By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.


FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

  1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


  1. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




    (“…he waited on them under the tree while they ate.”)

  1. To whom did the Lord appear by the great tree at Mamre, where was he sitting, and what was happening to the day? Genesis 18-l


  1. When he looked up, what did he see and what did he do? Genesis 18:2


  1. What are two of these men called? Genesis 19:1


  1. What did Abraham say to them? Genesis 18:3


  1. Why did he want to bring them water? Genesis 18:4


  1. What did Abraham call himself, and why did he want them to have food?  Genesis 18:5


  1. How did Abraham enter the tent, and what did he say to his wife, Sarah?  Genesis 18:6


  1. How did he go to the herd, and after picking out a tender choice steer, to whom did he give it for preparation?Genesis 18:7


  1. What else did he get for them, and what did he do, and continue to do as they sat eating under the tree? Genesis   18:8


  1. What did they ask Abraham, what was his reply, what did one of them say about Sarah and what was Sarah doing? Genesis 18:9-10


Personal – In what way do you show hospitality to those passing your way?  Who are the messengers of the Lord in your life?  How do you treat them?




        (“Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,”)

  1. Who is speaking in verses 24-28 of Colossians, and to what is he a minister?  Colossians 1:23


  1. Where does he find his joy? Colossians 1:24


  1. Where does he fill up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, and for whose sake does he do this?  Colossians 1:24


  1. What does he call his body? Colossians 1:24


  1. What did Paul become to this church, through the commission of whom, and to do what?  Colossians 1:25


  1. To whom has he revealed the mystery that was hidden from ages and generations past?  Colossians 1:26


  1. What is the mystery that God has willed to make known? Colossians 1:27


  1. What is this for which you hope? Colossians 1:27


  1. What are we to proclaim, and how are we to do it? Colossians 1:28


  1. What is useful for teaching and admonishing one another? 2 Timothy 3:16


Personal – In what way has the mystery of Christ in you been revealed to others?  When did you first realize that he dwells in you, and what change took place in you when you realized this?



FOURTH DAY              READ LUKE 10:38-42           GOSPEL

               (“There is need of only one thing.”)

  1. Who welcomed Jesus to her home, and where was this located? Luke 10:38, John 11:l


  1. What was her sister’s name, and what two things did she do? Luke 10:39


  1. What did God the Father tell us to do? Mark 9:7


  1. What did Moses say about Jesus? Deut. 18:15 and Acts 3:22


  1. With what was Martha busy, and what did she say to Jesus? Luke 10:40


  1. What did Martha tell Jesus to do? Luke 10:40


  1. What was the Lord’s reply? Luke 10:41


  1. What is the one thing only that is required? Psalm 27:4


  1. Who had chosen the better portion? Luke 10:42


  1. What did he say would not happen to Mary? Luke 10:42


Personal –  This past week in what way have you not been distracted by duty in order to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him?  In what way have you heard his voice and responded?  Share this with someone.



FIFTH DAY               READ PSALM 15:2-5

             (“He who walks blamelessly and does justice,”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 15:2-5.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




GENESIS 18:1-10

     The story illustrates Eastern hospitality in several ways.  In Abraham’s day, a person’s reputation was largely connected to his hospitality, in the sharing of his home and food.  Even traveling strangers were accorded treatment that would be given to highly honored guests. Meeting another’s need for food or shelter was and still is today one of the most immediate and practical ways to obey God and do his will.

     We can see Abraham trying to get a cool breeze and looking out of the opening of his tent on a very hot day in the desert.  He probably was startled when he saw the three men coming toward him.  He immediately gave them all of his attention.  He addressed one of his guests as “my lord” and yet he addressed himself as a servant.  He acted like they would be doing him a favor by letting him serve them and attend to their needs.  He washed their feet in accordance with the local custom.  This was not only a pleasant comfort but also a sign of genuine respect.  This was a courtesy to refresh a traveler in a hot, dusty climate like Mamre.  He then prepared his food from his best source of crops and the meat came from choice animals.  He bowed down to them and stood back and waited upon them like a true servant.

     Tradition reflects on the three angels as the Trinity.  We may well reflect on the hospitality that Abraham extends to his guests and try to bring it into our manner of conduct.  Do people see in my actions the role of a servant, or do we insist on our needs being met first?  We are called on to meet the needs of anyone who needs help.  Jesus, in Philippians 2:6-11, shows us how to take on the role of a servant.  We need to look with humility and joy towards others, and they need to see in our service the sign of God’s love and peace in us.



     Paul compares his suffering as completing the sufferings of Jesus Christ.  Jesus died to save the church, but the church must continue on in a broken lonely world.  Paul experienced incredible rejection and physical danger in bringing his message of Good News to a many times more hostile world.  Paul’s legacy to us is that we too are called today to bring the marvelous mystery of Christ to all people, and if such service involves suffering, sacrifice, and even death, then that is the filling up and sharing the suffering of Christ.  Paul’s task was to bring to men a new discovery, a mystery that was now revealed.

     Paul’s great gift to our Christian faith and to the world itself was that Christ was the God of not just the Jews,  but the Gentiles as well.  Paul totally destroyed the idea that God’s love and mercy were for only a special nation or privileged people.  Our God is a God of all people, poor people, rich people, young people, old people, and all nationalities.

     Had it not been for Paul we might have been nothing more than a new sect of Judaism.  The Jews would have refused to believe that he was the God of Gentiles, and that would have been blasphemous.  The gnostic would have never believed that every man could be taught enough knowledge necessary for salvation.  The gnostics believe that salvation was only for the spiritual elite and the chosen few.

     Most educators today have agreed that it is impossible to teach knowledge to every person because not everyone is capable of learning it.  We can look around today and see that not everyone has the same gifts.  There are gifts which some will never attain.  There are those who are color-blind and to whom the wonders of art mean nothing.  There are those who are tone deaf and the glory of music does not exist.  Not everyone can be a singer, a writer, a student, or a preacher.  These are gifts which some will never possess.  There are privileges a person will never enjoy.  There are some heights of fame and glory that some will never scale but the mystery that Paul brought to the world through his preaching was that to everyone there is available the Good News of the Gospel, and that is the love of God in Christ Jesus who dwells within each one of us.

     This Good News is the transforming power which brings holiness into life itself.  That is why Paul can say he rejoices in his suffering for us.  He was bringing the Good News and making the Word of God fully known.  Today you and I are called to continue and we too are to rejoice in our sufferings as we bring the Good News, and, like Paul, make the Word of God fully known to all men.


LUKE 10:38-42

     In the first reading, Abraham’s anxiety to entertain his guests leaves us almost winded.  Abraham hastened into the tent.  He ran to the herd.  He had a servant quickly prepare a meal.  Then in our Gospel reading, we see Martha rushing about and even complaining about Mary’s lack of concern.  To judge from the story of the Samaritan, Martha should have been praised for her practical service to Jesus.  Jesus, in fact, challenges her priorities.

     The whole gospel is not contained in loving your neighbor, no matter how important that is.  Christian discipleship is first and foremost surrendering to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  There must be a quiet time to listen to his Word.  Devotion to Jesus is the “one thing” that is required.  Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first his kingship and all else will be added unto you.”  This kind of relationship shows itself in loving service, but without prayer, care for other’s needs may not be love.

     Today’s Gospel shows us a tension between temperaments.  Some people are naturally dynamos of activity; others are normally quiet.  Some people find it very hard to just sit and meditate alone with the Lord.  There are those who would find it very uncomfortable to go into an active ministry.  God needs his Mary and Martha’s too.  Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is an appointed time for everything and a time for every affair under the heavens.” (3:1).

     In today’s Gospel Luke shows us how the incident between Mary and Martha illustrates the primary love of God with all one’s heart, soul, strength, and mind.  Jesus points out to Martha that there is a proper time for prayer and contemplation, for studying scripture and listening to God, just as there is a proper time for action.

     We need only to think where Jesus was going when this happened.  He was on his way to Jerusalem – to die.  His whole being was taken up with the intensity to bend his will to the will of God.  Jesus wanted comfort, peace, solace, and Martha wanted to lay on him a fantastic meal and a spotlessly clean house.  That was not what Jesus needed or wanted but it was what Martha wanted.  Mary listened to his needs and Martha in her kindness assumed his needs.  Jesus said “one thing is necessary,” and in probability, a small simple meal would have of been enough.  This is one of our great difficulties in life.  We want to be kind to people, but we want to be kind to them in our way. We get hurt when our way is not the necessary way.  We need to forget our plans and listen to what he or she needs.  Mary understood Jesus’ needs but Martha did not.  Let us, as Mary, listen, listen………….



     The first reading tells us that a person’s reputation was largely connected to his hospitality.  The second reading tells us that the Good News of the Gospel is available to everyone. The Gospel reveals that it is God’s agenda, not ours that is to be followed.

     Let us be available as Abraham and a servant to others, and let the mystery of Christ’s presence within us be available to all we meet.  Mary listened to Christ and she heard his heart as well as his words; let us do no less.

     We can be present to our families only when we are listening and understanding what they are saying and not saying. The essence of the Christian life is not doing, but rather it is dying. It is in dying to one’s own needs and being available to listen and respond to other’s needs.

Lectio Divina – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 14)- Cycle C

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Luke 10:25-37 – There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test Jesus and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” He said in reply, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” He replied to him, “You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.” But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise, a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn, and cared for him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, ‘Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back.’ Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?



What does the Lord personally want you to do? 





  By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



The first reading shows that God will not let his work of restoration go unfinished.  The second reading tells us that our world, like Paul’s world, is full of enticements.  The Gospel reveals that there is no unemployment in Christian service.

Let us boast of nothing but the power of the cross of Christ and his Holy Name.  We can be instruments of tremendous deeds in his name.  We need to begin everything we do in prayer to our Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name and go forth and make disciples of all the nations.  Let us begin with the members of our family.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?



2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?





(“If only you heed the voice of the Lord, your God,”)

1. Who is speaking and to whom is he speaking?  Deuteronomy 29:1



2. If you heed the voice of the Lord and keep his statutes and commandments what will God do?  Deuteronomy 30:9-10



3. What is this book called?  Deuteronomy 30:10



4. In what way must you return to the Lord?  Deuteronomy 30:10, 6:5



5. What does Moses say this command is not?  Deuteronomy 30:11



6. What two places will you not find it, and what shall you say about it not being there?  Deuteronomy 30:12-13



7. What two places will you find this command?  Deuteronomy 30:14



8. What are you to do with the Lord’s command?  Deuteronomy 30:14



Personal – In what way has your mouth spoken about the love that you have in your heart for the Lord?  In what way have others in your family, friends, or work acquaintances seen and heard this love in you?  Is the way you see yourself confirmed by the way others see and hear you?





(“Making peace through the blood of the cross.”)

1. Who is the firstborn of all creatures?  Colossians 1:15



2. In the image of whom did he come?  Colossians 1:15



3. In whom were heaven and earth created?  Colossians 1:16



4. What are some of the things that were created for Jesus? Colossians 1:16



5. Apart from him, what came into being?  John 1:3



6. He is before what, and how does everything continue its being?  Colossians 1:17



7. Of what is he the head, and for what reason?  Colossians 1:18



8. What pleased God?  Colossians 1:19



9. How are we reconciled to God, and how has peace been made?    Colossians 1:20



10. For what reason has he done this?  Ephesians 1:14



Personal – In what way have you personally been at peace with God through Jesus?  Write down when and how this happened.  In what way have you shared this with someone else?





(“Then go and do the same.”)

1. Who stood up to pose a problem, how did he address him, and what did he say to him?  Luke 10:25



2. When Jesus answered him, he answered with two questions.  What were they?  Luke 10:26



3. What was the lawyer’s reply in verse 27 of Luke 10?



4. What is the new command that Jesus gave us at his last supper?  John 13:34 and 15:12



5. How did Jesus say the lawyer had answered him and from where did he get his answer?  Luke 10:28, Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18



6. What did  Jesus say would happen to him if he followed that command?  See Luke 10:28, and also Leviticus 18:5 to see what happens to a man who obeys his command.



7. What did he say to Jesus and what was Jesus reply about the man going from Jerusalem to Jericho?  Luke 10:29-30



8. Who was going down the same road and what did he do, and then who came upon him and what did he do?  Luke 10:31-32



9. What did the Samaritan do when he saw the man?  Luke 10:34



10. What did the Samaritan do the next day?  Luke 10:35



11. What did Jesus ask the lawyer, what were the lawyers answer, and what did Jesus tell him to do? Luke 10:36-37



Personal – In what way has the Lord given you an opportunity to be compassionate to a family member, a friend, a work acquaintance, a stranger this past week?  How did you respond?




FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37

(“In your great mercy, turn toward me.”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37.



What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?



How can you apply this to your life?





     This passage states that comfort, forgiveness, and restoration is not only possible for the Israelites but is desired by God. The nation of Israel must turn itself around and come back to the Lord.  Only then will God restore his mercy and restore Israel to her rightful place in the land.  Only through the covenant proposed by God to his people can the people regain happiness.

     We hear in today’s reading that the keeping of the command (Deut. 30:11-14) is not as far-fetched as many of the shallow minds of the ages suggested.  The author has stressed a powerfully spiritual message. The Law of God is not in some far-off courtroom or in some prestigious university. The Law of God is something very close to the heart of man. If this attitude prevailed toward the Mosaic Law, Jesus would not have had such conflict with the formalism of the lawyer. The Judeo-Christian positive law can be equated simply with God’s way of guiding the aspirations of the human heart toward him.

     St. Paul shows us how close God’s law really is in Romans 10:6-10. Paul tells us that we don’t need to search the heavens for Christ to bring him down to help us, and we don’t need to go among the dead to bring Christ back to life again! Salvation is trusting in Christ; it is as near as our own hearts and mouths.  For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.

     People have always looked for God through dramatic experiences, hoping for some life-changing encounter.  Some people will travel far and wide to meet some famous spiritual leader, but God’s salvation is right in front of us.  He will come into us wherever we are.  All we need to do is yield and surrender to his gift of salvation.  We need to stop searching and start yielding to his love and mercy.

     We hear every day at our Catholic Mass the proclamation of God’s Word bringing us salvation, healing, and restoration.  Let us yield our ears to hear, our hearts to believe, and our tongues to speak and his gift of salvation will spread throughout the land.



     This passage has some of the most powerful theological statements about Christ in the New Testament.  Christ is praised as the Icon or image of the invisible God.  He manifests God’s presence in his person.  He is called the firstborn of all creation because everything else was created through his mediation.  He existed before all creation and is preeminent among all creation. Paul shows us the scope of creation.  He begins with heaven and earth, visible and invisible, power and might, thrones and dominions, principalities or power.  This was all created not only for him and through him but, also, in him.  Everything is subject to Christ, and through his creative power, creation itself continues on.  

Paul speaks of Christ as the beginning, the starting point of redemption.  He is the first to experience the resurrection of life and, therefore, is the first-born from among the dead.  By the frequently used word “all,” the cosmic dimension of Christ’s power and glory are emphasized.  The restoration which he brings about is the peace that was accomplished by the shedding of his blood on the cross.

     It is stated that Paul had never visited Colossae, evidently, the church had been founded by other converts from Paul’s missionary travels.  The church, however, had been infiltrated by religious relativism by some believers who attempted to combine elements of paganism and secular philosophy with Christian doctrine.  Paul attacks the heresy, confronts these false teachings and affirms the sufficiency of Christ.

     We can see in today’s passage what happens when the head coach is absent and the team begins to flounder.  Paul defends his teachings about Christ in a strong doctrinal discussion of the person and work of Christ.  Paul was battling against a group of leaders called “Gnostics.”  The Gnostics believed it took special knowledge to be accepted by God, even as they claimed to be Christian.  They believed that Christ alone was not the way of salvation.  Paul’s main argument was: it is not what one knows that makes him a Christian, but who he knows.  To know Christ is to know God.  The same danger exists today, and like Paul, we must accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.  Jesus calls for our heart, mind, and soul and we need only surrender to him and say yes.


                          LUKE 10:25-37

     The lawyer asked Jesus a question that on the surface seemed simple: “What must I do to receive eternal life?”  Jesus, in his role as a Hebrew Teacher or Rabbi, answered him with two questions: “What was written in the Law, and how did he interpret the law?”  At that time, to an orthodox Jew, the definition of neighbor would have meant no one else but a Jew.  Jesus relates to them a story that draws from them a definition of who is a neighbor. 

      Jesus begins by telling the story of a man who was robbed and beaten and left in the roadway to die. The first person to come by the injured man was a priest, who was probably on his way to the temple to practice his sacred duties.  The priest did not even touch the fallen man because, as the scripture has it in Numbers 19:11, a priest would be banned from entering into the sacred temple for seven days after touching a dead person.  His duty to the temple and community came before helping this particular man.  The next person to come by was a Levite who was an assistant to the priests.  The priests made the atonement sacrifice and were in charge of the altars and sacred services.  The Levite, too, was caught up in his duties to his ministry, and his responsibility which was being an assistant to the priest in the temple and other religious duties.

     Finally, along came a Samaritan who not only stopped to see what was wrong but became involved in trying to help.  The man may have not been a Samaritan really, the name itself was used for people who didn’t exactly conform to existing standards.  Today we might call that kind of a person a “maverick”, someone who is willing to take a risk.  Jesus was called a Samaritan in John 8:48, obviously they thought he was not orthodox like them.  The question Jesus puts to the lawyer, “Who do you think was neighbor to the man?” is the same question that is being asked of you and me.  God’s love is so great that anyone who is in need is eligible for his help. 

     God wishes that no man perishes no matter his station in life.   We are called to love God with all our heart, soul and strength by loving our neighbor the same way.  Jesus even elevates this standard higher in John 15:12 when he calls us to love one another as he has loved us.  The Samaritan had the love of God in his heart and he spoke his love into action with his deeds.  We will be judged one day, not by our doctrine or creeds, but rather by how we loved our neighbor with all our heart, strength and soul.  It is how we love our neighbor that signifies to the world how we really love God.



The first reading tells us that repentance must come before mercy can be expected.  The second reading shows that Christ is praised as the image of the invisible God.  The Gospel reveals that we will be judged by how we love our neighbor.

We can love, like the Samaritan, when we yield to God’s love and allow ourselves to love everyone and anyone just as Jesus loves us. This is a love that is willing to pay any price that is required. Let your family be the first to experience this kind of love from you. You can begin by dying to your own needs, become more aware of the needs of others, and respond to those needs.


El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oíste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?



(“Si tan solo escuchas la voz del Señor, tu Dios”)

1. ¿Quién está hablando y a quién le habla?  Deut. 29:1


2. ¿Si escuchas la voz del Señor y guardas Sus mandamientos y Sus normas que hará El?  Deut. 30:9-10


3. ¿Cómo se llama este libro?  Deut. 30:10


4. ¿De qué modo debes regresar al Señor?  Deut. 30:10 


5. ¿A qué no son superiores estos mandamientos según dice Moisés?  Deut. 30:11


6. ¿En qué lugares no se encuentran? ¿Qué no podrás decir?  Deut. 30:12-13


7. ¿Cuáles son los dos lugares donde encontrarás estos mandamientos?  Deut. 30:14


8. ¿Qué debes hacer con la palabra del Señor?  Deut. 30:14


Personal – ¿De qué modo ha hablado tu boca sobre el amor que tienes en tu corazón hacía el Señor? ¿De qué modo han visto u oido los de tu familia, tus amigos o compañeros de trabajo ese amor que hay en tí? ¿El modo en que te ves a tí mismo se confirma con el modo en que otros te ven y te oyen?




(“Recibimos la paz a traves de la sangre la cruz.”)

1. ¿Quién es el primogénito de toda la creación?  Colosenses 1:15


2. ¿Como la imágen de quién es?  Colosenses 1:15


3. ¿En quién fueron creados el cielo y la tierra?  Colosenses 1:16


4. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que fueron creadas para Jesús?  Colosenses 1:16


5. ¿Aparte de El qué fue creado?  Juan 1:3


6. ¿El existe antes de qué? ¿Cómo se mantiene todo?  Colosenses 1:17


7. ¿De quién es el la Cabeza y por qué razón?  Colosenses 1:18


8. ¿Qué deseaba Dios?  Colosenses 1:19


9. ¿Cómo nos reconciliamos con Dios y cómo se estableció la paz?  Colosenses 1:20


10. ¿Por qué razón ha hecho esto?  Efesios 1:14


Personal – ¿Personalmente como has conseguido estar en paz con Dios a traves de Jesús? Escribe cuándo y dónde pasó esto. ¿De qué modo lo has compartido con alguien más? 




(“Vete y haz tú lo mismo.”)

1. ¿Quién se levantó a plantear un problema? ¿Cómo se dirijió al Señor y qué le dijo?  Lucas 10:25


2. ¿Cuando Jesús le contestó le hizo dos preguntas, cuáles fueron?  Lucas 10:26


3. ¿Cuál fue la contestación del maestro de la ley en el versiculo 27 de Lucas 10?


4. ¿Cuál es el nuevo mandamiento que nos dió Jesús durante la última cena?  Juan 13:34 y 15:12


5. ¿Cómo dijo Jesús que era la respuesta del maestro de la ley? ¿De dónde sacó esa respuesta? Lucas 10:28, Deuteronomio 6:5 y Levítico 19:18


6. ¿Qué dijo Jesús que le pasaría si seguía ese mandamiento?  Lucas 10:28, ver Levítico 18:5 para ver que le sucede a un hombre que obedece Sus mandamientos.


7. ¿Qué le dijo éste a Jesús y cuál fue la respuesta acerca del hombre que iba de Jerusalén a Jericó?   Lucas 10:29-30


8. ¿Quién iba por el mismo camino y qué hizo y después, quién se le acercó y qué hizo?  Lucas 10:31-32


9. ¿Qué hizo el Samaritano cuando vió al hombre?  Lucas 10:34


10. ¿Qué hizo el Samaritano al día siguiente?  Lucas 10:35


11. ¿Qué preguntó Jesús al maestro de la Ley, cuál fue la respuesta de este y que le dijo Jesús que hiciera? Lucas 10:36-37


Personal – ¿De qué manera te ha dado el Señor la oportunidad de ser compasivo con algún miembro de tu familia, amigo, compañero de trabajo o algún extraño, durante la semana pasada? ¿Cómo respondiste?



QUINTO DIA LEE EL SALMO 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37

(“Y por tu gran misericordia, vuélvete hacía mí.”)

Leé y medita el Salmo 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?





Este pasaje establece que el consuelo, el perdón y restauración no solo eran posibles de alcanzar por los Israelitas, sino que Dios mismo deseaba dárselos. La nación de Israel debe cambiar totalmente y volverse al Señor. Unicamente así Dios restaurará Su misericordia y restaurará a Israel dándole su lugar correcto en la tierra. Unicamente a traves del pacto propuesto por Dios a Su pueblo puede éste recobrar la felicidad.

Escuchamos en la lectura de hoy que el guardar los mandamientos (Deut. 30:11-14) no está muy lejos de encontrarse como sugerían las mentes no muy profundas en esos tiempos. El autor ha enfatizado un mensaje espiritual con mucho poder. La Ley de Dios no está en alguna corte lejana o en alguna universidad prestigiada. La Ley de Dios está muy cerca al corazón del hombre. Si ésta actitud hubiera prevalecido en relación con la Ley Mosaíca, Jesús no hubiera tenido tal conflicto con los formalismos del maestro de la Ley. La ley positiva Judeo Cristiana puede equipararse simplemente con el modo que Dios tiene para guiar las aspiraciones del corazón humano hacía Sí mismo.

San Pablo nos muestra que cerca está realmente la ley de Dios, en Romanos 10:6-10. Pablo nos dice que no necesitamos buscar en los cielos a Cristo y traerlo para ayudarnos y ¡no necesitamos ir entre los muertos y traer a Cristo a la vida nuevamente! La Salvación es Confiar en Cristo; está tan cerca como lo están nuestros corazones y nuestras bocas. Pues es creyendo en su corazón que el hombre se justifica con Dios y con su boca les dice a otros sobre su fe, confirmando su salvación.

La gente siempre ha buscado a Dios a traves de experiencias dramáticas, esperando que haya un encuentro que cambie sus vidas. Habrá quien viaje muy lejos para encontrar a un famoso guía espiritual, pero la salvación de Dios esta mero enfrente de nosotros. El vendrá a nosotros donde quiera que nos encontremos. Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es entregarnos y rendirnos a su don de salvación. Necesitamos dejar de buscar y empezar a entregarnos a Su amor y Su misericordia.

Oímos diariamente en nuestra misa Católica la proclamación de la Palabra de Dios trayéndonos la salvación, la curación y la restauración. Dejemos que nuestros oidos oigan, que nuestros corazones crean y que nuestras lenguas hablen y su regalo de salvación se esparcirá a traves de la tierra.



Este pasaje tiene algunas de las más poderosas declaraciones teológicas acerca de Cristo en el Nuevo Testamento. Cristo es alabado como el Icono o imágen del Dios invisible. El pone de manifiesto la presencia de Dios en Su persona. Es llamado el primogénito de toda la creación pues todo lo demás fué creado a traves de su mediación. El existía antes de toda la creación y predomina entre toda élla. Pablo nos muestra cual es el alcance de la creación. Empieza con el cielo y la tierra, lo visible, lo invisible, el poder y la fuerza, los tronos, los dominios, los principados. Todo esto fue creado no solo por El, y a traves de El sino también, en El. Todo está sujeto a Cristo y a traves de Su poder creativo la misma creación continúa.

Pablo habla de Cristo como el principio, el punto de partida de la redención. El es el primero que conoce lo que es la resurrección de la vida y por lo tanto, es el primogénito entre los muertos. Mediante el uso frecuente de la palabra “todo,” la dimensión cósmica del poder y la gloria de Cristo se remarca. La restauración que El trae es la paz que fue obtenida mediante el derramamiento de Su sangre en la cruz.

Se establece que Pablo nunca había visitado Colosas. Evidentemente la iglesia había sido fundada por otros, convertidos por Pablo en sus viajes misioneros. La iglesia, sin embargo, se había visto infiltrada por un relativismo religioso de algunos creyentes que atentaron mezclar partes del paganismo y la filosofía secular con la doctrina Cristiana. Pablo entonces ataca a los herejes, confronta sus enseñanzas falsas y afirma la suficiencia de Cristo.

Podemos ver en el pasaje de hoy lo que sucede cuando el jefe del equipo está ausente y empiezan las confusiones. Pablo defiende sus enseñazas acerca de Cristo durante una fuerte discusión doctrinal acerca de la persona y el trabajo de Cristo. Pablo se encontraba batallando contra un grupo de líderes llamados “Agnósticos.” Los Agnósticos creían que se necesitaban conocimientos especiales para ser aceptados por Dios y se llamaban a sí mismos Cristianos. Ellos creían que no se conseguía la salvación únicamente con Cristo. El principal argumento de Pablo era: no es lo que uno sabe lo que le hace ser cristiano, sino a quien uno conoce. Conocer a Cristo es conocer a Dios. Hoy en día existe el mismo peligro y como Pablo, debemos aceptar a Jesús como nuestro Señor y Salvador personal. Jesús nos pide nuestro corazón, mente y alma y solo necesitamos rendirnos a El y decirle, sí.


LUCAS 10:25-37

El maestro de la ley preguntó a Jesús algo que superficialmente parecía simple “¿Qué debo hacer para recibir la vida eterna?” Jesús en su papel de Maestro Hebreo o Rabino, le contestó con dos preguntas “¿Qué estaba escrito en la Ley y cómo interpretaba él la ley?” En esos tiempos para un Judío ortodoxo, la definición de prójimo significaba únicamente otro Judío.

Jesús les relata la historia que los lleva a definir quién es nuestro prójimo. Y empieza contándoles sobre un hombre que había sido despojado de sus pertenencias y golpeado y dejado en el camino medio muerto. La primera persona que pasó por ahí fue un sacerdote quien probablemente iba camino al templo a practicar sus deberes sagrados. Este ni siquiera se acercó a tocar al pobre hombre pues la escritura dice en Números 19:11 que un sacerdote tendrá prohibido entrar al templo sagrado por siete días cuando toque a un muerto. Sus quehaceres del templo y de la comunidad estaban por encima de ayudar a este hombre en particular. La segunda persona que pasó por ahí fue un levita quien era un asistente de los sacerdotes. Los sacerdotes eran los que hacían el sacrificio de la expiación y estaban a cargo de los altares y los servicios sagrados. El levita también estaba envuelto en sus quehaceres del ministerio y sus responsabilidades, las cuales eran asistir al sacerdote en el templo y otros quehaceres religiosos. 

Finalmente pasó por ahí un Samaritano quien no solo se detuvo a ver que sucedía, sino que trató de ayudar. A lo mejor el hombre no era un Samaritano en realidad, ese nombre se usaba para designar a la gente que no vivía exactamente conforme a las normas establecidas. Hoy llamaríamos a esa persona “un disidente” alguien que acepta tomar riesgos. A Jesús se le llama Samaritano en Juan 8:48, obviamente ellos pensaron que no era un ortodoxo como ellos. La pregunta que Jesús le pone al maestro de la ley es “¿Quién crees tú, fue un prójimo para ese hombre?” ésta es la misma pregunta que El nos hace a tí y a mí. El amor de Dios es tan grande que cualquiera que tenga una necesidad puede tener Su ayuda. 

Dios desea que ningún hombre perezca, no importa cual sea su situación en la vida. Estamos llamados a amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, alma y fuerzas, amando a nuestro prójimo de la misma manera. Jesús eleva aún más esta norma en Juan 15:12 cuando nos pide que nos amemos unos a otros como El nos ha amado. El Samaritano tenía el amor de Dios en su corazón y lo demostró con sus acciones. Seremos juzgados un día no por nuestra doctrina o credo sino por el amor que hayamos dado a nuestro prójimo, con todo el corazón, fuerza y alma. Este es el modo con que debemos amar a nuestro prójimo y que demuestra al mundo como amamos a Dios en realidad.



La primera lectura nos dice que primero debe haber arrepentimiento antes de esperar la misericordia. La segunda lectura nos muestra que Cristo es alabado como la imagen del Dios invisible. El Evangelio revela que nosotros seremos juzgados sobre cómo amamos a nuestro prójimo.

Podemos vivir como el Samaritano cuando le damos la preferencia en nuestro corazón al amor de Dios y permitirnos a nosotros mismos amar a todos y cada uno igual que Jesús nos ama a nosotros. Este es un amor que tiene la voluntad de pagar cualquier precio que sea requerido. Permite que sea tu familia la primera que sienta esa clase de amor que viene de ti. Puedes empezar muriendo a tus propias necesidades fijándote más en las necesidades de otros y respondiendo a estas. 

Lectio Divina -14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 7) – Cycle C

PURPOSE OF THIS SCRIPTURE READING – Develop a personal relationship with Jesus through the Word of God with the understanding that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of all Jesus said and did. Psalm 32:8 tells us, “I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you.”

  1. Say the opening prayer
  2. Read the passage slowly three times as though Jesus were talking to you.
  3. Converse with Jesus, asking questions and listening to Him.


Father, I can’t understand Your Word without Your grace, I acknowledge my weakness so Your power can reach perfection in me. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind, teach, and guide me to the Truth. May I share as soon as possible whatever You teach me. AMEN


Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 – At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals, and greet no one along the way. Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this household.’ If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you, for the laborer deserves his payment. Do not move about from one house to another. Whatever town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is set before you, cure the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God is at hand for you.’ Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you, go out into the streets and say, ‘The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that we shake off against you.’ Yet know this: the kingdom of God is at hand. I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day than for that town.” The seventy-two returned rejoicing, and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.” Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. Behold, I have given you the power to ‘tread upon serpents’ and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

What is the Lord personally saying to you?




What does the Lord personally want you to do?


El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn




PRIMER DIA  Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oíste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?




(El poder del Señor se dará a conocer a sus servidores.)

1. ¿Quiénes se alegrarán y felicitarán a Jerusalén?  Isaías 66:10


2. ¿Qué deberán hacer los que estaban de luto por Jerusalén?  Isaías 66:10


3. ¿Cómo estarán los que tomen de la leche de Jerusalén?  Isaías 66:11


4. ¿Qué dice 1 Pedro 2:2 sobre aquello de lo que debemor estar ansiosos y por qué?


5. ¿Qué derramará el Señor sobre Jerusalén y de qué manera?  Isaías 66:12


6. ¿Cómo niños de pecho, cómo seremos llevados y acariciados?  Isaías 66:12


7. Llena los siguientes espacios: “Como un hijo a quien ______________________ su madre, así Yo los ________________________ a ustedes.”  Isaías 66:13

8. ¿Dónde encontrarás consuelo?  Isaías 66:13


9. ¿Cuando esto pase, qué le sucederá a tu corazón y a tu cuerpo?  Isaías 66:14


10. ¿Qué se dará a conocer a los servidores del Señor y qué a sus enemigos?  Isaías 66:14


Personal – ¿Cómo encuentras consuelo cuando te sientes deprimido? ¿A quién recurres? Escribe tus pensamientos y luego medita en 1 Corintios 1:3-4.




(Pablo no se enorgullece de nada más que de la cruz de Jesucristo.)

1. ¿Quién está hablando en Gálatas 6:14 y Gálatas 1:1?


2. ¿Pablo dice que no tiene nada de que enorgullecerse más que de qué?  Gálatas 6:14


3. ¿A traves de la cruz de Jesucristo qué dice Pablo acerca del mundo y acerca de sí mismo? Gálatas 6:14


4. ¿Qué es lo que no tiene importancia?  Gálatas 6:15


5. ¿Qué es lo único que importa?  Gálatas 6:15


6. ¿A la imágen de quien hemos sido creados? ¿De dónde procede esta justicia y santidad?  Efesios 4:24


7. ¿Cuáles son las dos cosas que están en los que siguen esta regla de vida?  Gálatas 6:16


8. ¿Qué lleva Pablo en su cuerpo?  Gálatas 6:17


9. ¿Cómo termina Pablo esta carta?  Gálatas 6:18


Personal – ¿De qué manera has sido creado de nuevo? ¿Cómo te ven los demás cuando te niegas a tí mismo y te enorgulleces solo en la cruz de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las reglas que sigues en tu vida? 




(“Les he dado el poder de pisotear todas las fuerzas del enemigo.”)

1. ¿A cuántos eligió el Señor y cómo, cuándo y a dónde los mandó?  Lucas 10:1


2. ¿Qué dijo Jesús acerca de la cosecha y los obreros? ¿Y por qué debían de rogar?  Lucas 10:2


3. ¿Cómo dice Jesús que está mandando a sus obreros? Lucas 10:3


4. ¿Cómo les dijo que debían viajar?  Lucas 10:4


5. ¿Cuando entraran a una casa qué les dijo que debían decir?  Lucas 10:5


6. ¿Si hay un hombre de paz, qué hará esta paz que ustedes le traen? ¿Y si no lo es, qué pasará con la paz que traen?  Lucas 10:6


7. ¿En dónde iban a quedarse? ¿Qué les dijo acerca del salario?  Lucas 10:7


8. ¿Donde fueran bienvenidos qué debían hacer con la comida que les dieran, y con los enfermos? ¿Qué debían de decir?  Lucas 10:8-9


9. ¿Qué debían decir a la gente cuando no fueran bienvenidos? ¿Y dónde debían decirlo?  Lucas 10:10-11


10. ¿Qué le sucederá a un pueblo así?  Lucas 10:12


11. ¿Cómo regresaron los setenta y dos y a quiénes dijeron que habían sometido y en nombre de quién?   Lucas 10:17


12. ¿A quién dijo Jesús que vió caer del cielo como un rayo?  Lucas 10:18


13. ¿Qué les había dado? ¿Qué no les pasaría?  Lucas 10:19


14. ¿De qué no debes alegrarte? ¿En qué debes regocijarte?  Lucas 10:20


Personal – ¿De qué manera has usado este poder que Dios te ha dado en nombre de Jesús para deshacerte del enemigo en tu familia o en aquellos con los que tienes contacto? Vuelve a leer el versículo 19 de Lucas 10 y reclama la promesa que se te ha hecho.



QUINTO DIA LEE EL SALMO 66:1-7, 16, 20

(“Canta alabanzas a la gloria de Su Nombre.”)

Leé y medita el Salmo 66:1-7, 16, 20.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?




ISAIAS 66:10-14

Dios no dejará su trabajo de restauración incompleto. En esta imagen del niño siendo alimentado por los pechos de su madre, Dios muestra que El cumplirá sus promesas.

Esta promesa de paz eterna y de misericordia es imparable como lo es el nacimiento de un bebé. Cuando se termina el dolor empieza la alegría. Jerusalén es presentada como la nueva ciudad de Dios. La nueva Jerusalén es un lugar donde la seguridad, la paz y la abundancia estarán al alcance de todos. Todas las naciones vendrán a alimentarse con los pechos de la “Nueva Jerusalén” y ellas también junto con los viejos fieles que queden encontrarán nueva vida en Jesucristo. Este es un versículo impactante acerca de como Dios en su increíble misericordia ha dejado la puerta abierta para aquellos que creen y lo obedecen. Los fieles que quedaban pidieron a Dios dos favores: que les diera Su compasión (Isaías 63:15-19) y que castigara a sus enemigos (Isaías 66:6). 

Aún hoy en día Dios mantiene esa promesa. Siempre protegerá a los que se mantengan fieles sin importar que tan malo esté el mundo. Siempre hay algunos que se mantienen fieles a El. Este versículo demuestra como la bondad de Dios será vista por el mundo aún cuando haya todavía quien lo rechaze. El versículo termina con un aviso firme acerca de Su ira, que caerá sobre sus enemigos (Isaías 66:14). La tierra como la conocemos no durará por siempre. Dios prometió a Isaías que, crearía una nueva y eterna tierra (65;17, 66:22). Realmente no sabemos como será o en donde estará, pero Jesús de Nazaret y sus seguidores se reunirán para vivir ahí por siempre.


GALATAS 6:14-18

Este pasaje de Pablo a los Gálatas no solo declara audazmente su libertad en Cristo, sino también la libertad de todos los cristianos en Jerucristo. En los tiempos de Pablo, había mucha gente que quería crecer en su vida cristiana pero se distraían con aquellos que insistian en que debían guardar ciertas leyes Judías.

Algunos de los “Judieros” (Judíos que insistian en que se debía circuncidar antes de volverse Cristiano) enfatizaban que era necesaria la circuncisión como prueba de santidad; y sin embargo ignoraban otras leyes Judías. La gente con frecuencia escoje un principio en lo particular y lo vuelven la medida de la fe. Algunos desprecian la promiscuidad pero toleran los prejuicios. 

La palabra de Dios hay que seguirla en su totalidad. Nuestro mundo es igual que el mundo de Pablo, lleno de tentaciones. Diariamente somos bombardeados con presiones culturales sútiles y evidentes y con la propaganda de los medios de comunicación. Oímos a Pablo diciendo que él ya no se preocupa de esas cosas, está muerto a la influencia de las cosas de este mundo. El único modo que tenemos para escapar de esas influencias destructoras es pediéndole a Dios que nos ayude a hacerlo como lo hizo Pablo; o sea que ya no nos dejemos influenciar por ellas. Preguntémonos cuanto nos importan las cosas de este mundo. Recordemos que es muy fácil quedar atrapados en las cosas externas. Necesitamos ser precavidos contra el enfatizar en las cosas que debemos o que no debemos hacer, en vez de preocuparnos de lo verdaderamente importante, la condición interna del corazón. No hacemos cosas buenas para hacernos buenos, hacemos cosas buenas debido a la bondad que está dentro de nosotros, o sea el Espíritu Santo (Juan 14:16). Vivir una vida buena sin cambios internos lleva a un camino espiritual superficial vacio y muy frustrante.

Pablo nos está diciendo que realmente no importa lo que el mundo piense de él o sus hazañas. Lo que si le importó fue la paz que lo envolvió cuando murió a sí mismo por Jesucristo. Lo que le importa a Dios es que cambiemos totalmente de adentro hacía afuera. Pablo era para el mundo un prisionero pero en realidad era totalmente libre en Cristo. Hemos sido liberados por Jesucristo. No necesitamos retroceder con alguna clase de esclavitud. Estamos llamados a hacer uso de nuestra libertad para vivir por Cristo y servirle como El lo desea.


LUCAS 10:1-12, 17-20

Solo Lucas nos habla de la segunda mision de los discípulos. Más de los doce ya conocidos estaban siguiendo a Jesús. El escogió a un grupo de unos setenta discípulos para que prepararan a los pueblos que El visitaría. Estos discípulos eran hombres ordinarios, escogidos para un quehacer no muy ordinario. Los discípulos no estaban entrenados de algún modo especial ni tenían cualidades únicas. Lo que los hacía diferentes era el que se daban cuenta del poder de Jesús y el saber como acercarse a toda la gente a traves de El. Vemos que haber experimentado personalmente Su poder fue mucho más importante que dedicar sus habilidades al reino de Dios. Hoy en día tenemos que centrarnos en lo que El quiere que hagamos en el mundo.

Jesús estaba mandando equipos de dos personas para acercarse a la gente. Estos no estaban tratando de hacer el trabajo por sí mismos sin ayuda; al contrario, rezaban a Dios para que hubiera más obreros. Al hacer el trabajo de evangelización a lo mejor queremos saltar y empezar a trabajar salvando a algunos y ver resultados inmediatos. Jesús nos dice que primero empecemos rezando para tener más obreros y antes de orar por los que no tienen todavía la salvación, orar para que otras personas sientan la preocupación y se unan a tí para acercarse a aquellos que se necesita alcanzar.

No hay desempleo en el servicio cristiano. Nuestro Señor Jesús ha trabajado lo suficiente por cada uno. No te sientes comodamente a mirar, busca el modo de recoger la cosecha. Jesús deja poco lugar a las ilusiones. El les dice que serán tratados como corderos entre lobos. Deben ser cuidadosos pues encontrarán toda clase de oposición. Nosotros también somos mandados al mundo como corderos entre lobos. Así es que necesitamos estar alertas y recordar que debemos enfrentar a nuestros enemigos con el poder, no con timidez, pero con poder sin agredir pero con amor y valentia.

A los discípulos se les dijo que aceptaran la hospitalidad que se les brindara pues la merecían. Nosotros tenemos que estar seguros de que nuestros ministros sean apoyados emocionalmente y que reciban suficiente estímulo.

A los discípulos se les dijo que debían comer lo que les pusieran enfrente y que fueran sanando a los enfermos en el nombre de Jesús. Debían sacudirse el polvo de las sandalias en aquellos pueblos que los rechazaran e irse a otro lado con las Buenas Nuevas.

Los discípulos vieron resultados enormes al ir predicando en el nombre de Jesús y regresaron llenos de júbilo. Jesús les advirtió que no se envanecieran con sus hazañas sino que recordaran que su victoria más importante era que sus nombres serían escritos entre los de los ciudadanos del cielo. Jesús nos recuerda, hoy en día en nuestro ministerio de ser sus discípulos, que la victoria ha sido ganada en el nombre de Jesús. El premio no es la gloria humana lograda en hazañas de poder evangélico, sino es la gloria celestial a traves del seguir a Jesús al calvario.



La primera lectura nos muestra que Dios no permitirá que su trabajo de restauración quede sin terminar. La segunda lectura nos dice que nuestro mundo como el de Pablo está lleno de tentaciones. El Evangelio revela que no hay desempleo en el servicio Cristiano.

No hagamos alarde de nada que no sea el poder de la cruz de Cristo y Su Santo Nombre. Podemos ser instrumentos de hechos grandiosos en Su Nombre. Necesitamos empezar todo lo que hagamos, haciendo oración a Nuestro Padre Celestial a traves del poder del Espíritu Santo en el Nombre de Jesús e ir y hacer discípulos de todas las Naciones.  Empezemos con los miembros de nuestra familia.



By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn   


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.



FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.

1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you choose to apply to your life this week?




        (The Lord’s power shall be known to his servants.)

1. Who will rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad because of her?  Isaiah 66:10


2. What are those to do who were mourning over Jerusalem?  Isaiah 66:10


3. What does the milk of Jerusalem bring? Isaiah 66:11


4. For what does 1 Peter 2:2 say to be eager, and for what reason? 


5. What will the  Lord spread over Jerusalem and how?  Isaiah 66:12


6. As nurslings, how shall you be carried and fondled?Isaiah 66:12 


7. Fill in  the following blanks: “As a mother __________ her son, so will I you.”  Isaiah 66:13


8. Where will you find comfort?  Isaiah 66:13


9. When this happens, what will your heart and body do?  Isaiah 66:14


10. What shall be known to the Lord’s servants and what will be known to his enemies?  Isaiah 66:14


Personal – In what way do you find comfort when feeling depressed?  To whom do you go to?  Write out your thoughts and then meditate on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.




(Paul boasts of nothing but the cross of Jesus Christ.)

1. Who is speaking in Galatians 6:14? Galatians 1:1


2. Paul says he must boast of nothing but what?  Galatians 6:14


3. Through the cross of Jesus Christ, what does Paul say about the world and about himself?  Galatians 6:14


4. What does not matter?  Galatians 6:15


5. What is all that matters?  Galatians 6:15


6. In whose image are we created, and of what is this justice and holiness born? Ephesians 4:24


7. What two things are on all who follow this rule of life?     Galatians 6:16


8. What does Paul bear in his body?  Galatians 6:17


9. How does Paul end this letter?  Galatians 6:18


Personal – In what way have you been created anew?  How do others see you dying to yourself and boasting in the cross of Jesus Christ?  What is the rule of life you follow?




(I have given you the power to tread on all the forces of the enemy.)

1. How many did the Lord appoint, and how, when, and where did he send them?  Luke 10:1


2. What did Jesus say about the harvest and the workers, and for what did he say to ask?  Luke 10:2


3. How did Jesus say he is sending his laborers?  Luke 10:3


4. How did he tell them to travel?  Luke 10:4


5. When entering a house what did he tell them to say?  Luke 10:5            


6. If there is a peaceable man, what will your peace do, and if he is not, what will happen to your peace?  Luke 10:6


7. Where were they to stay and what did he say about wages?   Luke 10:7


8. Where they were welcomed, what were they to do with the food, the sick, and what were they to say to them?  Luke 10:8-9


9. What were they to say to people that did not welcome them and where were they to go to say it? Luke 10:10-11


10. What will happen to such a town?  Luke 10:12


11. How did the seventy-two return, and what did they say was subject to them and in whose name?  Luke 10:17


12. Who did Jesus say fell from the sky like lightning?  Luke 10:18


13. What had he given them and what shall not happen to them? Luke 10:19


14. In what should you not so much rejoice, and in what should you rejoice?  Luke 10:20


Personal – In what way have you used this power that God has given you in the name of Jesus to get  rid of the enemy in your family, or with those you meet each day?  Reread verse 19 of Luke 10 and claim the promise given to you.



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 66:1-7, 16, 20

             (Sing praise to the glory of his Name.)

Read and meditate on Psalm 66:1-7, 16, 20.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




            ISAIAH 66:10-14 

God will not let his work of restoration go unfinished.  In this image of a child nursing at his mother’s breast, God shows that he will accomplish what he promised.

This promise of eternal peace and mercy is as unstoppable as the birth of a baby.  When all the pain is over, the joy begins.  Jerusalem is being presented as the new City of God.  The new Jerusalem is a place where safety, peace and plenty will be available to all.  All the nations are coming to nurse at the breasts of the “New Jerusalem” and they too, along with the remnant of the old, will find new life in Jesus Christ.

This is a tremendous verse about how God, in his incredible mercy, has left the door open for those who believe and obey him.  The faithful remnant asked God for two favors:  show them compassion (Isaiah 63:15-19) and punish their enemies (Isaiah 66:6).  God today still keeps that promise.  He will always preserve a faithful remnant of his people no matter how bad the world.  There are always a few who remain loyal to him.  This verse shows us how the goodness of God will be seen by the world and yet many will still go on rejecting him.  The verse closes with a firm warning that his wrath will come upon his enemies (Isaiah 66:14).  The earth, as we know it, will not last forever.  God promised Isaiah that he would create a new and eternal earth (Isaiah 65:17, 66:22).  We don’t really know how it will look or where it will be, but Jesus of Nazareth and his followers will be united to live there forever.


          GALATIANS 6:14-18

This passage of Paul to the Galatians boldly declares not only his freedom in  Christ but, also, it declares the freedom of all Christians in Jesus Christ.  In the days of Paul, there were many who wanted to grow in the Christian life but were being distracted by those who insisted that they had to keep certain Jewish laws.  

Some of the “Judaizers,” (Jews who insisted that you had to be circumcised before you could become a Christian), emphasized circumcision as proof of their holiness, but ignored other Jewish laws.  People often choose a particular principle and make it the measuring rod of faith.  Some despise promiscuity but tolerate prejudice.  God’s word has to be followed in its entirety.  

Our world is just like Paul’s world, it is full of enticements.  We are being barraged daily with both subtle and overt cultural pressures and propaganda by the media.  We hear Paul saying that he no longer is bothered by them any more because he is dead to the influence of worldly things.

The only way for us to escape these destructive influences is to ask God to help us die to them just as Paul did.  We need to ask ourselves, how much do the interests of this world matter to us?  We need also to remember that it is very easy to get caught up in the externals.  We need to caution against emphasizing things we should or should not do, with no concern for the inward condition of the heart.  We do not do good things to become good, we do good things because of the goodness that is within us, and that is the Holy Spirit (John 14:16).  Living a good life without inward change leads to a spiritual walk that is shallow, empty and very frustrating.

Paul is telling us that it really does not matter what the world thinks about him or his accomplishments.  What does matter to him is the peace that came to him when he died to himself for Jesus Christ.  What matters to God is that we be completely changed from the inside out.  Paul was to the world a prisoner, but in reality he was completely free in Christ.  We have been set free by Jesus Christ.  We do not need to be set back by some form of bondage again.  We are all called to use our freedom to live for Christ and serve him as he desires.


          LUKE 10:1-12, 17-20

Only Luke tells of this second mission of the disciples.  More than just the twelve apostles had been following Jesus. He chose a group of about seventy disciples to prepare a number of towns that he would visit.  These disciples were just ordinary men, chosen for a not-so-ordinary assignment.  The disciples were not trained in any special categories, nor did they have any unique qualifications.  What made them different was their awareness of Jesus’ power and their vision to reach all the people through him.  We see that having personally experienced his power was much more important than dedicating their skills to God’s kingdom. Today, we need to focus on what he wants us to do in the world.

Jesus was sending out teams of two to reach the people.  They were not to try to do the job themselves without help; rather they were to pray to God for more workers.  In doing the work of evangelizing, we may want to jump out and begin working to save others and bring immediate results.  Jesus tells us to first begin by praying for more workers, and before praying for the unsaved people, pray that other concerned people will join you in reaching out to them.

There is no unemployment in Christian service.  The Lord Jesus has work enough for everyone.  Don’t just sit back and watch, look for ways to reap the harvest.

Jesus leaves little room for illusion.  He tells the disciples they will be like lambs among wolves.  They would have to be careful, for they will meet all kinds of opposition.  We, too, are sent into the world as lambs among wolves.  So we need to watch out and remember that we need to face our enemies, not with timidity,  but with power, not with aggression, but with love and courage.   

The disciples were told to accept hospitality graciously because they were entitled to it.  We need to see today that our ministers are supported emotionally and receive plenty of encouragement.  The disciples were disciplined to eat what was put in front of them and to go among the sick and heal in the name of Jesus.  They were to shake off the dust of any town that refused them and move on with the Good News.

The disciples had seen tremendous results as they ministered in Jesus’ name and came back overjoyed.  Jesus warned them not to get puffed up with their exploits but to remember their most important victory was that their names were registered among the citizens of heaven.  Jesus reminds us, today in our ministry of discipleship, that the victory is being won in Jesus’ name.  The prize is not human glory through feats of evangelistic power, but of heavenly glory through following Jesus to Calvary.



The first reading shows that God will not let his work of restoration go unfinished.  The second reading tells us that our world, like Paul’s world, is full of enticements.  The Gospel reveals that there is no unemployment in Christian service.

Let us boast of nothing but the power of the cross of Christ and his Holy Name.  We can be instruments of tremendous deeds in his name.  We need to begin everything we do in prayer to our Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name and go forth and make disciples of all the nations.  Let us begin with the members of our family.


El Pan de Vida Estudio de Biblia Católico

by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn



PRIMER DIA Vuelve a leer las lecturas de la semana pasada.

1. ¿Cuál fue el mensaje qué recibiste de la homilía o de las lecturas que oíste en misa el domingo?


2. ¿De lo que aprendiste, qué escogiste para aplicar a tu vida esta semana?




(Eliseo dió todo para seguir al Señor)

1. ¿En 1 Reyes 19:16, 19-21 quien está hablando y a quien le está hablando? 1 Reyes 19:12-15


2. ¿A quién iba a nombrar Elías como rey de Israel? 1 Reyes 19:16


3. ¿Qué iba a ser Eliseo y después de quién? 1 Reyes 19:16


4. ¿Cómo iba a suceder esto? Marca una de las siguientes, maneras:

a. nombramiento ____________________________________________________________________
b. asignación _______________________________________________________________________
c. unción __________________________________________________________________________

Personal – ¿Para tí que quiere decir ungir?


5. ¿Cuando salió Elías, a quien encontró y qué estaba haciendo? 1 Reyes 19:19


6. ¿Qué le hizo Elías? 1 Reyes 19:19


7. ¿Qué hizo Eliseo con los bueyes? ¿A quién persiguió, y qué le dijo? 1 Reyes 19:20


8. ¿Qué le dijo Elías? 1 Reyes 19:20


9. ¿Cuando se fue Eliseo qué hizo con el yugo de los bueyes, y la herramienta? 1 Reyes 19:21


10. ¿Qué hizo con la carne? 1 Reyes 19:21


11. ¿Después de que hizo todo ésto, cómo siguió a Elías? 1 Reyes 19:21


Personal – ¿A cuántas cosas has renunciado para seguir el llamado del Señor?




(Somos llamados a vivir en libertad)

1. ¿Quién escribe esta epístola? Gálatas 1:1


2. ¿Por qué nos libró Cristo? Gálatas 5:1


3. ¿Qué postura debes de tomar y cómo debes de actuar? Gálatas 5:1


4. ¿Cómo te libraste por primera vez? Apocalipsis 1:5


5. ¿Cómo debemos vivir, pero que no encubre ésta? Gálatas 5:13


6. ¿Cómo nos vamos a poner al servicio de los demás? Gálatas 5:13


7. ¿Cómo se ha cumplido la ley? Gálatas 5:14


8. ¿Qué te pasará si sigues ofendiendo y maltratando al prójimo? Gálatas 5:15


9. ¿Cómo debes vivir y qué no te pasará? Gálatas 5:16


10. ¿Qué se hacen la carne y el Espíritu uno al otro y porqué no haces lo que quiere tu voluntad? Gálatas 5:17


11. ¿Si eres guiado por el espíritu, a qué no estás sujeto? Gálatas 5:18


Personal – ¿Cómo estás viviendo en acuerdo con el Espíritu, en tu hogar, trabajo y diversión? ¿De qué modo te rindes a los deseos de la carne? ¿Cómo puedes enfrentarte a esta situación y vivir en acuerdo con el Espíritu?




(“Ven y Proclama el Reino de Dios.”)

1. ¿Cuando se le acercaba el tiempo a Jesús de retirarse de este mundo, a dónde quiso ir y a quién mandó antes de él? Lucas 9:51


2. ¿A los que mandó por delante, a qué clase de pueblo llegaron y porqué estaban allí? Lucas 9:52


Personal – ¿De qué modo has preparado el camino para la venida del Señor para tí mismo y para tu familia?


3. ¿Cómo reaccionarón los Samaritanos con su venida y porqué actuaron así? Lucas 9:53


4. ¿Qué dijeron Juan y Santiago cuando vieron que los Samaritanos no aceptaron a Jesús? Lucas 9:54


5. ¿Cómo reaccionó Jesús a esto y a dónde se dirijió? Lucas 9:55


6. ¿A dónde se fueron? Lucas 9:56


Personal – ¿Cuando encuentras oposición en caminar con el Señor, cuál es tu reacción especialmente en tu familia? ¿Continúas caminando con El o persistes en hacerlo a traves de éllos?



7. ¿Durante su caminata, qué le dijo alguien al Señor? Lucas 9:57


8. ¿Qué le dijo Jesús a esta persona? Lucas 9:58


9. ¿Qué le dijo a alguien más? Lucas 9:59


10. ¿Qué le dijo Jesús a esta persona? Lucas 9:60


11. ¿Por qué quería Jesús que viniera con El? Lucas 9:60


12. ¿Cuál fue la petición que le hizo antes de seguirle? Lucas 9:61


13. ¿Qué dijo Jesús de la persona que siempre mira hacía atrás? Lucas 9:62


Personal – ¿Qué obstáculos y disculpas tienes tú para no seguir a Jesús? Te está diciendo “Ven, sígueme.” ¿De qué modo te has adelantado a Jesús en vez de seguirle?




QUINTO DIA LEE EL SALMO 16:1-2, 5, 7-11

(Tu me Enseñarás la Senda de la Vida.)

Leé y medita el Salmo 16:1-2, 5, 7-11.

¿Qué te dice personalmente el Señor por medio de este Salmo?


¿Cómo puedes aplicar esto a tu vida diaria?




1 REYES 19:16, 19-21

Uno de los aspectos más importantes de este pasaje del Antiguo Testamento trata sobre el precio de ser discípulo. Seguir el llamado de Dios significa que rendimos nuestra voluntad a El de modo que podamos cumplir con la voluntad divina. Es una manera de “amarrarnos” a nosotros mismos a la santa voluntad de Dios. Esto requiere del sacrificio, lo cual es una característica importante en la religión. Sacrificio significa “santificar”. Religión significa ligarse a Dios todopoderoso y promover el Reino de Dios en esta vida. Nosotros compartimos los misterios de Cristo, tenemos la vocación de vivir sus misterios y en el Antiguo Testamento vemos las primeras manifestaciones de esta verdad ya que toda la humanidad está fundada en el misterio de la Encarnación (Colosenses 1:15-20, Efesios 1:4-14).
Todo lo anterior se puede atribuir a Eliseo el profeta Judío. El pagó el precio de ser discípulo, por que en verdad dejó sus bienes del mundo para seguir el llamado de Dios, lo cual se puso de manifiesto a través de Elías. Eliseo iba a substituir a Elías en el oficio de la profesía.
En el Antiguo Testamento se nos dice que varias veces cayó la nación Judía en adulterio espiritual debido a que siguieron a los dioses de naciones paganas. El libro de Oseas está repleto de este triste fenómeno. Para hacer que los Judíos regresarán a adorar al verdadero Dios, éste levantó a hombres dedicados totalmente al trabajo de esta restauración.
No era trabajo fácil, el paganismo ofrecía una religión fácil, una religión que hacía pocas demandas a la caída naturaleza humana donde los dioses eran hechos a la imágen del hombre y no el hombre hecho a la imágen del verdadero Dios.
Los profetas como los vemos en el caso de Eliseo, su predecesor Elías, Jeremías y los otros profetas se enfentaron a este trabajo gigantesco con fortaleza, uno de los siete dones del Espíritu Santo. Ellos eran hombres de Dios merecedores de que los imitemos.

GALATAS 5:1, 13-18

Anteriormente mencioné que debemos estar “ligados” y aquí Pablo nos habla de la libertad. Sin embargo no hay contradicción. “Ligarnos” a nosotros mismos es atarnos a nosotros mismos, así como la palabra religión sugiere (del Latin religare o sea, atar) por lo tanto estamos atados al Dios infinito, sin ninguna reserva.
Por el otro lado, el pecado puede convertirse en esclavitud, las tentaciones son demandas constantes para la satisfacción personal, la caída naturaleza humana tiene la tendencia de buscar el reino de la gratificación instantánea en vez del reino de Dios. Para dominarnos a nosotros mismos es necesaria la gracia de Dios. Dominarnos es poseer la libertad de Cristo así como lo dice muy bien Pablo: “Fué por la libertad que Cristo nos liberó…no se pongan el yugo de la esclavitud ustedes mismos por segunda vez!”
En el espíritu de la verdadera libertad somos capaces de darnos a nosotros mismos a Dios, quién no solo está dentro de nosotros sino también dentro de nuestro prójimo. Es en esa misma libertad que nos damos al servicio de nuestro vecino, sea el enfermo, o el pobre de espíritu, viendo en éllos a Jesucristo (Mateo 25:31-46).
Cuando todo esto suceda, sepan que el reino de Dios está cerca a pesar de las apariencias.

LUCAS 9:51-62

El pasaje del evangelio de hoy trata de la última etapa del ministerio público de Cristo, “Se llegaba el tiempo en que Jesús saldría de este mundo”.
Jesús y Sus discípulos estaban por regresar a Jerusalén pasando por Samaria. En áquel tiempo había muchos resentimientos entre los Judíos y los Samaritanos. Estos últimos eran una raza mixta; descendiente de los colonizadores Israelis-Asirios, muy odiados por los Judíos en tiempos de Cristo. Para un Judío era muy arriesgado ir por territorio Samaritano, al igual que lo era para el Samaritano ir por territorio Judío.
Sabiendo esto, podemos entender el desagrado de los Samaritanos de permitir a Jesús y sus seguidores pasar por su territorio. Jesús aceptó la situación, no así Santiago y Juan. Estos dos discípulos querían la destrucción de los Samaritanos “¿Señor, no quieres que traigamos el fuego del cielo y los destruyamos?”; pero esa no era la doctrina de Cristo. Antes al contrario El había enseñado “…ama a tus enemigos…Si amas a los que te aman, que mérito hay en éllo?” (Mateo 5:44-46) Un verdadero discípulo “…debe ser perfecto como nuestro Padre celestial es perfecto” (Mateo 5:48).
Pasamos ahora a la parte de las vocaciones. Nunca fué algo fácil seguir a Cristo y siempre será así. Cristo lo dijo muy claro en el evangelio de hoy. “Las zorras tienen su madriguera, los pájaros del aire tienen su nido pero el Hijo del Hombre no tiene donde descansar su cabeza”.
Y se dá un segundo ejemplo: a otro le dijo, “ven y sigueme”, el hombre replicó, “permíteme ir primero a enterrar a mi padre”, la respuesta de Jesús fué algo extraña “Dejad que los muertos entierren a sus muertos”. Obviamente Cristo no quería decir que los muertos podían celebrar los funerales. Como algún comentador, Stuhlmueller dice en el Comentario de Jerusalén p. 143 #97: “Un juego de palabras: Dejad que los espiritualmente muertos entierren a los físicamente muertos, el mío es un mensaje de vida…Jesús no quería que se le tomara literalmente, al contrario, lo que El quería era provocar que la gente pensara.”
El Evangelio de hoy nos dá un tercer ejemplo concerniente a la vocación de seguirlo. La vocación supone una “totalidad.” Con esto quiero decir que una vez que hemos decidido seguir a Cristo, lo hacemos de todo corazón, no a medias. No podemos perseguir otros menesteres: no debemos distraernos pues los otros menesteres gradualmente serán más y más importantes a costa de la vocación de seguir a Cristo. En resumen una ocupación nunca debe volverse una vocación; una vocación nunca debe volverse una ocupación.
Para seguir a Cristo es de la mayor importancia poner atención a sus palabras: “Quien pone su mano en el arado pero sigue viendo atras no es apto para el reino de Dios”. Esta es una verdadera amonestación. A través del curso de la historia de la iglesia, “ver hacía atrás” ha sido a veces de consecuencias desastrozas, especialmente entre los sacerdotes y religiosos. Lo atestiguan el espectáculo de los sacerdotes mundanos, los religiosos mundanos y los Cristianos mundanos. Seguramente si hubiera un modo mejor de seguir a Cristo; de ayudar a llegar a formar el reino de Dios de modo más efectivo, Cristo misericordioso nos hubiera señalado el camino. De modo que nosotros creemos que hacer la voluntad de Dios y no la nuestra es el único criterio de poner las lecturas de hoy en práctica.


La primera lectura nos muestra que el costo de ser discípulo es muy alto. La segunda lectura enseña que dominarnos a nosotros mismos es poseer la libertad de Cristo, el evangelio explica que un verdadero discípulo debe hacerse perfecto como nuestro Padre Celestial es perfecto.
Esta semana permite que el poder del Espíritu Santo venga sobre tí y saque las raíces de intolerancia que haya en tus adentros. Examina tu modo de hablar, tus pensamientos y acciones y fíjate si estas áreas necesitan mejorar. Seguir a Cristo es ser obediente y la obediencia es el meollo de ser discípulo. Ser realmente libre es ser obediente a la ley de Cristo y ésta es amarnos unos a otros como El nos ha amado sin excepción de raza, credo o color.


By Deacon Ken and Marie Finn


Pray and ask God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.

Application 12th Sunday of ORD
The first reading tells us we need to listen, even when it is not pleasant. The second reading tells us that we are to grow up in our faith. The gospel challenges us to ask who Jesus Christ is to us personally.
This week, show those around you that you have been growing in your faith and that you have the strength now to listen to God and to others. Your example of humility and service will help others to see who Jesus really is in their lives. In you they will see Jesus and that is really growing up in your faith.

FIRST DAY Reread last week’s readings.
1. What was a helpful or new thought from the readings or from the homily you heard on Sunday?


2. From what you learned, what personal application did you
choose to apply to your life this week?



(Elisha gave up all that he had to follow the Lord’s call.)

1. In 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21 who is speaking and to whom is he speaking? 1 Kings 19:12-15


2. Who was Elijah to name king of Israel? 1 Kings 19:16


3. What was Elijah called and who was to succeed him?1 Kings 19:16


4. Which of the following show how this was to be done?


Personal – What does to anoint mean to you personally?


5. As Elijah set out, who did he come upon and what was he doing? 1 Kings 19:19


6. What did Elijah do to him? 1 Kings 19:19


7. What did Elisha do with the oxen, who did he run after and what did he say to him? 1 Kings 19:20


8. What did Elijah say to him? 1 Kings 19:20


9. When Elisha left him, what did he do to the yoke of oxen and the plowing equipment? 1 Kings 19:21


10. What did he do with the flesh? 1 Kings 19:21


11. After he did all this what did he do and how did he follow Elijah? 1 Kings 19:21


Personal – To what extent have you been called to give up some earthly possessions to follow the Lord’s call?




(We are called to live in freedom.)

1. Who is writing this epistle? Galatians 1:1


2. Why did Christ free us? Galatians 5:1


3. How must you stand and what must you not do? Galatians 5:1


4. How were you freed the first time? Revelations 1:5


5. How have we been called to live and to what does this not give full reign? Galatians 5:13


6. How are we to place ourselves at one another’s service? Galatians 5:13


7. How has the law found its fulfillment? Galatians 5:14


8. What will happen to you if you go on biting and tearing at one

another? Galatians 5:15


9. How should you live and what will not happen to you?
Galatians 5:16


10. What does the flesh and the spirit do to one another and why do you not do what your will intends? Gal. 5:17


11. If you are guided by the spirit, what are you not under?
Galatians 5:18


Personal – In what way are you living in accordance with the Spirit, in your home, work, or at play? In what way are you yielding to the cravings of the flesh? How can you take this situation and live according to the spirit?




(“Come away and proclaim the kingdom of God.”)

1. As the time approached for Jesus to be taken from this world, where did he resolve to go and who did he send ahead of him? Luke 9:51


2. What kind of town did those he sent ahead come to and why were they there? Luke 9:52


Personal – In what way have you prepared the way for the Lord’s coming for yourself and for your family?


3. What was the Samaritan’s reaction to his coming and what was the reason they acted this way? Luke 9:53


4. What did Jesus’ disciples, James and John, say when they saw the Samaritans would not welcome him? Luke 9:54


5. How did Jesus respond to this and where did he turn?
Luke 9:55


6. Where did they go? Luke 9:56


Personal – When you find opposition in walking with the Lord, what is your reaction especially in your family? Do you continue walking with him or do you persist on getting through to them?


7. As they were making their way along, what did someone say to Jesus? Luke 9:57


8. What did Jesus say to him? Luke 9:58


9. What did he say to another? Luke 9:59


10. What did Jesus say to him? Luke 9:60


11. Why did Jesus want him to come with him? Luke 9:60


12. What was the stipulation another gave him before he could be his follower? Luke 9:61


13. What did Jesus say about a person who keeps looking back? Luke 9:62


Personal – What blockages or excuses have you had for not following Jesus? He is saying to you “Come after me.” In what way have you been going before him instead of after him as a follower?



FIFTH DAY READ PSALM 16:1-2, 5, 7-11

(“You will show me the path of life”)

Read and meditate on Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11.

What is the Lord saying to you personally through the Psalm?


How can you apply this to your life?




1 KINGS 19:16, 19-21
One of the most important aspects of this passage, from the Old Testament, deals with the price of discipleship. To follow the call of God means that we surrender our will to God so that we may fulfill the divine will. We “tie” ourselves to the holy will of God. This demands sacrifice, an important characteristic of religion.
Sacrifice means “to make holy.” Religion means to bind oneself to almighty God and to promote the kingdom of God in this life.
We share in the mysteries of Christ; we all have the vocation to live out the mysteries of Christ. And in the Old Testament we see the first manifestations of this truth since all mankind is founded on the mystery of the Incarnation (Colossians 1:15-20; Ephesians 1:4-14).
All of the above may be applied to the Jewish prophet, Elisha. Elisha paid the price of discipleship. Indeed, he gave up his worldly possessions to follow God’s call, made manifest through Elijah. He was to succeed Elijah to the office of prophecy.
The Old Testament tells us that repeatedly the Jewish nation had fallen into spiritual adultery by following the gods of pagan nations. The Book of Hosea is replete with this sad phenomenon. To recall the Jews to the worship of the true God, God raised up men totally dedicated to this task of restoration.
This was no easy task; paganism offered an “easy” religion, a religion that made few demands on fallen human nature where the gods were made in the image of man and not man to the image of the true God.
The prophets, as we see in the case of Elisha, his predecessor, Elijah, Jeremiah and the other prophets, faced their gigantic task with fortitude – one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. They were men of God, worthy of imitation.

GALATIANS 5:1, 13-18
Above, I mentioned that we should be “tied” and here we have Paul speaking of liberty. Nonetheless, there is no contradiction. To “tie” ourselves, is to bind ourselves, as the word religion suggests (from the Latin religare, to bind) therefore we are bound to the infinite God; there is no constraint whatsoever.
On the other hand, sin can become slavery; temptations are constant demands for self-satisfaction; fallen human nature has the tendency to seek not the kingdom of God but rather the kingdom of instant gratification. To master ourselves calls for the grace of God; to master ourselves is to possess the liberty of Christ as Paul puts it so well: “It was for liberty that Christ freed us. Do not take on yourselves the yoke of slavery a second time!”
In the spirit of true liberty, we are able to give of ourselves to God who is not only within us but within our neighbor as well. In that same liberty, we give ourselves to the service of our neighbor, to the sick neighbor, to the sick in spirit, and to see in all of these the Christ Jesus. (Matthew 25:31-46)
When all this comes about, know that the kingdom of God is near at hand, despite appearances.

LUKE 9:51-62
Today’s gospel passage deals with the last stages of Christ’s public ministry: “As the time approached when Jesus was to be taken from this world.”
Jesus and his disciples were to return to Jerusalem by way of Samaria. At that time bad feelings existed between the Jews and the Samaritans. The Samaritans were a mixed race, descendants of Israelitic-Assyrian colonists, and much hated by the Jews at the time of Christ. For a Jew to go through Samaritan territory was rather a risky thing just as it was risky for a Samaritan to go through Jewish territory.
With this background, we can understand the Samaritan’s reluctance to allow Jesus and his followers to pass through their territory. Unlike James and John, Jesus accepted the situation. These two disciples were all for the destruction of the Samaritans: “Lord, would you not have us call down fire from heaven and destroy them?” But this was not the doctrine of Christ. Instead, Jesus had taught: “…love your enemies…If you love those who love you, what merit is there in that?” (Matthew 5:44-46). A true disciple “…must be made perfect as (our) heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)
We come now to the subject of vocations. To follow Christ was never an easy task, and it will always be so. Christ made that clear in today’s Gospel. “The foxes have lairs, the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
A second example is given: “To another he said, “Come after me.” The man replied, “Let me bury my father first.” Jesus’ answer seems strange. “Let the dead bury their dead.” Obviously, Christ did not mean that the dead can perform burials. As commentators (e.g., Stuhlmueller in The Jerusalem Commentary, p.143,#97) point out: “A play on words: Let the spiritually dead bury the physically dead, mine is a message of life.” Jesus did not intend to be taken literally, but rather he wanted to stir thought.
Today’s gospel gives us a third example concerning the vocation to follow him. Vocation entails a “totality.” By this I mean that once we set out to follow Christ we do so wholeheartedly, no half-way measures. We cannot chase after other pursuits; we should not be distracted so as other pursuits gradually become more and more important at the expense of the vocation to follow Christ. In brief, an avocation should never become a vocation; a vocation should never become an avocation.
In following Christ, it is of the greatest importance to pay heed to his words: “Whoever puts his hand to the plow but keeps looking back is unfit for the reign of God.” This is a very real admonition. Throughout the course of Church history, “looking back” has sometimes led to disastrous consequences, especially among priests and religious. Witness the spectacle of the worldly priest, the worldly religious and the worldly Christian. Surely, if there were a better way to follow Christ; to help bring about the kingdom of God more effectively, the merciful Christ would have pointed out the way. So we believe that doing the will of God, and not our will, is the only true criterion for putting today’s readings into practice.

The first reading shows us that the cost of discipleship is very high. The second reading teaches that mastering ourselves is to possess the liberty of Christ, and the Gospel explains that a true disciple must be made perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.
This week, let the power of the Holy Spirit come upon you and root out the bigotry that is within you. Examine your speech, thoughts and actions and see if these areas need to be improved. Following Jesus calls for obedience, and obedience is the core of being a disciple. To really be free is to be obedient to the law of Christ, and that is to love one another as he has loved us, without regard for race, creed or color.