Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

l. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.”)

l. Who called to the man, and what did He ask him? Genesis 3:9


2. Whom did Jesus come to call? Mark 2:17


3. Why did the man hide himself? Genesis 3:10


4. With what are we longing to be clothed? 2 Corinthians 5:1-3


5. What did God ask the man? Genesis 3:11


6. What did the man say about the woman, and what did he do? Genesis 3:12


7. What did the Lord ask the woman, and who did she say tricked her? Genesis 3:13


8. What was Paul’s fear that the serpent may corrupt in the people of Corinth? 2 Corinthians 11:3


Personal – When you lose the peace of God within you, whom do you blame? Who is responsible?


9. What did the Lord say to the serpent, what did he say he would put between the serpent and the woman, and at what would he strike? Genesis 3:14-15


10. To what are we to be wise, and what will crush Satan under our feet? Romans 16:19-20


11. What did the man call his wife, and for what reason? Genesis 3:20


Personal – In what way can you protect your mind and thoughts from the evil one?




(“…so that we might exist for the praise of his glory.”)

1. Who is blessed, and with what has he blessed us? Ephesians 1:3


2. What two things does the Father show toward us? 2 Corinthians 1:3


3. How did God choose us to be before him, and when did he choose us? Ephesians 1:4


4. How do you become holy and without blemish? Ephesians 5:25-27


5. How did God destine us for adoption, and with what was it in accord?  Ephesians 1:4-5


6. To whom did he give power to become children of God? John 1:12


7. What are we to praise? Ephesians 1:6


8. How were we chosen, and how does God plan and guide all things? Ephesians 1:11


9. What happens to those who are called according to his purpose, and how are we predestined? Romans 8:28-29


10. For what purpose do we exist? Ephesians 1:12


Personal – When things work out for your good, to whom do you give the glory? In what way do your actions show that you have been chosen by God?




(“May it be done to me according to your word.”)

1. Who was sent by God to a town of Galilee named Nazareth, and when was he sent? Luke 1:26


2. To whom was he sent, and what was her name? Luke 1:27


3. What did the angel say to Mary, and what was her reaction to this greeting? Luke 1:28-29


4. What did the angel tell her not to do, and what did he say would happen to her? Luke 1:30-33


5. What did Jesus say to his disciples, and what cast out fear? Matthew 14:27, 1 John 4:18


6. What was Mary’s response to the angel telling her she would conceive and bear a son? Luke 1:34


7. Who did the angel say would come upon Mary, who would overshadow her, and what would the child be called? Luke 1:35


8. What did the angel tell Joseph not to be, and how did he tell him the child was conceived in Mary? Matthew 1:20


9. What did the angel tell Mary about Elizabeth, and what did he say about God? Luke 1:36-37


10. What was Mary’s response, and what did the angel do? Luke 1:38


Personal – What specific plan does God have for your life? Have you responded as Mary did, “May it be done to me according to your word?” Think and pray about this.




(“The Lord has made his salvation known,”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 98:1-4.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




GENESIS 3:9-15, 20

Nothing really prepares us for the presence of the devil serpent in the garden. The ancient word “Nahash” brought fear into the hearts of the Israelites because they were forbidden to attend any type of liturgy that involved snake worship upon pain of violating the covenant. The mention of a serpent would identify something evil in the minds of the pious Israelites. The word Nahash and evil were synonymous and the serpent’s entrance into the garden brought sinful pollution.

This reading shows us how the serpent was cleverly working his way into new territory, and it shows the existence of evil forces outside the sphere of mankind. We see that God does not crash-in at people with death and punishment. In fact, God places himself on the side of people in the ongoing battle against the serpent.

The message of hope in this passage is that God always remains on man’s side. Sin, evil, and Satan are always the enemy of God and man. God states that Satan will be crushed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The good news is that Jesus has won for us the victory of eternal life. He defeated Satan on the cross at Calvary. We are assured of this because scripture tells us that it is so (John 3:16). God is with us, on our side, to save us from sin. If God is with us, who can be against us? In today’s passage the Messianic promise of ultimate salvation has been announced.


EPHESIANS 1:3-6, 11-12

Paul wrote this passage from inside the walls of a Roman prison. He had been a Christian for nearly thirty years, and he had taken three missionary trips and established churches all around the Mediterranean Sea. Ephesus was a commercial, political and religious center for all Asia Minor. The temple of the pagan Greek goddess Diana was located there. It is in this environment that we hear about blessings and heaven.

What is heaven? Heaven is where God is, and blessings mean all the good things that God has given to us, such as salvation, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the power to do God’s will. We can enjoy these blessings now if we live in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paul tells us that God chose us to emphasize that salvation depends totally on God. We are not saved because we deserve it, but because God is gracious and freely gives it. There is no way to take credit for our salvation, or to find room for pride. God chose us, and when we belong to him through Jesus Christ, we are transformed from sinner to a life of grace. God has adopted us as his own children through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). When you feel that your life is not worth much to anyone, remember that you are special in God’s eyes, a precious present that brings him great joy. God has offered salvation to you, and when your life seems chaotic, rest in this truth: Jesus is Lord, and God is in control.


LUKE 1:26-38

In the old covenant, Jerusalem was the center and symbol of God’s union with his people. In the new covenant, the symbol is no longer a city, but a person, and she is Mary, the Mother of God. She seals the covenant’s beginning with the free gift of herself in love.

Mary was young and poor, all characteristics that, to the people of her day, would make her seem very unlikely to be chosen as the Mother of the long-awaited Messiah. But God chose her for one of the most important acts of obedience he has ever demanded of anyone.

You might feel that your situation in life today makes you an unlikely candidate for God’s service. Do not limit God’s choices, he can use you if you, like Mary, trust in him. Mary’s honor of being blessed to become the Mother of God brought her much pain and ridicule. Her peers would gossip about her; her fiance would come close to leaving her; her Son would be tortured and murdered on a cross as a convicted criminal. But through Mary, her Son would become the world’s only hope, and this is why Mary has been called by countless generations “Blessed among women.” Her submission led to our salvation.

If your blessings lead to sorrows, think of Mary, and wait patiently for God to finish working at his plan. Think of a small young teen-age girl who understood little and trusted much, and said humbly, and yet courageously, that she was a humble servant of the Lord, and he could do with her whatever was in accordance with his Holy Word (Luke 1:38).



The first reading shows us that God is always on man’s side, and Satan and sin are always the enemy. The second reading reveals that a blessing is something that God has given you: life, salvation, family, friends, etc. The Gospel shows courage is made up of obedience and trust.

This week let yourself, like Mary, experience being in accordance with God’s word. Take time every day this week to pray alone as she did throughout her life, to study God’s Holy Word, and to do what is necessary in work and school for you. Remember each day to take time to relax and enjoy yourself for a few moments. Develop each day a discipline of prayer, study, work, and leisure. God has chosen you, and you, like Mary, can say, “Yes, Lord, do with me whatever is in accordance with your Holy Word.”

Segundo Domingo de Adviento (5 de Diciembre) – Ciclo C

El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



PRIMER DIA Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?




(“Pues Dios mostrará a todo el mundo Su esplendor.”)

1. ¿Qué es lo que Jerusalén debe quitarse y que es lo qué debe ponerse? Baruc 5:1


2. ¿Qué es lo que no entrará más en Jerusalén? Isaías 52:1


3. ¿Jerusalén deberá ser envuelta en qué? ¿Qué deberá tener en su cabeza y ésto, qué mostrará? Baruc 5:2


4. ¿Qué fue grabado sobre un sello que fue atado sobre la diadema? Exodo 39:30-31


5. ¿Por qué nos regocijamos de corazón delante de Dios? Isaías 61:10


6. ¿Qué mostrará Dios a todo el mundo, y cómo la llamará Dios por siempre? Baruc 5:3-4


7. ¿A quién verá Jerusalén hacía el Este, cómo se habían reunido los del Este y del Oeste y por qué estarán felices? Baruc 5:5


8. ¿Quién alejó a tus hijos y quién te los ha de devolver? Baruc 5:6


9. ¿Qué ha ordenado Dios para que Israel pueda avanzar seguro en la gloria de Dios? Baruc 5:7


10. ¿Qué pasó a Israel a la orden de Dios y cómo va El guiando a Israel? Baruc 5:8-9


Personal – ¿Cuáles son los enemigos que han alejado a los hijos en este día? ¿Cómo ves a Dios trayéndoles de vuelta? ¿Cómo ha afectado esto a tu familia?




(“…los amo tiernamente en el corazón de Cristo Jesus.”)

1. ¿Como rezan Pablo y Timoteo por los Filipenses, y porqué razon? Filipenses 1:4-5


2. ¿Qué hicieron los Filipenses al comienzo del Evangelio, cuando Pablo dejó Macedonia? Filipenses 4:15


3. ¿Acerca de qué estan ellos confiados? Filipenses 1:6


4. ¿Quién es testigo de Pablo y cómo añora él a sus hermanos? Filipenses 1:8


Personal – ¿A quién añoras con el afecto de Cristo?


5. ¿Cuál es la oración de Pablo por la gente de Filipos? Filipenses 1:9


6. ¿Cómo logras la sabiduría y entendimiento espiritual? Colosenses 1:9


7. ¿Qué debes discernir para que puedas ser puro y caminar con rectitud para llegar al día de Cristo sin culpas? Filipenses 1:10


8. ¿Qué te enseña a conocer y discernir Su voluntad y saber lo que es importante? Romanos 2:18


9. ¿Qué llevas contigo que te viene a través de Jesucristo, y porqué razón? Filipenses 1:11


10. ¿Cómo es El Padre glorificado? Juan 15:8


Personal – Dá ejemplos especificos de cómo glorificas al Padre.




(“…proclamando un bautismo de arrepentimiento por el perdón de los pecados.”)

1. ¿Durante qué reinado y bajo qué gobernador estaban cuando la Palabra de Dios llegó a Juan? Lucas 3:1-2


2. ¿El hijo de quién era Juan y dónde estaba él cuando la Palabra de Dios le llegó? Lucas 3:2


3. ¿Qué hizo Juan a través de toda la región del Jordán? Lucas 3:3 y también ver Mateo 3:1-2 y Marcos 1:4


4. ¿Cuál es la evidencia del arrepentimiento? Lucas 3:8


5. ¿Qué es lo que te lleva y conduce al arrepentimiento? Romanos 2:4


6. ¿Qué produce la tristeza que viene de Dios y en cambio que trae la tristeza mundana?  2 Corintios 7:10


7. ¿Qué está gritando una voz en el desierto? Lucas 3:4


8. ¿Qué pasará a todas las quebradas y todos los cerros y todos los caminos? Lucas 3:5


9. ¿Qué pasará a todos los mortales? Lucas 3:6


10. ¿Qué hizo saber el Señor en cumplimiento de lo que fue escrito en profecía por Isaías, y qué reveló El a las naciones? Salmo 98:2


Personal – ¿Cómo te ha revelado el Señor, a ti personalmente, que has sido salvado de tus pecados? ¿Cómo has llegado a una tristeza piadosa o al arrepentimiento por tus pecados?




(“El Señor ha hecho grandes cosas por nosotros.”)

Leé y medita el Salmo 126:1-6.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?




BARUC 5:1-9

Baruc era el muy conocido secretario de Jeremías y en la lectura de hoy él explica como Dios guiará hacía un “nuevo éxodo” al final del Tiempo, del oriente al poniente, a la ciudad ideal de Jerusalén. El está diciendo a la gente que ha pasado por el exilio, cautiverio y destrucción total, que la salvación es un regalo de Dios y de la divina providencia de Dios. El continua dándoles valor para aceptar este regalo porque si no se convertirán en refugiados espirituales.

El aceptar el regalo de salvación que viene de Dios involucra una conversión que voltea a todos los hombres hacia su patria. El mensaje de hoy es un mensaje de consolación y esperanza. Es un llamado a dejarse de lamentos y confiar en el Señor. Es un llamado a ponerse el manto de justicia y caminar en la gloria del nombre eterno. Es un llamado a levantarse del polvo y sacudirse para estar limpio.

A la gente se le animó a ponerse de pie a la altura o a los hombros de aquellos que fueron antes que ellos al exilo y mantener su fe viva estando muy cerca de la Divina Palabra de Dios. Ellos sabían que no importaba que tan dificiles fueran los tiempos, Su Dios no los abandonaría u olvidaría.

Dios guía a toda Su gente que está oprimida. La gente en la lectura de hoy sabía esto y en el mundo de hoy ese mismo Dios hace la misma promesa a Sus hijos de hoy. Jesucristo es la luz que ha roto las tinieblas y nosotros lo seguimos a El en Su justicia y misericordia y finalmente en Su gloria.


FILIPENSES 1:4-6, 8-11

Esta lectura claramente pone de relieve el hecho que, para el cristiano, el evangelismo no es un deber, es una alegría. Esta carta a los Filipenses ha sido llamada una epístola de júbilo. Es con alegría que Pablo ruega por sus amigos. La alegría de la oración Cristiana es traer a aquellos que amamos hacía el asiento misericordioso de Dios. Hay el gozo de que se predica sobre Jesús en todas partes del mundo. Si la Cristiandad no hace a un hombre feliz, entonces absolutamente nada lo hará. Hay la alegría de sufrir por Cristo porque es una oportunidad para demostrar nuestra confianza en El sabiendo que en nuestra debilidad esta Su fortaleza. Está la alegría de la hospitalidad Cristiana. Es una gran cosa tener una puerta (tu corazón), por la cual el forastero y el que tiene problemas sabe que nunca será rechazado.

Pablo esta mirando la vida de cada cristiano como un sacrificio listo para ser ofrecido a Jesucristo. Somos llamados a hacer de nuestros cuerpos un sacrificio vivo aceptable a Dios. (Romanos 12:1) La tarea del Cristiano es entonces hacer que su vida sea digna de ofrecerla a Jesucristo. Solo el poder del Espíritu Santo puede darnos la fuerza para hacer esto. Pablo nos dice que también nosotros somos partícipes de la gracia. Debemos compartir nuestra deuda común hacía Dios por que siempre nos concede Su gracia que alivia y salva.

La oración de Pablo por su gente era que el amor de ellos creciera y creciera. El amar es saber y el saber es aprender. Cuando nosotros aprendemos, descubrimos la verdad y la verdad es Jesucristo, ayer, hoy y siempre.


LUCAS 3:1-6

En el Evangelio de hoy se ve que va bien el anunciar que en la soledad de un terrible desierto, las “Buenas Nuevas” de salvación estan al alcance de todos aquellos que se arrepienten. Vemos que Pilato, Herodes y Caifás eran los líderes más poderosos en Palestina. Pero ellos fueron superados por un profeta del desierto proveniente de Judea. Dios prefirió hablar por medio de este solitario, Juan Bautista, quien entró en la historia como uno más grande que ningún otro soberano de su tiempo.

Aún hoy muchas veces juzgamos de acuerdo a las normas de nuestra cultura — poder, belleza, salud, educación — como en los tiempos de Juan Bautista y pasamos por encima de la gente verdaderamente especial a través de la cual Dios actua. La grandeza no se mide por lo que tenemos sino por lo que hacemos por Dios. Podemos ser como Juan Bautista y darnos enteramente a Dios para que Su poder trabaje a través nuestro. La Madre Teresa tiene un dicho que es muy apropiado para nuestro mundo de hoy, “A menos que la vida no se viva para otros, no vale la pena.”

La vida entera de Juan Bautista fue vivida para decir a otros que la hora para arrepentirse había llegado para todos. Debemos darnos cuenta que el arrepentimiento tiene dos lados — dar la espalda al pecado y volverse hacía Dios. Arrepentimiento no quiere decir “lo siento” quiere decir “cambiar.” Para ser perdonados debemos arrepentirnos. No podemos solo decir que creemos y vivir de cualquier manera que queramos, ni tampoco podemos simplemente vivir una vida con una buena moralidad sin ninguna referencia a Jesucristo. El perdón de los pecados es un mensaje de arrepentimiento. Resuelve eliminar de tu vida todo pecado que Dios te indique y pon tu confianza en El. Vivirás para otros, porque sabiendo que tú estás salvado tu vida valdrá la pena.



La primera lectura muestra que los que rechazan el don de salvación de Dios se convierten en refugiados espirituales. La segunda lectura revela que la alegría es un signo infalible de la presencia de Dios. El Evangelio revela que Dios llama a gente ordinaria para hacer cosas extraordinarias.

Esta semana, muestra a tu familia que el Adviento es un tiempo de cambios, vigilancia y preparación. Deja que el mensaje de Juan Bautista toque tu corazón y “Arrepiéntete de tus pecados.” Ahora mismo, pídele al Espíritu Santo que te revele que es lo que necesita ser cambiado en ti. Escribe lo que es y si es en varias áreas, toma una a la vez. Comparte tu camino con una persona que no juzgue. Tú eres esa persona común a quien Dios ha elegido para hacer cosas extraortinarias. Ruega, agradece y acepta de Dios el milagro que tomará lugar en tu vida esta temporada de Adviento.

2nd Sunday in Advent (December 5th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




(“For God will show all the earth your splendor.”)

l. What is Jerusalem to take off, and what is it to put on? Baruch 5:1


2. What shall no longer enter Jerusalem? Isaiah 52:1


3. In what shall Jerusalem be wrapped, what shall it have on its head, and what does that display? Baruch 5:2


4. What was engraved on a seal that was tied over the miter? Exodus 39:30-31


5. Why do we rejoice heartily in the Lord? Isaiah 61:10


6. What will God show all the earth, and what will we be named by God forever? Baruch 5:3-4


7. Who will Jerusalem see to the east, how were they gathered together from the east and the west, and about what will they rejoice?  Baruch 5:5


8. Who led your children away, and who will bring them back? Baruch 5:6


9. What has God commanded so that Israel may advance secure in the glory of God? Baruch 5:7


10. What has happened to Israel at God’s command, and how is He leading Israel? Baruch 5:8-9


Personal    What are the enemies that have led the children away in this day?   How do you see God bringing them back?   How has this affected your family?




(“…how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.”)

1. How are Paul and Timothy praying for the Philippians, and for what reason? Philippians 1:4-5


2. What did the Philippians do at the beginning of the Gospel when Paul left Macedonia? Philippians 4:15


3. About what are they confident? Philippians 1:6


4. Who is Paul’s witness, and how does he long for the brothers? Philippians 1:8


Personal    Who do you long for with the affection of Christ?


5. What is Paul’s prayer for the people of Philippi? Philippians 1:9


6. What do you become filled with through all spiritual wisdom and understanding? Colossians 1:9


7. What must you discern so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ? Philippians 1:10


8. From what are you instructed in order to know his will, and what is important? Romans 2:18


9. What are you filled with that comes through Jesus Christ, and for what reason? Philippians 1:11


10. How is the Father glorified? John 15:8


Personal – Give specific examples of how you have glorified the Father.




(“…proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”)

1. During whose reign and who was the governor when the Word of God came to John? Luke 3:1-2


2. Whose son was John, and where did the Word of God come to him? Luke 3:2


3. What did John do throughout the whole region of the Jordan? Luke 3:3; see also Matthew 3:1-2 and Mark 1:4


4. What is evidence of repentance? Luke 3:8


5. What leads us to repentance? Romans 2:4


6. What does godly sorrow produce, and what does worldly sorrow produce? 2 Corinthians 7:10


7. What is a voice crying out in the desert?  Luke 3:4


8. What will happen to the valleys, mountains, roads and rough ways? Luke 3:5


9. What will happen to all flesh? Luke 3:6


10. What has the Lord made known in fulfillment of what was written by the prophecy of Isaiah, and what has he revealed to the nations? Psalm 98:2


Personal – How has the Lord revealed to you personally that you have been saved from your sins?    How have you come into godly sorrow or repentance for your sins?




(“The Lord has done great things for us.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 126:1-6.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




BARUCH 5:1-9

Baruch was the well known secretary of Jeremiah, and in today’s reading he tells how God will lead a “new exodus” at the end of time, from east to west, to the ideal city of Jerusalem. He is telling the people who have been through exile, captivity, and total destruction that salvation is God’s gift and God’s holy work.  He goes on to encourage them to accept this gift because if they do not they will become spiritual refugees.

Accepting the gift of salvation from God involves a conversion that turns all men toward their homeland.  Today’s message is a message of consolation and hope.  It is a call to come out of mourning and to trust in the Lord.  It is a call to put on the cloak of justice and walk in the glory of the eternal name.  It is a call to rise from the dirt and to shake yourself clean.

The people were being encouraged to stand on the heights or the shoulders of those who went before them into exile and keep their faith alive by staying very close to God’s Holy Word. They knew that no matter how difficult the times would get, their God would never forget them or abandon them.

God is leading all of his people who are being oppressed. The people in today’s reading knew that, and in today’s world that same God makes the same promise to his children of today. Jesus Christ is the light that has broken the darkness, and we follow him in his justice and mercy and finally in his glory.


PHILIPPIANS 1:4-6, 8-11

This reading clearly emphasizes that, for the Christian, evangelism is not a duty, it is a joy.  This letter to the Philippians has been called an epistle of joy.  It is with joy that Paul prays for his friends.  The joy of Christian prayer is bringing those we love to the mercy seat of God. There is the joy that Jesus is preached in all parts of the world today.  If Christianity does not make a man happy, then it will not make him anything at all.  There is the joy of suffering for Christ in that it is a chance to demonstrate our trust in him and know that in our weakness is his strength.  There is the joy of Christian hospitality.  It is a great thing to have a door (your heart) from which the stranger and the one in trouble know that they will never be turned away.

Paul is seeing the life of every Christian as a sacrifice ready to be offered to Jesus Christ.  We are called to make our bodies a living sacrifice acceptable to God (Romans 12:1).  The task of the Christian then is to make his life fit to offer to Jesus Christ.  Only the power of the Holy Spirit can empower us to do that. Paul tells us that we are also partners in grace. We are to share our common debt to God for always bestowing on us his healing, saving grace.

It was Paul’s prayer for his people that their love would grow and grow.  To love is to know and to know is to learn.  When we learn, we discover truth and truth is Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever.


LUKE 3:1-6

Today’s Gospel sees it fitting to announce that in the loneliness of a terrible desert, the “Good News” of salvation was available for all those who repent.  We see that Pilate, Herod and Caiphas were the most powerful leaders in Palestine. But they were upstaged by a desert prophet from Judea. God chose to speak through this loner, John the Baptist, who has gone down in history as greater than any of the rulers of his day.

Even today we often judge by our culture’s standards, – power, beauty, wealth, education – as in John’s time, and miss the really special people through whom God works.  Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we do for God. We can be like John the Baptist and give ourself entirely to God so his power can work through us.  Mother Teresa has a saying that is very appropriate to our world today, “Unless life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.”

John the Baptist’s whole life was lived to tell others that the time to repent has come to all.  We must realize that repentance has two sides – turning away from sin and turning to God. Repentance does not mean “I am sorry;”  it means “change.”  To be forgiven we must repent.  We just can not say we believe and then live any way we want to live, nor can we simply live a good moral life without reference to Christ.  Forgiveness from sin is the message of repentance.  Determine to rid your life of any sins God points out to you, and put your trust in him.  You will be living for others because knowing you are saved makes your life worthwhile.



The first reading shows that those who refuse God’s gift of salvation become spiritual refugees.  The second reading reveals joy as the infallible sign of the presence of God.  The Gospel reveals that God calls on ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

This week, show your family that Advent is a time of changing, watching and preparation.   Let the message of John the Baptist touch your heart and “Repent of your sins.” Right now, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what needs to change in you. Write down what it is, and if it is several areas, take one at a time. Share your journey with a non-judgmental person.  You are that ordinary person whom God has chosen to do extraordinary things. Pray, thank, and accept from God the miracle that is going to take place in your life this Advent season.

Lectio Divina – 2nd Sunday in Advent (December 5th) – Cycle C

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer.
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Luke 3:1-6 – In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the desert. John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: A voice of one crying out in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?




What does the Lord personally want you to do?



Primer Domingo de Adviento (28 de Noviembre) – Ciclo C

El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



PRIMER DIA Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida ésta semana?




(“El Señor nuestra Justicia.”)

1. ¿Qué dice el Señor que se acerca? Jeremías 33:14


2. ¿Qué promesa ha hecho el Señor y cómo nos podemos beneficiar con élla? Deuteronomio 28:7-9


3. ¿Qué hará el Señor brotar de David y qué hará éste? Jeremías 33:15


4. ¿Como rey, qué hará este hijo justo? Jeremías 23:5-6


5. ¿Qué le pidió al Señor el rey Salomón, hijo y sucesor del rey David y qué le concedió éste? 1 Reyes 3:9-12


6. ¿Quién era el justo hijo de David a quien los magos buscaban y cuál fue la inscripción sobre la cabeza de Jesús cuando lo colgaron en la cruz? Mateo 2:2 y 27:37


7. ¿En aquellos días, quién estaría a salvo y viviría seguro? Jeremías 33:16


8. ¿Cómo sería llamada la ciudad? Jeremías 33:16


9. ¿Mediante qué nos ha hecho Dios justos? Romanos 3:21-26


10. ¿Cómo conquistaron algunos reinos David, Samuel y los profetas? Hebreos 11:33


Personal – ¿De qué manera ha cumplido Dios Su promesa contigo personalmente? ¿En dónde encuentras tu seguridad?




(“…que el Señor los haga crecer en el amor que se tienen unos a otros.”)

1. ¿En qué debemos crecer más y más y por quién? 1 Tesalonicenses 3:12


2. ¿Qué pasará a nuestro corazón cuando nos amamos unos a otros? 1 Tesalonicenses 3:13


3. ¿Por qué le damos gracias a Dios siempre unos por otros? 2 Tesalonicenses 1:3


4. ¿Cómo serás delante de Dios el día en que venga Nuestro Señor Jesucristo? 1 Tesalonicenses 3:13


5. ¿A quién le pide Pablo que haga santos y sin mancha a sus hermanos? 1 Tesalonicenses 5:23


6. ¿Cómo les está pidiendo Pablo a los hermanos que se comporten? 1 Tesalonicenses 4:1


7. ¿Qué debían hacer con un hermano que actuaba indebidamente? ¿De qué modo actuaba Pablo? 2 Tesalonicenses 3:6-7


8. ¿Qué se les daba a los hermanos y con la autoridad de quién? 1 Tesalonicenses 4:2


9. ¿Quiénes son capaces de instruirse y aconsejarse entre si? Romanos 15:14


10. ¿Qué pasa con un hombre sabio y justo al que se le instruye? Proverbios 9:9


Personal – ¿Cómo ha crecido tu amor por tu esposo o esposa, hijos, amigos y por tu projimo durante el mes pasado? ¿Ves alguna diferencia en el modo en que los amas ahora en comparación de como los amabas el año pasado?




(“Estén vigilando y orando en todo tiempo para que se les conceda escapar de todo lo que deba suceder.”)

1. ¿Dónde habrá señales y por qué estarán los pueblos angustiados? Lucas 21:25


2. ¿Qué pasará al sol, la luna y las estrellas y todos los poderes del cielo? Mateo 24:29


3. ¿Qué le sucederá a la gente con sólo pensar lo que le espera al mundo? Lucas 21:26


4. ¿A quién debes temer? Lucas 12:5


5. ¿A quién ve la gente venir en una nube con poder y gloria? Lucas 21:27


6. ¿Cuándo se presenten los primeros signos cómo debes estar? ¿Por qué? Lucas 21:28


7. ¿Qué pasará con los escogidos de Dios? Lucas 18:7-8


Personal – ¿Si los cielos temblaran hoy morirías de miedo o estarías erecto viendo hacia lo alto para presenciar Su llegada en la nube?


8. ¿Por qué debes estar alerta y que pasará a todos los que viven en la tierra? Lucas 21:34-35


9. ¿Qué debes hacer todo el tiempo y por qué debes orar? Lucas 21:36


10. ¿Qué les dijo Jesús a sus discípulos cuando estaba en el huerto de Getsemaní? Mateo 26:41


Personal – ¿Qué has estado haciendo en anticipación a Su venida? Comparte esta escritura con algun miembro de tu familia o amistad.



QUINTO DIA LEE EL SALMO 25:4-5, 8-10, 14

(“Dirige a los humildes a la justicia.”)

Leé y medita el Salmo 25:4-5, 8-10, 14.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?




JEREMIAS 33:14-16

Este pasaje habla acerca del plan de Dios de restaurar a Jerusalén, no porque el pueblo lloraba sino por que era parte de Su plan final. El desastre que los de Babilonia trajeron a los Judios no cambió los propósitos de Dios para Su pueblo. Aún cuando Jerusalén sería destruido, eventualmente iba a ser restaurado debido a que la justicia de Dios es atenuada por Su misericordia. El énfasis está en la promesa de un reino universal sobre la tierra por un Mesías. El contexto histórico de esto no es importante en relación con lo que trata esta lectura. Esta trata del control que Dios tiene sobre la historia; El puede actuar en el momento que El quiera. Nunca olvides que Dios actuará en Su tiempo (Hebreos 12:26, 27).

La lectura de hoy se refiere tanto a la primera como a la segunda venida de Cristo. Cuando venga este largamente esperado Mesías, El asentará Su reino en los corazones de los creyentes. En su segunda venida El dictaminará y hará justicia sobre toda la tierra. Qué fuerte profecia fue esta para el pueblo. Supieron que a pesar de los horrores que les habían hecho, su Mesías vendría a traerles libertad.

Hoy en todo el mundo hay tiranía, opresión, hambre y violencia. En la mas profunda obscuridad de este dolor estan las “Buenas Nuevas.” Y las Buenas Nuevas son un mensaje de esperanza. Es la luz del mundo la que ha perforado y derrotado a la obscuridad de la muerte. Hoy, nuestro mundo se encuentra envuelto en su propia profecia y rehusa con sus acciones decir que “El Señor es nuestra justicia.”

La promesa de vida eterna y alegría tiene mucho mas significado para nosotros porque el Mesías ya ha venido y Su nombre es Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor y Salvador. El es la Buena Nueva.



En el pasaje de hoy se nos dá una visión momentánea especial de lo que era la mente de Pablo, ya que para él todo era de Dios. Le pide a Dios mostrarle el camino a Tesalónica y para todos sus problemas de la vida diaria pide la guía del Señor.

Uno de los grandes e increíbles errores mas comunes en la vida es el buscar a Dios unicamente en las emergencias abrumadoras y en las crisis demoledoras. ¿Cuántas veces tú o alguien que conoces ha llamado a Cristo en una emergencia? Como un buen bombero, El viene y apaga el fuego. Y le damos varias y rápidas “gracias” y lo mandamos de nuevo a Su estación de bomberos a que espere para otra ocasión que lo llamemos.

Pablo está hablando de hacer oración como un tipo de relación que se mantiene activa. Cuando dos personas se aman quieren compartir sus éxitos así como tambien todas sus penas. Cristo viene a ser la persona con la que compartimos nuestras mentes, corazones y almas; y eso lo hacemos en la oración. Orar es decirse uno al otro cuanto se aman. Este amor que tenemos por Jesús se derramará hacia otros. Así es como la gente nos juzga, no por lo que decimos sino por lo mucho que amemos a los demas. Tener buenos modales y ser cortés no es suficiente, tenemos que mostrar nuestro amor a los demas, especialmente a los que es dificil amar.

Nuestro amor debe crecer continuamente y si parece que tu amor por los demas ha permanecido sin cambios por algún tiempo ponte de rodillas y pídele a El que te llene con Su Espíritu Santo (Efesios 5:18), y así serás capaz de amar aún a los que es difícil amar. Este pasaje termina con un llamado a complacer a Dios con nuestra vida diaria. Las normas que rigen al mundo quieren seducirnos y matarnos. Las normas de Dios quieren hacerte libre, salvarte, amarte y hacerte capaz de amar a otros. ¿Cuáles normas vas a escoger?


LUCAS 21:25-28, 34-36

Se nos confronta con una pregunta que penetra profundamente en el evangelio de hoy. Si los cielos temblaran y se abrieran, ¿morirías de miedo o estarías erecto, mirando hacia arriba viendolo llegar en las nubes? Para el creyente esto es un llamado para pensarse seriamente; para el no creyente, es solo una tontería que no vale ni la pena hablar de ello.

Jesús les dijo a Sus discípulos que estuvieran alertas y oraran. El escenario de las persecusiones que vendrán y de los desastres naturales entristece, pero a fin de cuentas no son causantes de preocupación sino de júbilo. Sabemos que cuando los creyentes vean suceder esos eventos, sabrán que el regreso de su Mesías está cerca. Ellos podrán esperar ansiosamente a Su reino de justicia y paz.

Hoy día estamos viviendo desastres naturales como temblores, fuegos en los bosques, hambre y sequia. En vez de aterrorizarnos de lo que está pasando en nuestro mundo, debemos tener confianza y orar esperando el regreso de Cristo. Jesús les dijo a Sus discípulos que se mantuvieran alertas constantemente por Su regreso. ¿Te mantienes fielmente alerta con el estilo de vida que estás llevando? Los seguidores de Jesucristo viven en antici- pacion a Su regreso y están muy alertas contra las tentaciones del mundo.

Aunque cerca de dos mil años han pasado desde que El nos dijo estas palabras, su verdad permanece: El va a venir otra vez y necesitamos estar alertas y listos. Eso significa trabajar fielmente en los asuntos que Dios te ha dado y no deseando que fueras otro en vez de ti mismo. Si fueras la única persona en el mundo, Cristo hubiera ido a la cruz de todos modos, simplemente por que nos ama tanto que murió por nosotros, para que así podamos estar con El cuando regrese.



La primera lectura nos dice que la luz vendrá a destruir la obscuridad. En la segunda lectura vemos que la oración esta viva y activa por que es un diálogo entre dos personas. El Evangelio nos llama a estar alertas y a orar por todo.

Esta semana, muéstrale a tu familia, a tus compañeros de escuela o de trabajo lo que haces en anticipación al regreso de Jesús. Tus acciones puede demostrarse tomando un tiempo a solas para orar con El Señor, leyendo las escrituras con tu familia, haciendo tu estudio de la Biblia a la hora de tu descanso en el trabajo y amando a otros aún cuando no te sientas amado. Acuerdate, el amor no es un sentimiento; es una decisión. Ponte en acción orando, leyendo la Santa Palabra de Dios, en la iglesia de Dios y en la convivencia con la comunidad creyente.

1st Sunday in Advent (November 28th) – Cycle C


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn

Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1.   What was a helpful or a new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2.   From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“The Lord our Justice.”)

l. What does the Lord say is coming? Jeremiah 33:14


2. What promise has the Lord made, and how can we benefit from His promise? Deuteronomy 28:7-9


3. What will the Lord raise up for David, and what will he do? Jeremiah 33:15


4. As king, what will this righteous shoot do? Jeremiah 23:5-6


5. What did King Solomon, son and successor to King David, ask from the Lord, and what did he grant him? 1 Kings 3:9-12


6. Who was the righteous shoot of David for whom the Magi were looking, and what was the inscription over Jesus’ head while he hung on the cross? Matthew 2:2 and 27:37


7. In those days, who will be safe and dwell secure? Jeremiah 33:16


8. What will the city be named? Jeremiah 33:16


9. How have we been made right with God or justified with God? Romans 3:21-26


10. How did David, Samuel and the prophets conquer kingdoms? Hebrews 11:33


Personal – In what way has God fulfilled his promise to you personally? Where do you find your security?



(“…may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another.”)

1. In what are you to abound and increase, and for whom? 1 Thessalonians 3:12


2. What will loving one another do to your heart? 1 Thess. 3:13


3. Why do you thank God always for one another? 2 Thessalonians 1:3


4. How will you become before God at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? 1 Thessalonians 3:13


5. Whom does Paul ask to make the brothers holy and blameless? 1 Thessalonians 5:23


6. How is Paul asking the brothers to conduct themselves? 1 Thessalonians 4:1


7. What were they to do with a brother who acted in a disorderly way, and how did Paul act? 2 Thess.3:6-7


8. What was given to the brothers, and who was it through? 1 Thessalonians 4:2


9. Who is able to instruct and admonish one another? Romans 15:14


10. What happens to a wise and just man who is instructed? Proverbs 9:9


Personal – How has your love increased for your spouse, children, friends, and neighbors during the past month? In what way do you see a difference in the way you love now compared to last year?



(“Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent.”)

1. Where will there be signs, and why will nations be perplexed? Luke 21:25


2. What will happen to the sun, moon, stars and powers of the heavens? Matthew 24:29


3. What will happen to people in anticipation of what is to come upon the world? Luke 21:26


4. Who are you to fear? Luke 12:5


5. Who will people see coming on a cloud with power and great glory? Luke 21:27


6. When these signs begin to happen, how should you stand? Why should you stand this way? Luke 21:28


7. What will happen to God’s chosen ones? Luke 18:7-8


Personal – If the heavens shook today, would you die of fear or would you stand erect looking up to see him coming on the cloud?


8. Of what should you be wary, and what will happen to everyone who lives on the earth? Luke 21:34-35


9. What are you to be at all times, and for what are you to pray? Luke 21:36


10. What did Jesus tell his disciples while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane? Matthew 26:41


Personal – What have you been doing in anticipation of his coming again? Share this scripture with a family member or a friend.



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 25:4-5,8-10, 14
(“He guides the humble to justice,”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 25:4-5,8-10, 14.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




JEREMIAH 33:14-16

This passage tells about God’s plan to restore Jerusalem, not because the people cried, but because it was part of his ultimate plan. The disaster brought to the Jews by the Babylonians did not change God’s purpose for his people. Although Jerusalem would be destroyed, it would eventually be restored, because God’s justice is always tempered by his mercy. The emphasis is on the promise of a worldwide reign on earth by a Messiah. The immediate historical context is not what this reading is about. It is about God’s control of history; he can act anytime he chooses. We must never forget that God will act in his time (Hebrews 12:26, 27).

Today’s reading refers to both the first and second comings of Christ. When this long-awaited Messiah would come, he would set up his reign in the hearts of the believers. At his second coming he will execute justice and righteousness throughout the whole earth. What a tremendous prophecy this was for the people. They knew that no matter what horror was done to them their Messiah was coming to bring them freedom.

Today, all over the world, there is tyranny, oppression, hunger and violence. In the deepest darkness of all of this pain is the “Good News.” The Good News is a message of hope. It is the light of the world that has pierced and defeated the darkness of death. Today, our world is caught up in its own self-prophecy and refuses by its action to say, “The Lord is our righteousness.”

The promise of eternal life and joy is far more meaningful for us because the Messiah has come and his name is Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. He is the Good News.



In today’s passage we are treated to a special glimpse of the apostle Paul’s mind, because for him everything was of God. He prays to God to show him the way to Thessalonica. He turns to God for guidance in the ordinary day-to-day problems.

One of the great and incredibly common mistakes of life is to turn to God only in the over-powering emergencies and shattering crises. How many times have you or someone you know called on Christ in an emergency? Like a good fireman, he comes and puts out the fire. You say a few, quick “thank yous” and send him back to his fire station to await yet another call from you.

Paul is talking about prayer being an active type of relationship. When two people are in love, they want to share all their successes as well as all their sorrows. Christ becomes the person with whom we share our minds, hearts and souls; and we do this in prayer. Prayer is two people in love telling each other how much they love each other. This love that we have for Jesus will overflow to others. This is how people judge us, not by what we say, but by how much we love others. Being polite and courteous is not enough, we need to show our love to others, especially the unlovable.

Our love should be continually growing, and if it seems your love for others has remained unchanged for some time, get on your knees and ask him to fill you with his Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18), and then you will be able to love even the unlovable. This passage ends with a call to please God with our daily living. The standards of the world want to entice us and kill us. The standard of God wants to free us, to save us, to love us, and to let us become capable of loving others. Which standard will we choose?


LUKE 21:25-28, 34-36

We are confronted with a very piercing question in today’s Gospel. If the heavens shook and opened up, would we die of fear or would we stand erect, looking up to see him coming on the clouds? To the believer, this calls for some serious thought; to the unbeliever, this is foolishness to even talk about the subject. Jesus told his disciples to be on guard and pray. The picture of the coming persecutions and natural disasters is gloomy, but ultimately they are cause not for worry, but for great joy. He knew that when believers see these events happening, they will know that the return of their Messiah is near. They can look forward to his reign of justice and peace.

Today we are experiencing natural disasters like earthquakes, forest fires, famine, and drought. Rather than being terrified by what is happening in our world, we should be confident and prayerful awaiting Christ’s return. Jesus told his disciples to keep a constant watch for his return. Are you keeping a faithful watch with the lifestyle you are living? The followers of Jesus Christ live in anticipation of his return, and they are very much on guard against the temptation of the world.

Although nearly two thousand years have passed since he spoke these words, their truth remains: He is coming again, and we need to watch and be ready. This means working faithfully at the tasks God has given us, and not wishing we were someone else. If you were the only person in the world, Christ would have gone on that cross anyway, simply because he loves us enough to die for us, so that we can be with him when he comes back again.



The first reading tells us that the light is coming to destroy the darkness. In the second reading we see that prayer is alive and active because it is a dialogue between two people. The Gospel calls us to be on guard and to pray about everything.

This week, show your family, school or work associates what you are doing in anticipation of Jesus’ return. Your actions can be shown in taking time alone in prayer with the Lord, by reading scripture with your family, by doing bible study on your lunch hour and by loving others even when you do not feel loving. Remember, love is not a feeling; love is a decision. Get active in prayer, reading God’s Holy Word, in God’s church and fellowship with the believing community.

Lectio Divina – 1st Sunday in Advent (November 28th) – Cycle C

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer.
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness, so your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 – Jesus said to his disciples; “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand. “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?




What does the Lord personally want you to do?



Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo (21 de Noviembre) – Ciclo B

El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilia o de las lecturas que oiste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?




(“su reino jamas será destruido.”)

1. ¿Quién tenia visiones durante la noche? Daniel 7:1


2. ¿Qué es lo que vió que venia en una nube del cielo? A quien fue presentado? Daniel 7:13


3. ¿Qué es lo que nosotros veremos? Marcos 14:62


4. ¿Qué es lo que va a recibir el hijo del hombre? Daniel 7:14


5. ¿Qué fue lo que dijo Jesús que se le dió? Mateo 28:18


6. ¿Qué es lo que Dios hará en el tiempo de los reyes? Daniel 2:44


7. ¿Quién servirá a Dios? Daniel 7:14


8. ¿Cuáles son las dos cosas que Jesús vino a hacer? Mateo 20:28


9. ¿Cuál es su poder y qué es lo que no le pasará? Daniel 7:14


10. ¿Nosotros, que recibimos el reino que no se puede sacudir, que debemos hacer? Hebreos 12:26-29


Personal – ¿En que area de tu vida Dios no tiene control sobre tu persona? ¿Cómo puedes dejar que el tome control total sobre tu persona, en relación con tu cónyuge, familia, amigos, vecinos y tu iglesia?




(“…haciendo de nosotros el reino y los sacerdotes de Dios su Padre.”)

1. ¿Quién fue el fiel testigo, el primer nacido de entre los muertos, Rey de Reyes de la tierra? Apocalipsis 1:5, tambien 1 Corintios 15:20


2. ¿Si Jesús es el primero en nacer de entre los muertos, tambien tiene que ser el primero en? Colosenses 1:18


3. ¿Por qué Jesús dió su sangre, qué es lo que nos hizo, y a quien le toca la gloria, y el poder? Apocalipsis 1:5-6


4. De que nos limpió nuestra conciencia y para hacer qué? Hebreos 9:14


5. Si caminamos en la luz como él es en la luz, qué es lo que tendremos y como somos limpiados? 1 Juan 1:7


6. Qué debes hacer que pase en tu vida? 1 Pedro 2:5


7. Quién lo verá venir entre las nubes, y quién lo lamentará?  Apocalipsis 1:7


8. ¿Cuando el hijo de Dios venga en su gloria, cómo nos pagará?  Mateo 16:27


9. ¿Qué fue lo que Dios dijo?   Apocalipsis 1:8


10. ¿A quién le dará Dios del manantial del agua de la vida? Apocalipsis 21:6


Personal – ¿Qué señales das con tus palabras y acciones para todos aquellos a tu alrededor, que demuestran que te niegas a ti mismo para servir a otros y que revele que estás hecho para el reino y eres sacerdote de nuestro Dios y Padre? ¿Cómo lo has hecho?




(“Todo hombre que está de parte de la verdad escucha mi voz.”)

1. ¿Qué fue lo que Pilato preguntó a Jesús y qué fue lo que Jesús le preguntó a su vez? Juan 18:33-34


2. ¿Qué dijo Pilato que no era, y quién dijo que le entregó a Jesús? Juan 18:35


3. ¿Qué dijo Jesús de su reino?  Juan 18:36


4. ¿Qué es lo que dijo Jesús que su Padre mandaría y por que no le pide a su padre que lo ayude? Mateo 26:53-54


5. ¿Dónde dice Jesús que está el reino de Dios? Lucas 17:20-21


6. ¿Qué fue lo que Pilato le dijo a Jesús y para qué dice Jesús que él nació, y para atestiguar qué? Juan 18:37


7. ¿Qué es lo que Jesús atestigua? Juan 3:32


8. ¿Qué es lo que todos los que creen en la verdad hacen? Juan 18:37


9. ¿Quién oyó las palabras de Dios? Juan 8:47


10. ¿Cómo sabemos cual es el espíritu de la verdad y el espíritu de la mentira? 1 Juan 4:6


Personal – Si el reino de Dios, El Espíritu Santo de Jesús, está dentro de ti y contigo, qué es lo que has visto o escuchado? ¿Cómo sabes si quien te comenta habla la verdad? Comparte esto con alguien. ¿Como aplicas esto en tu vida diaria?




(“La Santidad es propia de tu casa”)

Leé y medita el Salmo 93:1-2, 5.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor a través de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?




DANIEL 7:13-14

Esta pasaje revela la visión que Daniel tuvo del fin del tiempo. Daniel describe la llegada de un hombre; este hombre es el Mesias. Jesús usó este versículo como referencia a si mismo en las escrituras. (Lucas 21:27). Daniel, aunque se sentia confuso y turbado por estas profecias, reconoció que la verdad no ha sido revelada todavia. La implicación es que las profecias no serán reveladas hasta que Dios las revele a su gente.

La profecia de Daniel, es un gran mensaje de esperanza y consuelo para los enfermos, los olvidados, abandonados, y perdidos. Esta vision fue dicha a mucha gente y el hijo de Dios era por supuesto el Mesias que es Jesucristo. Hoy en dia podemos ver la profecia y vemos que su significado completo está por venir. Jesús vino a salvarnos de las redes de Satanás. Pero aun hay mucha maldad en nuestras tierras. Sabemos que la fuerza del Espíritu Santo es su fuerza, y esa fuerza es eterna. Tambien sabemos que el gobierno de Dios es libre de corrupción.

Jesús nos dice que el regresará para levantar a todos sus creyentes hacia Dios. Todos vamos a tener que presentarnos ante Dios para ser juzgados. Si vieramos llegar a Dios en una nube del cielo hoy y tuvieramos que ser juzgados hoy, qué es lo que Dios diria sobre tu vida? ¿Cómo mediria tu vida con la palabra de Dios? Debemos prequntarnos, qué es lo que Dios espera de nosotros, y debemos vivir según sus escrituras y enseñanzas, de hoy en adelante.



La lectura de hoy nos muestra que de la palabra de Dios se puede depender por que el Padre, Hijo y el Espiritu Santo son la fuente de la verdad. Hemos visto en las escrituras que otros fueron levantados de entre los muertos. Los apóstoles, los profetas y Jesús trajeron de nuevo a la vida a otros durante sus ministerios. Pero todos despues murieron.

Jesucristo fue el único que nació para morir. El murió para que tú como yo podamos vivir en él por siempre. El pagó por nosotros y su pago fue de sangre. Una de las cosas mas duras para un cristiano es el testimonio de lo que significa Jesús en su vida personalmente. Muchos Cristianos dudan que decir sobre la forma en que Cristo ha cambiado su vida, por que ellos creen que los cambios son muy pequeños. Pero uno puede ser testigo de Jesús no por lo que él ha hecho por uno si no por lo que uno ha hecho por él.

En el pasaje de hoy podemos ver como Cristo ha hecho ciertas cosas por cada uno de nosotros y que podemos compartir con otros. Cristo demostró su gran amor librándonos de nuestros pecados a traves de su muerte en la cruz garantizándonos un lugar en su reino si escogemos creer en El. El hecho de que nos ofrece la vida eterna, es nada menos que un gran testimonio para cada uno de nosotros. Jesús nos mostró un reino poderoso y victorioso en la batalla y glorioso en la paz. Nosotros tambien podemos ser victoroso en la batalla y gloriosos en la paz cuando Jesús es nuestro Dios y Salvador, por que es su batalla y no la nuestra.


JUAN 18:33-37

Jesús fue llevado al palacio de un gobernador Romano, sus acusadores no entraron, por que eso los manchaba de pecado. Entrar en la casa de un gentil (la casa de Pilato) era mancharse de acuerdo con la ley Judia. Resultando, que esa persona no podia participar en la ceremonia religiosa o en el banquete. Esas personas pretendian tener una vida religiosa pero también cultivaban la muerte y las amenazas en sus corazones. Pilato sabia lo que estaba pasando y que los líderes religiosos no querian a Jesús. Pero el no queria ser su ejecutor. Pilato sabia que ellos no podian sentenciarlo a muerte, pues esa orden tenia que venir de un líder romano.

Pilato queria saber si Jesús no estaba tratando de sobre poner su gobierno. Los Judios usaban el titulo de “Rey” implicando que el era su gobernador religioso, “El Mesias.” Los Judios esperaban a un salvador poderoso que los libraria del poder de los Romanos, y miraban a Jesús con desprecio, y con disgusto, este errante, “servidor sufriente,” éste blasflemo.

Jesús contestó a Pilato muy claro, que el era un Rey, pero que su reino no era de este mundo. Pilato, aunque creyó en él, de todos modos rechazó la idea. La tragedia que Pilato cometió es una de las mismas que cometemos hoy y es la de creer que Jesús es el Mesias, pero no vivimos nuestras vidas, como él nos manda. Nosotros no tenemos excusa, hemos leido sobre Cristo, hemos estudiado las escrituras, nuestra iglesia nos ha enseñado que Jesús es nuestro Dios y nuestro salvador, la tragedia es que hay muchos, segun ellos cristianos que viven en dirección completamente diferente a lo que Jesús manda. Para Pilato y mucha gente entonces como hoy la verdad es lo que la mayoria de la gente creé. La verdad es Jesús (Juan 14:6) y solamente la verdad (Juan 8:32) puede darnos la libertad.



La primera lectura nos enseña el mensaje de esperanza y consuelo que se encuentra en la profecia y la visión de Dios. La segunda lectura nos muestra que en la palabra de Dios se puede confiar, por que Dios es verdad (Juan 14:6). El evangelio nos revela que la hipocresia nunca será el centro de la religión verdadera.

Esta semana, se específico, habla la verdad y diles a los miembros de tu familia o a tus amigos solamente comentarios que los levante. No los halagues con tus comentarios deshonestos y por una semana habla solamente de cosas buenas de ellos. Jesús habló con la verdad por que él es la verdad. Tu tambien puedes hablar con la verdad por que tienes el poder del Espíritu Santo dentro de ti (1 Juan 4:4) para hablar solamente la verdad. Dá a saber a todos los que te conocen que tu puedes ser de confianza por que solamente hablas con la verdad.

Lectio Divina – Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (November 21st) – Cycle B

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer.
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


John 18:33-37 – Pilate said to Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?” Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?




What does the Lord personally want you to do?



Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (November 21st) – Cycle B


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


FIRST DAY  Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or a new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?



(“…his kingship shall not be destroyed.”)

l.  Who was having visions during the night? Daniel 7:1


2. What did he see coming on the clouds of heaven, and into whose presence did he come?  Daniel 7:13


3.  What will we all see?   Mark 14:62


4.  What will the son of man receive?  Daniel 7:14


5.  What did Jesus say was given to him? Matthew 28:18


6.  What shall the Lord do in the time of kings? Daniel 2:44


7.  Who shall serve the Lord? Daniel 7:14


8.  What two things did Jesus come to do?  Matthew 20:28


9.  What is his dominion, and what shall not happen to it? Daniel 7:14


10.  We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should do what? Hebrews 12:26-29


Personal – In what area in your life does God not have dominion over you?  How can you give him complete control and kingship over every area of your life?



(“…who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father,”)

1.  Who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth? Revelations 1:5, 1 Corinthians 15:20


2.  If Jesus is the firstborn from the dead, in what else should he be first? Colossians 1:18


3.  What has Jesus done by his blood, what has this made us, and who gets the glory and power forever? Revelation 1:5-6


4.  From what did Christ’s blood cleanse our consciences, and to do what? Hebrews 9:14


5.  If we walk in the light as he is in the light, what will we have, and how are we cleansed? 1 John 1:7


6.  What are we to let happen to us? 1 Peter 2:5


7.  Who will see him coming amidst the clouds, and who will lament him? Revelation 1:7


8.  When the Son of Man comes in all his glory, how will he repay everyone? Matthew 16:27


9.  What did the Lord God say? Revelation 1:8


10.  Who does the Lord God give a gift from the spring of living water? Revelation 21:6


Personal – What signs do you show by your speech and actions of dying to self for those around you, that reveal you have been made into a kingdom, priests for our God and Father?  How has this been done?



(“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”)

1. What did Pilate ask Jesus, and what was Jesus’ question back to him? John 18:33-34


2. What did Pilate say he was not, and who did he say handed Jesus over to him? John 18:35


3. What did Jesus say about his kingdom? John 18:36


4. Who did Jesus say his Father would provide, and why does Jesus say he does not call upon his Father? Matthew 26:53-54


5.  Where did Jesus say is the kingdom of God? Luke 17:20-21


6.  What did Pilate say to Jesus, and for what did Jesus say he was born and to testify to? John 18:37


7.  To what does Jesus testify to? John 3:32


8.  What does everyone who belongs to the truth do?  John 18:37


9.  Who hears the words of God?  John 8:47


10.  How do we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit? 1 John 4:6


Personal – If the kingdom of God, Jesus’ Holy Spirit, is among you and within you, to whom and what have you been listening?  How do you determine if the person speaking is speaking truth? Share this with someone.  How can you apply this to your everyday life?



(“…holiness befits your house.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 93:1-2, 5.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?



DANIEL 7:13-14

This passage reveals Daniel’s vision of the end times. Daniel describes the arrival of a man; this man is the Messiah. Jesus used the above verse to refer to himself in scripture (Luke 21:27). Daniel, while feeling disturbed and confused about these prophecies, recognized, as we need to recognize today, that their full meaning has not been revealed. The full implications of these prophecies or any other of God’s prophecies will not be known until God reveals them to his people.

Daniel’s prophecy is a tremendous message of hope and comfort for the many who are sick, lonely, abandoned and lost. This vision was told to many people, and the Son of Man was, of course, the Messiah who is Jesus Christ. We today can look at prophecy and see that the full meaning is still to come. Jesus has come to free us from the grasp of Satan, but there is still much evil in our lands. We know that the power of the Holy Spirit is his power, and that power is eternal. We also know that the government of the Lord is a corrupt-free government.

Jesus tells us that he will return to raise up all his followers to the Father. We all must stand before God and give an account of our lives. If you were to see God arrive on clouds from heaven and your life were judged by God today, what would he say about it? How would he measure your life against his word? We need to ask what we would like him to see at that time. Then we should live that way beginning now.



Today’s reading shows us that we can be assured that God’s word is reliable because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the source of truth. We have seen in scripture that others had risen from the dead. The apostles, prophets, and Jesus himself had brought people back to life during their ministries. But all of them eventually died.

Jesus Christ was the only person who ever was born to die. He died so that you and I could live forever with him.  He paid the ransom for us, and it was a ransom of blood. One of the most difficult things Christian believers are asked is to share what Christ really means to them personally. Many Christians hesitate to share what Christ has done in their lives because they do not feel the change has been very noticeable. You qualify as a witness for Jesus because of what he has done for you, not because of what you have done for him.

Today’s passage shares with us that Christ has done specific things for each person that can be shared with others. Christ demonstrated his great love for us by setting us free from our sins, through his death on the cross, guaranteeing us a place in his kingdom if we choose to believe in him. The fact that Christ has offered eternal life to you is nothing short of a spectacular testimony on your behalf. Jesus is shown as an all-powerful king, victorious at battle, glorious in peace. We can be victorious also in battle and glorious in peace when Jesus is our Lord and Savior, because the battle is his, and not ours.


JOHN 18:33-37

Jesus was taken to the palace of the Roman Governor. His accusers would not go in, for that would have defiled them. Entering the house of a Gentile (Pilate’s house) would cause a Jewish person to be ceremonially defiled by Jewish law. As a result, he could not take part in worship at the temple or feasts. These men kept the pretense of religion while harboring murder and treachery in their hearts. Pilate knew very well what was going on, and that the religious leaders hated Jesus, and he did not want to act as their executioner. Pilate also knew that they could not sentence Jesus to death themselves, because that permission had to come from a Roman leader.

Pilate was interested in Jesus’ reply of being a king to make sure Jesus was not trying to overthrow the government. The Jews were using the title “King” to mean their religious ruler, the “Messiah.” The Jews were looking for a powerful savior for their captive nation. They wanted someone who could free them from the Roman empire’s grip of control. They looked at Jesus with contempt and even disgust: this wandering “suffering servant;” this blasphemer.

Jesus answered Pilate very clearly that he was a king, but his kingdom was not of this world.  Pilate, while believing Christ, still rejected his claim.  The tragedy Pilate committed is one that many people make today, and that is believing that Christ is the Messiah but not living their lives as he calls them to do. We have no excuse, we have read about Christ, we have studied scripture, and we have been taught by our church that he is our Lord and Savior. The tragedy is that there are many “so-called Christians” who live their lives in complete opposition to what Christ is teaching. To Pilate and many people then and now, truth is what is agreed upon by  the majority of the people.  Truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and only through truth (John 8:32) can we ever be set really free.



The first reading teaches a message of hope and comfort found in prophecy and a vision of God. The second reading shows God’s word is reliable because God is truth (John 14:6).  The Gospel reveals hypocrisy can never be the core of true religion.

This week, be specific, be truthful, and say to members of your family or to friends only what is uplifting about them. Do not try to flatter them because flattery is dishonest. But, for one week, speak only about what is good about that particular person. Give only a praise report and watch an incredible transformation take place. Jesus spoke the truth because he is the truth. You can speak only the truth this week because you have the Holy Spirit and his power within you (1 John 4:4) to speak only the truth. Let all who know you know that you are reliable because you speak only the truth.