is the deepest need there is in a human being. The numbers in the mental hospitals and prisons would be drastically reduced if the people in those places really had a good self-image.
We are God’s children now, not just sometime in the distant future. We are children of the king, and we are heirs to his kingdom of heaven. We have been adopted into God’s family through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. To be called a child of God is a great privilege, and yet, we are not just called children of God; we are the children of God. By nature a man is a creature of God,
but it is by grace that he becomes a child of God.
The Old Testament tells us that the Israelites are the covenant people of God. In the New Testament, by a deliberate act of adoption on the part of God, the children enter into his family. We become his children in the intimate and loving sense of the term only by an act of God’s initiating grace and the response of their own hearts in the Sacrament of Baptism. When we become children of God, our life has only just begun. We will continue to grow in the image and likeness of God by following the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. We can do this through the power of the Holy Spirit and the loving guidance of the Catholic Church. One day you will be face to face with “ABBA,” your heavenly Father and your Loving Savior Jesus Christ, and what a wonderful joy it will be when he says to you, “Welcome, my obedient, loving child.”

MATTHEW 5:1-12
This passage reveals to us the Christian attitude of being. Jesus is not calling his disciples to live in such a way that they will be blessed. he is in fact saying that because they are living in accordance with God’s will, they are already blessed. Blessed means being joyful, and this is a joy that no man or circumstance can take away.
This passage begins with Jesus sitting down as he began to preach. This was a signal that what he was saying was an official message, a message that was to be heard and responded to. When a Jewish rabbi was teaching officially, he sat to teach. We speak today of a professor’s chair, and the Pope only speaks “Ex cathedra” from his seat.
We hear Jesus say blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. The Jews had four levels of being poor. The first was just being unable to make ends meet, second was having no power, third was having no influence, and finally, having no earthly resources whatsoever and putting their whole trust in God. The Jews described the word poor as the humble and hapless man who puts his whole trust in God. This really means blessed is someone who realized his own helplessness and put his whole trust in God. He will become completely detached from things and will become completely attached to God. The man who is poor in spirit is the one who has realized that things mean nothing and that God means everything.
Do not think that poverty is a good thing. Jesus would never call living in slums, not having enough to eat, and poor health as
being blessed. The poverty which is blessed is the poverty of the spirit. The kingdom of heaven awaits the one who realizes that God is his real treasure. Are you that person?

The first reading shows that God has placed his great seal on all of his believers through baptism. The second reading tells us that adoption means being selected and God chose you to be his child. The Gospel reveals that nothing can separate us from God’s love, not even death (Romans 8:39).
This week, let yourself be completely poor in spirit. Let your attachment be only to people, not things. Look in your closet and see what clothes you do not really need and then give them to the poor. Look at your financial picture and see what you can cut out of your spending and give that expense to the poor.
Look at how you spend your time. Is it mostly for your benefit? Try to see where you can give more time to others in need. Mother Teresa says, “Unless life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.” Blessed are you because you are poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3).



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn at St. Dismas Guild




FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



             (“I will lead you to brooks of water,”)

l.   What does God say, and what has he done for his people? Jeremiah 31:7


2.   Why do the people of God shout with exultation, joy and gladness?  Isaiah 12:6 and Psalm 14:7


3.   Upon whom do the survivors of the house of Jacob lean, and who will return to the mighty God?  Isaiah 10:20-21


4.   From where will the Lord bring back his remnant, and   who will return?   Jeremiah 31:8


Personal  –  Who do you see today as the remnant of Israel, and where do you see yourself?


5.   Who will join Israel, and where will they go?  Jeremiah 3:18


6. What will happen to the remnant that God brings back? Jeremiah 23:3-4,Isaiah 35:5


7.   How did the people depart, and what will God do for them? Jeremiah 31:9


8.  What did Jesus say would flow from within those who believe in him? John 7:37-39


9.   What does God call himself, and what is Ephraim? Jeremiah 31:9, Exodus 4:22


10.  Who is Ephraim?   Genesis 41:50-52


Personal  –  Since you have been studying God’s Word, from where has your Heavenly Father led you out?  To where is he guiding you and directing you?  How have you gone from tears to rejoicing?


THIRD DAY              READ HEBREWS 5:1-6         SECOND READING

        (“You are my son; this day I have begotten you;”)

1.   Who is taken from among men and made a representative before God, and what does he offer?  Hebrews 5:1


2.   What is every high priest appointed to offer, and how does the high priest worship?  Hebrews 8:3,5


3.   Why is the high priest taken from among men able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring? Hebrews 5:2


4.   Because of his weakness, for whom must he make the sin offerings?   Hebrews 5:3


5.   What did Moses tell Aaron to do?   Leviticus 9:7


6.   What comes from God that no one takes this honor upon himself?   Hebrews 5:4


7.   Who was called to be priest from among the Israelites, and what set them apart?   Exodus 28:1-3


8.   Who, in the same way, did not glorify himself in becoming high priest but received it from his Father who said what about him?  Hebrews 5:5


9.   Who does Jesus say glorifies him, and who does Jesus say he knows, and what does he keep?    John 8:54-55


10.  How long are we priests, and who is Melchizedek? Hebrews 5:6, Genesis 14:18


Personal  –  In what way have you shown the honor and respect due to the priests in your parish?  Have you recognized them as some-one called by God for a special purpose?   What is that purpose?



FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 10:46-52                GOSPEL

           (“Go your way; your faith has saved you.”)

1.   Who was sitting by the roadside, and what was he doing? Mark 10:46


2.   When the beggar heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, what did he do and say?   Mark 10:47


3.   What did the people do, and what did the beggar continue to do?   Mark 10:48


4.   Whom are we to rebuke?  Luke 17:3


5.   When Jesus stopped, what did he say, and what did his followers say to the blind man? Mark 10:49


Personal – Does Jesus call you directly, through others,  or both?


6.   What did the blind man do, and where did he go?   Mark      10:50


7.   What did Jesus say to the man, and what did the man tell him?   Mark 10:51


8.   Where did Jesus tell him to go, and what did he say saved him?   Mark 10:52


9.   What is faith?   Hebrews 11:1


10.  How does faith come to us?   Romans 10:17


Personal  –  In what specific way have you been healed by hearing God’s Word?  How has he turned your blindness into the light of day?


FIFTH DAY              READ PSALM 126:1-6

(“Those that sow in tears shall reap rejoicing.”) Read & meditate on Psalm 126:1-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                        JEREMIAH 31:7-9

This promise of restoration was open to all the families of Israel, not only to the tribe of Judah. The restoration will include all those who trust in God. This restoration shows a God who reaches toward his people with loving kindness, motivated by a deep love.  We hear God tell us that he has loved us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3). This was a tremendous statement by God to a people who had been through so much.

Today, he makes that same statement to you and me. He does not care where we have been or what we have done. He is very much interested in where we are right now, and he wants us to know that he has loved us with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah has seen Israel scattered, and the events leading to Jerusalem’s destruction had disoriented most of the people. The prophet knew that.  After many words of warning about sin, this reminder of God’s incredible love is a fresh breath. We may often think of God with dread or fear, but if we look careful­ly, we can see him lovingly drawing us toward himself. The people were very excited to proclaim and hope that God has saved the faithful remnant of his people.  That salvation will soon be manifested when God leads Israel back to Jerusalem from distant Babylon. Killing, slavery, blindness, lameness, homelessness evoke the horror of war and suffering that they had experienced; their salvation will be all the more extraordinary. The faithful remnant of God’s people have continued to experience the horrors of many tyrants and wars.

The Messiah whom we know as Jesus was their only hope of salva­tion.  They looked to the future with hope because they knew the Messiah was coming.  Today in many parts of the world there are  faithful people of Jesus Christ experiencing the horrors of killing, blindness and lameness.  In some parts of our world, to believe in Christ is to be ridiculed, rejected, and, in some instances, to be executed.  The religion of humanism is taking a great toll on the people and upon the faithful remnant of today. The faithful remnant will be the witness of the Messiah who is present to his people.  His power is within you (1 John 4:4) and you will make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19-20). Jesus is leading us home today away from the many horrors of war that exist in many lands.


                         HEBREWS 5:1-6

Today’s reading focuses on the meaning of Old Testament priesthood and situates Christ with regard to it.  Every high priest is a human being whom God chooses to represent people in his presence and to offer worship.  The type of worship, also called the liturgy, is offered as a redemptive sacrifice so that it atones for the sins of the believers. These high priests can treat sinners with great patience, because they are sinners also. The offerings they make are for their own sins as well as their people.

No one can assume this type of ministry on his own. Only God who called Aaron can call a person to take his honored role in Israel’s religious life. We must understand, to the Jews the high priest was the highest religious authority in the land. He alone entered into the Holy of Holies once a year to make atonement for the sins of the whole nation (Lev. 16).  Like the high priest, the source of Christ’s high priestly office is not different, and like them, he received the priesthood from God.

Jesus as high priest mediates between God and us. As man’s representative, he intercedes for us before God. As God’s repre­sentative, he assures us of God’s forgiveness.  Jesus has more authority than the Jewish high priest because he is truly God and truly man. In his sinlessness, he transcends the Old Testa­ment high priest, but he did not glorify himself with his office. Unlike the priest who could go before God only once a year, Christ is always at God’s right hand interceding for us.

Today, call upon the Lord to stand in your place before God. Jesus has already paid the full ransom for you. We only need to confess our sins and repent in his name. The church has provided this incredible gift for us through the Sacrament of Reconcilia­tion. The priest invites us to, once again, be reconciled with God in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. The world will know we are priestly people by the way we live.


                         MARK 10:46-52

Jesus was on his way to the Passover and being a well known teacher, he was surrounded by a large crowd of people, disciples and learners. Students of a teacher or rabbi learned while they listened as the teacher walked and talked. That was one of the most common ways of teaching. It was also the law that every male Jew of 12 years of age who lived within 15 miles of Jerusalem attend the Passover in the Holy City.  So there would be even more than the normal crowds on the streets heading toward Jerusalem.

There were many who followed just to see this rebel who was about to invade Jerusalem. At the northern gate was a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. He heard the tramp of feet and asked what was happening and who was passing. He was told that it was Jesus, and there and then he set up an uproar to attract Jesus’ attention to him. To those walking along and listening to their teacher, this was a great offence. They tried to silence Barti­maeus, but no one was going to take from him his chance to escape from his world of darkness, and he cried and shouted with such violence that the procession stopped, and he was brought to Jesus.

Beggars were a common sight in most towns, since most occupations of that day required physical labor, and anyone with a crippling disease or handicap was at a severe disadvantage and usually forced to beg, even though God’s laws commanded care for such needy people (Lev. 25:35-38).  Blindness was considered a curse from God for sin; but Jesus rejected this idea when he healed the blind man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:25).

To approach Jesus, the blind man had to overcome the dis­ciple’s resistance.  The blind man throws off the mantle of his former life, jumps up and approaches Jesus.  He boldly calls out, “I want to see,” and Jesus instantly heals him. Jesus knew that because Bartimaeus called him the “Son of David” he knew that Jesus was the Messiah who was going to heal him.

The blindness in question was physical, yet Bartimaeus saw Jesus as the Messiah with spiritual vision. The blindness of many today is lack of faith, understanding, and acceptance. Spiritual vision on the other hand is faith. Ask Jesus to restore your sight today, and he will give you perfect spiritual vision.



The first reading tells us that God and Christ lead us home from exile.  The second reading shows that Jesus Christ’s priest­hood is perfect and eternal. The Gospel reveals that Bartimaeus had spiritual vision before he had physical vision.

This week, take a spiritual inventory of yourself.  See where you are crippled and handicapped. Ask your spouse, clergy­man or a close friend to help you. Do not let the noise of the crowd, job, or school distract you. Cry out for Jesus and pray and read his Word constantly this week. Keep a pad and pen near you, and write down any thoughts about your spiritual handicap. In the case of two blind men, one healing was gradual (8:25); the other was instant (10:52).  Jesus heals both ways, and he wants you to have perfect spiritual health as well as good physical health.



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn at St. Dismas Guild




FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY            READ ISAIAH 53:10-11        FIRST READING

  (“…the will of the Lord shall be accomplished through him.”)

l.   What is the Lord pleased to do?   Isaiah 53:10


2.   Who did God crush in his infirmity?   Acts 2:22-24


3.   If Jesus gives his life as an offering for sin, what will be seen, and what will be accomplished?  Isaiah 53:10


Personal  –  How is God’s will being accomplished through you?


4.   Why was Jesus crushed?   Isaiah 53:5


5.   How can we have a long life?   Ephesians 6:2-3


6.   What will he see because of his afflictions and his anguish? Isaiah 53:11


7.  Through his suffering, what did the servant do & what did he bear on himself? Isaiah 53:11


8.   How are we justified?    Romans 3:24-26


9.   What must we do in order to get rid of guilt?  Psalm 32:5


10.  How was Jesus made perfect?   Hebrews 2:10


Personal – In what way have you experienced freedom from guilt in your life?


THIRD DAY             READ HEBREWS 4:14-16        SECOND READING

    (“So let us confidently approach the throne of grace…”)

1.   What should we not let go of since we have a High Priest, Jesus, the Son of God, who has passed through the heavens?  Hebrews 4:14


2.   Why did Jesus enter heaven?    Hebrews 9:24


3.   What was Jesus able to do,  what do we have, and what did Jesus never do? Hebrews 4:15


4.   What did Jesus have to become like so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people?   Hebrews 2:17


5.   By sending Jesus in the likeness of sinful flesh, what did he do to sin? Romans 8:3


6.   Why did God make Jesus to be sin even though he did not know sin?  2 Corinthians 5:21


7. How can we approach the throne of grace, and what will we receive and find? Hebrews 4:16


8.   How did we receive this confidence?    Hebrews 10:19


9.   What does faith in Jesus give us?    Ephesians 3:12


10.  How do we receive grace and truth?    John 1:16-17


Personal  –  How do you approach God in your time of need? Look up in the dictionary the word confident, and read its meaning. 


FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 10:35-45                GOSPEL

       (“…whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.”)

1.   What did James and John ask Jesus?   Mark 10:35-37


2.   When Peter said they had given up everything to follow Jesus, what did Jesus say would happen to them? Matthew 19:27-28


3.   What was Jesus’ reply to James and John?  Mark 10:38


4.   What did Jesus say about the baptism with which he must be baptized? Luke 12:5


5.   What was James and John’s response to Jesus, and what did Jesus say about the cup and the baptism?  Mark 10:39


6.   What happened to James the brother of John, and to John? Acts 12:2, Revelations 1:9


Personal  –  In what way have you suffered for the sake of Christ or what you believe?


7.   What did Jesus tell James and John about sitting at his right or left?  Mark 10:40


8.   How did the ten react to James and John, and what did Jesus say to them? Mark 10:41-42


9.   What did Jesus say about he who wishes to be great or first among them? Mark 10:43-44


10.  What two things did the Son of Man come to do?  Mark 10:45


Personal  –  How have you taken on the attitude of a servant in your home, at work, or at school?  What can you change today in order to be more of a servant and thinking of the needs of others before yourself?


FIFTH DAY         READ PSALM 33:4-5, 18-20, 22

(“For upright is the Word of the Lord,…”) Read and meditate on Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20, 22.

What is the Lord saying to you through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                        ISAIAH 53:10-11

The theme of the “suffering servant” was to be explained in great detail in the New Testament.  In the Old Testament it was the story about God sending his servant who would be a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering (53:3).  Although he was innocent, it was God’s will “to crush him and cause him to suffer” (verse 10).  His suffering was in a fascinating way like that of giving birth. The seed of this servant’s suffering had been planted long before in Adam’s act of disobedience. The pain was intense, but the purpose and the result of his suffering has been the bringing forth of life.  The servant will see, after the suffering of his soul, the light of life and be satisfied. This righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their “iniquities” (verse 11).

The suffering servant of course is Jesus. And every word of Isaiah’s majestic account of what was to happen some five hundred years later on Calvary reminds all of us that God has not left us to suffer alone.  God has stepped into history, our history. We have sinned, but it is God who suffers with us, and for us.  When we describe the incredible compassion of a loving God towards his sinful people, we are describing the “suffering servant” called Jesus Christ.  He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows.  He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him.  By his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:4-6). The prophecy came true in the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Jesus has shown us that suffering is not absurd or foolish, it is heroic and saving.  Jesus suffered and died so that we can live forever.  The choice is ours to believe or not to believe.


                        HEBREWS 4:14-16

Today’s passage emphasizes that Jesus is for us our high priest. We need to go back to the Old Testament to really understand the title of high priest. By the time of Jesus, the high priesthood carried with it a great deal of religious and hierarchical authority.  Once a year the high priest alone entered the most Holy of Holies in the tabernacle to make sacrifice of the Day of Atonement for the forgiveness of sins of all God’s people.  The significance of the high priesthood is found in the sacrificial service that the high priest alone could provide.

Today’s reading shows us that Jesus is our high priest and because he came as a fully live human being, he is able to sympathize with our weakness.  It is only through him that we can approach God.  Jesus is the high priest in the Melchizedekian tradition, which is a sacrifice of bread and wine, an offering of peace, rather than the Levitical tradition (Hebrews 7).  Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God because he lives always to make intercessions for us (Heb. 7:25).  Jesus, unlike the Old Testament high priests, did not need to make repeated sacrific­es.  As a high priest who offered his own blood, Jesus was able to do what the Old Testament priests could not do, and that was cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God (Heb. 9:14).

Jesus’ sacrifice takes away sin forever, releasing us from guilt, making us truly holy (Heb. 9:15). He is the only one who can bring us into a full relationship with God. His blood has washed us completely clean and through the power of his Holy Spirit, he will give us the strength to go forward and become his disciple and witness to everyone we meet (Acts 1:8).


                         MARK 10:35-45

In today’s Gospel we see a group of ordinary men, not a group of saints.  They were plain and ordinary people, just like you and me, whom Jesus sent out to change the world.

The story tells us something about James and John, that they were ambitious and even a little greedy.  James and John may have felt because their father could employ hired crews that they were entitled to a high place in this earthly kingdom, that they thought Jesus was going to create.  Jesus knew that in their confusion they really did believe in him, bewildered as they may be.  Jesus challenges their line of thinking by asking them if they were capable of drinking from his cup.

Jesus refers to the word baptized, meaning submerged like a ship that has been wrecked beneath the waves (Psalm 42:7). Scripture tells us about a flood and the torrent drowning the person (Psalm 124:4).  What Jesus is really saying to them is, “Can you go through the terrible experience which I have to go throug­h?” He was asking them, could they face being drowned (baptized) in hatred and pain and death as he would be.  He was, in effect, telling the two disciples, and he is telling us the same message today, that without a cross there can never be a crown.

The standard of greatness in God’s kingdom is the standard of the cross. These two disciples were to experience real great­ness later on when James was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:2),and John, though not martyred, suffered much for Christ. Jesus told them that all things and events were in God’s control. The other disciples were outraged that they were being left out. The argument probably raged on again for a while. Jesus took immediate action and strongly told them that the standards of greatness in his kingdom and in the kingdom of the world were totally in opposi­tion.  In the kingdom of the world, the standard of greatness is power. In the kingdom of Jesus, the standard is that of service.  Today, Jesus is asking you the same question he asked them, “Whose standard of greatness is your standard?”



The first reading shows that service involves suffering for others.  The second reading tells us that Jesus is high priest for us who are still on the way.  The Gospel reveals that baptized means submerged, drowning, the symbolic way of dying with Christ.

This week, share your gifts and talents with those in your family. Give of your time and self freely, and do not worry about time limits.  Serve others in your family with some very simple deeds like babysitting, cleaning someone’s house, washing a car, reading to a child or someone sick.  Remember,  “we are ordained to serve, not to be served.”  Your family will recognize your greatness in the glory of your humility in service. 



by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn at St. Dismas Guild  




FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY             READ WISDOM 7:7-11         FIRST READING

       (“I pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”)

l.   When Solomon prayed, what was given, and what spirit came to him?   Wisdom 7:


2.   For what did Solomon ask the Lord, and what did the Lord give him? 1 Kings 3:9-12


3.   If we ask for intelligence and understanding, what will we then understand and find; and who gives it to us? Proverbs 2:3-6


4.   To what did Solomon prefer wisdom, and compare her? Wisdom 7:8-9


5.   To what did he love her more than, and choose her? Wisdom 7:10


6.   What comes to us in the company of wisdom?  Wisdom 7:11


7.   What happens to those who love wisdom?   Proverbs 8:21


8.   What does the man who finds wisdom win?  Proverbs 8:35


9.   What did Christ become for us?   1 Corinthians 1:30


10.  Where are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden? Colossians 2:2-3


Personal – How have you received God’s Wisdom in dealing with your relationships with others?  What is your attitude in regard to wisdom?  How can you use this gift and experience the good things that come from it?


THIRD DAY             READ HEBREWS 4:12-13        SECOND READING

      (“Indeed, the Word of God is living and effective.”)

1.   If God’s Word is living and effective, what does it penetrate and divide? Hebrews 4:12


2.   As we draw our strength from the Lord, what is part of the armor we are to put on in order to fight the tactics of the devil?  Ephesians 6:10-11, 17


3.   What does God’s Word discern or judge? Hebrews 4:12 


4.   What does God send forth his Word to do? Psalm 107:20 and Psalm 147:18


5.   What shall happen to God’s Word that goes forth from is mouth?   Isaiah 55:11


6.   How did Jesus cleanse the church? Ephesians 5:25-26


7.   How did God will to give us birth? James 1:18, also 1 Peter 1:23


8.   What is concealed from God’s sight? Hebrews 4:13


9.   What is exposed to him, and to whom must we render an account?  Hebrews 4:13


10.  What does God know about all men, and from where does he observe this? Psalm 33:13-15


Personal – How does it make you feel to know that God knows everything about you?  How has God cut away and divided some area in your life by something you read in his Word?  Share the Word that he gave you.


FOURTH DAY             READ MARK 10:17-30                GOSPEL

 (“For human beings it is impossible but not for God.”)

1.   When the man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, what did the man call Jesus, and what   was Jesus’ response?   Mark 10:17-18


2.   What did Jesus say about the commandments, and what did the man say he has done with them?   Mark 10:19-20


3.   How did Jesus look at the man, what did he say he was lacking, and what did he tell him to do?  Mark 10:21


4.   What did those who believed and were baptized do with their property and possessions?   Acts 2:44-45


5.   What happened to the rich young man, and as Jesus looked around, what did he say to his disciples?  Mark 10:22-23


6.   How did the disciples react to Jesus’ words, and what did he say again? Mark 10:24-25


7.   What does the lure of riches do to the word of God? Mark 4:19


8.   What did the disciples say to themselves, and what did Jesus say was possible for God?  Mark 10:26-27


9.   What did Jesus tell his disciples that they will receive for giving up everything to follow him, and when would they receive it?    Mark 10:28-30


10.  What did he tell the disciples they would receive along with houses, brothers, sisters, mothers,     children and lands?  Mark  10:30


Personal – What can you give up in order to follow Jesus? Is there anything in your life holding you back, and how can you come to a point of trusting Jesus in this area? Before you purchase anything, ask yourself these questions: Is this a need or a want?  Is this going to be a benefit in my relationship with others?  Is this something Jesus, Mary, or Joseph would buy if it were available to them?


FIFTH DAY              READ PSALM 90:12-17

(“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.”) Read and meditate on Psalm 90:12-17.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




                         WISDOM 7:7-11

Today’s passage shows us very clearly that wisdom is a special gift from God.  Today the gift of wisdom or justice is desperately needed in so many areas of our world. In today’s reading, we see King Solomon has prayed to God for this incom­parable gift. He does not try to pretend that he has the deep insight and great under­standing.

We can get much hope from today’s reading because we too can ask God for the gift of wisdom, and like Solomon, we can expect to receive it.  The wisdom to master life’s challenges can be found only in one’s relationship with God. The Hebrew view is practical in focus. Wisdom is expressed in Godly living. For the Lord gives wisdom and out of his mouth come knowledge and under­standing. This means that as we not only read and study God’s holy Word, but also live it out, we come to understand what is right and just. Wisdom will enter into our hearts and knowledge will be pleasant to our souls.  Wisdom will protect us from the ways of deceitful people. A person who is full of wisdom is a person who is sensitive to God and willingly subjects himself to him in everything. A wise person is one who is at peace with God, knows God, and spends a great deal of time with God.

You can be that person through the gift of discipline. The Holy Spirit will bring this wisdom to you through Jesus Christ. God’s wisdom to the world is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Father’s wisdom applied to resolve the problems caused by human sin. Scripture tells us that the Word of Christ dwelling in us, alone enables us to teach and admonish each other in wisdom (Col. 3:16).  We can be sure that only when our life is oriented to God and his revealed viewpoint is applied to our daily experience can we become wise.


                        HEBREWS 4:12-13

The word of God is not merely words from God, a vehicle for communicating ideas.  It is living and life changing. The power of the word is dynamic as it works in us. Like a surgeon it cuts through the standard areas of infection and blockage. The Word does not allow us to be anything other than truthful. It gives us the gift to discern what is within us, both good and evil.

We must become more than just a hearer of the word, we must become a doer of the word also. God tells us in his Holy Word over and over again how much he loves us.  He tells us his plan for us and how we can spend eternity with him by following his Holy Word. Since nothing can be hidden from God, he sees all we do and knows all we think.  He is always present even when we are unaware of him and even when we try to hide from him. We can have no secrets from him, and yet, that is not a scary thing to behold. It brings a sense of comfort when we know that at any time or any place under any conditions, we know we will be welcome. 

He loves you completely all of the time, no matter what you have done.  His love for you is revealed in his Holy Word, and his plan for you is to be his ambassador, messenger, bearer of the  “Good News.”  You must never forget that to share God’s Word is a great responsibility, which calls for a response from us.  The way we present God’s word and live it will encourage people to either accept it or reject it. Whether you speak from a pulpit, teach it in a classroom, or share it with friends, you are entrusted with accurately com­municating and living out God’s Holy Word.


                         MARK 10:17-30

In today’s Gospel we see Jesus stop a young man in his tracks and tell him to not use flattery on him. Jesus did not let the young man continue to address him as “Good Teacher.” He was, in effect, saying to the rich young man to stop and think of what he was saying and doing. Jesus was telling him, even at the very outset, to count the cost and that becoming a Christian was not based on sentimental passion.

Jesus was the ultimate teacher, in that he knew that the teacher or preacher must never point to himself, but he must always point to God. The man’s statements were a testimony to the fact that responsibility is not enough. The man was saying that he never did anyone any harm in his whole life. The rich young man was missing the REAL question even today, what good have we done?  Jesus confronted him with a challenge, and he does that today to all of us. In effect, Jesus told him to get out of his moral respectability, stop looking at goodness as consisting in not doing this or that.

Jesus was really asking the man, “How much do you want REAL Christianity?”   Do you want it enough to give away all your  posses­sions? The man told Jesus that he wanted it, but not as much as all that. The man is really not very different from a lot of people in our society today who really want goodness in their lives, but not enough to pay the price. Jesus is looking at you today with the same appeal of love and with the challenge to live the Christian way.  God grant that he may never look at you with sorrow because of your refusal to be all that you can be through him.



The first reading tells us that wisdom is a gift from God. The second reading shows us that God’s word is like a hammer that smashes the rocks in our life.  The Gospel reveals God calling us to be all that we can be.

This week, show your family your true wealth, not your worldly possessions, but the real treasure that is in your heart. Show them the power of God’s Holy Word by taking time to read Scripture each day to your children. Read Scripture with your spouse every day. Witness to your family that they are rich in being children of God. Remember, respectability is in not what you do not do, but in what you do.  Remember, to some people in your walk of life, the only Bible that they will read will be you!







FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”)

l.   What did the Lord God say was not good, and what did he say he would do? Genesis 2:18


2.   What did the Lord God form out of the ground, what did he do with them, and what did the man do?  Genesis 2:19-20


3.   What did not prove as a suitable partner for man? Genesis 2:20


4.   What did the Lord God do to the man?   Genesis 2:21


5.   When is there a time when God speaks to man?  Job 33:14-15


6.   What did the Lord God do with the man’s rib?  Genesis 2:22


7.   For what was woman created?   1 Corinthians 11:9


8.   What did the man say about the woman?   Genesis 2:23


9.   How is man to treat the woman?  Ephesians 5:28-30


10. Who does a man leave, to whom does he cling, and what happens to his body? Genesis 2:24


Personal – If you are a male, how do you treat the females in your life; and if you are a female, how do you treat the males in your life?  What changes can you make in your relationships that would better reflect the scripture you just studied?


THIRD DAY              READ HEBREWS 2:9-11         SECOND READING

    (“Therefore, he is not ashamed to call them `brothers,'”)

1.   With what do we see Jesus crowned, and for what reason? Hebrews 2:7-9


2.  How did Jesus humble himself, and because of this, what did God do to him?  Phil 2:7-9


3.   How was Jesus made perfect?   Hebrews 2:10


4.   Who is the leader and perfecter of faith?  Hebrews 12:2


5.   Whose sufferings did Jesus endure?  Isaiah 53:4


6.   Son though he was, what did he learn from what he suffered? For whom did he become the source of eternal salvation? Hebrews 5:8-9


7. What does he who consecrates and those who are being consecrated, all have? Hebrews 2:11


8.   How are people consecrated?   Hebrews 13:12


9.   What is he not ashamed to call them?  Hebrews 2:11


10.  Whom did Jesus say were brother, sister, and mother to him? Mark 3:35


Personal  –  In what way have you suffered, and how is that perfecting your faith?


FOURTH DAY              READ MARK 10:2-16                GOSPEL

                (“Let the children come to me;”)

1. What did the Pharisees ask Jesus, and what were they doing by asking him this? Mark 10:2


2.   What did Jesus ask the Pharisees, and what did they reply? Mark 10:3-4


3.   Why did Jesus say Moses wrote this commandment, and what did he say was from the beginning of creation?   Mark 10:5-8


4.   What did Jesus say about what God has joined together? Mark 10:9


5.   What should a wife not do, and what should a husband not do? 1 Corinthians 7:10-11


6.   As the disciples questioned Jesus, what did he say a wife or husband does that divorces, then marries another? Mark 10:10-12


7.   When is a woman not an adulteress?   Romans 7:3


Personal – What new insight did you receive regarding divorce, and with whom can you share that?


8.   What were the people doing, for what reason, and what did the disciples do? Mark 10:13


9.   When Jesus saw the disciples rebuking the people for bringing the children, what was his reaction, and what did he say to them?   Mark 10:14-15


10.  What did Jesus do to the children?   Mark 10:16


11.  What happens to those who touch Jesus?  Matthew 14:36


Personal – As a child of God, in what way have you been healed by his touch, or by your reaching out to touch him?  Do you see yourself as one of the children, or as one of the disciples rebuking the children?   Reflect on this.


FIFTH DAY              READ PSALM 128:1-6

         (“Happy are you who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 128:1-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                        GENESIS 2:18-24

Today’s passage reveals to us that God’s work was not complete until he made woman. God could have made Eve from the dust of the ground just as he had made Adam.  He deliberately chose to make Eve from the man’s bone and flesh.  He showed us that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. This is a union, not just in the physical sense, but in the emotional and spiritual sense as well. This is a mystical union of two people­’s hearts and lives.

God tells us all throughout the Bible to treat this special union with the utmost care. If you are married or planning to be married, are you willing to keep the commitment which, in fact, makes the two of you one?  The goal in marriage is far more than friendship; the goal in marriage should be oneness.

God has given men and women different styles, gifts and equipment for various tasks, but when married all lead to the same goal – honoring God. Man has given life to the woman, and woman gives life to the world. The rule of each carries exclusive privileges that should completely eliminate any attitudes about an inferior or superior sex.

Adam and Eve received the gift of marriage from God. They were literally made for one another. God did not institute marriage for convenience, nor was it brought about by any culture. Mar­riage’s three aspects are: a man leaves his father and mother in a public act and promises himself to his wife. The man and woman take responsibility for each other’s welfare, and love their mate next to God, above all others. The two become one person in the intimacy and commitment of sexual union which is reserved for marriage.  A strong marriage of today will include all three of these aspects.


                         HEBREWS 2:9-11

Jesus is Lord is really what this passage is all about. Jesus is in charge of everything and he has revealed himself to us. We do not actually see him reigning on earth because we are only using spiritual vision. We see him reigning in our hearts and minds.  We can picture him in his heavenly glory and know that we are heirs to that kingdom. We see him as we do simply because we chose to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.

To call Jesus “Lord” means to call him “master” over every­one. To call him master means that we have chosen to obey his commands. Jesus has two commandments: “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, and soul,” and “You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” It calls for complete obedience. Obedience is the core of love, and there can be no love without obedience.

Jesus learned obedience through his suffering. His suffering led him to enter into the greatest sacrifice ever made for mankind. When you become confused about tomorrow and let anxiety cloud your future, try to keep a clear view about Jesus – who he is, what he has done, and what he is doing for you right now. This will help as you make your choices for the next day in the kingdom. 

God’s kindness led Jesus Christ to go freely to his death. Kindness can and often does involve sacrifice and pain. Jesus did not come into this world to gain status or political power, but to suffer and die so that we could truly live. Jesus Christ was the only person who was ever born to die. He died so that all men could choose to live forever, by believing in him. Not all men did accept this invita­tion to believe in him, and the turmoil and strife on our planet earth is proof of this. If the sacrifice of suffering and death by Christ is difficult to understand, maybe it is time to evaluate your own motives. If kindness, not sel­fishness motives us, we too may have to suffer.


                          MARK 10:2-16

This passage shows us again how the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus with their deceitful questions. They tried to trap him by getting him to state that he supported divorce. Jesus would, in that case, be upholding the Pharisee’s procedures, and they doubted he would do that. If he spoke out against divorce, he would seem to be condemning Moses; it was not a question of popularity but heresy they tried to trip him on.  He also could incur the wrath of King Herod, who had already killed John the Baptist for speaking out against divorce and adultery (Mark 6:17-28).

The Pharisees saw divorce as a legal issue rather than a spiritual issue. They were not thinking about what God intended for marriage, but had reduced it to a legal structure that could be ended on a whim. Today we see the arena of marriage being torn apart by a secular society that bases its beliefs in humanism.  The idea of a covenant between God and the man and woman is almost non-existent to much of today’s world. The rule of a contract is much more identifiable with much of today’s world. In a contract you buy something and if it does not perform as well as stated in the contract, you throw it away, or you send it away, and this is called divorce.

Scripture tells us that God never intended for man to separate what he has joined together.  Women were often treated as property and marriage and divorce were treated as transactions similar to buying and selling land. Jesus condemned this attitude and practice then, just as he does today. God’s original intention was that marriage brought oneness. Jesus held up God’s ideal for marriage and told his followers to live by it.

Do not enter marriage with the option of getting out, but be committed to permanence.  You can win your mate’s heart with your prayer life, your commitment to God’s Holy Word with God’s help. To be with God in your life here on earth is our true desire, to be with a marriage partner that shares this vision with you is a blessing beyond our wildest expectation.  Through Jesus Christ, it is available and only through him is it available.



The first reading tells how God made marriage to bring about oneness.  The second reading shows that kindness can lead to suffering which will lead to obedience, which is the core of love. The Gospel shows us that Jesus is the only way to oneness.

This week, listen to your spouse. Really listen to what is being said. Your response will determine how well you are listen­ing. Spend more time alone with Jesus and read his Holy Word on marriage. Then share together what he is telling both of you. The strength and power of a person is in his ability to listen.

If your marriage has ended in divorce or death, renew your covenant with Jesus. Let him become your spouse, and let him fill in the empty spots in your life.  He can, and He will.






FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.  From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY            READ NUMBERS 11:25-29        FIRST READING

   (“…as the Spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied.”)

l.   What did the Lord do, and to whom did he speak? Numbers 11:24-25


2.   What did the Lord take from Moses, and what did he do with it, and what did they begin to do?  Numbers 11:25


3.   What did the prophet Joel say about God’s spirit and prophesying?   Acts 2:17


4.   What happened to Eldad and Medad, and where did this happen?   Numbers 11:26


5.   Why have we been put on his list or chosen?1 Peter 2:9


6.   What did the young man tell Moses about Eldad and Medad? Numbers  11:27


7.   What was Joshua to Moses, and what did he tell him? Numbers 11:28


8.   What did Moses say to Joshua?   Numbers 11:29


9.   What did Paul say that was similar to Moses’ response to Joshua?   Philippians 1:15-18


10.  What is one way of determining if we are walking in the flesh and not by the Spirit? 1 Corinthians 3:3


Personal  –  Do you see yourself walking in the flesh by compet­ing or being jealous of someone in your family, work, or school? How can you begin to walk by the Spirit’s lead?


THIRD DAY               READ JAMES 5:1-6          SECOND READING

       (“You have stored up treasure for the last days.”)

1.   Over what is the rich to weep and wail?   James 5:1


2.   Who has already received their consolation?  Luke 6:24


3.   What have the rich stored up for the last day?   James 5:2-3


4.   What are we to do with our money?    Sirach 29:10-11 


5.   What has reached the ears of the Lord of hosts?  James 5:4


6.   Against whom will the Lord be swift to witness? Malachi 3:5


7.   What have those who live on earth for luxury and pleasure done? James 5:5


8.   What will happen to the rich man who does not care for the poor man? Luke 16:25


9.   What has the rich man done? James 5:6


10.  Who are the righteous (or the innocent), and who are the accused? Matthew 25:37-43


Personal  –  In what way can you share what you have with the poor?  Examine yourself and see if you have been fair in all your dealings with people.  Repent where needed.


FOURTH DAY        READ MARK 9:38-43, 45, 47-48           GOSPEL

(“Any man who gives a drink of water because you belong to   Christ, will not, I assure you, go without his reward.”)

1.   What did John say to Jesus?   Mark 9:38


2.   Why did Jesus tell him not to prevent him from driving out demons in his name?   Mark 9:39


3.   What can no one say except by the Holy Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:3


Personal  –  In what way have you used the name of Jesus to drive evil away from you or your family?


4.   If someone is not against Jesus, for whom is he?  Mark 9:40


5.   Who will not lose his reward?   Mark 9:41


6.   What does Jesus say about someone who may cause one of his little ones who have faith to sin?   Mark 9:42


7.   What is better for us if a hand, foot, or an eye causes us to sin?   Mark 9:43


8.   What could happen to us if we do not get rid of the part that makes us sin?    Mark 9:45-48


9.   What happens in Gehenna (hell)?   Mark 9:48


10.  What will happen to the men who rebel against God? Isaiah 66:24


Personal  –  Is there a part of you or someone that is causing you to sin?  In light of this scripture, how are you going to get rid of the problem?


FIFTH DAY          READ PSALM 19:8, 10, 12-14

(“The decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple.”) Read and meditate on Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-14.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



                        NUMBERS 11:25-29

When it comes to serving God, everyone has plenty of room. Joshua protested the unofficial giving of the spirit to two elders who remained in the camp. Moses had gathered seventy elders from the camp and had them placed around the tabernacle. Moses told Joshua that God’s power is not limited to a set time, place, or ceremony. Moses was recognized as Israel’s leader; yet when others in the community showed leadership ability, he was overjoyed. Joshua was so protective of Moses’ leadership that he forgot the objective – creating a nation of faithful people. As a result, Joshua tried to restrict God’s work in order to keep Moses in the limelight.

If we focus on individuals and their abilities, we may lose sight of our overall objective. This caused Joshua to have limited vision, and it will happen to us if we follow Joshua’s example. We need to remember that God’s mysterious plans will not always coincide with our plans. Today the Holy Spirit is waiting to be released in so many people, and in many situations the reason is that too much emphasis is put upon the leadership of the people and not on the Holy Spirit. 

Moses knew that the power of God is available to all who do the will of the Father. We need to be open to the Holy Spirit working, not only within us, but also working within people who we do not think might be qualified.  Like Moses, we must be open to God’s gift of grace and be available to see the power of the Holy Spirit being used among all of his people.


                          JAMES 5:1-6

Today’s reading brings home the proper value of people and the improper value of things. Today’s money will be worthless when Christ returns, so we should be spending our time accumulat­ing treasure that will be worthwhile in God’s eternal kingdom. Money itself is not the problem, Christian leaders need money to live and support their families and missionaries need money to help them spread the Gospel. The church needs money to do its work effective­ly.  It is the love of money that leads to evil (1 Timothy 6:10).  This is a strong reminder to us that all Chris­tians who are tempted to adopt worldly standards rather than God’s standards will be conformed to the present age (Romans 12:1-2).

Jesus tells us in scripture not to store up treasures on earth because they can erode away or may be stolen. He goes on to say, store treasure in heaven where they will never lose their value and are safe from thieves (Matt. 6:19-20). We are then told by Jesus that if our profits are in heaven, our heart will be there too.  You need to ask yourself: Where do you spend most of your time, what do you spend your money on most? Finally, what do you think about most of the time?  Pray and reflect on these ques­tions because this is where your treasure is now, and when you die, will you be in heaven with Jesus Christ?


                    MARK 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Jesus emphasizes through various sayings the basic laws of discipleship. His own disciples did not understand, and their lack of comprehension of what is involved in being a disciple is clearly shown in their arrogant rejection of an exorcist who uses Jesus’ name.  We see the disciples being very jealous of a man who healed in Jesus’ name. They were more concerned about their own group position than in helping free those troubled by demons. Many of us today do the same when we refuse to partic­ipate in worthy causes because they are not affiliated with our denomina­tion.

We are often very reluctant to be around people who make us feel uncomfortable. Our lack of comprehension of discipleship is displayed when we reject those who do not do things the way we do. The most blatant of all rejections occurs when we think that our efforts will not receive enough recognition for what we do. Correct theology is important, but it should never be an excuse to avoid helping those in need.

Jesus tell us in scripture that anyone who is not helping him is hurting him (Matt. 12:30). He definitely is not saying that being indifferent to others who are serving in his name is as good as being committed.  Jesus tells us that many people from all walks of life have responded by following him and do work in his name. He has shown all throughout his teachings that his hope is that we all will be one in the Father.  We might well remember that those who share a common faith in Christ should be able to cooperate with one another. As Christians our thoughts and actions must be motivated by love, and we must be careful about judging others (Matt 7:1-5).  By the same token, we must never be afraid to confront flagrant sin within the church (1 Cor. 5:12-13).



The first reading reveals that there is plenty of room for everyone to serve God.  The second reading calls us to adopt God’s standards, not the world’s standards.  The Gospel shows us that painful discipline is required of his true followers.

This week, let the call to discipleship really take hold on you. Cut the sin out of your life by giving up a relationship, job or habit, or anything else, that is against God’s will. Look very hard, this week, at the way you talk, at the way you dress, and at the way you treat others.  If you cannot do it, cannot wear it, or cannot say it in front of Christ, then don’t!