Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ 1 KINGS 3:5, 7-12       FIRST READING


(“I give you a heart so wise and understanding…”)


  1. Where did the Lord speak to Solomon, and what was known about that place? 1 Kings 3:4-5


  1. Who were Solomon’s parents? 2 Samuel 12:24


  1. What did God say to Solomon, and where did he say it?

1 Kings 3:5


  1. Why did God show great favor to Solomon’s father?

1 Kings 3:6


  1. What did Solomon say God has made him, and what did he

call himself?   1 Kings 3:7


  1. Because of his age, what did he recognize about himself? 1 Kings 3:7


  1. Whom would Solomon serve, and how many were there?

1 Kings 3:8


  1. What kind of heart did Solomon ask God to give him, and what two things would this help him to do? 1 Kings 3:9


  1. How did the Lord feel about Solomon’s request?

1 Kings 3:10


  1. God was pleased with Solomon because he did not ask for what three things? 1 Kings 3:11


  1. What did God say he would do? What kind of heart would

Solomon have, and would there ever be anyone like him?

1 Kings 3:12


  1. What has God given us through Christ? Ephesians 1:9


  1. Where is every treasure of wisdom and knowledge hidden? Colossians 2:2-3



Personal – What have been your requests from God this past week? How have you been praying for a loved one who may have strayed from the faith? After you have done the above study, what changes can you make in your prayers (requests from God)?



THIRD DAY              READ ROMANS 8:28-30        SECOND READING


(“Those he called he also justified;”)


  1. What do we know God makes, and to whom does he make this happen? Romans 8:28


  1. For those whom God foreknew, what did he predestine them to share? Romans 8:29


  1. Of whom might the Son (Jesus) be the first-born?

Romans 8:29


  1. Through whom has God predestined us to become his adopted sons and daughters, and when did God plan this? Ephesians 1:3-5


  1. What did God do for them? Romans 8:30


  1. What did God do to those he called and in turn glorified? Romans 8:30


  1. How does God administer everything, and how were we

predestined?   Ephesians 1:11


  1. What two things were our responses to being chosen in Jesus?  Ephesians 1:13


  1. As was promised, with whom were we sealed?  Ephesians 1:13


  1. How have we been justified?

Romans 8:30, Ephesians 1:7, 13


Personal – What is your response to what Jesus has done for you personally? Do your actions in public show your belief? How do you act in a crisis? Is the reality of what Christ has done in your life visible to others in all circumstances? Reflect on this.



FOURTH DAY            READ MATTHEW 13:44-52              GOSPEL


(“Angels will go and separate the wicked from the just.”)


  1. The reign of God is like a man who finds a treasure. What does he do when he finds it? Matthew 13:44


  1. Again, like what is the kingdom of heaven?

Matthew 13:45


  1. What did the merchant do when he found a really valuable pearl? Matthew 13:46


  1. What did Jesus say we would have in heaven if we sell all our possessions, and whom are we to follow?

Matthew 19:21


  1. What does Paul consider a loss in the light of the surpassing knowledge of his Lord Jesus Christ, and for Jesus’ sake, what has he forfeited?

Philippians 3:7-8


  1. The reign of God is also like a dragnet thrown into the lake which collected all sorts of things. When the haul is brought ashore, what is done with what is worthwhile, and what is done with what is useless?   Matthew 13:47-48


  1. What will it be like at the end of the world?

Matthew 13:48-49


  1. What will the angels do? Matthew 13:49-50


  1. What is the question Jesus put to his disciples, and

what was their reply?   Matthew 13:51


  1. By whom are we taught in order to interpret spiritual

things, and whose mind do we have?   1 Cor 2:10-16


  1. What is every teacher of the law like who is learned in the reign of God? Matthew 13:52



Personal – Take an inventory of your life and reflect on the areas where you have been worthwhile or useful for God. Also, reflect where you have not been worthwhile or useful for God. How can you become more useful? A good example of usefulness for God is Mother Teresa. Pray on this.


FIFTH DAY     READ PSALM 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130


(“The revelation of your words give light,

giving understanding to the simple.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?





1 KINGS 3:5, 7-12


Today’s passage from the book of 1 Kings, is about Solomon, the third king of Israel. He was called the wisest man who ever lived. He sealed many of his foreign agreements by marrying pagan women, and he allowed his lust for women and power to affect his loyalty to God. Solomon is an example to all of us how effective leadership can be blocked by an ineffective personal life. He was a tremendous politician, diplomat, trader, and collector of fine arts, but he was very disobedient to God in running his own household. He had it all and yet he failed to obey God, and he did not learn repentance until late in life. Today’s story brings out what is really lasting in life and what is temporary. Solomon was given a chance to have anything he requested and he asked for wisdom to be a good leader of his people. God was very pleased at his request.


We need to ask ourselves: if God gave us the same chance to have anything we wished, would we have responded like Solomon? We need to ask for this same kind of wisdom. Solomon asked for wisdom to do what was expected of him, and today more than ever, we need to ask God for the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. Solomon, like many of us, received great gifts; but again, like some of us, he did not apply the benefits of these gifts to all areas of his life.


You and I need to reflect on our own lives and discern how much we are living for God instead of ourselves. Solomon was wise, but he did not put that wisdom fully into action. Wisdom is both the discernment to know what is best and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge. Solomon asked for wisdom, not wealth, power or fame. God gave him all of this because of his generosity. Solomon sought only God’s Kingship, not anything else, and we too must do the same and have the courage to follow his way all of our life (Matt.6:33). You can be wiser than Solomon by putting God and his work first in your life. The real wise man is the one who has put on the mind of Christ and serves others rather than rules over others (Phil. 2:2-5).


ROMANS 8:28-30


Today’s reading from Paul to the Romans is one of the most powerful verses in the New Testament, and it is also one of the most misunderstood. God works out all things, not just a few isolated incidents, for our good. All that happens to many of us is not just good; sometimes bad things happen too. God is able to take them and turn them around for our long-range good. God is not working to make us happy, but to fulfill his purpose. We must recognize that this promise applies only to those who love God and are fitting into God’s plans. We are called to trust in God, not in life’s treasures. We are called to look for our security in heaven, not here on earth (Cor. 3:2-4). Then, and only then, can we learn to accept pain and persecution on earth, because they bring us closer to God. This sounds rather hard; but when the force of some catastrophic event slams into your life, the healing power of God’s love can take you through the dark raging waters.


God does work things out for our good. Many times we do not see them at first, but time shows us how God was very much present when we thought we were all alone. God’s ultimate goal is for all of us to become like Christ (1 John 3:2). God’s Holy Word reveals to us that we can become the persons we were created to be. We need to remember that God’s purpose was that no one should perish. We are all called to serve and to glorify God. The sovereignty of God should always be a reason for rejoicing and confidence, not of puzzlement or doubt.


Remember, if God gave his Begotten Son to die for us, he is not going to hold back the gift of salvation. If Christ gave his life for us, he is not going to turn around and condemn us. No matter what may be happening to you, just rest in his redeeming grace and he will work things out for your ultimate good, simply because he loves you.


MATTHEW 13:44-52


The kingdom of heaven is more valuable than anything else we can have, and a person must be willing to give up everything to obtain it. The kingdom of heaven is ours because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. His death bought our freedom and eternal life with him forever in heaven.


We might ask, who would oppose us in our goal to obtain the kingdom of heaven. In many places the tyranny of governments strictly puts the pressure of threats and physical harm on Christians, and in many cases, subjects them to public ridicule. We need only look around and see how society treats those who object to abortion. The people who choose pro-life instead of pro-death are many times arrested and sentenced to jail (Matt. 10:18-19).

Today’s Gospel passage deals with a treasure found by accident and the value was so great that everything else was sold in order to possess the great treasure. How much of your treasures are you willing to let go in order that you might possess the greatest treasure in the universe? We cannot serve God and money, power or status. We are called as Christians to go out and tell others of this priceless treasure.


We need to show others that they too may possess this treasure by giving up their temporary treasures and claiming the treasure of treasures, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We must never forget Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:39, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give it up for Me, you will save it.” Jesus taught that the kingdom was now and he was the real treasure, not power, money, sex, or status. He tells us again today that to gain his treasure, we must let go of the earth’s treasures and cling only to him. If you sometimes doubt your salvation, the forgiveness of your sins, or God’s work in your life, look at the evidence in Scripture and the changes in your life. About what do you spend most of your time thinking? Remember, where your treasure is, there is your heart also (Matthew 6:21).




The first reading this week shows Solomon really choosing a great treasure in asking for wisdom. In the second reading we see Paul going beyond the quick fix, and in faith proclaiming God’s will for those who believe in the Lord. The Gospel brings us into touch with the what and where of our real treasure.


This week, let us use our spiritual vision and see what God wants to do with our lives. Look around and choose someone in the family, or in school or at work, and show by your action that you want to serve them and that their interest comes first. Your treasure is serving others in the name of Jesus. Serve them by doing a chore for them, helping out at home, or spending time with your family. Do not let anything interrupt.





Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“For your might is the source of justice;”)


  1. For whom does God care and what has he not done? Wisdom 12:13


  1. What does the Lord not show toward people, and how does he provide for all?   Wisdom 6:7


  1. What must we learn from God? Deuteronomy 32:39


  1. What does it say of the Lord in Isaiah 44:6,8?


  1. What is his might, and what does his mastery over all things make him?   Wisdom 12:16


  1. When does he show his might? Wisdom 12:17


  1. What does he rebuke in those who know him? Wisdom 12:17


  1. Although God is the master of might, how does he judge and govern us?   Wisdom 12:18


  1. What did we teach our people? Wisdom 12:19


  1. What did we give our sons, and what did we permit for their sins?   Wisdom 12:19


Personal – How has God shown his might to you personally and been lenient with you? Verse 19 tells us that those who are just must be kind. In what way, this past week, have you been kind to your family, friends, and those around you? In what way have you been lenient and forgiving to those around you?


THIRD DAY             READ ROMANS 8:26-27       SECOND READING

(“The Spirit, too, helps us in our weakness,…”)


  1. What does the Spirit do? Romans 8:26


  1. What do we not know how to do as we ought? Romans 8:26


  1. Who intercedes for us, and how does he do it? Romans 8:26


  1. For whose sake are we content with weakness, and what happens when I am powerless?   2 Cor 12:10


  1. Who is at the right hand of God, and what does he do for us? Romans 8:34


  1. For whom are we to intercede, and to what will this lead? 1 Timothy 2:1-2


  1. What does he know who searches hearts? Romans 8:27


  1. For whom does the Spirit intercede, and with whom is the Spirit in accordance?   Romans 8:27


  1. For what does the Son of God search, and to whom does he do this?   Revelations 2:18, 23


  1. What does God read? Luke 16:15


Personal – How have you interceded in prayer for those around you? Who among your family or friends is in most need of prayer right now? Take a few minutes and intercede to the Father through Jesus for them.


FOURTH DAY           READ MATTHEW 13:24-43              GOSPEL

(“The reign of God is like…”)


  1. To what did Jesus propose the reign of God might be compared; and while everyone was asleep, who came and sowed weeds through the wheat?   Matthew 13:24-25


  1. What happened when the crop began to mature and yield grain, and what did the owner’s slave say to him? Matthew 13:26-27


  1. What did the owner recognize, and what did his slaves offer to do?   Matthew 13:28


  1. What did the owner say would happen if they pulled the weeds, and what did he tell his slaves to do? Matthew 13:29-30


  1. In another parable Jesus proposed, to what was the reign of God compared?   Matthew 13:31


  1. How big is the mustard seed, and what happens when it is full grown?   Matthew 13:32


  1. Jesus offered them another image. What is the reign of God like in Matthew 13:33?


  1. How did Jesus teach the crowds, what was it to fulfill, and what was he to announce?  Matthew 13:34-35, Psalm 78:2


  1. After dismissing the crowds, where did Jesus go, who went

with him, and what was their request?   Matthew 13:36


  1. Who was the farmer sowing the good seed, what was the field,the good seed, and the weeds?   Matthew 13:37-38


  1. Who is the enemy who sowed them, what is the harvest, and who are the harvesters?   Matthew 13:39


  1. How will it be at the end of the world, whom will the Son of Man dispatch, and what will they collect from his    kingdom? Matthew 13:40-41


  1. What will the angels do with them, what will happen to the saints, and what should everyone heed?   Matthew 13:42-43


Personal – To what are you drawing others by your actions? In what way does the evil one try to plant weeds in your family, in your work, in school, or in your neighborhood? As you are growing side by side, how do you counteract the weeds?


FIFTH DAY        READ PSALM 86:5-6,9-10, 15-16

(“For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



WISDOM 12:13, 16-19

This passage is a powerful testimony of God’s fantastic love for us and a testimony of God’s continuing leniency toward his stubborn people. God shows us his power and might most visibly in the way he forgives. He shows us that the greatest force in our world is not power, not might, but love. He very clearly tells us in Deuteronomy 32:39 that he is our only God and he wants us to love and honor him first of all. He tells us that he is in control of life and death. He shows us in Isaiah 44:16 that he is the beginning and the end of all things.

Jesus fulfills this prophecy when he said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” (Rev. 1:8). Jesus fulfilled all of these descriptions of God and his love of his people. The people rejected Jesus; in fact they killed him, because he called for a response of love. The people were expecting a great warrior-God to lead them out of poverty, slavery, and fear.

Today much of the world is in fear, and many countries are exploding with violence. Drugs, alcohol, and crime seem to be spreading throughout many cities. “Where is this wonderful God of mercy,” some ask, and like the Israelites in the desert, they, too, asked, “Is he in our midst or not?” (Ex. 17:7)

Our God is a God of love, compassion, and justice. He is a God who constantly forgives and encourages us to become healed. In today’s passage, we read of a God who is filled with power and yet rules with compassion and justice. Our God is a God who rules with great mercy, and that is what he seeks from you and me. He does not want our rituals or even our sacrifices.

Our God wants us to be merciful to one another, as he has been to us. We are all called to be a righteous people, a just people. To be really righteous or just, one has to be right with God first. We do that by following the words of Scripture that are in today’s passage. He is our God and we believe only in him. Jesus is our beginning and end. He is mighty and just, because he is kind and gentle. We will be a mighty and just nation when we are kind and gentle to all of God’s children. We must never forget that our actions tell others what kind of a God it is in whom we believe.

ROMANS 8:26-27

Today’s passage brings us into a time of reflection and response to the quality of our prayer life. We need only look around our families and communities to find many hurting people. We are told to dismiss all of our anxieties and to present our needs to God in every form of prayer (Phil. 4:6-7). Jesus showed us very clearly that he was a man of deep prayer. He would rise very early in the morning, go off to some lonely place, and be completely immersed in prayer. Jesus was very obedient in his public prayer routines, but it was when he was alone with his Father, or “Abba,” that he really poured out his heart.

Jesus reads people’s hearts and that is what he wants to change in us. He wants to give us a heart of flesh in exchange for a heart of stone. We must remember that believers in Jesus Christ are not left to their own resources to cope with problems.

Prayer is now being recognized in the medical world as a great protector against life-threatening diseases, especially high blood pressure. We do not have to succumb to our emotions; we can pray, and let the Holy Spirit take all of our concerns. There are times when we do not know what to pray for, or how to pray the prayer that needs to be prayed. The Holy Spirit prays with and for us and God answers every time. You do not need to be afraid of coming before God with your petitions. Just ask the Holy Spirit to plead for you in harmony with God’s own will.

Remember, when we bring our requests to God, trust that he will always do what is best for us, even if it does not make sense at that time (Rom. 8:28). We will find tremendous peace in letting the Holy Spirit pray in us and with us. We need to give ourselves permission to let our vocal cords make some sounds and let ourselves be led into a prayer of praise. We will then be praying in tongues, and the Holy Spirit will be talking within us and for us in Jesus’ name to our heavenly Father.

MATTHEW 13:24-43

All of the parables in this Gospel passage teach us about God and his kingdom. They explain what the kingdom is really like as opposed to our expectations of it. We need to remember that the kingdom of heaven is not just some place in the sky; but rather, it is a spiritual realm in which God rules and in which we have God’s eternal life. We are told that the thistles and the young blades of grass look very much the same and can not be recognized until they are grown and ready for harvest. The thistles are unbelievers and the wheat are the believers. They both must live side by side in this world.

God is like the farmer; he allows the unbelievers to remain in this world so the believers are uprooted with them. At the harvest the thistles will be uprooted and thrown away. God’s harvest (judgment day) of all people is coming, and we need to make sure our faith in Jesus Christ is secure. Jesus teaches us that we are to be mild and patient even toward the evildoers, letting the weeds continue to grow until harvest time.

Jesus wants us to inspire others interiorly, not to force them exteriorly. He wants us to be encouragers, not discouragers. He wants us to change people’s hearts, not just their minds. This passage talks about the mustard seed which becomes a very large bush, and we are to encourage others to let their faith grow. We are to show them how and not dominate them with our faith and our gifts. We are to let them make mistakes and urge them onward to better things. We are, in effect, like the leaven which enables the dough to rise into a loaf of bread.

The weeds that are growing in the field can be parts of our own temperament by which we dominate others. We may not be wrong, but we need to be sure we do not choke off anyone else’s growth. Most of the sins of a believer are the excess use of their good qualities. Those who are good administrators easily over-adminis­trate and suffocate the spirit of others. Those who possess control over law, like lawyers, policemen, judges and clergy, can find fault with the innocent and enable the guilty to go free. Somehow the good seed which should grow into good fruit turns into rank growth. The yeast is to raise the dough into delicious bread, and if it is misused, we are left with a hard flat cake. Our good qualities should enable others to make the best of their interior gifts.


The first reading shows us that the greatest force in our world is not power, not might, but love. The second reading reveals to us that Jesus was a man of deep prayer. The Gospel tells us that Jesus wants us to inspire others interiorly, not to force them exteriorly. He wants us to be encouragers, not discouragers.

All three readings today draw much attention to our inner qualities of strength, inspiration, and ability. This week, draw out the inner qualities of someone in your family, school, or work, by encouraging them. You can do this by listening to them when they speak, and by giving them praise, not flattery, for something that they have done recently. Let them know what you like most about them. Finally, make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Christ.






Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



SECOND DAY           READ ISAIAH 55:10-11        FIRST READING


(“It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will.”)


  1. What comes down from the heavens and what does it do to the earth?   Isaiah 55:10


  1. What does it give to one who sows and one who eats and what shall go forth from the Lord’s mouth?   Isaiah   55:10-11


  1. How shall it not return to the Lord, what shall the Word do, and what shall it achieve? Isaiah 55:11


  1. To what is the earth to hearken, and what is instructed? Deuteronomy 32:1-2


  1. Who is the word? John 1:1, 14


  1. How long will the Word stand? Isaiah 40:8


  1. To whom do we turn to be safe, and what does he utter?

Isaiah 45:22-23


  1. What does God’s Word do for us? Hebrews 4:12


  1. Of whom does the Lord confirm the words, and how does he carry out his plan?   Isaiah 44:26


  1. What does the Lord say about whatever he speaks?

Ezekiel 12:25


Personal – In what way have you been a messenger of God’s Word to your family and friends? What results have you seen take place in yourself and those you contact as you have been reading and studying God’s Word.



THIRD DAY             READ ROMANS 8:18-23       SECOND READING


(“I consider the sufferings of the present to be as nothing

compared with the glory to be revealed in us.”)


  1. With what is the suffering of the present nothing by

comparison?   Romans 8:18


  1. What will we do when his glory is revealed?

1 Peter 4:13


  1. What does the whole created world eagerly await?

Romans 8:19


  1. To what was creation made subject, and by whose accord? Romans 8:20


  1. From what will the world be freed, and in what will it

share?   Romans 8:21


  1. What do we await? 2 Peter 3:12-13, Rev 21:1


  1. What do we know all creating has done? Romans 8:22


  1. Why are we weighted down? 2 Corinthians 5:1-5


  1. Although we have the Spirit as first fruits, what do we await?       Romans 8:23


  1. For what do we hope, and how do we yield to it?     Galatians      5:5


  1. What will he do to our bodies, how will he do it, and for what reason?   Philippians 3:21


Personal – In what do you place your hope? In what ways are you suffering, and how is your body groaning inwardly?



FOURTH DAY           READ MATTHEW 13:1-23              GOSPEL


(“To you has been given a knowledge

of the mysteries of the reign of God,….”)


  1. As Jesus sat by the lake shore, who gathered around him? Where did he go, and what did he do at length?

Matthew 13:1-3


  1. Part of what the farmer sowed landed in four different

areas. Where were these, and what happened to the    seed? Matthew 13:4-9


  1. What is everyone to heed and what did the disciples ask Jesus?      Matthew 13:9-10


  1. What have they been given that others have not been given and what will happen to the man who has and the man who has not?  Matthew 13:11-12


  1. Why did Jesus say he uses parables when he speaks?

Matthew 13:13


  1. What is fulfilled in them? Fill in the blanks:

“Listen as _________ ________, you shall not    understand; look intently as _________ _________, you shall not see.” Matthew 13:14


  1. How are the people’s hearts? What have they done with their ears and their eyes? Otherwise, what might happen with their ears, eyes, and hearts?   Matthew 13:15


  1. What would happen if they would turn back to the Lord?

Matthew 13:15


  1. What are those who see and hear? Who longed to see and

hear what we see and hear, but did not?  Matt 13:16-17


  1. What is the seed along the path and from where does the evil one steal it? Matthew 13:19


  1. What is the seed that fell on patches of rock and what causes this person to falter?   Matthew 13:20-21


  1. What is the seed that was sown among briers, what two

things choke it, and what does it produce?   Matthew      13:22


  1. What is the seed that was sown on good soil and what does this person yield?   Matthew 13:23



Personal – When you hear the message of God and do not understand it, what do you do? When you hear the message, but have no roots, how can you develop roots? What do you do when anxiety and money come before your thoughts of Jesus and the well being of others?

What changes can you make in your life right now?



FIFTH DAY             READ PSALM 65:10-14

(“You have visited the land and watered it.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 65:10-14.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?





ISAIAH 55:10-11


In this passage Isaiah shows us a tremendous example of how God’s Holy Word is so dependable and long lasting. We need only look around at our world today and see what happens when rain and snow do not come upon the earth. There are droughts; then there are no crops, and the tragic result is famine. Yet, so many of us take for granted that we will never run out of water or experience a time of famine.


God’s Word is like the rain that falls on a dry, parched land. It brings forth a seed of eternal truth. The bread that is harvested from the spreading of God’s Holy Word is eternal bread; it is the real bread of life. God’s Word does not come back empty upon us. His Word is life-giving, like the soft rain on a dry desert land. His love for us feeds our spirit; and it changes our heart and inspires us to go forth and sow his seed of love, justice, mercy, hope, and faith.


Have you ever been so hungry and thirsty that you would do anything to get food or drink? Jesus is our drink, he is our food, and he will strengthen us to go forth and strengthen the least of his brothers and sisters (Matt. 25:31-41). Take hold of his Holy Word today and water the deserts of your mind and feed the hunger in your heart. You are his chosen one, he has called you by name, and his plan for you is to live a life that is at its fullest (John 10:10). God wants his Holy Word to fill all nations and bring them peace and harmony. We are called to be his chosen messengers by bringing his Word with us wherever we go (Matt. 28:19).


ROMANS 8:18-23


Paul tells us that there is a high price to be paid for being identified with Jesus. We need only look around our planet and see the results of nations that are being attacked by godless people and godless governments. Paul tells of the suffering Christians must face.


Today we might look around and say what kind of suffering are we to endure? The horror of abortion has become so commonplace that those who speak out against it are subject to ridicule, and economic and social rejection. Today many people are going to prison for the crime of trying to save unborn babies. We have read about the Babylonian god “Mardok” where the people sacrificed their children to the “fires of Mardok.” Today we see millions of children being sacrificed to the great gods of “greed and convenience.” The price for practicing our faith can be very high, and it can, in some places, result in death. We must not become complacent in the comforts of our society and ignore the responsibility to live as Jesus did. We must continue serving others, giving up our own rights, and resisting the pressures to conform to the world which always exacts a price.


We are people of hope and must not become pessimistic. We await God’s new order that will free the world of sin, sickness and evil. In the meantime, we can not watch, and stand by and do nothing, while they drag the defenseless innocents to their death. This passage refers particularly to abortion (Proverbs 24:11). We must remember that one day we will be resurrected with bodies, but they will be glorified bodies like the body that Christ now has in heaven (1 Cor. 15:50-56).


MATTHEW 13:1-23


Jesus used many parables when he was speaking to the crowds. A parable helps us to understand spiritual truths by using everyday objects and relationships. A parable encourages the listener to discover truth, while at the same time concealing the truth from those too stubborn or too busy to see it.


We see in today’s Gospel passage that the call to listen is very strong. We are to have eyes that really see and ears that really hear what is going on. This passage encourages all to become spiritual farmers – those who preach, teach, and lead others to the Lord. The farmer sowed good seed, but not all responses were good because of the locations. Do not become discouraged if you spread your seed of the Holy Word of God and it is not properly received. We need to remember that it is the Holy Spirit who opens up the hardened hearts of people. The miracle of God’s Holy Spirit will take place as he uses our words to move others to come to him. A human being can hear many types of sound, but there is a deeper and special kind of listening that results in spiritual understanding. We can be assured that if we honestly seek God’s will, we will have spiritual hearing and these parables will take on dynamic new meanings for us.

Jesus did not hide the truth in parables; those who were receptive to spiritual truth understood the parables completely. To others who did not believe in God, they were only stories with various meanings. The parables allowed Jesus to give spiritual food to those who hungered for it. Today, many times, God’s Word is proclaimed with little power and much confusion by messengers who refuse to be submissive to him. We who know Jesus personally are called to love others as he loves us. We are to be held accountable to the Lord if we do not follow his commands very specifi­cally. If we reject Jesus, our hardness of heart will drive away even the little understanding we had.


The seed in today’s passage is the Word of God, and we are called to sow it to all we meet. The four types of soil represent the different responses people have to God’s message. Some people are hardened, some are shallow, some are very distracted by the world, and some are very receptive. How have you responded? What kind of soil are you? Remember, the Word was God, (John 1:1) and the Word became Flesh (John 1:14), and the Spirit that is in you is greater than the spirit that is in the world (1 John 4:4).




The first reading tells us that God’s Word is dependable, long lasting, and will not return empty. The second reading shows us that the cost of discipleship is very high. The Gospel reveals that the seed in today’s passage is the Word of God and we are all called to sow it.


Let us, this week, be faithful, humble messengers of God by reading our scripture readings to someone we know. Take the day’s readings and read them to a sick relative or a small child, a loved one, and especially your husband or wife. Study the readings, share what they mean to you, and LIVE THE READINGS, especially with your family. His Word will not return empty when you are being his messenger.




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“…he shall proclaim peace to the nations.”)


  1. Who is to rejoice heartily and shout for joy?      Zechariah 9:9


  1. Who is to come to you, and what is he? Zechariah 9:9


  1. How is he to come, and on what is he riding? Zechariah 9:9


  1. Whom did Jesus send, with what instructions, and what was this to fulfill?   Matthew 21:1-5


  1. What shall he banish from Ephraim and Jerusalem? Zechariah 9:10


  1. What will happen to the warrior’s bow? Zechariah 9:10


  1. How does the Lord, their God, not save Judah? Hosea 1:7


  1. What does he proclaim to the nations? Zechariah 9:10


  1. Where shall be his dominion? Zechariah 9:10


  1. In whom do we find peace? John 16:31-33


Personal – What message do you proclaim to your family, friends, or work acquaintances, and how do you proclaim it? How can you develop a peaceful atmosphere in your home?



(“If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”)

  1. In what are we not, in what are we, and who dwells in us? Romans 8:9


  1. What have those who belong to Christ done? Gal 5:24


  1. Toward what is the tendency of the flesh, but toward what is that of the Spirit?   Romans 8:6


  1. What must we put to death? Colossians 3:5


  1. What are the fruits of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22-23


  1. Who belongs to Christ? Romans 8:9


  1. What will happen to our mortal bodies if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, and how will he do it?   Romans 8:11


  1. To what are we not debtors, so that we should live according to it?   Romans 8:12


  1. What are all called who are led by the Spirit of God? Romans 8:14


Personal – In what way are you living your new life in Christ on a daily basis? How do you know personally whether you are being led by the Spirit of God or by your own flesh?


FOURTH DAY           READ MATTHEW 11:25-30              GOSPEL

(“Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me.”)

  1. To whom was Jesus speaking, and what does he offer him? Matthew 11:25


  1. Fill in the following blanks: … for what you have hidden from the ________________ and the _________________, you have revealed to the merest ________________. Matthew 11:25


  1. Whom did the Lord choose, and for what reason? 1 Corinthians 1:26-29


  1. To whom is Jesus talking, and what has been given over to Jesus by the Father?   Matthew 11:26-27


  1. Who knows the Son and who knows the Father? Matthew 11:27


  1. Whom does the Father love and what has he given him? John 3:35


  1. To whom does Jesus say to come when we are weary and find life burdensome, and what will he do?   Matthew 11:28


  1. What will flow from him who comes to Jesus? John 7:37-39


  1. What are we to cast upon Jesus, what will he do, and who will he not permit to be disturbed?   Psalm 55:23


  1. What are we to take upon our shoulders, and what are we to do?   Matthew 11:29


  1. What two things does he say he is, and what will our soul find?   Matthew 11:29


  1. How does Jesus describe his yoke and his burden? Matthew 11:30


Personal – What do you do and where do you go when the problems of everyday life are too much for you? How are you being weighted down by the burdens of life? How can you take your load off your back and put Jesus’ yoke there? What is Jesus’ yoke and burden to you?


FIFTH DAY       READ PSALM 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14

(“The Lord is faithful in all his words.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




Zechariah was a prophet to the remnant of the Jews who returned from Babylon after 70 years of captivity. The Jews, once a powerful nation as God had planned them to be, were now a pitiful and insignificant group of left overs, dwelling in their promised land only because of the courtesy of a foreign ruler. Zechariah tried to tell the people that it would not always be so. He told them that one day the Messiah would come and God’s chosen people would once again be a light to all nations.

Zechar­iah foretells the character of Jesus more than any other prophet except Isaiah. He shows us how Christ entered into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. This triumphant entry of Jesus riding into Jerusalem is predicted here 500 years before it happened (Matt. 21:1-11). He has described this king as a servant king rather than a warrior king. He goes on to describe a peace that will come over the land and nations shall live together in harmony. Zechariah talks now about a king who will rule sea to sea and from the rivers to the ends of the earth. This sounds like the second coming of Christ when all the nations of the earth will be subjected to Jesus Christ.

We are told in Scripture that every knee will bow to Christ and every tongue confess him as Lord (Phil. 2:9,10). We need to reflect on this prophecy that was fulfilled in this reading and be expectant that the prophecy of the Lord’s second coming will also be realized. We are all to be ready for his return; for, remember, he IS coming.

ROMANS 8:9, 11-13

Paul defines very clearly in this passage what being a Christian is. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were arrested and charged with being a Christian? Would the authorities have enough evidence to convict you? Have you been challenged to witness to your faith? Paul tells us that a Christian is anyone who has the Spirit of God living in him. Many people think that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, a magical wondrous feeling takes place. We can know that the Holy Spirit resides in us simply because Jesus promised he would (John 14:16).

We are a Christian if we believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and we give him permission to be in control of our lives. A Christian who receives the Holy Spirit is a temple of the Living God (1 Cor. 3:16). When the Holy Spirit is active within us, we will experience that his power is greater than any power in this world (1 John 4:4). We will receive power (Acts 1:8) and through it we will resist the devil and he will be forced to flee (James 4:7). The Holy Spirit helps us to act as Jesus directs us to act (Rom. 8:5). Here we are told that those who follow the Holy Spirit find themselves doing things that please the Lord.

Jesus has broken the power that Satan has had on our life. We do not have to be in bondage anymore, and we do not have to blame our parents or our background as a child for the hurt that we are experiencing now. There is no condemnation in Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:1), and that means that what we were or did yesterday does not have to be what we are or do today.

Today, right now, wherever you are, take a few minutes and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. Tell him that you are tired of living a life of pain and emptiness. Then ask him to heal the hurts that have come from specific people in your life. You will be empowered to serve God and do his will (Acts 1:8) and you will become part of God’s plan to build up his church (Eph. 4:12-13), which is made up of people like you and me.

MATTHEW 11:25-30

“Come to me and I will give you rest.” You might ask, “rest from what?” We all are working beneath a yoke as we go through life. Some people are unevenly yoked in marriage and the result is bitterness and resentment, followed many times by divorce. Jesus calls us to wear his yoke and not to worry because he will make sure it fits perfectly. A yoke is a heavy wooden harness that fits onto one or more oxen. When an ox wears a yoke, it means that the animal is going to have a long day of hard work.

Jesus mentions a “heavy yoke” and that could mean the burden of sin, the burden of the law, or the excessive demands of the Pharisaic leaders. It could mean government oppression, like the pressure being put upon those who protest abortion. It could also be just weariness in the search for God.

Jesus frees people from all these heavy burdens. The rest that Jesus promises is peace with God, not the end of the effort of living out our life. Jesus mentions two kinds of people in his prayer. He mentions the wise, who are smug and secure in the safety behind following all of the laws and being in the right places and with the right people. He also calls those who are humble, trusting and open to change, to be “children” or child-like in their faith. We are called to be open, trusting and honest, like a child, when we are praying to God. He wants us to be happy and well.

Remember – His plan for us is clearly stated in scripture, “My purpose is to give you life in all of its fullness” (John 10:10). His yoke fits us perfectly. Let us put it on and joyfully join him in the vineyard of life.


The first reading tells us that the gift of prophecy was used for the coming of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The second reading tells us what a Christian is and how to live a Christian life. The Gospel shows us how to lighten the burdens of life by inviting Jesus to carry our burdens and how we can let go of them.

This week, show your Christianity by helping to lighten someone else’s burden. Take time to be available and present to your family. Respond gently and with love to a need of someone in your life. It can be very simple, such as, taking to church a family member, friend or someone you know that is alone. Maybe you can visit or write to someone in prison. Jesus often lightens someone else’s burdens through one of us. He has your yoke and it will fit you perfectly. His love for others can be seen through your love.






Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY        READ 2 KINGS 4:8-11, 14-16    FIRST READING

(“I know that he is a holy man of God.”)


  1. Who came to Shunem, and who urged him to dine with her? 2 Kings 4:8


  1. How often did he dine with the woman? 2 Kings 4:8


  1. Whom did Elisha succeed, and what was to rest on him? 2 Kings 2:9-15


  1. What did the Shunammite woman call Elisha? 2 Kings 4:9


  1. What does he who welcomes a prophet or a holy man receive? Matthew 10:41-42


  1. In what should we be generous? Romans 12:13


  1. What did the woman arrange for Elisha? 2 Kings 4:10


  1. What did Elisha do sometime later? 2 Kings 4:11


  1. What did Elisha ask his servant Gehazi, and what did he say? 2 Kings 4:14


  1. Elisha told his servant to call the woman, and as she stood at the door, what did he promise her?   2 Kings 4:15-16


  1. What did she say, and what did she call Elisha? 2 Kings 4:16


Personal – What is your attitude when a priest comes to your home? What is your attitude toward what he says to you? In what way do you show hospitality to God’s chosen ones?


THIRD DAY           READ ROMANS 6:3-4, 8-11     SECOND READING

(“His death was death to sin, once for all;”)

  1. We who have been baptized into Jesus Christ, into what have we also been baptized?   Romans 6:3


  1. With whom have all who have been baptized into Christ clothed them­selves? Gal 3:27


  1. In baptism we were not only buried with him but also raised to life with Him because of what? Col 2:12


  1. Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, what might we live?   Romans 6:4


  1. What do we believe if we have died with Christ? Romans 6:8


  1. What will Christ, once raised from the dead, never do again? Romans 6:9


  1. What was the last enemy to be destroyed? 1 Corinthians 15:26


  1. For what was Christ’s death and for whom is his life? Romans 6:10


  1. For whom did he die? Romans 6:10


  1. In the same way, to what must we consider ourselves dead? Romans 6:11


  1. For whom and in whom are we alive? Romans 6:11


Personal – In what way have you died to sin in your life? In what way are you living a life for God?


FOURTH DAY           READ MATTHEW 10:37-42              GOSPEL

(“He who welcomes me, welcomes him who sent me.”)


  1. Who is speaking in verses 37-42 of Matthew, and to whom is he speaking?  Matthew 10:5 , Matthew 11:1



  1. What did Jesus say about those who love father or mother, son or daughter more than him? Matthew 10:37


  1. If a man wishes to come after Jesus, what three things must He do?   Matthew 16:24


  1. He who will not take up what and come after him is not worthy of whom? Matthew 10:38


  1. To what does he who seeks only himself bring himself, and how does a person discover who he is?  Matthew 10:39, Mark 8:35


  1. Whom does he welcome who welcomes us, and he who welcomes him also welcomes whom?   Matthew 10:40


  1. What does he receive who welcomes a prophet because he bears the name of prophet?   Matthew 10:41


  1. What does he receive who welcomes a holy man because he is known as a holy man?   Matthew 10:41


  1. What does Jesus promise us, and what does he call a disciple?   Matthew 10:42


  1. What will happen to any man who gives a drink of water to you because you belong to Christ?   Mark 9:41


Personal – What is the cross that you have taken up in order to follow Christ? In what ways do you die to yourself on a daily basis in your home, at work, or at school? In what way are you supportive to your brothers and sisters in the Lord who are following Jesus?


FIFTH DAY          READ PSALM 89:2-3, 16-19

(“The favors of the Lord I will sing forever.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 89:2-3, 16-19.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



2 KINGS 4:8-11, 14-16

This passage reveals to us the need to show hospitality and respect to God’s chosen ones, his clergy. When a priest or deacon comes into your home, is your attitude loving, caring, and reverent? The Scriptures tell us that he who received the king’s messenger will, in reality, be receiving the king himself (Matt. 10:40-42). The Jews always felt that to receive a person’s messenger was the same as to receive the person himself. To welcome with love the messenger of our Lord Jesus was the same as to welcome Jesus himself.

The Shunemite woman knew that Elisha was a prophet and a special messenger of God and she trusted him with great respect. He promised her a gift of a son and she received this miracle of God from the prophet she respected so much.

Today there is a great amount of disrespect shown toward the clergy of Christian denominations. Many people fail to look at whom these people represent. There are failures among the clergy who fall into sin, but they still have been called to represent the Lord. David was terribly mistreated by Saul the King, but David never harmed a hair on Saul’s head. David respected the office of what Saul represented. God rewarded David for this compassion, respect, and obedience. God called David a “man after my own heart.”

Look at the clergy in your parish and see where you can help them, encourage them, but most of all, love them. You can love your clergy by praying for them daily and by inviting them to your home to share your lifestyle and hospitality. Elisha was amazed at the Shunemite woman’s hospitality, and today, our clergy need that hospitality and acceptance very much. Jesus said, “What you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me.” (Matt 25:31-46). This verse also applied to those who had given up the comfort of a loving family and the security of a permanent home and community and have gone out to serve a hostile world. How we treat our clergy is very well indeed how we treat Our Lord, Jesus. Remember, they are messengers of the King.

ROMANS 6:3-4, 8-11

The power of sin is broken through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His death shattered the power of our sinful nature. Our old sin-loving nature was buried with Jesus by baptism when he died for our sins. Through baptism, we share his new life, and we shall rise as he did. Baptism means to sink, submerge, and to drown. We die to our old sinful nature and we emerge or rise in baptism with the Risen Christ. We have invited Christ to take up residence in us. He, in turn, welcomes us into his Holy Family of Christianity. He is present in his Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Through baptism we become sons and daughters of God the Father and enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit and live and love others in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the church of Paul’s time, immersion was the usual form of baptism. This means that new Christians were completely buried in water. This symbolized the death and burial of the old way of life, followed by resurrection to life with Christ. It is very important to realize why baptism is so important to being a Christian. We are cleansed of sin and clothed in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the power that we use to resist the devil and make him flee from us (James 4:7). We now have the incredible power to choose life over death because we have the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. We know that the Spirit within us is far more powerful than he that is in the world (l John 4:4). Because of our baptism we have become adopted sons and daughters of the King. Jesus tells us that he has prepared a place in his Father’s house for each one of us (John 14:1-6). This passage gives us tremendous comfort and assurances as believers in Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus, we never need to fear death or wonder where we will go when we die (John 3:16).

MATTHEW 10:37-42

Today’s Gospel message tells us that a Christian commitment may separate friends and loved ones. Jesus showed that his presence demands a decision. This was true in Jesus’ time, and it is especially true in today’s world. Two things are happening today. Either the world is changing you or you are changing the world. A decision for Christ is a decision to make the world a better place to live.

As we take up our cross and follow Jesus, an inevitable conflict will follow. Our different values, morals, goals, and purposes will set us apart from others. Today’s message is that God should be our first priority, not friends or even family. God has called all of us to a higher mission than to find comfort in this life. To take up our cross and follow Jesus we must lay down other cares and priorities. We need to be totally committed to God (Matt. 10:39) and willing to face anything, even suffering and death, for the sake of Christ. We can see around us that the more people love this life’s rewards (leisure, power, popularity), the more they discover how empty they are.

Mother Teresa has a saying, “Unless life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.” We can tell how much we love God by how well we treat others. God notices every good deed we do or don’t do, as if he were the one receiving it. We cannot all be prophets and proclaim the Word of God, but he who gives God’s messenger the simple gift of hospitality will receive no less a reward than the prophet himself. We must remember that even the prophet must get his breakfast and attend to his clothes. We must never forget to love, honor, and thank those who have the often thankless task of making a home, cooking meals, washing clothes, shopping for household items, and caring for children. It is God’s greatest task, and they will be far more likely to receive the prophet’s rewards than those whose days are filled with committees and comfortable homes.


The first reading teaches us to honor and respect the clergy. The second reading shows us that the power of sin is broken through baptism. The Gospel tells us that our first priority is loving God.

Let this week be a week of loving God by loving others. Husbands, take your wife out to dinner or some where to relax and enjoy. Husbands, watch the children so Mom can take a few hours to relax and pamper herself. Wives, take time to be present to your husband alone. Children, help your parents by cleaning up after yourself and do some errands for Mom. Parents, take time to play with your children and each other. Families, pray every day to God in thanksgiving and invite your priests or deacon to your home to pray and relax with you.





Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“For he has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked.”)

  1. What does Jeremiah hear, and for what are those who were his friends on the watch?   Jeremiah 20:10


  1. What will a false friend do? Sirach 37:4


  1. What will a friend do who is a friend when it suits him, and with whom are we to be on guard?   Sirach 6:8-13


  1. Who is with Jeremiah, and what will happen to his persecutors?      Jeremiah 20:11


  1. What did the Lord say to Jeremiah? Jeremiah 1:8, Jeremiah 15:20


  1. From what are malicious persecutors far? Psalm 119:150


  1. What does the Lord test and probe, and what does Jeremiah ask to witness? Jeremiah 20:12


  1. Why does the Lord probe the mind and test the heart? Jeremiah 17:10


  1. To whom should we sing and praise, and whom has he rescued?   Jeremiah 20:13


  1. Why do we thank and praise the Lord? Psalm 109:30-31


Personal – How has the Lord rescued you from someone you thought was a friend? In what way do you sing his praises for what he has done for you?


THIRD DAY             READ ROMANS 5:12-15        SECOND READING

(“But the gift is not like the transgression.”)


  1. What entered the world through one man, what came to all, and what have all done?   Romans 5:12


  1. Through what did death enter the world, and who experiences it?   Wisdom 2:24


  1. What does envy and anger do? Sirach 30:24


  1. Where was sin up to the time of the law, and when is sin not accounted?   Romans 5:13


  1. What does the law produce, and where is there no violation? Romans 4:15


  1. What reigned from Adam to Moses, who dies even though they did not sin, and what was Adam?   Romans 5:14


  1. What happened in Adam, and what happened in Christ? 1 Corinthians 15:22


Personal – How has sin and death affected your life?


  1. What is the gift not like? Romans 5:15


  1. What overflowed for the many? Romans 5:15


  1. How do we believe we have been saved? Acts 15:11


Personal – How has the grace of God affected your life? What does grace mean to you? From you, what is the result it has on others?


FOURTH DAY           READ MATTHEW 10:26-33              GOSPEL

(“And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”)


  1. What are we not to be, and what is concealed that will be revealed?   Matthew 10:26


  1. What Jesus speaks to us in the darkness, where are we to speak it? What we hear whispered, where are we to proclaim it?   Matthew 10:27


Personal – When the Lord speaks to you in your quiet prayer time, how do you make it known to others?


  1. What will happen to the person who does not speak? Psalm 32:3


  1. Of whom are we not to be afraid, and who are we to fear? Matthew 10:28


  1. With what are we not to make alliance, with whom are we to make alliance, and who are we to fear and be in awe? Isaiah 8:12-13


  1. What does not fall to the ground without the Father’s knowledge?   Matthew 10:29


  1. What is even counted, and why should we not be afraid? Matthew 10:30-31


  1. What will happen to us because of Jesus, what will not be destroyed, and what will secure our life?   Luke 21:17-19


  1. What are we not to fear? Isaiah 51:7


  1. Who will be acknowledged before our heavenly Father, and who will be denied before him?   Matthew 10:32-33


  1. What will happen to whomever is ashamed of Jesus and his words, in this faithless and sinful generation?   Mark 8:38


Personal – In what ways have you acknowledged Jesus and his words to your family, friends, school friends and co-workers?


FIFTH DAY      READ PSALM 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35

(“For the Lord hears the poor,”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



JEREMIAH 20:10-13

Jeremiah goes straight from the Hinnom Valley to the temple, and with his message challenged the people’s social and moral behavior. He was not afraid to give unpopular criticism. The people could either obey or silence him, and they chose the latter. Their false prophets told them what they wanted to hear. The priest in charge called Pashur, heard Jeremiah’s words and because of his guilt forced him into the wooden stocks. With his hands and feet made fast in the wooden stocks, and being ridicul­ed in front of the entire community, Jeremiah pours out his heart to God. Yet, even this did not stop him from making God’s Word known.

Jeremiah’s role as a prophet put him under terrific pres­sure. He has faithfully proclaimed God’s Word and has received nothing in return, only persecution and sorrow. He tried to with­hold God’s word, but it became like a fire in his bones.

Today, there are many places where people need to be chal­lenged about their moral behavior. The Jeremiahs of today are being ridiculed and silenced, and the false prophets “tickle their ears” with stories of how wonderful they are. When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, remember, there is never an end to hope. You will feel “the fire in your bones,” and you will feel compelled to share it with others, whatever the situa­tion.

ROMANS 5:12-15

The question, “How can we be declared guilty for something Adam did thousands of years ago?” rages on. There are many who feel it is not right for God to judge us for Adam’s sin. Yet, each one of us identifies with Adam by our own sins. We are made of the same “high-fluting,” rebellious, exaggerating attitude and prejudices. We are judged for the sins we commit, because we are sinners. It is not fairness that we need, it is mercy.

Paul tells us once again that keeping the law does not bring salvation. Death is the result of Adam’s sin and for the sins we all commit. The Law was added to help people see their sinful­ness and to show them the seriousness of their offense and to drive them to God for mercy and pardon. This was true in Moses’ day, and it is still true today. Sin is a profound rupture between who we are and who we were created to be. The Law points out our sin and places the responsibility on our shoulders, but the Law offers no remedy for it.

In many nations, prisons are overflowing because accountability calls for discipline, and discipline calls for a commit­ment to an idea. When we are convicted of sin, the only way to heal is through Jesus Christ. Remember, only the truth can really set us free (John 8:32) and the truth is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

MATTHEW 10:26-33

     Today’s Gospel reveals to us the cost of following Jesus Christ. Jesus helped his disciples prepare for the rejection many of them would experience by being Christian. Being God’s person will usually create reactions from others who are resisting him. The disciples experienced hardships not only from without (government, courts, etc.), but also from friends and family.

Living for God often brings on trials and tribulations, but with it comes the opportunity to tell the Good News of Salvation. We can always be confident because Jesus has “overcome the world” (John 16:33), and it is very crucial for us to remember that those who “endure to the end” will be saved (10:22).

You are of incredible worth to God, and you are never lost from his sight or touch. You never are to fear personal threats or difficult trials because they can not shake God’s love and Spirit from you. God placed a tremendous value on each one of us, and he lets us have the choice and the chance to say “No, Lord.” The closer you get to God, the more the world will reject and abuse us. They hated Christ and rejected Him; would we expect anything less? Those who stand up for Christ in spite of their troubles truly will have lasting value and will receive the acknowledgement of God and God’s love will sustain them through any kind of trial.


The first reading tells us that God’s Word is like a hammer that smashes away at the rocks of obstacles. The second reading tells us that death is the result of Adam’s sin, and life is the result of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. The Gospel reveals fear as useless, and we must trust in God.

This week, ask yourself what you are doing to be a witness to your faith. How have you responded to the scourge of abortion in your community? See if you can help with letter writing, picket­ing, protesting, praying and voting on moral issues concerning abortion. You will be ridiculed and attacked, socially, emotional­ly, spiritually, and maybe even physically for your loyalty and belief.

This week, become a disciple of Christ and let the Spirit within you be a reminder that the spirit of the world has been defeated.





Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“Not by bread alone does man live, but by    every Word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord.”)

  1. Who is speaking, and whose words is he announcing? Deuteronomy 5:1‑5


  1. What is he asking the Israelites to remember? Deuteronomy 8:2


  1. What two things does the Holy One of Israel, the Lord, our God, do for us?   Isaiah 48:17


  1. Why did affliction come upon the Israelites? Deuteronomy 8:2


  1. With what did the Lord let them be afflicted? With what did he feed them, and for what reason?   Deuteronomy 8:3


  1. How many days was Jesus tempted in the desert by Satan? What was one of the temptations, and what was Jesus’ answer? Luke 4:2‑4


  1. Of what is he telling them to be careful after they have their fill?   Deuteronomy 8:14


  1. What did the Lord do for the Israelites? Deuteronomy 8:15-16


  1. What do affliction and testing make us in the end? Deuteronomy 8:16


  1. When under trial or affliction, what are we to do? Romans 12:12


Personal ‑ In what way is there a balance in your life between the food you eat and obedience to the Word of God? In what way are you taking in the Word? Are you eating what is good for you in bread and Word? Is Eucharist part of your daily nourishment?


What Kind of Physical Food

4 Basics                         Junk Food


How Often



Listening and Obeying the Word

God’s Word                       Man’s Word


How Often



When Receiving Eucharist

Repentant Heart                  Hard Heart


How Often




(“We all partake of the one loaf.”)

  1. Who wrote this letter and to whom was he writing? 1 Corinthians 1:1‑2


  1. What are the two questions he asks them in 1 Cor. 10:16?


  1. What did Jesus do with the bread and what did he say it was? Matthew 26:26


  1. What did he do with the cup, and what did he say it was? Matthew 26:27‑28


  1. In what do we share or participate? 1 Corinthians 10:16


  1. Because the loaf of bread is one, we, many though we are, are what, and for what reason? 1 Corinthians 10:17


  1. In whom are we one body? Romans 12:5


  1. Just as there is one body, there is also one what, and what is given you by your call?   Ephesians 4:4


 Personal ‑ In what way do you share in the body and blood of Jesus with your family and friends? Is there a oneness and unity among those with whom you associate? Read the rest of 1 Corinthians 10. Examine your conscience to see whether you have been worshiping the One, True God.


FOURTH DAY              READ JOHN 6:51‑58                GOSPEL

(“If anyone eats this bread, he shall live forever.”)

  1. Who is speaking? Who did he say he was, and from where has he come down? John 6:43, 51


  1. What did he say would happen to those who eat this bread? John 6:51


  1. What did he say the bread he will give is, and for the life of whom?   John 6:51


  1. How did the Jews react to this, and what did they ask? John 6:52


  1. Jesus assured them that if they did not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, they would have no what? John 6:53


  1. What happens to him who feeds on his flesh and drinks his blood?   John 6:54


  1. What does Jesus say his flesh and blood are? John 6:55


  1. The man who remains in Jesus, and Jesus in him, does what? John 6:56


  1. What does the Father have? Whom did he send, and what does he who was sent have because of him?   John 6:57


  1. What will the man who feeds on Jesus have because of him? John 6:57


  1. Where did this bread come from, and what is it unlike? John 6:58


  1. How long will the man live who lives on this bread? John 6:58


Personal ‑ How has the eating of Jesus’ flesh, and drinking of his blood, which is the Eucharist, shown others that he is truly present in you?


FIFTH DAY         READ PSALM 147:12‑15, 19‑20

(“…swiftly runs his Word.”)


Read and meditate on Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



DEUTERONOMY 8:2‑3, 14‑16

Today’s passage reveals what it really means to live the “real life.” You have to ask yourself a very difficult question: “How do you find “real life?” Today, many people think it comes when you eat the right foods, or drink the light and tasty drinks. Some go to extreme measures to make sure they dress well so that they may look good. Others spend enormous amounts of time trying to build up their bodies in order to look more attractive, younger or stronger. An incredible number of people think the “real life” is to obtain an education so they can earn a fortune and live wherever they choose and do whatever they decide. Today, we call this “living the good life,” and for many, the way others must live does not enter into their concern. But these desires leave us empty because they satisfy only our appetites, not our deepest longings.

Moses tells us that real life comes from total commitment to God. It requires sacrifice, discipline, and plain hard work. Many people today are looking for the quick fix whether it be for a diet, an education, marriage, or work. Only as our relationship with God deepens will our character and strength develop. The long‑term rewards for obeying God are greater than anything the world has to offer. The bread God gave Moses was a special kind of Bread, and it came from heaven.

God showed what was coming in the form of another special kind of bread at the Last Supper. Jesus gave us himself in the taking and eating of his Body and Blood. He said, “This is my Body, take and eat. This is my Blood, take it and drink.” We call this “Eucha­rist,” which we receive at Mass. We become “Eucharist­ed” when we eat his body and drink his blood. We might ask, “How do we Eucharist others?” You can Eucharist others by giving of yourself in many ways. You Eucharist others when you give them a smile, a hug, a kiss, a loving pat on the shoulder when they are emotionally in pain, a cup of coffee, a glass of cold water, and a few moments of your time to listen. There are many ways to give yourself away to others, and be Eucharisting every one you meet. “Eucha­rist” is at its best when we joyfully give it away. When we say “amen” at communion time, we are saying “Yes, I am the body of Christ.” That is why we are called to go out and Eucharist his people.

1 CORINTHIANS 10:16‑17

Paul tells us that we have unity with God when we ask God to bless the wine and bread that is offered, he accepts it, and blesses it through the presence of his Son, Jesus. The ideal of experiencing unity with God through eating a sacrifice was strong in the old days of Judaism, and in the early days of Christianity.

In the Old Testament days, when a Jew offered a sacrifice, he ate part of that sacrifice (Deut. 12:17, 18). Christians then, and today, participate in Christ’s once-and-for-all sacrifice when they eat the bread and drink the wine that is changed into his body and blood. This unity that we call the body of Christ is shared by all who eat and drink of the body and blood of Christ. We call this Communion, which means the believers share in the benefits of the same source (body and blood of Christ). When we all eat from the same loaf, then we are blessed with the gift of unity.

We may ask, “What does it mean to eat the body of Christ, and to share in his glory?” We are asked to reflect to the age‑old question, “Is this an act of faith that we believe in, or is it some great story that we are expected to believe?” Communion is com‑union which means with or union with Christ. Are you in communion with Christ and his family? When we say we share the blessings of Christ’s blood, are we saying that his blessings are only for the spiritually clean, and that his blood covers only the righteous with glory? We need to reflect on our attitude as we come to the table of the Lord. Do we really believe that the bread and wine of our sacrifice has been transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The way we live out our lives will be our greatest testimony to what we say we profess and believe. His “Yes” is our whole healing presence of himself in the Holy Eucharist.

JOHN 6:51‑58

This passage challenges us to reflect on Jesus being the “bread of life.” Many people today ask, “How can Jesus give us his flesh as bread to eat?” To eat his living bread means to unite ourselves with Jesus Christ. Jesus tells the people that their fathers in the wilderness ate the bread that came from the skies, and gave them life for a time, but they eventually died. The bread that Jesus gives is eternal life to anyone who partakes of it.

We are united with Christ when we believe in his death and resurrection, and depend on his teaching for guidance, and trust in the Holy Spirit for power. The people of Jesus’ day were shocked just to imagine drinking his blood and eating his flesh. They probably thought this was very cannibalistic. The Jewish law forbade drinking blood (Lev. 17:10‑11), and they could not tolerate such a statement. Jesus was saying that his life had to become their life.

Today, the celebration is called the Eucharist which means thanksgiving or giving thanks in unity that Christ died for all mankind. Paul calls it the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23), and he tells us that Jesus taught us about his Last Supper on the night of the Passover (Luke 22:13‑20). We need to remember that just as Passover celebrated deliverance from slavery in Egypt, so the Lord’s supper or communion as most of us know it, celebrates deliverance from sin by Christ’s death. We need to really remember that Jesus is present to us in the bread and wine, and when we eat his body and drink his blood, we are proclaiming to the world that he will be within us, and bless us until he comes again. This is the tremendous benefit of the new covenant that allows us personally to approach God and communicate with him.

Eating the Sacred Body and drinking the Sacred Blood makes us “Amen” people. That is, we are saying “Amen or yes, I believe it, and I will live it out” when the celebrant hands the consecrated bread and wine to us and says “Body of Christ, Blood of Christ.” Our “Amen” is a yes, not only present in bread and wine, but also to his total presence in ourselves and others as we consume it. We are then called in unity to go forth and present the power and presence of that Eucharist to others by giving it away through our love and service. “They will know we are Christians by our love” is more than just a saying.


The first reading tells us that real life comes from total commitment to God. The second reading shows us that “communion” is com-union which means with or in union with Christ. The Gospel tells us that “communion,” or Eucharist, means giving thanks, in unity that Christ died for all mankind.

The body and blood of Christ is given to us in Holy Communion. Let us, this week, show others that he lives within us by the way we act in love, kindness and gentleness. Let others see that this bread of life is a food that nurtures the heart, the mind, the body and the spirit. Your taking time to be compassionate, caring, and loving will be a sign to others that this is much more than a symbol.

Show those around you how you bring Eucharist to them. You can Eucharist people with a caring touch, a little note of affirmation, a cup of tea, a shoulder to cry on, a back that needs rubbing. Eucharist is what we call the Body and Blood of Christ. We can receive Eucharist in church and then go out and Eucharist every person with whom we come in contract.




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.

FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?

2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?

(“The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God…”)

1. What did the Lord say to Moses and who inscribed the tablets? Exodus 24:12, Exodus 31:18

2. Why did Moses go to Mount Sinai? Exodus 34:4

3. What happened to the stone tablets? Exodus 32:19

4. What did Moses cut, where did he go, and who commanded it? Exodus 34:4

5. Having come down in a cloud, who stood with Moses, and what did he proclaim? Exodus 34:5

6. What did the Lord do, and what did he cry out? Ex 34:6

7. In what is the Lord slow, and in what is he rich? Exodus 34:6

8. What did Moses do? Exodus 34:8

9. What does Psalm 95:6 say we should do, and what has the Lord done?

10. What did Moses ask the Lord to do, and what did he say about the people? Exodus 34:9

11. What did Moses ask the Lord to pardon and receive? Ex. 34:9

Personal – In what way have you revealed your slowness to anger to those around you? How can you improve in this area?

(“Mend your ways. Encourage one another.”)

1. Who is writing and to whom is he writing? 2 Corinthians 1:1

2. As he says good-bye, what two things does he tell them to do and how are they to live? 2 Corinthians 13:11

3. Where will be the God of love and peace? 2 Corinthians 13:11

4. How are we to greet one another and what do all the holy ones do? 2 Corinthians 13:12

5. What is of the Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Corinthians 13:13

6. As a child, what was upon Jesus as he grew in size and stature? Luke 2:40

7. What is of God? 2 Corinthians 13:13

8. What is God and how do we abide in God? 1 John 4:16

9. What is of the Holy Spirit? 2 Corinthians 13:13

10. To what have we been called with the Son? 1 Corinthians 1:9

Personal – In what way do you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit? How do you see the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God within you? How do you see Jesus in those around you?

(“…whoever believes in him may not die.”)

1. Whom did God love, and whom did he give? John 3:16

2. What happens to those who believe in him, and what will they have? John 3:16

3. How is God’s love revealed to us? 1 John 4:9

4. What did God send the Son into the world not to do? John 3:17

5. Through him (the Son) what would happen to the world? John 3:17

6. Read the following Scriptures and write next to each one what it says about being saved.

a. Acts 2:21
b. Acts 4:12
c. Acts 15:11
d. Romans 10:9
e. Titus 3:4-5

7. What happens to whomever believes in Jesus? John 3:18

8. What happens to those who do not believe in him? John 3:18

9. Who has no condemnation? Romans 8:1

10. What did Jesus come to do and what condemns a person? John 12:47-48

Personal – In what way have you experienced the love of the Father through Jesus’ death on the cross? In what way do you share this love the Father has for you with your family, friends, business acquaintances, school friends, etc. on a daily basis? Is there a balance with word and deed?

(“and blessed is your holy and glorious name.”)

Read and meditate on Daniel 3:52-56.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your life?


EXODUS 24:4-6, 8-9

Today, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity, and in this passage we see God making a covenant with the Israelites. He declared them as his chosen people through whom he would eventually send his Divine Son and to whom he would give his Holy Spirit. In this way all mankind had the possibility and the means of reaching their permanent home with him. His plan for them would be complete for all eternity.

To explain this mystery is impossible, and, yet, it is very simple. God loved us so much that he sent his only begotten Son to die for us, and he left his Holy Spirit to empower our lives. In stages, a woman marries and becomes a wife, then a mother, and later, a grandmoth¬er. While God does not go through stages, the woman who is wife, mother, and grandmother in some ways reflects the Trinity. She never stops being a woman through these different phases of her life. We might ask what part becomes a wife? What part becomes a mother? She is totally woman in all three ways, while she is several persons in the one person of being a woman.

God is God, and he told Moses, “I am who am.” The covenant made on Mount Sinai by God with Moses was the preparation for God to become Incarnate (God became man) and then to forever reside by his Holy Spirit with us. This has been a mystery that one day God will reveal to us in Heaven where we will see him face to face. The Israelites were stubborn, sinful people and did not deserve another chance, but Moses pleaded for them and God forgave and promised them that a Messiah would emerge from them and bring salvation to the whole world.

Today there are many stubborn, cruel and violent people who walk in darkness. The Messiah has come, and he died and rose from the dead for all who believe in him. We have within us a Holy Spirit that is far greater than the one who leads the world (1 John 4:4). We must never forget that we are the chosen children of God in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2 CORINTHIANS 13:11-13

Paul’s last words in this passage apply to us in today’s world. He tells us to be happy by growing in Christ. We are called to mend our ways; in other words, to repent and to change. We can live in peace with one another when we follow the teachings of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. We are called to greet each other with a holy sign of Christ’s blessings. We only have to look around to see the discord in our families, communities, and countries throughout the world. We may ask, “Where is the strife and jealousy originating?”

Paul is telling us that all discord comes when we try to be in control of others and play God with other people’s lives and their nations. In order to live in peace with one another, we must be at peace with ourselves. Jesus told us that he would leave his Holy Spirit and he would never leave us.

Paul closes this passage with words of encouragement and cheer for all. He tells us how the Blessed Trinity is always active and present in our lives. He says, “May God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s friendship be yours.” He also calls upon the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and says that Jesus’ grace will always be available to us.

Paul is once again calling upon God to bless, direct, and protect his people through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name above all names, Jesus Christ. You are called to bring God’s blessing upon yourself and your family. This will help you live in peace and harmony with all people.

JOHN 3:16-18

If we had only one passage in the Bible to read, I believe this would be the choice of many people: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Do you really believe this? God is saying that he loves us so much that he let his only begotten Son Jesus die for us, so that we could live forever with him in heaven. God did this for us knowing well that we would be sinners, and yet, he is still loving us very much.

Scripture tells us that, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on men, what God has prepared for those who love him.”(1 Cor. 2:9) We cannot even imagine that kind of love, nevertheless, it is true. We only have to believe in Jesus Christ. When we believe, our lives change and this change is noticed by others. We become vulnerable, lovable, gentle, kind and trustwor¬thy.

God knows where we have been and what we have done and he still offers us the incredible gift of eternal life and a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7). Memorize this verse (John 3:16) and put your name in place of the word “world” and “whoever” and see how personal is this promise.

We have to remember that true love is not static or self-centered; it reaches out and draws in others. God has set the pattern of true love in this passage, the basis of all love relationships. If we love someone considerably, we are willing to pay dearly for that person’s responsive love. Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for love with his life. God paid for our love with his Son’s life. Jesus accepted the punishment, paid for our sins, and then offered us the new and eternal life he bought for us with his blood. When you and I share the Gospel message, our love must be like his. We must be willing to give up our comfort, and maybe our lives, so that others might join us in receiving this incredi¬ble gift of God’s love.


The first reading reveals that God is present to us in himself, his Son, and his Holy Spirit – a true Blessed Trinity. The second reading tells us that to grow in Christ will bring a happy, positive response, and that is what we really need in today’s world. The Gospel tells us that God loved us so greatly that he gave us his begotten Son, so that we could live forever.

This week, let us call on the power of the Holy Spirit and be positive in our words and actions to the members of our family and those whom we meet at work and at school. Let us try to give up our comfort to bring someone to Christ this week, or to read Scripture to someone or encourage someone to read a bible. Remember – make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Christ.




Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.

FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?

2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


(“All were filled with the Holy Spirit.”)

1. What day had come, and where were the disciples gathered? Acts 2:1

2. How many days after the Passover was Pentecost celebrated, and what are other names for it? Leviticus 23:15-16, Exodus 23:16, Numbers 8:26

3. What suddenly happened from up in the sky, and where was it and where was it heard? Acts 2:2

4. Read the following scripture, and tell what the Spirit gives to a person? Ezekiel 37:9, 14

5. What appeared, and what did it do? Acts 2:3

6. What was Jesus’ promise just before he ascended to heaven? Acts 1:5, 8

7. With what were all filled, and how did they express themselves? Acts 2:4

8. What did the Spirit prompt them to do? Acts 2:4, Acts 4:31

9. Who was staying in Jerusalem at the time, and what did they hear? Acts 2:5-6

10. About what were they confused? Acts 2:6

11. What was their reaction? What did they ask, and about what were they so amazed? Acts 2:7-11

Personal – How can your family or friends identify the Spirit of God’s presence in you? What comes forth from your mouth, and what do you need to do so people will be astonished by your words?


(“No one can say “Jesus is Lord,” except in the Holy Spirit.”)

1. What is Paul telling the brothers that you cannot do in the Spirit of God, and what can be said only in the Holy Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:3

2. What is there different, but with the same Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:4

3. There are different ministries and works but the same God who accomplishes what? 1 Corinthians 12:5-6

4. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for what reason? 1 Corinthians 12:7

5. In what gifts should you try to be rich? 1 Corinthians 14:12

6. Fill in the following blanks: The body is ________________and has __________________ members, but all the members, __________¬__________ though they are, are _________________body; and so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

7. In the one Spirit, who were baptized into the one body? 1 Corinthians 12:13

8. What have all of us been given to drink? 1 Cor. 12:13

9. Into whom have we been baptized? Galatians 3:27

10. When were we chosen and sealed with the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 1:13

Personal – From the above scriptures, how can you identify the manifestation of the Spirit in your life, and in those you come in contact with? Reread 1 Corinthians 12:3, and take note of what comes forth from your mouth this week.


(“Receive the Holy Spirit.”)

1. Why did the disciples lock the doors of the place where they were? John 20:19

2. Who came and stood before them, and what did he say to them? John 20:19

3. When he had said this, what did he show them? John 20:20

4. What did the disciples do at the sight of the Lord? John 20:20

Personal – In what way has our Lord appeared to you when you have been gathered with others praying, and what has been your respo¬nse?

5. What did Jesus say again, and what is his gift to you? John 20:21, John 14:27

6. Whom has the Father sent, and who sends us? John 20:21

7. What did Jesus do to the disciples, and what did they receive? John 20:22

8. How did the Lord God form man, and how did he give him life? Genesis 2:7

9. If we forgive other’s sin, what happens to them, and if we hold them bound, what happens? John 20:23

10. What did Jesus say to the Father while on the cross, and whom should we imitate? Luke 23:34, Ephesians 5:1-2

Personal – How do others see in you, spiritually and physically, the breath of his life? How do others see you living out your sign of baptism through repentance, which means change? How do others see you as you practice forgiveness of others, and ask others to forgive you? How often do you feel the need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and why?

FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34

(“When you send forth your Spirit, they are created.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?

How can you apply this to your life?


ACTS 2:1-11

In today’s readings we celebrate the Feast of “Pentecost,” which means fifty (50). This was a feast that was celebrated about fifty days after Passover and was a feast of thanksgiving for the harvest. The first fruits of the crop were offered to God that day. All Jewish men were expected to come to the temple for the feast. The city was usually full to overflow¬ing, and it was fitting that this day was chosen as the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.

Today is, in reality, the birthday of the church, and the Christian religion was to be a church for the whole world. The old law was given by God to Moses for the Jews only. The new law, given by Christ and confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit, was for all peoples. That means you, and that means today, right¬ where you are. The very fact that you are reading this Bible Study is proof that the power of the Holy Spirit is drawing you near to him.

Let today be the day that you fall upon your knees and invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart and become the Lord of your life. Take a few moments and confess to the Lord all that is twisted within you, and then ask him to let his Holy Spirit fill you with the power and peace that surpasses all under¬standing. The celebration of Pentecost is for us as well as it was for the Jews in today’s passage. Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through you, and you will enjoy that same gift that the Apostles had, the gift of speaking in tongues.

The signs and wonders of that incredible day brought huge crowds of Jews to the place where the Apostles were staying. This was the day chosen for the Apostles to go forward and make disciples of all nations. We are called also to go forward and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Let us remember, after the Jews celebrated the Feast of the Passover (Moses leading his people to freedom), they celebrated the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Harvests which were celebrated on the same day and were later called Pentecost. It was one of three major feasts of the year (Leviticus 23:16), a feast of thanksgiving for the harvested crops. The Holy Spirit came fifty days after the resurrection and Peter’s speech resulted in a harvest of new believers.

The Lord needs some good laborers to work in the vineyard. Are you ready to join the workers?

1 CORINTHIANS 12:3-7, 12-13

In this passage, we see that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were given for the good of the whole community to help build up the body of Christ. We should not refuse to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit nor claim them as our own. Paul clearly warns against listening to false teachers, and he shows us how to check out their credentials. We are to find out what they teach about Christ.

We see people today who mock Jesus Christ, not only with their words, but in the way they live. We see people using their gifts to split communities apart, and then trying to tell us that they are only doing God’s will. Anyone can claim to speak for God, and we need only to look at some of the leaders in some countries, and we can see a lot of false messiahs running around. God has given us many different gifts, but we must remember, they all come from the same Spirit, and they are to be used to help the community or church. They will know we are Christians by the way we love and help one another.

Paul com¬pares the body of Christ to a human body. Each part is an individual, and has a specific job to do. In their differ¬ences, all of the parts must work together for the good of the whole body. Jesus Christ is the head, and the rest of us make up the body of Christ. It is very important that we are not too proud of our abilities, and we must not compare ourselves with one another. We are called to use our different gifts together, to spread the “Good News” to a world that is filled with “bad news.” The church, which is the people who believe that “Jesus is Lord,” must be united in its belief in Christ. It must not let its leaders or members use any gifts to cause divisions or strife.

Faith in Christ is the core of Christian unity. We are one body, with one spirit, united in Christ with the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. When we were baptized into the Christian Faith, the Holy Spirit took up residence in us and we became the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corin¬thians 3:16). You, by your baptism, have been born into God’s family, and our common goal is faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

JOHN 20:19-23

Today’s Gospel passage reveals to us the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit being given publicly to the disciples of Jesus by Jesus himself. This is a tremendous feast day in the church. We look back, and we see that Advent was a time to prepare for the Incarnation of God (God becoming man). Christmas was the happen¬ing of this great Incarnation act. We then moved into Lent and began to prepare ourselves for the sufferings endured by Christ on our behalf during his holy week. We celebrated victory in Jesus’ triumph over death which guaranteed our union with him in heaven.

Today, we celebrate in Pentecost the Holy Spirit coming to abide within his church. This means abiding in you, me, and all believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gives the power to preserve, to teach, to ex¬plain, and to spread the Gospel of “Good News,” which is a message of hope and love for everyone in the world.

This Holy Spirit who came upon the disciples and all of the people in the upper room is the same Spirit who wants to abide in us. We can let him come into our heart right now by getting down on our knees and confessing our sins to the Lord. Invite him to come and take up residence in your temple, and let him take control of your life. His power will flow through you, and your life will never be the same again. His peace will be your peace, and it will be a peace that surpasses all understand¬ing (Philippians 4:7).

The power from the Holy Spirit helps all of us live a life of holiness and wholeness. We need to always remember that God’s plan for each one of us is to live a life that is abundant and full (John 10:10). The Holy Spirit gives us the power, in the name of Jesus, to bind Satan and his cohorts, and in his name, to loosen the Spirit of the Lord Jesus to heal, to restore and, to forgive. We can release others from the bondage of sin by our compassion and forgiveness. We are more than conquerors; we are children of the Living God and we are called to set the captives free and give sight to the blind. We do that by forgiving them, and loving them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Pentecost – the harvest is now, the Kingdom of God is at hand, come and be fishers of men. I pray that the Holy Spirit today will fill you with his love and power, and fill all of us with gratitude for all that God has done for us.


The first reading tells us that we celebrate the birthday of the church when we celebrate “Pentecost.” The second reading reveals that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be used to uplift the community. The Gospel reveals to us that the Holy Spirit gives us power in the name of Jesus. This power is a healing power.

Let us take a long look at our gifts, and then share them with others this week. You might visit someone who is sick, or visit someone in jail. You might write a letter to someone who is lonely, or cook someone a special meal. Do some¬thing beauti¬ful for God this week, and keep on giving your gift away. God will never let you be without a gift – try it, you’ll like it.





FIRST DAY                                                        Reread last weeks readings.


  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?


SECOND DAY                                  READ ACTS 1:1-11

                                              (“He presented Himself alive to them….”)

  1. What was dealt with before Jesus was taken up to heaven? Acts 1:1


  1. How did Jesus instruct the Apostles He had chosen? Acts 1:2


  1. After Jesus had suffered what did He show His Apostles and how did He show them? Acts 1:3


Personal -How have you been convinced that Jesus is alive today?


  1. Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to leave Jerusalem? Acts 1:4


  1. What did John baptize with and what would happen in a few days? Acts 1:5


  1. What did the Apostles ask Jesus and what did He tell them? Acts 1:6-7


  1. What did Jesus tell them they would receive when the Holy Spirit came down on them and what would that make them? Acts 1:8


  1. As the Apostles were looking on what happened to Jesus and how did it happen? Acts 1:9


  1. As they were looking up who appeared to them and what did they say? Acts 1:10-11


  1. How will the Lord come down from heaven and what will happen to the living, the believers in Him?

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


Personal – How are you preparing for Jesus’ return?


THIRD DAY                              READ EPHESIANS 1:17-23                SECOND READING

                       (“What is the surpassing greatness of His power for us who believe?”)


  1. What is Paul asking our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, to give you? Ephesians 1:17


  1. What three things does he want your innermost vision, the eyes of your hearts, to know? Ephesians 1:18-19


  1. What do your eyes represent, and if your eyes are good what will your body be? Matthew 6:22


  1. What is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path? Psalm 119:105


  1. What is it like, this immeasurable scope of His power in us who believe? Ephesians 1:19-20


  1. Where is Christ seated? Ephesians 1:20-21


  1. What has God put beneath Jesus’ feet and what has He made Him over the Church, His body? Ephesians 1:22


  1. Who is the head of every man; who is the head of the woman and who is head of Christ? 1 Corinthians 11:3


  1. There is one what? Ephesians 4:4


  1. How is the body of Christ built up? Ephesians 4:11-12


Personal – How have the eyes of your heart been enlightened to the surpassing greatness of His power in you?


FOURTH DAY                          READ MATTHEW 28:16-20                                    GOSPEL

(“Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.”)


  1. Who went to Galilee and for what reason did they go there? Matthew 28:16


  1. Who told the disciples where to find Jesus? Matthew 28:1, 7 & 10


Personal – How do you see women’s role in God’s plan of salvation according to the above question?


  1. When the disciples saw Jesus what did those who had entertained doubts do? Matthew 28:17


  1. What did Jesus tell Thomas? John 20:29


  1. What did Jesus tell His disciples has been given to Him both in heaven and on earth? Matthew 28:18


  1. What did Jesus tell His disciples to make? Matthew 28:19


  1. Who did Jesus say are His disciples? John 8:31


  1. In whose name were the disciples to baptize? Matthew 28:19


  1. What were the disciples to teach? Matthew 28:20


  1. Which disciple did Jesus say He would build His Church and entrust to him the keys to the kingdom of heaven? Matthew 16:16-19


  1. What did Jesus say He would do and for how long? Matthew 28:20


Personal – To whom have you been called to teach what you have learned from God’s Word? Under whose authority have you been in doing this?


FIFTH DAY                                 READ PSALM 47:2-3, 6-9

(“God mounts His throne amid shouts of joy;”)

Read and mediate on Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9.


What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



ACTS 1:1-11

This passage begins with Luke addressing the Roman official called Theophilus. Luke was implying that Jesus’ work continues in Acts through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts is called by many the fifth Gospel in that it tells about the lives and events of the new Church. Jesus showed the Apostles after His suffering and death His many wounds. He gave them many convincing proofs that He was alive. He told them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the gift that His Father had promised them.  He told them that they would then receive the Holy Spirit and they would receive power and become His witnesses to the ends of the earth.  He then was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid Him from their sight.

Today, He is still among us in the Power that lives within His Church and within you as a member of the community of His disciples.  You have become a Temple of that Power by your Baptism and Confirmation. The Power that split the Red Sea for Moses lives within you. The Power that impregnated Mary with Jesus lives within you.  The Power that baptized Jesus in the Jordan River lives within you.  The Power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you.  He is alive and He lives in you waiting to be given freely to the hurt, the lost, the sick, the lonely, the captive throughout the ends of the earth.

                                                            EPHESIANS 1:17-23

In this passage St. Paul is praying and giving thanks for the gifts that have been given to the believers.  We today are reminded to thank God for the gifts of wisdom and knowledge that are available to us today.   We grow in wisdom and knowledge through prayer, scripture, sacraments and Catholic Church teaching. This follows an order of discipline and humility.

Our hope for the future is not an ambiguous feeling, on the contrary, it is a complete assurance of victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. We see many on all sides fearing nuclear disaster  and the collapse of morals. We must always remember we belong to the God of the Universe, who raised Jesus Christ from the dead. God’s great power is available to help us today through the Holy Spirit in the community of faith.  Scripture tells us that with God nothing is impossible (Philippians 4:13). Paul tells us in scripture that we do not have to fear anything or anyone because nothing can separate us from God and His love (Romans 8:31-39).

When we talk about the fullness of the Catholic Church, we are talking about Christ filling the Church with gifts and blessings. The Church itself, with Christ at its head, is the full expression of Christ who Himself is the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). The image of the body shows the Church’s unity.  We should not attempt to work, serve or worship on our own.  There are no Lone Rangers in the Body of Christ.  Each one of us is involved with all the others as we go about doing God’s work on earth.

                                                            MATTHEW 28:16-20

This feast is a time of joy, a time of consolation, and of course, a time of hope for anyone who is a true believer.

We celebrate the feast day on the strength of His promise to always be with us and the power of His commission to evangelize. We know that earthly death awaits everyone of us, but because of His promise, we also know that it is not the end of us, but rather the beginning. Today’s feast is the reminder of this consoling fact..

I invite you to picture the eleven disciples going to the mountain in Galilee as Jesus had directed them through the women at the tomb (Matthew 28:10). When they saw Him many fell on their knees and worshiped Him, even those who had some doubts. His last words and appearance on earth still ring out with authority and power. He told them that all authority on heaven and earth had been given to Him. He  gave them access to that power when He entrusted to Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven and the leadership of His Church on earth (Matthew 16:16-19). This authority has been passed down from Peter to the succession of Popes in the Church.

Today, the Church teaches us with that same authority and power to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Jesus told them to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. He closes by telling His disciples that He would be with them always. He is telling us that same message today, we are to go out and make disciples of all nations and that He would be with us for all ages. Go forth now and do the right thing.


The first reading tells us as the Apostles were looking on, Jesus was lifted up and you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. In the second reading God seated Jesus at His right hand in the heavens and gave Him as head over all things to the Church, and in the Gospel we are all commissioned to make disciples of everyone starting with our own families.

This week let us go to someone in our family, our community or our parish, to pray with them and  proclaim the Good News to them. You might want to ask your pastor how you can help him fulfill the great commission and make disciples of all his parishioners.