Category Archives: Newsletters
Newsletter – March 2017
On March 25th we celebrate the feast of Saint Dismas, the Saint for which this Guild was named. St. Dismas is also known as the “Good Thief” or “Penitent Thief” who was crucified beside Jesus. The gospel of Luke tells the story of St. Dismas, which provides inspiration for each of us – especially during this Lenten season – on the importance of true repentance.
“Now two others, both criminals, were led away with him to be executed. …Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, ‘Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us.’ The other, however, rebuking him, said in reply, ‘Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly; for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal.’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ He replied to him, ‘Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’” (Luke 23:32, 39-43) St. Dismas is the patron saint of prisoners and penitent sinners.
How St. Dismas Guild began: Deacon Ken Finn became a Catholic deacon in 1978 and two years later began work as a prison chaplain counseling inmates at a rate of 100 to 150 a month. Deacon Ken said, “I try to tell the person they’re not a piece of junk or garbage…Christ loved the sinner…I have never met a person in my life who does not want to be loved.”
Through this work, Deacon Ken developed a passion for prisoners. Inspired by Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Deacon Ken and his wife Marie began St. Dismas Guild in 1989, almost 30 years ago! They began writing a bible study. The Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study was completed in 1992 and is now published in both the English and Spanish languages.
St. Dismas Guild is a Catholic non-profit organization whose mission is to bring Jesus Christ, the Word of God, to the broken, the lost and the lonely, the sick and the imprisoned. The objective of St. Dismas Guild is to prepare, transcribe, publish and distribute teaching aids and commentaries on Holy Scripture and to go out and search for the broken, the lost, the lonely, the hurting, the addict, and the sick and bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and continued growth by the power of the Holy Spirit through Sacred Scripture, Church Teaching, and the Sacraments.
In 2014 Deacon Ken went home to be with our Lord. He is missed and all in St. Dismas Guild pray for his intercession so the Guild may continue its mission. St. Dismas Guild continues to grow and currently distributes the Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study along with other Catholic publications to over 200 prisoners every month at no cost to the prisoners. In addition to providing books to the prisoners, St. Dismas Guild distributes a monthly newsletter containing testimonies to a mailing list of almost 5000. The printed testimonies are just a sample of the numerous letters the Guild receives from those who have experienced healing through their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
One success story is from Frank. His story began at 14 years of age…alcohol and drugs gave way to heroin and cocaine which brought him to his knees. His journey continued for 20 years. He had overdosed a few times, tried many inpatient secular programs and ended up in jail in a cell with someone charged with murdering a 16 year old girl. This was not the life he wanted, but it had such a stranglehold on him. It was Deacon Ken and Marie, who both provided spiritual support. Frank grew up Catholic, and believed in God but never really gave it much thought. For the first month, he thought he was going to die going through drug withdrawal cold turkey. He started reading the bible and said that everything in it pertained to today’s life. It had all the answers…he was totally amazed. Frank has been clean for 25 years and can’t stop thanking God. Here is a quote from Frank, “It’s such a blessing knowing that I can call out to Him at any time and He will fulfill all my needs. Can you imagine having someone to take all your problems away. It’s just a matter of opening up and letting Him in. When Christ comes into your life there will be nothing you can’t achieve.”
Thank you to all our generous donors who support St. Dismas Guild and help to spread the Word of God and His message of love.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I have been on your mailing list for a couple of years and have enjoyed reading about how our Master can change the lives of so many people. I am 54 years old. I have severe emphysema and C.O.P.D. I’m in the last stages of this lung disease. But I have to let people know that Our Lord can do all things. I had lung doctors tell me that I would never be off the oxygen machine. When I was in the world I was on 4 liters of oxygen per minute. When I got put in jail I prayed to Our Lord that He may heal my lungs enough to get off the oxygen machine. And Praise be to Our Lord Jesus Christ, He did! I have been oxygen-free since 2014 and I am doing real well. I have the x-rays and medical records to prove what I say is true.
Our Master (May He be praised by all forever) answers all prayers. Maybe not the way you expect, but He will answer your prayers. We must trust in the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. May He bless all at St. Dismas Guild. If it be possible, could you send me some information about St. John of the Cross? He is my patron saint. Also could you send me the book The GOSPELS in Their Original Meaning? Thank you all. May God bless your wonderful ministry. Your bro, in Christ. R.S.
Dear RS, Being in the last stages of a lung disease, must be very difficult for you. Not being able to breathe is very scary. Only our Lord knows when it is time for you to come home into His loving embrace. You are right, God does answer our prayers and it is always for our good. He tells us in Romans 8:28, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” Trusting in the Sacred Heart of our Lord, knowing He has you in the palm of His hand gives you peace. Jesus tells us in John 14:1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” Your testimony will help those who are suffering catastrophic illnesses. Thank you for sharing. You are in our prayers. You are preparing for the total healing. God bless you.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Greetings to you in the Name of Jesus. First, I would like to thank you for mailing me your St. Dismas Guild newsletter every month. As I read it, you would not believe the blessings it has been for me. Now I have been locked up for 41 years of a life sentence. I came up for parole and I was given what is called a 5-year set off. But as I read your newsletter I am getting encouragement from it.
The reason that I am writing you is that I am not Catholic, but I would like to take your Catholic Bible Study. I do not have a Catholic bible so I don’t know if I needed a Catholic Bible to do your study. In fact, I would like for you to send me a Catholic Bible. As I read your newsletter I know that, of all the church groups that I know of, I am touched by your understanding and compassion for all people. So if out of your resources that you may have to help me be a better Christian I do appreciate it. We do have a Catholic service here but it is at a time that I cannot attend, but I would like to try to go to it. I would like to hear from you. Thank you for caring for us inmates. In Christ. JF
Dear JF, The bible, bible study and pamphlets are on the way to you. Yes, you do need the Catholic Bible to do the bible study. One great thing with the Catholic Bible it has Sirach 38 in it. It is such a powerful scripture for those who are ill and for those who have lost a loved one. The Church teaches that the last things are Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. We are in the beginning of lent where we are reminded that death is imminent. Ecclesiastes 3:2 says, “a time to be born and a time to die” and we will be judged by what we have done in the body whether good or evil (2 Corinthians 5:10). The Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study helps you develop a personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit will teach you all you need to know and remind you of all Jesus said and did (John 14:26). Blessing to you.
Dear Staff: First, thank you for keeping me on your mailing list these past few years. I enjoy reading the testimonies, praying for the people who send them, and learning something new with each issue. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with control issues and addictive behavior. I was moved to send this after reading the letter from J.M. in the “Doing Time with Jesus” section of the January 2017 issue. J.M. spoke of being sexually assaulted, being scared to be around a lot of people, and crying himself to sleep. Your response, as usual, was filled with blessed assurance and bible-based wisdom. I believe, though, besides sending applicable reading material he should have been strongly encouraged to immediately report the assault. This would have set in motion counseling for him and justice for his attackers. I pray for J.M.’s healing and that he receives professional counseling from a faithful follower as soon as possible. R.L.
Dear RL, Thank you for your concern and advice. Sexual Abuse should always be reported but some people are very much afraid to report it. Fear much of the time cripples people but 1 John 4:15 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.” God is love. When you recognize His presence in the world today and believe in your heart His unconditional love for you and reach out and accept it the way gets easier. God bless you.
Hello St. Dismas Guild, First of all, I pray that this letter reaches you in the best of health and spirits. Now, I was given your address by another inmate and was told that upon request I could receive a Bible and an RCIA study course. If this is true, I would be very grateful for your help with this. I am currently serving Life without Parole and am in bad need of understanding. I don’t know what else to do or anywhere else to turn. My life flat out sucks and I don’t want it to be that way anymore. Thank you. May God be with you and bless you and your families always. Sincerely, JM
JM, I am sure God sees your heart and your desire to change. That is what we call repentance. Repentance is turning from the life you are living without God to a life with God, away from a sin-filled life to a Spirit-filled life. .Both John the Baptist and Jesus said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2 & 4:17). We sent you a bible, bible study, catechism and pamphlets to get you started. The best way to begin is learning how to live according to the Word of God and the teachings of the Church. Always remember to say the scripture at the top of each lesson, “The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct you in everything, and remind you of all that I have told you” John 14:26. The change will come, just be patient with yourself.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, First, I would like to thank you for all the newsletters you have sent me this year. I have truly grown closer to my Lord knowing that I’m not alone and that the services you provide really are helping people not give up hope, regardless what things may seem like. The letters that the other prisoners write also help because we realize that those prisoners have a whole lot of time. They should open the eyes of a lot of people to realize how fortunate they are. Please pray for me. With brotherly love, God bless you. JS
Don’t ever give up hope as Isaiah 40:31 says,” They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.” Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light” Matthew 11:28-30
To all this Lent, we pray that your Lenten season will be filled with time for reflection and growth in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
God bless you,
St. Dismas Staff
What greater gift can we ever receive than to have our loving God save us from our sins? Behold the cry of a baby in the cold, dark stable that became brilliant with light at the birth of the Child. Mary took hold of her child and held Him ever so close. She takes hold of you as she did her Son and places you in the arms of the Savior of the world. We all need a mother’s love, open your heart to the Christ child and receive all that God our Father has for you. Let the Holy Spirit teach you all about this loving God who forgives homosexual acts, drunkenness, gluttony, etc. Let this Christmas be the beginning of your life in Christ by repenting of your sins. He condemns no one but as He said to the woman, “Go and sin no more.” Jesus is waiting and has no favorites. He knocks at the door of your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20
To St. Dismas Guild, Hello, I have been getting your newsletters for a while and I enjoy the testimonies and the pro-life stories. I must say that I am not Catholic, however I do believe that anyone who puts his faith in Christ and turns away from sin to follow Him is my brother and sister. So I want to let you know of my new address. I live to share also about my deliverance from a life of homosexuality, drugs and alcohol. The truth is that many people try to understand why some people are attracted to their same sex, but only those with such feelings can explain what a burden it really is. Nobody told me ever to do anything I didn’t want to do and so at an early age (11-12) I was performing sexual acts with boys. To me it seemed normal but everyone would hate me if they knew how I felt. I used to do drugs and drink so I could blame my feelings on the buzz, but the truth is that that was my way of being free.
Years went by. I was married twice and it never worked because of who I was. Some people knew about it and even if they didn’t say anything to me, they did behind my back. Finally at 27 I came to prison and I read the Bible. It was a horrible feeling to learn that my actions were an abomination to God, but it was a great relief to see that in Christ I could find forgiveness. So, by His grace, I repented and turned my life around. I wish I can say that my feelings have changed completely, but the truth is that it is a daily battle. I know now that the more I stay in God’s Word, the better I get. It has been over 8 years since I came to Christ. In two more years I’ll be home as a new man to see my kids. I want to be the man God created me to be and forget the drugs and alcohol and my evil desires I once gave into. I also want everyone who is struggling with this sin to know that there is freedom in Christ, but we must accept that we are wrong and He is right. Thank you and May God bless you all.
SV, He was standing at the door of your heart and you let Him in. What a powerful testimony. To recognize your actions were an abomination to God and repent of them transformed your life. You are right, staying in God’s Word and obeying it is the key to healing. Our loving God can heal you any time, but we have to open the door of our heart to receive it. The Word does convict us of our sins but when we admit them and turn to God He forgives and embraces us. I love your statement, “but we must accept that we are wrong and He is right.” Thank you for sharing. Stay in the Word and you will see even greater miracles in your life in God’s timing.
Dear Brother, I pray with all of my heart and soul that our Dear Lord Jesus Christ has his love and wonderful blessings around you and your dear families always and forever. Amen. I hope that you are in good health and enjoying life with a smile. Most of all that Our Lord is in your precious lives. I am in good health, thanks to our Dear Lord Jesus Christ and the good doctors here. They do a good job and care about us in many ways. When I was sent here to this hospital because I had cancer that only made me draw closer with our Dear Lord Jesus Christ and my walk has only gotten stronger as the days pass.
I read and study my bible every day and go to church every week. It helps me to live in this ugly place with love in my heart for my lost brothers. I stay away from trouble and cause no problems, and believe me, that is hard to do in here. I do my best to share about Jesus Christ to anyone who will listen to me. But I believe that a good walk with Our Lord says more than words could ever say. I can not understand what people are listening to these days. Are they that lost in sin and this world? I was once lost but then God called out to me and saved me from myself. We must pray every day for the lost and the sinners that our dear Lord Jesus Christ will save them and call them home. That is what I am waiting for: to go home with God, amen. Well, my brother, remember God loves you and so do I and Christ. Sincerely, AS
AS, We will all be home one day or another and turning to God has helped you on the ladder to heaven. People are listening to Satan and are blinded by their sins, as God waits patiently for them to turn to Him. That’s what we call repentance and you obviously have repented. Praise God! You were lost, AS, and now you have been found and you want everyone to come to Him and receive what you have, the abundant life. God wishes none to be lost. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” Jesus’ gift to you this Christmas is Himself and His promises, how rich you are. Merry Christmas!
Hello St. Dismas Guild, God be with you always. Thank you for the newsletter. It is always a blessing. It is so good to see incarcerated people giving their lives to our Savior Jesus Christ. We might be locked away, but we are still children of the Most High God, after rebirth of our lives. I surrendered my life to God after my lockup in 2003. But, as all prodigal sons, we left God to try life without him. God accepted me back into his arms saying, “Welcome back my son.” God has unconditional love for all His children. Man or woman can not give us this. Thank God for His love and Grace. Without Grace, God’s Grace, we are lost and confused. Thank you for reaching out as God wants all of us to do. Peace to you always. In Christ we live, MS
It’s amazing, MS, how many come to the Lord in prison. Fear sometimes can be a good thing when it brings you to the Lord. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18 You are right, without God’s Grace we are lost and confused, but with it we are confident and unafraid. Thank you for sharing.
St. Dismas Guild: I wanted to tell you all “thank you for your newsletters” and ask if you could send me a Catholic Bible Study. I see your newsletter is about Mother Teresa of Calcutta. That’s something, because my family ordered me a book on Mother Teresa and I already received it and I’ve been reading it. I love the way she expresses her words of wisdom and how Jesus loves us all, and he will forgive you of your sins. I’ve been in prison for six years now and Jesus lets me see what is good and what isn’t good. I pray more now than ever and I love doing it. So I tell all those believers to pray more and enjoy the ride to the kingdom. I read the love letter from Jesus everyday and it gives me so much peace. A lot of people ask me why I don’t go outside. It’s because there are too many bad people outside in the yard! I am going to ask if you all can pray for this prison, so they can make changes and send all the young prisoners to another spot. Let them do their time there and also, to pray for the whole world. Jesus is the love of my life and He comes first in life. There is so much I learned while studying Jesus’ love letter.
I want to ask if you could pray for a little Christian man named J. He is up in age and dying of cancer. The state won’t give him his pardon to go home to see some good doctors to help him with his cancer. I’ve been praying that they will set him free from prison. We all made mistakes and Jesus forgives us, but the World would not forgive. So that way it is best for us to pray for our families, friends, priests, and the Whole Church. May God bless you and again, thanks for everything. Remember, don’t waste your time because Jesus is coming to town! Don’t forget He loves you! And so do I. Love from your Catholic brother. RG
RG, prayer is so powerful and God answers our prayers as to what is best for us. We certainly will pray for your friend who has cancer. It must be terrible being in prison and dealing with an illness like cancer or any other illness. The Prophet Isaiah tells us,
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with His stripes we are healed.” Jesus is the healer. You are right Jesus forgives us our sins. It is hard knowing you are forgiven yet still have to pay the consequences of your sins. The punishment that is given is brutal but knowing Jesus will take you through it and never leave you makes it bearable. “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you” Deuteronomy 31:6
The Holy Family. This month the Church begins a new year with Advent. During this time our eyes are fixed on the Holy Family, (Joseph, Mary & Jesus), and the coming of Christ, Jesus’s birth on Christmas day. I think to myself, how can I make this season more meaningful. How can I better prepare myself to be truly worthy to celebrate the anniversary of our Lord’s coming? I reflect on the Holy Family. Mary had Joseph but they had no one but the Lord and He was always there with them. With the passing of my dad just a few months ago, this Christmas will be difficult. How hard this season can be with the loss of a loved one or just being without family. Loneliness and the longing for a brother or sister, mom or dad, husband or wife, daughter or son is heartbreaking, but Jesus says all who do the will of my Father are mother, brother or sister to me. I find hope in our faith, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16) How amazing to me that one child, Jesus Christ, can make such a difference in this world and a reminder to me that our reward is not here on earth, but our reward is eternal life with Christ! May God grant us the grace to prepare us not only to celebrate this Christmas but to make our souls fitting for the reward of eternal life with Him.
Come and pray the Rosary for Life with us in front of PayLess on Mission Ave (Center City Pkwy) every Thursday from 10:30-11:30AM. United prayer will stamp out abortion and contraception.
On December 30th “…we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. Though Jesus was conceived of a virgin, He nevertheless lived as a son in a human family — a family which points the way for the rest of us. The family is the sanctuary of life. There can be no life without family, and there can be no family without life. The family, above all, is where life is to be welcomed, no matter how fragile or inconvenient it may be. One of the many reasons why the Pope and bishops identify abortion and euthanasia as pre-eminent issues is because these crimes are committed by one family member upon another.
May the Holy Family lead us to a Culture of Life!” ~
Mary and Joseph embraced Life and said “Yes” to God, even up against so much confusion. Some of us may not have understood the importance of Life and chose abortion instead. But abortion is never a good answer… God gave us Life and we could have chosen Adoption or Parenting as an option to help create a Holy Family. The good news is there is always healing when we have contrition and replace the vice with a virtue…. Let the Holy Family be your guide and mentors to this healing.
So Mary said, “Yes, I am a servant of the Lord; let this happen to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. ~ Luke 1:38
“Father, help us to Live as the Holy Family, united in Respect and Love. Bring us to the Joy and Peace of your Eternal home.” Amen.
During 2016 we shipped 1200+ packages (Bread of Life Bible Studies, bibles & more) free to prisoners! Each package cost approx. $30. Also, we mailed over 54,000 newsletters! All possible because of your prayers and financial donations. Please continue to help us spread God’s message of love and mercy.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
St. Dismas Staff
Newsletter – October 2016
“In GOD we Trust” Dear St. Dismas Guild, Hi, y’all. I’m 23 years young and right now I’m sitting in confinement in prison. I’m facing two years followed with 8 months. At 3 years of age I was taken away from my biological parents and placed into foster care until I was five years old. Then M & K adopted me and signed legal documents to guide and care for me as their own. Likewise, I was supposed to obey, respect and love them as my adopted parents. At age 15 my adopted Mom took me to a behavioral hospital to see if I was mentally okay. We found out through a CAT scan I had brain tumors which affected me and my growing up behaviors. Long story short, I ran away at 18 and was placed in two different Alf’s. I ran away from there and was sent to the second one. I was then placed in another Alf. I got messed up with men, trying to love them and trying to find comfort, love, and support because I felt lonely. Instead, these men turned into manipulators and took my love and kindness for granted and later took high advantage of me, sexually. I was hurt badly, emotionally, physically, mentally and financially, yet never spiritually because my Father, God, was always there.
My adopted family couldn’t help me until I learned to take responsibility for my actions and learn to help myself because there ain’t no body, going to live my life for me, but me. So yeah, like I was saying, getting mixed up in the midst of “finding love in all the wrong places” put me in a sink hole of being in jail, which led me to prison. Here I sit and patiently wait upon the Lord, facing two years and 8 months. Yes, I’m clearly upset of how I ended up in prison. Will the dear Lord forgive me – of course – because I’ve forgiven those and myself. It is all a misunderstanding of why I’m here in prison, yet, God has a bigger and brighter plan and purpose for me – His beloved child. Well, I do need some spiritual books and help, please. May I request a study guide or a study Bible for young girls like me, Please. Thanks for all y’all do. God bless y’all. Sincerely, SP.
It sounds like, SP, you found the greatest lover that ever walked this earth, Jesus Christ, and it sounds like He is meeting your needs. Whenever you feel alone just go to Him and get up in His lap and let Him hold you. He says, “Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden light.” Looking to man to fill the need for love will not work unless they are Spirit filled and then it is still Jesus loving you through them. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hello!, my name is DF and I’m 38 years old. I’ve been in and out of prison since I was 17 years old and that is 21 years of my life gone from the world. When I was a kid I grew up in the church and a Christian home. I stayed with my grandparents and they believed in Christ, so I was in church on Sundays, Wednesdays and anytime there were activities that churches do. I was there and I sang for the church and I was an usher boy. When I got older I did not want to do anything with the church. I wanted to do my own thing. Here is the thing, though, I know that Jesus died on the cross for me and died for my sins. God never gave up on me and He has been there for me and saved my life twice. In 1996 I was on my bike going to work and I stopped at a stop sign. I looked both ways. I got halfway across the road and a truck came out of nowhere. I had a broken knee and on the other leg it broke my ankle. The doctors and others said I would not work, walk, run, or do other things that I used to do. I told myself I would walk, run, work and Jesus was there before me. He will be there for me this time and in about a month or two I was up walking, bending my knee and walking on my ankle.
God has saved my life now and it is time for me to quit playing games with my life and quit playing games with the man Jesus Christ. I’m reborn again (Eccl. 3:3), a time to tear down the old me and rebuild the new me for Jesus. It is time for me to walk with the Lord Our God. I gave up a lifestyle and I don’t want to go back to that life. When I was on the free I did a lot of stuff, sex, drugs, alcohol, and for all these things I should have been in the ground. But now I’m glad that I’m locked up in prison because it saved my life. Yes, right now I’m struggling in some things but I’m not perfect. I think about going into ministry when I get out so I can share my life story and how God has saved my life and what he has done for me. God bless you all. Pray for me and for our nation. It really needs it. Thank you. DF
Thank you so much, DF, for sharing. Your right we all struggle with some things and we will never be perfect but we continue to strive for perfection. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:48, “In a word you must be made perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” You become perfect by loving your enemies. You might say that is a tall order but I say with God all things are possible. You can’t do that on your own power. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, and Savior you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Sin is what blocks God from working in your life so as you repent, turn away from the sin and turn to God, you can do all things through God who strengthens you. We will continue to pray for you and our sad mixed up Nation who has made evil good and good evil. Our blessings to you.
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Dear St. Dismas Guild,
Greetings, May the grace of God shine on St. Dismas Guild and each one of you, through His Son, Jesus Christ. I’m writing to you for I know I am being led by the Holy Spirit. I am a Christian, a follower of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe in the Trinity, but I am not a Catholic. It all started when Mother Mary Angelica went to her Lord in heaven to pray with the saints. I was listening to her, on her shows (EWTN) and everything I thought about Catholics that I thought was wrong was being revealed as Truth. Like Saints praying for us. Well, the Holy Spirit led me to the Holy Scripture in Revelation 8:3, which took me to 5:8 in Revelation.
The Truth is being revealed to me, but there are some things that my carnal mind is still fighting. I am praying to the Father in Jesus’ name to have this revealed to me. The theme of Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, Our Lord, our God, why do we pray to her? Why is it said that she can show us the grace of God? I was taught that only God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit can teach us and bring grace on us. I will not stop praying on this matter. Everything is coming to light because it was and is a Holy Calling on my life to worship our God, our Lord and Savior the correct way. And I will not let Satan win this battle.
Please, can you send me a Catholic bible and whatever literature you can spare to help me understand why things are done differently from other Christians? Like, are there different sacraments for each church? “Eucharist,” I never had communion. And I know Christians everywhere are to do this. 1 Corinthians 11:23-30. Here in this prison they have no Catholic bibles to hand out or any literature. So please help me if you can. And how can I become a part of the Catholic Church? God bless you all, in all of your works to gather in the lost sheep. Thank you for your time. Your Brother in Christ Jesus. BP
We ask mother Mary to intercede to her Son for us. It’s like a child who goes to his mother to get what he wants. Our Blessed Mother was given her position as our mother when Jesus was dying on the cross. Jesus gave her to John so he could care for her and she could be a mother to him and in so doing she became the Mother of us all (John 19:26-27). She is not dead she is alive with Jesus as is all our family members who have accepted Jesus into their lives and were baptized. She talks to Him all the time for our benefit. We are so blessed in our Church to have all the angels and saints rooting for us, most especially our mother Mary. Every Catholic Church has the same 7 sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation,, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. These all give us grace. Every one of these are based on the Word of God, instituted by Christ to give grace. As Catholics we believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, John 6:53-55, ‘Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” ‘We sent your letter to one of our mentors. God bless you.
This month we celebrate Respect Life Sunday, 1st Sunday in October…every life is worth living. A few years ago, just before Thanksgiving we got a call, would we consider adopting a baby girl due to be born in 6 weeks. Our hearts jumped with joy as we had been praying for that day for many years. We met with the birth mom. Sarah was a beautiful woman, mid-20s, struggling to keep her life on track. She had been on drugs, no way to support the baby, the biological dad was in prison and had done some very bad things to Sarah. Being pressured by her so-called friends to abort the baby, she turned away from them as she felt there was another plan for this child and herself. Through her courageous and generous love, Sarah chose life and she chose adoption. Thus, an amazing journey began, for both us and Sarah. Since that day, Sarah has reunited with her family, gone to college and we have been blessed with a child. God does work miracles! St. Dismas Guild believes that every life is a gift from God. If you are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy ask for St. Teresa of Calcutta’s intercession, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
Seek out a pro-life clinic. There are options, one of which is adoption. If it were not for the love of birth mothers who chose adoption, many would not have the beautiful families that they have, including Deacon Ken & Marie, myself and others on the St. Dismas staff.
“…Taking a child he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it he said to them,
‘Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.’” (Mark 9:36-37)
October is Respect Life Month in our Catholic Church. As Catholics we learn that the Culture of Life ministries are all about informing people to respect life from conception to natural death. One such parish ministry states that our “Culture of Life Ministry actively promotes respect for human Life by helping parishioners understand the issues and importance of meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable. Through education, support of Pro-life campaigns and ministries, parishioners are given opportunities to pray for and support Life from conception to natural death.”
Growing up in a lukewarm Christian home I was never taught this concept. I had a conscience but this certainly wasn’t important to me when my choice to use abortion as birth control seemed to be my only option. “It is legal, Right,” was my thought process. There wasn’t anyone there to tell me otherwise so what was bugging me while lying on that table questioning, “Why does this seem so wrong?” It’s called natural law, it’s God’s law written on our hearts. That’s what was bugging me. It was God calling me to choose Life for myself and my baby that day.
To this day I wish I would’ve listened to that nagging voice that told me to get up and run away. I even asked the nurse “how she could be there participating in this” and she just told me to “look up at the ceiling and focus on something to take my mind off of it.” And what did I see? I focused on the cross beams that intersected the ceiling tiles and stared right at the cross. I believe God started working on my heart that very day even though I chose to continue on with the abortion.
It took many (25-30) years before I finally sought help and went on a Rachel’s Hope retreat to heal the years of self-inflicted wounds on my heart and soul.
I have had true contrition and had taken all of this to the foot of the cross for Jesus to wash me in His precious blood. My prayer is that if you have participated in abortion that you too will know that God loves you and wants to forgive you… Run to Him for healing.
“I came so All might have life and have it to the full.” (cf. John 10:10)
Prayer for the Culture of Life…
“Father and maker of all, you adorn all creation with splendor and beauty, and fashion human lives in your image and likeness. Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, and renew among your people a readiness to nurture and sustain your precious gift of life from conception through natural death. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Thank you for all you do for us inmates. May Jesus Christ continue to bless you and everyone who helps in encouraging us through these tough times of incarceration. Yes, they are tough but through the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He makes it easier for me. A few years ago I was in a fatal accident that killed two people and seriously injured two others (me included). I woke up three days later handcuffed to a hospital bed. The chaplain came and told me the circumstances that brought me to the hospital. I cried because I took the lives of two guys and because I knew deep down I would never see the light of day. After spending a week in the hospital I was taken to jail. The world I knew was taken from me. One evening my head was pounding, my tooth was hurting, and my ear started to hurt. With each second the pain intensified. I called upon JESUS CHRIST: “Lord, I know you are my Lord and Savior, I am a Christian, I was brought up Catholic…please help me as I dedicate my life to you. If you want me to stay Catholic, please teach me my faith and why we practice certain beliefs.” And as I apologized and cried to HIM with all my heart…I said “AMEN.” And BOOM, all the pain went away! PRAISE GOD!
I knew nothing about reading the Bible and I only had a New Testament Bible. That weekend a deacon came to give a Liturgy of The Word and I told him I knew nothing! Who or what is Lamb of God, who is/was David, Soloman, Jonah, and other characters of the Bible? He told me he would send me a Bible and that week I received a Jerusalem Bible and I was scared because it is huge. So I prayed to JESUS to lead me, where do I begin? When I did open the Bible to read I randomly opened it and it was LUKE 6:46-49. Still, it didn’t make sense to me. I requested to see a Catholic volunteer chaplain so we might speak and we became close as a fellow Christian sisters. She would help me and explain to me and I was fortunate because she was retired and she spent many days at the jail helping the women as well.
The enemy wants us to think that we are by ourselves. I have been transferred to a new facility and this place has a strong Catholic community. During the previous years we never had a Mass because of no priests. At this location we have a great priest who leads us and considers us a parish. When he isn’t able to come, he has other priests come. Recently we had a confirmation Mass with our Bishop. We also had a Kolbe Prison Retreat recently. And, we have an outstanding CCD class and volunteers. There was a time when I would go to a church service and I was the only one attending, or other times the gangs took over the service and tried to use it as a meeting place. I thank Jesus for the grace to be patient and to have perseverance because He brought me to this unit. I pray that I may bloom where HE has planted me. Thank you and God bless you. JMM
It must have been devastating for you to wake up and find out you killed two people. Being seriously injured yourself and going through the pain of body, mind, and soul at that time and how God led you to His word changed your whole perspective of life. Having the world you knew taken from you was at the time devastating to you but it was your saving grace. I know someone who had to leave the state he lived in and get away from his so called friends in order to save his life just as you, too, had to be taken out of the environment you were at in order for you to be saved. Now you are learning through God’s Word how to live by it. Jesus tells us that any man who desires to come to Him will hear His words and put them into practice (Luke 6 47). Continue to persevere and be patient. In time you will learn that to love God with all your heart is to be obedient to His Word and to love your neighbor is to die to your needs and wants for the good of another. That’s what Jesus did on the cross; He gave His life so you and I could live forever with Him in paradise. Praise God! Satan will continue to try to get you to look back at your old life but persevering with your community of believers and keeping your eyes on Jesus will help you through.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Hi, How are you dong? As always I hope and pray this letter finds everyone at St. Dismas Guild in very good health in Jesus’ name. As for me, I’m doing just fine, thanks to God. I’m just writing to thank you for sending me the newsletter. As always, the testimonies were wonderful to read. In the article Family Ministry it talks about praying as a family. When I was out in the world my family always prayed together. When I came to prison, I didn’t think I would find anything like that. God proved me wrong. God led me to a prayer group. Since joining them we pray for each other and each other’s families. They have become my family now. In the article, Pro-Life, the topic is Abortion and The Year of Mercy. I believe abortion is a sin. I would also like to thank you for sending me The Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study. I have completed the study. Could you please send me another? The other book that was sent has been helpful too. I would like to receive more of the Word of God books. Thank you much for all you have done. May God bless everyone at St. Dismas Guild. Keep up the good work you are doing in Jesus’ name. I hope to receive the next bible study soon. Sincerely. AG
You were truly blessed to have a family that prayed together. I am sure it brings back memories of those times together now that you are in prison. Your hunger for your family and finding a new family that you pray with will be fulfilled no matter what is going on around you. God loves you so much and will continue to not let you be tested beyond your strength but give you a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). Yes, abortion is murder. We need to pray for God’s intervention to stop this insanity and educate people to live God’s way and not the world’s way. Continue to study the word and thank you for sharing.
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Dear St. Dismas Guild, I want to thank you for your last two newsletters. They encourage me to continue to stay vigilant and faithful despite whatever obstacles are presented on a daily basis. A lot of good comes from hearing those testimonies. They inspire me to continue pursuing my faith despite what others may say about me and the church. I am becoming more dedicated each day. This year I have been learning the true meaning of mercy. “Matthew 5:7, Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.” That verse helps me reflect on the mercy I have shown others and the mercy I have received in return these 31 years of my life. Thanks to the closeness to the Virgin Mary and her intercessions I have learned as the book of John says in John 2:5. “His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Through this verse I am learning to follow Jesus’ beautiful life, death and resurrection. Once again thank you for your support because you guys truly make me feel loved. God Bless you, with brotherly love. JS
“You must put on the armor of God if you are to resist on the evil day; do all that your duty requires, and hold your ground.” Eph. 6:17 It is good you are resisting Satan who works through the disobedient. Any time someone is putting you or the church down you know it is coming from Satan, the author of lies. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it to the full.” Our mother Mary always leads us to her Son and is always telling us to do whatever He says.
Living the Gospel. This month Pope Francis asks us to live the gospel and give witness by loving our neighbors.
Last month I attended the ordination to the priesthood of a very dear friend. My husband and I were so very excited for him. Not all of us are called to a religious vocation, but we are all called as the Pope asks, to love our neighbors. How often we forget to love our own family members. There was a time when I was struggling, struggling to accept the life God had planned for me. I stopped talking to my folks as I felt they couldn’t possibly understand. I put limits on God. It was only through prayer that I came to realize that God had a plan for me, a plan that was ‘perfect’, but I needed to be open to His plan. “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)
It was also through prayer that I realized my parents didn’t need to understand what I was going through. They were my parents and chose life for me. I needed to let go of my feelings and just love them as Jesus loves me.
Jesus’s love was shown to me at my friend’s ordination through the eyes of my three year old. The ordination was held at an amazing church with a beautiful, enormous crucifix hanging high just behind the altar. Looking up at the crucifix, Jesus appeared tired with his head tilted down. I saw His pain and suffering. My three year old daughter turned to me during the ordination and she said, “Mom, do you see Jesus, do you know what He is doing…He is looking down at us saying, ‘Hi, how are you’.” What insight, she was right! All this time all I could see was His pain on the cross, yet this three year old saw His love. No shame, no suffering, no sin is greater than His mercy and love. His love is bigger than our biggest sin. We all have things we need to let go of and let God shower us with His mercy and love. Then, we will be able to love one another.
“Gods Plan for our Life”
This is Julian, born at 26 weeks gestation, and only weighed 1 pound and 7 ounces. Julian’s parents were married 10 years and did not have children, so they sought an Infertility Specialist. Mom was given medication to promote ovulation and became pregnant about three months later. When mom was 26 weeks into the pregnancy, she developed preeclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in the urine.) The baby was delivered by emergency C-Section at 4:53 a.m. on Jan. 15, 2016. Thanks be to God, he is now 6 months old and weighs 11 pounds and will be baptized in August. Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for this baby LIFE and for his parents who Chose LIFE and embraced Gods Plan for this LIFE.
This image shows the dads wedding ring placed on Julian’s wrist one month after he was born.
Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
God obviously had a plan for my life as well. I was the 2nd unwanted child in my mother’s womb, having 3 children before she was 18. Thankfully she chose LIFE and did the very best that she could even though she agreed to my 1st abortion at age 17, probably because of her past. Even though I was very ignorant of God’s ways and naive to His plan for my LIFE, He Never gave up on me. Through many hours of art history classes in college Mother Mary was calling me to her son Jesus through the most beautiful images I had ever seen. Images of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus and most especially the images of the Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would be the Mother of God. She became my mother as well and I thank her and God “because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” God has a plan for your LIFE! Never give up on it, because He will Never give up on you.
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
Newsletter July 2016
St. Dismas Guild July 2016
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
PO Box 2129 Escondido CA 92033
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I am 52-years old. I have never married, have an adult daughter in the USAF, 2 grand kids, and completed K-12 grades amid gangs, drugs and violent crime in the ghetto. I was raised to believe in God and His Word which led me to the faith in Jesus Christ that saved me. He loved and died for me too. As with all Christians, Satan attempted to seduce my young faith and he succeeded, leading to many youthful misjudgments, while ignoring the precepts of my bible. As a gang member, drug user & lawbreaking individual, I was incarcerated many times as a youth and adult. The lessons of these experiences were neglected leading to my current sentence of 36-to-life. While serving my current sentence, I have reestablished my relationship with my Savior, Jesus, earned my GED and acquired numerous bible-related certificates over the last 15 years. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, the guidance available through the Holy Spirit and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I thank God for my life. No matter how isolated I am now, things could be much worse, but he is a good God. I composed my testimony to assure you that, while I messed up this life, I will not mess up my prospects for the next one. And there will be a next one! Sincerely in Christ. RH
Thank you RH for showing us the power of God’s Word to transform your life. You’re right; many young people are being seduced by Satan, the author of lies, and following him although they have grown up in a faith based home. They are seduced into thinking what is wrong is right because many leaders and our government are saying things and putting into law lies from Satan. You have come a long way in getting your education and study of the bible while in prison. Putting it into practice is the hard part especially on the outside world. Always remember when tempted 1 John 4:4, “You are of God, you little ones, and thus you have conquered the false prophets, For there is One greater IN YOU than there is in the world.” The little ones are those who have humbled themselves under the mighty hand of Almighty God, and made Him Lord of their life. Thank you again for sharing.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I’m writing to say the Lord has kept this promise to me even if I have fallen, he is still there to pick me up. I’ve been in here over 20 years and my wife has never left me. We have a class here that has changed too much for me to stay with it. They need new leadership because they are making rules up for new members which they can do. We are to build on what Christ teaches, not to make others do what they don’t do. Well, I don’t know what to do but drop out of the class. If you have some words on this, please write back. Your brother, RQ
Any class that contradicts the teaching of scripture or any leader who does not have the credential given by the church be cautious of. Jesus told the crowds and his disciples in Matthew 23:2-3, “The scribes and the Pharisees have succeeded Moses as teachers; therefore, do everything and observe everything they tell you. But do not follow their example.” Pray for discernment on what to do. The Holy Spirit will guide you to the truth. You are blessed to have a wife who has given her life up for you. “When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize.” Proverbs 31:10-11
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Dear St. Dismas Guild, Greetings and God Bless you, your volunteers, and all those whom you serve. May the Peace of Christ be with you all! I have just received your May newsletter and it has inspired me to write to you today. I am in a prison with no Catholic services, but through the grace of God I have found the strength to bring the Catholic faith into this prison. We have been blessed by two visits from a priest, and have started a prayer group praying the rosary every morning. The first time Father was here he asked us a question – – “When did you come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?” I think, like most people in prison, my relationship with Him started when I found myself in jail with a 10-year sentence, and there is no parole here, so we have to serve at least 85% of our time, and it can be daunting, to say the least.
After meditating on that question, I’ve come to realize that as bad as prison is, I put myself here. This is the revelation that came from that and prison is an opportunity. It is a gift from God to allow those of us who have faith to have the opportunity to have that personal relationship to Christ. It is also a gift from God to save our lives. We were on a self-destructive course and God gave us the opportunity (there is that word again) to be better. So instead of complaining we should give Glory and Praise to God our Father. God Bless! Peace to you! WW
WW, I see you as a person with a grateful heart. You are blessed because you found a personal relationship with Jesus when you came to prison. Not all see it that way. Some blame God for the choices they made that got them in trouble. Time with Jesus develops that relationship where He no longer calls you servant but friend. Obedience is the key to becoming best friends with Jesus. Jesus tells us, “You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer speak of you as slaves, for a slave does not know what his master is about. Instead I call you friends, since I have made known to you all that I heard from my Father.” John 15:14-15
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God’s Blessings be with You! I thank you for all you do in the name of Jesus Christ. As we know, Our Lord is with us wherever we go and wherever we are. He is with me in my cell and comforts me. His blessings are around me and I see His wonders as I look out of my cell window and give thanks. Peace be with You. DL
DL, what a beautiful letter of thanksgiving you have written. Thank you. You’re right, we just have to look around to see God. He is all around us. We see Him in what He has created and we see Him in the person next to us who says a kind word. God, the Father is the Creator, God the Son is the Savior, and God the Holy Spirit is the sanctifier. As we turn to Him and confess our sins (if possible to a priest in confession) the blinders come off our eyes and we are able to see what you see, DL, and experience His healing touch and comforting love and mercy. “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) Thank you so much, DL, for the check to support our ministry. Generosity is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
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Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for all you do for the men and women in prison, the beloved of the most high God. I read your newsletter each time before passing it on to our men and women. Today, though, I had to comment about DC. He has a misconception about salvation. Paragraph 169 of the catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Salvation comes from God alone”. DC may have received his salvation that night, but he “got saved” about 2,000 years ago by the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. We become a child of God in our Baptism or when we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior but out salvation was won for us by Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. We accept it but it was won for us by our Lord. Blessings, TE Chaplain
Thank you so much Chaplain for your letter. Salvation does come from God alone as 2 Corinthians 5:15 tells us “He died for all so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who for their sakes died and was raised up.” What a gift it is when we finally believe and accept what Jesus has done for us. Some have dramatic experiences when they accept the message of the cross and some just believe it without the big experience but all that do accept it as you said become children of God and listen and obey the Word of God.
This Year of Mercy. Pope Francis, seeing the great need for mercy and healing in the world, called for the Year of Mercy—a special period, also known as a Holy Year or Jubilee Year, for the Catholic Church. It is a time to focus on forgiveness and healing in a special way.
In the book titled “Beautiful Mercy”, Matthew Kelly writes…“Before I became a father, I thought I knew something about the love of God the Father has for me. Then my son Walter was born…I found myself constantly yearning to be with him. He couldn’t walk or talk. All he did was eat and sleep, and need his diaper changed. But I loved being with him. Over the years, that hasn’t changed. As my wife and I have had more children, I yearn to be with each of them in the same way. I love my children so much it’s crazy, really. …as I began to think about this great love I have for my children, the love of God took on a whole new meaning. Because if I can love my children as much as I do, and I am broken and wounded and flawed and limited, imagine how much God loves us.
The same goes for God’s mercy. …Invite the mercy of God to transform your life because in the end it is all about God’s mercy.
Sometimes the best way to think about life is to reflect upon death. When I think about my life and how I have offended God, all the opportunities I have had to love that I have turned my back on, how little I have done with the gifts He has given me, I hope He is merciful. When I reflect upon all my faults and failings, my mistakes and sins, my pride and arrogance, I hope He is merciful. I believe He is.”
“Be you therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” (Luke 6:36)
As I reflect on this “Year of Mercy”, declared by Pope Francis, I too am reminded of my participation in 3 abortions and I thank God for His Mercy. I am comforted by the pope’s words because it is true that I felt pressured to go through with the procedure because being pregnant was not convenient to my plans.
“…I think in particular of all the women who have resorted to abortion. I am well aware of the pressure that has led them to this decision. …The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with a sincere heart…” ~ Pope Francis’ Jubilee Letter
I believed the lie that it was my choice and that since it was legal it must be okay. I was not Catholic at the time nor was I allowing God in my life, but I was seeking and thanks be to God and Mother Mary, she lead me to her son Jesus as I sought help for my depression and all the dysfunctional traits in my life.
And like the woman in the reading below with her long hair, her many tears and her sinful lifestyle, I too turned to Him for forgiveness and a new beginning to my life. I met a Catholic man who brought me to the church and the sacraments and told me I could be forgiven IF I was truly sorry and wanted to grow in my relationship with the Lord. I was baptized and received into the church more than 26 years ago now. All my sins were wiped away and I began a new life in Love with our Lord and His Mother, Mary.
44 “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. … 47 I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” 48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:44-48
Memorize one of the following scriptures and apply it to your life daily.
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.” Psalm 51:1-2
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
St. Dismas Guild June 2016
St. Dismas Guild June 2016
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
We would like to wish all the men out there a Blessed and Happy Father’s Day. Our Father is waiting for many of you to come home. He is waiting with open arms and wishes none to perish. Make the decision today to return to your Father’s house. Jesus had a close relationship with His Father. They talked all the time.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Hi! My name is DC and I just changed my travel card to “Roman Catholic.” I’d like to give a little testimony and request of you three items, please. I’m told that you may be able to help me obtain a Catholic bible study so I can learn more and a Catholic study bible too. Also, please send me the newsletter. I’m not a highly educated person as far as big or fancy words, so send me a Catholic study bible that is easy to understand. Thank you.
My testimony: The Lord Jesus Christ has brought me a long way since last year…”the night I asked Him into my heart.” I got saved that night and was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit the next day. He has been taking me from glory to glory ever since I turned my life over to Him. He spoke to me as I was slain (resting) in the Spirit. I was laughing and crying (tears of joy) at the same time for about 15 minutes. My legs were so shaky I couldn’t stand up for about 20 minutes and people in the service had to help me walk. I said, “God, I feel you. Let me hear you.” He said, “I love you.” I was so blown away that I said, “I heard you, let me hear you again.” He said one word; a name; “John.” I began studying and seeking Him and trying to find my place in the Lord. He spoke to my heart to write three confessions.
I wrote the first confession in detail and sent the 24 pages home and told my family to pray and see what God told them to do. A week or so later I prayed, “Lord, is it time to write the second confession?” That night I saw in my dream, “1 John” in bold lettering. I read the first chapter and was convicted at verse 9 (if we confess our sins He is just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us). I wrote the second confession and did the same with it as with the first one.
Then a few weeks later I wrote the third confession and gave it to a guard here on this unit because I committed the crime in TDCJ custody. I spent one week in solitary confinement as they did their investigation and then was released into population. “No TDCJ case was written against me and no free world charge either.” “GOD is great, AMEN!” The Lord has promised me many things for my obedience and I continue to be obedient. The Lord spoke to me one evening and said, “Genesis 12:1-3.” (The Promise to Abram). The Lord has held His end and made me an inspiration all over this unit. People I’ve never met before are inspired to speak the truth and follow God because they see what He has done for me and what He continues to do for me due to my obedience. I don’t have a high level of education; just average, but even a child knows how to speak the truth. I give “all” thanks, honor and glory to God for all He has done in the Holy and Precious name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. Inspired by: the Holy Spirit, written by: DC; Love always, your brother in Christ Jesus, DC
This testimony was accompanied by a beautifully-colored painting by DC of John 15:11, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” It is a picture of a heart shape with wings and a beautiful flower growing out of the heart. JOY is written on the heart. It’s very beautiful and colorful.
DC, thank you so much for sharing a powerful testimony of confession and truth. The truth really does set you free. You may have to pay the consequences of your sins but the great thing about telling the truth is your heart and mind eventually find the peace that surpasses all understanding, Jesus’ great gift to us. Your right, even a child knows how to tell the truth. The truth is found in Jesus and the truth is He calls each and every one of us by name. The world draws you away from the truth and that is quite evident in this upcoming election. James 4:4 says, O you unfaithful ones, are you not aware that love of the world is enmity to God? A man is marked out as God’s enemy if he chooses to be the world’s friend.” Jesus calls us His friends, since He has made known to us all that He heard from the Father (John 15:15)
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I’m on the way to be confirmed. I’ve studied the catechism and am praying and reading the Word, but being attacked on all sides for my faith in the Catholic Church. It’s a bit overwhelming and, at times, I wish I could just be alone to study and talk to God. There are so few of us here and we only have Mass twice a month. Every time we have Mass I feel the Holy Spirit move on me. I feel the presence of the Lord during the Holy Eucharist even though I can not partake yet, I feel it. I try to invite as many fellows as I can but so many try to fight our faith that it feels like a warzone. I’m an 8-1/2 year veteran in the Army and deployed many times, but this is unlike any warfare I’ve ever been in. Please pray for strength, courage and most of all, Mercy and Unity of All Christians. Thank you and God Bless you!. KH
You know KH, sometimes I, too, feel like just being alone to study and talk to God. We need those times to get through this life. Jesus spent much time going off to be alone with our Father. We are not fighting human forces but the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above. (Ephesians 6:12) Satan works through those who are disobedient to God’s Word. If you want strength go to Philippians 4:13 which says, “In Him who is the source of my strength I have strength for everything.” Thank you for sharing
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Dear St. Dismas Guild, Peace be unto you. First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for sending me the cycle C bible study and the bible. I was wondering when cycle A and B come out will you send those to me, please and thank you. Second, I would like to be paired with a mentor. I grew up Catholic, first communion, and confession, but sadly never confirmed.
As I got older I fell off the faith and developed the lifestyle of “sex, drugs, and rock n roll!” While I bounced from job to job I struggled with addiction. Then I decided to get clean and go to college. Since I was in and out of jail so much I got a GED and HSED. While working on my way to FL for college I relapsed after being clean for about a year. I got into a fight and killed a man, and got 35 years at 100%. Since then I came back to God. I had my brother with me that dark night. Now I want to get a psychology, sociology, ministry or another degree so I can help troubled teens when I get out. I want to help them so they don’t have to go through the things I did. Thank you for sharing my story and hope it can help someone. Sincerely. JJ
JJ, God has put that desire in you to want to help others so they don’t have to go through what you have gone through. Remember this JJ, “The God of all grace, who called you to His everlasting glory in Christ will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish those who have suffered a little while.” (1 Peter 5:10). You need to be on guard every minute of the day from falling back. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will hold you up when you feel the urge to fall back. Remember drugs only cover up the need to be accepted and loved and you can be an over comer by keeping your eyes on Jesus, obeying His Word and following the lead of the Holy Spirit who you received at baptism.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I recently was given your newsletter and was told I could receive a catechism. Upon reading further I also learned that I might receive a bible study as well. I really appreciate what you are doing for the incarcerated Catholics. I am 38 and a recent widower and this is my first and last trip to the “joint.” I won’t bore you with my story but I do ask that you might join me in praying for all the suffering addicts as well as their families who suffer along with them daily whether they know it or not. I found my way back to Jesus and I have reconciled with God, church and family. I plan to continue on this path for good. Again I want to say thank you for all you do and have done for us inmates. Love, peace and mercy to all my fellow “Slaves of Jesus Christ” as Saint Paul would say. Sincerely, IH
IH, We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. Yes, we pray for addicts and those in prison every day. It is the healing power of God’s Word that will take away any desire for drugs. Drugs are a cover up to the greatest need of every human being, to love and to be loved. “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him may not die but may have eternal life (John 3:16). Do you really believe Jesus took on Himself sins of drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, foul language, hate, rage, revenge, into His innocent body to set you free? He did, When we take our eyes off Jesus and look at the storms going on around us then we sink as Peter did in the boat (Matthew 14:30). Stay close to Jesus, immerse yourself in the Gospels and learn how Jesus talked, walked, healed and delivered and you will never fall back again. Jesus said to all: “Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny His very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps.”
During the month of June we celebrate Father’s Day. I thank God for the family that I grew up in, especially my hard working dad, who worked two jobs to put us all through Catholic school. Through my faith journey, I learned that I had another father; God in heaven was my father. “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are.” (1 John 3:1)
Whether or not you had a loving, faithful father, we can all turn to God our father in heaven who loves us simply because we are His children. He is our loving, faithful Father!
Having a family of my own now, I admire my husband and my dad even more, as dads have an incredible responsibility. They need to be a good husband, loving father and spiritual leader just to name a few. This month, I ask St. Joseph for his intercession for all fathers and families. As Mary is our role model for mothers, St. Joseph is our role model for fathers. St. Joseph teaches us that being a father is more than biological, as he was not the biological father of Jesus. Raising Jesus in a Jewish household, St. Joseph was the spiritual leader and teacher of the faith.
Pope Francis called St. Joseph, the guardian of Jesus and guardian of the Holy Family. “May his presence make us stronger and more courageous in making space for God in our lives to always defeat evil with good. We ask Him to protect us, take care of us, so that a life of grace grows stronger in each of us every day.” (Pope Francis about St. Joseph, July 2013)
Men and Abortion – Men Hurt Too
We know that women regret and suffer greatly from their past abortions. But now evidence shows that men who have participated in abortion are also dealing with a lot of pain and suffering afterwards as well.
Men achieve success in five key areas of their lives: the ability to procreate, provide, protect, perform and [enjoy] pleasure. If these areas of their lives are not fulfilled, due to abortion, there will be many devastating effects.
– anger and frustration
– drug and alcohol
– workaholic or excessive risk takers
– unemployment
– difficulty with relationships
– sexual dysfunction, pornography, masturbation
– sleeplessness, panic attacks, poor coping skills, flashbacks, nightmares, self-imposed isolation or suicidal tendencies
– It’s okay to Grieve and Cry
– find Counseling
– go to Confession
– consults with a Deacon or Priest
– find a Support Group
– Pray and start a Bible Study
Almost every woman who has found healing from her past abortion has discovered or rediscovered her faith, turned to God and the church.
We are praying for you if you are in this situation. If you have true contrition and seek forgiveness from God, amend your life and go and sin no more, you will find healing.
“Nevertheless, I will bring health and Healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant Peace and Truth.” Jeremiah 33:6
Turn to your Father in heaven He is always waiting for you.
Millions of men have felt these experiences too. If you need help dealing with this loss then contact: Life Issues Institute, 1821 W. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45239
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
May Newsletter 2016
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
In March we sent out 153 packages at an average cost of $22.00 per package. The cost to us was approximately $3,366.00 to ship these books. With your prayers and financial help we hope to send more next month. Your help is very much appreciated.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Hi. I’ve been doing time for 21 years in this institution. I’ve abused drugs and alcohol, and cigarettes and marijuana basically all my life before coming to prison. I quit street drugs in 1991. After my last arrest, I quit alcohol and marijuana and a little later I quit tobacco. The Good Lord took it all away forever. Now I’m clean straight. I found my mother by a miracle in 2009 after 20 years of lost contact which led to a reuniting of my long-lost brother and sister all because I kept my faith in the Good Lord. It would not have been possible for this miracle of God, the Lord, as he continues to bless me all the way and He will do it for you too. May God bless you and Keep the Faith. DM
That’s a long time in prison, DM, and as they say you are a work in progress. Healing is a process and it takes time to get over the things that have a stronghold on you. God’s ways are not our ways and our ways are not God’s ways (Isaiah 55:8). We want to be instantly transformed, but God says, “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 You, DM, have chosen to co-operate with God’s grace. Finding your family is a blessing. God is a God of miracles. Jesus says, “….Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is brother and sister and mother to me.”(Matthew 12:50)
Doing Time With Jesus
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I enjoy all that you have sent me. I enjoy reading Fr. Paulsen’s literature. Recently I was reading some spiritual material from another author and it was so hateful. I do not easily comprehend how someone can write about the love of Jesus and to love one another and in the next paragraph put down the doctrines of the Catholic Church. How is it that we are tolerable to other religions among other things? I was so turned off. I like the fact that I am told by scripture, “but I say to you, ‘love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” It doesn’t say to love your enemies only if they have the same God as you, or share your political affiliations. I will pray for that author.
I am asking if you could please send me two more books: The GOSPELS in Their Original Meaning by Deacon L. Michaels, and When I was in Prison, Hope for the Hopeless by Father Harold Paulsen. Please continue to pray for my family and me for my faith to remain strong and for my son and wife to break free from their heroin additions. Sincerely, GA
GA, we certainly will pray for your family and you. We already sent you the books you requested. Heroin is a stronghold that only God can break. I know someone who after 20 years of addiction, including heroin, after going through detoxification, was immersed in the word of God and had his mind transformed by it, was healed and went on to live a productive life. He had to get out of the environment. “The One who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’” Thank you for sharing
Dear St. Dismas Guild, God’s Peace and Blessing to you through Mother Mary! My name is CH and I am currently incarcerated. I am writing to request a Catholic Study Bible and a Catechism of the Catholic Church. I would also like a matching set of images of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, if possible. Last, I am looking for Catholic organizations that help those who struggle with homosexuality. I need mainly addresses, if possible, or for you to send my information to them for me.
I am 38 years old and have been in the gay “life” my whole life, but now I wish to live a chaste life for love of Jesus and Mary by being celibate. It has been really hard and I struggle daily with lust/masturbation and could use some help. I have a priest and a deacon who do their best but they just don’t understand and being in here I don’t get much support. Anything you can help with will be appreciated. Thank you in Jesus through Mary with St. Joseph. CH
CH, The following is a quote from Pope Francis that has on their website:
“I am glad that we are talking about ‘homosexual people’ because before all else comes the individual person, in his wholeness and dignity. And people should not be defined only by their sexual tendencies: let us not forget that God loves all his creatures and we are destined to receive his infinite love.”
– Pope Francis, The Name of God is Mercy
This website has a great deal of information and helps that you are requesting. I know many of the inmates do not have access to a computer but if you write to Courage International. Inc, 8 Leonard Street, Norwalk CT 06850 or call (203) 803-1564, they will send you all the material you need to help you. Please let us know if this is a help to you. We leave you with these two scriptures Luke 9:23…“Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps. …”and Philippians 4:8, “Finally, my brothers, your thoughts should be wholly directed to all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable, decent, virtuous, or worthy of praise.”
Dear St. Dismas Guild, A friend of mine gave me a few copies of your newsletter a couple of weeks ago. I was very moved by the testimonies of the prisoners who wrote in to you. As a result, I decided it is time to come home. I have been the prodigal son. I was lost. I drifted in and out of several pagan religions. But I always felt a pain inside of me. I sensed that something was missing. I was sexually abused as a child. I have been angry at God for allowing that to happen to me. I also lost my father when I was young, and I am estranged from my mother. She won’t speak of my family or me and won’t communicate with me. I am just starting back on the road back to my home, the Church. I need your help.
I am indigent, but could I please be put on your mailing list for your newsletter? I have a New American Bible that I have kept for years for some reason, so I don’t need a bible, I would, however, be very grateful if you would send me any soft cover literature you have, such as prayer cards, catalogs, how to say the Rosary, etc. I would also like to be enrolled in your Bread of Life Bible Study program. Also, as a victim of sexual abuse, I would like your pamphlet, Overcoming Sexual Abuse. I suffer from PTSD on account of my history of sexual and physical abuse. I am vulnerable and afraid right now, but I have hope now, thanks be to God! Please remember me in your prayers. MT
“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8
“They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.” Isaiah 40:31 MT, as you put your hope in the Lord and in His timing He will heal you. That healing may be emotional, physical, or spiritual. Keep your eyes on Him and learn everything you can about Jesus Christ by reading and meditating on the gospels. Find out how Jesus responded to people, how He talked to people, how He acted around people. When you get to know Jesus and follow in His footsteps you will find the desires of your heart.
Family Ministry
During the month of May we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Where would we be if not for our moms?
I thank God for the family that I grew up in, especially my hard, working mom who was always there for me. For a long time Mother’s Day was a difficult holiday for me. I wanted to be a mom, but I was not blessed with children of my own. I knew God had a plan for my life and it wasn’t until I was in my late 30’s that I figured it out. As a woman, God wanted me to be a spiritual mother to those students and young adults he placed in my life. It didn’t stop me from hoping for children of my own, but it helped me to see His plan for me. God wanted me to pray for and with those who did not have a mom to pray with. He wanted me to share with others that we all have a loving mother in heaven. With the following words, Jesus’ mother becomes our mother too:
“When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. “(John 19:26-27)
This is just one reason that the Catholic Church dedicates the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is everyone’s mother. We can look to her as a role model for our families. We can reach out to her and ask for her intercession at any time. St. John Paul II says it beautifully…“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her son and the son of God.”
Maybe this month, consider praying the rosary as Pope Francis suggested.
From Thanksgiving to Mother’s Day
As a crisis pregnancy advocate, I spoke with a young lady around Thanksgiving who came into our PRC (pregnancy resource center) thinking she had arrived at a Planned Parenthood clinic. She was with her young son and talking very quickly (suspiciously, I was thinking she must be on drugs.) She told me she was almost four months pregnant and wanted an abortion. I could tell she was trying to be honest with me so I asked her to, “tell me a little bit about yourself and why you are seeking an abortion?” She had recently been in jail over the summer, had been using meth for 10 years, was lapse on meeting with her parole officer and already had two children.
I proceeded to tell her that we did not perform abortions at our clinic and gave her all the brochures about abortion. I told her I knew of a maternity home where she could live if she would seriously considering placing her baby for adoption. At first, she wouldn’t even consider it. I told her that unfortunately, I had chosen abortion when I was her age and did not realize the terrible consequence involved and how I was still negatively affected by that decision. I told her that I did not want her to go through that and that I cared about her life as much as her unborn baby. I told her that I know many women who regret their abortions and like me now spend time volunteering in clinics or praying outside of clinics, in order to help in any way possible, to prevent another abortion from occurring.
She met with the doctor and the medical assistants. She spoke with another advocate, had an ultrasound, and with much prayer from our other advocates and volunteers she reconsidered and was willing to take a tour of the maternity home that day after her appointment.
Long story short, because she had not checked in with her parole officer and was still using drugs, she ended up back in jail… The Good News Is, she has now completed her time in jail, is finishing up going through a rehab facility which is helping her get her life in order with classes and by living the example presented to her. She is returning to her faith, has been drug-free for five months and with new encouragement from her parents has decided to parent her baby. Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit sent her to our pro-life clinic and she and her new baby will be celebrating Life together just in time for Mother’s Day.
“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.” ~ Isaiah 41:13
“Be strong, and let your heart be courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD.” ~ Psalm 31:24
Happy Mother’s Day to all our mother’s, and most especially to our Blessed Mother Mary. She loves to see everyone come to her Son.
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
April Newsletter 2016
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Last month we were able to send out free of charge 83 Bread of Life Catholic Bible Studies and 89 bibles. The cost to us was $2,028.00 to ship these books. With your prayers and financial help we hope to send more next month. Your help is very much appreciated.
Dear St. Dismas family, I first wrote to you, back in the summer of 2012 as I was beginning a two-year sentence for meth-induced assault and robbery, and covered head-to-toe in itchy, raw, stress-induced eczema. My celly had a Catholic bible he’d gotten from St. Dismas Guild and your address was stamped inside, so I wrote to you. You sent me the Catholic Bible, study course and most of all, hope. My celly and I began reading and praying together and when I got transferred I looked up the Catholic chaplain there. There I made my first good confession in fifteen years, put on a Brown Scapular, started praying the Rosary every day and attending Mass regularly. I haven’t looked back since, except to be grateful!
I looked forward to the mailbag every late afternoon for those two years. I was always on the lookout for your newsletters. On the morning our Holy Father Pope Francis was elected – morning in California, anyway — I “happened” to be in the prison chapel with some of the Catholic brothers. There are no coincidences with God!! Our chaplain pulled out a television, and we were able to watch and pray with our new pontiff right there on the yard in real time. As we sat there in our polyester prison-issues, we were all overwhelmed as he asked us to pray for him! As Pope Francis traced the Sign of the Cross over the world in blessing for the first time from the balcony at St. Peter’s via that television I really, honestly felt warm grace pour through my body! At the time, I remembered to ask the Holy Spirit for my plenary indulgence for a pontiff’s first blessing! I tingled from head to toe – and I don’t really consider myself a charismatic, either. Our Lady spoils me!
When I was released I was granted my request to enter a fifteen month post-prison, residential program, honing my work skills as their office coordinator. One of my greatest blessings was being able to answer the prison mail from inmates seeking help from the program. I always tried to enclose a holy card of the Holy Face of Jesus with every letter I answered. I remembered how much I loved receiving mail when I was on the yard myself, so being able to “visit the prison” in this way was a double blessing to me! Following my graduation from this program I got a job at a local factory and moved into the local shelter to save every penny so I could return home to N.Y. as soon as I discharged my parole. That happened in time for this Christmas! I now work at a place that helps addicts, prisoners, and others in crisis. Also, I begin classes soon to finish my undergraduate studies. And most importantly, as I sit typing you this letter here at work, Jesus is just across the hall in the rehab’s chapel in the Blessed Sacrament! God is so good!
Jesus and Mary have brought me all the way from that stinky cell in reception nearly four years ago, where I first wrote to you and Deacon Ken. You both have a very special place in my heart for the part you have played in my journey back home to the Church. In fact, we still play a part in each other’s lives, because I regularly pray for you – and I ask Deacon Ken often for his prayers, too! I didn’t get a chance to meet him in this life, but something tells me that he knows who I am already. Again, please know that I pray for you and everyone at the Guild often! Love in Jesus and Mary, CM
CM, thank you for such a powerful letter. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” It is your response to the bible, bible study and catechism that has put that hope in you. Praying with your celly and sharing what the Holy Spirit teaches you will increase your faith. “Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) You were truly blessed to be able to watch the Pope on the TV and be blessed by him. You have a heart for prisoners because you know what they are going through. Stress causes a tremendous amount of physical sicknesses like you said you had stress-induced eczema. That must have been awful. Praise God you are doing so well now. God’s Word and coming to know Jesus personally through the Word reduces a tremendous amount of stress. The Holy Spirit is leading and guiding you keep up the responding. Thank you for your prayers and I know Deacon Ken is interceding for all of us.
To Whom it May Concern, Hello, my name is KH, I’m 23 years old and I’m studying to become Catholic. I was raised in an anti-church family, and though it is very cliché, I didn’t find God until I was in the county jail. Overtime I lost my faith, but tried to restore it after coming to prison. I went to chapel as much as I could and spread the name Jesus to those who would listen, but I never really loved God like I should. I was never really happy with my choice of faith.
Once again the faith I had in Our Lord and Savior faded away and I almost chose the mythical gods the Vikings worshiped instead of Jesus. This may sound weird, but one day I was watching a movie dealing with demonic possession and the Catholic Church and something kept saying, “Get on the call-out list for Tuesday Mass” (which is when our chapel does mass.) I kept hearing this over and over again. I don’t know if it was my interest in demonology or exorcisms or if it was the Holy Spirit talking to me at a time when I just so happened to be watching a film about the church, but I listened. I started going to Mass and reading about Catholicism and I must say that I love it. The history and scriptural background of this religion astonish me. This is why I want to convert from non-denominational to Catholic.
The reason I write to you is not only to share my story but also because I was told you could provide learning tools that are essential to the Faith. I have a study Catholic Bible, a Rosary and a prayer book, but I would love to have a Catechism. If you could provide me with a copy as well as put me on the newsletter list, I would be tremendously grateful. I’d hate to ask for more, but I was also hoping that you could provide me with someone to write to because there aren’t many Catholics on this prison compound. It would be nice to have someone to write about my concerns and who can answer questions. I hope that’s not too much to ask. Thank you for your time and God bless. With love, KH
We sent your letter to one of our mentors and sent you a catechism. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for want of knowledge!” Most people do not know the history or what the church teaches and, like you, once they find out what it is all about they are blessed and find a tremendous peace in finding their roots. Satan is a liar and draws people away from the truth. When you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and you get the knowledge of your faith you find the peace that passes all understanding. In speaking about Satan, Jesus says in John 8:44, “When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” Then Jesus goes on to say, “But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me.”
Dear St. Dismas Guild, Hello and God bless you. I have been receiving your newsletter for some time now and every month I still look forward to its encouraging messages. Reading about the strength that others received from the Lord strengthens me as well. I ask that you please pray for me and my family. I haven’t heard from them in a while and just ask that you pray that they are well and that they come to Christ. I would also like to please be assigned a mentor, someone I can talk to about my struggles and goals, any questions, and can hold me accountable for my actions. Thank you for everything. I enjoy your newsletter and greatly look forward to continuing to receive them. Your brother in Christ. FMcM
We are praying for you and all the inmates and their families. Prayer is what will change things. 1 Thess. 5:17-18 says, “Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Thank God for what He is going to do in your family. He says ask and you will receive and He wills none to be lost. Believe Him and stand on His promises. God bless you.
Family Ministry
PRAYING AS A FAMILY In this hectic world, I often find myself rushed to get everything done. As a wife, mother of a three year old, caregiver for elderly parents and working woman, I am always trying to stay one step ahead. One step ahead of laundry, meals, doctor appointments, and play dates just to name a few. God has blessed me in so many ways, yet I sometimes forget to give thanks and pray as a family. At the beginning of each meal we give thanks. When we are together, sometimes we forget and Grandpa has already finished his soup or our three year old has a mouthful, but we stop and say grace together. Whether in a restaurant or at home, this is an easy way for us to pray as a family and to witness to our love for Christ. Often, during grace, someone at the table asks us to pray for something or someone. Just the other day, my daughter asked us to pray for a neighbor boy that got hurt in an accident. This opened up a wonderful dialog about accidents and why they happen. A topic that may not have come about…except through the Holy Spirit. When we can’t be together, each of us prays before our meal knowing that the other family members are giving thanks at the same time.
“Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 18:19)
Abortion and The Year of Mercy
“Then Jesus stood up and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Now Go and sin no more.” ~ John 8: 10-11
This year, Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee year, and is calling it, “The Year of Mercy.” It focuses on offering special indulgences to those who seek its graces. There are many groups of people that he wishes to address and one of these groups is to the men and women who have participated in the act of abortion.
The pope wants to extend forgiveness and absolution to those who are truly sorry. There are many who now realize what they had done was wrong, but don’t know what to do with this guilt and shame.
So, if you haven’t already, please prayerful consider taking advantage of this beautiful grace and turn to the Lord in the Sacrament of Confession. Ask for absolution of this sin of abortion and be free of the burdens it brings.
Below is a section of Pope Francis’ Jubilee Letter concerning Abortion and Year of Mercy. May it bring you peace and consolation that can free your soul.
“…I think in particular of all the women who have resorted to abortion. I am well aware of the pressure that has led them to this decision. I know that it is an existential and moral ordeal. I have met so many women who bear in their heart the scar of this agonizing and painful decision. What has happened is profoundly unjust; yet only understanding the truth of it can enable one not to lose hope. The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with a sincere heart in order to obtain reconciliation with the Father.
For this reason too, I have decided, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, to concede to all priests for the Jubilee Year the discretion to absolve of the sin of abortion those who have procured it and who, with contrite heart, seek forgiveness for it. May priests fulfill this great task by expressing words of genuine welcome combined with a reflection that explains the gravity of the sin committed, besides indicating a path of authentic conversion by which to obtain the true and generous forgiveness of the Father who renews all with his presence.” – Pope Francis, Sept. 1, 2015
Help for post-abortive women and men can be found at;
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff
March Newsletter 2016
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” Psalm 119:105
Last month we were able to send out free of charge 103 Bread of Life Catholic Bible Studies. The cost to us is $18 each book we ship. With your prayers and financial help we hope to send out more next month.
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I have been receiving your monthly newsletters now since 2008, and throughout the years that have passed I’d say that I was mostly “spiritually lost.” I was not Catholic at any time in my life. I am 26 years old and have been incarcerated since I was 17 on a sentence for home invasion/burglary. As I mentioned, I have been lost. Over the years I’ve been in a vicious jail gang and have gotten into all kinds of trouble, then phased out of that into religion. Well sort of. First I liked the idea of being a Christian. That didn’t last long and before I knew it I was back in my old ways gang banging and sinning. Then, more recently, I began to study Islam. That didn’t last either! Soon I was plotting and scheming again.
Out of the blue I received a letter from one of my Catholic school teachers and he began corresponding regularly, talking about all kinds of things – family and life, my future, but most importantly, religion. I managed to find myself in the hole – again, for something foolish and here I’ve been for the last eight months with nothing to do but think. My teacher has continued to stay in touch for moral support and spiritual guidance. Recently I received your January newsletter. As I was reading the testimonies given I couldn’t explain why, but tears began to build up in my eyes. At first I tried to hold them back, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t and the urge to cry just became even more intense. I finally just let go and wept and found myself praying to the Lord. And inside of me I knew this was right. I could feel that it was right in every part of my being. I have from that day decided to give myself to Jesus, to convert, and take whatever steps necessary. I am ready to change my life and live properly. I am eager to read and learn anything you may have for me. If possible, could you provide me with a Catholic bible and bible study course? It would truly mean a lot to me. I want to thank you for your newsletters and all that you do! Without you I’m not sure that I’d be where I am today, so thank you! May the Blessings of Christ, Our Lord, be bestowed upon you! God bless always, MF
MF, what a wonderful teacher you must have had to support you in your time of need. Sharing with you family and life, your future, and like you said most importantly religion must bring you comfort. It sounds like he prepared the way for you to receive the love of Jesus when you were reading one of the testimonies from the newsletter. “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 1:6) It says in Revelations 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away.” Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Doing Time With Jesus
Dear St. Dismas Guild, I have received your newsletter for several years now, and in addition the Catholic Bible and several other publications. A simple thanks is not enough to show my gratitude, so I give it up to Our Father. My message today is to state that after serving 6-1/2+ years for Gross Vehicular Manslaughter that I will parole this month. I was the driver in a single car accident on a rural road, a roll-over occurred, and I caused the death of my older brother for which I have accepted my responsibility for the laws I broke. That stated, I was left with much unresolved sorrow, remorse and guilt. Today, while the sorrow has not totally subsided, I live more peacefully in the faith God gives us all for the future. A good part of my recovery and rehabilitation comes from the testimonies I read from other inmates through your newsletter. Thanks Be to God! My spiritual healing will continue for all my life on earth as I cannot fix the dead, but only through the One, God our Father, who overcame the sting of death. Lord Have Mercy. As much as I have gained spiritually from your newsletters, please cancel my delivery, as I am being paroled this month, so to allow it to reach another inmate. God bless you all, AL
AL, The pain you suffered for causing your brothers death must be tremendous. Your testimony has brought me to repentance. Thank you for that as you may have saved someone else’s life. It made me look at how I drive. I am always in a hurry and I speed all the time and sometimes even look at my phone if someone calls. I could be sitting where you are. I could kill someone. The Holy Spirit convicted me as I was reading your testimony and I asked God to forgive me for breaking the law and went to confession. Its been almost two weeks since I read your letter and I have not gone over the speed limit or used my phone since then. That’s what is called repentance, turning away from the sin and turning to God (obeying His Word) Thank you so much for sharing. The scripture that comes to mind is Romans 13:1-2, “Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore; whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves.” The traffic laws are there for our benefit and to keep us safe. God bless you.
Family Ministry
Dear St. Dismas Guild, My name is S…., and I have six children. In 2012 I watched as Satan tore my family and our life completely apart. It started with the death of the children’s father, then my addition to drugs and alcohol. I eventually had to give up my children and then I ended up in jail and then prison. Little did I know prison was the best thing that God ever did for me. Prison saved my life. Prison is where my miracle begins. Little by little I have watched and felt God working with me, staying beside me through good times and bad, never giving up on me nor letting me give up on myself putting my life back together again. These last four months I have been fighting for my parental rights for two of my six children. I am in the facilities’ law library every day making sure I know my rights. I am also in my Bible every day making sure I am giving to God because He does my worrying for me. He knows my heart’s desire. God has shown me that through Him my life can be amazing even in my trials. I am now more free that I’m in prison than I have ever been. I still have my parental rights and I am going in front of the parole board in February because the Lord saw fit to allow it. I will be a better mother now that I have experienced this. Praise be to God. My faith will never waiver in good time and in bad and I will turn to my Father in Heaven. The friend who gave me this address said I may be able to get a bible study and a Catholic study Bible from you. I would greatly appreciate it if possible. Thank you for your time. God bless, SY
SY, Your right, God never gives up on us. It must be very difficult for you being separated from your children. The Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study, Bible, Catechism & Pamphlets are on the way to you. These will help you in your walk with Jesus. Yes, he knows your hearts desire and it sounds like that is to be united with your children. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.” We are so sorry for the death of the children’s father. Children need a godly father but most of all they need our heavenly Father. He fills all their needs. Stay close to the Lord and do not waiver. Pray fervently. God will do what’s best for you and your children. James 5:16 says, “…The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” We will pray you will get your children back and raise them to know, love, and serve our wonderful loving Lord.
Pro Life
I am a man who has two sisters. Our mother passed way about 5 years ago at the age of 85. We are children from the same mother, however we all have different fathers. My older sister and I knew each other from the start. She went with my mother to be raised by my single parent mother after the second marriage failed. I am the child of the second marriage and my father kept me to raise me. The third child was never seen by me or my older sister for 60 years. We didn’t even know we had a younger sister until about 12 years ago when our mother shared with us that she had gotten pregnant by a married man she worked with in 1955. Our mother had secretly given birth to that little girl and given her up for a closed adoption through Catholic Charities. She told us about her decision to be Pro-life so that we would not be shocked when we were going through her paperwork after she had passed away, and found out we had a sister somewhere in the world. She continued by telling us that she had contacted some adoption organizations and “opened up” some paperwork trails that would allow the child (who was now a woman) to find her birth mother and her siblings if she chose to do so. We were curious, but never felt like we “had” to find her. If God wanted us to meet…we figured it would certainly happen. So we just went on with our lives. That is,… we went on with our lives, until one day I was sitting in my office. I was tired and needed a break, so I reached into my drawer at work to get the last file I need for my work, and out came the adoption file for my little sister that my mother had given to me. I could not understand what that particular file was doing in my business files. I opened the file again in curiosity. I looked at the simple paperwork with limited information which included the name of my sister given at birth, the hospital she was born in and the name of the father and the mother. So, for no particular reason, other than it was all that I had to go on….I searched the name of my sister given to her at birth; her name before her adoption.
Up came a website of a high school in Tennessee. There was a picture of a woman who is a teacher at that school. She looked very much like my mother and seemed to be in an age range that might include a birthday in 1955. I immediately called my older sister and told her what I had done. She was sitting in front of a computer, so she searched just as I had done…and up came the picture on her screen. She quickly agreed that the picture did look like her personally and also that of our mother. But then things got really wild in a hurry. My older sister said in an excited voice, “look at the website right below the one we are looking at…its an adoption search website and our sisters birth name is there”! I didn’t see what she was looking at. We quickly realized I was searching on “Bing” and she was searching on “Google”. I opened up the adoption search website which was one dedicated to children looking for their birth parents….and there she was! In a database line item, I followed her birth name across the line to the name of the mother. It was my mother as well! The hospital was a match as was the date of birth. I knew I had just found our long lost little sister! Interestingly enough, the teacher in Tennessee is not related. I contacted the adoption search website people and filled in the online form. They called me very quickly and said “yes” you have found your sister. The adoption search group contacted my little sister that night and called me back the next morning. They were both excited and sad at the same time. They informed me that they had spoken to the daughter of my sister (our new-found niece). Our little sister was living in L.A. just 100 miles from me, however, two weeks earlier, she had been diagnosed with aggressive, non-curable brain cancer.
We all wanted to meet….and to meet soon. So my older sister flew out the next week from Florida and we drove up to meet our little sister in L.A. She was divorced but had two children, a son and a daughter…unfortunately, her son is currently in prison for drug trafficking. Her daughter is amazing. She had been adopted by a wonderful Catholic family who loved her completely and had told her from the beginning that she was “chosen” by them through adoption. Our little sister had enjoyed a great life. She was a graphics designer and in charge of that department at one of the largest universities in California. In the next two months my older sister and I visited our little sister twice before she passed away from cancer. We had been allowed to find her just in time to share with her that she had more of a family than she knew. Our little sister was soon called home to be with God the Father.
I share this story with you because our mother chose life, and that life was lived well. God in all his mercy made many miraculous things happen for us all to meet before He took her home to heaven. Only the hand of God could have made all things work together as he did (Romans 8:28). It was a gift of love given to three siblings who will be forever grateful that God loves us all so much and proves it often.
He loves you too, far more than you may realize! Never give up on God, because He will never give up on you.
In Jesus’ love,
St. Dismas Staff